HOME ALONE is filled with PEDO references - Cheese Pizza, Little Nero. - Culkin STILL obsessed with Pizza and occult.

44  2016-11-12 by [deleted]



"Anyone tied to the HollyWood Pedo ring?"

Hollywood IS the pedo ring. Any adult who makes a movie about a boy home alone and being stalked by two adults, and while subvertly underlying it with Nero, backdoor pizza transactions...(The Two black and white characters in that scene were negotiating with the trafficker for a boy.) has to be in the know.

of course he is "in the know" his band the pizza underground is all about spilling the beans.on this whole sick mess.

RedLetterMedia is hilarious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxKtZmQgxrI

Although now that you mention it, it is a little creepy that he references tied up girls in his basement so much. Maybe he's raising awareness?