What is Kerry doing in Antarctica?

57  2016-11-13 by [deleted]



Being a dick

That's the answer to what he's doing anywhere. Why dick, who dick, dick whatfor? Thems the questions.

Feasting on smoked baby skin no doubt.

Picking his teeth with baby Eskimo feet bones.

Drinking chilled B-positive out of his favorite skull.

Eskimos in antarctica...interesting

He brought them with him.

Yea, he brought them there. Kept em on ice.

Maybe something ET related?

It's a very interesting place from a conspiracy point of view, it's an extremely remote location that the majority of the population have no hope of seeing. And it's tied in with an few theories ranging from abandoned secret nazi bases from ww2, alien crash site, to the more wild, entrance to the hollow earth or something related to flat earth. Could just be a global warming thing though.

Did you see the newly released FBI file about a GLADIO group stationed there? It's on the vaults.fbi page. Check recently released section. Fucking weird.

Something important you can be sure.

Personally ensuring that Julian Assange is still in the deep dark hole they put him in until the election was over.

Fightin' the ayylmaos

Entering hollow earth to take the orders from the rulers there for the new administration.

Or maybe something to do with climate change

Nibiru !

A) Penguins B) Flat Earth C) Climate Change

He's already left, just landed in Brisbane today


I think so too. From retribution for what he did to assange

Meeting with the advanced race that live inside the Earth.

He's meeting with the Nazi's that Admiral Byrd couldn't finish off.

Who actually cares?

You aren't the least bit curious as to why the Secretary of State is making a visit to an uninhabited continent?

He's hiding out from being assassinated for killing Julian Assange

Flat earth


Promoting man-made climate change