Hitlers last years, probably the biggest question of the 20th century. Why do people not take the "conspiracy" seriously enough?

250  2016-11-13 by MC_Dickie

Evidence surfaced of a tunnel from the Fuhrers bunker to the subway, and from the subway to Tempelhof [airport]. We also have eye witness reports of a party of unmarked planes leaving that airport on the 21st of April 1945, one day after Hitler was last seen in public.

We actually have more evidence that attests to his escape than we do of his death, yet people blindly believe that he killed himself in the bunker, even though non of the witnesses saw Hitlers face, or were able to identify the body. The only confirmation was that there WAS a body but the only forensic human remains from the scene was a charred skull with a bullet hole, which we subsequently found via DNA testing in 2009, wasn't even a MALE skull.

So if the witness testimonies in and around the bunker that day were that only one shot was fired, so if the female skull had a bullet hole in it, at the very least Hitler didn't SHOOT himself, which questions the credibility of all of the witness testimonies.

I could go into detail about where Hitler went from getting inside a potential plane that day but I wont in this post even though there is mountains of evidence that suggests he did escape to Argentina along with many other Nazi officials, of which we have definitive proof of [such as Josef Mengele].

We have enough declassified FBI documents which state active attempts to search for Hitler years after his supposed death mostly in south America. That in itself is enough to believe Hitler did not die in the bunker that die. The documents aren't from random eye witnesses claiming to have seen Hitler, they are FBI/CIA officials, on missions to hunt Hitler down. Why would they spend resources to hunt down a dead man?

So my question is why don't people take it seriously enough? I find it's one of THE most plausible "conspiracies" around, yet the majority of people are just itching to cynically shut anything down, however credible it is, in favour of the story that Adolf Hitler killed himself in his Berlin Bunker. [Presumably because they can't stand the injustice of it, regardless of what is the truth or not].


Some top scientists and officers fled to Argentina I've heard/read

and to the USA with official blessing and tickets on govt planes or ships.

Operation Paperclip and others.

They did, but what is rarely talked about is how The Soviet Union got the better German scientists after the war, hence their better rocket technology leading up to the space race.

How did they?

Don't forget the adjunct Operation Bloodstone as well, and Britain's version Operation Matchbox.

Why were they so much more advanced than us? Better funding? Less restrictions? Seems like NASA wouldn't of gotten very far without them.

I would say both and I look at the Third Reich as a central banker funded field experiment in fascism. Basically to see how far they could go with it, then analyse and advance the results minus any mistakes. They've certainly used every bit of that information in shaping foreign policy, establishing hegemony, and not to mention advances in control and manipulation of people's psyches.

They also incorporated this data to the development of atomic energy, genetics, intelligence, military weaponry and rocketry. There'd be no NASA nor CIA without the infusion of key Paperclip Nazis like Wehner von Braun and Reinhard Gehlen.

That's the question. It gets very hazy and the aliens and the manmade flying saucers and mountain research strongholds start being talked about. Why were the nazis so into the occult if they were so rational?

But those were scientists, engineers, and technicians who could help the US advance its military technology. Hitler's major skill was giving rousing public speeches.

He was pretty much useless to every other government. Executing him to boost morale was the only thing he would have been good for.

I don't see any plausible motive for any other government to help him.

Bushes Granddad helped Hitler rise to power.

Hitler was a master of practical human psychology. He was also a very good strategic leader and coordinator. Yes he was the face of the Third Reich, but for a reason. He was a war hero and had courage and was fearless.

Hitler was a patsy for the rich.

In the end yes. In the beginning he was a German civil rights leader.

Is that how he is remembered?

Hitler has just looted all of Western Europe. He had more gold and valuables than any other nation on Earth. He was the leader and still made the decisions. South American countries had Billions and Billions of reasons to be sympathetic to the Nazis.

Not to change the subject, but it's like Bin Laden. No pictures, no autopsy, we just dumped his body at sea and that's it. People will believe what they want.

Bin Laden was so closely connected with the Bushes that I bet he has a "secret star" in the floor at the CIA.

What is a secret star?

In the entrance to the CIA in Langley (not the "Center for Intelligence" named after GHWB, who was only Director for ONE year), they have un-named stars on the floor for agents they cannot name, but who did their duty for the US banks.

Dude I had no idea thank you

I found this documentary where they are mentioned if you want to see them for yourself.

yet we get pics of sadam, gaddafi ect , bin laden died in 2001

Definitely. I think I read 2002 to be exact. Do people not understand that:

1) He needed weekly dialysis and only had a couple of years left at the most. He did not get that treatment in a cave.

2) We dumped his body in the ocean. It truly scared me that people believe that.

Teacher laughed at me when I told them he did not commit suicide, and that the DNA of the skull was a female. Then refused to give any counter argument. That is when I started to hate school. lol

Unless you are studying in a university, where information is volatile and a tool to learn, then I wouldn't bother to correct the teacher.

High school and college teachers are mostly just stone statues with recorders on them, unmovable, haven't probably studied the subject they are teaching ever since they started teaching. Sometimes regurgitating pure stupidity.

Always doubt things, get your own answers. What you get from school should only be used as starter or complimentary information.

School is useful for learning functional information, like writing, language, mathematics, and the basics of the natural world. Everything else we're taught is hand-picked by the government as things they want their citizens to understand in order to be good citizens.

This is supposedly a picture of Hitler in Argentina after the war.

Whoever it is looks similar to him.

subsequently found via DNA testing in 2009, wasn't even a MALE skull.

Lol, junglesurfer has theory that Hitler was actually a woman.

Maybe he travelled from Argentina to Antarctica. The Nazis supposedly believed in the hollow earth theory.

This is a translation of a letter sent by german explorers.

at the bottom it says: dear Old Comrade: 'the earth is hollow'

edit full article here

Did a little research on the first picture you submitted. Seems like a well done fake of a modified existing picture of him. See this.

Nice catch.

The extensive excavation and building done by the Nazis was INCREDIBLE in scale. Appeared that's where they planned on making their "last stand". The remaining bunkers are massive

In Antarctica? Sorry, I'm somehow confused lol.

Maybe that's the reason Biden went to Antarctica?

Yep. Antarctica is probably where the real space exploration goes on.

If aliens exist, then they will be found by going through the hole/portal in Antarctica.

If they come from a cold planet it might make sense to go there.

Biden? You mean Kerry. He went, and so did the Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church, along with the Russian navy earlier this year. Had to do with the discovery of the Ark of Gabriel.

That link is garbage lol

And so are you! LOL!!!

Hollow Earth probably just means there's gigantic caverns underneath the surface of the Earth.

It is said these exist under the ice of Antarctica as well.

After WWII Admiral Byrd was sent to Antarctica with a full naval war fleet and was defeated by an opponont that had flying saucer like craft that could go underwater and in the air.

After WWII Admiral Byrd was sent to Antarctica with a full naval war fleet and was defeated by an opponont that had flying saucer like craft that could go underwater and in the air.


Can't find what I said about underwater and having a saucer shape, but Byrd did publicly state there is an enemy at the South Pole whose technology is so advanced that the next world war will be fought with craft that can fly from pole to pole in a matter of minutes.

The Operation was called Highjump. Here some more info about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JKRHYp5ugQ

Ancient aliens or xfiles maybe =)

It's too late to punish Hitler, but there are lots of war criminals living today and we all know them.

but there are lots of war criminals living today and we all know them

The whole Bush administration and all the PNAC signatories to name a few

Don't forget that rat bastard Kissinger.


If he was still alive it would most certainly not be too late to punish him. Earlier this year a 95 year old man was put on trial for his involvement. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/12/auschwitz-medic-ss-hubert-zafke-goes-on-trial-at-fourth-attempt

If he was still alive

I think that's his point. He was born in 1889. Over 127 years ago.

FindKony2012 lul.

But yeah, its past his point. He's probably dead at this point.

There's no statute of limitations for murder, let alone genocide.

You'd be locking up a bunch of bones tho.

If you're interested in Hitler's disappearance after the war, I'd recommend the book "Ratline" by Peter Levenda. There are various interviews with Levenda on YouTube which go into detail of his escape. (As well Joseph Farrell is a valuable resource.)

great sources! Levenda is the man on this subject. There are others but he's top 3 in the world without question.

Okay so let's say Hitler escaped and live out his life. With some of the best Nazi hunters dedicating their lives to hunt these guys down...how could he have escaped their net?

You're kidding right? Do you have any idea how many Nazis escaped the clutches of both Mossad and the USA and Interpol? THOUSANDS OF THOUSANDS.

It's not like Mossad or the CIA are some kind of monolithic perfect organizations, you know. They're as incompetent as any gov't org is.

If you read Ratline by Levenda or any of the books describing how the Nazis escaped and who helped, you wouldn't be asking this ridiculous question. When there are whole gov'ts helping a group disappear, it's easy to do so. All it takes is a passport and perhaps some plastic surgery. A number of plastic surgery clinics were uncovered in 'Ratline' and other books.

People try to use the same crazy argument for 'aliens'. It's very easy to keep secrets, if you have political power and money.

Ya I was aware of that. The brains of the US rocket team was mostly Nazi's and I've read about the Russians and the US frantic efforts to grab as many German Scientists as possible. I also wonder if that was Speer in Spandau and I'm aware of the Nazi's "contributions" to the spy networks of the world.

The question was an attempt to get a discussion going on what it would take for him to walk free. You hit on it in your third paragraph. There is no way that was possible without massive help and cooperation by all involved.

Yes with Bear Jew roaming the woods, I'm entirely sure Hitler would have been found somewhere hiding in this large Earth.

Maybe he only lived 5 year. He was 56 at end of war and wartimes must have taken toll.

Good point and the meth/cocaine habit probably didn't help. Do you think he might have had help?

Good Lord I didn't even think of that, what if he escaped but without an ample supply of all his drugs? He probably did end up killing himself whenever his meth ran out.

Because he and other top tier nazis became part of another propaganda apperatus.

He was officially dead. Most hunters were going after known living nazis. Why would they pursue a dead man?

Maybe they didn't believe the official story and had heard rumors.

because it was poo pooed by the MSM, they told everybody it was a


no matter that govt and NGO and hobby sleuths were investigating.

we should be asking why the govt propagandists aka the US/Zionist MSM was so keen on 'debunking' reality...

Why you goddamn antisemitic bastard! /s

Stalin is the real evil force in WW2. Hitler is not the Boogeyman we're taught; there is sufficient evidence to disprove the supposed mass extermination of Jews under Hitler's rule.

Care to post your sources? I don't question it, I myself think the numbers are grossly exaggerated and I get the feeling it could just be another elaborate money-raising scheme by the Zionists (newspapers consistently cited the six million figure on several different occasions for different things from 1915-1938 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dda-0Q_XUhk), but I'd like to see what you have.

David Cole in Auschwitz is a good one - https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=9fBBEUCNtmQ

He easily debunks the use of homocidal gas chambers.

Adolf Hitler, the greatest story never told - https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=ACv9qLwkB_Q

Will make you question whether mass extermination was ever part of Hitler's plan.

Hitler wanted the Jews out of Germany because they were infecting their society. Now look where we are. Jews came out of WW2 as the victims, get paid billions in reparations, and they push an evil agenda in Palestine and around the world.

It's hard to discuss this topic because people get so irrational. Germans were anal about record keeping and there are very little records that point to a mass extermination program. Then you review the 'gas chambers' and find de-lousing facilities and nothing more which was standard procedure in many countries around the world. Combined with the massive prisoner work program Germany used and the evidence against mass extermination is very compelling. Of course a forced labor program that didn't really want prisoners to live very long is much the same as mass extermination, but historical accuracy is important. Many countries have used prisoner labor camps and still do even today. Stalin's Russia being one of the absolute worst examples even dwarfing the Nazis program.

Even though this guy has obvious religious bias and beliefs, he does a pretty decent job at easily explaining how gassings never occurred and the Jews were strictly meant to be used as forced workers for the war effort. The ones that unfortunately did die were victims of disease and starvation from inadequate supplies later on in the war. https://youtu.be/QlBA2zp992c

Can you post some resources to dig deeper?

In relation to the Subway Tunnel

By the way in regards to the subway tunnel, it wasn't just a GPR scan of a void in the wall, it correlated with GPS co-ordinates of another explored tunnel which was blocked off.

In regards to the skull remains

It's actually quite hard to find the information from credible websites, not because it isn't credible information, but because people don't see it as important they don't feel the need to publish it.


There is a whole series on the history channel called finding hitler. I guess you watched it? As a great grandson of a german immigrant that escape nazi germany after the fall. I think his suicide was necessary. If you think about it, at the time. Why not say he killed himself? And just completely break peoples spirit so they surrender easier. And i guess they never felt a point to tell the truth

Most "history" is just propaganda written by the victors. They wanted to further demoralize the German people so they wouldn't put up a fight while the Russians basically raped and killed everyone they found

I did watch Hunting Hitler yes, and aside from the [at times cringeworthy] dramatization it's definitely worth pointing out that the leads they investigate and the evidence they provide stacks up as true, which obviously leads one to believe that all things considered, we have more evidence which suggests he survived and therefore THAT should be the default opinion.

Why you goddamn antisemitic bastards! You must believe the goddamn script we gave you!


First, thanks for posting something around here other than US politics.

I've torn through books and everything that Netflix/(the old) History channel had to offer. I think he died shortly after the Russians surrounded Berlin. What happened to Mussolini's body prompted Hitler to take steps to avoid that. Like it or not, Hitler did love his country. In many ways, he really did think that he was righting a bunch of wrongs. Allowing his corpse to be abused and paraded around was not going to happen in his mind.

While Argentina was sympathetic towards the Nazi party and had a significant German community before/after the war, I simply don't think Hitler would've endured a very long journey on a sub, much less sneak through a maze of tunnels to an airport (with Russians about) just to get on a plane with a female pilot and narrowly escape his hunters.

He died in Berlin under no fan fare and his body will never be found. As he intended it. I see no possible way that the most notorious, most wanted man..perhaps in all modern history, could've remained hidden.

Female pilot?

Fuck nicht!

Germany's most famous, female test pilot Hanna Reitsch. She was held by Americans until after the war and questioned about Hitler's potential escape. I believe she died in the 60's or 70's.

they found sadam in a drain

It was even better when the military blew the shit out of the building his two sons were in. I would almost accept Hitler walking this earth than those two.

I've heard of the Argentina via submarine story. Some links would be great.


Read the first page couple pages at least

Didn't they have radar back then? So if some "unmarked" planes took off from some airport wouldn't the Soviets or Allied Forces had the foresight to have spies nearby to determine whether there was any activity at the airport? Or better yet, wouldn't the Allies have taken over the airport first, so that they could cut-off any escape routes?

Paranoid as he was, Stalin swore Hitler escaped. I believe it. As you said, there is a lot of evidence suggesting that the US didn't accept the suicide answer. U-boats surfaced well after VE Day

One reason it is so subverted is due to it occurring in an era of disinformation. For those of us born in this era, we were cultured to believe it for years and Hitler is a unique villain so we are more willing to accept i because of how his history is politicized.

More importantly, Hitler, like Stalin was enabled by US banking interests that would go down with his ship and may have even facilitated his escape, incentivizing them to protest their interests hand in hand with his.

Because you are conspiracy theroist. They will never label someone a conspiracy realist because then that destroys the narritive that most conspiracy theroists are white Christian males thinking the government is out to get them.

Seems like the bodiless boogeyman is a concept with history. No hitler body. No bin laden body.

No evidence of his death, as far as I know.

'His skull' ended up being a women's skull. Under scientific examination.

Don't agree with the OP's characterization of Hitler's last days in Berlin. There are direct witnesses that heard the gun shot that allegedly killed Hitler. Misch claims to have seen his dead body being rolled up and carried out here, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8234018.stm

Of course there are lots of reasons to believe this is a complete fabrication. Those remaining with Hitler in the last days were absolutely devout and would lie until their deathbed to protect him. There was no body identified ever and the Russians knew what they had wasn't Hitler, thus Stalin's immediate claims Hitler got away. The Nazis has a great escape route and thousands did use it successfully to escape.

I believe Hitler escaped and the Allies kept it hush hush so people wouldn't pressure their governments to track him down. He planned a fourth Reich for awhile but it wasn't possible and his support dwindled quickly. Died in S. America.

Check out Beevor's book "Fall of Berlin."

Back in the 90s, when the Soviet archives were fully accessible to Western researchers, he looked at the Soviet records.

As you may recall, it was the Soviet Red Army that conquered Berlin. American troops were far away at the time.

According to Soviet records, the Soviets found Hitler's body, and buried his skull under Red Square. Over the years, countless Soviet army troops marched and tanks rolled over his skull.

Let me put it to you this way. Nobody in Russia thinks Hitler survived the war.

Yeah, cuz Russia has never used any propaganda to try and manipulate millions of people before.

FBI released the files of hitler two years ago. He lived in a villa at the foot of the Andes and was married to a black woman.

Not saying I don't believe you, but could you please provide us with some evidence?

was married to a black woman


Im all for hearing more. Only saw one thing about him and Ava arriving by sub in Argintina

This might not be the same page I linked last time, but I remember finding released FBI files that detailed theories about Hitler fleeing to Argentina.

It was always described to me as "They found him dead in his bunker," but apparently there was no proof of his death, and they even explored some theories about where he went. Made me really question what may have happened.

It's late here and I'm on mobile, I'll look for the one I tried to post to TIL tomorrow. It wouldn't let me, since apparently someone had linked the FBI file before. Had to submit an article that linked to it, and it only got like 10 upvotes.


The 2nd season of Hunting Hitler Tuesday Nov 15th. My wife and I really enjoyed season 1 and found the evidence to be in the realm of possible. I'm not sure what they can do in season 2, but we will watch it I'm sure. It took some convincing for my parents to watch but when they finally did they too thought it was plausible and where more open to the theories presented. Oh and it was much more entertaining than Oak Island... lol

Look up "Vatican Ratlines".Hitler was funded by the Jesuits and the Vatican. Here is one link: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2011/may/25/nazis-escaped-on-red-cross-documents.

Here is some more info on the Jesuits themselves: https://youtu.be/Wq_5jvxI9mU

So where are you sources? Because I don't believe you

School is useful for learning functional information, like writing, language, mathematics, and the basics of the natural world. Everything else we're taught is hand-picked by the government as things they want their citizens to understand in order to be good citizens.