Can we stop with all the damn Kaufman links??

56  2016-11-14 by Fuckaduckfuckaduck

Seriously. No one cares.


I said a while ago that there are a lot of users here who are spamming this subreddit to stop other news from coming through.

Uhh, you give to much credit to these shit posters.

The more likely explanation is that these people are bored.

I liked it better when the mods used to recognize agency activity, and place temporary topic bans to screw up their agendas. I thought it was quite effective. Maybe reddit took the means of doing that away from them, I don't know.

They're scared of their true nature being exposed. Their pedophile, satanic, cannibalistic nature

OP is completely correct!

AK was a wonderful and unique comedian

AK liked to "horse around" with reality

But he died, the joke is over

dead, dead as doornails

Now let's have Tony Clifton sing his elegy

Why? It's the best way to market the platinum edition Man on the Moon BluRay and digital release, right?

Shittiest comedian ever.

Whats the point of yelling at people that are probably gone already? Dig in and find out why they are spamming this crap.

Take off your diaper and put on your big boy pants.

Can we stop being triggered by other peoples posts?? Seriously, no one cares.

Yesterday there was 3 kaufman posts on new, all within about 10 minutes, by the same user.

How hard it it to make one thread and put them all in one?

It was a throwaway too, so not sure what his goal was, besides spam.

Same shit is happening with flat earth posts.

I wonder why. I was particularly refresh heavy during the election, and still am. During election there was barely any of those types of posts. Then shortly after, spam about stuff, that while it is conspiracy theory related, is only believed by a very minute amount of conspiracy theorists. it's like the more insane the topic is, the more it is pushed.

Easy explanation is that the people who believe in those, may be mentally unwell, hence the abnormal spam-like behavior.

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but aside from first explanation, I wonder if they are trying to set a 'conspiracy theorists are nuts' narrative. (Perhaps my memory is hazy, but didn't this start happening right after one post hit the front page? The petition post?)

Well said. I think some of them are intentional; merely distractions from larger issues going on. The best we can do is downvote and click "hide".

I agree but how this guy handled it by crying in a new thread is just silly.

Edit: also, this site is often used as a stage for peoples agendas. It happens daily. Screaming about it is silly... grow thicker skin and investigate the anomaly instead of crying.

You contradict yourself by saying it happens daily, but then calling it an anomaly. You also contradict yourself by saying "no one cares" while showing a level of care yourself.

The anomaly of WHY someone is spamming.

The way your comment is constructed implies the anomaly is people pushing agendas, something you previously acknowledged happens daily.

grow thicker skin and investigate the anomaly instead of crying.

Haha, not to butt heads..but you realize you came and cried about his crying? You just projected. Your advice to yourself is

grow thicker skin and investigate the anomaly instead of crying.

I believe you will take this as an insult, it's not. I'm just pointing it out.

Says the guy who has clearly been triggered by my post...

Practice what you preach.