"Purple Revolution" Anti-Trump coup will quickly become violent

9  2016-11-13 by Mrexreturns

It now just seems like a bunch of lazy, self privileged millenials protesting against Trump for Hillary....

....But beware strange and nasty things are going to happen and will SHOCK America.

As quickly soon Agent Provocateurs will be fermenting mass violent riots....

....Police and National Guard will be discredited and blackmailed like Berkut or Czarist Russian Police....

...And Academi snipers will quickly mix into the fray.

Remember that The Russian Revolution, French Revolution, Maidan, Arab Spring or ANY OTHER violent coup started as PEACEFUL PROTESTS.

They only become violent because of agent provocateurs or snipers and this will be blamed on Army/Police/National Guard.

Note that during coups the Police are ALWAYS discredited in order to give way to more chaos and division.

And after it is over....they are KILLED, their uniforms are stolen and their bodies are dragged thoughout the streets. (Remember, not a death threat; This is what happened in Czarist Russia and Venezuela.)

And do not expect the National Guard to save you, they will be blackmailed and dismantled by the CIA.

But back to the Second American Revolution.

This will quickly go big, ugly and dangerous.

I am sure that around 2 weeks to a month violent protests will begin and destroy America.

And when Trump is ousted....Prepare as Hillary will take LIFETIME presidency and commence the purge of a hundred million of Americans with the help of ISIS and Mexican Illegals.

And at the same time, prepare for the end of all rights and free speech once it happens; All Internet platforms will be destroyed or censored.

Dissendent internet records will be searched out to purge them.

A path to Russian and Chinese takeover in World War III will be opened with Hillary attempting to take over Hong Kong and seperate it from China.

Civil War might commence.

Stand up and Wake up....

....It's NOW....



Shut down Soros. These "protesters" will go home because of no more paychecks. Shut down this shit color revolution now. Do we really, really let foreign operators foment revolution inside our sovereign land? What the hell is an FBI for. Check into the bussing, the organization, the payments, freeze the bank account.

Putin was smart enough to kick Soros out of his country. Hello anybody home?

This. Step one is shut down as much of Soros and his web.

Look at Soros web site, a spider's website. It dangles tempting candy, money, funding, grants, employment. It is a purpose built sociopath magnet, couched in high sounding principles. We probably need to hack the shit out his network as well as freeze his finances.

Take Soros' money and fill some pot holes or build some veteran facilities, house the homeless, or just use it to pay down debt.

Not suggesting this as an idea, but one group of people could theoretically DDoS his websites; or use SQL injection to gain access to the DB's; or just brute-force the webhosting service and gain entry.

Y'know, just sayin'.


I'd say it would be fair in relation to the crime. State Department, Far East Division, Gloria Nuland (noodleman/Kagan) will not be pleased! Myself, I advocate no such lawlessness.

Yep, seize all of his assets.

...and drop him off in Russia. Putin's waiting. Now that's a peace offering, Donald are you listening?

Soros isn't the king..taking him down wouldn't stop anything. The ladder goes higher

It's a start. A ladder is no good with rungs missing, no?

The problem is he will be immediately replaced by someone just as evil. I don't believe this one man has personally amassed all the billions required to run all of these organizations, rather he's pulling that money from a larger pot controlled and protected by some "noble" families that have been around and kept their lines going since the 1500's.

If Soros was really the string puller, we wouldn't know his name. Or anything about him, for that matter. But he's public for a reason. Same goes for the Rothschilds.

Figurehead or puppet, doesn't matter. Take it OUT as it's part of the whole. In so doing we will expose the mechanism as they scramble for a replacement. One actor expunged, others may question the wisdom of assuming the role. If it's "noble" families, they are not immune to criminal charges, Marie Antoinette anyone? If it leads to other abusers of the public trust regardless of station, shut them down! Expose them. If the rampant rumors of pedophilia point to the same "class" then, I'd say, it's time to go back to old fashioned public executions. Obviously, the plot to concentrate the wealth is itself a crime.

I'm not disagreeing with your points, it's just that it sounds futile. The perception of futility is, itself, a control mechanism. I'm sure Mussolini, at his peak, cross armed posing, jaw jutting could never imagine swinging upside down from a light post. Let's hope the mad oligarchs choose a different path if they're as smart as they pose.

The only point I really meant to make was that if Soros is controlling anything at all, we wouldn't know who he is or know anything about him. It seems too deliberate that he's given so many interviews on television and we know nearly everything about the guy. Just smells like heavy disinfo.

Sure he's working with the Near East Division of the State Department. There I said it. They need to figure out the right incantation to shut down their ugly twisted golem. How the fuck can they let him operate in the USA? Sounds like we have a rogue agency or, at least, a bunch of confused assholes.

That's where this all gets into the "who watches the watchers" territory. Disheartening but an armed revolution may yet be necessary

One hopes this isn't needed, that we are ductile enough, our Constitution, body of law combined with a few people of the caliber of the founders. If arrests start in high places it will be a hopeful sign.

Exactamundo. I think a higher rung is possibly found in the new Assassin's Creed movie, relating to the Black Nobility.

Wait they actually went through with an assassin's creed movie? 😂

Yeah, starring Michael Fassbender.

Just watched the trailer. There's a surprising amount of modern electronic music and a notable lack of unlocking towers

He's a crucial mouthpiece. You wanna go knock on the Rockefeller's door? Is that what you're implying?

I don't think this will happen, personally

Matt Marriott is predicting that Trump will herald in the great disarmament of Americans , maybe he is right.

TRUMP THEATER same as Obama: will be stripped and arrested

It now just seems like a bunch of lazy, self privileged millenials protesting against Trump for Hillary....

Not to me. It looks like the same strategy that the "Orange Revolution" employed in Ukraine which did topple the Government. Hillary's creepy purple dracula looking outfit for her concession speech was a direct message that they were kicking off the Purple Revolution which I think is going to turn into more of a "Project Mayhem".

It may result in domestic terrorism to force a response from the Government which they hope will create some casualties and show how bad DJT really is.

So "Seems Like" is right.

That is my conspiracy theory. I'm wrong more than I'm right.

This is alarmist fear mongering at its best. Trump won and there are good things ahead, but that isn't a great narrative for people with a penchant for schadenfreude.

Portions of this are true.

Maidan is what prompted me to heavily arm myself and stock up a few years ago. That's a very modern city that turned into a nightmare battleground quickly. It can happen here too.

...and drop him off in Russia. Putin's waiting. Now that's a peace offering, Donald are you listening?