Man, that Trey Gowdy.

83  2016-11-12 by [deleted]

Is he just super honest, or what? Every time I've seen him talk and question, its nothing but net. Someone give me an example of him lying or fucking up. He's well-spoken, reasonable, convincing, energetic, and apparently honest. Someone tell me I'm wrong. And if I'm not...How is he surviving in congress and why didn't the RNC tap him for the nomination? Man, I used to be such a blind liberal bigot who would write off politicians of the other party. Now, I'm pretty sure he's the only one doing his job in congress.

edit: typo


I have watched so much Trey and all I can say is he is an American hero. He stands for nothing but the facts and truth. He stands behind the Constitution and doesn't quit. The man is for the people.

Yep. Here's the thing, though. After watching these "heroes" for fucking years doing their same futile song and dance routine: Massive fraud or high-level conspiracy (ie Lerner at the IRS), followed by gasping members of congress and the "hearings" which include 98% of the questions being dodged or them taking the 5th.

From Daryl Issa and his "championing" for the people during the TARP bullshit and subsequent massive bailouts and hyper-hubristic bonuses those pricks gave each other. And what did it all amount to for the people? Jack fuck. I am not saying I don't fist-pump myself to death when these "saviors" bitch-out all the fraudulent shitbags like Lynch or the FBI, etc. But, when you step back and look at what it's really gotten us? Triple the amount of fraud and treason and conspiracy. My jaded view is these guys are controlled opposition, in that they are incredibly "satisfying" to get behind and cheer on - but to what end??. In other words, it isn't too difficult to imagine these fuckers all in the same steam bath clinking glasses at B Grove.

So you are saying he may just pull up short? I wondered the same thing because my heros have always let me down. Currently, I think it is unwise to seek heros.

Psalm 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. 9 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.

Good point you have a complete agreement from me. I sang the chorus and you sang the verse.

sounds like some trash science fiction from a book weirdos give out for free

Genesis 19:36 So both of Lot's daughters became pregnant by their father.

Great book you've got there! Chapter one and already you've got murder, blasphemy, incest, rape, pedophilia, talking animals... No wonder it's had such a strong popularity for so many years, it makes Game of Thrones sound like Sesame Street....

Cherry picking the Bible and holding faith in a 2,000+ year old book to be relevant or predict the future doesn't help anyone.

I believe you just did what you accused ecc of doing. Have you read any good books lately?

Yes, exactly. They pull up short. They scold with strong postures, but it's never with any real teeth. It's always thanking some "chair" for "yielding time" so they can throw us all a bone - bitch at this person for us, who will never see any real punishment. It's also funny to see the rest of the room of committee members hushed as they are. This only adds to the theory these dudes are taking one for the rest of them filing their nails waiting for the "hearings" to end.

Ya, they've been shaking her in their teeth for 20 years and never quite manage to snap her neck. Funny, that.

Exactly. Trey Gowdy sure talks a good game, but the fact is, if you check his record in congress, he's accomplished nothing. All he does is talk, and it seems it all started when these emails came out and started to make a lot of hay from them.

I'm sorry, but I don't trust any of the current politicians in DC. I firmly believe that EVERY ONE OF THEM won office, because they had something seriously $ucked up in their past, and were thus 'electable' and controllable.

Absolutely I think he may pull up short. That's what he did with Benghazi - not because it was a "nothingburger", because it wasn't, but because it got too hot politically. It is indeed unwise to have heroes, especially in politics. If he follows through I'll be very happy, but I don't trust him or his pals.

Seems like trust is dumb, in general.

Gowdy already has explained that these Congressional hearings do not have any power to prosecute. They can make recommendations to the DOJ but as we know they are corrupt.

They have powers such as granting immunity and compelling testimony.

There is going to be a new DOJ soon enough.

What a fantastic response!

I trust Ron Paul... not many others.

He's brilliant but he's not the only one. Jason Chaffetz and Jim Jordan also get in there and stir up the establishment's hornet nest.

Do you suspect there to be any legitimate chance of any of these men becoming a part of Trump's cabinet?

Holy crap. Is this real life? Going from Loretta Lynch to Trey Gowdy would be...I'd be a bit emotional. That's a win for Americans and maybe the world as a whole.

Chaffetz is great too. They say it like it is.

Those are my three.

Trey Gowdy is the real deal. You can't fake that kind of integrity... Jason Chaffetz is another guy that seems extremely honest and well-intentioned.

The Dems have Tusi Gabbard, who has an impressive resume and seems like will go far as well.

Gowdy is what all American's should aspire to be like.

After i saw that hair commercial of his i was like who is this dude so i started watching hearings with him and god he blew my mind, this guy is literally the guy who make the pillars of Moral and Ethics stay up in your shitty government. Shame hes not put into a spot which actually make a difference.


In order for the lie to work, somebody has to play "the good guy".

Rumors of him being Trumps AG pick. If so, that would be good. If it's Giuliani, then meh..

He is very intelligent. And I mean very! His ability to shut down a person lying with the facts he pulls from memory is truly amazing. I yearn for the day he interrogates Clinton again.

Can't trust any politician. They are servants of different masters. That's all.

Does anyone else think he looks like Rust Cole from True Detective?

That whole first season is a metaphor for the monster of a problem I suspect our country has with human trafficking and pedophilia! The spiral symbol!

He has more "Integrity" in his Pinky than most people can muster in a lifetime.

The guy who endorsed Marco Rubio? The guy who fueled the partisan Benghazi limited hang out?

No thanks.

Limited hang out? He's been busting everyone's balls trying to get to the bottom of Benghazi. Where's your proof it was all an act?

That doesn't really help the argument's case. It's basically reinforcing the idea that these complaints are more about partisanship rather than helping the effort.

"Armchair quarterbacks and partisan Democrats seeking to undermine Chairman Gowdy's thorough, fact-centered investigation are nothing new,"

Gowdy's spokesman would say that!

I think Fitton's view is that the Congressional GOP are part of the swamp and therefore have limited interest in exposing the whole story. (He also thinks that they don't go about things very competently, a criticism that has some merit.)

These guys do pull their punches. For example on the Clinton email story they've held a series of hearings with impressive speeches but they don't exercise the powers they have. Instead they've been writing letters demanding action from the FBI and DOJ - the very agencies that conspired in a cover up and fix.

I would love to see Gowdy, Chaffetz and Co. take real action, but at this stage I'm skeptical.

Have you watched any of the proceedings you just referenced? Because it sounds like Gowdy and the group are being inhibited by those agencies and you're placing the blame on the wrong group of people based purely on partisan speculation. You said yourself they're actively hounding the FBI, why turn that around and say it's just an act? I don't see any merit to this theory, sorry.

Yes, I've watched all of them. I've also watched the Benghazi hearings. Gowdy says some very good stuff. And you're right about their activities being inhibited: they were stonewalled by Clinton and the State Department and were aided and abetted by the Congressional Democrats.

I don't think it's an "act" exactly. I just don't see evidence that they are prepared to go the whole way in exposing what is going on. For example Benghazi involves arms trading in which the CIA was a participant. Are Republicans prepared to expose a CIA operation?

Not sure why the downvotes to you. They have no intention of questioning the use of that embassy as a weapons depot for transfers to Syria. The whole commission is a massive fraud meant to distract from the real questions that should be asked there