Where are we with Assange?

30  2016-11-13 by yoloswaggg1337

Are they still under DDOS?

and arnt we suppose to see some anniversary releases soon?


Assange has not been seen since October 15th

why do people go missing or die on my birthday, jesus.

Happy birthday!


What did you do...

i was born?

You monster!

I know! I hate myself!

Assange is either one of three places: 1) On the run, 2) Dead, 3) Kidnapped or maybe all three in that order. best we can do now is fight for his cause and trust ourselves and weave out the trolls and shills to crack this thing.

War is coming.

They kidnapped him after he died. Got it.

necrophilia is a thing man

I think the swedes are supposed to visit and interview him tomorrow November 17.

edit: corrected date.

Have they changed the date? Last I heard it was to be tomorrow (Nov 14).

I fear that Assange is in Gitmo.