I'm banned from practicing spiritual woo stuff and also fuck the nwo.

0  2016-11-14 by Daryatash

So I recently found out they've been inducing lot of needle/cramp feelings remotely between my sleep and awake state (and synthetic headaches, very painful feelings while I meditate) so I don't astral travel or OBE. I did the stupid thing of posting my experiences online and this is the consequence, so all I can do is let you know there's something fascinating to spiritual practices and an advanced AI (probably) controls lot of things now even many people to a degree.

edit: must realize I took meditation very seriously and I was floating and seeing other worlds or times after much effort. Just wanted to let you know weird shit really does happen after a while.

edit2: Not only so I can't astral travel or OBE, I can't find the link but natural telepathy is real and can affect others with our emotions also I'm gangstalked and harassed with electronic weapons in iran so when I say fuck the nwo I'm not being metaphorical .


Why you? i dont have cramps. Drink water avoid MSG and see if those headaches go away (Dietary advice not medical, no medicine involved mods).

I worry more about the paranoia you are experiencing though.

Dietary is a huge aspect of helping the endocrine system reset

Exactly, kill the parasites with diatamaceous earth, remove the metals with calcium bentonite/herbal mixes, flush kidneys with cranberry juice, cleanse gall/liver stones with apples/oil/lemon. avoid heavy intake of folic acids/make yourself less acidic.


Apple Cider Vinegar... jus sayin Edit: organic stuff. Braggs

yep the acidity needs to rise to allow for the bad elements (literal scientific elements) to be able to bind with other elements and be removed from body.

But you cant stay acidic to long with high levels of folic acid or you will be feeding any possible cancer cells nothing but pure sugar.

What supplements do you use after you've done that stuff?

I dont maintain i just cleanse every once in a while.

I eat a fuck ton of bacon, sausage, eggs and beans, lol. But i have a high metabolism so my bod needs extra protein (eat like that and only weigh 140).

Its more of a dance though. If you notice that ball on the top of the right back side or your neck swell you have a deposit of metals- flush metals.

If you notice your pee sinks to bottom of toilet-flush kidneys

Poo, well you know your poo- Flush liver

Feeling fatigued/irratable (nutrient not getting to you)- Flush parasites

I didnt mention de calcifying the pineal gland which is huge part of it.

drink water rlly ok

troll advice here (I'm used to trolls).

check out this multireddit related to targeted individuals and my submit history if wanna know more> https://www.reddit.com/user/Daryatash/m/gs/

edit: they also induce pain when I'm studying or pain/itches while I'm drawing. I can tell the cramps/headaches/itches are fake because for example a bad headache will come and go for 3 seconds and do that again a few seconds after, it escalates when I do certain things, you have no idea how advanced TPTB's technology is

I guess everyone who doesn't immediately agree you are some special snowflake and TPTB are targeting you with amazing dream weapons is either a troll or part of the conspiracy against you, correct?

There is nothing dreamy about these weapons

Navy veteran walking across nation to raise awareness of covert military experimentation http://www.ofallonweekly.com/2016/09/09/navy-veteran-walking-across-nation-to-raise-awareness-of-covert-military-experimentation/

Mass shooter in Colorado was obsessed with "mind control" (excerpts from his video blog)https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/3rd2tv/most_recent_mass_shooter_in_colorado_was_obsessed/

Boston Bombing Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev Reportedly Feared Voices His Head http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/16/tamerlan-tsarnaev-heard-voices-boston-bombing_n_4455717.html

September 17, 2013 Washington Gunman Recently Told Cops He Was Being Bombarded By Microwave Signals That Kept Him Awake At Night http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/aaron-alexis-rhode-island-police-report-675432

There are now rumors in Iraq of a devilish American weapon that make people believe they are hearing voices in their heads.http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htweap/articles/20071217.aspx

Hearing voices from God is a "big thing" in Arab culture, according to Bitar. "We flash-blind them. And, while their eyes are shut, you could send a recorded message or deep guttural voice that echoes in the inside of their head." http://ce399.typepad.com/weblog/2005/11/medusa_and_the_.html


Microwave voices inside your skull patent United States Patent 4,877,027http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=4,877,027.PN.&OS=PN/4,877,027&RS=PN/4,877,027

Microwave auditory effect http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_auditory_effect

Neuroweapons -- more terrifying than the atomic bomb http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO1309/S00440/neuroweapons-more-terrifying-than-the-atomic-bomb.htm

Targeted Individuals of Experimentation and Harassment using Electromagnetic Radiation and Non-Lethal Weapons http://mindjustice.org/victims.htm

More voices in the head news https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bqZZDN3h6U&feature=youtu.be&t=3m4s

Here's Putin talking about his psychotronic weapons program:www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2123415/‎

"MEDUSA involves a microwave auditory effect "loud" enough to cause discomfort or even incapacitation. Sadovnik says that normal audio safety limits do not apply since the sound does not enter through the eardrums.http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14250#.VRk5-hBlBdY

'The Microwave Scream Inside Your Skull' http://www.wired.com/2008/07/the-microwave-s/

yes I know all about the claims, but the thing is you are not important enough to waste time with annoying you. The other, bigger problem is that the symptoms of schizophrenia and paranoid delusions just happen to be the same as what these "weapons" are claimed to do. If you really must go down this path to insanity the answer is very simple, construct a faraday cage and sit inside of that. If you are so well-versed in these technologies why don't you know that?

fuck off tyvm.

enjoy your delusions, at least it keeps you busy.

this comment i wrote before seems relevent

...As for trusting other people's "opinions" that I might not be feeling instigated physical torture that is spiked after certain internet posts or I wasn't controlled to speak for 15 mins or that I just imagined my heart being squeezed 20 times over a period of 2 days...no. I am sorry but I cannot, and I hope you understand why. (I have consulted a doctor who prescribed me medication to deal with stress from being physically tortured, unlike a lot of reddit users, I am not saying you, they understand how this technology could theoretically work)

SCIENTISTS CAN NOW CONTROL MICE BRAINS WIRELESSLY: http://www.popsci.com/researchers-control-mouse-movements-remote-control-device?src=SOC&dom=fb

Scientists discover that our brain waves can be sent by electrical fields: http://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-discover-new-method-of-brain-wave-transmission-electrical-fields

call it trolling all you want but dehydration is a common cause of headaches, lol.

I have an idea of how advanced TPTB weaponry is i just posted the links to their microwave mind control. Basically what you are saying.

But its probably only theoretical and even if it is real why would they target you? Do you know some big secret? I guess if they were targeting a certain type of the population that would make sense but right now only you are reporting it.

Lets get it out in the open to see if you are being targeted.

Are you Muslim?

Do you support Hezbollah/Hamas?

Do you think jews need to be killed?

Do you know secrets?

You into pedo?


If you answered yes to any of the above then you have a reason to be targeted, if not then they are not targeting you unless there is a reason.

read my ELI5 post about organized stalking/electronic harassment to understand targeting better, I am not telling you why I think I am targeted. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5bbp0x/i_wrote_an_eli5_for_gangstalking_and_electronic/

Reasons for being targeted vary and some are targeted just cuz TPTB want to study them and advance their tech (a lot of people with high cognitive abilities or who could help humanity in big ways are targeted)

tech that is probably used for wars and money in the end: https://www.wired.com/2010/09/remote-control-minds/

or this other guy explains it better IMO: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/comments/5chgfp/my_experiences_and_thoughts_on_this_community/

I want people to understand there is nothing very special about many targets and more people are targeted than you'd think, to various degrees. Most of it is done for research purposes, the program is designed to make targets sound mentally ill and many targets have family issues, a history of mental illness or were veterans, they are chosen for various reasons and most are people with not many connections to get this info out or who the public will not believe.

Ok can you denounce these 3 i listed before??

Do you support Hezbollah/Hamas?

Do you think jews need to be killed?

You into pedo?

Im cool to talk to you about this rabbit hole but lack of denial has me slightly concerned.

I think you will denounce these, but lets start here.

I can't tell if trolling or really that dumb...read previous comment again to understand targeting better.

I read your post and im willing to talk to you but at this point i think you like to rape kids or want to kill innocent people because you cant denounce wanting to do so.

I have asked now 3 times and you have deflected twice already.


Do you like looking at pics of naked children??


Do you think all jews should die??


Its easy questions, why cant you answer it?

why do you think you're entitled to an answer from me?

Cause i will report you to the FBI for being a pedo or a terrorist

what makes you think I'm a pedo or a terrorist?

lmao thanks for making my day though, best trolling I've had for a while

Why do i think? Cause those are the people the government is targeting and you are scared of being targeted.

You have deflected the question 3 times now lets see if we can get number 4.

Are you a pedo?

Do you think all jews should die?

Just say no its easy, why 5 posts of agreeing with it?

now I know you didn't read my comment about targeting

It didnt say you werent a pedo/terrorist.

I read all about

delusions of persecution

delusions of grandeur

and paranoia


You gotta start convincing me you arent a bad person or having a mental break right now. Cause your behavior is beyond concerning.

That is the whole reason this line of questioning has begun. Yet every time you refuse to answer and deflect saying read the trigger posts. That is a sign of a liar, hence you are saying you are a pedo/terrorist.

Saying no would have taken one post yet here we are 6 or so posts into it.

Answer the questions already.

Are you a pedo??

Do you think all jews should die??

(watch) Nope dont like to diddle little kids and think jews are ok

Are you here to find out about gangstalking or if I'm a jew hating arab pedo? way to stay on topic, and I don't contribute to discussions that I feel are pointless sorry.

Hmmm, sorry but i gave you 5 chances, have a good day :) Now you have a reason to be paranoid

anyone else annoyed of what a shillfest this place has become

although I do enjoy when they seep to the top so I can tag their names for later

ugh. yes, I agree.

What were these other worlds like?

I'm sorry but I hope you can understand why I can't talk about some experiences online anymore ;(

fuck off tyvm.

Hmmm, sorry but i gave you 5 chances, have a good day :) Now you have a reason to be paranoid