What is going on in Antarctica?

212  2016-11-14 by [deleted]

Why did John Kerry go there recently? Why are LOCKHEED MARTIN stationed there? Something is happening in Antarctica that we are not hearing about


We need a r/Conspiracy field trip.

That would be so fucking cool.

"Cool" would be an understatement.


Ejected cereal and milk from nose. Upvoted

We just need a boat, fishing pole, and water.

I can see the headline now!

"Group of internet conspiracy theorists unite to trek across Antarctica in search of Wikileaks/John Kerry connection.... There were no survivors."

Seriously would love this.

I'll pack the extra tinfoil

I'll bring silver bullets and garlic...you know, in case of arctic vampires.

Umm.... 44 mag would really be the bare minimum power/caliber wise, no need for silver/garlic. Even if arctic vampires were common enough to be a real threat, polar bears likely outnumber them...

Also, one things losing a little blood, another is getting eaten alive.

There are no Polar Bears in Antarctica.

Thanks Obama.

We be venturing into dat hollow earth secret nazi base yo. We need all the .44s we can get. Bring lots of healing pots too plz. Im squishy.

reroll 4 healer class noob. :)

Polar bears don't live there, so you're safe from them. Vampires and attack penguins are your main problems.

Well...you're no fun lol.

PolysLaws on understanding idiots:

Whoever brings up tin foil in a thread first, always has the lowest IQ.

PolysLaws on understanding assholes:

Whoever brings up IQ in any situation, always is an asshole.

thank you for proving PolysLaws by bringing up IQ

Possibly related? Hijacking your comment sorry


What am I looking at here

Wikileaks pre-commitment file hash. When they release files on Kerry, that hash can be used to determine the authenticity of the copy you'll download from them. Prevents MiTM attacks.

I have no idea what any of that means.

It's a code wikileaks sent out ahead of time that's generated by encryption software. So that when they release information (ostensibly about John Kerry), anyone receiving the documentation can verify that the file came directly from wikileaks and has not been altered in any way.

Thank you for ELI5-ing.

Wikileaks encryption keys not verified as real though

What is an OTRTOKEN?

Off the record token

So the random stuff is just like a reference number?

Old news now ya?

I'd be so down. I'll bring the beer.

PolysLaws on understanding: Guy who will bring the beer to an Antarctica party wins!

Fuck yes.

Operation Highjump II

To the weird temple on Little Saint James Island. It is owned by Jeffrey Epstein. Anyone have a boat?

man o man I would love that.

I have a feeling that people on here could be fairly kooky and paranoid though irl..?

I'm actually pretty normal, and kinda hot. js.

Same, TBH. As long as I've had my meds. WTF WAS THAT. DID YOU HEAR THAT? CAW CAW.

If you guys are really down for this I am too.

It looks like based on Wikihow's "three ways to get to Antarctica," we would would have to opt for sailing on a yacht to get a conclusive result.

I don't suppose anyone here is a specialist yachtsmen?

I've seen Jaws like a dozen times so I think can swing it.

I could pull Quint off no problem.

Inb4 the chosen location gets blown the fuck up. Chance to wipe out a ton of free thinkers? They'll be all over it!

We are just going outside and may be some time.

Hidden civilization

UFO landing. Pact with Aliens. Mark my word.

Neu Schwabenland...

The fact that it has been the plot of numerous movies and show makes me wonder...seems like a good way to make anyone who finds out sound crazy.

If intelligent extraterrestrial life was making deliberate contact with the Earth, scientists working in private industry would have been able to discover this fact. There's no way they could effectively control that kind of information on a global scale.

What kind of pact would/could we make with aliens?

The Second Impact

Hollow earth theory. Supposedly some Nazis found the entrance down there in the 40s-50s.

Wait, are you serious or is this tongue and cheek? Because hollow earth theory = the dismissal of literally all geological science.

It might be that there are huge caverns under the ground. This might be why they call it the hollow earth.

I wouldn't be surprised if this understanding of hollow earth was exaggerated and made look stupid on purpose.

Ya thats what i suspect too. Caves are pretty neat.

I like caves

I love lamp.

It might be caverns but a huge building complex inside the ice is possible too. I've given this some thought and this is how I would do it.

First you find a location where the ice sheet doesn't move, don't build inside glaciers. Finding a location where the ice sheet is thick enough will be easy. Then you need a tunnel boring machine / subterrene hybrid. Instead of boring the tunnel the machine will heat the ice in front of it and pump it away as water from it's backside. Then isolation and (if required) support can be added. Then you add electricity, heating, ventilation and air conditioning and the underground base is ready for operation.

Some years ago I posted the link to a patent for a nuclear powered tunnel Boreing machine that will use the nuclear heat to melt the rock as it tunnels through it such that it cools and makes a smooth, solid surface of the tunnel which adds extra support/structural integrity

I came across that too a couple of years ago. Don't know if they have a working nuclear powered one yet, might be a black project. The patent is mentioned on the Wikipedia page I linked to above.

They have already found several ancient underground cities like: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derinkuyu_underground_city or http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/massive-5000-year-old-underground-city-uncovered-cappadocia-turkey-002507 - both found relatively close to each other.

I feel these were created to escape (natural/unnatural) calamities on the surface.

And here you go. This movie seems right up your alley. https://youtu.be/JKPwtDjzJMI

Yeah I still have to get through the first one. So cheesy.

Its so bad its good. But not really. Its pretty bad.

It's no "Plan 9" though.

the whole thing doesn't have to be hollow, how about we think of it more like honeycomb? do you not 'believe in' massive cave systems? because they exist.

See my reply to the other comment on this chain. Of course i believe in fucking caves.

What proof do you have?

Who said anything about proof? You want proof that caves exist?

It would be nice if you backed your half-cocked theories up with some evidence, yes.

Like, you honestly dont believe cave systems exist? I'm sorry, are you being sarcastic?

This is why no one takes conspiracy theorists seriously.

You're a clown person. And I still don't know if you're trolling or just plain retarded. By the look of your comment history I'm gonna go with the latter

A clown person? For asking you to elaborate? Don't you look at my comment history, you stalker. I feel naked right now.

You seemed to be asking for proof that caves exist. Obviously anything online could be fabricated. I'd suggest search engining your location and 'cave' and checking it out. Some people grow up and caves are part of their world and some don't. It seems to me you have no experience of cavernous interiors, you are in the majority, not everyone grows up around them, and the guy incredulously insulting you. He can't believe you doubt caves. I've shown you a way to prove them to yourself. It's all good.

It's been fun spelunking you guys but seriously... Like damn...

so you go from mock raped to admitted troll, hey ho. basement games are fun. You obviously know there are people as stupid as you pretend to be and you gain happiness pretending to be them. Good for you. [after downvote in already -3 subbranch, :) --limpdick]

What if within the cave(s), you indistinguishably pass/phase through a portal/barrier/entrance to another dimension/reality/time of existence? It doesn't have to be so literal as in saying our Earth itself is hollow.

What if this is all a simulation? What if this has all happened before and will all happen again? What if the universe was created by a giant spaghetti monster? Without evidence, this holds no more water than believing in ghosts.

You do realize some people (like many of the great philosophers of history) enjoy speculation and that not every topic of discussion must be grounded in evidence and quantified? I don't hold these beliefs, but I, myself, thoroughly enjoy discourse over such things. To each their own, but I don't go around knockin' other's down.

I mean, ya i like to speculate about far fetched ideas as much as the next guy, but IMO its more fun when it has some grounding in science or reality. Makes it more believable.

Well, there's evidence of thermal/ volcanic activity in Antarctica, it has it's own Volcano, Mt Erebus. which is the southernmost active volcano on the planet. It's the second largest, the bigger one Mt Sidley is dormant 4,181–4,285 metres (13,717–14,058 ft).

I would guess hot springs under ice is scientifically plausable. I don't know of any active volcanic landmass, Hawaii, NZ, Japan, Indonesia, etc that doesn't have adjacent geothermal activity. Is there anywhere else that just has a volcano but no other geothermal output? If so under ice caverns as a concept is cauterised. If not, it's science and 'more believable' becomes a declaration of some litmus of personal faith or entertainment threshold.

excuse my rambling.

Serious. Hollowed out icebergs due to warm water rivers.

How can you claim that science has disproven hollow earth when we can't even drill into the mantle? I'm not saying it's hollow but I'm not saying it's not


That article doesn't say they cant lol, its says its gonna take a while. This is just more evidence against a hollow earth theory since what they are drilling doesn't seem to be so hollow.

They have been trying to break through the mantle since the 50s to find out what is beyond it. We don't know because we can't get past it. Almost 70 years, man, come on. We really can't drill further?? I don't buy it.

You didn't even read the article that you gave me, did you? And, eventually youre going to get close to magma and not be able to drill any further because of the heat.


I've read it and dozens like it over the years. I'm no expert but the fact is we have not been able to drill deeper than 8 miles. So, to say we know what's down there simply isn't accurate. We also don't know shit about the oceans.

Well, then id say you are wilfully ignorant. There are answers to why we cant go deeper and you choose to disregard those answers. Your logic is flawed.

I just answered that. Now bugger off.

What, in your opinion, is preventing them?

It's hot. Fuck if I know. You said we know what's down there and I said we didn't because we haven't been down there. That's as far as I can take this.

Have an article:


Again, your linked source does nothing to help your argument.

The earth is almost 25,000 miles around. We've been down 8. We don't know shit about what's down there. That's my entire argument.

Except we do know. And if you're wondering how, It's literally called science. And you are ignoring all of it.


Indirect evidence based on earthquake activity is compelling, however, they admit it's just assumptions. How often do we discover how wrong we are? Google "new discovery" about any topic and TIL. And that's not even considering all the conspiracies. But anyway, you're kinda rude, for some reason, so I believe we should part ways.

Please feel free to have the last word. I'm sure it'll be a real winner.

That's the thing. The people who believe in all these various shaped earth theories also believe NASA and all of mainstream science is in on it.

Anyone ever read The Atlantis Gene series? It's fictional but has a lot of these theories in it about Antarctica and the global elite and ancient beings. Fun read. https://www.amazon.ca/Atlantis-Gene-Thriller-Origin-Mystery-ebook/dp/B00C2WDD5I

My thought is stupid crazy.

John Kerry was down in Antarctica on official state duties on the eve of the election. Super strange.

I am guessing that there is some type of secret base down there, and that Kerry camped out there hoping the whole world wouldn't explode.

Oh shit Benjamindd Fullford writes ; "The whole election strategy changed when John Kerry went to Antarctica as ordered. He was told by the special elite, the Gnostic Illuminati, who are still in control of this planet, to tell Obama and Clinton to back off and let Trump win. As we know, Hillary is only a front for the cabal and will most likely self-terminate within a few months at the most. Bill Clinton is at the end game now. His quadruple bypass surgery is not able to pump blood through his lifeless body anymore. We are informed that he will be gone by year end”.

Doesn't even have to be a secret base. He could have just hung out in the regular base in McMurdo. Occam's Razor suggests that this is exactly what it seems: one person in the line of succession is outside of range of any conceivable war or terrorist attack. It makes sense, in a way. If you were worried about some unknown terrorist attempt in CONUS, you wouldn't want to be there. Although I think it would be better to have someone locked in Cheyenne Mountain at NORAD, or in one of the underground bunkers outside of DC. Closer to the command structure. Although good communications now may make that reasoning obsolete. Hope they have a lot of food stored there.

One person in the line of succession is outside of range of any conceivable war or terrorist attack.

Just like Designated Survivor only with Herman Munster playing Kiefer Sutherlands role.


Yeah I think this is the most reasonable thing. Line of succession.

That's what I figure, too. They generally sequester one of the successors every time there is some major event, like the State of the Union address.

Secret, yes, but still rather banal.

Or who knows, it could end up being something ridiculous, like TPTB watched too many cartoons in the 80s, and actually have a skull-shaped antarctic base. I wouldn't be too surprised.

Well it would certainly be easy to hide. All you'd have to do is doctor the google maps, which has been done before in sensitive areas.

The support logistics for such a place might be the only obvious tell that it exists. They would need fuel shipments unless the base was nuclear powered. They would need food, medicine, personnel changes... everything. I went to Burning Man and the only stuff you have out in the desert is what you bring with you. Antarctica is even more isolated than that.

ROCKVILLE, Md., December 28th, 2011 -- Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] has been selected by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to operate and maintain the support infrastructure for the United States Antarctic Program (USAP), which enables universities, research institutions and federal agencies to conduct scientific research in the region. NSF is the designated single-point manager of the program, providing funding for research in Antarctica as well as logistics and infrastructure needed by other federal agencies for their research there. The multiyear contract is valued at approximately $2 billion if all options are exercised.

Under the new contract, Lockheed Martin will work with the NSF to implement a cost-effective, streamlined infrastructure for managing work stations and medical facilities, research vessels, construction projects and remote sites in and around Antarctica. The corporation also will modernize technologies to transport scientists, staff and supplies to and from the Antarctic region.

“Lockheed Martin is proud to work with more than 3,000 program participants involved in valuable research in Antarctica,” said Linda Gooden, executive vice president of Lockheed Martin’s Information Systems & Global Solutions (IS&GS) business. “We have a longstanding history of supporting customers in remote locations and logistically challenging environments and are committed to fostering scientific and technological innovations that will benefit the world.”


Although I think it would be better to have someone locked in Cheyenne Mountain at NORAD

I came to understand that's mostly a "tourist destination" since it's been reopened. Either that, or an 'nonfriendly' faction mans it.

Good point. If there is infighting on the intelligence and/or military side of things, NORAD might not be the safest place to be after all.

Maybe he was the 7th Floor backup in case something with the election went super sour.

Wouldn't it be some shit if ole Ben Fulford was right all along? He'd be like "I been TRYIN TO TELL YA!!?!"

This has alot to do with it


TLDR: Mars is believed to be a hostile environment, the closest thing we have on this earth is the Canadian Arctic and Antarctic. So its been quartered off to test high technology out of the public eye.

It's a little fishy that Kerry's field trip couldn't wait a day or two until after an election they received terror threats prior to. You would think the Secretary of State would want to be in the homeland if a terror strike occurs during said election...

Kerry = Skull and Bones. Remember when S & B has 2 presidential candidates running. Little did we know that they both had some serious clout.

you didn't know s&b had serious clout? Damn bro......

I did, but i didnt think they would be able to plant a presidential candidate on both sides with connections that are still relevant 16 years later. Obama also went to Yale i believe, which would make him a possible S&B contact

a close friend released the s&b roster on his website, you have to pay to play, but if youre interested, its legit. Americandeception.com and his moms site, deliberatedumbingdown.com Charlotte Iserbyt is a s&b whistleblower whos dad, and grand were s&b.

Edit: spelling

very cool, ill have to check it out, you cant Screenshot it for us?

I probably could, but I don't feel comfortable asking him to do it for free, as he has spent countless hours on his website. I will ask. tbh, I don't even want it on my pc. he is protected. I'm not.

you might email him and ask, say youre interested, but no $$. watch Charlottes you tube videos on s&b they are improperly titled "illuminati insider speaks out"

8:51 she shows the rosters of all members dead and alive.

Here's another one she did with Infowars.


fair enough

He lives in Portland, btw.

What election doesn't have terror threats? Don't we always?

Good point, but there was a lot of media coverage from Friday to Tuesday where "legitimate" terror threats were being reported across the country. The NYPD deployed a record number of officers to ensure safety during the election.

It's pretty irresponsible for the Secretary of State to bail during a major terror threat.

Yeah....right. cuz they're planning to go to Mars......

(Insert neo meme)there is no Mars One.

i wish there was no Mars One. That plan is so bad.

The plan is: take the money and run

Except, running isn't necessary, so just take the money and lie

whatever angle you care to take on it. It could be an elaborate ruse to peacock power over other countries or there could be something there. Either way its being done in the dark where there are no cameras and literally no population.

Except for the penguins. Can we get some cameras on them?

Project Penguin GoPro

those sneaky penguins.

not really "out of the public eye" on purpose TBH... If it's got the most Mars-like conditions in the world, then it stands to reason that nobody would want to live there.

well, some would say that the most mars like place happens to be conveniently in the artic regions. But we have to ask whether we believe it was selected because of remoteness or because of its lack of oversight, the second being the cause for CTs to float around. Area 51 was selected for 2 reasons (remoteness and flatness). Dugway Proving Grounds for 2 reasons (sparse population and its surrounded by mountains on 3 sides). The general overarching theme is that remoteness always plays a part.

property values probably

Basiago is hard to take seriously, he predicted himself president and he traveled to Mars back in the day with Obama.

It is a theory...

Yeah except Kerry went to the Antarctic, not the Arctic

i mean the "artic region" which includes alot of northern canadian island

What I'm saying is why does NASA testing in the Arctic have anything to do with Kerry visiting Antarctica? They are across the globe.

They're just playing with magnets.

"Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?"

RIP Ass Dan

This guy gets it.

Two comments here saying that. Is that a joke or a reference or something?

Well, the earth is a giant magnet, and magnets get super strong at the poles, right? I picture all of the elites sitting around the south pole, throwing magnets at it, just to see what happens. The international treaties and travel restrictions are just to make sure nobody messes with their fun.

You won't take away my "elite magnet games" visual that easily!

What is Lockheed Martin doing there?

"Logistics" apparently, but they are a key part of the military industrial complex and if you watch/believe Boyd Bushman...then you know it's more than logistics

Highjump still live?


Didn't assert that, and not what I asked.

They could just be flying planes and dropping supplies to a research station.

Watch the Boyd Bushman interview...then think about it again



Lockheed Martin is (or was?) the gov't general contractor for the U.S. Antarctic Program. Most of the actual 'work' is done though sub-contractors. Here's the link to the USAP if you want to know who the subcontractors are and what they do. https://www.usap.gov/jobsandopportunities/

Lockheed mostly handle logistics through McMurdo Station which is the main logistic hub for most of the continent, even non-US research stations. The exception being Palmer station and other research stations on the the Antarctic Peninsula. I don't know how logistics are handled on Palmer Station. They are supplied out of Santiago Chili, maybe?

What are they really doing there? Helping themselves (for free) to the all the research about Cosmic Rays, Neutrinos, Muons, Ancient Ice Cores, basically everything that comes out of the Amundson-Scott (south pole) station.

Secret Space program bases. The Nazi's escaped via submarines during the end of WW2 when it was apparent that they were losing. Since that time they have been constructing and operating infrastructure in the caverns under the landmass there.

In 1947 Admiral Byrd was tasked to send a fleet there under the codename "Operation Highjump" in an attempt to confirm the location of this base and I assume destroy/control it if possible. Since then the record has been "corrected" to suggest that this naval fleet of 5000 men, 13 ships and 26 aircraft was sent across the globe for a "training exercise" but this is about as likely as stories about swamp gas and directly contradicts testimony from Admiral Byrd himself. It is also worth mentioning that Operation Highjump was a severe failure, and they were met with advanced weaponry to which they had no answer.

Byrd and Secretary of Defense James Forrestall made an attempt to come forward with this information but after Forrestall was suddenly abducted by secret services, taken to the mental disease wing of Bethesda Naval Hospital, and then was 'suicided' by jumping out of a barred-window, Byrd made no further attempts to testify.

Every fucking day I read about some new weird conspiracy here. I want to know MORE!

Hey, I find Operation High jump very interesting. Do you have a source on the UFOS attacking and destroying the fleet? I struggle to find it online

There was a time when the TV stations across the United States would end their broadcast day at around one in the morning. At some point stations went twenty-four hours so they had a lot of time to fill. Often, United States propaganda films were aired to fill time. Someone way back then recorded about seventy minutes of the "Operation Highjump" propaganda film onto VHS. Billed as a scientific expedition they sure had a lot of "protection." When watching this I found the fresh water unfrozen lakes they filmed from the air and the afternoon when Admiral Byrd went missing to confirm or at the very least add a basis for some of the conspiracy theories. At one point in the filming the host of the film states they have so much film it will take five years to process it. It is interesting how dangerous it is to go to Antartica protrayed vividly in this "propaganda" film and yet so many famous people like Buzz Aldrin and Secretary Of State John Kerry have risked their lives to go there recently to see something with their own eyes. What is it?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI9gSyFHcbw

Even if it is not aliens or hollow earth or whatever the usual theories are, you can be sure whatever it is you won't hear the true story from them.

OP is a little late to the Antarctica party

Apparently an earthquake may occur there, yet I believe it will be more of a controlled demolitions of the glacier sheet. We are about to see some interesting shit happen soon.

New Zealand just had a 7.0+ magnitude earthquake.

is this related to the Tesla papers and the quake device he was working on?


Truth be told, I was hoping for a real life "The Thing."

Testing flamethrowers for riot control, leading to Kerry testing Nancy Pelosi's blood as it boils everywhere, spider legs burst out of her back and she sends her mutated tongue through Joe Biden's torso. Obama sits in the oval office watching this all unfold on closed circuit, shuts his laptop and smiles as the camera zooms in on his left pupil as it turns flame red.

End credits.

Man, I missed real conspiracy threads!

cracks knuckles

Kerry is visiting McMurdo Station, a U.S. research center in the Ross Sea — and, yes, the South Pole, too. His spokesman, John Kirby, says the purpose is to talk to researchers and scientists before he joins climate change talks in Morocco on Nov. 15.

Kirby bristled when a reporter asked if Kerry was just trying to knock Antarctica off his bucket list before his term ends, and while U.S. taxpayers still foot the bill for such trips.

"As an individual who has literally championed climate change research and awareness for decades now, the secretary is and will remain committed to increasing the awareness and education of the public about this," Kirby stressed. "It is important for him to see firsthand what we are learning about the environment down there on the South Pole."


Photograpic proof of USAF detachment landing


ROCKVILLE, Md., December 28th, 2011 -- Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] has been selected by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to operate and maintain the support infrastructure for the United States Antarctic Program (USAP), which enables universities, research institutions and federal agencies to conduct scientific research in the region. NSF is the designated single-point manager of the program, providing funding for research in Antarctica as well as logistics and infrastructure needed by other federal agencies for their research there. The multiyear contract is valued at approximately $2 billion if all options are exercised.

Under the new contract, Lockheed Martin will work with the NSF to implement a cost-effective, streamlined infrastructure for managing work stations and medical facilities, research vessels, construction projects and remote sites in and around Antarctica. The corporation also will modernize technologies to transport scientists, staff and supplies to and from the Antarctic region.

“Lockheed Martin is proud to work with more than 3,000 program participants involved in valuable research in Antarctica,” said Linda Gooden, executive vice president of Lockheed Martin’s Information Systems & Global Solutions (IS&GS) business. “We have a longstanding history of supporting customers in remote locations and logistically challenging environments and are committed to fostering scientific and technological innovations that will benefit the world.”


They're having a huge party with the penguins of course, who wouldn't wanna.

They're having a huge party with the penguins of course,

Must be a formal affair.

/Black ties

Some say the 13 bloodlines that rule the west are escaping there as well as Brazil and Africa.

Apparently he's gone there to discuss ways to start a civil war as their last hope to reclaim power.

Leader of the Russian Orthodox Church went there for a visit too! Link

Playing with magnets or propping up project bluebeam in key locations?

Search YouTube for Captain Byrd.

Don't forget about the emergency evacuation they had there back in June under risky conditions. I don't recall getting much more info from that than what is in the linked article.

Penguins are looking to go nuclear, Kerry is there to make a deal as long as they agree not to nuke the leopard seals for at least 10 years, or a Republican is in office (whichever is first). /S

Have any of you guys read the Missing 411 books? Perhaps there is a race of underground dwellers that use Antarctica as an entry point, then roam the Earth kidnapping people to replenish their dying civilization. Yes, that's it!

project high jump... possibility? how about agartha?

Corey Goode claims to have worked for a secret space program. He claims that Antarctica is home to several bases of a secret government tied to secret space programs as well as containing some bases of Draconians. It's a nice natural environment to create bases inside. There are places where vulcanism made huge domes under the thick ice. There's water, heat, energy and concealment there. It sounds plausible for hidden bases. Also, if one was launching vehicles to and from space, doing it away from populated areas is necessary for concealment. Antarctica is far from populated areas. The defense contractors are very much a part of this secret space program.


I'm just throwing this out there...possible connection with the asteroid prediction that will force us all into FEMA camps? just a thought....it could be plan B?

The penguing conspiracy.

Flat Earth theory, Antartica surrounds the whole Earth around the outside. So if we are in a snow globe, they could be experimenting with the edge or where the physics of reality break down there.

Operation Fishbowl was 'space' nuclear tests, flat earthers believe they were testing the strength of the dome/snow globe.

In no regards to the Flat Earth theory, but I have heard Earth is quarantined and the Moon is a sort-of lodestone/integral part of our barrier. I have heard we are quarantined here because an ancient evil (think old gods, chthonic etc) has been trapped here. It is said that no MAN can pass beyond the barrier (and thus all of our space missions stopped after reaching the Moon - I'm excited to see if we can get to Mars with a human). Only AI/Machines have passed the barrier to relay information back to us thus far.

I bring this up because, they also believe the nuclear tests in space were to try and break the barrier (and that technological advancement/civilization in general is guided by this ancient hand trying to escape). If you look at man, his natural state is that of the native/indigenous - one with the Earth, not one who exploits and destroys it. The real puzzle is our advancement. Today we have primitive, isolated tribes everywhere still living as if in the Stone Age. They have been living on the same Earth as we, and yet there is no obvious reason why they haven't acquired the same knowledge of sciences and technologies on their own as we supposedly have. So the question arises; what have these primitive tribes been isolated from?

It is all speculation of course..

after reaching the Moon

Well, they went around the moon, so clearly the barrier is somewhere beyond the moon, right?

True.. then maybe the Moon is just the observatory from which the wardens would take their watch from within the "Prison/Quarantine"? In comparative mythology, in specific the Book of Enoch (of the Apocrypha), it mentions the Watchers (or Grigori). Some "fall" to Earth and take humans as their consorts to create the Nephilim (giants).

So, a panopticon for the Earth ...

I like reading sci fi too

Any thoughts on the below concepts or just dismissive comments?

"The real puzzle is our advancement. Today we have primitive, isolated tribes everywhere still living as if in the Stone Age. They have been living on the same Earth as we, and yet there is no obvious reason why they haven't acquired the same knowledge of sciences and technologies on their own as we supposedly have. So the question arises; what have these primitive tribes been isolated from?"

they thought a Trump win would cause WW3, they may know something we don't, or they took Julian there

didn't the pope also go on election night?

Maybe it's more of that mysterious noise they're hearing in the Arctic.

The Antarctica stuff is weird but I don't really think much of it. One thing I did think was very odd was that Hillary and her campaign manager John Podesta were talking about aliens during the campaign... that's just not normal.

Did you read the r/nosleep story about down there? Could be a possibility...

Side note: The Never has a song called Antarctica.

Take a listen, good song. :). https://youtu.be/odswffyzCPs

I clicked not expecting much - but fantastic song! We'll have to get this playing on the yacht! :p

That's where they keep all the abducted people that there using to feed there Super Soldiers. We are all in danger! It's evil its self.

I don't know what it is yet, but we'll figure it out soon. I've already tied comet ping pong to George Soros, and tied him to Zionism but I'm still a little foggy on the Zionist/Antarctica connection

That would be so fucking cool.

Possibly related? Hijacking your comment sorry


Inb4 the chosen location gets blown the fuck up. Chance to wipe out a ton of free thinkers? They'll be all over it!

Old news now ya?

What am I looking at here

What is an OTRTOKEN?

I'd be so down. I'll bring the beer.

You do realize some people (like many of the great philosophers of history) enjoy speculation and that not every topic of discussion must be grounded in evidence and quantified? I don't hold these beliefs, but I, myself, thoroughly enjoy discourse over such things. To each their own, but I don't go around knockin' other's down.

Umm.... 44 mag would really be the bare minimum power/caliber wise, no need for silver/garlic. Even if arctic vampires were common enough to be a real threat, polar bears likely outnumber them...

Also, one things losing a little blood, another is getting eaten alive.

What proof do you have?

I mean, ya i like to speculate about far fetched ideas as much as the next guy, but IMO its more fun when it has some grounding in science or reality. Makes it more believable.

I just answered that. Now bugger off.

man o man I would love that.

I have a feeling that people on here could be fairly kooky and paranoid though irl..?

UFO landing. Pact with Aliens. Mark my word.

If you guys are really down for this I am too.

Operation Highjump II

Thank you for ELI5-ing.

The Second Impact

To the weird temple on Little Saint James Island. It is owned by Jeffrey Epstein. Anyone have a boat?

We are just going outside and may be some time.

I've seen Jaws like a dozen times so I think can swing it.

I could pull Quint off no problem.

you might email him and ask, say youre interested, but no $$. watch Charlottes you tube videos on s&b they are improperly titled "illuminati insider speaks out"

fair enough