The last bastion; we must protect this sub. /r/conspiracy is now the last place on reddit the truth does not get deleted. How can we prevent this sub from becoming compromised in the future?

90  2016-11-13 by [deleted]



Just continue being interesting to the agents and agencies that are studying what we know and what we are likely to do with what we know. We are in a small closet talking among ourselves, mostly.


U users?

Infiltrated by r/the_donald. This was a great place before. Now it's mor3 r/the_donald 2.0 than conspiracy.

Before it was more 9/11, tax evasion, corporate espionage, shadow governments, CIA/NSA, citizens united, climate change...

Now it's Hillary and Wikileaks ad nauseum. People hear are swearing by Wikileaks. They don't even know it's a Russian propaganda machine - basically to forward Russian interests... It serves it's job wells hit like Wikileaks being a political propaganda tool use to just be a known. Now they're citing that shit here like there's any credibility.

Russian intelligence can feed the neo-cons whatever serves Russian interests best, and the neo-cons will eat it up.

This is all shadow governments man. It's at the heart of all conspiracies

Im sorry your side lost. but not really

You do realise wikileaks gave us pizza gate the mother of all conspiracy going on right now

This. First it was a free space to discuss everything from politics to aliens. Now it's just a Donald Trump wankfest and is slowly turning into an echo chamber. Not everyone agrees with some of the reptilian alien or flat Earth theories but it's good to have the discussion once in a while.

telling the rat fuckers to fuck off

kill your idols. shit gets deleted from this place all the time, for all manner of reasons. hold the mods accountable, but understand they don't have final say. Conde Nast does, because they own the hardware that runs this code.

Umm a lot of stuff has been censored from r/conspiracy

It already has, alot of people get shadow banned In this sub

Honestly /r/the_donald is more freespeach anti censorship than here... We have some cowardly mods here for sure...

No, they ban anyone who disagrees.

Yep, and you would be in good company.

multibackup on svcs

  • wikispooks
  • i2p eepsites
  • .onion torsites
  • freenet (last resort--slow--oldie but goodie)
  • veracrypt + usbstick + hidden partition
  • steganographically encrypt into stupid cat pix and bleps, upload to 4chan/7chan and reddit

Unrelated except for the title but I like it.

To keep it the wild west, lets describe the moderation policy now in effect, which seems to be working. There is a lot of responsibility on the users here. And also, there is work in exposing disinfo efforts. One thing I think that is key is that the users are primarily issue focused, and capable of critiquing the various sources. Also, no one here seems devoted to any particular media channel, especially corporate media channels, but also alternative media channels. And some media channels have also been exposed as disinfo. Which is a strength at this subreddit. Compare that to other subreddits that sponsor more bs than not, and ban anyone who questions it. Wow.

Always have an alternative

Voat, steemit, others....were all designed by the establishment to fracture this community. They failed.


the truth gets deleted from here all the time. the truth that this is one of many echo chambers for people to vent so real action isn't taken. you come here, read some stuff, post some comments, and that is the end of your day for conspiracy theories.

if you were doing something right, you wouldn't be here.

Enough with your shutdown apathy stockholms horseshit. If you don't like it, then fucking leave. Now.

Stop telling people that they aren't having an impact, that's psychological warfare and that makes you wittingly or unwittingly just like the fuckers we fight

oh look it's a 1 karma person

i never said people cna't have an impact. i said sitting in an echo chamber for years on end will have no impact. if you think im wrong ask the occupy people how well their protest worked.

Well you see I think you are wrong. My opinion is that /r/conspiracy (this echo chamber you talk about) is so incredibly toxic to the status quo that they've attacked us to this corner and now it's generally considered the 'last bastion of free speech thanks to the moderators here'. I agree with this. I feel like this is the ONLY place I've found other than 4chan and 7chan and wikileaks wikispooks and a few other places here and there that one can get a 'true' and 'untainted' perspective on reality.

The people here--just like anywhere--can have 'echo chamber like effects' but based on what I've seen on /r/pol /r/news /r/worldnews and other such subs, they are MUCH more of an echo chamber. This sub is the only place where you have people who are libertarians, paleocons, ancaps, neocons, neolibs, paleolibs / social democratists (me), fascists, communists, anarchists/agorists, etc all getting along

and yet if you watched the MSM, they all group us together as the "ALT RIGHT". Isn't that something.

Suddenly bernie or bust people are being grouped with ron paul people and oathkeepers. This is like occupy'ers being grouped with tea baggers and cliven bundtards; this is like bundling 9/11 people with rachel's as full spectrum as you get....yet because we are antiestablishment, they group us together on that front and attack us as "insane paranoid right wing authoritarian gun toting gay bashers"

It's nuts. I would say there are more exbernie people than there ever were hillary people and maybe matched with trump people; though most trump people find thedonald to be a better place for them.

Overall, my point is 2 fold: 1) it's not an echo chamber except after assange died (??or got cut off??) and this place was even more 'controlled' by astroturfers (after oct 17th) than it normally is...those turfers are the source of 'uniformity of opinion'---'ve been here 7 yrs so I know what's bullshit and what's not. and

2) we just won an informational war against TPTSB putting a criminal into the whitehouse. They tried everything to do it, and at the last minute, they had to put in a 'so called outsider' because otherwise this country would have ripped apart....and the political elite likes money and these revolutions are costly to them

you obviously don't know what you are talking about if you think anything on reddit is a 'bastion of free speech' . you are controlled by your moderators so that you only talk about things that you have no plans of taking action against. you have won no victories, and if you think you did, then TPTB are just doing their jobs well.

these people have been doing this since before your parents were born, you think hillary was their only candidate? too be this naive

you obviously

Oh like Obviusssly

bitch stop trollin

strange way to write that you think i'm right but are too mad to admit it.

We should remove the ability to submit link posts.

I'm sick and tired of seeing a frontpage filled with random clickbait articles from the CIA controlled 'alternative media'.

We should remove the ability to submit link posts.
