Clearly the system in place is not protecting children from pedophiles

14  2016-11-12 by ichoosejif

For anyone in the know about pedophilia, including intra familial to international pedophile rings, one thing is clear: they aren't doing anything to protect children. I could link a bazillion articles/proof of this, but you shouldn't need it. The point is, CPS and PD are represented by DA/AG. They are absolutely ineffective at investigation/prosecution of child rape. I see this has become pandemic all over the world,namely U.S. Other than changing the dialogue, and protecting children in other ways, what can be done? Also, perhaps the biggest hurdle would be that people don't understand the danger that exists. Anyone have thoughts on how we could more effectively protect children in lieu of complacent, possibly complicit prosecution? Thanks for your serious consideration of this issue. Edit:Tl/dr children are not only unprotected, they are prey. Prosecutors have turned a blind eye from FBI to local PD. We need another plan.


I'm not only speaking of the elite rings, I'm talking virtually all cases of child rape. I see courts allowing/forcing victims to visit their identified abusers after multiple convictions, with multiple victims. Over and over. What the actual fuck?

our culture is a rape culture period there are psychopaths and sociopaths amongst us that feel they are exceptional [and then project this same shit onto our foreign policy] and entitled to IT ALL

this has to end now


I agree. That's why I am reaching out. Unfortunately, it's so pervasive, it's pandemic now. Absolutely everyone is effected in one way or another. Even if only through tax dollars used to traffic children through CPS or family court.

interesting thing tooo at least in nys is that every single child is tracked [omg i am myself just connecting] their medical records their school reords their court record their behavioral records all of this is sent to microsoft bill gates cuomo made this deal quietly

sine i totaly hate cuomo i often frequent site that equally hate cuomo the only reason i found out htis was going on in my state is because TEACHERS on their own blog were complaining about how scary and unfair this was but had no say ....they are tracking our children

my son is in suny and they admit to tracking the students with cameras everywhere on campus WTF is wrong with us?

It's astonishing. Also, with all the assaults that take place on campus, one would think they could protect them at least, instead of themselves. Ffs.

yup nys = pay to play silver's defense til they socked him away

Not sure what you're referring to.

sheldom silver my congressperson got put away by preet for his dirty schemes ... when he went to trial his defense was literally BUT THIS IS HOW EVERYONE DOES BUSINESS IN NYS really sheldon? pay to play!!! started in nys spreads around the world with the clintons

Yeah, NYS is terribly dirty. In Maine. Same here, just less public attention.

seriously you always think the next state is much better

I think it's better in a lot of ways, certainly, but none the less corrupt at its core.

shout out to the beatiful coastline!!

It certainly is that. Good from far, far from good.

seriously? i remember is it portland that lets you get up to canada??

was so fun to visit

There are many ways to get to Canada. I'm in Portland. Best city in the State imo.

yes i thought there was a portland!

ps nys suny = nys pay to play tracking the kids i bet microsoft pays them plenty

VERY interesting. Do you have a source for this information? I think this is something the parents rights advocates could really sink their teeth into.

this was a fringe issue for me cuz my kid was on the latter end of it looks like it might have been resinded a few years later but to me that means it continues privitized

Right. Quality thinking.

you know how the game is played

Sadly. It's true.

We are already starting it. Exposure, awareness. For too long society turned an eye to it. As long as a few stings catch some pedos here and there everyone thinks it's being worked on.

But this is a generational thing. Just catching some perps doesn't solve the problem. Kids would be better protected if their parents were aware, and also if there was a more acceptable treatment for victims of this type of abuse so that it's not continued and propagated. This may take a few generations to undo for there to be any noticeable difference. These are very complex perversions in our world, it won't be easy to eradicate the behavior but public awareness and not ignoring it are key.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I have researched this extensively, and the barrier is cognitive dissonance. How can we give people the eyes to see? I can complile at least 50 cases where perp was given unfettered access to the victim and the protective parent was forcefully eliminated from the child's life. Perhaps that would be a step in the right direction as far as awareness. However, it doesn't help if people consider that it's only happening to other people. Herein lies the problem. I also developed a globally applicable child safety program, but haven't put it into action. First I need to rescue my child.

The system is in place to feed the pedo ring and the satanic practices of the elite. Child protective services, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, disaster relief, war...they need lots of kids to fuck and dispose of.

Agreed. Where is your anger.

Won't do any good. Trying to learn to love more. Send love into the world. I'm powerless in a fight.

I can't comprehend pacifism in a situation like this. I am taking action with fact that's my whole purpose.

I don't think we can win.

I don't think we can lose.

The rabbit hole is deep. Not sure how far you've been.

All the way. I realized everything I wanted is on the other side of fear. I think you would be amazed at what we could accomplish as a collective. Even if we only prevent future harm.

As a collective. Nobody knows anything. Once they shut off the internet we are done.

Ok, your hired as analyst.

Who is going to arrest everybody in the CIA, FBI, senate, White House, Supreme Court, NASA, military?

I'm thinking less of a fight to bring them down, but more of a grass roots educational campaign and change the way we expose our children. Instead of fighting the old, I want to bring in ways to stall their programs.

We can't even show people that 9/11 was an inside job. Or that Hillary Clinton is a monster. Plus, they will turn off the internet before we get anything going.

Clearly, the system in place is protecting the pedophiles.

This is it. Ignorant or complicit, either way, it's unacceptable.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I have researched this extensively, and the barrier is cognitive dissonance. How can we give people the eyes to see? I can complile at least 50 cases where perp was given unfettered access to the victim and the protective parent was forcefully eliminated from the child's life. Perhaps that would be a step in the right direction as far as awareness. However, it doesn't help if people consider that it's only happening to other people. Herein lies the problem. I also developed a globally applicable child safety program, but haven't put it into action. First I need to rescue my child.