This whole pizzagate thing.........
302 2016-11-12 by jfromlost
Now that I am beginning to read all of this..... oh my God the mountain of circumstantial evidence seems unreal. What is this? Why is this not on the front page of this sub? Am I just going nuts? Wikileaks couldn't even deny it in the AMA. Why wouldn't they just tell us it's not true, WTF is going on here? We used to have stupid bigfoot stories and alien landings and shit here. But this....
113 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
By my count there are 5 posts on the front page of this sub regarding pizzagate. But we need more. It is up to us to get the info out there. Things are being scrubbed, the suppression is real.
90 jfromlost 2016-11-12
This should be everything right now. The evidence isn't definitive, but for fucks sake who tapes a girls hands to a table and puts that shit on their IG? We need a sticky at the top with all this shit, until it's proven to be false. This is way more than this sub has ever looked at before (bigger than 9/11).
Sticky this shit to the top until we can all say this is BS. But right now, very minimum, some fucking creep owns a pizza joint that a LOT of high power people are seen at. Maybe Hillary doesn't even know. I'm not saying this is her. But how in the fuck can you think this is an OK place to visit?
34 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
I agree completely.
From my experience the mods here don't sticky the real stuff. Case in point, current sticky is an unverified 'AMA' we all suspect is bullshit. Prior to that it was the 'counter-coup' video which had 0 actual evidence.
17 jfromlost 2016-11-12
I don't like blaming the mods. The sub has been good for a lot of things. But this is one thing that makes everything else seem petty.
5 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
This sub is great, and the mods are good. But they're not perfect.
4 BojiDaemon 2016-11-12
Well fuck man, they've probably gotten body parts in the mail over this shit. Ive been trying to ignore this because I just cant allow myself to beleive it, its too horrible
3 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
This shit is fucked and I'm sure the shock works in their benefit. I learned this stuff a few years ago. It has been slowly eating away at me. Right now we have a glorious window
1 Geralt23 2016-11-12
Message the moderators.
7 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
Thanks I have, they have plenty of excuses.
3 [deleted] 2016-11-12
1 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
Well I agree
1 jfromlost 2016-11-12
There have been really great posts with in depth research. I don't know how they didn't get stickyed in the first place.
0 Geralt23 2016-11-12
Request it.
12 phangosupremo 2016-11-12
Ill say it, these people gave money to the clintons and have strong ties to the clintons. She is a witch. God help us.
3 jfromlost 2016-11-12
I don't think shes a witch or anything. But where there is smoke there is fire.
15 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
Well according to one of the most notorious hackers of recent times, she is a "high priest goddess" in occult circles. So take that how you will.
2 Tomy2TugsFapMaster69 2016-11-12
Where there is fire, there should be witches burnin'
5 WTCMolybdenum4753 2016-11-12
Getting the kids
Look at the top links. It looks like she showed interest in the case
1 AutoModerator 2016-11-12
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0 Geralt23 2016-11-12
Message the moderators.
-20 [deleted] 2016-11-12
58 jfromlost 2016-11-12
I actually have a three year old daughter...... And no, I would never do that. It seems humiliating to me.
And if we are all wrong, you are right, and I feel bad for them. But a lot of damn coincidences. Ever had someone mail you a handkerchief you forgot at someone's house? "Hey you left you handkerchief at my house, want me to overnight that to you?"
Maybe these people are just really weird? Could be, it really could. Weird people who just happen to use pedo symbols? Weird people who just happen to tape girls hand to tables and post that shit on instagram? I would never, but ok. Weird people who just happen to have connections to other pedos? Umm... okay. Weird people who just happen to have a 1200$ german dolls for sale? Um, yeah weird sure... Weird people who just let their babies stick money in their mouth (parental advice, money is dirty and newborns are more likely to get sick that the rest of us.) Ok yeah, shitty parenting going on here... Little weird. Gonna send some kids over for entertainment? I prefer like, movies and shit.... Little weird. Weird creepy Jeffery dahmer look alike art in the house? Yeah, little weird. Couple of your favorite artists happen to draw little kids in vicarious situations. Yeah, a little weird. You like spirit cooking? Umm.. yeah a little weird? Instagram some dude with a pizza over his dick? CUM visit? Yep, still weird. Having a empty weird creepy cooler room that's completely empty? Yeah, weird. Need to password secure part of your pizza site? Yeah, little weird..
Whole lot of little weird things going on. Guess they are just a little weird.
12 msjenkin 2016-11-12
And the dude that makes child size coffins.. weird
4 shhyoudontknowitsme 2016-11-12
It was a coffee table. Still weird though.
1 qwekfnku 2016-11-12
That makes it even weirder though, imo.
1 EarthWindnFireEmoji 2016-11-12
1 lightning_hophead 2016-11-12
Yeah...that was fucking weird. No two ways about it.
7 [deleted] 2016-11-12
1 shhyoudontknowitsme 2016-11-12
Which hot tub?
7 buttaholic 2016-11-12
I will admit I have had a lot of weird friends, some of them artistic, and they come with some similarly weird interests.. Interests in serial killers, hiding phallic or vaginas in there artwork, "hail satan!" (Ironically), and photoshoots of people being murdered or fake dead people. Artists can be some pretty weird fuckin people.
But this stuff does go the step beyond weird when there are so many connections between these important and influential people and the symbols used and everything else.
So yeah. I'm not completely ready to dismiss this as just weird artistic expression. Nor as weird coincidences. We'll see where this all goes!
-10 [deleted] 2016-11-12
24 jfromlost 2016-11-12
So, what you are saying is, we should just let it all go? Hope it's a coincidence?
I understand what you are trying to say. I get that. But if there is a 10% chance this is happening is it not worth looking into?
You very well could be right. But at this point, so could all of these people that think something bad is happening. This is an extremely sensitive topic. They are kids though. They can't protect themselves. I feel like if we are going to err, then we error on the side of children. I am not going to report anything myself, because I know there isn't enough to report.
But say these posts are right, and children are being harmed? I know, it's shitty either way. It's an unfortunate set of circumstances. I don't know what to do, so I will do nothing. I don't know what to think. Maybe I am overreacting because I have a child of my own that happens to be the same age as some of these kids? I don't know. I don't know what to do, but I feel like we all need to know one way or the other so it stops if it is happening.
TLDR. I get your point entirely, and very well this could all be BS. But fuck, it's a lot of circumstance and it would seem unfair to the children if we were not looking into it further.
14 [deleted] 2016-11-12
9 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Very good chance we are tin foil hat wearers. That's why I started this though, I guess I needed others thoughts before I go off the deep end and start looking for a sea monster or the abdominal snowman.
12 sipofsoma 2016-11-12
I'm not trying to discourage anyone from doing research. However, I AM trying to discourage people from harassing potentially innocent people when obviously the evidence so far is inconclusive at best. People need to be much more careful with their language when discussing this stuff, and be sure to remind everyone that these people are innocent until proven guilty. I understand there are a lot of reasonable people investigating this who are aware of that point, and I have no issue with those people. I'm only worried about the types of people who might cause real-life harm without any solid evidence to back up their suspicions.
8 EyeCrush 2016-11-12
Why have NONE of them come out to defend the accusations then?
Hell, when Besta Pizza tried denying it, they changed their logo. This was just the other day. A logo they had for a decade, and they now have to spend TONS of money re-branding.
4 [deleted] 2016-11-12
6 kittypryde123 2016-11-12
I'm not from this community but I've had similar thoughts. Overzealous people had been leaving comments all throughout the jimmycomet ig, obviously fake/sketchy reviews on yelp, and @ing people allegedly involved all over other social media.
Investigating and collecting objective data is hard when people are changing the story by interfering so publicly.
Edit: Also want to point out, if you guys are really feeling very sick and overwhelmed over this, consider balancing your investigation with volunteering for victims of sex trafficking or something else where you know for sure you are helping!
3 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Agree with you here, I had no idea it was a pedo symbol. Looking at comet's yelp, I'd say they won't be in business much longer
19 Senzafaccia 2016-11-12
So you say LGBT are allowed to have a "weird/sexual sense of humor" with children, exactly the same "weird/sexual sense of humor" we are NOT ALLOWED to have with LGBT?
I understand.
2 [deleted] 2016-11-12
8 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
"Chickenlover", for fucking example. Did you not see that one?
-2 [deleted] 2016-11-12
16 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
Distasteful?? And you have some doubt about the reference? Just google chicken lover. Man you are willfully blind, just going to call that out.
Did I say that? That's not at all what I think. I think you need to open your eyes
I'm not going to link you the photo because then you'll just avoid doing any further research and stick to your surface perspective. That pic is all over the place if you actually look into this.
Just because it's not part of your experience doesn't mean it's a stretch.
1 [deleted] 2016-11-12
3 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
I understand where you're coming from. Most people don't want to believe this shit. But when you amass a few dozen 'coincidences'..
"I'm not racist or anything but, ________ (insert racist joke here)."
I don't make pedo jokes. Know why? Correct, cause I'm not a pedo.
1 [deleted] 2016-11-12
1 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
Sounds to me like you're writing off an entire theory and dozens and dozens of pieces of evidence based on a couple of bad ones.
Do as you will, if you choose to look deeper there is /r/pizzagate
4 [deleted] 2016-11-12
3 CredAndBercuses 2016-11-12
Not all members of this investigation are involved in harassing the social media accounts etc. That's unproductive as fuck, plus the provoke means they're going to reflexively cover their junk. I think it's mainly the throwaway accounts on Twitter blowing up the story, random other people seeing that story, and jumping in on the hate bandwagon.
Aside, I wish Soma still existed. Never got to try it.
1 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
In order for this to be nonsense, the connections that have been investigated so far would have to be either meaningless, or false. So far they are not proven to be either.
If you want to be skeptical, if you want to disprove it, go research.
But yes, of course nobody's lives should be ruined until there is no doubt at all.
1 Vitalogy0107 2016-11-12
You are truly disgusting, and I know you must be a shill because real people are not this defensive of pedophiles in power, they want them investigated and brought to justice, not like you're doing here which is muddying waters with unbelievable amounts of deniability.
9 phangosupremo 2016-11-12
Iol. Many people making these accusations have already looked deeper. Your skimming the surface and accusing others of overreacting. 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Listen to the expert
7 jfromlost 2016-11-12
I was only looking at the surface while posting here, I've dug deeper, that's why I can't say that children aren't being harmed. I am going to look into this though. Every bit of information helps, and if I am wrong well I killed a few hours of time I was going to be on Netflix watching a cooking documentary or a comic book movie. I'll have to find a way to live with that haha.
3 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
Great place to start, straight from the FBI
6 acosmicbreath 2016-11-12
"As for me, I will continue on the path to which God has called me. Proverbs 31:8 – Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." - Ted Gunderson.
A true patriot who should never be forgotten.
-4 [deleted] 2016-11-12
10 EyeCrush 2016-11-12
Remember the UK? Their ENTIRE GOVERNMENT from TOP TO BOTTOM was implicated.
It was covered up so that it didn't collapse the government.
2 EkmetTeloess 2016-11-12
Can you send me some links on the entire UK government being implicated? I am aware that there are victims who came forward in recent years, revealing the paedo ring amongst unknown MPs/government officials in the 80s, but I haven't heard of anything else.
7 phangosupremo 2016-11-12
No. You havent seen the attatched instagram accounts and images and the doj connection. Hold up. Lemme go see if i can find it.
Here it is. Please view the contents in their entirety and look into ted Gunderson for additional context.
0 AutoModerator 2016-11-12
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2 Vitalogy0107 2016-11-12
Stop defending pedophiles, holy crap, what is wrong with some people. What does it take to get it through your head? You need video evidence of Barack Obama facefucking an infant? You're not going to get that, you need to use your brain to parse through the information and make judgments yourself. Nobody can make these judgments for you, and by constantly shielding yourself from making real decisions you're not being a skeptic, you're being a coward.
2 Senor_pachonez 2016-11-12
You're on the conspiracy sub and the theory is legitimate. Hell even if it was just silsby trying to sneak kids in a bus over the Haitian border it would be enough but now we know that alefantis uses #chickenlover in baby pictures and that podesta has 3 underage kids waiting for him in a hot tub. Podesta, an unmarried man with no children... I think they are smart enough to not leave any real damning evidence and had no idea that we, the everyday citizens on reddit, would be looking into their private communications and connecting suspicious dots
24 acosmicbreath 2016-11-12
You got some weird friends, man. I don't know anybody that would duct tape their kid up in public in a dive pizza joint. This isn't even close to the amount of evidence, however. Comet Pizza was just the Achilles heel of uncovering a huge mountain of links. It's some sick and twisted stuff. It takes time and dedication to fully research and isn't for the faint hearted. What's going on behind the scenes at The Clinton Foundation is being exposed. 4channers (some of the best on the case) have been getting threats for doing what they are researching. Weeks of research are getting scrubbed. DDOS attacks occur when new evidence rises. It's not for no reason. I have a feeling you lightly reviewed the tip of this iceberg, and just brushed it off because you have a couple friends that have innocently duct taped their kids. Thankfully, the FBI is investigating the CF, making it a high priority case. Those of us who have actually been researching into the people that link to the CF are praying this comes to a stop.
I do agree that people shouldn't be harassing the comet pizza people publicly. This is a very delicate case and could mess things up with the true investigation, and some folks could be innocent bystanders.
EDIT: Of course we don't want this to be real. But some of us will no longer turn a blind eye to what the political elite have been doing for decades.
7 [deleted] 2016-11-12
6 acosmicbreath 2016-11-12
Again, the artists and comet pizza is only what started the investigation. I know all about The Occult, subcultures, and "weird" things in general. Kinda what made me an outcast growing up. If THAT was the only thing going on I would brush it off too. It frustrates me that thats the only thing that gets pushed to the front page, but it's incredibly hard now to keep the actual digging into the Clinton Foundation at the front and center. It's gone incredibly deep and is getting deeply silenced. For good reason, because it goes back decades with many investigative "mysterious" deaths along the way.
I agree that people are innocent until proven guilty, but I applaud the hard workers here, on 4chan, all over the world that are helping bring this to light. I wish people would stop contacting those involved, because it only results in threats to the investigators and information getting scrubbed. Especially since this thing is so incredibly vast, their is bound to be some innocent people that have gotten accused.
3 phangosupremo 2016-11-12
But, a good deal of that music turned out to be occult in content
2 Ernigrad-zo 2016-11-12
i'm fascinated by it, it seems so purposefully deceptive - when I you talk to people about it they use very cunning ways of making it seem like there's too much evidence to question and that they've seen the real proof but when you question them on specifics they back right off to really vague things that prove absolutely nothing about anything...
what really gets me though is the holier than thou attitude of all the posts about it when they're calling the things people have posted disgusting - these posts are all coming from the chans, mostly 4 and 8; the former known for inventing Pedobear the latter literally a known haven for pedos... like genuinely 8chan is known for it's pedo boards, ED has all the info and the info on the underage girl 4chan convinced into sharing nudes and bullied until she killed herself... since when was 4chan appalled by dark imagery and rock music? it all just seems a little fake....
0 [deleted] 2016-11-12
-2 Ernigrad-zo 2016-11-12
yeh that's a possibility, heh or maybe they know for sure but they can't share the actual evidence because if anyone knew they looked at the places it came from they'd go to jail...
one of the things i saw was about a disused rail line that was somewhere near the pizza places and the evidence that linked it to the pedo conspiracy was that in a photo it showed a closed down Pizza Express, as if all Pizza is now part of the conspiracy?! the thing is they're throwing this up as part of REALLY long and needlessly complicated posts which barely make any sense but they're using it as 'evidence' when making even more exaggerated claims, especially long lists of really extreme claims but you argue about one of them and they say 'oh that's not important, it's everything else that is important' but they'll never actually point to anything they're willing to stand by.
i mean it's probably coincidental but i recognise the tactic of consensus building from a book i read about cointelpro, make it seem like there's lot of people who already agree and who have spent far more time researching it that you're able to and then simply bombard people with it until they accept it's something that people believe, and people begin to think that many if not most people believe this even though they've never really met anyone that admits to thinking like but they write it off as it must be because they only know people that think like them... I mean i'm not saying it's the CIA i'm just saying that a lot of conspiracy theorists have read the same books i have, a lot of stratfor style nutters who think they're living in a film have as well - heh i mean it could be putin using his assets to muddy the water over the political system or some oil company shills trying to sink clinton and any hope of climate protections being put into law...
but then there are plenty of people who are just willing to believe the flat earth youtube videos for no reason at all, maybe it really is just a case of people seeing what they want to and being over excited about being part of something..?
5 jfromlost 2016-11-12
The elites that visit may not even know. I highly doubt michelle Obama has any fucking idea.
But Yeah, glad to see it's totally weird to duct tape your kid to anything especially in a dirty looking public setting.
4 Contrary_mma_hipster 2016-11-12
Barack knows:
2 CredAndBercuses 2016-11-12
Don't spread that narrative. It's clearly masking tape, and I think she could get out if she wanted. Yes it's creepy, but they'll use this to refute our accuracy.
It's especially bad when you post a censored version and then claim it's duct tape, like someone did earlier this week.
4 CredAndBercuses 2016-11-12
Don't spread that narrative. It's clearly masking tape, and I think she could get out if she wanted. Yes it's creepy, but they'll use this to refute our accuracy.
It's especially bad when you post a censored version and then claim it's duct tape, like someone did earlier this week.
1 acurafail 2016-11-12
It was masking tape, not duct tape. Ah important distinction though, considering the strength of each
3 Pyehole 2016-11-12
Are you fucking kidding? No. Normal parents do not tape their kids hands down even as a joke.
1 Aarno4412 2016-11-12
Define "solid evidence".
1 [deleted] 2016-11-12
5 Aarno4412 2016-11-12
Conspiracy theorist was a label invented by a certain three letter agency to marginalize criticism. You can discover this fact on tour own.
Conspiracy means to breath as one, even when there are no direct connections between two entities. Conspiracy is a valid branch of economics and law.
In order to detect conspiracy, you need to see correlations or movements in data, which in this case we have plenty of. Correlation never confirms causation, but it is a big hint.
As far as evidence, I will admit there is no smoking gun such as OJ Simpson's glove, which is what most normal folks need in order to distill the overall patterns in the data down into one singular and quantifiable bit of intel that sways public opinion one way or the other.
This is not a case of binary proof (either/or) but a case of stochastic thinking that depends on probability. Based on the overall patterns of behaviour, it looks as though the pizza joints are a front organization for something else. That something else could involve human trafficking at worst or a program for conditioning and detecting possible victims at best.
As we collectively process more data, it seems like there is probable cause for a law enforcement to move on this matter, either through surveillance or arrests. But if they move on this, those higher up will likely walk free while the lower level operatives take the fall.
I am also open to the possibility that this is a mass case of confirmation bias, and we are on a witch hunt fuelled by the echo chamber of social media.
In conclusion, I prefer to look at this through the lens of Bayesian inference; as new data come in, I update my prior assumptions.
I ask everyone else to do the same. It's the only way to stay sane when you process this data.
2 EyeCrush 2016-11-12
The connections to Jeffrey Epstein, also Hillary getting Laura Silsby off the hook.
You can probably find some screwed up people among those who Bill Clinton pardoned. There was actually an FBI investigation into it, but since Bill had appointed Lynch to the DoJ, that was quickly blocked.
1 Vitalogy0107 2016-11-12
You're a sick f***.
1 every1wins 2016-11-12
Unruly children don't have expressions on their face like things have been stuffed up their butt. Unruly children protest when they are punished not show expressions of glee at things stuffed up their butt.
Unruly children cry and scream. Men do not have hard-ons in those circumstances either. Look at the man standing behind the child in the photo.
Too many people have had their entire lives ruined being given knock-out drugs multiple times and raped in the ass for you to disregard the multitude of victims by demanding that people not be suspicious or that they look the other way. When will you start kicking down doors and digging up fields?
Stop caring more about the doors, fields, and the peoples' feelings. What part of there being entire lives ruined do you not understand? I demand that you begin to hear the universe scream.
0 PhancyPhoenix 2016-11-12
You won't be correcting this record, I assure you. You will be exposed and there is nothing you can do about it. Hide, don't lie.
12 [deleted] 2016-11-12
4 EyeCrush 2016-11-12
The pedo and satanist accusations against the elite HAVE BEEN AROUND FOR DECADES. Even retired FBI agents call it out FFS.
You must be REALLY shitty at fighting TPTB if you don't know SHIT.
5 [deleted] 2016-11-12
-1 EyeCrush 2016-11-12
Fuck off. It's clear you know fuck all about jack shit. Fucking shill.
-3 PhancyPhoenix 2016-11-12
Don't be so quick to assume you know anything about me, sip.
10 [deleted] 2016-11-12
1 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Honestly it's probably best to use a throwaway account for this.
2 KrispyKlaw 2016-11-12
We could have 15 posts on r/all, but until the police decide to do something, it ain't worth shit. But then maybe they already are, I can't imagine it being a quick process.
2 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
Look at history, the police can't & won't do anything. Need some examples?
The people need to give them absolutely no choice, it's the only way anything will change about this.
2 KrispyKlaw 2016-11-12
You're right, and I agree wholeheartedly.
1 heihuquan 2016-11-12
Fight back and upvote.
31 Contrary_mma_hipster 2016-11-12
Posts about pizzagate get down voted hard. The suppression is real because the conspiracy is real.
We need all hands on deck digging/catfishing, archiving/saving, and publishing (in that order).
Please come over to r/pizzagate and start pitching in.
Please also do not start linking until you have evidence archived and saved in an external hard drive (some evidence archive sites have been compromised). They are scrubbing info when it gets linked to.
8 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Agreed. I am seeing a ton of links from that sub getting 404 not founds.
-1 peeonyou 2016-11-12
It could also be because you guys are looking at ANYTHING with the word pizza in it and linking it to some child porn scandal. There are so many straws being grasped at it's mind boggling to me that it makes coherent sense to a bunch of you.
I'm totally fine with people going down that road and believing it and whatever, but when anyone disagrees or isn't seeing this super-strong link that you're seeing you guys lose your shit.
I'm no stranger to siding with conspiracies but this one just doesn't add up to me so far.
29 gregatron123 2016-11-12
r/pizzagate is were you go soon as it goes up here it gets slid. i am a parent and nobody i know ties children up or even jokes about that ffs sipofsoma.
11 jfromlost 2016-11-12
I wouldn't handle this well if I saw my daughter in that situation, I'll tell you that.
-13 [deleted] 2016-11-12
19 Werewolf35b 2016-11-12
It seems more likely that they are pedophiles.
And a lot of people being in on it doesn't cause me to discount it. Many pedophile "rings" have been busted and its not uncommon for the arrests to number in the dozens in one sweep. Yeah I would think its entirely possible there's groups operating out in the open and making innuendo comments on Facebook. Whose going to believe it?
10 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Maybe I am just over protective. First kid. Maybe that's why I am looking into this like I am. I hope I am wrong, I do, please believe that
1 [deleted] 2016-11-12
3 Myr_Astera 2016-11-12
then you don't know what you're talking about, but that was made pretty clear from the getgo
2 [deleted] 2016-11-12
1 BloodSnail 2016-11-12
That is an excellent system of thought and I highly respect you for that. However, that one picture is just one of much evidence that's been compiled together. Also take into account that these organizations are actually wiping the evidence online real-time as the findings are published to the subreddit (but everything is archived of course, so it just makes them look more guilty). I can link you an informative video on youtube if you're interested that explains it quite well
1 barictj 2016-11-12
Please do
1 BloodSnail 2016-11-12
Prepare for disturbing stuff, hope it informs you
1 Fighter9595 2016-11-12
Just wondering, where did that film come from and who filmed it?
1 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Honestly this is what makes me think it's not true. Might as well leave your calling card at the scene of the crime.
However, people like Jared or Jerry Sandusky don't seem normal enough to realize how fucked their behavior is. I can't imagine molesting a kid, so I can't be in their heads. But to advertise their place like that seems nuts even for someone who's crazy
5 gregatron123 2016-11-12
I didn't say anything pedo this and that all i said was nobody ties up kids for jokes atleast not the parents i know. Often victims of child abuse are conditioned to it and they are from horrible circumstances. Facebook friends are different to real friends ofcourse people will friend powerful people to move up corporate chain and build contacts. By trying to talk sense into us people your vermant defence of these people is only serving to incriminate them further.
5 CallistoTheCat 2016-11-12
Considering there's proof of pedophile child actor managers selling their sexualized cast photos online in the past, I'd consider it a very high possibility.
25 ArchonFall4All 2016-11-12
Yeah, it's very disheartening. Expect things to get weird on these subs as people try to cover their tracks and feed us disinformation. The implications are huge and they won't go down without a fight. Remain vigilant
14 TheShadowGovernment 2016-11-12
r/pizzagate subscriber growth has been interesting to watch. Awareness is growing. Slowly, but with strong interest forming at the base. At anytime, 10-15% of the total subscribers are online. That is incredible analytics and means that the people who are subscribing are obsessed with this. I smell a shit storm coming soon. Let us hope justice is served. Stay vigilant of CTR and concern trolls.
5 EyeCrush 2016-11-12
They are censoring the HELL out of that sub.
2 therealmerloc 2016-11-12
sadly that could also mean there are already teams dedicated to damage control for this cabal
7 Honk4Tits 2016-11-12
I fail to see a smoking gun and likely their won't be. Although I believe it, its all circumstantial evidence.
9 jfromlost 2016-11-12
There just doesn't seem to be a smoking gun that could come out of this minus a kid coming out and admitting this shit happened.
I don't even know if I believe it. I don't want to be the nuts looney on the street. But there is a such thing as coincidence, but this much coincidence? I don't know. Seems unlikely.
10 SnarkyMcFartBlast 2016-11-12
Didn't Corey Haim say as much about the Hollywood scene?
2 Haposhi 2016-11-12
Loads of kids have testified about similar things, but been dismissed.
7 sHaDowpUpPetxxx 2016-11-12
The sheer volume of it is too much to ignore. Each piece on its own could be written off as coincidence, but when you put it all together it looks pretty damning.
3 barictj 2016-11-12
Good chance hillary doesn't know anything about what's going on. Right now a lot of this is on podesta. Most connections are going straight to him.
3 sHaDowpUpPetxxx 2016-11-12
She's gotta know. She might not have participated but damn, Podesta was chief of staff for Bill and its not like he's being super secretive about the shit.
6 Ninjakick666 2016-11-12
I think Bigfoot is the only conspiracy theory that isn't a hoax at this point... America was prolly founded by witches.
1 CredAndBercuses 2016-11-12
And the witches descendants "converted" from Paganism and moved up the ladder to form all the other occultist religions which fuel our government from the backgrounds.
6 DontShadowbanMeAgain 2016-11-12
Most evidence is bullshit though.
A weird statue that resemblances the way Jeffrey Dahmer killed his victims? Yeah that's why people make fun of this place
5 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Would you put that in your house?
8 DontShadowbanMeAgain 2016-11-12
I haven't even seen evidence what the pictures he owns depict. Sure the artist made creepy pics, but he also made some the weren't that kind of creepy.
Edit: thought it was about the pictures
Why not? That statue is great in my opinion
5 jfromlost 2016-11-12
It's just a lot when you put it all together, there is well researched information at the pizzagate sub. Maybe I just "want" to believe, but really I don't know why I would want that. I'd much rather have a UFO be real, or 911 exposed.
2 DontShadowbanMeAgain 2016-11-12
I certainly do believe that some emails were clearly written in code, but a lot of things are just "I want to believe" that are too far off.
And that hurts our cause. If people that are new to it see it they can brush it off instantly and live happily on by just thinking "gosh those guys are idiots. They believe that just because has a spot on her tongue she must be a satanic cannibal"
1 sep11insidejob 2016-11-12
Or how about the pizza gate triangle that they recently changed?
6 Aphex81 2016-11-12
In my oppinion you just need to look at this e-mail. It says it all:
"I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them."
This whole child abuse thing is taking place inside the families and is going on from generation to generation. The children they get from the outside are being killed after the crime. (They are obsessed with ancestry and child abuse as this e-mail shows: 47081_1.7 Find Annie.doc)
They aqiure the children from all over the world and even breed them as shown in the whole "The Finders" investigation wich then are used in satanic rituals:
5 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Seeing 2 former employees of Comet that have worked at children's charities, first fucking picture on one of their websites has a fucking triangle inside triangle type thing. r/pizzagate
Can it be anymore coincidental at this point?
4 Lookingfortheanswer1 2016-11-12
Could someone post links to the relevant thread here... I haven't seen all this info.
10 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Good starting spot.
4 King0fThoseWhoKnow 2016-11-12
Pizzagate is very very complex. Apart from the people who have been following it since day 1 and doing their digging, it's impossible to navigate in it. We'll need easy to follow short compilations of evidence, and as I always say, RELEASE THE AUTISTS
4 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Agreed, it's difficult to understand and almost overwhelming.
3 therealmerloc 2016-11-12
AMA Request: John Podesta
4 wile_e_chicken 2016-11-12
The guy who owns Comet Ping Pong (suspected pedophile establishment) is literally named "I love children"
1 jfromlost 2016-11-12
And I just had to google all this shit my self. Jesus Fn C
3 toanythingtaboo 2016-11-12
So much evidence that for some reason no parents have ever spoke out all this time. Or are they in on it too?
2 Axana 2016-11-12
Sadly, the victims probably don't have parents. Some of the people connected to this scandal also are also involved in running orphanages and anti-trafficking operations. Those are perfect covers for kidnapping parent-less children.
1 jfromlost 2016-11-12
I don't know. Entirely possible this is just a well fabricated coincidental hoax. I hope it is.
3 bashar_speaks 2016-11-12
Google search "Max Spiers".
Also "Tory Smith".
tl;dr/dw: People who know whats what and name names get murdered fast.
3 The_Ruffneck 2016-11-12
That final tory smith video on youtube is heartbreaking.Very shocking.
3 truthforchange 2016-11-12
DENVER. If you guys are true to your sub, you already know Denver is a big question mark. Now, go find your pizza parlors in Denver. See anything interesting?
2 jfromlost 2016-11-12
What do you mean?
5 truthforchange 2016-11-12
I mean there are plenty of conspiracies about Denver - specifically DIA, correct? Ok, so let's presume Denver is an occult hotspot. If that's the case, then you're going to have a pizza supplier or two hiding in plain sight.
1 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Wouldn't they start to change their methods and shit after a while? Like switch spots? Are you talking about the airport?
1 jfromlost 2016-11-12
I don't know why but this is all exhausting me. Depressing. I can't think straight. I wouldn't know where to start on this.
3 HoldThePhonez 2016-11-12
Something to consider, if there's nothing to any of this, why wouldn't these well connected people sue for liable and slander?
2 polkadotgirl 2016-11-12
I saw some posts about it on the front page, and they were just saying how ridiculous and stupid it was. Didn't feel like arguing.
2 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Also, why have two pizza places right next to each other? Why compete with each other?
2 The_Ruffneck 2016-11-12
I'm no expert but i know besta pizza is takeout only, comet could be dine-in only?
2 themosthatedone 2016-11-12
Wikileaks never gave an AMA.
Imagine if whoever is running wikileaks let ALL of the emails get leaked. The evidence would probably be more than circumstantial.
2 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Wikileaks hasn't been wrong yet, I think they are doing better than anything else that is mainstream. I imagine they go hard on fact checking, and that's why they have been so reliable.
1 themosthatedone 2016-11-12
I never said they've been wrong. I said they were now controlled, and censored. They haven't even released anything for the past couple days...The Podesta emails don't add up to original statements of size and amount. Emails are being hidden.
Better than anything mainstream, yes. But whoever is controlling them now is steering it back to the middle.
2 jfromlost 2016-11-12
If WL is compromised we definitely are on our own on this one.
2 ninjatune 2016-11-12
if you're looking into this ffs don't do it without a proxy(s).
2 lightning_hophead 2016-11-12
Very good point. I thought of it right away. (I do infosec for a living)
1 jfromlost 2016-11-12
3 ninjatune 2016-11-12
for fuck sakes. if it is real I would be very concerned for my safety.
3 jfromlost 2016-11-12
OOOH... Yeah, I am a network guy.... definitely ain't gonna dig deep without it
1 ninjatune 2016-11-12
Then also keep your eyes on your firewall as well for any ./hack attempts clicking on certain links and files.
2 IoPA_inOR 2016-11-12
The Clintons damage and corrode everything they touch. Why limit damage estimates to (theoretically) socially useful institutions?
He's truly a humorous God if, in addition to corroding the democratic process, probably destroying the DNC, corrupting the FBI, DOJ and eroding faith in government even further, if $hillary also brings down a child-trafficking ring/pedophile-network that has successfully hidden for decades.
2 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Anyone check to see if this place was open tonight?
2 CredAndBercuses 2016-11-12
See you dig a little and have a revelation like that, but others who just sniff the #SpiritCooking surface are like, "Psh, whatever. No real evidence. You're ruining people's lives with these allegations."
I say, there's no real harm if nothing comes of it. Their entranced fans will still love them and ignore the evidence anyway.
Also, there are 3 or 4 threads warning us about this investigation, as if to tell us to stop. That's why it's not flooding the sub like it was a couple days ago.
If you want more detail or to help:
Twitter tags: #PEDOsta #SpiritCooking #PizzaGate #CometPizza etc
Archive everything, people's social media accounts and posts are being deleted, the chans are getting DDoS'd and threads are 404ing, we are definitely stirring up some serious shit.EDIT: stuff is getting deleted too.
2 alcogiggles 2016-11-12
People need to flash mob these places and save the kids. I don't understand why that's not happening. This is psychotic occult shit.
2 transfire 2016-11-12
Because its probably all a cover to keep you well away from the real conspiracies.
1 SchlangeHatRecht 2016-11-12
We need a video or some other conclusive evidence to leak to enact an investigation. Perhaps on Weiner's computer?
6 TheRusss 2016-11-12
Dude in that Soros video recently there was a shot of Hillary and Soros visiting a church/orphanage in Haiti.
Remember all that shit with the chick Bill Clinton helped out down there after she got in trouble?
Sorry got to go, be back to elaborate
2 jfromlost 2016-11-12
what is this ?
Look at the logo....
1 jfromlost 2016-11-12
Why is this on the wikileaks? Have they been after pedos already?
1 TinaTurntR 2016-11-12
1 peeonyou 2016-11-12
I honestly still don't get it. I tried to look at it as if it were real and I just can't. It looks so much like grasping for straws. I have yet to see anything that screams "hey this is for real".
I read so much of this shit yesterday and I just don't get what everyone else is seeing here.
1 brofidential 2016-11-12
Need a pizza delivery to slip up and get caught. Then let them sing like a bird!
1 JU5TIN_HERGINA 2016-11-12
you had me up until that bit. if you feel so strongly about that destroying your experience here, youre quite welcome to leave.
1 dextromaxhbr 2016-11-12
with all the random pics of kids eating pizzas and shit im starting to believe this shit is not going anywhere
1 holocauster-ride 2016-11-12
That's what happens when you take over the Nazi propaganda machine and rename it "CIA"
1 skeeter1234 2016-11-12
So where is the best place to look this stuff up? I see posts about pizza gate in r/conspiracy, but I never see the evidence you guys are talking about.
1 13lacula 2016-11-12
4chan ir 8chan
0 bonerknocker 2016-11-12
It's called pizzagate, it sounds like a joke. Is it a joke? I actually don't care, you want me to take something seriously, don't make it sound like a joke.
3 jfromlost 2016-11-12
I know, fucking horrible name, but it is what it is. Don't judge a book by it's cover I suppose
15 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
Well according to one of the most notorious hackers of recent times, she is a "high priest goddess" in occult circles. So take that how you will.
8 inbetweentime 2016-11-12
"Chickenlover", for fucking example. Did you not see that one?
2 Tomy2TugsFapMaster69 2016-11-12
Where there is fire, there should be witches burnin'
-2 Ernigrad-zo 2016-11-12
yeh that's a possibility, heh or maybe they know for sure but they can't share the actual evidence because if anyone knew they looked at the places it came from they'd go to jail...
one of the things i saw was about a disused rail line that was somewhere near the pizza places and the evidence that linked it to the pedo conspiracy was that in a photo it showed a closed down Pizza Express, as if all Pizza is now part of the conspiracy?! the thing is they're throwing this up as part of REALLY long and needlessly complicated posts which barely make any sense but they're using it as 'evidence' when making even more exaggerated claims, especially long lists of really extreme claims but you argue about one of them and they say 'oh that's not important, it's everything else that is important' but they'll never actually point to anything they're willing to stand by.
i mean it's probably coincidental but i recognise the tactic of consensus building from a book i read about cointelpro, make it seem like there's lot of people who already agree and who have spent far more time researching it that you're able to and then simply bombard people with it until they accept it's something that people believe, and people begin to think that many if not most people believe this even though they've never really met anyone that admits to thinking like but they write it off as it must be because they only know people that think like them... I mean i'm not saying it's the CIA i'm just saying that a lot of conspiracy theorists have read the same books i have, a lot of stratfor style nutters who think they're living in a film have as well - heh i mean it could be putin using his assets to muddy the water over the political system or some oil company shills trying to sink clinton and any hope of climate protections being put into law...
but then there are plenty of people who are just willing to believe the flat earth youtube videos for no reason at all, maybe it really is just a case of people seeing what they want to and being over excited about being part of something..?
1 shhyoudontknowitsme 2016-11-12
Which hot tub?