I'm so fucking proud of all you guys. Truth and light seekers bringing this all to focus. We all have the power to bring those responsible to justice, and that's what we will do. Keep it up.

189  2016-11-14 by Loud_Volume

PedoGate/PizzaGate is getting too coincidental now to be able to have plausible deniability or brushed off.

This is the biggest scandal to hit in a long time and we need to stay strong.

You can tell the people that have orchestrated these sick acts are getting scared of what we are uncovering.

Please, don't let up. I am proud of you all for what you have managed to do with this.

We hold the power to bring these sick fucks to justice. If we can get Trump into presidency we can end all this darkness once and for all.

Don't let anyone divide us. Divided we will fall. We have the power to change this world using the Internet alone. Keep sharing, keep reading, keep investigating, keep digging.

Don't give up your individual power. We are strong. We are divine beings capable of great change and great power but the people that have been in control for too long have kept us down and spiritually locked in a dark void. That void is lifting. Light is being shone in places now easily recognized before. All the puzzle pieces are in the right place to insure we have enough to bring these evil people down to their knees.

It was only a matter of time. And that time is now. Please, don't give up. And please, don't let them divide us. Come together as one, as we are all one. Let's make this world better, for us all, but to bring about positive change, old, outdated, negative ways of living on this earth are going to fall.

This is evident with this election and this scandal. Everything is primed now to let us secure a positive future for us and our children.

Good fucking job guys. I am proud of you all. We have proven to each other what we can do when we come together as one.

Thank you for what you do. And don't stop.



I wonder who downvoted this post.

It's the title's fault

I sat there for 10 minutes trying to make a good title and I still kinda fucked it up. Any other suggestions because I will probably repost this to the PizzaGate subreddit.

Theme it as a type of rally call. Since our nation is polarized, let's do the opposite. Let's unite. Like minds for the purpose exposing this disease in our world once and for all.

If you can come up with something towards that?

Great post.

I know I am feeling surreal in all of this. But holding it together.

One thing that grounds me is to appreciate everyone else's efforts. We are like a group consciousness. Even though we don't know each other our energies and intents are similar so we can support each other during the horrors of what we uncover. One person couldn't do this alone.

Completely agree, minus the Trump part, this one's on us folks

Im lost. What does trump have to do with this?

They can't pay enough people off to outweigh the righteous ones! They just want to give us the perception that we are losing. Keep that in mind everyone. Keep digging up dirt on the real criminals we will prevail in the end. Be the light in the dark room!

I want to be your friend.

Me too. Starseeds FTW

Are you sure this isn't more appropriate for /r/SelfCongratulatory?

what is the latest developments? links?

Are we done now?

We are done with the introduction. Next comes the beginning.

Meanwhile Trump pads the white house with white supremacists and science deniers. Keep hunting that pizza while some burns lol 😬

I would say child trafficking Trumps anything else.

Yeah. I can't argue with that. Carry on.

I completely like you exponentially more than ever.


I'm reasonably close to the point where I feel more friendly towards white supremacists than social justice warriors, to be brutally honest.

So if the anti trump protestors are fake why cant the "social justice warriors" be fake to be extreme to make white nationalists feel vindicated about their views? Oh I forgot anything that is pro trump is the truth and against the establishment

So if the anti trump protestors are fake why cant the "social justice warriors" be fake to be extreme to make white nationalists feel vindicated about their views?

They easily could be. I am also not, in fact, a white supremacist. I've spent lots of time on 4chan, and I'm more than willing to tell them to sit down and shut up. I'm just someone who detests SJWs to a marginally greater degree than I do them.

Thank you for demonstrating white privilege and irony at the same time. Not thank you for feeling friendly towards white supremacists.

You still haven't told me why I need to care about what you or any other SJWs think.

I completely like you exponentially more than ever.

Yeah. I can't argue with that. Carry on.