Dear r/the_donald. Stop using this sub to promote your candidate. This is a sub that holds TPTB accountable. Submit your criticisms of Trump. We don't need lap dogs here.

19103  2016-11-14 by [deleted]



FUUUUCK. Thanks for saying this. I thought I was losing it lately because people have been posting decent stuff but then as soon as anyone implicated Trump, it's like wooooaahhh. Leave him out. Um he's a rich, powerful, manipulating, fear-monger just like the rest. A friend of JE is never a friend of mine, bunch of slimy fucks.

Honestly I never understood the Trump love around here beyond his support for Alex Jones. He's been a member of the elite his entire life, has friends in shady places, has a primary interest in increasing his fortune and popularity, and is looking to fill his cabinet with Bush-era establishment guys.

I believe Clinton is corrupt too, but the major difference I've seen between him and Clinton this election is that we've barely seen ANYTHING about Trump's behind-the-scenes dealings. We've been fortunate enough to explore massive investigations against Clinton, look at her and her foundation's financial records, see thousands of leaked and released emails, but we can't even see Trump's tax returns. I really don't like that there's some kind of assumption he's clean when he should be an obviously shady character and we know little beyond what he tells us.



What's the message? I started counting the sheep and fell asleep.

Love it. With Hillary it would be a wolf in sheep's clothing. Trump is just the wolf.

Yea, from that standpoint Trump did a great job at tearing off Hillary's sheep suit during the debates.

Unfortunately, I don't see any sheep(suits) in politics or business, just wolves hungry for a meal.

From that standpoint, Trump definitely looks a lot hungrier than Hillary.


Gold, Jerry! Gold!

Nope. Didn't get gilded.

Life's a bitch!


Haha, I'm anti-trump but that's a pretty accurate description of Hillary in that picture.

She's literally just smiling at him.

That's what's so perfect about it, people can take literally anything related to Hillary and turn it into a negative.


What America needs is someone to go in and clean up the military industrial complex, the privatized prison systems and legalize marijuana.

Once we stop crippling our economy by going to war and locking our citizens up for profit using tax dollars and instead start receiving sales tax for the marijuana that's currently being sold illegally - true change will become possible.

Political corruption, our prison population, federal income taxes - all cut down

Citizens would be able to live their lives free of being imprisoned for smoking a little reefer.

Jobs? Plenty. The privatized prison systems are largely fronts for legalized slavery. You see once you are sentenced, you lose all of your rights and become property of the state to use for manufacturing. That's where all of our jobs went. Not Mexico (who's cartels are now financially weakened due to the legalization as well).

Our schools and prison systems are fundamentally flawed. We "teach" children by spouting information at them without teaching them how to find it on their own - how to fact-check it for validity. We use our "correctional facilities" simply as a means to punish people without putting any thought into actually helping them become a better citizen.

I've yet to hear any candidate mention or acknowledge these problems let alone run a campaign on them.


I didn't realize the private prison system recently started raking in money off immigration detention. Maybe that's part of Trump's play with the wall?

People can't "find" jobs because half the country is dumb enough to vote for Trump. We need to educate people on how to start a business or at least tell them to go into a profession with a demand. My college program has had a 100% pre-graduation job placement rating for like 10 years running (meaning every student to graduate with that degree accepted jobs prior to graduating) and myself along with 2 of my highschool buddies all went through it and now have lucrative careers while I see other friends who wasted free rides on parties and unmarketable degrees.

People need to accept that the future is in education and IT. Not manual labor that can be cheaply outsourced.

Either that or embrace the fact that we are the world's mob and up the extortion. I'm down with whatever, just vote for me.

Even the Independents were way off, their civil policies sounded tempting because they promised much more freedom but their economic policies don't make sense to me in our current economy.

Yea, Bernie Sanders was a moron. He was like the liberal equivalent of Trump (which is why I think he became so popular at the start - essentially the conservative's "fuck you" for Bernie).

You told it like it is. Now read your own comment. The fact that mainstream and powerful media didn't find or publish anything about Trump - is a major conspiracy. Or truth.

They found plenty... Everything from grabbing cunts to mocking the disabled...

Business practices? He bankrupts stuff for a living

Domestic interests? He's completely globalized

We have thousands of Clinton's personal e-mails while she was secretary of state to go through (along with the FBI) and (mis)interpret. Trump still hasn't even released his tax return.

I'm a huge fan of the idea of Wikileaks but they handed this election to Trump.

Well, You are an agent. Tell me how come Trump message or propaganda prevailed , opposed to Hilary's ? What was the tipping point .. Was it FBIAnon post on 4chan , or was it that Hillary was out of touch and more corrupted ? Also, were we really on the verge of WWIII as posted around, or was it part of a Trump scheme ? I know USA media was unbearable about Russia last few months.

PS. I'm not from USA. My interest is only in the way the world works and how to live decently.

Trumps "message" prevailed because it was all-encompassing, had sophisticated brainwashing techniques and was targeted at America's most gullible political party (almost entirely christian hence the fake pope articles, antichrist messages, anti muslim sentiments etc). They told people that if they didn't vote they would be personally accountable to god for every abortion that takes place post-election. They told people that Soros/the DNC control the government and Trump is their only hope at a fair democracy. They told people that Clinton was paying people to beat up Trump supporters. They told people BLM was run by Soros. They told people the MSM is biased and to only come to them for information. Need I go on? He ran an excellent campaign and as a businessman I tip my hat to him but he's still not my president. I'd like to think that conspiracy theorists weren't the target/aren't republican and he was merely exploiting the addictiveness of a good theory, however, I'm beginning to have doubts.

I'm not an agent. In truth I'm a pissed off ~25 year old white guy who has been dating an undocumented immigrant for the past 3 years and I'm personally pissed off that he thinks he has the right to wrangle her up and deport her.

She comes from an area that's filled with violence/poverty and merely fled here to escape and now lives peacefully with me working over 40 hours a week and paying the same income and sales taxes as every other citizen.

I'm able to separate myself from that and see that other citizens will suffer just as much from Trump's "message". That's why you see people protesting in mass.

In general, the Republican platform runs off Christianity, the Military, Whites and the Rich while the Democratic platform runs off increasing civil rights for all citizens.

As Obama was taking office he was subjected to being called a Muslim terrorist and was basically forced to show his birth certificate to the public. People were/still are so racist that they can't help but distrust a black man. Almost every white person I knew - family, friends' families called him a nigger and talked about how he was going to ruin the country (coming out of being economically depressed from the Bush administration). For the past 8 years he has turned this country around. We are (almost) completely recovered and things seem to have been business as usual on the war front. Women saw lots of rights given to them. Black people felt accepted in society since they finally got one of their own in office (there was a huge racial divide). Gays were granted the right to marry. Immigrants were welcomed with open arms. Our suffering were given government assistance to get back on their feet. etc. It seemed the USA was truly the land of the free and a place I could call my home.

Then Trump came along with his civil rights stomping ass. The Democrats will never take a civil right away from anyone. The Republicans seem to want to oppress any non-white male (claim the bible for why women should have less pay, rights, etc). People seemed to have forgotten America's ugly domestic past. While I was off having fun with my new black, hispanic and gay friends a dark faction of citizens were apparently stewing in their bunkers pissed off at how the world has gone to shit.

So, pedo allegations and satanic thing was all just a big elaborate scheme ? ... 'Cause they might be just very weird , and not appropriate on Instagram , or are them a spawn of satan, nothing less ?

dark faction of citizens

OK. Let me tell about myself , since you were being so kind in sharing your place and view of the world.

I live in Serbia, it's in eastern europe and was until 1991 a part of a country called Yugoslavia. Look into Josip Broz Tito (who was our 'marchall' and a socialist dictator) and look into the making of Non-Aligned Movement. I'm 43yr white male. When I was born , our country experienced major economic boost , coming from a , but economy was so blooming it was easily payed off. There are some analysis that citizens of Yugoslavia actually felt and made up to 50% more money / consumer power (?) in the small period of 2 years. At that time 1973 - 75,6 . Now comes 1980 and our beloved dictator dies of old age (had a one of the largest funerals in history - by foreign delegation attendance, look it up, too). It took about 10 years for shit to hits the fan and nationalism to start blooming (YU consisted of 6 republics and about 8 major nations: Slovenians, Croats, Muslims, Serbs, Macedonians, Montenegrians, Kosovo-albanians, and some Hungarians) I'm a minor minority nation, too.

So, with incentives from Western Europe (EU Union in forming) and NATO in forming, Slovenia and Croatia decides to secede. All hell breaks loose, 'cause Croatia had about 15% of Serbs living in it, they wanted to keep living in Yugoslavia. Also , they remembered 2nd WW , when Croats had a strong fascist movement of Ustasha. Western world allies Croatia to secede , war starts, first Croatia, then Bosnia, then Kosovo. Serbia are bad guys , all the time. In retrospective, the reason for this was always the way of independence and non-aligment being rooted very strong in Serbia.

Basically , western europe, USA, and NATO helped very much for a country of 20 million same language speaking , with strong independence movement, strong economy and strong army, to fall apart to 7 small , nationalistic countries.

In comes EU and USA to buy all the good industrial resources, and make us work like slaves for a small vage for them. Divide & rule. My country - Serbia was made to look like it's full of villains (look up some holiwood movies) , savages and nationalistic retards. And it was made to look like that - by American Democrats. When in fact, the only countries that were accepted into EU were Slovenia and Croatia, countries that are almost purely ethnically clean. (Look up Croatia - operation Storm / Oluja , which made almost all Serbs to flee to Serbia , 10% of Croatia population) Oh, that made with a help of NATO and USA liberals.

Soros all the way involved in 'making of these civil societies'. Fact. Comes a 1999 and a Kosovo problem , long in waiting, since Serbs and Kosovars had their share of disputes. Again, with the incentives from the West, Kosovo demands indipendence (how lucky for USA that it has some major mining grounds and resources to serve in next 50 years). Liberal politics from USA.

And here comes the first european bombing of independant country since the 2ndWW. That bombing of Serbia could've easily instigated 3rdWW if the Russia was strong as it is now. Luckily for Serbia (which is to 'blame' for all wars ever (look up 'Gavrilo Princip')) , it did not grow into major world conflict. Kosovo albanians payed of their debt to western world by being a major drug trafficing country, and with an illegal trade of people and organs (look-up 'Organ theft in Kosovo , Yellow house')

Comes 2000, and we were overthrowing our 'dictator' Milosevic (who , by the way , wasn't at all nationalist, but more of a socialist with a strong non-nationalistic view for Serbia) , and happily run into this 'Brave new world' of freedom and democracy.

So, 16 years later, we are still waiting to be accepted to European Union, still getting lectured of democracy, still being called savages (by England and USA, most prominently) , and with having now a gullible , easily manipulated (from West) goverment. Still waiting for a better pay , better life, better day. I am a minor minority in Serbia, never had a single nationalistic problem in life, live in a city that has the most variants of religions and churches, probably in the whole eastern europe (see 'Novi Sad' it's a beautiful city - chosen to be Cultural capital of Europe for 2020.) , still waiting to not be called 'savage' by the western societies. Here is an example of a City sign in my neighbour, written in six languages ... it was always like this here where I live. Savage , isn't it ?

I'm seeing a major influx of Syrian , Iraq, Afganistan refugess , passing through my country and city , going to EU to seek a better life. Every day. Croatia and Hungary (both part of EU) had built their walls already, they did not need Trump for that.

So, all I can think when looking at american liberals protest against Trump is this: even though your purpose and goal is credible and worth fighting for, you people live in the bubble and not seeing that Democrats and liberals with a MAJOR HELP of Soros and so called 'open societies' are actually blackmailing and destroing countries , inventing wars to sell arms and take resources. And your protests against Trump are used, organized, or helped by some major villains, as seen throughout the world. Well, if you don't chill and learn about what's going on, you will now see the same shit that I in the Serbia, some dude in Iraq, Libya, Sirya , and Ukraine were seeing all these years. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe you need a rude awakening.

I'm just trying to make sense of everything. I went from 100% hillary to finding out about all of these conspiracy theories tied to a billionare capitalist "knight in shining armor" (Trump) so the skepticism is strong. Him wanting to kick my girlfriend out, Alex Jones' craziness and the whole nazi correlations weren't helping. Not to mention, he hasn't come out and stated anything officially and seems to just be hiring a bunch ot crazies for his cabinet... I'm pretty close to jumping on the Trump train but I still smell a fish somewhere.

Oh, yes. The smell of fish is everywhere. Especially around Clintons. We'll see what Trump is in a couple of months .. Is he a democratic plant ? Is he a KKK choice ? I'l give him credit (taken form some interviews) of manipulating both sides to his benefit , at the time needed. But, I think he is smarter that that. Also, don't forget that his wife was immigrant at some point, too.

It's a lot more than two sides. Adam kokesh appears to have been campaigning that Trumps going to completely abolish the government lol.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing though, Putin is a strong leader but is corrupt as fuck + has probably killed people with his bare hands.

Nobody could do his job better. You need a tough person to be in charge of a country like Russia.

Edit: Mind on elaborating on why you guys disagree rather than just downvoting? Imaginary points from a mindless herd of sheep don't make me reconsider my position.

Fuck any so-called American twat who idolizes and praises Putin. Go to Russia if you want him as a leader.

Why go to Russia when he's about to take over the US?

There has been a lot of pro Putin brainwashing going around now that I reflect back though.

People forget that the original CTR was, and is, the Putinbot.

Such a weird knee-jerk response, still eating up that propaganda or what? Where did the bad man Putin touch you?

I wasn't even praising him, just said people like him are necessary.

Russia used to the be USSR, just in case you weren't aware that before 1993 Russia was the are aware of that right?

Of course they are tame, they are the largest remnant of a failed global superpower from 23 years ago. You don't fail as a superpower and then instantly recoup yourself and go back to fucking with the world with noticably less power and influence like a badass.

Russia isn't the good guy or the bad guy since countries aren't human beings and therefore can't be good guys or bad guys, they can do good or bad things from certain perspectives but that's really depending on what country you live and it's relationship with Russia.

Ok, but at the height of the cold war both the USA and USSR were doing equally corrupt shit. At the very least both nations are equally corrupt. Why is it though that americans have such a hateboner for russia/putin when their own government does the same thing, and worse than russia now?

Unlike the president of the united states, putin is firmly in charge. At least you know who is pulling the strings and how the power structure is aligned. With the USA there's a shadow government controlled by massive monetary interests from around the world. They abuse the USA's power for their wealth whereas Putin enriches himself. The corruption in Russia is much more open and authoritarian rather than the subversive manipulation in the USA that makes people think their country isn't a fucking monstrosity.

Putin is owned by old ex-KGB and has been from day one. He would have a hole in his head the moment he thinks he can pull his own strings. Go read up on KGB and where Putin comes from, you'll realize there is no way he could get to where he is without having people above him helping and putting him into power, those are the ones who control Russia.

Uh, no. He is the head of it. I know all about his history and obviously he used his intelligence ties to subvert control from the russian mafia/government and made them his bitch.

Try again, pleb.

OHHHHHH i'm sorry, i didn't realize this was /u/mutfundtaxetf the legendary and world renowned Putin and Russian expert.

How do you expect people to take you seriously on anything when they open your profile and one of your recent comments go like this,

"Arf, arf Yeah, yeah, yeah (Grr) Uh, yo'don't get it twisted This president shit, is mine Motherfucker, it's not a fucking game Fuck what you heard It's what you hearin' It's what you hearin' (Listen) It's what you hearin' (Listen) It's what you hearin' (Listen) Trump gonna give it to ya Fuck waitin' for you to get it on your own Trump gonna deliver to ya Knock knock, open up the door, it's real With the non-stop, pop pop and stainless steel Go hard gettin' busy with it, but I got such a good heart That I'll make a motherfucker wonder if he did it Damn right and I'll do it again 'Cuz I am right so I gots to win Break bread wit the enemy But no matter how many cats I break bread with I'll break who you sendin' me You motherfuckers never wanted nothin' but your life saved Bitch and that's on a light day I'm gettin' down, down, like a nigga said 'freeze' But won't be the one endin' up on his knees Bitch please If the only thing you cats did was came out to play Stay out my way Motherfucker First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Ain't never gave nothin' to me But every time I turn around Cats got their hands out wantin' something from me I ain't got it so you can't get it Let's leave it at that cuz I ain't with it Hit it wit full strength, I'm a jail nigga So I face the world like it's Earl in the bullpen You against me, me against you Whatever, whenever nigga Fuck you gon' do? I'm a wolf in sheep clothing Only nigga that you know who can chill Come back and get the streets open I've been doing this for nineteen years Niggas wanna fight me? Fight these tears I put in work and it's all for the kids But these cats done forgot what work is (Uh-huh!) They don't know who we be Lookin', but they don't know who they see nigga First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Aiiyo where my niggaz at? I know I got them down in the game Give em love and they give it back Talk too much for too long Don't give up you're too strong (What?) Love to the wild wild hundreds Shout out to niggaz that done it And it ain't even about the dough It's about gettin' down for what you stand for yo', for real First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya"

You should just stick to singing that shit in your shower and feeling like a man because this arguing this just makes you look stupid.

Obviously I struck a nerve about your retarded uninformed opinion. Sorry pal sometimes people know more than you and are better in every way :)

Next time post an argument!

"Arf, arf Yeah, yeah, yeah (Grr) Uh, yo'don't get it twisted This president shit, is mine Motherfucker, it's not a fucking game Fuck what you heard It's what you hearin' It's what you hearin' (Listen) It's what you hearin' (Listen) It's what you hearin' (Listen) Trump gonna give it to ya Fuck waitin' for you to get it on your own Trump gonna deliver to ya Knock knock, open up the door, it's real With the non-stop, pop pop and stainless steel Go hard gettin' busy with it, but I got such a good heart That I'll make a motherfucker wonder if he did it Damn right and I'll do it again 'Cuz I am right so I gots to win Break bread wit the enemy But no matter how many cats I break bread with I'll break who you sendin' me You motherfuckers never wanted nothin' but your life saved Bitch and that's on a light day I'm gettin' down, down, like a nigga said 'freeze' But won't be the one endin' up on his knees Bitch please If the only thing you cats did was came out to play Stay out my way Motherfucker First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Ain't never gave nothin' to me But every time I turn around Cats got their hands out wantin' something from me I ain't got it so you can't get it Let's leave it at that cuz I ain't with it Hit it wit full strength, I'm a jail nigga So I face the world like it's Earl in the bullpen You against me, me against you Whatever, whenever nigga Fuck you gon' do? I'm a wolf in sheep clothing Only nigga that you know who can chill Come back and get the streets open I've been doing this for nineteen years Niggas wanna fight me? Fight these tears I put in work and it's all for the kids But these cats done forgot what work is (Uh-huh!) They don't know who we be Lookin', but they don't know who they see nigga First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Aiiyo where my niggaz at? I know I got them down in the game Give em love and they give it back Talk too much for too long Don't give up you're too strong (What?) Love to the wild wild hundreds Shout out to niggaz that done it And it ain't even about the dough It's about gettin' down for what you stand for yo', for real First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya First we gonna ROCK, then we gonna ROLL Then we let it POP, DON'T LET IT GO Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya Trump gonna give it to ya He gonna give it to ya

i went into this thread hoping for some nice russian history debate and KGB conspiracies, but i did not expect this.

Eh, I feel it should just be assumed that the POTUS is going to subjected to corruption and extortion since it essentially comes with the job. The ridiculous idea that he would even be able to come in and sweep out corruption without immediately being assassinated is preposterous and needs to just be thrown out the window.

This leaves three options: he's already corrupt, he will be corrupted, or he's not going to survive to see anything come to fruition.

Given that he is fully saying that he wants to go in and flush out "the swamp" (corrupt democrats), I'm left with the options that the government's corruption isn't really an issue (not likely), Trump want's to go in and be the Republican's Soros (what I'm guessing), Trump is dumb enough to think he can sweep out a shadow government (I don't think he's that dumb) or he is willing to sacrifice himself for "the truth" (possible but I doubt it).

Judging by his familiarity with MoveOn, Soros, Wikileaks, etc. I assume he's just been playing the jester in order to further the police state agenda for the NWO or whoever and drawing attention to Soros in order to take over his position or as a scapegoat for simple military industrial complex/privatized prison/etc money.

My best guess is the last, he's using Soros (a known conspiracy theory target and someone with relatively low wealth and life expectancy) as a scapegoat for his election and his plans are to exploit his position to further his family's wealth and power.

I think his reforms are reasonable enough, he's just cleaning up congress. The only way he steps on the wrong shoes is if he interferes with some geo-political stuff like coups going on.

If I already had congress paid off and he came in wanting to prevent my ability to keep doing so - he would be taken out.

Taken out and finger banged? What, no foreplay first?

No. Taken out... >.o

Ah, to a fine steak dinner? I like the way you think, maybe I'll take him out to get lobster afterwards.

You're assuming there's only one controlling monetary interest in congress. It's not centralized corruption or control, it's just the invisible hand of a broken power structure controlled by overall greed not a single entity. A nudge in the right direction (trump's plan) won't fix it but it will reduce the weight that hand has on policy.

If you think there's some sort of evil cabal that controls every move and policy you're a fucking moron plain and simple.

I assume it would just make that invisible hand's job harder as he would have to reach out to more people but that's essentially just another middle-man position for them.

I look at it like this: I'm the president and the nation wants gun control - the NRA is offering me a 200k bribe and the anti-gun lobby is offering me 100k - I'm obviously taking the NRA's offer and keeping that relationship alive.

Then just apply that to every issue and every politician and that's how the "shadow government" operates. George Soros would just be a major player with a lot of interests.

Yeah and Trump's policies will help alleviate that. There will be a revolving door of corruption as we vote out the congress people who vote against our interest but at least if you're voted out you now have some employment/lobbying restrictions and thus the bribes will be more costly.

Babysteps to get money out of politics.

Personally I think we should an avenue of legally pursuing death penalties for corrupt congressmen instead of just voting them out. Either that or direct democracy/meritocracy is the only way we curb corruption to a manageable level

If nothing else, it will increase the people's ability to vote in change so I'm for it.

The Russian economy is in the shitter though

Nobody could do his job better... not so sure about that.

wait, alex jones is respected here? lol.

They're turning the frogs gay, people.

In my opinion Alex Jones is a fearmonger that uses conspiracy theories to spread fear, divide the people and push his own agenda. He mixes truths with half-truths and lies and offers no real solutions to any world problems while just making people more afraid and helpless.

I would even go as far to say he is there for precisely those reasons, a puppet placed there by those in power to subdue the part of the population that have started to look for truths about the current geopolitical situation and our world in general outside the mainstream narrative (people looking into possible conspiracies...etc. ) and distract them while filling them with fear, anger and hopelessness/helplessness.

Alex Jones is an entrepreneur. He sells DVD's and snake oil. I don't personally think he goes much deeper than that.

You forget how he "snuck in" the bohemian grove complete with video and audio recording devices, fooled hundreds of guards plus the attending elite, and positioned himself at a perfect first-row seat angle to capture the cremation of care ritual in all its splendor and clarity. If you think that fat, stubby loudmouth could device such a 007/mission impossible plan and carry it out, then I dont know what to tell you.


so blurry

You believe that? K.


I can see you feel strongly about the subject.

Jon Ronson was with him, and wrote about it in a book later. It sounds like Jones talked it up later into this 007 shit, but at the time the security was fairly light and they just walked in.

Am I supposed to know what that is?

Actually, yes.

If you are in conspiracy and don't know what LordPubes is talking about then that's on you not them.

I came here from /r/all.

I have 0 idea what the fuck he is talking about.


He may have sold it as a sneak-in, much more likely he was allowed to be there.

Thats what Im getting to.

Pal he probably bought a ticket.

its a shame, because AJ's early works are actually very good (A Noble Lie to name one)

There was a time about 15 years ago that I thought Alex Jones was speaking truth to power. His appearance in the Richard Linklater film, Waking Life, was electrifying to hear as a 16 year old beginning to question the system. It was what first put him on my radar and I started listening to his radio program so after seeing the movie. This was around 2002-2003. For a while, he seemed like he was dead right about a ton of stuff - 9/11, Iraq, Bush war crimes, mass government surveillance, police militarization etc. Sure he was bombastic and over the top sometimes but that's why I loved him. He was nothing if not passionate and I felt like his passion was well deserved and I wished more people got as fired up about the real things as he did.

Then...something changed. Admittedly, I stopped listening to him as much as I got busier with life post-college. Then I see him start popping up in random youtube videos here and there a few years ago and he just looks unhinged and almost like a caricature of his old self. It's hard to describe but it just looked staged or something. And now this election cycle I see that he's got all his weight behind Donald Trump?! This is the same guy that I used to hear losing his mind when George W. Bush talked about how much easier things would be if the US was a dictatorship? He's putting his support behind a guy who routinely praises strong men and has an Authoritarian bent like no one else we've seen in recent history? It just doesn't gel with who he used to be and what he used to stand for.

I'm left to come to one of two conclusions: 1) Alex Jones has officially lost his mind or 2) Alex Jones is being used as a puppet by the very people he used to warn all of us about. I am inclined to think it's #1. But #2 is also an intriguing option and not one I had never considered before. I remember even thinking during the early days about how much more on edge I was and angry I was and then hopeless I felt after listening to 3 hours of Alex rail on and on about how fucked we were getting by the Elites that I actually started to think "what if Alex is just a stooge put here to fill us with terror and half truths and distractions?" I dunno, it's like some one else said, it's almost like a conspiracy-ception! I dismissed the notion back then, and today I still feel like the simpler answer is probably true - after walking a razors edge for so long, he just ain't right in the head any more.

sorry for any typos, kind of rambled more than I thought I was going to when I started.

#3: You grew older and wiser, and noticed who Alex Jones really is.

Someone who desperately wants power, and will say absolutely anything to get it. Whether it's power by selling DVDs or power by promoting a dirty fucking candidate, he wants it.

Holy shit, I didn't realize that was Alex Jones in Waking Life.

Actually kind of depressing now that I went back and watched it... Talking bout two sides of the same coin and how they give you a buffet of misinformation - now he runs infowars for the radical right.

I think I might have actually been the one to make the "cospiracy-ception" comment your referring to, lol.

There's definitely more than meets the eye with this one and I can't stop poking around. Now that I know Alex Jones' past it definitely makes things more interesting and helps explain the Soros links.

My best guess off of the top of my head is that he's simply a puppet for Trump. That would explain him falling off of the radar, looking different, beginning new youtube channels, all that fucking money they apparently have (seriously, infowars is better filmed than MSM), and the overall craziness. He was either simply bought out by Trump and exploited to push his agenda as the white night for government corruption or the two of them are truly on a mission to rid corruption and are willing to lie their asses off for the greater good (but that sounds too much like the_donald so probably not).

I keep coming to the conclusion that Trump is plotting to simply make money off of the usual military industrial complex, privatized prison systems, pharmaceuticals, etc while destroying the legislature hindering his and his interests' current operations and he's just exploiting the conspiracy theory/alex jones/, anti-MSM/fake news narratives to keep completely envelop his followers in these ideas that liberal (commies) are either batshit insane criminals, lazy idiot drug addicts or funded by Soros (explains why the_donald is so hysterically brainwashed and think you're a shill if you offer any debate).

Hell, InfoWars is basically training them how to talk over democrats/opposing views in all of their "interview" videos.

If you don't think Trump (or campaign managers) is that sophisticated take a look at this

He is also in to some really really really out there shit.

Machine elves controlling the left, fish people hybrids being raised in tanks. Obama and Clinton smelling like sulfur cause they have made deals with Satan.

He has latched onto the fact that his paying audience is the Christian God Fearing SciFi Conspiracy Nuts. He targets this audience and exploits them. I give him cred cause they eat all that stuff up.

never mind the snake oil water and pills he sells or the fact none of his predictions are accurate or that Cooper warned us he was a shill

Who's Cooper?

he was always like that, I have been watching him on and off since his first shows. He just has honed his craft now.

I've also been thinking about this a lot lately and in my opinion there's no one more angry about Trump winning than Alex Jones. Jones planned on riding the whole "it was rigged" thing for another year after Trump lost, while still grilling "President Hillary Clinton" with all her baggage. Jones' whole shtick is going against whichever president is in office so seeing how weak of a candidate Trump was (although widely popular), Jones doubled down on Trump losing in order to play the rigged card. This plan backfired when Trump won so now Jones has the choice of becoming a full blown right-wing personality, or slowly distancing himself from Trump and going back his old approach. This explains why Jones was more left leaning when Bush was in office and then went right when Obama got in. It almost like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones swapped bodies.

I think he's just always been a self-interested profiteer who's following in the footsteps of the John Birch Society. Dude needs to smoke some weed. He says Colorado marijuana is "weaponized." What a joke.

Some stuff to listen to. Can't pick a specific clip because I don't have my headphones handy.

Yeah I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but every time I watched his shows it felt like I was watching a trailer for a horror movie. It just feels slimy and sleezy to watch. Lurid, but not in a good way.

Holy shit, that would be quite the conspiracy-ception...

This was my comment a day ago when Alex Jones came up: I mean, most of that shit comes from Alex Jones and personally think he is a plant of the CIA in counter intelligence (like Anderson Cooper). His role is to fill the airwaves with all sorts of crazy conspiracy bullshit (like lizard people) and put out factual stuff. He is poisoning the well of information. By putting out factual stuff and then tying it to the really crazy shit, no one will actually take any of it seriously, and those that will are off their rocker (thinking the world's government are full of lizards who are trying to raise the global CO2 temperatures so they can have a more habitable environment to live in).

thinking the world's government are full of lizards who are trying to raise the global CO2 temperatures so they can have a more habitable environment to live in

So they can live in an ideal environment with their gay frogs.

Frogs are gay with mice

Fuck man, all the dots are starting to connect...

Anderson Cooper is a plant by the CIA?

Yes. I think it's called Operation Mockingbird

That is correct.

Makes perfect sense, actually.

Almost too much sense...


It works for me.

Oh My Fucking God! It's Alex Jones's all the way down.


A lot of people would have dismissed the DNC working against one of their own top candidates, or the NSA monitoring basically the entire internet. But both those things turned out to be true.

People get together, they work together. It's not so crazy to imagine people in high places working with each other to benefit themselves. That's everyday stuff.

Most conspiracies are actually based on the assumptions that those in power collude and conspire to keep their power, control, wealth...and to expand it further.

I actually have trouble believing that "some shadowy figures" as you called them (the wealthy elite) , had no hand in his rise and didn't help, promote, support and finance him. Especially when you understand how powerful the media is in controlling the mass consciousness (and how much of the media is already controlled).

This is the enormous difference between "conspiracy theorists" and other people - we think many (not all) things that promote and give further power and control to the wealthy elite are there by design, since the elite, though sociopaths they may be, are very intelligent and indeed far from fools - but you think that these things and events are there by mere chance, which I just cannot bring myself to believe.

My thoughts on Alex Jones for awhile. Obviously a shill meant to distract those out for low hanging fruit. He still believes the government is preparing to institute martial law and take us all to jail.

I think you hit the nail on the head with hopelessness/helplessness.

I think it might be a little bit more than that, though. I feel like when people listen to Alex Jones spitting all over the mic, they think, "Wow, this guy is really fighting for me, I guess I can keep going to my 9-5 job and drink myself to sleep every night. No need to protest, this guy has it covered."

It's like they're fulfilling their urges to do something by just listening to a guy lose his shit over it. Very similarly to the way that people will like a cause on Facebook, and then consider that their public service for the year. Giving yourself the illusion of giving a damn.

Exactly, that is another problem with Jones - he pacifies the population, very well said.

Even the fear itself that he spreads makes people passive, confused and unable to do anything to make a positive difference (because how can you act productively and positively from a place of fear?) .

Haha you put it much better than I did, but I totally agree. Fear of the government, to that degree, is crippling.

Yea, same thing happens with TV too. Some people watch some evil doer get his in a TV show/movie and it gives them that release of brain chemicals that makes them feel good kind of like how games supplement real accomplishments the same way and porn does the same thing with sex.

Except since it isn't the real thing it's a fleeting feeling and it makes people go back to it more often instead of looking for real tangible things to do that will actually give them a long lasting sense of accomplishment and purpose in life. Our brains are wired to go for the easy/fast way.

They are all addictions it's just that most people don't seem to recognize it as such.

I'm a Trump fan, but I will say my pedes in /r/the_Donald don't much care for it when I say Alex Jones is controlled opposition and a Zionist shill.

He was literally on the list of people to support like yesterday, one sec I'll get it

Edit: I am linking to the comment I made because I responded to that thread in the same way despite NO ONE ELSE bringing up how much of a jerk Alex Jones is.

That thread makes me feel sick. People that believe they are "awake" but have been brainwashed more than ever, just by a different narrative.

The excuse is always the same, too. "But they supported trump in the primaries so we have to support them now". Uh.. isn't this campaign bout getting rid of crooked politicians?

It's kind of sad how many people bought into that bullshit. Trump is a corrupt businessman, and corrupt businessmen are the people who corrupt politicians. Who in their right mind thinks Trump will be the one to get rid of corruption in politics?

Absolutely right.

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I wonder how many people will forget about this list in a month

Not related to your comment, but that's the first time I've seen that list. When you see someone start calling people cucks do you automatically ignore them?

Personally, yes. I ignore the person calling the other person a cuck.

I've tried to look into his ties to being controlled opposition. Do you have any sources I can look at? Everything I've found isn't much.

After bill cooper was assassinated, jones tried to steer the crowds tothe wromg direction. I think he suceeded enormously.

And sell fake medicine for exorbitant prices after he's convinced you that your doctor is trying to kill you, don't forget that bit.

And, well...

Alex Jones is a 911 DVD peddler. That's what he is. He wants to profit from the death and suffering of victims of terrorism. Buy my fluoride filters, nao!

I don't know if Jones was actually put there on purpose, but that's definitely the niche he fills. When people start to sense things aren't right, when they start wanting to dig a little deeper, there's Alex Jones ready to baffle them with bullshit and leave them more confused than when they started (and sell them a little silver bullion and fluoride filters while they're on his website).

Not to mention the fact that he's constantly plugging his online store.

Exactly this, Jones is cointelpro and possibly a useful idiot

True but once you know this it almost becomes satire and its hilarious. SHES A DEMON SHE SMELLS OF SULFUR!!!! EVERYONE AROUND HER SAYS SHE STINKS AND SHES INCOMPETENT AND THE GLOBAL CABAL IS HIDING IT. ahahaha

This guy theorizes conspiracies. Teach us your ways, master.

Agreed. Thing I hate about Alex is that yes, he dives into some theories and gets tot he bottom, but then he goes off on a crazy rant about fish controlling the ocean water or something.

He is controlled opposition. He will give you just enough then stop and say something totally bat shit crazy that discredits himself. Kind of reminds me of old Glenn beck. He was on to some stuff then went off the deep end.

Completely agreed. I used to watch Alex Jones back in the 2000s and while I occasionally could tellhe was going way too far out on a limb, I at least thought he was trying to fight the good fight even if he was occasionally(often?) misinformed.

Now? Eh. At best he's a peddler of goods who uses fear mongering to increase his sales.

If Alex Jones was who he presents himself to be, going after people as powerful as he presents them to be.. why has he not died of a heart attack or suspicious robbery or something by now?

So are you guys conspiracy nuts or progressives? Because everything I'm hearing sounds a lot like what Bernie stands for.

The conspiracy of jade helm 15

Alex Jones simply wants to make money and have people listen to him. He wasn't placed there any more than a popular YouTuber is placed there.

I don't think he's a puppet just a useful snakes oil salesman. His end game seems to just be pushing super pills. I think the elites have fully taken up the ideology of crisis politics. Don't make long term plans just wait for the next problem and exploit it.

Remember his debate with David Duke? Youtube members:

Or Bill Cooper completely exposing him:

Or Stratfor:

The best description I heard of Alex Jones is "a humble water filter salesman." By being as loud and voracious as possible, and fear mongering the populace, you can get them to trust you, and once you have trust, you have the sale.

They're turning the frogs gay

Was that true?

i want proof of the gay frogs

I think it was some sort of pesticide that turned male frogs into female frogs while they were tadpoles and still developing or something.

Obviously doesn't effect humans the same way, but they claimed it was a plot to turn america gay or something.

Atrazine turns frogs eggs into predominantly female. This is true and has peer reviewed studies. Plastics broken down in the environment also mimic estrogen and have had similar effects on lower animals.

Then AJ does one of his stupid rants and no one's knows the reality just associate it with that fuck-wit.

Anytime homosexuality is involved in the conspiracy, you know it's bullshit scaremongering. There is no gay agenda. Why would there be?

I have the documents people!

Frogs are gay with their tongues lapping up mice

Not "gay", but basically changing genders yes.

That's pretty fucking different. There are lots of species that change genders

Yea but that occurs naturally in those species. Frogs are not supposed to switch genders. IIRC it turns male frogs female, making it a lot harder to reproduce.

It does occur naturally in some frogs but yeah the story is basically just "hey there's some people polluting and it's fucking with wildlife" but that doesn't really have quite the same fear/hate factor

Like in Jurassic Park?

Gay as in happy

Are you surprised? The sub is literally called /r/conspiracy. Who do you think they're going to watch? Jon Stewart?

No, his videos hardly get posted here.

Bill Cooper called him a fraud/disinfo-agent/controlled-op, and I'm inclined to believe him.

Honestly, the fact that nothing shady has come up about Trump makes me think he's shadier than Clinton.

Nobody's squeaky clean. Nobody, but especially not a billionaire real estate mogul. This means Trump is better at hiding the skeletons in his closet than Clinton. That's a scary thought. Whether it's the friends he's made, the backroom deals he's brokering, or whatever, Trump has the power to be a sleazy cheating fuck and make it vanish. Like, Russian hackers are leaking Clinton's every email in the last decade and yet nothing turns up on Trump? He opens casinos and develops real estate around the world without a single government pay off or deal brokered with organized crime? Nah, there's something weird as fuck going on there.

Seriously, if you didn't only get your conspiracy news from this sub, you'd know that there are tons about Trump. I spent a lot of time on r/politics (I'm sure some people looking at my history would say I'm a shill), and there were actually a ton of conspiracies posted there, and also a ton of facts that people seem to just ignore about him. If you ask me, the media might hate Trump, but they focused on Hillary's emails the whole election and never pushed any of the shit he did in the past, so he got a huge pass that probably won him the election

It's cause he throws so much crap onto the floor it's hard for the main stream to pick thru and find something legitimate. Everyone is so worried to report on something that could be perceived as wrong that they wait for the next guy to verify it. But by the time anything is moved on that story, trump has already said something silly at a rally and it's time to cover that.

In a way the pussy grab video kind of helped trump. It dominated the news cycle for so long and had no impact on his base/followers. By the time the media got over that it was too close to the election for anyone to do any real searching for anything else.

I'm sorry but the whole Russian/trump connection did not get as much searching as it deserved. The media just basically asked trump camp about it and then let it be. His ex campaign manager helped dictators for crying out loud and had more then just connections with Russia.

Trump just so happen to be the perfect candidate in the perfect media to fall into the White House. The media is a fucking circle jerk and each one is to afraid to let go of the next guy to do anything important.

The media made trump. They believed it was so in the bag for Clinton that they wanted a piece of the reality shit show that was trump. But instead of people tuning in to watch a meltdown they were tuning into a persecution of Clinton. The last month the only thing that was of substance was emails emails emails and trump driving it home and the media gave him free air time to spout whatever he wanted and make his own narrative.

Brave words. Let's see how it works out for you.

+8 right now. Surprised me, I avoid posting whenever conspiracies hits all because I expect to be downvoted, but I think that was because of the strong trump bias that seems to be shrinking. I believe one day everything we at r/politics saw in him will be proven, and people will be baffled by how they never heard about it and they'll regret being blinded by the emails and Benghazi.

There's solid evidence that Hillary Clinton murders and eats babies.

EDIT: What's wrong r/conspiracy ? Thought you wanted a wacky conspiracy? Oh yeah. You don't want conspiracies to be talked about that actually lead to truth.

I hope you're joking, but I honestly don't think you are, considering where we are

I am not joking.


This looks like a fun sub.

Are you saying that to prove a point or be satirical/ironic?


Do you have any examples?

I wish I had a solid list, and if anyone seeing this has a link I'd appreciate it cuz I'm sure someone has kept track. But, off the top of my head:

  • Russian ties (nor just the email server, which still seemed fishy the last time i checked)

  • Mafia connections

  • People repeatedly point at Bill's ride on "Lolita Express" (I think that was the name of the pedophile's plane) while ignoring that the same book says Trump did the same (although the author has called theories theirs crazy IIRC), plus all the sexual assault accusations

I know there's others, but then there's also all the confirmed things like how he never pays his contractors. I know there's way more, but I can never remember examples :(

Mafia connections I think are a given, Russia thing doesn't seem to have much evidence behind it and he only went on the lolita express once. Not going again doesn't seem too bad.

Are there more? These are all ones I know about.

It's odd how his campaign fired multiple people after papers started saying they had Russian ties (reputable ones, so I believe there was evidence), especial whoever it was that had recurved millions for lobbying from the pro-Russia group inside Ukraine or something like that. Then there was a story on the front page a few days ago where a Russian minister of foreign affairs (or something like that) said they had constant contact with his campaign.

I know there's many other conspiracies, those are just the big ones that I can remember.

That was Paul Manafort who received 13 million dollars. He was the former top advisor for Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych who was a Putin puppet. You might remember Yanukovych from the news a few years ago when his opponent in the election was poisoned.

After the anti-corruption uprising when Yanukovych was run out of the country back to Russia, Manafort came to America to work for Trump.

"But there's not enough evidence!"

Shouts the conspiracy sub.

I've been reading about Berlusconi a bunch. Rich mogul who entered politics solely because his businesses were tanking. Eventually a head-spinning list of corruptions came out, he's been in prison for awhile now. Who's been talking about Trump since the Apprentice? I feel his useless brand stopped getting gobbled up by dopes, he had debts and accusations piling up, the pathetic Trump University endeavor to sink him, so he decided to become president of the united states. Perhaps.

Trump's business has been booming since The Apprentice. He's been opening towers internationally. I don't buy this explanation.

> /r/redacted

> tons of facts


Nothing shady? Trump's history as a business man is riddled with openly shady shit. There are current active lawsuits against him for his shady business practices. What are you on about?

Read this.

But personally, I think the NSA leaked Podesta's emails.

The top comment is juicy.

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I didn't see any reference to the NSA in that link. Is Mercer somehow connected with them?

Is Mercer just the right wing Soros? (who is just the left wing Koch brothers)

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Either that, or he just isn't as ballsy as Hillary was. Hillary got caught because she had this highly complex global network of corrupt ties. She spread herself far too wide, and in the end it was too much to hide, too easy to break into. It collapsed under its own weight. I do think Trump has his own skeletons in the closet. I imagine he's got a knack for exploiting loopholes, so his sleazy behavior might not technically be illegal. I don't think his corruption is as far reaching as Hillary's though, and I don't think he's better at hiding them so much as they're easier to hide.

Then again I might be wrong, this election has made it pretty clear not to underestimate Trump.

Plus Hillary has been in public life and disclosed all of her financial ties. We don't really know anything about Trump's ties.

Exactly. I can't wait till people start snooping and diggin into his ties, which will most certainly happen now that he's gonna be president. Should be very interesting to see what the future holds.

Excited for the shitstorm.. but also sad.

One reason I think Hillary is far more corrupt is simply because she traveled to haiti together with george soros(not necessarily haiti)

I mean, that's fine. Believe what you want.


lol your post history proves you don't know SHIT about Hillary's financial ties. You regularly deny the facts from wikileaks! GTFO.

When did I deny Hillary's financial connections?..

She spread herself far too wide, and in the end it was too much to hide,


Interesting to think that her role as Secretary of State might've been a detriment because of how many global interactions and partnerships she would have accumulated

So who here is brave enough to start looking into NYC Russian mob ties to see if they're getting kickbacks via local shipping & dock work & contracts. Is that a thing? I think it was a level on GTAIV

I imagine you get more chances to do shady shit when you're a politician than in any other job.Also, it's not like he hasn't had his fair share of shittiness made public; like the tax dodging, pussy grabbing,fake universities etc.

We had plenty of real examples of dickery and over 60 pending lawsuits against him, but I am sure it's barely the tip of the iceberg. Beyond looking like a fool constantly and saying dystopian incendiary things, not to mention making fun of everyone and treating people like shit on live TV, he's been a crook and dickhead his entire life, and the only thing that matters now is his brand and perceived power. Until he became president, however. History will hopefully give us all the facts one day. I hope that day is soon.

Wtf do yoh mean, nothing shady has come up about Trump? His campaign was plagued with shady shit that he did/said behind the scenes. Remember how he didn't pay taxes for like two decades after he lost a billikn dollars?

It's pretty hard to hide stuff when you have the IRS up your ass every year and a constant spotlight on you. I doubt he's never done shady shit, but most of his dealings are public by design. People expect him to be shady as fuck, but not too much floats to the surface despite constant attempts and finding dirt on him. With so many people hating one person, I'd expect a lot more dirt to constantly come loose on him, like with Hillary.

He's working for the mossad and for Putin. Whoever will give him what he wants and he wanted the presidency.

Nothing shady has come up? What about Trump University? No tax records? Russian connections? There is a shit load of shady slimy shit going on - unfortunately, there is no massive leak so we can look into it.

He said he doesn't use emails. Nigga probably faxes and telegrams

Lol now that trump won r/conspiracy suddenly doesn't like him. Just goes to show maybe what you seek is not the truth but to be contrary

Or maybe that /r/the_donald started swarming here in the days leading up to and after the election.

Days? Try months.

Months? It's been close to 2 years since he announced his candidacy.

Yeah but it wasn't until the 2nd debate that I noticed a huge influx of the_donald users. Wikileaks gained relevancy and this sub has historically been the main one discussing the leaks, so they came here.

Which is totally fine with me btw, the more the merrier, but it's definitely got to be bipartisan here.

Years? It's been decades.

/r/undelete as well. I don't really venture in here much but the top queue of all has been all /r/undelete, /r/conspiracy and /r/hilaryforprison (I filter the Donald or it would be there too). It's really ruined a lot of reddit

Suddenly people think reddit is now right wing? Plenty of places on reddit that don't have a pro Trump bias.

I doubt any significant number people think reddit is right wing, full stop. It's just that a lot of us think that the right wing on reddit goes too far.

Really? I think the safe places and locking threads go to far.

I agree completely. The_Donald should have done neither of those things.

You can add /r/uncensorednews to that list as well

What I see in common is, those subreddit's aren't safe places deleteing everything, and every other subreddits are locking threads and deleteing anything positive towards trump period.

But why is it a problem suddenly now?

Is he the establishment now?

Looking at his potential cabinet, I'd say yes.

Watch him on 60 minutes for that bit.

That was the most embarrassing non-answer I've ever heard. He had no idea how to answer the question, and eventually just stuttered out "That's why we have to drain the swamp!"

We have to drain the swamp... because he hired a bunch of corrupt people. Because apparently there was nobody else. Fucking joke.

I'm just gonna hope that he's keeping them in the cabinet temporarily because they have experience and influence. Once he learns the ropes he might not keep them around, I'm also thinking its a move to make him look like he is playing ball with the establishment. That's just me being hopeful

Presidents really don't make super-temporary cabinet appointments. For the most part, who they appoint is who stays with them for all 4 years. And so far all signs point to Trump assembling one of the most corrupt and establishment cabinets I've ever seen.

I made this point to a friend and he said "well it's good to start off with people that get it since he has no experience- you can't transition into it with people that don't understand the government".

... wut

Tell you're friend that makes no sense at all, what the fuck is he trying to communicate? That not having experience will somehow guide you into getting smarter people?

Basically, he voted for trump because of his anti-establishment, and now has deduced that this is okay because those not in the establishment can't have the required experience to transition and lead Trump.

He hasn't even announced the cabinet yet...he's announced like 2 people so far lol

Yeah because Steve Bannon is so0o0o establishment. Right. You guys are so caught up in your REEEEEEE you forgot about the_D

Newt Gingrich.
Rudy Giuliani.
Sarah Palin.
Reince Priebus.
Ben Carson.
Chris Christie.

Yeah, he's fucking establishment.

Not arguing, but how is Ben Carson establishment? I thought he was just a doctor.

He's not, but he would be establishing him for no reason other than Carson supporting him after dropping out, and that's the behavior that creates an establishment that people hate, instead of picking people based on merit.

There's no reason to want Ben Carson for anything other than your brain surgery. He brings nothing to the table.

He's black.

He's appart of the establishment book tour. Offers no real insights, but as a black man he be used by corporate news entities like Fox News to claim diversity.

Carson offers nothing but corruption to the process. Mother fucker thinks they stored grains in the pyramids from top to bottom.

Would you prefer he hired a bunch of people who had never worked in Washington before?

Someone has to have some idea of what to do.

I don't know, would you run on a campaign of being the anti-establishment candidate and then appoint an almost exclusively establishment cabinet? Hmm...

I'll ask you again. Would you prefer his cabinet were Ben Affleck, Justin Timberlake, Denzel Washington, and RuPaul?

Someone in his cabinet has to have some idea of how things work, who to contact, etc. What matters at the end of the day is that the decisions belong to Trump, not his cabinet members; they're just his gophers.

So if establishment is necessary to run a country why would anyone believe he would be anti-establishment? Are you trying to say that the donald and half of country are complete fucktards for believing Trump or what?

Are you trying to say that the donald and half of country are complete fucktards for believing Trump or what?

conned like playing three card monte in New York.

You're missing the point, and I think it's intentional.

What happens if you move a bunch of people into the White House who have never worked in politics and someone wants to broker a deal with Iran? Nobody knows how to contact Iran, that's what. You bring in political insiders to learn from and utilize to accomplish necessary tasks. But you're not giving them free reign to make decisions for the country, so whether they're establishment or not is pretty irrelevant.

You are saying as if you have to choose between establishment and complete newbies without any political experience?

Which experienced republican politicians aren't establishment, again?

Hence my first reply.

As you said every republican usable is just establishment, why did Trump run as anti-establishment if it's inevitable to run a country?

So, you're still missing the point.

Do you have any idea what the actual platform behind "drain the swamp" is? Apparently not, and just because they don't exist now doesn't mean they won't exist in the future. And you're expecting him to shoot himself in the foot in the meantime? Makes very little sense.

Well the point is I can't see what he can do in the future to actually "drain the swamp". As you said one doesn't have any political experience can't really do anything he will have to rely on the establishment.

How is he going to shake-up the establishment?

I suggest you read his first 100 days in office plan. It paints a pretty clear picture of how he intends to shake up the establishment.

Yes I've read it and it sounds fantastic.

I was saying he can't push through those changes against the same people he needed the most in the white house.

Well his cabinet members don't really have to approve of his positions. He's their boss. And that's been my whole point all along.

My point is just that he can only be an actual boss if he has political experience to play the game around those old people. A big part of GOP establishment still hates Trump for being "open-minded ex-democrat". No way they don't do their best to manipulate Trump. Now he has to listen to them and I don't think he has the leverage to force changes on them.

I disagree. I think this is a man who has spent his whole life learning to use leverage, and nothing's going to change that now. He's not some weak-minded easily manipulated pleb.

The man who was the mayor of New York City on September 11th, 2001 claimed that there were no successful islamic terror attacks on US soil before Obama's presidency. Let that sink in for a minute. Either he denied the existence of something he was very much present for, or he is admitting that 9/11 was in fact not what he and all the rest of them claimed it was. Giuliani's presence alone on the line up shows how criminal the whole gang is.

I don't think Giuliani has to be a part of something to know it exists.

And as many people have said in this thread, let's wait until he actually appoints people before we blame him for appointing them. For a sub who distrusts the media so much, you're certainly trusting the media when it fits your current viewpoint.

Alright, how's chairman of the RNC for insider? That isn't media speculation. We will see about Guliani soon enough.

I am hoping that you read farther than just a single comment into my previous conversation, but just in case, I'll provide you with this link so that you can see how I address the issue of "establishment insiders" as cabinet picks. If you read through that, and still have questions that haven't been addressed, I'm happy to continue the discussion.

I am about to go on a roughly three hour drive, so the conversation probably won't realistically continue until tomorrow, but I will respond.

It's all conjecture until everyone is officially named. If it's all insiders then your argument won't have much weight.

I don't know how you could have read that whole conversation and still say that, but okay.

Your argument was that someone needs to be there who knows what is going on. For this argument to be valid and Trump to still be considered "anti-establishment", the whole cabinet cannot be an insider echo chamber. If he doesn't have reasonable representation from outside of establishment politics then he cannot claim to be anti-establishment. You also set up a straw man argument by listing people who have nothing at all to do with governing as the alternative. I think no matter what you think of him, Bernie Sanders can clearly be put up as a shining example of someone who knows what's going on in politics even though he is squarely anti-establishment, and there are many more like him. Ron Paul, if you want one from the other side of the aisle.

Literally two out of his first three cabinet picks are not establishment politicians. I think that clears the "insider echo chamber" part.

I've only seen one, chief of staff. What other cabinet positions have been filled? Edit: I know about Bannon but didn't think chief advisor was an official cabinet position, correct me if I'm wrong. Still, who is the third?

Steve Bannon, Chief Strategist, and Steve Mnuchin, treasurer.

Goldman Sachs banker isn't an insider? What is then?

One who left Goldman Sachs a decade and a half ago? Not really, no. But why on earth would he hire a banker to be treasurer, I wonder?

Also worked for George Soros.

Again, over a decade ago and very briefly.

Your argument is "It could be worse"

That's not even close to what my argument is, but great reading comprehension.

Well he could have not hired someone straight outta goldman

He didn't.

I'll admit that I've been touring around Hollywood today on vacation and missed this latest development, but quick research shows this man left Goldman Sachs a decade and a half ago (not sure that that qualifies as "straight out of Goldman"). And is it really a terrible idea to hire a banker to run the treasury?

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I'm there are intelligent, policy-minded respectable Republicans out there. But he picks corrupt politicians, idiots and scum. I am looking forward to a lot of what Trump is advocating for right now, namely anti interventionist stuff, but other than that I think America is looking at a rough four years.

None of those are confirmed except for Priebus. And lol thinking Carson and Palin are establishment. What a joke. That's the funny thing about this sub, you guys are so eager to just be angry that you can't recognize a win, a moment to be happy. Donald trump - first presidential candidate to praise Wikileaks / acknowledge the globalist agenda spread by Soros / bring to light the fact that Saudis are currently controlling our government. This is the best conspiracy is ever going to get, hate to break it to you -- and it's not bad, the man is now the president of the United States. So what? Rally against trump and eat shit as Pence sells you out to bush oil interests? You guys are irrational

No, totally trusting someone you've never had a conversation with, or even met, is irrational.

That doesn't sound paranoid at all

Not having blind faith is paranoid, especially with many indications running counter? Nice framing there, Sal.

Never said I have blind faith. You're putting words in my mouth because you can't argue with what I'm actually saying -- which is wait and see who he actually appoints and runs his administration. The only person who is adhering to blind faith is you -- in the assumption that trump is evil

I'll bite.

You're putting words in my mouth...

No, only replying to the implication of the comment.

...because you can't argue with what I'm actually saying -- which is wait and see who he actually appoints and runs his administration.

Pretty big assumption there, but, again, no. I am replying directly to the fact that your reply attempts to link justifiable skepticism with paranoia. The words you chose in the above quote (post-hyphen) are more direct and rational, but that is not what was stated in the comment that I replied to.

The only person who is adhering to blind faith is you -- in the assumption that trump is evil.

Again, I have only made a comment about you linking paranoia to skepticism, especially when justified. There's no way you can know what I believe about Trump as I have never stated an opinion to that effect. This is just a poor attempt to redirect and obfuscate from the context of this thread.

It seems you are defensive and passionate right now. I speculate it is a normal reaction to the potential reality of a consequence of ego and governmental action. No worries, I get it...been there myself multiple times, and will be there again I'm sure. Just try to recognize it and reply rationally to the context of the individual comment, not what you perceive as a me vs. them dialogue.

If you think it's paranoid to say that "totally trusting someone you've never had a conversation with, or even met, is irrational," then you're either trolling or stupid.

Once again I never said I totally trust trump. Those are just words put into my mouth because nobody can argue with what I'm actually saying

Cool - I think I hear what you're saying.

My issue is that the people he's already contacted give us a clear signal as to the direction of his administration.

Being considered for Secretary of Homeland Security is David A. Clarke, a notoriously pro-authoritarian sheriff whose department is now under investigation after an inmate at the county jail died of profound dehydration. It was later revealed that the water to his cell had been shut off. Inmates alleged that the water had been shut off for six days and that staff refused to give him water.

Being considered for Attorney General and/or Secretary of State is Rudy Giuliani, who comes from a Mafia family and who served as a career prosecutor, playing a key role in the sabotage of the investigations of the pedophile operations at the U.S. Military Academy. He was also involved in sabotaging the investigation of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, the establishment-run bank where dictators, terror groups, cults and major drug and arms trafficking syndicates held accounts under the supervision of American and Israeli Intelligence.

Giuliani is of course best-known for serving as mayor of New York City from 1994 until December 2001, pushing through infamously authoritarian policies and legislation. The 9/11 attacks occurred during the final months of his term, and he oversaw the illegal destruction of large amounts of rubble in the days immediately following the attacks. He also exhibited foreknowledge of the impending collapse of the towers and World Trade Center 7. He then played the early front runner for the GOP nomination in 2008.

Being considered for Secretary of the Treasury is Jamie Dimon, who is chairman, president and chief executive of J.P. Morgan Chase & Company, co-founder and former president of Citigroup, and a former director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Dimon is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.

Being considered for Secretary of Defense and/or National Security Advisor is Stephen Hadley, a self-professed neoconservative who was Deputy National Security Advisor from 2001-2005 and National Security Advisor from 2005-2009. Hadley was among the "Vulcans," the six-man team of advisors assembled by Cheney to guide Bush. Hadley was formerly a principal at the Scowcroft Group, an international consulting firm founded by Brent Scowcroft - one of the 'wise men' at the pinnacle of the U.S. establishment.

He shocked a group of Republican policymakers by suggesting, more than a year before 9/11, that removing Saddam Hussein from power was their "number-one foreign-policy agenda." Prior to the attacks, he was among the officials who consistently interered with attempts to arrest or kill Bin Laden.

Hadley, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, presently sits on the board of defense contractor Raytheon, and is among its major stockholders. This did not stop CNN, NBC, FOX, Bloomberg TV and the Washington Post from giving him a platform to call for a U.S. missile attack on Syria following the staged chemical attacks in September 2013.

None of those appointments have been confirmed. So who would you have voted for if not Donald? Gary Johnson?? An obvious establishment plant. Hillary? I shouldn't even need to lay out why she's awful. My point is trump is the best someone who hates the globalist agenda (soros) is going to get

Really, I wouldn't have voted for anyone. They want us to participate in the electoral system.

It's a complete illusion fueled only by peoples' belief in it.

I think we need to begin organizing grassroots resistance against the globalist agenda, locally-oriented and action-based. If the informed elements of every township, city, state and country did this, focusing on frontline issues, instead of channeling all their valuable time, intelligence and energy into the controlled opposition heroes that the system gives us, the superclass would be shitting themselves.

It's sad that it does.

Actually, it makes a lot of sense.

They're all on his leaked shortlist.

Unless of course you're conveniently ignoring those leaks in favor of ones that suit your narrative better.

Nope just looking at the reality of the situation which is that none of the rumors that are causing you all to literally flip the fuck out have been confirmed. So far we have Bannon, priebus and Sessions. All great men. Sorry you can't see it, but have fun constantly stepping on your own toes. R/conspiracy is its own worst enemy


"great man"

Okay, guy.

His head editor is a gay Jew. Milo yianopolis. All this MSM attacks on him as a "white nationalist" are total garbage, as usual

"He can't be anti-Semitic, he knows a Jew!"

Also, a self-hating gay man who thinks gay people need to go back into the closet for their own good. Fuck Milo.

You might want to learn how to spell "Yiannopoulos" if you're going to play that weak-ass card again.

lol I clearly made you angry. Sorry your guy didn't win. Bannon is in the WH whether you like it or not, snowflake. It's hilarious you attack anyone who disagrees with you, even Milo. I guess because he's not a democrat he's not gay enough for you? The only intolerant people left in this country are Libs like you :) and just for your information, the prime minister of Israel even commented that he looks forward to working with Bannon.

I don't care that Milo's gay. I care that he actively endorses suppressing gay people.

Of course the Israeli PM is thrilled. He wants to tell Palestinians to fuck off, and doesn't care who he has to work with to do it.

You have no understanding of the alt right or milo. I strongly encourage you to do some research before you blindly shoot your mouth off like this slandering people for no reason. Milo doesn't suppress gay people, in fact most of his speeches usually always involve him mentioning that he loves "black cock". You probably saw he's against gay marriage and immediately went all liberal REEEEE. Just for your information, he's against gay marriage because he is against the religious institution of marriage in has nothing to do with being gay. And that's an opinion that actually runs counter to most of the alt right as they are totally FOR marriage equality dumb dumb

"Gay Rights Have Made Us Dumber, It’s Time to Get Back in the Closet"

by Milo Yiannopoulos - June 17, 2015 -

You didn't read the article did you? Just the headline I'm assuming

Don't be surprised when he backpedals about all of that as fast as he's backpedaling on bringing charges against Clinton.

And lol thinking Carson and Palin are establishment. What a joke.

It's amazing you don't think Palin is establishment. Don't you realize vice presidential nominees are as much characters on this stage as everyone else given a spot on television?

Palin belonged to and was secretly 'vetted' for her role in the staged 2008 election by the Council for National Policy (CNP), which essentially serves as a religious-right counterpart to the CFR.

This dude is considering newt gringrich, I would not want to touch Newt with a fucking 10 inch pole.

...and Giuliani, and Bolton, and Christie, and Jose Rodriguez.

Jeff Fucking Sessions. As an Alabamian, fuck that guy particularly.

Isn't Christie currently in court?

What, and Reince Priebus isn't? Good one.

Only two positions have been announced so far. Priebus and Bannon. You all need to settle down and judge once the dust has settled. 50% of his cabinet is currently anti establishment.

Bannon is establishment. He epitomizes the overlap between private financial interests and military intelligence.

He was born to a military family in Norfolk, Virginia, which has one of the largest naval presences in the U.S.

In 1976, he graduated from Virginia Tech, a major recruiting ground for the U.S. military, CIA and NASA, and the recipient of generous grants from DARPA for classified research. Why do you think there are so many mysterious murders and "people going postal" there? Why do you think Nidal Malik Hasan, the man allegedly responsible for the killings at Fort Hood, was trained there?

After his studies (or programming) at Virginia Tech, Bannon obtained a master's degree in national security studies from Georgetown, the prestigious Jesuit college in D.C. This school is largely viewed as a training ground for both the CIA and the State Department, and so based on the nature of his studies there it is highly-likely Bannon was receiving intelligence training.

He then graduated with honors from the elite Harvard Business School in 1983 and enlisted in the U.S. Navy. Serving as a Surface Warfare Officer in the Pacific Fleet, he would eventually become a special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations. How many anti-establishment crusaders are in the employ of Naval Intelligence?

After his ostensible retirement from naval operations, Bannon found employment with Goldman Sachs. How many anti-establishment crusaders are in the employ of establishment-dominated global investment banks?

He eventually founded his own investment bank, Bannon & Company, with several associates from Goldman Sachs, and negotiated the sale of Castle Rock Entertainment to establishment billionaire Ted Turner.

Don't you realize that the establishment and the intelligence services sponsor agents-of-influence in every part of the political spectrum? There are plenty of figures like Bannon on the "alternative right" and the "alternative left" whose purpose is manipulation.

Of course he is, he always fucking was. Maybe not politically up till now, but ffs, he's a billionaire.

He does run contrary to many Republican and Democrat establishment ideals and he was just on 60 Minutes talking about phasing out lobbyists in Washington. I hope that is true. It'd be nice to have a non-scumbag president for once. With that said, personally, I'd oppress as many people as necessary to get the kind of scratch Trump has. Then turn around, say "screw you America", buy an island and bounce. So already, Trump is a better person than me.

Oh don't worry, he has oppressed plenty of people in order to make money. Also, looking at his list of people to take up some of the highest jobs, he's not going to reduce the influence of either 'the establishment' or lobbyists. He has already gone back at least partially on most of his key campaign promises (the wall, Obamacare, drain the swamp), so I wouldn't be too hopeful.

so r/conspiracy are really a bunch of communists? Just because you are a billonaire real-estate mogul doesn't mean you get invites to spooky Eyes wide shut events.

To be fair, some of those events exist. At his level of society, there's a good chance he at least knows what happens at them each time.

His level? Shit. Know the right people and it happens at every level. People are all the same, just with different wrappers.

Dude, what? Did I talk about 'events'? He's rich as fuck, and his daddy wasn't exactly poor, what about this isn't 'establishment'?

He's always been establishment despite what he says.

Yep and he always said he didn't fit in with them. The Al Smith dinner speech kinda said it all. The entire audience was made up of New Yorks Elite. It wasn't warm.

Only for the past forty years or so.

Or his entire life, if you look at his family background... hell, Woody Guthrie - the saint of anti-establishment musicians - wrote a protest song about racist-ass Fred Trump, Donald's daddy, back in 1952.

But why is it a problem suddenly now?

Because they couldn't see it until it was too late.

The way Trump's campaigners swarmed in, took over Reddit, botted the everliving fuck out of every the_donald post until everything /r/all/rising was the_donald, co-opted Pepe, co-opted the memeverse, co-opted Sanders supporters after they got the shaft from Hillary, and managed to establish a personality cult around one of the most vile, filthy stereotypes of the 1% imaginable... that was something to behold.

And they're still at it. The phenomenon has now become self-sustaining.

"Vote against Hillary" said one side...

"Vote against Trump", said the other....

And the divide and conquer two party "lesser evil"-tactics ensured another fucked up presidency with another fucked up financial elitist.

Obama would have never made it without him making peace with Wall Street. Sanders refused to do it, and the way he was sabotaged tells you all you need to know about him. The only sort of candidate you can trust is anti-Wall Street.

Cue the whinging about the liberty of the free market. Yeah, we've seen that liberty at work the past 25 years after the Berlin Wall fell. Absolute fucking barrel-scraping, privatized, planet-destroying plutocrat pandemonium.

And you do what? Elect Trump to fix this?

I know why it was possible: because his fawning, memeing sycophants all over Reddit and the American electorate alike were swept along in Trump's complete epistemological nothingness: nothing is true today the way it was yesterday, and everything he does is evidence of the opposite.

Trump achieved the presidency by disturbing the very fabric of logic and truth to the point where the hapless electorate could no longer see him for what he was, and could only focus on the other side of the establishment whorehouse.

There is no truth or insight possible into a man whose every malicious action can be explained away as evidence to the contrary by some elaborate scheme of collective cultist denial.

Well done Reddit.

Great post. I wonder how he'll pull it off in four years.

Ironically, one has to hope it was all an act, because if it wasn't, God help us all, it's Putin and Trump oppressing both their populations, wiping their asses with human rights and a fragmented E.U. dealing with a trend of self-hate amidst migration, asylum and terrorism pressures feeding populist nationalism.

This sub always showed promise ... it always showed self-consciousness at the right times. Tptb have always dangled populist false conspiracy theories before their populations as a distraction, while the worst problems generated hardly any noise amidst a conspiracy of silence.

Well the value of the Trump supporters pushing things in this sub fell off a cliff when he won the election. The goal was accomplished so if they were trying to influence the subreddit to reach that goal there's not really a point in doing it anymore.

A land baron that attends gatherings of the political and media elite on the reg decides to run for office and he's apparently not establishment because what? His campaign modernised better than other candidates? I preferred Trump to Hillary but give us a break.

All billionaires are the establishment and should be guillotoned.

they gave him the talk. the 11 masked elites who we know nothing about, they may even be things..gave him "the talk"

It has been the problem the entire time. He is and has always been a part of the establishment - as he is a part of the wealthiest social layer. Those who can use money to influence politics.

If you look up Anti-Establishment figures you get Malcolm X, MLK, Noam Chomsky, Rage Against The Machine or dead prez. How well does Donald fit into that bunch?

Or maybe that people can use more than one subreddit

Naw, they were always somewhat present. Just more emboldened now.

Think about that. Think about that a little bit. Was there any bit of Trump's campaign rhetoric that wasn't some sort of propaganda?

I actually think that was a good thing. Not the Trump spam, but the fact that I think a lot of people got to see a global, criminal syndicate at work.


Get out of here with that conspiracy talk--oh, wait. Never mind, you're good.


"The leak of internal DNC email correspondences revealing a bias against Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders — by WikiLeaks, an organization founded by Russia Today contributor Julian Assange — has divided the American left and made the Republican Party look unified in comparison."


Trusting theguardian, nytimes, theatlantic, politico, washingtonpost, and EnoughTrumpSpam

That entire Russian bullshit was made by Hillary-founded organizations, of course they're going to write it. It's like saying an article written by Buzzfeed about the gender wage gap proves the gap exists.

Hillary had CTR shilling for her on Reddit.
Trump has a genuine following of 290,000+ on r/The_Donald

Hahahahaha I know we're on r/conspiracy , but this is so wrong that I'm trying to decide if you're being sarcastic

No, it's true. We got nice fat checks and two bathroom breaks a day.

Hillary had no real supporters. I would honestly be genuinely surprised if she got more than 100,000 votes in the primary, and 10,000,000 votes in the general election.

She could barely fill a fucking middle school gym on her best day, but you're saying she got 60 million people to vote for her? Bullshit.

The truth is every single state was red in this election, and it is only a testament to her cheating engine that she got a single electoral vote.

Russia still pays you now that the election is over?

Oh look, one of CTR's shills is still around. How's that 2 cent salary going for you?

TFW you realize you are now the establishment.

What's Alex Jones going to do now?

His current line of business is over. He will have to move onto a different and edgier market.

r/conspiracy will never be the establishment.

Conspiracy theorists will always be unwelcomed by the establishment. We are mortal enemies.

Truth v tptb

Taking power away from government and giving it to the states, rejecting presidential salary. So much establishment.

the fact that /pol/ was the lone voice of reason promoting basic judeochristian values is insane.

This year has broken my sarcasm detector.

I don't think you understand what the point of this sub is.

It's not "push our political candidate cus hes on our team"

Sometimes that's how you keep it real... by trying to be as contrary as possible and see if you can get legitimately shut down. It doesn't mean you belive what you are saying... it is just a postulated theory to be confirmed or rejected.

Anything pro-trump was massively upvoted. anything questioning trump was massively downvoted. That's not called being the devils advocate, that's called being invaded by /pol/ and the_donald

Exactly. The Seth Rich conspiracy theory bullshit is as retarded as their get, but that would get a ton of upvotes here.

I dunno.

I'm not supportive of Trump in the least, but something is very suspect about a "robbery" in which nothing is taken from the victim, who is shot multiple times.

These circumstances would be extremely suspicious even if he had no connection with the DNC.

I've lived in a shitty neighborhood for most of my life. People get killed all the time in robberies gone wrong, nothing taken. All the time.

In cities with shot trackers, cops are on the scene within seconds. And after Seth got shot they responded immediately. You stick around to root through someone's pockets after shooting them, you end up in handcuffs.

All that considered, we're still left only with the possibility of a robbery. I'm not aware of any evidence that substantiates this or any other conclusion. Why should it simply be allowed to fade away?

Doesn't the fact that nothing was taken and that he was shot multiple times make it equally likely that he was deliberately singled out and murdered? These circumstances certainly do not conflict with such a scenario.

He was killed in a neighborhood that had a spate of armed robberies. He had just taken a job with Hillary Clinton's campaign and told his parents it was a dream job. Intelligence officials have said there is absolutely no way he was involved in the DNC hack, that it was sophisticated beyond anything he could do.

There is literally zero evidence to support the idea that he was assassinated by Hillary or the DNC or whatever. Its just a bullshit idea peddled by a guy addicted to attention (Assange) and bought hook line and sinker by people too stupid to really stop and think about it.

I don't think r/conspiracy actually liked Trump, so much as we were preoccupied with exposing hillary's corruption. What I saw on this sub, is that Trump was a tool of contrast/comparison against Clinton's foul play. People here were quick to point out media biases and violence against Trump/his supports because its an injustice, which even if you don't like him is universally agreed to be unfair.

I was mostly neutral towards him, favoring the third party candidates. Now that he's won though, I'm more willing to focus attention on him. I have a lot of hope that he might do good things, but am also ready to start getting outraged the moment he starts doing bad.

Nah, this sub was constantly brigaded by The_Donald and Russians.

To the point where mentioning either in a bad light usually brought on a brigade.

I mean the real users of r/conspiracy. Which I still feel was the majority of the users here. Yes, there were plenty of trump and putin nuts here too, but I didn't really see brigading like that in the pro Hillary subs. From what I saw, the anti-trump comments did get downvoted, but only when they lacked a fair argument. Neutral "I hate them both" or "remember, trump is also an evil elite" posts were generally upvoted. And given the high paranoia everyone had of CTR, I can understand why anti-trump comments got downvoted a lot.

Trump paid a guy with a proven history of making attack videos by falsifying interviews and making things up to make attack videos by falsifying interviews and making stuff up. This campaign head is a CEO of a media company known for manipulation of truth, now he holds a position in the federal government. This is exactly the kind of stuff this sub should be interested in, but we don't hear a peep about it.

The sub was manipulated in exactly the way it pretends only it can see. It did it willingly, too. Ironic, huh?

Agreed. In fact, I believe that the collusion between (the criminally corrupt) Hillary Clinton, the DNC, the Washington elite (and the compromised DOJ in particular), the media and the polling organisations was the most pervasive and blatant State conspiracy of the modern age.

This Continuity of Government cabal manufactured and promoted a gigantic deception (that Hillary was a popular and viable presidential candidate) in order to steal the election, and they FAILED.

Billions of dollars were spent, thousands of lies were disseminated to promote the big lie, and millions of people were systematically brainwashed into supporting a criminal for the highest office (not just in the US but around the world).

I am proud that /r/conspiracy was at the forefront of exposing that corruption and waking people up to it.

Now that she has been dispatched, I hope, to the dustbin of history, Donald Trump's sins and misdemeanours will inevitably get more attention from us. I hope that all the Trump supporters who have found this subreddit in the last few months will stay with us and help to monitor the new president's actions and policies so he remains accountable to the people, and doesn't become corrupted by the Washington machine.

I think the good thing about Trump is that, because so many people despise him, he might be more likely to be held accountable for his bad actions. I'm pretty sure even a good chunk of the people who actually voted for him hate him. He's walking on thin ice so to speak, so he must tread carefully to avoid upsetting the American people.

Remember when an edited-for-coherency Trump speech in its entirety hit the top of the sub's front page?

People here were so busy calling out perceived biases against Trump that they didn't see their own massive bias toward him.

C'mon now, even the third party candidates sucked this year. Harambe4prez

Of course /r/conspiracy is contrary to power. As it fucking should be. Otherwise you're just a partisan hack. Go to /r/the_donald or /r/politics if you want to be a partisan hack.

Sounds like a dog who doesn't know what to do with the car when it catches it. Maybe chasing the car driving the other direction is a good analogy

Yeah. If you're going to claim to be anti-establishment, own it. As soon as someone grabs hold of the reigns of power, they are now the establishment. We can obviously root for them to do good, but we help them do good by keeping a very close eye on them which disincentivizes bad behavior.

We're basically vigilante watchdogs.

To what effect?

Sometimes this is our purpose. It's an important job. Someone needs to always be shining a light on the people in power. If my candidate Bernie Sanders had won I'd hope that we'd all be watching his administration very closely with skeptical eyes.

No no, we won, remember? The people finally did it, all can go home and rest easy now. /s

If being cynical and skeptical of the people who have power over you is being "contrary" then, what's up my name's contrary.

Totally agreed. Just like the Snowden is a panopticon bullshit. If anything at all hits the mainstream, suddenly it's a conspiracy. If Ron Paul won the election, there would be people in here who theorize that he secretly works for the Federal Reserve.

Right because there is no Truth. Anything is Allowed

Well, that's the ridiculously one-dimensional way of looking at it.

I'd say the more reasonable conclusion is that those of us in agreement with the OP never supported him. We were in fact frustrated that this sleazy fascist creep - a friend of the Clintons (their daughters are friends too) - was receiving so much support from otherwise-informed people simply because he's been dressed differently.

He received the official endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police and has openly stated his intentions to drastically expand the powers of law enforcement. He has also openly stated his plans to expand U.S. involvement in the wars in the Middle East, and not only endorsed the intelligence services' right to employ torture but said their leeway should be expanded.

How is this man a threat to the power elite when his statements and actions suggest he's furthering their agenda?

Not only has he already backpedaled on his half promises, but one look at his campaign staff, advisors, transition team and the people being contacted for cabinet positions reveals a "who's who" of lobbyists, Wall Street bankers, defense executives and military intelligence assets, including truly-odious personalities like alleged Octopus member Ed Meese.

They simply hated Hillary more. Now that she's out of the picture they'll gladly take dirt on trump. Sorry 'bout your god king.

It's not time yet for anti-establishment to win openly against establishment. If someone wins in this climate, you know TPTB wanted them to.

Some people don't want change.

Or maybe you're a shill cuckhole...

CTR bailed around the same time.

Funny how that works, eh?

They still here.

They've settled way the hell down. Checks probably stopped coming in.

Funny how a Hillary loss did that

Yeah i agree. There are definitely a lot less around. They're just not completely gone.

notice the shift in stories on reddit - so many "environmental" stories now - liberals pushing another wedge issue to rally support.

I'm a Clinton voter and you make a great point. Didn't hear shit about the environment in any debates or on major subs. This shouldn't be a wedge issue either. The environment should be a top priority for both parties, like it used to be in the 60s/70s.

Clinton brought it up during the debates (and in her speeches), but there was no point in making it a question. If it were a question, the answers would have been a detailed plan from Clinton, and Trump saying it's a Chinese hoax to hurt or economy, so the moderator's would have been attacked for asking such "biased" questions.

But dude, don't you love the environment, too?

And what happened about the private Trump server that was in direct email communication with a Russian owned bank? Putin became pretty chummy after Trump won. Trump did campaign with foreign politicians, which, in the modern age, is pretty looked-down upon. What did Trump sell to Putin?

It was proven to be a bullshit article. It was just a spam machine.

There is a better article out there but I can't find it.

"Could be" a spam machine. It's right there in the headline.

Not proven. It wasn't confirmed.

DNS doesn't show persistent connections. It's just a lookup.

And then it's been disconnected.

And then re-connected with new DNS.

Strange to do that to receive spam.

Or maybe you are the fool?

Or maybe you don't know shit about DNS servers.

I refuse to be talked down from a self-proclaimed "salesman."

Expect a lot of robotik downvotes around here if you start poking that hornet's nest (Trump and Russia in general, not that story exclusively).

I'll poke that nest:

What's up with Trump wanting to dismantle NATO?

Why does he want to arm Japan with nukes and a standing army so it can continue to escalate tensions with China over the Senkaku Islands?

It's China who are escalating tensions, not Japan.The motherfuckers want the whole south China sea.

What's up with Trump wanting to dismantle NATO?

Nothing*. Hillary fear-mongering. Trump said NATO members need to pay their 2% of GDP.

Members' defence spending is supposed to amount to 2% of GDP.

Look up the % of GDP spending here:

Even Obama confirmed that Trump is ok with NATO:

Obama told reporters that Trump "expressed a great interest in maintaining our core strategic relationships" when they spoke last week at the White House.


And whether he knew it or not, on one point, Trump was almost cribbing directly from Obama’s notebook when he said this:

“Our allies must contribute toward their financial, political and human costs — have to do it — of our tremendous security burden. But many of them are simply not doing so. They look at the United States as weak and forgiving, and feel no obligation to honor their agreements with us. In NATO, for instance, only four of 28 other member countries, besides America, are spending the minimum required 2 percent of GDP on defense. We have spent trillions of dollars over time on planes, missiles, ships, equipment, building up our military to provide a strong defense for Europe and Asia. The countries we are defending must pay for the cost of this defense. And if not, the U.S. must be prepared to let these countries defend themselves.”

Strong words — that fit right in line with what Obama said in his speech to Europeans last week in Hanover, Germany (emphasis added):

“We need to stay nimble, and make sure our forces are interoperable, and invest in new capabilities like cyber defense and missile defense. And that’s why every NATO member should be contributing its full share — 2 percent of GDP — toward our common security, something that doesn’t always happen. And I’ll be honest, sometimes Europe has been complacent about its own defense.”

If you want a conspiracy, here it is: Russia would love nothing more than European countries to not spend their GDP on military but be dependent on USA. All Russia would have to do then is have only one target to weaken.

Trump can fuck off with his 2% !

First of all 2% of trillions is not the same as 2% of just billions that some countries have, some countries are just too poor to afford 2%.

Secondly most of the countries even that 1%-1.5% they afford now, they use to buy weapons from USA while US uses most of those trillions to make those weapons.

3rd, it's not about the military budget only. USA gets a market for normal products, natural resources, influence, support, a theater of operations away from their land, allies and lots much more in return. Example: US company Bechtel should have made 400 km of highway in Romania with 2.5 billion euro, we ended up paying 5.6 billion euros for 62 km. That's the military budget for 3 years.

He isolationist. There's no money in mutually assured destruction. Russia's successes can be shared. China is the true enemy now. Japan has to be the bulwark against that threat. Let then exhaust each other in a war.


Server issue is not conclusive but certainly not potentially as nefarious as the original article implied.

And did you not read the part of my comment where I specifically said that it's not just about that issue? Anti-Trump + Russia comments have 2x the troll downvote.

Basically because we're very cognizant of your shilling. It's very transparent, doesn't matter how much you make conspiracy an echo chamber.

Conspiracy was NEVER this active before.

Found one!

Fuck off shill. If you look into my history you'd know that I have been outing conspiracies for years.

Such as the secret space program, the fact that the elite are Satanists who rape, murder, and eat babies, you know, things like that.

I went and looked at your history, actually. I got pretty absorbed in it. I can't tell if it's hilarious or terrifying. You have been calling people "shills" for 2 years. I have so many questions... and prayers... maybe some pills... what is going on in your head?

Go fuck yourself. The lies of your kind are OVER.

What do you mean "my kind"? Who are you talking to?

You're a shill. You and your handlers are who I am referencing.

Get help gentle sir.

Do you really think your shilling isn't obvious?

Do you actually believe you're doing a good job?

So long as you think I'm a shill, I'm not doing a good job of reaching out to a stranger on the internet in need. You need help.

Everyone is a shill, didn't you know? We are all here to mislead you. This is all a set up to subvert Your opinion. Nobody else here is who they say they are.

Its down-voted because of bots or creep accounts. Everyone on this sub should read The Art of Soviet Brainwashing. If a lovely library bot or humanitarian wanted to like it I'll tell them a secret

With; either or choices it was a matter of the American people picking their political coup. Vote third party ( if the world doesn't end)

The article came out, word spread, and the FBI quickly said they were done investigating. Like an hour after the article appeared. The band of FBI losers who lost their shit over Clinton Cash really effected the present and future of this country and world, damnit.

What did Trump sell to Putin?

Who cares? I'd rather see Trump selling shit to Putin than Hillary actively trying to piss him off.

I care. Cause I'm an American.

I don't believe that he's a respected member of the establishment. Even G W Bush recommended Hillary over Trump.

Trump certainly has a beef with some big banks, who apparently let him down a few times, and this might be popcorn times. His 9/11 truther ambitions ditto. If he talks just a little bit, it would be fantastic, but he might talk even much more to embarass the crooks.

I'm not so sure what to expect for his foreign politics, given that he thinks of John Bolton. Cannot be much worse than Obama though.

Because even Bush saw that Hillary was the lesser of two evils.

Trump won't end Corruption. He's lived it his whole life. Fuck at least Hillary fought to be as corrupt as she is, Trump was born to it

"Because even Bush saw that Hillary was the lesser of two evils."

You're thinking in conventional media terms. The Clintons and Bushes are close bedmates in the whole NWO conspiracy, as anyone from this sub should know.

(Strictly for the sake of playing devil's advocate) He used his wealth and power to create more wealth and power, which is the basis of capitalism. I can't fault the guy over that. But to say Bush would take "the lesser" of any evil is ridiculous. That guy was a straight up puppet that probably had (definitely had) a hand in planning and executing the largest "terrorist" attack our country has ever seen. If Bush was pro-Clinton, then that is a damn good indication that it's bad for America. Shit, if Bush said "hey jump in, the water's fine", I'd probably toss a match in first just to make sure it wasn't gasoline and scan the tree line to make sure Chaney wasn't around with a blow torch.

Get off it. Hillary and Bush are in the same club. They don't think about "the lesser of two evils". That's a line for us masses. Either Bush voted against Trump because he's not in the club, or because they want us to think he's not in the club. It has nothing to do with who they think is evil.

How the fuck is Donald not "in the club" ??? Clearly they both are. What delusions are people under that suddenly just "a man of the people" despite an entire lifetime of being a corrupt billionaire?

Neither you nor I know how to get into the club but I don't think it's just by having lots and lots of money. Also, I'm guessing there is more than one faction. Their are certainly nuances of the social structure of the shadow elite that we are unaware of.

If Hillary goes down for any of her crimes, it sets a president that can be used to prosecute Bush. That is why he supported Hillary...

We have played the lesser of two evils game for so long that this was bound to happen. Sadly, neither reps or dems can pull their heads out of their asses so this is what we get. Until people start accepting that they aren't going to get a good candidate by voting the lesser of two evils, the escalator to hell will keep pressing on.

Yup, you guys elected this idiot now you're going to have to live with John Bolton and Giuliani running the show. Fucking morons.

Michael Bolton you say? 🤔 ok, let's do this America!


An anti-establishment candidate that was actually anti-establishment?

The reason he not was a favorite among the elite was because they didn't trust his policies, not because he not was one of them.

he not was one of them.

Define "them"


"They"--the NWO crowd linked to the Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, etc. Not just any billionaire.

The man got by far the most press over all the other candidates from day 1. If the media pushes him that hard, there is no way that he isn't part of the establishment.

The media that dogpiled 24/7 for months on end about what a racist, misogynist, sexist, xenophobic torture monger he is?

"Any publicity is good publicity."

Yeah, if you're trying to sell records...

Because the election goes on for months on end and he's a shitpile of a human being.

Check this email's attachment:

Clinton's camp purposely "elevated" Trump during the Republican primaries so that he would be the "pied piper" candidate. He was set up to be knocked down. Reflecting back on how I perceived him as a candidate 5 months ago, I think that strategy was working. Obviously, we now know it was a major mistake.

After he secured the leadership, that media coverage has been nearly 100% hostile to Trump. You'd have to perform some serious mental gymnastics to argue that the goal of their coverage was to propel him to victory. I actually still think the whole Trump phenomenon is ridiculous, but the Democrats are just reaping the whirlwind here.

You have to keep the thought in the back of your mind that even the release of the emails may be part of their game. Trump would not be where he is without support from at least some of the truly powerful people.

You're totally right, and I recognize that prospect. Ultimately, making a firm decision on this issue (is Donald just part of the master plan?) is almost impossible because there's still too much we don't know. I'm trying to stay open to optimistic scenarios, too, just so that I don't get too down thinking about the whole thing. (I'm recognizing my own psych. bias here.)

Billionaires like other billionaires

And by the same measure if they wanted an easy win for Clinton, why did they cover the emails non-stop between each outrage caused by Trump?

who apparently let him down a few times,

They don't trust him to run a business with their money.

Trump certainly has a beef with some big banks, who apparently let him down a few times

I've never heard about this...what are we talking about?

I think him not being respected by his fellow establishment members was a significant reason why he ran. He's so petty about personal slights, this is the ultimate "I'll show them". But the thing is, they still dont respect him and if he does a poor he'll die being even more of a joke among that group.

His advisers may make him keep his hands to himself, but they can't make him keep his mouth to himself. He can't open it without offending someone. And that half-assed "Stop it," he said on 60 Minutes was soooo heartfelt. Where is the "If you support me, you will not behave in a way that endangers another human being"? Nowhere.

He just nominated career criminal Jose Rodriguez as new director of the CIA.

Doesn't his career sound like Ricky Prado from Evan Wright’s "How to Get Away With Murder in America"? A few details and name changed, otherwise very similar.

Even G W Bush recommended Hillary over Trump.

Prescott Bush supported Hitler at risk (yeah right) of being tried for treason. What's your point?

Honestly I never understood the Trump love around here beyond his support for Alex Jones.

Conspiritard finally figured out an in around here. I'm disappointed it worked so well.

Do you like Alex Jones?

No, beyond his segment in Waking Life. I think he's either an idiot, or more likely someone who makes things up to push his brand. He knows if there wasn't some big conspiracy behind an attack/event no one would tune into his show or bother checking Infowars.

But regardless, I understand that people around here do like him. I just don't think they should follow and trust Trump because he has Jones' approval.

Thank God I thought I was the only one that knows Alex Jones is a lying psychopath enriching himself on others fear, and so is Donald.

Please make /r/conspiracy great again, expose the corruption of Trump and lies of Jones.

There are people in this sub who legitimately believe the youtube videos about him being Bill Hicks with surgery.

Jones doesn't have 1% of the intellect that Bill Hicks had.

and even less of the empathy he had for our species

LOL I've never seen anyone here make that claim.. but i have heard of it before.. on his show.

i was arguing with someone else. they offered no proof but some youtube links.

Sub has 300,000 subscribers. There's also users in this sub that think you're an idiot

as expected

Breitbart and Alex Jones are not /r/conspiracy material, as you've said. Independent investigation is far more useful. Rather than spammed with politics articles simply becuase they're censored on /r/politics we should really be full-on collaborating with /r/pizzagate rn.

Gotta plug pizzagate wherever possible, or else people will forget. /s

Oh I won't forget, I'll never let you people forget...

Because it's fucking hilarious

I should have included a /s, I think it's hilarious as well.

Can we start a new subreddit? /r/trueconspiracy?

I'm a frequent member of /r/conspiratard and /r/TopMinds because of the constant stream of shit that comes out of this and related subreddits.

I'm a VERY skeptical person when it comes to authority, and I wish there was a legitimate subreddit to discuss these issues without going into the retard territory.

And its not like there is any lack of content. Just Wikileaks, Snowden leaks and Panama Leaks show how corrupt world governments are.

Well there is /r/actualconspiracy or conspiracies whichever.

That requires a credible source. Much more after the fact, less speculative.

Honestly, the Trump supporters in /conspiracy should know to question him now that he's won the election. All of you should know that TPTB wouldn't let him win unless he serves their goals. The only thing that can vindicate him now is an assassination. If he isn't killed during his presidency, we should all know who he was really working for the whole time.

Can't... tell if you're joking or not.

Whichever one helps you sleep at night, friend.

You're really saying that any president who survives his term is "part of the system maaaaan"

Does it really seem that crazy to you? If you accept that their is likely a global behind the scenes power structure doesn't it naturally follow that they would likely have their hands in the leadership of the most powerful nation on the planet? Or do you really believe that one ex marine with with access to a book depository was responsible for killing the leader of the free world?

Who said I accept that there is a "global behind the scenes power structure?" The power structure is right out in the goddamn open. Massive political parties funded and controlled by wealthy special interests.

People just want to believe it's something more sinister and all-powerful because it absolves them of responsibility. We're not lazy and apathetic - we're hopelessly outmatched! Stop it.

Jones is cointelpro controlled opposition

Honestly maybe. Mate he got into something Real with bohemian Grove so they gave him an offer.

Or maybe he got into something Real, so they feed him stupid shit to see what he'll spread,, and it worked?

Who knows

Make /r/conspiracy of exposing George soros

>Please make /r/conspiracy great again, expose the corruption of Trump and lies of Jones.

Expose what corruption? You have no evidence of Trumps corruption just blindly following the media's propoganda?

Oh my god are you serious? There's evidence against Hillary, because of wikileaks. Even without wikileaks, there's more against Trump. I can't even imagine if someone dug deep.

Have you not even TRIED to find problems with him? He admitted to not paying taxes through loopholes. He admits to not paying contractors after they've done the work. He didn't ever pay those singing American Trump girls at his rally, or his polling company. He's had over three thousand lawsuits, many regarding unethical business or not renting to minorities. TRUMP FUCKING UNIVERSITY.

lol, gross exaggerations. Trump univeristy gave seminars on real estate, what was corrupt about it? You have nothing kid.

How does Trump have more corruption then Hillary who received $25,000,000.00 from Saudi Arabi. Her campaign was funded by foreign entities, which is a crime. Fucking muslims that behead and stone women and still have slaves shouldn't be electing the US president.

Hillary Clinton stole millions from the Hatians and she should be in prison 10 years for every child that has died due to her charity theft.

It's obvious you are still a child since you have never filed taxes before. You are telling me that you don't claim any reductions on your taxes? Trump claimed losses and you think he paid 0 taxes? Are you retarded? Do you know what PROPORTY TAXES are? Obviously you don't need to pay those for your moms basement.


So some of that is true. But you accuse me of exaggerating then quote facts from fake news. If you can find any if that in the leaked emails, that'd be great. Yes the foundation took money from SA, that's bullshit. The rest... exaggerated...

But now you have to defend Trump WITHOUT just saying how bad Hillary is. So go ahead and do that.

Also ad homonym attacks make you look stupid. And ironically young. Like you need to ask your parents what taxes are.

No, beyond his segment in Waking Life.

Oh shit! I had no idea that was him. Don't really follow him at all but I love that film.

Would you believe he's screaming on a bull horn about the government?

Just looked up the clip on YouTube, basically exactly what I expected from my minimal knowledge of who he is. I really like the clip, though; guess it's time to rewatch Waking Life :D

also, from the YouTube comments:

Fun fact: He actually turns those colors in real life when he rants.

He's in Linklater's first film Slacker, too.

Idk why anyone could give that guy any time. Glad to hear some sense though :)

Alex Jones is an idiot.

Wait what he was in Waking Life? Which dude was he?

Holy shit he was the dude yelling in the car with the megaphone.

He's not a true conspiracy theorist, he just plays one in movies.

Jones is a moron


If you want to understand the Trump love, read this transcript of his, less than a month before the election. Trump was speaking our language. Sure, he was doing it to gain power, and he likely has no interest in rocking the boat in a meaningful way. But, I think it was music to a lot of our ears to hear a candidate talking about broad-reaching establishment corruption by the upper class with the pure goal of gaining further enrichment.

"Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People."

WTF? He's planning on appointing RNC and Wall Street cronies to top positions.

I don't mind the idea of changing corruption of the upper class. I'd welcome it. But Trump seems like the last guy to do it. I hope I'm proven wrong.

He is the last guy to do it but somehow 50 million people were convinced he's "the people's" candidate.

You can fool all of the people some of the time.

I think a large chunk of them were convinced that Hillary wasn't the people's candidate... not so much pro-trump but anti-hillary.

The word "conman" gets thrown around a lot, and I'll reserve judgement for Donald. I do think, though, he's great at getting what he wants, and making you think that it's what you wanted as well. And, much like Obama, what Trump says =/ what Trump does.

The word "conman" gets thrown around a lot, and I'll reserve judgement for Donald.

Just lol.

Guy hasn't conned anyone as a president yet.

He is conning the everliving fuck out of his own voter base right this minute with the establishment line-up he's forming his cabinet with.

Give me a fucking break.

If all of you were simple Republican mainstays all this time, then own up to that.

Hey, all I wanted to do was not call the man an insult. He's shady and I'm a Green Party member.

I hope I'm proven wrong.

I think you're going to be saying this for the next four years lol

Trump has proven he'll say just about anything, though. How many of his key campaign goals has he changed his mind on? Not that it's wrong to change your mind, but he's flipped on a lot of issues, much like Clinton.

For me, the big question mark is still "why?" Clinton could be read like a book. Sure, you're against TPP after Sanders supporters show it's a big reason why they're supporting Bernie. You're just going to support it again after you're not accountable to them anymore.

With Trump, though? Who knows what behind-closed-doors conversations he's been having? Who knows what his biggest priorities are? Business, and specifically real estate, is his only obvious influence. He's going to come out of this presidency worth at least 50% more than he is now.

He has proven he's an incredibly smart guy. He played the establishment like a goddamn fiddle.

That stuff where he deliberately got the media to hack his voicemail and release them, only to have the entirety be full of accolades from celebrities et al about his charity work.

The guy doesn't build a billion-dollar business by being nearly as much of an idiot as people say.

And the narrative that his campaign was run by incompetents was just simply false.

It's funny people are making a big deal about him refusing the President salary, when he's supposed to have billions (or at least hundreds of millions) tied up in real estate.

If he gets real estate values to go up 10% during his Presidency he'd make millions more than the paltry 400k salary. Not to mention things of non-monetary value like helping draft laws that give more bailout guarantees to big business or reduce his liability to pay taxes or damages in lawsuits. None of which will get as big a headline as "Trump takes $1 salary".

We already know Trump is a big fan of gaming the tax system to his benefit (claimed countless corporate "bankruptcies" to avoid debts and tax). The idea he would want to clean all that up after a lifetime of taking advantage of it is unbelievably gullible.

Question is how long can he carry on business as usual with all the Washington insiders and corporate elites he's surrounding himself with before his supporters realize it.

He also flips literally within weeks or days on issues. And then denies ever having said the thing that he's on record saying. Everyone flips, but people were fucking digging up hillary's high school political views among other (more recent and relevant) things.

Zizek explains the differences very well. And the Bush establishment advocated for Hillary, not Trump.

The Bush establishment and establishment guys of his era are currently on their way to Trump's cabinet. People behind Bush and those like him, whether or not Bush personally supports him.

Ehhh, Bannon is just a less-slimy Karl Rove, Priebus is an establishment shitwad who will do exactly what we expect, and yet Conway isn't a moron at all and shows she shouldn't be taken lightly.

If you provide sources for your statement I'll do for mine on top of that Zizek video.

EDIT just search for Bush, and 90% comes out NAY, from his secretary, to his strategist, to his relatives, all are anti trump.

I'm not the OP you wanted sources from, but here are a couple showing the swath of Republican insiders on Trump's Cabinet, ie. the swamp rats in his "drained swamp" and many of which are staunch Bush era hooligans.

Reince Priebus, Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions, Rudi Giuliani, Steven Mnuchin...yeah, sounds like a real swamp draining there. What a complete farce. Insiders, insiders everywhere.

And you know, the one making me laugh the hardest at the backflips it's going to induce in delusional Trump supporters is Steven Mnuchin. 16 years at Goldman Sachs...16 years as a Wall Street insider at one of the most corrupt banking corporations which crippled the US in '07 and caused the very money crunch that Trump has referenced at every turn to fire up the working class. How exactly can Trump supporters still claim Trump is the anti-corruption candidate with a Cabinet containing Steve Mnuchin at the head of the Treasury? It's fucking insane.

That's pretty strange indeed, thanks for providing the info, unlike some >_>

Well, first of all, W says he's abstaining. Is Cheney's "yea" not a red flag, though?

Trump's hinted at people like Bolton, Palin, and Gringrich. Not to mention making Priebus his chief of staff, who essentially IS the current republican establishment.

We were talking about the Bush Administration... can't keep up on my phone if you keep hopping from one subject to another, and on top of that downing my comment, says it all.

I'm not saying literally Bush's cabinet 2017 edition (though some may come back). But guys like Gingrich are some of the most establishment republican politicians of that era.


Are you fucking kidding me?

Trump university scam? Chinese steel? Stiffing contractors? Bribing attorneys? Misuse of Trump foundation funds? Possible sexual assaults? The "locker room talk" tape? His bizarre statements made about his own daughter on the Howard Stern show? His time hanging out with Epstein?

Theres a list a god damned mile long of Trumps bizarre, shady, and corrupt actions. But you wouldn't know it if you were relying on this sub for your news the last 6 months.

Yeah the problem with that is the media jumped from one thing to another because there was so much and they were focused on talking points. If they really wanted maximum impact, they had to dig into it but they didn't spend nearly as much time as they should have really "exploring" it like we all explored the Clinton email case and had hours of testimony & legal documents which were FAR more informative than a news broadcast.

Yeah, it's bizarre to think that he probably would have been worse off if there were fewer bad things that came out about him.

Just goes to show that when you machine-gun things like they did without really covering the impact, it doesn't sink in. I said all along Wikileaks's method of building a story & being persistent (even on weekends) was really effective. They leaked the first emails in chains first, then next, then next, until you hit Pizzagate shit, Brazile shit, etc.

I guess I could go back to Benghazi (which IMO still has not been fully delved into specifically the Marc Turi connection - real /r/conspiracy material) as something that was drawn out so heavily, so much detail as to the misconduct, that it left a mark on people like the email scandal did.

Stiffing contractors?

Now he stiffed hillary. haha

Yeah but those were uncovered by bloggers at the New York Times. Call me when the respected journalists at Breitbart comment.

The Russian emails, child molestation, sexual harassment, dodging the draft, dodging taxes, the trump university scam. Let's just say there's been a little dirt dug up already.

Better the devil you know than the devil you dont.

You'll definitely want to read this investigation of some of his funding, data mining op, and Super-Pac.

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The only reason this sub "loved" Trump is because the MSM was so unbelievably biased and astroturfed that we had to get "Truth" (read: the other side of things) from here or /r/the_donald or other places like infowars.

It was so libtarded to the point that Fox News even started making sense, and i grew up with their propganda during the 2000s

I believe Clinton is corrupt too, but the major difference I've seen between him and Clinton this election is that we've barely seen ANYTHING about Trump's behind-the-scenes dealings. We've been fortunate enough to explore massive investigations against Clinton, look at her and her foundation's financial records, see thousands of leaked and released emails, but we can't even see Trump's tax returns. I really don't like that there's some kind of assumption he's clean when he should be an obviously shady character and we know little beyond what he tells us.

There's a metric fuckton of dirt on Trump too, but it never gets talked about in this subreddit.

For instance, there's far more concrete evidence for Trump engaging in pay-for-play with Florida AG Pam Bondi than there is for the Clinton Foundation pay-for-play, but all /r/conspiracy wants to talk about is the latter. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this to dismiss Clinton Foundation issues. The Foundation is shady as fuck for sure. But regardless, the time devoted to each issue in this sub is completely out of whack with the strength of evidence in each case.

Here's another example: people in this sub were dredging up two decade old sexual assault allegations on Bill Clinton that have been resolved out of court, and simultaneously turning a complete blind eye to the multiple sexual assault allegations levied at Trump right now, which are in fact supported by Trump's own words captured on tape/video. Again, not trying to dismiss Bill Clinton's misconduct. He's obviously a predator. But time devoted to each issue in this sub is, again, completely out of whack with the strength of evidence in each case.

The point being that there was no semblance of truth or non-partisanship in /r/conspiracy for the last 10+ months. This place turned into /r/the_donald 2.0. And frankly, despite this post being on the front page, it's still mostly the same as before. Clinton lost the election and is no longer relevant in US politics, but people are still focusing on her instead of discussing the multitude of legitimate concerns following our current President-elect.

Which is why I can't take this place seriously anymore. I'm done. It has become what it used to hate -- gullible group-thinkers, useful idiots being manipulated by the powerful.

Trump isn't black.

Mainly because he is standing up against one of the realest TPTB candidates George fucking Soros.

Honestly I never understood the Trump love around here beyond his support for Alex Jones Bill Hicks.


IIRC Assange said they have nothing more damaging on Trump than what already comes out of his mouth.

Honestly I never understood the Trump love around here beyond his support for Alex Jones.

I'll tell you why. He says he will attempt to clean up corruption in Washington. Simple as that for me.

It's because Trump appears like he WAS an insider, not that he IS one.

The assumption was that he knows things the rest of us are not privy to and resisted because of them.

There's hope that he'll tell us more when he can.

It's still too early to know if he's gonna screw us over.

But he doesn't seem to really "conspire". He's VERY WYSIWYG....

I don't get the sense that he has this hidden agenda he's trying to foist on us. I mean he's going to pretty much say something and then do it. And if he changes his mind on it, he'll tell us and do something different - but he won't hide it.

What does it matter about Trumps back door dealings. He wasn't a politician his whole life influencing law making and sending troops to fight his wars. There's a difference and people seem to blur the lines. Yeah I can agree, this sub is not meant for promoting a candidate but it just irks me.

Why I like Trump is because hes not afraid, or as afraid, to speak his own thoughts. For example he was interviewed on 9/11 there he said he couldbt understand how only one plane to each of the building could make them collapse, generel meaning i got. He seems to disagree to the political correctness.

Also FBI anon seemed to say there was little dirt on Trump.

Tax returns arent that important to me since i dont know if hillary has herself released hers.

I believe even though Trump is a billionare/at least rich he has a patriotic feel for his country.

I wish also to know if the title of nobility actually was completly ratified

He really seems to care about his supporters, has multiple rallies, tries to listen to some of their ideas, making an application for job website for his, either transistion team or administration, or both, or they are the same.

People critizise him for getting money from his father, then goes and builds a large organization

Hes a time traveller conspiracy. He has connection to Nicola Tesla through his uncle

Some of the reasons i could think of, for why i like trump

I also took a liking to Ron Paul and Trump seems like the closest republican in my eyes

Alex Jones calls people demons and sounds like an ex church pastor who has drinking problems.

His run for Pres was first, revenge against Obama for making fun of Trump. His ego can't take any bruising because he is like a 13 year old girl. Second, now he has to do this job. He has no clue how to do it, and he hasn't spent any time up till now trying to learn. You can't tweet a recession or a Hurricane away.

If he took a salary as president, would he be required to open his taxes?

The Donald love is real. The media and Reddit bashed him so hard it was unbelievable, there was nothing I could of said or done to make him look worse. You know why I love Donald Trump? Reddit made me love him. Reddits Hilary CircleJerk is to blame

It just amazes me that so many DT supporters who claim to be all about draining the swamp and taking big money influence out of politics don't seem to realise that when he says things like "I have top guys advising me on the issue" the top guys he's referring to are the exact same super-rich, politically motivated billionaires that already manipulate Washington. If you think Trump is getting his advice on jobs from anyone other than the same industry leaders destroying the job market then you're deluding yourself.

So are you guys conspiracy nuts or progressives? Because everything I'm hearing sounds a lot like what Bernie stands for.

trump love around here

Hired shills.

I mean, this sub was nothing but a Hillary hate train for most of the year leading up to the election, and apparently only realized that the guy who actually got elected is as bad or worse when it comes to covering up corruption and shady shit.

I think it's b/c Trump admits him being an elite lobbyist whose job was to be 'friends' with people. Hillary meanwhile pretends to be an innocent angel while, ironically, calling allegations against conspiracy theories.

There's enough information out there, if you're willing to look for it, that shows Trump is a corrupt businessman.

If you trust Alex Jones too much, it probably means you're not getting the full spectrum of information that's out there... And what he's selling is a mixture of truth and conspiracy theory...

And you can't tell which is which until a long time later - and then it either won't be mentioned again or he'll make up new conspiracy theories to explain why events didn't happen that he predicted.

believe Clinton is corrupt too, but the major difference I've seen between him and Clinton this election is that we've barely seen ANYTHING about Trump's behind-the-scenes dealings. We've been fortunate enough to explore massive investigations against Clinton, look at her and her foundation's financial records, see thousands of leaked and released emails, but we can't even see Trump's tax returns. I really don't like that there's some kind of assumption he's clean when he should be an obviously shady character and we know little beyond what he tells us.

This. People point out that Trump is better because of all of the dirt on Hilary. The reason for this is she is a politician and no matter how good a politician hides their less scrupulous dealings, there will ALWAYS be a paper trail because they are a civil servant.

Trump, like many billionaires, have no civil obligations and have much more powerful means to hide even delete their shady practices. Ditto for Soros, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. At most you will find is some indirect connections,

Personally I think that even though the CTR stuff was going on during the election the pro-Russia movement was even more boisterous. But maybe I'm crazy for thinking that. I dunno seems like of there was one place to talk about outside forces trying to manipulate American politics this would be the place to do so.

There are many pieces of evidence and a lot of reasons to believe Russia was influencing Trump's campaign, whether Trump himself knew about it or not. Unfortunately, in here that always becomes "fake Clinton propaganda" or "Russia's our ally" with no one wanting to dig into it.

Not to mention the complete dismissal of Trump's possible pedo and rapist nature, while claiming everyone from low-level WH staffers to Obama himself is involved in secret satanic pedo parties.

has a primary interest in increasing his fortune and popularity


  • He's a celebrity businessman who puts his name on everything

  • He enters markets he has no business being in to push his name(and usually fails)

  • He creates TV shows to push his brand

  • He used a political campaign to promote his businesses, including cycling campaign money back to himself through rental spaces, books, etc

  • He created a foundation to make himself look like a philanthropist despite not contributing any money to it, not doing any charity work by the foundation itself, and explicitly using foundation money for personal purposes

  • He threatens, and sometimes even files lawsuits against people who claim he's not as wealthy as he says he is

Trump feeds off fortune, power, and fame. He hardly has a great reputation in the business world itself. His goals are achieved through his name power and his charisma. The idea that he's running for the middle class is beyond insane, when nothing in his history suggests he has any interest in helping anyone other than himself and his associates.


Sorry you're stupid?

I dont think anyone sees him as clean, so much as a possibility for a clean slate in our current political landscape. Being able to get away from money that drives politics is a huge deal, and one of his declared plans for his "first 100 days." Im no supporter, but its kind of easy to see how he would be fine with not utilizing his new political status for personal financial gain, when he can just leave in 4 or 8 years and go back to doing all the underhanded albeit likily legal shit he was always doing to keep on making more money than he ever could have as a politician. Unlike Bill and Hillary, who literally prey on the system to amass thier small fortune.

Because there isn't any, all Trump did was grease some palms to get his building permits through, something which is sadly part of the business.

If you think anybody at that level only greased some palms you are sadly mistaken.

That's what you have to do in construction. Anything beyond that is hypothetical, but this much we know about any construction tycoon. It is unfortunately a part of the sector, which exists because of corrupt bureaucracy, it isn't something the actual entrepreneurs are at fault for. If you want to live in this world you'll never really be able to keep your hands clean, unless you go into a monastery.

100% TRUTH!!! This sub has been driving me crazy with all this only proTrump propaganda.

t_d does this everywhere. You see it on /r/politics a lot. Their sub also blatantly uses bots and gets away with it. Most of their page is at 3-5k upvotes and 14/25 of /r/all/rising is t_d. Even if you are generous with the popular vote as a statistic of all of reddit it wouldn't account for >50% of /r/all/rising to be a specific political sub.

t_d is good conspiracy material if you ask me. Almost like some type of shady cult around Trump's personality

Yes, the weird foreign owned fake news sites that get spammed to /r/The_Donald are definitely suspect. I'm not sure what to make of it.

I doubt they bot. Spez would have detected it by now. He's not been shy about handing out sanctions to them before and botting is super easy to see.

I think it's much more likely that they are just good at manipulating the algorithm, because half of them are from 4chan.

They have some bots, but that's not really the interesting stuff... they have browser extensions / greasemonkey javascript that allows them to upvote all posts with a key press, basically.

It's almost like... manual botting. Or a much more circlejerk version of RES's upvote/downvote shortcuts.

I doubt that's true either. Not many people have greasemonkey. I think they just upvote everything manually.

I've been in pro-Trump IRC chats where they had all the users install the extension. It's real.

Here's a screenshot of what it looks like.

As the other guy said, I'm not making this up as a theory - it's been confirmed that this is something they do.

What I mean is, I doubt that is the primary thing that's responsible for the effect you see. I'm sure some of them are doing it.

Possibly - but you have to admit, being able to have the vast majority of quickly rising threads, with thousands of upvotes in just a couple hours and just a couple dozen comments, for months on end, including during times when most americans are sleeping - that's very, very suspicious.

Ehh, it's 4chan. Most people just plain don't upvote threads, they don't have to do much to manipulate that. It doesn't actually take many upvotes to put a post on /rising/. Reddit is a pretty flawed system in that regard.

Spez is a Trump supporter.

Do you honestly believe that?

He said "I support Donald Trump."

Are you referring to the one time some one ask him "Who are you voting for?"

He replied by saying both names: Hillary first and then Trump

He literally said both names to not raise any anger on either side. He also changed reddit's algorithm to gimp the_donald's ability to get on top of r/all as often. Sure is a funny way of supporting Trump.

Are you referring to the one time some one ask him "Who are you voting for?"

No, I'm not.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to source your claim, then?

Then what are you referring to.....?

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Spez is a Trump supporter.

Bull. Shit.

Correlation != Causation


Just saying mate. No one's coming for your tinfoil.

That's fucked up. It's all right wing subs:

Are they sharing bots or something?

You think the literal nexus of rebellion against the site's admins, and leftist mod cult could get away with anything BUT 100% legit by-the-rules voting?

They will use any excuse they can get to shut t_d down, and the mods there have to walk on eggshells to follow the rules (which are constantly changing to try and keep TD from the front of /r/all)

It's sad to see how many people here aren't really critical thinkers but contrarians, after the largest populist political rejection of the elite in god knows how long.

Sorry but there is zero evidence of bots in T_D

Reddit vote system is broken

This. Exactly. This sub has been over ran by Republican workers hired by Trump's campaign to push doubt across the country. Obviously not saying that the Democrats don't need their fair share of criticism, but it's been obvious for the past 6 months especially that the majority of posts were made by hired hands to accelerate trumps campaign.

Would you say that the Trump campaign has been correcting the records?

No, they've been pushing items that are a non-conspiracy issue as conspiracy heavily on the daily. Likely hired Indian teams to work for low pay to constantly bombard this sub by pushing a conservative viewpoint.

It's not correcting the records. The other piece is that trumps campaign constantly says the media is owned by liberals and that they need to "level the playing field"... this is a blatant mistruth, as 90% of the media is owned by conservatives. By saying the opposite, the conservative campaign is using a sales tactic known as "placing blame on them, to take that focus off of you." It's when you know they can easily make a negative point about yourself and before they do you blame them for having this negative attribute. You see this tactic uses many times in arguments, you know the person is going to be called a liar or that they 'don't care', but before they do they will blame that reason on the other person -then the other party will feel like their not fighting fair if they say, "no that's you!" I've seen the Trump campaign use this tactic over and over.

I'm pretty liberal, and I think we all can agree that it's pretty fucked up when banks have too much power and influence and media is too close to government.

And that's exactly what he's doing right now.

We've all been told to 'follow the money' to find out more. The breadcrumb trail is so short with him we can literally see him dumping ahead of us and people are celebrating on Facebook like he's Santa Claus.

Trump for America Inc., a nonprofit group chaired by Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J., to oversee the Trump transition, has quietly moved ahead, meeting with interest groups and reaching out to lobbyists to plan a future Trump administration.

Christie is no longer a part of the transition team, article is factually incorrect.

Please stop spreading misinformation

Ok, because one fact changes every other fact doesn't count.

Look at his transition team. It's corporate lobbyists, giant banks, wall st insiders and career politicians.

You really think these are the people who are going to change anything?

You know what they want. I know what they want. More money for them and less for us.

You expect him to hire a barista to manage a transition for the most powerful office in existence?

The shitlibs/leftist idiots on here are ready to crucify him based on nothing more than hiring decisions.

How about you grow a spine and attack him on ACTIONS and POLICY... is is waiting a few months too much to ask?

Maybe some economists? Some Nobel Prize winners? Anyone but greedy corporate CEO's?

These CEO's already shipped millions of American jobs overseas and destroyed our economy less then a decade ago.

Why the hell would these rich, corrupt lobbyists and banks suddenly turn around and help the same American people they've been fucking over for profit for decades?

There's no morality in corporate America today. They only care about one thing: bigger profits.

You're deluded if you think otherwise.

Genetic fallacy.

Watch and see what they do

Jeffrey Epstein?

Who's JE?

What / who is JE?

Ditto on the thanks OP.

Who is JE?

What is JE?

Agreed. Plus he didn't leave me any presents and I was told there would be presents on my doorstep as soon as he won. Dudes a liar. It's been nearly a week and no presents.

This is what I tried to say by asking with sub is just right wing. Tbanks .

Quick question: "JE"?

Congards on replying to a bot.

A friend of JE is never a friend of mine, bunch of slimy fucks.

is JE Epstein? I read something about Donald kicking him out of his club for some kind of unacceptable behavior with a staff member. I don't think they have been friends since.

I mean, they may not be on good terms now. But they definitely did some things that Trump has yet to be held accountable for.

Not that what happened to JE was by any means accountability.

that case was unsurprisingly dropped.

I put zero stock in any kind of accusations of that nature that just so happen to come to light just before an election.

Downvote and report as necessary. Make the mods step up

Not to mention, now that he will be the president, he is the ULTIMATE TPTB. Any government conspiracies from now on are going to implicate him until he's gone. So if they want to be able to say he's innocent, they should agitate for him for leave or be forced out of office.

As a noob, what JE?

Look at the bigger picture. Their stuff aligned with ours. Naturally many of them will stop frequenting here.

I find this post dramatic at best

Who is JE?

So you guys spammed about Trump and how great he was for 10 months and NOW you have an issue with him and realize what kind of person he is? So many people saw this kind of shit coming from miles away and people act surprised. It's ridiculous.

Hillarys 12th cousin

And it sounds like he isn't going to go through with getting a special prosecutor to go after Clinton.

Slimier than a post-shower booger. He just doesn't want to be the president that has to tells us we are being groomed to be factory farmed my demonic celestial beings. /j

Who is JE?


JE is Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender and pedophile kingpin. He owns an airplane, referred to as "the Lolita Express," and a private island, in addition to numerous homes. It has long been alleged by numerous highly-credible sources that child prostitutes were brought to Epstein's "parties," attended by the rich and powerful.

Epstein's circle of friends include Trump, Bill Clinton, Edward and Evelyn de Rothschild, Queen Elizabeth II, David Rockefeller, Prince Andrew, Duchess Sarah Ferguson, Edgar Bronfman, Henry Kissinger, Peter Soros (George's son), Viscount William Astor, Ted Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, John Kerry, Tony Blair, Jose Aznar, Richard Branson, Alan Dershowitz, Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, Ed Koch, Ehud Barak, Kevin Spacey, Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger, Courtney Love and many others.

All of them appear in his infamous "little black book," which was leaked and can be read here.

The reality is that there are pedophile networks operating in every nation at every level of society and in virtually every walk of life. These networks are largely intertwined and a part of a larger international structure under the control of the same elements that are in control global drug and arms traffic, both underground trades repeatedly shown to be inextricably tied to human trafficking operations.

It would appear based on his address book alone that Epstein's ring is at the pinnacle of this global network. The unique concentration of the world's most powerful, closely-interlocked families - Rothschild, Bronfman, Astor, Kennedy, Rockefeller and Windsor - makes that clear.

Here is how Trump has described Epstein, convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault against children:

""I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy, he's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life.""

Epstein and Trump certainly appeared to be close:

Epstein created a number of other odd categories, including one called "Jeffrey." There were dozens of names in the Jeffrey category, including Ehud Barak, Alan Dershowitz, then–Senator John Kerry, former senator and lobbyist George Mitchell, powerhouse DC lobbyist Thomas Quinn, and David Rockefeller.

Trump was also listed in this section. Under his name were 14 phone numbers, including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.

Either you don't know or conveniently omitted the fact that trump banned epstein for life from his club that epstein attended proceeding inappropriate behavior.

I'm not going to stand here and defend trump, but if you're going to present a story make sure you've got most of the facts right.

This claim is merely sourced to their "investigation" and the only sources they quote are Trump's attorneys, legally obligated to represent his best interests, and an unnamed "associate" of Trump. Furthermore, their claim that Trump and Epstein "had no relationship" directly conflicts with the evidence in Epstein's address book and with Trump's own statements about their fifteen-year friendship.

You should keep in mind that Radar Online is a tabloid that has relentlessly supported Trump in the same way many other establishment publications have been backing Hillary Clinton. In its early days, it was actually partly-financed by Epstein himself.

Around 2011-2012, Radar Online was purchased by American Media, headed by Trump's close friend David J. Pecker.

American Media also publishes The National Enquirer, which enthusiastically supported and endorsed Trump, and which leaked the information about Ted Cruz's extramarital affairs. After ownership of Radar Online passed to American Media, its founding staff and editors were reportedly fired and replaced with Enquirer personnel.

It's interesting to note that the Enquirer was founded by a CIA psychological warfare specialist and financed by Frank Costello, the head of the Luciano crime family, and Roy Cohn, Chief Counsel for the House Un-American Activites Committee. Trump has maintained a lifelong association with the Mafia. Cohn, who sat on the advisory board of the Western Goals Foundation, was Trump's mentor.

Instead of looking for complementary or disputing sources you've attacked the one source. I chose the top result out of dozens that all say the same thing. Please provide evidence that epstein still maintains a relationship with trump.

I gave you background on Radar because it is not simply relaying information from other sources but citing its own investigation as the source for the claim that Epstein and Trump no longer had a relationship.

I did find reference to a 2007 article in the New York Post reporting that Epstein was banned from Mar-a-Lago. However, this was publicly announced weeks after he had plead guilty to sexual crimes against children and so it's likely this was simply for optics.

If they really had no relationship, why did he still have fourteen numbers for Trump in his address book?

Furthermore, Epstein isn't the only member of Trump's circle who has been directly implicated in organized pedophile operations.

From The Franklin Cover-up by John DeCamp:

Gray's associate Wilson was apparently continuing the work of a reported collaborator of Gray from the 1950s -- McCarthy committee counsel Roy Cohn, now dead of AIDs. According to the former head of the vice squad for one of America's biggest cities, "Cohn's job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn's job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself."

From the Washington Times:

[A businessman] described Mr. [Craig] Spence [operator of the D.C. 'call boy' ring] as "strange," saying that he often boasted that he was working for the CIA... Mr. Spence told him that the CIA might "doublecross him," however, and kill him instead "and then to make it look like a suicide." The businessman also said he attended a birthday bash for Roy Cohn at Mr. Spence's house. He said Mr. Casey was at the party."

From the Straight Dope:

Ms. Rosenstiel claimed that in 1958 she and her husband went to a party at a New York hotel, where they met Hoover and McCarthy witch-hunt lawyer Roy Cohn. Hoover, whom Cohn introduced as "Mary," was supposedly wearing a wig, a black dress, lace stockings, and high heels. Hoover went into a bedroom, took off his skirt to reveal a garter belt, and had a couple of blond boys — one wearing rubber gloves — "work on him with their hands." Cohn and Hoover then watched while Lewis Rosenstiel had sex with the boys.

Rudy Giuliani, who is currently being considered for Secretary of State, headed the "investigation" of the pedophile operations at the prestigious U.S. Military Academy. Despite overwhelming evidence, Giuliani did not secure a single indictment and in fact facilitated the protection of the ring:

The West Point case, among others, was alleged to be linked to the Presidio case. As The Times Herald Record reported in June 1991, the "incidents [at the West Point Child Development Center] unfolded against a backdrop of satanic acts, animal sacrifices and cult-like behavior among the abusers, whose activities extended beyond the U.S. Military Academy borders to Orange County and a military base in San Francisco, parents charged." The case first broke in July 1984, when a three-year-old girl found herself in the emergency room of the West Point Hospital with a lacerated vagina. She told the examining physician that a teacher at the daycare center had hurt her. The next month, the parents of another child leveled accusations of abuse at the center. As the Mercury News reported, "by the end of the year, 50 children had been interviewed by investigators. Children at West Point told stories that would become horrifyingly familiar. They said they had been ritually abused. They said they had had excrement smeared on their bodies and been forced to eat feces and drink urine. They said they were taken away from the day care center and photographed."

Despite abundant medical and psychological evidence and literally dozens of child witnesses, and despite "950 interviews by 60 FBI agents assigned to the investigation," the investigation, "led by former U.S. Attorney [and future mayor] Rudolph Giuliani" produced "no federal grand jury indictments," according to the Herald Record. "In 1987, Giuliani said his detailed investigation showed only one or two children were abused." Giuliani's contention was directly contradicted by an independent investigation, as the Herald report divulged: "a still-secret, independent report - produced by one of the nation's top experts on child sexual abuse - confirms the children's accusations of abuse."

It would later emerge that one of Giuliani's "oldest friends" is Fr. Alan Placa, a Catholic priest implicated in pedophile operations:

Rudy Giuliani's consulting firm, Giuliani Partners, has for years employed a Catholic priest who was accused by a grand jury of orchestrating the over-up of nearly 60 separate molestations allegation -- a priest who allegedly partook of the activities himself. The priest, Alan Placa, is one of Giuliani's oldest friends; in turn, Giuliani has become Placa's highest-profile defender.

blocks ears LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU

This same network was about to blow wide open when the Saville scandal was unraveling. I lost track of it so I don't remember what happened. If it was all pinned on Saville as a loner or someone else took the scapegoat.

JE-WS. That's what this whole sub is about bro.

(I'm just kidding. He's talking about Jeff Epstein the known pedophile)

You can't be serious

We don't need to promote our candidate, our candidate won.

That aside, if people are circle jerking about Trump, move them along, we have a sub for Trump.

I think Trumps connection to JE is tenuous at best and as far as rich assholes go...Trumps probably one of the better examples of tolerable rich assholes.

We shall see how it all goes, that aside...keep fighting the good fight.

Nope, now you enter the "spin all the dumb shit he says/does as fast and hard as you possibly can" stage.

You thought you were busy before???


Not ours, but yours. /r/conspiracy didnt have a candidate.

Point made. Though you might end up surprised in the long run.


Annnnnd case in point

We're all supposed to be here for TRUTH, which is a nonpartisan concept.

I mean it's a little too late for that. It's been a Donald Trump circle jerk on here for about 10 months.

He was an outsider (relative to hillary) for 10 months. Now he's not, and should probably go.

They say that's why the Tea Party died, as soon as their candidates got into office they became the enemy, because they were now the incumbents, and the Tea Party hated incumbents.

I don't think that's true. Here's my understanding as a former Ron Paul fanatic;

  1. Ron Paul brings about a grassroots liberty movement in 2008 election

  2. Establishment says "yeah fuck that" and snuffs Dr. paul

  3. Establishment quells the anger and capitalizes on the fervor by creating the "tea party"...except that it's no longer a libertarian movement, it's a right-wing """small government""" wing of the GOP.

  4. Fill the tea party with existing GOP politicians

  5. ???

  6. Tyranny!

I'm watching the return of r/sanders_for_president for this exact scenario. The DNC is only going to co-opt without changing. /s4p movement needs to be ruthless if they're going to succeed.

s4p really fucked the Political Revolution by shutting down tho...

That was the purpose of shutting down

CTR must have paid the moderators off, clinton gets shut down = CTR gets shut down = S4P gets turned on

Or when Hillary lost, progressives realized it was an opportunity to drastically change the democratic party so they restarted s4p?

Maybe, but they also ensured that the movement (which was very reddit based) didn't get co-opted by anyone else. For instance it would have been a slap in Sanders face if the movement got co-opted by t_d the way they sort of took over other subs.

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Ron Paul = still best candidate we have had in decades!

If you're a libertarian, sure


Rand was pretty darn good, too

I agree, i really like him

Evangelists jumped right in on the Tea Party bandwagon and fucked the whole thing.

Fuck evangelists and fuck Republicans for pandering to them for fifteen years too long.

Koch Brothers money bought the tea party.

Who did the Koch brother's support and fund under the guise of "grassroots?"

The Koch brothers founded the libertarian party...its not even remotely odd that they'd support Paul. Is every ideology wrong as soon as a rich person follows it? Or just the ones you don't agree with?

"grassroots movement" of rich white conservatives with Don't Tread On Me flying high.

Except that most of us weren't rich or conservative. And I really don't see where race becomes an issue?

Ron Paul had a themed fund raiser based on the tea party/

You have that backwards

The tea party had a Ron Paul-themed fund raiser?

You forgot assassinate breitbart.

You forgot Profit!


No, Rand Paul was a big part too. Palin was a pretender riding some coat tails.

The fact they had so many bat shit crazy members in high places probably didn't help things.

nah, the tea party was purely an anti-Obama movement and after he was elected the second time the energy behind it fizzled. What you're saying is true though and is why it had no leaders. Plus AstroTurfing by Grover Norquist and others undermined its legitimacy.

That's some terrible logic. So you only tolerate outsiders? What if the outsiders are corrupt themselves?

EDIT: I have no issues with this sub being critical of Trump. If I want a 24/7 Trump rally I go to The_Donald. Echo chambers are how we get shit like Hillary Clinton and shadow governments.

I don't think you understood my comment

I guess not. That doesn't change my thoughts though.

Can you clarify what you meant?

Well, for one, I never "tolerated" anything.

There was a clear conspiracy against Trump to get hillary into office. Similar to what happened to Bernie.

Now, trump's in the office. That's old news now. Let's focus on active conspiracies.

George Soros is the enemy.

That guy is fucking Satan himself.


I think that was pretty much dubious as all hell. There was a fair bit of Trump bashing, but very little was made of potential ties to the Russians, his taxes, etc., relative to the amount of talk about some pretty big stretches for Hillary.

I think the original claim that it was a Donald jerk is fair.

It is.

Of course he should, he's not"qualified" like she is.

It shouldn't have taken anyone 10 months, an election, and cabinet appointments to figure out that Trump wasn't a real outsider.

He was

Donald Trump supporters have a really creepy personality cult and master-submissive slave relationship with their lord and savior Trump, frankly i've never seen something like that, not even with SPORT FANS.

Edit : For those who say "It's just humor"

Well it's not humor anymore when it turns into into a real and systematic way of obstructing any critic against Trump, banning any one who dissent from the "Trump is perfect" narrative, and drowning any critic of him with whataboutism (But HRC did this, HRC is gone, so now you guys have to find other ways to defend him) and insults. It's also telling that Trump supporters don't feel confortable when they are in another sub when their lord and savior can be criticized, they are too used to their safe space.

Maybe that's why they are soo obsessed with cucks....

No cuck. No cuck. You're the cuck.

it is odd this masochism by proxy and attraction to strength for it's own sake. I imagine a small but not insubstantially so number of trump fans 'enjoying' whisky because it's what don draper drinks. Stupid sexy draper. (hey 14 year old me: smoking cigars and drinking shitty whiskey did not make you look cool!)

This is so true! Some will gladly start an argument to defend Trump's honor....even if they are wrong or have no substance to their claims. A Trump supporter (friend of a friend) last night was harassing my almost 70 year old mother on Facebook. My mom stated her opinion in a kind and civilized way then he creeped on her page and was trying to tear her apart. I stuck up for her, asked him to stop, and he genuinely scared me with his volatile remarks towards my mother and myself. He was ready to terrorize any non-Trump supporter.

They've gone full blown SJW. They've even created a safe space for themselves over on 8/pol/ and anyone that tries to bring in any type of wrong think is banned instantly. They're all completely unaware of how much of a joke they are and it's honestly pretty hilarious. They even play the victim card constantly and have threads about how people attack them for being Trump supporters or about how the world is against them. They're lack of self awareness in regards to how they've become the very thing that they criticize other groups like SJWs for being is probably worthy of a good case study.

It wasn't a joke?

I think it's some part joke, some part confirmation bias, and some part the idea of Chaos magic.

The great part is that it's fun and creates hilarious inside jokes. Haters gonna hate.

It IS fun.

Oh my God. If this is seriously the Anti-Christ's origin story...

The aliens are gonna laugh at us for soooooooo long.

Haha, well if I'm not mistaken, the anti-Christ is supposed to be loved by everyone right? Trump's coming into office with the lowest approval rating of probably any president.

Take what you will from it, but I find it hilarious. The fact that the establishment can't control the idea of it (especially the media) or whether people are serious or not about referring to Trump as the God-emporer makes it even better. It irritated the opposition & establishment and gets under their skin, which is the whole point of trolling..and Trump has done some legendary trolling this election year. I mean, Hillary Clinton herself targeted a fucking green cartoon frog named Pepe as a white supremacist. Her campaign website sourced an article where the "white supremacist" they interviewed about Pepe was actually a Jewish teenager who took on a Taylor Swift/Jared Taylor pseudonym. Just think about that: an actual journalist was too stupid to even catch on to the fake name and the Clinton campaign just accepted it as a sound article. Like, how stupid are they and it just questions their ability to identify and distribute news. It's fun to make fun of them though.

So true, it's pretty annoying when you see an interesting Trump related story on the front page, then you go to read the comments and realize it is the_donald and the comments are just a massive circle jerk and frog memes. Scary how fanatical they seem to be.

I am sure the hyperbolic god-emperor stuff was for humor. There is no way anyone thinks like that.

Part of the problem is that you can never tell the gaslighting/trolling apart from the real deal.

I am gaslighting to pay the bills. Baby needs a fix of that alcohol fueled by self hate for muddying the waters long enough for my bosses to win.

It's not just about saying "god emperor" it's about how they treat him in general

No critic of him is accepted, and when a critic is unavoidable, they either use a whatabaoutism or reply with a formulaic message like "Society is so pc".

Everything he does/says is considered amazing high tactical thinking.

A caricatural confirmation bias (we all are prone to a degree for it) but the Donald fans could get you anything from a far dark fringe weakly-argured publication in the far-east if it confirms that Trump is amazing.

Banning and insulting any remotely dissident voice etc.

So it's not just about saying "God", they really treat him like fervent religious people treat the figure of god.

Still fits the "let's pretend we are Warhammer40000 Space Marines and let's pretend Donald Trump is the God Emperor of Mankind!" your disgust at what it looks like if taken seriously doesn't undo the grotesqueness present in a contemporary political figure spoken of as the living god of a Theocratic Junta... which would explain away the naivete at taking any internet support of Trump at face value. Anyone can switch words around after writing fanfic. notepad++ is a nice example.

How does someone reason with a voice they hear mirrored in a satire like that? Exterminatus. What earthly analog exists?

Like debating semantics with an intentionally crafted circular reasoning would be anything but feeding the trolls. Feeding a troll can make it president. Obviously.

This gives some context:

It just fits that Trump, the ultimate troll of the establishment, would be the chosen candidate for /pol/ and their mischievous character.

It's the meme influence.

This gives some context:

Take what you will from it, but I find it hilarious. The fact that the establishment can't control the idea of it (especially the media) or whether people are serious or not about referring to Trump as the God-emporer makes it even better.

No, you're a towel.

Sort of an ironic statement. Two of my favorite subreddits actually.

They are venting anger in "productive" ways. It's cool when it's funny but stupidly forced at times.

Or they just have some of the sense of humor you seem to lack.

Triggered ?

It's not humor anymore when it turns into into a real and systematic way of obstructing any critic against Trump, banning any one who dissent from the "Trump is perfect" narrative, and drowning any critic of him with whataboutism and insults.

It's also telling that Trump supporters like you don't feel confortable when they are in another sub when their lord and savior can be criticized, they are too used to their safe space.

Stop projecting. You are the one who seems triggered.

I don't. I don't have any leader/celebrity/writer/author that i worship.

Diss whoever you want, i don't have masters like some Trump fans do.

Good for you mate.

yeah they are totally in the streets protesting right now.

Similar to Clinton paid shills. Both sides have shills. Like an internet army fighting each other for no reason

I don't deny that Clinton has shills, but how is that similar to the parent comment?

"Whataboutism" is a very commonly used strategy by people engaged in a personality cult.

I see the same team mentality from both sides. I really don't care. I use Reddit to hear from proclinton supporters and voat for protrump. I like truth and you only get it from hearing both sides. Truth is people don't like to feel like they are not welcome by the "in group". People naturally team up and you can't be a team without opposition.

Slave/master thing I see both sides having is what I'm saying.And if you can't see that I can't help you.

I use Reddit to hear from proclinton supporters and voat for protrump.

If Reddit is pro-Clinton compared to Voat, I don't want to see what Voat's become.

Lol. Sure buddy. It's called irony. If Trump is not welcome here, neither are your daddy issues.

Are you triggered ? Go worship the Donald in another place.

It's not humor anymore when it turns into into a real and systematic way of obstructing any critic against Trump, banning any one who dissent from the "Trump is perfect" narrative, and drowning any critic of him with whataboutism (But HRC did this, HRC is gone, so now you guys have to find other ways to defend him) and insults. It's also telling that a lot of Trump supporters like you don't feel confortable when they are in another sub when their lord and savior can be criticized, they are too used to their safe space.

Donald Trump is not your father.

Feel better?

Following the phenomenon has been extraordinary. The fever and deflection's been intense, and then we watched this shit get cycled into memes and through social media until the point where Marina Abramovic was asked about performing satanic blood rituals with politicians and elites during dinner. Truly remarkable spin job, and it worked. The Big Lie assigned fully to the establishment left.


Oh my god. You know what else is a circle?

A pizza.

Dear Lord.

We needed a 10 month circle jerk of donald only because we knew what would happen if clinton won. However now that trump won we should start keeping an eye on him to make sure he does the things he said he would...

I would prefer if he did almost none of the things he said he would.

TPP? NAFTA?? Lockherup???

He's not going to do one of those damn things, guaranteed. Business as usual.

TPP is bigger than the US and will be passed. NAFTA, hahaha, that's laughable. Does he really think he's going to bring jobs back to the USA when shits already way inflated as it is. You think your produce is expensive now? and Lockherup... Trump loves the Clintons, period. Can't believe so many has bought what this expert con artist has sold. The same people that own Clinton own Trump.


got your year wrong

RemindMe! May 1st, 2017

TPP is bigger than the US and will be passed. NAFTA, hahaha, that's laughable.

You were wrong. Suck it.

Wtf! You prefer trump ignores the will of the people? The people have spoken they want isis destroyed. They want to avoid earm. They dont want iran to have nukes. They want healthcare mess fixed. They want borders... You want trump to ifnore the peoples will and just continue business as always and let america die? Yeah youre a winner

However now that trump won we should start keeping an eye on him to make sure he does the things he said he would...

Or else what?

Take away his congress in 2018 and take away the presidency in 2020

Or else this nation dies. We need to fix our problems and its up to yrump,to come through with his campaign promises and fix everything. If he doesnt vote out ever republican in 2 years and trump in 4.

Good. It served a good purpose. Are you denying that the clintons are a huge problem?

It's coming. CIA had wiretaps on NY FBI office, Putin, Manafort, Glen Greenwald, Scott Walker, Rudy Guiliani, James Comey, Julian Assange, Roger Stone, and a man in Florida who tried to switch the voting machines. They're also releasing his tax returns in the Times next week, an Apprentice video where he calls someone a nigger, and a conversation he had with some Epstein guy about having sex with a 16-year-old. Obama waiting for a period of calm. They have the navy (7 seas/7th floor) helping them devise the rollout for next week, but needed a period of calm. A lot of elite mobsters and career criminals are getting locked up for actual crimes with proof of intent and we're probably going to have another vote before Christmas. For once, something is actually bigger than Watergate....on a global scale.

Links? Proof?

4 years to go

You can't help the bleed over from r/politics since it was hijacked by CTR. Things should go back to normal soon.

To be fair, a lot of us thought that the DNC was conducting a criminal conspiracy to fix the election. Hence this sub.

That and Trump has no truth to offer.

When did you come to this conclusion?

Him lying constantly.

He's not wrong about everything. But he changes what he says and literally says nothing most of the time

I commented this to another thread, but I think it's going to be something I end up re-commenting a lot because apparently it needs to be more widely-known:

My understanding of Trump is that he's not a loyalist to a party or an ideology. He does what he thinks at the time is the right thing to do - which leads to reversals of position on many subjects. If he were a rock-ribbed yellow-dog Democrat, or if he were just a New York Republican, charges of "flip-flopper" would have some meaning. But they don't, because he doesn't have a rigid ideal he adheres to. When he changes it's just a change, not an abandonment of principle. Combine that with the fact that he's 101% full of bluster, very self-confident, and accustomed to getting his way, and he's explained pretty thoroughly in my opinion.

But when he consistently changes opinions from day to day depending on the crowd he's addressing, coupled with his propensity to lie about said changes at point blank range, and he starts to resemble all the hallmarks of the dishonest politician that Clinton is.

Also known as a con artist.

Exactly. He tells you what you want to hear, and you do what he wants. They never take your money, they convince you to freely give it to them.

no way, con artists are people that pretend to be someone else, with some stupid made up name like John Miller or something.

oh wait...

Until he sells US policy and deletes thousands of emails to avoid FOIA I think it'd be hard to put him in a category with Clinton.

Well, he has advocated nuclear war, advocated overturning the 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th, 14th, and 15th amendments, supported the Russian invasion of Crimea, been a proponent of nuclear proliferation to countries like Japan, talked of renegotiating treasury bonds and collapsing the global financial market, asked foreign espionage agencies to hack political opponents, claimed climate change was a hoax, tried to gut the EPA, proposed increasing the national debt by $5 trillion dollars, and accepted funding from Russian sources, among other issues.

Yeah, I'd say that at the very least puts him in the same category as Clinton.

It's crazy how easily people were duped by trump and just how misinformed the voters were. You could have been casually paying attention to the issues and known he was an abysmal candidate. Every rational complaint you could have about clinton you can also very easily apply to trump.

Not to mention passionate Trump supporters are absolute cancer. I have never hated a political movement more in my life. They're even worse than regressive left SJW's. They talk in memes. They don't know how to communicate without passive-aggression. They embrace anti-intellectualism. They supported one of the worst candidates we have EVER SEEN.

And it's amazing (/sad) seeing the dominance of these ideas on Reddit and Facebook. Blame it on Russian bots or whatever, but it's really concerning

But at least he isn't trying to rape me.

To be fair, if you supported either of this years (major party) candidates, you supported one of the worst candidates we have EVER SEEN.

You sound bitter and resentful that your candidate lost.

Maybe drop politics and stick with conspiracies my friend, from this comment you surely do not seem like one whose willing to understand other people's point of view.

So sad the Trump cucks still look so desperate and stupid even when their idiot candidate won.

I'd rather be a winner than a sore loser any day pal

Honestly, I feel bad for how bad you guys got screwed, yet many of you somehow don't even realize it. The DNC did so terribly this year that this election will be in the history books for hundreds of years to come. They bent the democrats over and proved that the democratic party is corrupt as can be. Republicans got the presidency, the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court.

And all you got is a bunch of salt and shame

I supported Bernie but I'd rather lose than be an actual low life pathetic loser that supports Trump.

You're so vile towards someone who is actually in support of Bernie in this circumstance.

Bernie got screwed by the DNC; Absolutely backstabed and ignored. Bernie should have been up against Trump this general election but the Democratic party refused to take the opinion of the masses and instead took the opinion of the elite.

Bernie supporters and Trump supporters aren't all that different, yet you can continue spewing hatred if that's what makes you feel better at night.

Bernie supporters and Trump supporters aren't all that different

I completely disagree. Bernie doesn't spread hate, fear and encourage violence among his supporters. And most importantly, he's not a goddamn moron. The only thing Bernie and Trump supporters have in common is that they both hate the establishment, that's literally it.

That similarity is pretty powerful though. Obviously it was a major variable to Trump winning. Many people felt beaten down and ignored by the establishment who were on the Sanders train. When it looked like he too got shafted by the establishment, they turned to the other outsider. It was the ultimate poke in the eye to the elites.

For the record, I'm with you on this. I've just been thinking a lot this past week about all of this, trying to make sense of it all.

I agree that the establishment and the DNC needed to lose and get a rude awakening, but not under these circumstances. If it were any other candidate than Trump, I'd be rooting for the GOP after Sanders lost. Hell, I'd take GWB or even Romney over Clinton after knowing how they fucked over Sanders, but since it was Trump or Clinton, I'd rather she win than him.

100% agreed. After she won the primary, I considered not voting at all in disgust, but eventually went to her side (holding my nose) just to prevent Trump. Turns out that lack of enthusiasm for Clinton was pervasive, and was another variable to Trump's win. I just hope Bernie paved the way for the future of the Democratic party.

Who does Trump hate? He's never encouraged or spread any hate of any kind whatsoever. I'm actually interested to see whom you think he "hates".

Spreading fear? This is very subjective so I'm not sure what you mean, but I do know that Liberals/Democrats are a much more sensitive bunch than anyone else. Fear of ISIS? You betcha. Fear of losing jobs to increasing illegal immigrant acceptance? You betcha. Fear of losing freedom of speech? You bet Trump is. Putting our liberties at risk is a fair reason to be fearful of our country. Are democrats not spreading fear of a Trump presidency? They are as well, so I'm not sure why you're bringing this up.

As for a :goddamn moron:, you clearly have no business expertise at all. His "small loan" of 1million has been invested into a nearly 4billion dollar net worth. Believe me, if you could turn my $1,000 to $4million i'd hire you in a second. If you wouldn't, you're definitely the moron in this sense.

You kidding me? How many times has he antagonized people of other races, insulted them, lied about them. Not just people of other races but women too. If you really don't think Trump is a fear and hate monger than you probably are too or you're just goddamn stupid like he is. Maybe he doesn't really believe what he says and he's just appealing to his base of racists and sexists, in which case he might be smarter than he seems and you're all just morons for believing him.

It's interesting how you hate on any Trump supporter yet you whine about how Trump "hates" certain people. Your opinion is clearly so biased and ingrained that there is no hope in helping you to become a more tolerant and accepting person.

I wish you well, though I do hope that you actually follow what you preach.

All those who think differently than you aren't necessarily bad people. Listen, research, and consider different opinions than your own. All those who think differently are not the devil. Open your eyes and listen every now and then.

Have you been living in a different universe? Did you hear him say most Mexicans are bad, or insulting the judge's decision because of his Mexican heritage, or trying to ban all Muslims and tag them, implementing stop and frisk and essentially legalizing racial profiling, saying he sexually assaults women, insulting McCain because he was a POW, insulting the disabled reporter. The list goes on.

There probably isn't a single demographic he hasn't insulted or antagonized. Trump fans are just enablers of hate, fear and inequality and if you don't see that there is no hope in reasoning with you morons. All of you are ethically and morally lost. Deplorable is the right word to describe Trump and his fans.

He has not said one negative word about the alt-right. Or about Russia, and certainly not about Putin.

He never said most Mexicans are bad. He said those illegally crossing the border to enter the U.S. often do not bring the best along with them. How many illegal doctors, lawyers, rocket-scientists do you know? - I can tell you - ZERO

Insulting a judge because he's Mexican? Where did this happen? I assume you're talking about the Hispanic Indiana Judge, right? Do about 5 minutes of research on this topic for me so I won't have to respond to this idiotic comment.

Banning all Muslims? LOL what? Muslims are free to enter the U.S., so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Individuals trying to enter the U.S. from Syria or Iran? Of course Americans want them to be properly analyzed.... Would you allow anyone in your home without knowing they are good people? - of course not.

Stop and frisk? Go ahead, stop and frisk me. Guess what? You'll find a cell phone, a wallet, and my keys. Maybe a kleenex if it's cold outside. You surely won't find an unlicensed gun on me, but if you'd like to look go ahead.

Sexually assaulting women? You mean all the cases that have been debunked? This has as much verifyable evidence as me saying you've raped me.

Finally, insulting McCain? You mean the same way Obama and the democrats did during 08'? Yeah, the democrats were brutal towards McCains health and war history. Trump on the other hand said one off-base statement. I don't agree with what he said toward McCain, but actions speak louder than words my friend.

One of my co-workers, who is an engineer, told me his parents crossed the border illegally. He went to a top 10 engineering school, and is a good & smart dude. This is just an anecdote, and I'm not even saying most situations turn out this way. But Trump implied the opposite, that most are criminals, which IMO is unwarranted fear mongering. In his initial speech he never said "illegal" or "undocumented", which I believe was a calculated move (i.e. dog whistle). Why do you think white nationalists support him across the board? Where were they for Romney, McCain, Bush?

I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle. Most illegals are just trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. You're more likely to find one in a restaurant kitchen than a dark alley waiting to mug you. Certainly we should secure our border and deport criminals. Seems to me like we've been doing a good job of that under the Obama administration. Just look up his numbers and compare them to Bush (or any other administration).

Like voter fraud, this was an overblown issue, just to fire people up. Seemed like a risky move to me at the time, but looks like the gamble paid off.

The masses on the left didn't support Bernie, unfortunately. Talking about older Democrats who were afraid he was too far left to appeal to independents and undecided. I do believe Bernie had the deck stacked against him, but even straight up, Hillary wins the primaries.

I agree that there were many Bernie supporters who turned to Trump, and there oddly is some overlap there. When you have progressives blasting you, it doesn't bode well for your chances of winning.

I appreciate your opinion. I personally do believe that Bernie would have had a better chance at presidency than Clinton, but there is no way of entirely knowing. Bernie certainly had the younger vote, but Clinton likely had the older vote, but who exactly can know for sure what the outcome would have been if the democratic candidates were flipped.

I do hope, however, that this continues to open a more respectable discussion amongst eligible voters. Bernie surely helped to draw appeal from millennials and younger voters, and I do think that anyone getting involved with politics is a good thing.

Hopefully, with more people getting involved with politics, we can have a country that is more representative of our citizens opinions and values.

Yeah, there's no way to know. I think Clinton picked up old guard Republicans that were disgusted by Trump, where they may have just opted out of voting altogether if Sanders was the nominee. But I think Sanders would have appealed more to working class people who voted Trump in key swing states.

How does it feel to lose the popular vote and know that the country democratically said we don't want you?

The rules of the game was to win the electoral college, not the popular vote. How does it feel to lose the presidency in the way that our country's democracy has worked for hundreds of years? Probably bad, ey?

If the presidency was won through the popular vote, then both Trump and Clinton would have had a completely different game plan. If American football was won by who got the most rushing yards, then both teams would completely change their game plans in order to win.

Go figure Trump won. He followed the rules that have been decided for hundreds of years.

If the losing team got more rushing yards than the winning team, should they get the victory? NO, because they lost given the rules of the game.

You likely have been given a participation award your whole life from losing that you don't understand what it truly means to win or lose. Take a step back and realize that you lost regardless of any false circumstance you can think of.


Russia was the first country to want to negotiate peace with the US after the Trump win.

Russia didn't need to keep fighting, they got exactly what they wanted with Trump in the White House.

You're really pushing the "russia owns trump" narrative here.


I agree, everyone wins with this.

Except the SJWs. They lost no matter what.

Tour fear of him going to war with Russia is a unfounded and based on bullshit reporting. His campaign was about peace with everyone. Russia declared, the day after he won, that they are willing to work with Trump. Clinton was a hawk like no other. She wanted war with Russia.

For the record I'm an independent and think both candidates were garbage.

But the whole Clinton wanted war with Russia thing is far and away one of the dumbest accusations that came out of the campaign. That was when the Trump campaign realized it could literally say anything and people would buy it, and the media would repeat it.

The attacks went from "I'm gonna exaggerate the truth a bit" to "Here's some crazy fucking nonsense I made up five minutes ago eat it up fartbags."

Bullshit. Why do you think Syria is the way it is right now? What do you think happens when you put up a no fly zone that you know won't be honored?

Please, tell me "how Syria got this way." I would love to hear that.

He wants war with China.

Blame China for horrible trade deficiencies and horrible pollution.

Drum up anti China hate (in same areas he won election like Rust belt and south) with anti communist rhetoric. This also kills off progressive movements here in the US.

China's economy crashes because of trade.

Their half billion young single men prime for war.

Some south China sea/either Korea conflict causes WW3.

Trump is the military industrial complex president

Is he connected in any substantial way with Booze Allen, SAIC, Northrup, BAE, and the usual DoD contactors? If so I may think your fear is legitimate. If not, where is your evidence to back up your claim?

He doesn't have to get rich, his DoD friends are the ones that do.

It's George W and Fuck Cheney 2.0

so many lies

lot of assertions. u sure about all of them?

Yep. I'll provide sources for any you feel unsure about, if you'd like.


Don't recall making that particular assertion...

I'd like your sources, if you don't mind.

Sure. Which claim do you want a source for?

All of em


You cite the opinion pieces. Nice.

You talk about Russia as if it's anywhere near as bad as the Saudi's Clinton deals with.

Well, yeah.

So, you're an idiot then. This isn't the red scare, chump.

What a well substantiated argument. You've definitely explained why one authoritarian human rights abusing regime is decidedly worse than another.

You've definitely explained why one authoritarian human rights abusing regime is decidedly worse than another.

Saudi Arabia funds ISIS.


Russia violated international sovereignty by invading Crimea. There.

See how much of a non-answer that is?

Ah, a shill. It has been common knowledge on r/conspiracy that the US and George Soros destabilized Ukraine, but good luck with your lies.

Crimea is historically Russian and they overwhelmingly voted in a democratic referendum to return to Russia. It was exactly what the people wanted, not some hostile takeover as described by Western Propaganda.

Saudi Arabia exports violent wahhabist terrorism across the globe and is the main funder of ISIS. They buy massive amounts of weapons to support the Military Industrial complex, and absolutely ravage helpless nations such as Yemen. They profit almost exclusively from selling oil and destroying the planet.

Russia is surrounded on all sides by advancing NATO forces and US military bases. It has been fending off a massive geopolitical and economic war being waged on it by Western powers. The war is waged through sanctions, West-backed Saudi move to sell oil so cheap that Russia must sell at a loss, Western takeover of neighbouring Nations (US was heavily involved in the Ukraine coup, almost identical strategy to Iran in 1953), and proxy/resource wars such as in Syria.

Russia isn't blameless, but it is the only country with the balls to stand up to the ultimate evil in this world: The Western War Machine. But.. if you didn't know that, what the hell are you doing in this subreddit?

Your very first assertion is wrong so why keep reading....

Not sure what you're trying to prove with that article...

There's some things in there about Trump asking about using Nuclear arms(which everyone knew about already), but there's also that bit about an unnamed anonymous source which we all know is no body... It's like that South Park episode

Tom: We're here reporting that Trump has plans nuke all the countries, he's got the launch codes ready, he's good to go.

Anchor: So you've seen Trump's plans, talked to him about it, all that?

Tom: No, we're just reporting it

That doesn't support your claim. Discussing the topic and asking hypothetical questions about it isn't even close to "advocating for nuclear war."

You can't be serious thinking he could ever do such things

For a lot of people, the fact that he wants to try is bad enough.

Or the fact that he won the election saying he wants to to try these things ...

He literally cannot, it would NEVER happen, quote me on that please sir

"Believe me"

We know he can't, it's just the fact that he wanted to. It's not so much the things he wants to do that are dangerous because he'd have to do gymnastics for most of it, but it's his rhetoric and what it incites from many of his followers that is dangerous.

We know he can't, it's just the fact that he wanted to. It's not so much the things he wants to do that are dangerous because he'd have to do gymnastics for most of it, but it's his rhetoric and what it incites from many of his followers that is dangerous.

Wtf is going on here? Where is this past tense coming from? He can't do what when he finally becomes the most powerful man on the world in two months?

They are.

I mean, he said that he would do them, so I think it's less reasonable to think that he wouldn't.

Knowing how he is prone to changing opinions at the behest of a crowd though, makes one doubt every word he says. It's like he was a politician all along.

My statement was a little too blunt, that was my error, but if anyone really thinks he will take away any of the amendments; something that crazy, that just could not happen. The backlash would be unreal, as unreal as that really happening

Oh yeah, of course. I didn't mean to be dismissive, just wanted to stress that it's still important he said those things.

However, I do think that there is a remote possibility. I'm praying that it never happens, but I can imagine, in the worst course of events, Trump revoking certain freedoms to preserve a good image for himself or his administration.

Thank you, for a well thought out answer, I understand what you are saying, I think the real problem is that both sides jump down each other's throats at the first chance, everyone believes something for a reason, and we should all respect each other's reason.

Agreed! Thank you for listening, that's all I can really expect.

I would be interested to hear what you think the backlash would involve if he tried something like that, just out of curiosity. I have a hard time imagining it happening too.

i'll use the amendments, as i feel that would have the most backlash. Taking away most of our bill of rights, is not something that one side agrees with and one side hates, no one wants that. 1st Amendment; every one wants this, maybe an absolutely tiny minority, and the second amendment, applies to most trump voters in general. i think if he were to try something like that, we would see REAL protesting, with everyone coming together as one, to stop such an unconstitutional act from ever happening. Of course, maybe i have too much faith in humanity

Ohhh, so he's an embarrassingly out-of-touch liar.

Such a strong defense!

He's already dismantling the EPA.

Careful with that. I'm sure George soros had his hands in that along with all the pedophiles that Clinton jerked off and shit. /s

Sorry I spend too much time hating myself and reading r/all, which means I'm actually reading r/thedonald

This is actually /r/conspiracy aka /r/the_donald2

In all seriousness the Donald and now la pen are the fucking craziest conspiracies I have ever seen... And I love a good conspiracy. Annunaki (spelling, I know) creating humans on earth to harvest precious metals? Cool. Everything on the Donald? I want to shoot myself in the head.

I think that the difference is ""traditional"" conspiracy theories emerge when somebody finds something weird and tries to come up with an explanation, while the conspiracy theories being cooked up by the Donald are merely an attempt to discredit their political opponents.

You spelled *cucked wrong

I agree tho :)

Hey look, another crazy wikileaks denier.

I was referring more to the types of posts where they figured that pizza words were actually code for child molestation and other strange conspiracy theories where "grasping at straws" would be giving them too much credit.

This is r/conspiracy and you're decrying people for doing the same shit that r/conspiracy has done for years?

Get fucking real. Are you actually being serious right now? Holy shit.

On mobile, so I can't go indepth but I will say there is a fundamental difference between wiping tens of thousands of emails to hide them from the entire country and not being forthcoming in a civil suit.

The Pence thing is much bigger, and it makes me like pence less than I already did for all his hare-brained stances. I strongly dislike the man, but choices had to be made this election.

there is a fundamental difference between wiping tens of thousands of emails to hide them from the entire country and not being forthcoming in a civil suit.

I agree, though now that Trump is the president-elect I think that his actions need to stand on their own. Clinton's actions may have been worse but that does not make Trump's actions acceptable.

I'm not saying trump is clean by any means, just saying we all had to make a judgment call on what was more important. I hope for all our sakes that those of us who gave the presidency to trump don't end up regretting it.

But you don't disagree that Donald Trump is a dishonest person?

Does anyone?

He has verifiably lied.

I still voted for him because I felt there were more important things in the election than his total honesty. Especially since Hillary was his opponent and Gary Johnson is a moron.

I felt there were more important things in the election than his total honesty.

I hope this comment haunts you for the rest of your life.

Hi shill!

What could I possibly be shilling lol? Election's over, moron.

You have to find some other made-up excuse to cower behind now...

If total honesty is a yes/no test for a presidential candidate to get your vote then I got bad news for you.

Yeah, nobody in the Trump administration would hide e-mails...

Asked and answered like two comments down, I believe.

Feel free to respond to it there.

And anyways, you're changing what I was talking about, since Pence=/=Trump.

But Bill = Hillary

But many people don't seem to realize how incredibly dangerous this is. Given that he has no real (as in reliable) policy or platform to work from, the first time he really has to make a hard decision it will have a random and unforseeable outcome, and such extreme uncertainty at that level is how markets crash and wars (the truly seriously nasty kind) get started.

World politics do not tolerate uncertainty, and Trump is (and ran on a platform of) being a wildcard incarnate.

What if he says we should go to war with Russia at 3am on Twitter? Oh my god.

Edit: accidentally a word.

He must be the world's most clueless guy then, hiring Bannon for his propaganda campaign and now for the white house. He must know the hatred Bannon's built himself around and helped to stir up in this country. Without ideology or morals at all, Trump's a vacuum for anyone who helps him win and look good.

He must be the world's most clueless guy then

I think this is exactly the case. Trump has no way of knowing how damaging the things he does can be for the rest of the country. It terrifies me not because he's an evil person but because he's a deeply ignorant one.

I'm sorry, have you watched his rallies or anything? He doesn't change day to day depending what crowd he is addressing. He is very consistent and yes I've watched most of his rallies.

I'm guessing you slept through the whole "Obama is literally the founder of ISIS" ordeal. Oh, and the whole women should get punished for having abortions thing.

Oh and how he denied saying climate change is a Chinese hoax... While it was still on his Twitter... I prefer to stay away from politifact but they do have a straightforward video showing that he said it repeatedly

Yeah CNN played them all the time. You're not the only one with a TV. You can't name anything he hasn't been consistent on? What about his upcoming trial with his fraudulent university? He's as bad as Clinton.

That's if his university was even a fraud BUT

When did a fraud university become as bad as ruining countries, stealing millions from Haiti, and causing hundreds of deaths in Haiti, or letting four Americans die in Benghazi?

Oh yeah Trumps sooo bad compared to that murderer!

Hillary Clinton murdered people and ruined countries.... I'm not even going to talk about this anymore. I can't. You're right Trump is a fuckin saint.

Even though he advocates for torture and shit but yeah you're right he's sooooo much better than a killary klinton who clearly murders people and loves rapists and wanted soldiers to die because she's obviously the evil cunty bitch amirite

You're right Trump is a fuckin saint.

No but clearly not even close to Hillary Clinton.

Even though he advocates for torture and shit

Against ISIS. So yeah that's good.

the evil cunty bitch amirite

Yes actually. You're right. She's an evil cunt bitch. Thanks!

The hillbots are pretty obvious huh?

Down with George Soros!

see thats the thing, 98% of people speaking on trump havent....

But when he consistently changes opinions from day to day depending on the crowd

When has he done this? This sounds like a dishonest talking point.

he's not a loyalist to a party or an ideology.

I think it would be more fair to say that in some sense, he has no fucking idea what his ideology even is. It's one thing to change your mind on an issue. It's another to say something immensly stupid and/or inflammatory, then go "I really mean it. No I don't. Yes I do. LOL, can't you take a joke? It was sarcasm. NOT! It's true! I never even said that!"

So he is just a dumbass?

He's not an idiot. He's just a saleman. If you don't like his pitch, he'll keep tweaking it until he finds one you like.

That's because he never thought he was gonna win so he didn't have to figure out an ideology

It's more like social issues are "office gossip," and he really doesn't care what you think of Karen's sweater when your report is due in an hour. In other words why are we worried about non-issues when there's some serious work to be done?

That's what he comes around to in every interview. They ask him about his stance on social issues and he's like "why are you worried about that? I'm trying to get the country back for the people, and bring back jobs, not worry about settled law."

Well put. I think he will turn out to be a perfect example of why we need career politicians.

TIL that Obama being the literal founder of ISIS is "office gossip"

His ideology is "what will benefit me".

It was just a prank, bro

Yeah like when he was pro-choice than anti-abortion and for gay marriage than against it and for trans-rights in North Carolina than against it.

i am pro life and anti abortion but still think i have no right to tell others what to do with their bodies.... such a hard concept

Yeah, I'll have the new improved SCOTUS tell them what to do with their bodies.

Which makes you, by definition, pro-choice.

Abortion is an exception to that though. The people who are against abortion truly believe it is murdering a child. It isn't just about the woman's right to choose but also about the life that was removed with no say.

people like you give me hope

Yes, exactly like that. He blows with the wind.

These aren't positions you just flip on because they're the right thing, they're things to flip on to appease people. Unless by "right thing" you mean "way to get more voters".

And I have no possible way in seeing why you want that quality in a person.

I didn't say I wanted it, just that's the way I think he is.

He isn't against gay marriage. If you've seen his most recent CBS 60 minutes, he said there is no point to overruling the marriage equality act. Mind you, the act was passed in a court with the majority being conservative, 5-4, in fact.

He was pro-choice years ago, and he changed even before he ran. While he has been running and a bit before he was anti-abortion.

He was never against gay marriage. Not once. Nor was he against trans-rights. Trans-rights he has said from day one he protects but thinks should decide what to do with the bathroom issue, not him.

He was never against gay marriage. Not once.

Literally flat-out fucking wrong you total shill.

"I think the institution of marriage should be between a man and a woman,"

--Trump, 2000

"I just don't feel good about it," Trump said. "I don't feel right about it. I'm against it, and I take a lot of heat because I come from New York. You know, for New York it's like, how can you be against gay marriage? But I'm opposed to gay marriage."

--Trump, 2011

The first time Trump mentions he is anti-abortion was his speech to Conservative Political Action Conference in 2011 so no it wasn't before he was running. He literally said "I just don't feel good about it," Trump said. "I don't feel right about it. I'm against it, and I take a lot of heat because I come from New York. You know, for New York it's like, how can you be against gay marriage? But I'm opposed to gay marriage."

And he shifted from saying that he agreed with the NC laws to saying that : “I’m going with the state. They know what’s going on, they’ve seen what’s happening.

Nice try though.

Much like how a business works

...leading to success in business, especially if you happen to begin with a "small" loan from family. It's been a recipe for success for him personally. Now we get to see how it works when the POTUS is this way.

He's a business man I never said he was a great one. Plus, the empire he made with only $1million is still pretty impressive


That was incredible.

You could go to the Olympics with that kind of gymnastic skill.

He does have a rigid ideal he seems to follow. It is "Trump before all else". I think there is a chance he may do some good for this country, and he may do bad, but whatever he does, it will be because he thinks it will benefit Trump and no other reason.

Well, regardless of your feelings of how "flip-flopping is not flip-flopping if you're not a politician," he's definitely a politician now. He's already reversed his positions from what he was saying on the campaign trail, not sure why you're failing to recognize even that.

And why does it need to be more widely-known? It's just your opinion.

He was a politician before, too. To get major construction projects done, politics is a thing you need to do. Politics, or be super late and way over budget, and your hair is all pulled out from frustration at the WHYCAN'TYOUJUSTGIVEMEADANGPERMIT people from the City.

It needs to be more widely-known because people don't understand the nature of the man, and they are scared and confused when there is plenty of other stuff to be scared and confused about. My opinion is that the paragraph explains Trump. The rest of the paragraph is the result of analysis.

Which means his behavior can be altered. Whether it is influenced most by his insider advisors, his closest friends(whoever they may be), foreign influence peddlers, on-the-streets political outrage, or his twitter feed... I guess that's up to us.

Chaotic neutral

So he is a reptilian?

That might make sense if his positions didn't change from one day to the next. Yeah, pragmatism is often good. What isn't good is denying you said something 24 hours after you initially said it.

You don't need to be an ideologue to flip-flop. If you say "This is my policy" one day, then a week later you say "Nevermind, my policy is now the complete opposite".

Then that's a flip-flop, regardless about whether you adhere to a strict ideology.

Of course sometimes people should, and do, learn something and change their position on it. The difference there is how often it happens, and how obvious it is that something is just pandering to whoever they happen to be speaking to at that particular moment.

Trump has most definitely flip-flopped a significant amount.

That's what politicians do.

Didn't they elect him specifically because they were sick of the shit politicians would pull? Like lying up their asses? Now it's okay because he does it?

Welcome to politics.

with the vocabulary of a Third Grader...

Yeah but so did Clinton. Not very good election all around. At least Trumps sentiments spoke to people and didnt seem like a robot talking to a crowd.

You've been trained to believe that a good trait among politicians is never to waiver on an issue. Totally false. A good businessman knows when to switch positions and gain speed with the prevailing winds.

Yep. People aren't used to someone that isn't going to toe the party line.

Parties are done.

I think that was the key to this election, and it may mean that even people like Bernie Sanders are on their way out. Parties are done and none of them seem to realize it. Both the Democrats and the Republicans were severely de-legitimized by this election cycle. People are realizing that it is all a joke.

Maybe he changes what he says constantly so TPTB don't know what he'll do next. That don't know whether to take him seriously or not...

You know it sounded ridiculous at first but, honestly, a smart man couldn't have done better than Trump has of hiding his intentions from most everyone. Makes me wonder if there really is something going on in that golden head of his.

Youre right. There is definitely something. As a canadian im having a lot of fun trying to guess what it is.

Well, then we can't trust him. Even if it's just a tactic to throw people off how can we be certain of where he stands on anything? He could be Jesus or he could be Hitler, but I personally would not be willing to take that chance. Better the devil you know than the one you don't.

i think there is truth to this. esp now since he hasnt been sworn yet

Him lying constantly.

He's not wrong about everything. But he changes what he says and literally says nothing most of the time.

Looks like a glitch in the Bots again guys lmfao.

Edit: down vote brigade all you want you punks. I had 5 upvotes a second ago now I'm at negative 2 and dropping lol. I could care less about it. Reddit and the internet in general is becoming bad at this point and I think this is exactly what the elite want.

Or he pressed submit twice by accident...

E: You know, you aren't getting much credibility as a 17 day old The_DOnald account.

Look below some other bot posted the exact same thing line for line.

That's someone who quoted him, not someone who made the same comment


Will unreddit show that?

I find it really hard to believe a ctr bot is bashing trump in a conspiracy sub.

I didn't care because I was getting upvotes. I figured people agreed and I moved on. Meh whatever, it will continue to get worse mark my words.

I always find it funny when people edit a comment saying that they don't care about downvotes, thus providing the only evidence that they would care about downvotes.

It's a lot like ten thousand spoons.


...he desperately writes, editing his message, to make sure everyone knows 100% for sure how little he truly cares. Which, is not at all. Did you hear how fast he's being downvoted? Explaining that in detail is what people who totally don't care do. I mean, how else would he tell everyone how little he cares?

CTR shills still at work. Gotta get their paychecks since they can't work an honest job.

Or maybe Reddit is just sick of all your crap?

Hil lost. Find a new fucking boogeyman


I'm against Hillary but there's no point being blind to Donald's faults.

Don't become the new ctr or fanatic to overthrow. We won for now but lets not become what we fought

I see the Trump bots are still at work.

Wow...Trump supporters don't even understand their own memes.

Go find some other meaningless scapegoat to mask your lack of knowledge, kid.

Look at my comment score now it's dropping like I've never seen and after so many upvotes.. This crap has to stop people.

Change of opinion =/= lying

Change of opinion =/= lying

Him lying constantly. He's not wrong about everything. But he changes what he says and literally says nothing most of the time.

When watching his fucking retarded reality show

Yeah, watch a reality show to give you the truth. SMH.

Lmfao wow

Jesus came to that conclusion.

Trump is a noise machine. 100% noise, 0% signal.

hoo boy.

Don't almost all of his opposition dislike him in root for his honesty..?

Edit: k I guess that's cool. Downvote without explaining why you think I'm wrong

And the DNC is the arbiter of truth? Didn't they help Clinton win the primary?

Both Trump and the dnc can be full of shit. It's not either/or.

Too many people don't get this. I didn't like Hilary at all, and when I would Sai something it was always followed directly by "but Trump.....". But trump nothing, it's irrelevant to my statement

You critize Trump and only get "but Hillary..." You criticize Hillary and only get "but Trump...". It's almost like both are indefensible...

This is the thing people just can't wrap their heads around. It's not a binary choice when both choices are horrible.

Ding ding! I hate them both equally

FINALLY SOMEONE. You criticize Hillary, and people immediately say "good thing we have Trump!" No Trump has nothing to do with this, he's a liar too.

Just because I hate the DNC doesn't mean I like Trump. It means I think a democracy should function democratically.

Why the fuck are so many people stuck in this way of thinking?!

Before the election, it was either/or to many. Damaging Hillary meant electing Trump. Admitting Trump's flaws meant electing Hillary.

Now that's over, so maybe we can finally admit that Trump is the most full of shit person to ever win the presidency. Nearly every fact or stat he said was a lie, and his policy proposals wouldn't pass a financial review by a fifth grader.

Hell, in less than a week after winning he walked back like half of his ridiculous promises. Maybe it won't be a literal wall and Mexico paying isn't a priority, not looking at a Muslim ban yet, maybe we won't repeal Obamacare yet, not immediately deporting all illegals, we are probably moving on and not appointing a prosecutor for Hillary, etc.

Why would you assume that because he says Trump has no truth to offer that he's saying the DNC is nothing but truthful.

That's all that this election was about it seems, one side would criticise the other and the other would say "nuh but yours is worse because...." without actually looking at any valid criticisms. Literally just shit flinging the entire campaign.

This is the exact thing that I'm so fucking tired of. I criticize Trump in front of anyone who supports him and it's "well Hillary..." or "well the DNC...". Who said that I support her either? No one.

Dont let the bastards drag you down

Yeah dont let the bastards drag you down. Just talking is of value.

WhataboutmuhDNC!? Give it a break. Things are too nuanced for whataboutism

Thank you for a correct use of nuance. 😻

Every single time Trump's dishonesty gets brought up. BUT DNC. BUT HRC. BUT EMAILS JFC Trump is a piece of shit independent of anything else.

This fella gets it


Yeah who does that........

What dishonesty? Seriously?

ok, but trump got elected, you can't blame Clinton for anything or compare them anymore. If trump fucks up, and then you say something like "Clinton would have done worse" you're missing the entire point. don't hold someone else accountable for his actions and don't compare them as the campaigning is over and responsibility is trump's.

So we can't blame things on the last president for the next 8 years? HRC would have been Obama1.5 anyhow.

what would you like to blame on him ?

20 million more with health care

4.5% unemployment.

and he deported a lot of illegal immigrants.

So you can blame him for that as well as anything else negative he has done.

oh and bin laden.

and trump is already filling cabinet with lobbyists and corrupt politicians, like he said he wouldn't hahahaha.

Also, if you are blaming the last president, then might as well take that train all the way back. Obama didn't really leave as shitty a situation as bush. it's obviously not perfect, but it's never really been.

I was alluding to the way Obama's administration blamed anything bad on W, but you managed to do that for me.

I get your point, but honestly I will always blame her for forcing me to vote Trump. All she had to do was stop being a two-faced piece of shit for ~18 months of her goddamn life and she just couldn't do it. Fuck her and the DNC and the rest of her crooked cronies, now we HAVE to watch it burn, because of her. I hope Trump's book really was his Mein Kampf and his fear mongering and chauvinistic, ignorant bullshit was completely faked. That would be the greatest slap in the face for career politicians imaginable.

No one forced you to do anything

Well staying home was a choice, but I firmly believe that if you don't participate in the election you forfeit any rights to an opinion on the outcome, and I have opinions so I had to do something. Gary Johnson is a bumbling moron and Jill Stein believes printing new money settles debt, so I was pretty much forced to vote against Hillary with Trump. Maybe Bernie has a shot in 2020 if he's still alive.

yea dnc sucks, but trump was also a 2 faced piece of shit.

and yea i dunno he's already filling up on career politicians and white supremacist. But we are past the point of comparing the pair of 2 faced pieces of shit, I suppose. One is in the white house, it's up to him now.

And the DNC is the arbiter of truth? Didn't they help Clinton win the primary?

Literally nobody said that anywhere in this thread.

The left is a religion. Criticizing Clinton does not mean much as Clinton will quickly be replaced by another useful idiot. So, the argument that Trump has no truth is countered by the leftist party, that is the DNC. It is absolutely in line philosophically to make this comparison.


Which part of my comment would you like to refute?

I just have no idea what you're trying to say. It sounds like you're saying we can't criticize Trump because liberals.

Write what you want. But, after 600 days of unchallenged insults from the left, I'm tired of it. You insist on insulting Trump without evidence to back it up, I'll be insulting the left,except that I have evidence to back up what I say.

This is the conspiracy sub, and we all just lived through one gigantic conspiracy that actually happened but instead of dealing with it the leftist side of the aisle only focuses on insulting Trump. It's childish and misses an opportunity to learn from the nightmare we just went through.

There's evidence of a Trump conspiracy too. Sorry just because you're partisan doesn't mean we can't criticize your "God Emperor" (pro-tip: they're both corrupt). In the conspiracy subreddit we don't ban people for dissenting opinions.

The Mercer family is much, much more 'populist' aka fascist than the Kochs and basically wants to make things white again.

And they want a white, 50s style America again.

Mercer's basically gone on record saying that. It's their goal.

That and with automation, the wealthy don't need Mexicans anymore, they have robots to keep labor cheap, so it's time for them to go.

Truth be told, I hate Trump. I just want evidence of a conspiracy instead of the never ending unchallenged insults from the left. At least this has teeth. Thank you

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You are actually a lunatic.


Am I wrong? Will the left stop attempting to take away personal freedom just because Clinton lost?

You're just rambling nonsense.

Have you tried thinking for yourself? You may be surprised to see that what I am saying actually makes more sense than what you currently believe.

Warning! Binaural Thought detected

I don't know what you mean by this. I'm not an audio engineer.

You can be anything you put your mind to.

It's nice to see the leftist propagandists have returned after skewing r/politics in Clinton's favor during the campaign. Sucks that it didn't work out the way you wanted.


Where's the strawman?

Say what you want about Hillary Clinton, but you know where she stands, even if you don't like her positions.

Trump, who the fuck knows what he believes. I don't. You don't. HE doesn't know.

Trump is a narcissistic megalomaniac. He seems to say what he thinks you want to hear. Clinton is out of her mind crazy. They both suck. That is not the point. My point is if you want to insult Trump, give me some evidence to back it up. If it's just an insult, keep it to yourself or expect a response in kind.

Clinton is out of her mind crazy.

She's many things...ambitions, calculating, cold, egomaniacal, narcissistic, but she's not crazy. There's zero doubt in my mind that she would mostly do what's best for the country, even if you don't entirely agree with it. You know where she stands and you know she's not going to blow up the world

Trump...only cares about himself. Period.

WIKILEAKS: HRC Doesn’t Know What Planet She’s On

Read more:

Oh come on. Really?

Yeah... his supporters are not wrong about everything, hell he isn't either, but he changes stance so often and lies so offhandedly, I can't take anything seriously

That was true of both candidates.

Well that was fast.

What, the sub turning around? Me personally I never trusted or voted for Trump. And half the shit i see in this sub is bullshit. But I don't think he majority on this sub or anywhere really ever believed Trump. Hell some people voted for him just to "send a message" thinking he wouldn't win.

So, saying Trump is such is up voted, but the DNC is down voted? We literally have reams of evidence of the corruption of the DNC in this election, and nothing on Trump, yet you down vote my post? Where is the evidence of Trump doing anything?

People here constantly talking about the DNC. It's not all equal or binary.

Actually, it is. Trump doesn't represent much of the conservative community, so it's not the same to insult Trump as to insult conservatives. But, the left is like an unthinking ball of emotional turmoil. Regardless of which useless idiot is the "leader", should they lose, the religion simply replaces them and keeps going. Thus, the most effective nomenclature of the left in this country is the DNC.

Yeah but it's openly discussed here what their problems and corruption are

I don't care if people insult Trump, but the first comment is only focused on Trump. If you are going to be insulting, at least give some evidence besides your own opinion. Geez, I'm so damned tired of the never ending unchallenged insults from the left.

I can give evidence to back up my comments. Where's the equivalent on the Trump haters side?

You honestly think people's criticisms of Trump are unfounded? Jesus... I'll just link you to a collection of shit he literally said, how about that?

The media has been biased and blown everything Trump has said out of proportion and context. I do think that Trump hasn't had a fair chance as compared to Clinton.

Wow, let's scrutinize Trump to the level Hillary has been...

Leak his emails and tax returns. Then we can compare.

But holy shit. Even still. OK, forget the crazy shit he says. What about failing to launch a casino, embezzling millions from it to turn a profit while not paying the contractors that built it. That's just ONE of his business ventures.

Take Trump university. A scam to get money from people promising real estate knowledge. Neat. And he paid the Florida attorney general to not bring the case, and she didn't.

He didn't ever pay those dancing freedom girls from the rally!

Drain the swamp! You all got bamboozled and elected the troll that lives in the swamp!

Much better. Ok, Hillary was in public service which is why her work is open to scrutiny. What Trump did was private, and much harder to investigate. Doesn't change the things Hillary did, but it's true that Trump is no consolation prize.

Says the person lying.


Well, sometimes. There are a lot of weird conspiracies that I let slide here because it's kinda what this sub is all about.

Fuck that, this isn't some /r/nosleep bullshit, we are here for the truth, not entertainment.

I'm all for out-there discussion, as out there as it gets, bigfoot, aliens, hyperdimensional lizard people, fine, and I admit I often enjoy it, but mostly I just want to be exposed to all the information I can be, not because this is a goddamn circus side-show.

That's kinda what I meant. If the majority of these weren't at least somewhat debatable none of us would be here, and we need to have some weird stuff every so often so we don't accidentally miss something big.

That being said, Climate Change Denial and anti-Jew stuff could end up being legitimately dangerous, so I won't accept it anywhere, not even here. anti-Jew stuff in a conspiracy sub? What the fuck do yall even talk about then?

The Jew stuff is a red herring. Fucking obviously.

Rockefeller, Rothschild and Vanderbilt aren't Jewish families. Fucking goddamn it

Uhhh, I mean, perhaps you are speaking metaphorically, but Rothschild is literally a Jewish family.

hehe at a certain level of wealth your ethnicity becomes "evil"

Muslims were very easy to fold into the narrative. Sharia law is a form of extreme theocratic totalitarian socialism, The Quaran replaces Das Kapital, and thus the crazed actions of some are used to villify an entire ideology and culture. Now we have church and state happily hand in hand in response, our own extremist reply.

Now your falling for the ol' double reverse psychology.

You wasted that apostrophe

Tower 7. Operation northwoods.

Tower 7 = Larry Silverstein

Northwoods = Lyman Lemnitzer

I don't know, I don't come here very often.

Fair enough.


I'm curious. Where did you draw the line? Was it the rapidly increasing concentration of CO2? Was it the increase in global temperature? Was it the 'humans are responsible' bit? At which point did you call bullshit?

Lol you.. I like you.

For one, I simply look at who are the biggest pushers of climate change, and how important it is to them. They want that sweet, sweet carbon tax, and to deindustrialize the West. It's pushed by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Clintons, Obama, Gore, etc etc etc. ALL THE USUAL SUSPECTS that should cause people on this sub to at least be suspicious if they are knowledgable at all on the subjects covered in this sub.

There is a very, very clear agenda of destroying the West right now, through mass immigration, through impossible debt, and through deindustrialization. The way TPTB always set up these things is like, oh, you either accept climate change, or you hate the environment and want us all to drown in rising oceans or a new ice age. I mean Al Gore owns plenty of property that, if he is right, will be flooded. Remember when all the top climate scientists got caught doctoring data? It was a huge scandal, but it just got pushed right under the rug.

I am personally all for massive shifts in the way we conduct business, capitalism, and all the rest of it, but how does deindustrializing the West, while allowing China and India and whoever else to fill the gap, how does that solve anything but fucking over Europeans while allowing other countries to become prosperous and take over the world? For me its not even about the science, I'm not qualified to comment on that, and I wouldn't pretend to be. I am very, very concerned about the environment.

BUT the fact that the mainstream media and every other politician tries to ram climate change down our throats 24/7 makes me not trust the agenda one bit.

BUT the fact that the mainstream media and every other politician tries to ram climate change down our throats 24/7 makes me not trust the agenda one bit.

It's not an agenda, it's a fact. And they're shoving it down your throat because people need to accept it because it will destroy the planet if they don't.

So if your evidence for not accepting is because people you don't like believe in it, you're a goddamn idiot. You'll notice at no point in your post did you address any of the evidence. Just "these people probably have ulterior motives because reasons!"

So if these fucks were serious about climate change then surely they would order business not us consumers to change their M.O. ie make products that last and cancel debts so we dont need a system that requires constant consumption to pay the debt off.
It would be worth it just to drown those fuckers anyway.

They would order all businesses to conform to environmentally conscious regulations if half of the country, and thus half of the politicians, actually believed that climate change was a real thing. If the Republicans didn't think it was a liberal hoax that's being used to try and harm business and the free market or whatever the fuck, we'd be seeing a lot more changes in the way we do things in an attempt to stop killing the fucking planet.

But canceling national debt is something the so called elites could do but won't the blame is with them not us. They are the ones who push debt and consumption not us, them

Cancelling national debt won't do anything to help the environment. Active steps need to be taken. That's a really outlandish idea though, never heard that one.

The repayment of unrepayable debt has to be covered by endless over-consumption of goods that require ENERGY to produce.
The economic model we have requires us to destroy the planet.
So sorting out the debt problem ....etc
All earths problems are EASILY solved.

You'll notice I never insulted you but you come on here and just have to call me an idiot because I dont accept your story. Just like anyone who doesnt accept the 911 story is an idiot, because facts! Evidence! Everyone agrees!

I want your thoughts on this:

If we can agree that industrial nations produce CO2 as a byproduct of their economic productivity, then limiting emissions caps production, which hurts their economies. I can't think of any reason for a nation to cut back on its industry and hurt its own economic growth other than a larger force with which it cannot battle alone.

Basically if the two countries most poised for growth in this century have chosen to limit their emissions, what does that tell you about what the people at the very top are seeing that we are not?

You're saying that China and India have chosen to limit their emissions? If they have even actually done that, which I honestly doubt, all their CO2 models that I've read about say we have gone past the point of no return already, so if they really wanted to do something about it, wouldn't they just have shut everything down and declared absolute emergency? Or maintained the bare essentials?

Or, more likely, they have agreed to go along with the agenda in a limited way for publicities sake, because they have been pressured to do so by big banks.

You lost me a little bit back there so I'm just going to try to summarize your point:

"We should not do anything about climate change because it costs money and we don't want to pay money. We're also unsure of the return on this investment. [And of course something about big banks because why not.]"

Is that about right?

No I never said any of that. Stop putting words in my mouth. Carbon tax is promoted by THE ROTHSCHILDS. Do you even know who they are? This sub is fucking cancer...

I was asking you about your views on global warming and here you are talking about the Rothschilds. Chances are I'll have cancer by the time you pulled this thought train into the station.

Reduced carbon and other emissions were a part of China's previous and current Five Year Plans. I believe they may have even exceeded their first goal.

Wouldn't know about India.

If we can agree that industrial nations produce CO2 as a byproduct of their economic productivity, then limiting emissions caps production, which hurts their economies. I can't think of any reason for a nation to cut back on its industry and hurt its own economic growth other than a larger force with which it cannot battle alone.

I'll bite. Do you know the level of CO2 in the atmosphere by percentage composition as of today? It's less than 0.1%. Do you know what it was during prehistoric times, like the age of dinosaurs? More than 10%. Do you also know about how vegetation THRIVED in high CO2 levels? CO2 is plant food. Reducing its levels drastically will impact farming, agriculture and vegetation as a whole and our survival as a species will be threatened heavily. Please note, that this is not an endorsement to open pollution; stopping pollution is a great idea, and a step forward to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels should be encouraged nonetheless.

Do you know the current state of the shitshow that is the carbon tax industry? Do you know that one of the biggest profiteers of that industry is Al Gore? Also, are you aware that all predictive climate models have FAILED so far? And that the trend in the garbage of a concept called "global average temperature" has been a completely flat line? Are you aware that the size of the Arctic Ice Cap has actually increased, the same Ice Caps Al Gore's rubbish documentary An Inconvenient Truth alleged would melt off completely by 2008? Did you know that polar bear census has reported an all-time HIGH in its population??

Finally, I got one word for you: Climategate. Do let me know your thoughts on this scandal which reveals how prominent climate "experts" manipulated data before publishing to suit their agenda

I want to have an intelligent debate with you, but first I must work my job like all of us patriots. Looking forward to it.

No sweat bro. Everyone's got work to do. Looking forward to it myself.

You are the one not knowledgeable at all though...There isn't a national scientific academy on the planet that disagrees with man made global warming and 97% of climate scientists do. Do you think they are all bought out? Sweet Jesus. Wait, you are a conspiracy nut so you probably do.

Oh no, a bunch of tabloid newspapers ran stories that it's bullshit?

Also that study isn't the only one buddy,

And here's an article relating to the cook et al 2013 study

You're on the same sub as me buddy. I'm not arguing whether climate change is in fact, man made and related to carbon emissions. I just dont trust those implementing the solutions. Call me names I dont care.


I completely agree. There is a long history of the shills sabotaging communities exactly like this. There is even a documentary on Netflix about the CIA sending shills to act crazy in UFO groups.

Yeah this post worries me


Free hat! Lmfao

The exact same thing can be said of those denying climate change.

Jesus man, just google "blue ocean event". That is literally the only thing you need to look at to accept global climate change. If you think that this is a debatable subject at this point, then you are the one making the rest of us look like crazies to the rest of the world, and guaranteed, you will be among the dangerous desperate people once this shit accelerates beyond denial.

a guy online saying the climate isn't changing will be the most dangerous thing to the climate?

not the idiots polluting so much, or americans being so overweight that millions of extra gallons of fuel is burnt to move our fat asses around compared to what we would use if we were normal human weight. or people letting the government take bribes so companies can pollute shit up

no not all that. but this one guy on a reddit forum.

and of course, to determine the effect and severity, we only 'literally' need to look at ONE thing. Not other things with it, like 800,000 years of temperature or co2 data. but ONE thing.

people like you are actually the problem. not with the environment, but the world in general

Not one guy, ignorant public opinion in general. All of the things you listed stem from this problem. Historic CO2 levels, changing weather patterns, etc. are all great pieces of evidence but anyone who is genuinely trying to get the truth should be able to accept climate change as something that is really happening just based on research into blue ocean event alone. Someone can look at co2 levels and still be skeptical about their effects. A blue ocean event is very clearly a sign of change.

Ps. How do you manage to sarcastically disagree for an entire post with saying anything substantial? It's quite a talent.

PPS I never even said anything about "the most dangerous thing to the climate" so your entire post is just strawmanning anyway.


Who are you to tell me I can't investigate Jewish power? Who are you to tell me I can't ask why the Rothschilds and the mainstream media promote carbon taxes?


1.) It's not that I'm trying to stifle your opinion, it's that your opinion is most often used by Nazis to take over the world and justify killing people

2.) We have more than enough evidence that climate change is happening and potentially dangerous to humanity whether you think Humans are causing it or not, and ignoring the problem entirely will probably kill millions of people. If you don't support climate change research now this sub will be flooded with "they knew and still did nothing" posts later.

OY VEY NAZI'S what about Jewish communists/zionists/globalists that ACTUALLY are trying to take over the world? And have done so, to a large degree? I can't discuss that because Jewish controlled Hollywood has programmed you to think that the only thing that must never be questioned is the underlying motivations or actions of the precious chosen people? Try harder JIDF.

What part of the phrase "Jewish Controlled Hollywood has programed you" doesn't sound racist? I'm all for questioning people's underlying motivations, but claiming Jewish people secretly wield massive power as a group simply because they're Jewish is a very Nazi conspiracy.

"Racist" is just an empty pejorative. Doesn't mean anything. There's nothing secret at all about Jewish power, if you open your eyes to it. Nazi's don't control the USA or the banks or Hollywood or Israel. Jews do. Don't like that fact? Doesn't change the fact that it's a fact. You should watch The Greatest Story Never Told to learn a different side of WW2 and see if you're singing the same tune.

I don't like you, I don't like your opinion, I think you are harmful to society, but I also know I can't change your opinion. I'm going to block you so we don't end up in a horrid rabbit hole neither of us can climb out of.

Haha you're just afraid what I'm saying might be true so you're going to bury your head in the sand. Go back to r/politics or something you don't belong on a subreddit dedicated to pursuing truth, wherever it may lead

Nobody who isn't retarded thinks what your saying is true. Let me remind you that the only point you've asserted so far is "There are some Jewish people involved in these very specific cherrypicked positions of power I'm listing, therefore it's a conspiracy to take over the world."

People don't think you're crazy because they're brainwashed ignorant sheeple, they think you're crazy because you're crazy. And racist.

Keep trying, JIDF! Maybe you'll convince someone someday!

Your not proving it's not true though fam. It's a conspiracy theory still so it should be able to be talked about here right? I

Well that's not how it works. I don't have to prove anything is false. Believing something stupid without any evidence means you deserve to be called stupid. Like religion, people always say "Well you can't prove it isn't real so you can't criticise." Things don't work that way. I'm not saying anything is true or false, I'm saying that believing shit with no evidence is stupid and just shows that you just believe whatever fits in line with your agenda.

Where do you think we are? It's a conspiracy sub. Labeling someone stupid because they may believe something you don't is a prime example of how you discredit the opposition. Something the powers at be would do. I bet you haven't even looked into said conspiracy. Some of it lines up and is quite spooky. The fact that you are saying this is one subject we can't cover just adds more fuel to that fire.

Labeling someone stupid because they may believe something you don't is a prime example of how you discredit the opposition.

Again, you're misunderstanding. I'm not labelling somebody stupid for believing something I don't. I'm labelling them stupid for believing something for which there is no evidence to believe and for which their only obvious reason for believing is because they have an agenda and so everything needs to fit neatly into it. And a bit of overt racism as well.

I have no problem with plenty of things people believe that I don't, plenty of it isn't stupid whether I believe it or not. I have a problem with stupid things.

And again, I never said that this 'can't be talked about' here. I just said it's dumb and /u/Kalki_Filth is dumb for believing it. And even more dumb for not believing in manmade climate-change. Especially because his evidence for both of those beliefs is exclusively because those beliefs fit into his preconceived notion of how the world works.

I never said man made climate change is false. I simply said even if we accept it is, I dont trust those who would solve the crisis. But you would rather construct a strawman out of me.


And who the fuck are you to decide that your opinion is magically better than historical precedence or the scientific method without proof to back it up?

Right, it's like saying you have free speech, just don't talk about anything deemed offensive.


It's sad. It really is. 98 upvotes, too. smdh

This is what happens when r/conspiracy hits r/all. But tbh half of the regulars on r/conspiracy are cancer too, hence why I dont hang out here anymore.

I don't even know who the regulars are anymore. I haven't been one since r/conspiracy became a republican propaganda machine a year ago.

I haven't been a regular on here for quite some time. I dont mind /r/conspiracy rallying behind Trump considering the threat Hillary pose(d?) (and I honestly think it's dishonest to consider pro-Trump stuff pro-Republican since the RNC tried everything they could to deny him the nomination and the presidency) BUT I agree with you that this sub is infested with shills and disinfo agents and is altogether mostly a cesspool. Someone needs to drain this swamp!

Climate Change Denial

The debate is whether or not Climate Change is Anthropogenic, which is very debatable, and frankly it is quite proven that regressive world policies surrounding "climate change" do nothing but stifle economic and industrial growth for smaller companies and developing countries. Climate Change in of itself is a natural process no one denies...

anti-Jew stuff

You talking about how some of the world's most powerful and elite families who meddle with world markets and cause wars just happen to be Jewish? Or did you refer to the hoax that is the Holocaust?

{an idea} and {another idea} could end up being legitimately dangerous, so I won't accept it anywhere, not even here.

That sort of thinking is way, way more dangerous

{racist idea} and {ignorance} are somehow respectable in your world? I would agree with you if it was actual ideas, like Communism or Atheism or Net Neutrality or Nationalism or Mormonism, but these are widely refuted stains on society that have the potential to cause major world disasters. One of them already has. No.

{racist idea} and {ignorance} are somehow respectable in your world? I would agree with you if it was actual ideas, like Communism or Atheism or Net Neutrality or Nationalism or Mormonism, but these are widely refuted stains on society that have the potential to cause major world disasters. One of them already has. No.



First off, I please tell me precisely where I said that they were respectable ideas? I would like to know. I sure don't see it.

Second, they are actual ideas. You don't have to like an idea for it to be an idea. Racism is an idea. Eugenics is an idea. Creationism is an idea. Calvinism and fatalism and nihilism are all fucking ideas, regardless of the dangers they may or may not bring along.

And it blows my god damn mind that you can come a sub like this and say, essentially, "I don't want to see these controversial ideas discussed here because I'm supes certain they're bullshit and damaging -- let's just assume I'm right and move on."

Are the Jews controlling the world? I don't think so. Has man affected the climate? Probably. Should potential conspiracies involving Jews or climate change be disallowed on fucking /r/conspiracy because the idea of discussing them scares you? Fuck no.

Are the Jews controlling the world? I don't think so. Has man affected the climate? Probably. Should potential conspiracies involving Jews or climate change be disallowed on fucking /r/conspiracy because the idea of discussing them scares you? Fuck no.

Ah, so that's where you're coming from. I don't like those ideas, I don't like the people that have those ideas, but that shouldn't stop people from having ideas. I concede the argument to you.

Bravo chaps.

Just supposin' here, but supposin' Trump is the new potus. And supposin' the dems and most of the reps in the house and senate don't much care for the fella. Now, spose we actually see some bipartisanship across the floor against ridiculous ideas and the house and senate see that they can negotiate with sound purpose for the American people. Just sposin'...

Have you read the report from Iron mountain? Old conspiracy from prob before you were born, whole section on using a climate "emergency" as a method of controlling the populace. Im not saying protecting the environment is bad, but if you want people on r/conspiracy to not speak in a skeptical manner on how our government and world governments address this or why...well you are on r/conspiracy after all....

I personally believe there are huge issues with our environment, but to leave off the table questioning official responses or to even suggest it cannot be capitalized on by groups who dont have the environment's or our best interests in mind seems a bit dogmatic.

No climate change discussion? In conspiracy sub? That's dangerous. I'm not denying it exists but how much is much is man-made is up for discussion and many large corporation world players benefit greatly from extremely tight regulation.

It sure is up for discussion, but flat out denying it exists is silly.

Of course the climate changes, that's almost a given. Now anthropocentric global warming, and pretending we're going to do anything meaningful about it any time soon, that's a joke. So in reality both sides are right, from a certain point of view.

who is the master that makes the grass green?

Are you confusing anti-Israel sentiment for antisemitism? Or are you talking about the people who conflate the two?

I am talking about antisemitism specifically. Israel as a nation has done some unpleasant things, but claiming that it's all because they're Jewish is stupid.

Understood than. I can get behind that sentiment.

Doesn't matter how out there, just as long as there is evidence. There is some pretty fucking far out there truths to be found.

Absolutely, that's why this sort of place is so important. I can't trust myself to moderate what is and isn't true, how could I trust anyone else? If you asked me what was true a year ago I would have said "Well one thing is for sure, Donald Trump will never be president."

I hope a fundamental premises of this sub is that I can choose what is truth, based on the evidence presented, rather then what the majority wills truth or what the minority manipulates the media to present as truth.

In order for me to judge, or for you to judge, we need to see all the evidence, even when some of that is wacky.

It is a fundamental premise of this subreddit. Thankfully that has never changed to this date. I can state any opinion I want and not get banned, as long as I'm not too much of an asshole about it (which I have been in the past.)

I don't see aliens as way out there- not after researching the subject quite a bit. I think "humans are all alone" should be seen as way out there. For a really serious look at the subject, read Richard Dolan's "UFO's and the National Security State." For an accessible Internet read, check out this web site that a redditor made:

Certainly not alone in the Universe, and whether or not we're alone in this solar system is absolutely up for debate. I didn't want to lump those three things together. I hold UFOlogy in high regard. I'm not a believer in any one theory but I've seen and heard enough to be convinced that something is going on.

P.S. I'll check out the link, thanks.

Hey, right on. I can't recommend Richard Dolan too strongly, as well as Jacque Vallee. I listen to a really fantastic podcast that separates the compelling material from the bullshit-

for entertainment i just read up on the cheese pizza thing.

Misinformation can be worse than no information.

I'm here for entertainment, not truth. That's what a conspiracy is, not truth. So this side show is on for par in my book.

I come here knowing full well that 99% of the conspiracy theories I read will be bullshit. I read them anyway because I know, every now and then, someone will get it right, and I'll most likely read about it here first.

exactly. funny how the original supporters from day one came from conspiracy...

I don't think you grasp the concept of irony.

and i don't think your reading comprehension is up to par..

I dont think we really landed on the moon

Alderaan was an inside job

Bush did 9/11.



Do you know what I am saying

I don't think log cabins are made from logs

Eh.. snappy comeback or something I guess?

Eh. I don't deny that some very pro-Donald users are here trying to help their candidate, but that is such a small number of people in comparison to those who simply post examples of the establishment conspiring against a new politician, thereby making it seem like there are a lot of "pro-Trump" pieces here.

I mean, shit, half the US likes Trump for one reason or another, of course there will be some pro-Trump posts here.

Absolutely. I came here for respite from the endless partisan nonsense and to talk about NSA surveillance, Pipelineistan, Pizzagate, and REAL behind-the-scenes action not stuff I can find on USAToday.

which is a nonpartisan concept.

This sub has been incredibly partisan for like 8 months. Do you think that's going to change all of the sudden?


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Who you trust to feed you actual facts and not made up ones isn't.

Unless it concerns the (((Chosen People))), then you get pretty partisan, pretty quick.

What is TPTB?

This sub has been partisan for months. All anti Clinton bullshit

I will be having real discussions elsewhere, trump doesn't want yes men he wants ideas.

Only true shadowy conspiracies here folks!


so whqts your beet tump and the russians conspiracy? you guys were quite silent

FUCKING PREACH!!! Fuck George Soros, fuck Donald Trump, fuck the Alt-Right, fuck the Democrats, fuck the Republicans. Fuck them all to hell.

As a Trump supporter that listens in on the Alt-right, I 100% support the need to separate politics from this sub. It's one thing to report polls being manipulated, but it's completely different to promote political agendas.

That said, keep the WikiLeaks and exposure to DNC corruption coming because those are actual conspiracies.

And more importantly: keep an eye on Trump. He's in the military-industrial complex's hands now, so even if you believe Trump is for the people, his life and family can be threatened in ways we can't even fathom. Doesn't excuse his behavior -- mostly explains why all presidents seem to sell their souls: they kinda have to----.

That said, keep the WikiLeaks and exposure to DNC corruption coming because those are actual conspiracies.

Sure. I 100% welcome those leaks. However, we need to ALSO report on corruption from the right as well. Both sides are not for the people.

And more importantly: keep an eye on Trump. He's in the military-industrial complex's hands now, so even if you believe Trump is for the people, his life and family can be threatened in ways we can't even fathom. Doesn't excuse his behavior -- mostly explains why all presidents sell their souls: they have to----.


However, we need to ALSO report on corruption from the right as well. Both sides are not for the people.

Pfft, yeah right. Wikileaks is never going to report on those, did you miss their pretty damning AMA?

I missed it. Link?

Woah! In my first ever thread here I asked if they had information about Trump they were sitting on. Caught a bit of heat for it but damn, this is crazy right here.

One of their final critiques is that WL controls the information by dumping it all at once instead of selectively releasing it, but that seems to be the opposite conclusion to draw.

Did WL have an answer for that?

that was damning? That was a long list of nothing. What you're mad at wikileaks for not naming a source? the MSM never names a goddamned source, and unlike wikileaks, the info they have doesn't self verify quite like leaked emails do. or does it? Timing their releases; are you mad that the genius of this was enough to steal the election? Or are you mad that it took publicity away from the MSM and showed the world what kind of cheap bullshit liars and hacks they are?

this list is the ramblings of someone with Don Quixote level delusion.

Wikileaks suggested they had info on Trump, but Assange himself said "it wasn't worth it." That leaves a whole lot of room for interpretation; what Assange might consider juicy, others might not and vice versa. Considering the AMA underlined these practices, it was more than damning.

What you're mad at wikileaks for not naming a source?

No one is mad at them for it; it's just hard to verify info of which you can't identify the source, which is why people argue down this road. You seemed to have picked up on that people don't trust MSM for not naming sources, but then go on to more or less say, people should just trust WL because their leaks are "self-verifying" (whatever the hell that means)

Timing their releases; are you mad that the genius of this was enough to steal the election?

You just fucking admitted yourself WL was being biased

No one is mad at them for it; it's just hard to verify info of which you can't identify the source

The emails verify themselves. DKIM. Also, the emails are the source you fuckwit.

You just fucking admitted yourself WL was being biased

Timing is more about exposure. Content dictates bias.

As to what wikileaks has on trump. It is all speculation as to what is contained. Just as the MSM chose not to report on any of the wikileaks emails WL can so choose not to report on leaks they recieve.

The amount of shit flung at trump this election in and of itself gives good reason to assume that the wikileaks material is irrelevant. And if such material were relevant and MSM is reporting on even fabricated trump stories why were they not privy to said leaks?

It's curious how aggressive some of those comments are, and how quick they are to condemn Wikileaks. Some of which were straight up calling them out as an arm of Russian Intelligence. Others claiming that it's impossible to verify authenticity of their content.

Here's a conspiracy for ya: Turning an AMA into ammo to allow the old establishment to discredit them, and give a future candidate cover from anything damaging from Wikileaks. Render them to the state of RT, which is handily dismissed without consideration. Doesn't matter what it is that is being dismissed, but if it says RT in the corner, out with the trash. This is sowing seeds for a future effort.

We need to remember, we're now in a time where a politician was able to say just about anything, and despite 'fact checkers' (and I do use that term very loosely), still won in the end. The art of persuasion is very strong, with Trump being one of the best at it. So his opponents are going to start ramping up their game. Wikileaks is a prime target for such a counter offensive. Taint them with Russia, or make the idea that what they have isn't necessarily accurate or outright lies, they could get people to outright dismiss anything from Wikileaks. Perception is king. Control people's perceptions, and you control reality.

Partisan fervor peaked after the election. Wikileaks thought the opposite would happen when they did their AMA, since they showed the world how these political organisations that people invest so much of themselves in, don't care about them at all.

People wanted something to blame other than themselves, I suppose.

I like how they say they're partisan for Trump and link to a comment as evidence that has 2 direct replies immediately refuting and proving the comment wrong.

Assange hasn't said shit otherwise, what he said is that they received stuff about the RNC but it wasn't very substantial, and that they haven't received shit about the Trump, Stein, or Johnson campaign.

Yeah, how damning.

Assange hasn't said shit otherwise, what he said is that they received stuff about the RNC but it wasn't very substantial,

Less substantial than what Podesta had for lunch? I doubt that.

Did you just insinuate that the entirety of the Podesta leaks amounted to nothing more than what he had for lunch?

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I insinuated that some of the Podesta leaks were nothing more than what he had for lunch. Of course, everyone from /r/the_donald wants us to believe that the RNC emails amounted to less than that, which is a pretty fucking low bar to start with.

No, you didn't add the word "some" into your post until just now, so you pretty much just insinuated the entire leaks were nothing.

Of course, I really don't think it's fair to assume what is or isn't in unreleased leaks. Either way, RNC wasn't for Trump till he won the nomination, so I'd not be surprised if they were less organized DNC copy-cat plans to get Jeb or Cruz or something else elected.

No, with the context of the original post you commented on, I was pretty much picking on one specific email. According to the Wikileaks staff in the AMA, what they had on Trump was less significant than the DNC email, so I was citing it to point out the exact absurdity of that claim. If they were claiming that what they had on Trump was less important than the DNC emails as a whole, they were insinuating that they were less important than the least important DNC email. Which is Podesta's fucking lunch.

Then I misunderstood your comment, but the original comment I replied to was just a chain of you saying that the AMA was damning, and some guy asking for how, and you linking a poorly written post showing how "damning" the AMA was.

We can move goalposts all you want, but the fact of the matter is I replied to point out the post you linked was poorly written or informed.

If they were claiming that what they had on Trump was less important than the DNC emails as a whole, they were insinuating that they were less important than the least important DNC email.

That doesn't make sense, and why assume? Wikileaks was clear, they don't censor, so you get your recipes. The RNC stuff was written in the context of a investigate journalist or something, and it was weak sauce, so you get none of it.

Wikileaks was clear, they don't censor, so you get your recipes. The RNC stuff was written in the context of a investigate journalist or something, and it was weak sauce, so you get none of it.

That doesn't make sense either, fwiw.

Really? It's not hard to grasp. Wikileaks doesn't want their brand to be associated with weak sauce leaks. If they leak something, they want people to read it, not think to themselves "but they released those boring RNC e-mails whatever last time, I'll give it a pass and wait for the media to report on it".

It's against their stated purpose to act as censors at all. Not releasing something just because it's weak is censorship and makes them a gatekeeper, which is something Assange has always been against.

Every single media outlet is a gatekeeper. You think The New York Times, or whoever, publishes what sources they've talked to for a story that leads nowhere?

The alternative to what Wikileaks is doing would be to publish every single authentic thing that gets submitted, which runs counter to their goals regarding impact. Imagine how that could be abused by those who'd want to lessen the impact of leaks.

Wikileaks is supposed to not be a gatekeeper though. The whole information should be free thing doesn't work if they're not a gatekeeper. They used to not have goals regarding impact, that's completely new.

Wikileaks is supposed to be who they say they are.

Their about page hasn't changed since it was posted:

WikiLeaks is a not-for-profit media organisation. Our goal is to bring important news and information to the public.

Can you link me to what you're referring to though?

Can you explain like I'm retarded how it's damning? I'm not even sure if Assange had internet up when this AMA was done, so who knows what type of authority whoever was doing the AMA had. He's also dropped some pretty damning stuff on the US even before Obama was president (stuff on the war in Afghanistan, etc).

That said, I think Wikileaks has its flaws, and some of them major, like its non-disclosure agreements + some of the things their defectors have said about them.

I've not thought them to be intentionally partisan before, but now you've got me searching for evidence to the contrary

Basically, "we had stuff on Trump, but it wasn't very interesting so we didn't release it."

Whew, thanks Wikileaks for saving me the time of reading something boring. Sure it's 100% antithetical to your philosophy but I'll just trust it wasn't important.

And then they didn't reply to follow up questions and decided to focus on other less damning conversations

Also Assange claimed that the media was discovering enough negative info on Trump so they chose not to release their info.

What's funny is that most of their leaks on Hillary were boring.

Like 1 email out of a hundred had anything interesting to look at.

Even worse. They said "we had nothing on Trump", but Assange had already said "we had stuff on Trump, but it wasn't very interesting so we didn't release it."

I'm pretty sure in that exact quote you're taking this from, Assange said if you have anything other than second hand quotes, please send it in.

To me, it sounds like they received second hand info that wasn't verifiable and didn't decide to release it because it's kinda bullshit to post something that could in all intents be fake.

Here's the quote I'm thinking of.

He says "good information", but then the line about how it has to be controversial enough, which sounds more like a jokey excuse than an actual reason to hold back information.

Well that's fucked. They should release it and let us decide whether or not it's interesting.

But I'm preaching to the choir here

People have already mentioned the Trump stuff but there was some other shitty stuff.

I can't remember the exact quote but it was something along the lines of "We release our leaks to have the most political, social, and cultural impact."

Some people will defend it, but if you are going to admit to "controlling the narrative" so to speak, don't act like you're a zealot for transparency.

To add to this they said the stuff they had on Donald wasn't important. Someone then asked if that was their criteria why did they feel it was necessary to release the social security number of a person who donated $10 to the DNC. As you can probably guess they didn't answer.

There was another question about how in 2010 Assange claimed to have something huge on Russia but never released it and then, two years later, was given a show on Russia Today. Again, no answer there.

The AMA created more questions than it answered, in my opinion.

Yeah wikileaks is pure political bias now, sadly. If you're only looking to them, you're doing it wrong.

So, the leaked cables, video, etc. from the Bush era don't count now? Anyways, since the MSM was doing a more than adequate job of sniffing out and publishing Trump's dirt, why would Wikileaks feel like there was even a void to be filled there?

Yeah, plus they won't release information that can be found elsewhere. Like if they had the 'grab her by the pussy' video, it wouldn't be necessary to release it because it was plastered all over the news.

I think that is why they didn't release anything on him. Because anything they got either couldn't be authenticated, was elsewhere, or wasn't news worthy by their standards. I tend to trust Wikileaks, though.

I think the thing that will "protect" trump from war profiteers (....if he himself isn't one...) is his real estate empire. Real estate is like...more deadly than war because it's often the cause for war.

I mean shit...wasn't 9/11 used as a cover to demolish 3 governmental buildings in order to avoid the bureaucratic BS?

Jesus you don't even have your conspiracy theories straight

Why would you believe that Trump is for the people? Because he tells you? He has never demonstrated any interest in his life in doing things "for the people."

I'll give you a different narrative: he is "for himself." And he understood that in order to appeal to people, he'd have to tell them he is working for the little guy.

Your biggest clue that he just lied to people to get elected is his bogus promise that he'll bring back manufacturing jobs. People who are "for the people" don't tell the people obvious lies. This is an obvious attempt to get people to vote for him so he can call himself president and do what he wants.

Why would you believe that Trump is for the people?

Because they are in a personality cult.

Because they are in a personality cult.

The amusing part about it is that he's such a weak personality.

What does that say about people in a personality cult of a man who's such a pathetic individual?


Is what /r/The_Donald posts constantly? Yep.

I can't imagine anyone wanting to drag themselves and their family through a messy election cycle when they were already a billionaire. I get that some people will never have enough money, but it does seem plausible that he is an actual human with morality and saw a chance to create a real legacy by doing something good.

I know being positive means I can lose my tinfoil card, but a little hope every now and then doesn't hurt. Only time will tell us the truth about Trump.

I can't imagine anyone wanting to drag themselves and their family through a messy election cycle when they were already a billionaire.

He has all of the signs of classic Narcissistic Personality DIsorder, which means that he is extremely insecure and also craves attention and praise, and he fears that others will perceive him as incompetent.

He was bored and wanted to be president so he could say "I got to be president." And he used his celebrity to appeal to morons who trusted that this billionaire could magically fix things. Never mind that he's only a billionaire because his dad was a finance/business genius. Trump is just a trust fund kid who, according to finance experts, has actually done worse in business than if he'd just put his holdings from 35 years ago into unmanaged stock funds and let it sit there.

I dated a girl once who had NPD (only lasted a month) and I can safely tell you these people are fucking dangerous. She did some pretty evil shit just for the hell of it.

A lot of people aren't aware of what true narcissists are. You did a good job of explaining it but l'm going to add some more stuff in. These people are completely void of empathy. Other people are objects to them. They feel the same way about their wives as they do their cars or their televisions. They're extremely manipulative. They can't truly love anyone but themselves.

It's hard for mentally healthy people to comprehend narcissists. Just try to imagine how easy it would be to lie and manipulate people if you literally saw them as objects. It's effortless. Any pain or unhappiness you cause is meaningless to you. The only thing you're susceptible to (generalizing here) is shame.

And the weirdest part is that they admit they're narcissists. They'll openly talk about it like it's nothing. The girl I knew who had it was almost proud of it.

Also, this is not me just making this up. Actual neuroscientists and psychologists have said that they believe Trump has Narcisstic Personality Disorder:

"Typical liberal jewish academics," would that be a good troll response? Another example ripped right from the nazi playbook.

This a bit house of cardsey. But when you reach his level of money, what you crave is power.


Just guessing here, but you can't know for sure he's lying.

Trump is a "businessman", yes? When have you ever known a businessman to sacrifice profit to help the little guy?

And before you answer; demonstrate that Trump has ever ever done this.

PROTIP: He would never. You've been hoodwinked.

I think he sees business as being incompatible with globalism in the long term. It's the old "would you rather $10 today or $100 in a week?"

Society is always spending the most when there is a middle class. I think he's willing to take the short term hits to ensure YUGE profits on the future.

think of it as limits on fishing or hunting. Yeah, you could have it all now; but if you reason it you get orders of magnitude more over time.

That may have been true (nope) when he was a businessman.

He's the President now. It's not up to him. Sorry.

That's what I fear. Still better than Clinton though

Objectively unprovable. I don't disagree, but I don't agree either.

just her leaking Intel like a sieve is enough for me. Add in emails about mental health issues and it gets scary.

You know that he refuses the Presidents salary and doean't want to live in the White House, but at home?

Sacrificing his salary is like investing in PR for him. In fact it's cheaper than hiring a PR firm, just to project a better image. The salary is a pittance to him so sacrificing it doesn't mean much.

that extra 4 million dollars is gonna do wonders when the economy crashes

Children could of eaten those 4 million dollars!

And we'll see if that actually happens. I highly doubt it.

Well, all of the evidence says he's lying, and that he's using magical thinking to convince voters he can do something that (a) is probably impossible, and that (b) the president doesn't really have the power to make happen, even if he wants to.

I just don't think there's any way to lower costs for manufacturing in the US enough to compete with the third world countries where so much of our manufacturing is being done. Unless, of course, our middle class becomes so desperate and poor that we start looking like Mexico and Russia, with much, much worse wealth inequality (this is the direction we'll go in with his tax plans, according to experts).

He wants to create trade deals on a country-by-country basis. If a country is using near-slave labor to produce goods, their shit will be taxed more.

Lowering taxes on US manufacturing will be enough if they aren't also competing with cheap slave-produced goods.

Why would anyone give a shit what "experts" have to say these days? They're proven wrong at every turn. Try something, and if it doesn't work, change it. Can't get much worse.

What the fuck man? Things can't get much worse? What the hell are you talking about????!!! Ahhhh!!! Holy shit, so ignorant.

Things can get much, much worse. Look around the world. Do you have any knowledge of global economics? America is up on a very high pedestal, the world's superpower, and doing pretty well compared to the rest of the world on everything else. And even if you don't like some things the establishment does, this is thanks in no small part to the "corrupt" and "incompetent" establishment. Be assured: we can fall a long, long way from here. It's incredible that you just take for granted that things can't get much worse.

I was referring specifically to the tax code. It's pretty bad, and I don't see it getting worse.

We're on a pedestal because we fooled everyone into using the dollar and now force them to use it at gunpoint. It's possible that if Trump actually audits the Federal Reserve like he said, that the root cause of the global scarcity could be resolved.

Even if you completely eliminate all taxes on manufacturing it still wouldn't be able to overcome sweat shop labor. Unskilled manufacturing jobs are gone from America forever. The ugly truth is that we need to change and we need an educated workforce to do it. Skilled manufacturing jobs won't be exported but someone needs to pay for the employee's education. The cost of college in the US is so high that no one wants to foot the bill so everyone would much rather avoid the issue or lie about it when they can say they will bring those jobs back.

He's lied about enough verifiable things in the past to not be trustworthy. He's a salesman. Many of them are so used to lying they do t even realize their doing it.

Just guessing here, but you can't know for sure he's lying.

But why are people constantly supporting him anyways?

It's not rational at all.

Oh hey, maybe he's a decent guy. And with nothing to back that up. And facts to back up that he isn't. WTF!

Your statement is why this post was made. Feels before reals dude. You're not thinking.

but you can't know for sure he's lying

In Philadelphia recently, he promised to bring back the Philadelphia Navy Yard, a huge Naval shipyard, where Navy ships were built and repaired.

The Navy Yard is now the location of an office park, with 150 business tenants, including some corporate headquarters. Thousands of office workers are employed there. There's also a shipyard still, but it mostly works on cargo ships; the location is unsuitable for work on modern aircraft carriers (too shallow, I think). And there are still US Navy offices.

The point is, Trump made a promise to bring back specific manufacturing jobs which is impossible for him to fulfill. The best that can be said in his defense is that he probably had no clue about what he was talking about, and only knew that there used to be a big shipyard there, that closed.

What is wrong about that interpretation?

If it's more profitable to manufacture elsewhere, that's what will happen. Business will always take the path of least resistance towards profit. The idea is to point it in our direction.

Exactly. Look at who he appoints to office and you will see where his loyalties lie.

Hey at least he lied to me, Hillary completely ignored me and she's fucking corrupt.

That's your standard? Are you that starved for fucking attention?

She didn't ignore you. Odds are that you fit into at least one of the demographics that she is blaming for losing the election. Are you a millennial or a male by chance?

I am two of those things.

Well, she certainly didn't forget about you. YOU cost her the election with your mysoginistic apathy.

Did stop little girls from achieving their dreams as well?


How is she corrupt? Emails? The thing that she was cleared on by a Republican FBI director? Got anything else?

have you actually not been paying attention to pay for play

Obstruction of justice, perjury, destruction of evidence, mishandling of classified material those are the really provable ones. Then to a lesser degree thanks to degrees of separation and plausible deniability there is her campaign colluding with the media, collusion to sabotage a primary candidate, working directly with superPACs. Judgement issues such as the direct hiring of the corrupt DWS when she was outed from the DNC and replaced with the also corrupt DB. She lies and lies and changes her stances with the wind in the guise of "evolving" while also talking about public faces vs private faces. She's a 100% establishment politician and that's something people didn't want anymore. At least Donald owns who he is and so far all this talk of him betraying his voters hasn't even happened yet. It's all conjecture. He loves gays, condemns the violent behavior of some of his supporters, and Hillary can't even be arsed to make speeches denouncing the people rioting in the streets in protest of the fairly elected President. Jesus man take off your fucking blinders.

Obstruction of justice, perjury, destruction of evidence, mishandling of classified material

She was accused of these things, and the Republican FBI director said she did none of these things. No charges. No indictment. Which part of that don't you understand?

We often let politicians off after doing illegal things, but when Clinton is accused of things, investigated, and exonerated, we blow it up.

Look: it is quite clear that you never would have voted for her. This requires you to exaggerate her flaws to convince yourself why you should vote for Trump.

Meanwhile, you have no evidence that Trump will do a good job and tons of evidence that he will be absolutely terrible.

No, actually he said she did all of it but it wasn't malicious intent so he (against all understanding) decided not to indict. It was ridiculous.

So much so, that it caused a wave of anger and embarrassment through the entire FBI to the point where senior agents were furious and incredulous and railing against the decision.

I think it's pretty safe to say he understood it well enough to know even if the tried they would never be able to get a conviction out of it so it wasn't worth pushing further


Ha, are you offended by being called out for gullibility?

I'm not offended at anything, but you shouldn't be so apt to assert your ignorance.

You do realize you're in /r/conspiracy right? Even if I went with Comey's recommendation, the contents of the emails prove she broke the law more than once. Why are people calling for Donna Brazile to step down? She leaked questions to DNC/HRC campaign. Where was this info found? In the wikileaks emails. Why should I doubt any of the other emails that lay out how she coordinated with PAC's and sent agent provocateurs to sabotage Bernie and Trump?


You mean the child sex ring that is completely made up with zero evidence? I saw a report like 2 weeks ago that the indisputable evidence of this sex ring was coming out before the election. If any actual evidence existed, that evidence would have undoubtedly come out.

Do I really have to explain to you such obvious logic?

You mean like Trump?

I guess you cant vote for any candidate ever because they will all say that they are ''for the people''.

Well, you have to assess for yourself if you think they are for the people. The guy is lowering taxes on the rich. Experts say he will make inequality much worse and make the economy worse. Experts also say that Hillary's economic plans would be much better "for the people." Meanwhile, she has the environmental policy that is "for the people" too, and so many other policies that are for the people.

What actual policy does Trump have that's actually for the people? Can you name one that appears to be legit?

So if you just objectively look at the two candidates, it's pretty clear that Hillary's policies are more for the people.

What experts? Could you explain how Hillary's policies are more for the people? I'm just wanting to understand

The most obvious thing is on taxes. Experts from the Tax Policy Center (a non-partisan research group) say Trump's policies will cut taxes on the rich and mostly benefit corporations, raise taxes on some in the middle class, reduce federal revenue by over $6 trillion, add trillions of dollars to the debt, and basically be very bad for the economy over time.

Clinton would raise taxes on the rich, reduce taxes for the poor and middle class, and overhaul corporate taxes, resulting in an increase in revenue of $1.4 trillion that she would have used for education funding and other initiatives.

Trump's tax breaks might look good in the beginning, but this will totally decimate the ability of government to function for us the way it should.

It is a total fucking disaster for the little guy and they don't even understand it. are wrong. He has always spoke of doing for the people . And now he has put it into action. And he's also at the focus of the largest most coordinated CONSPIRACY seen.

there are hundreds of examples of trump doing things for people throughout his life. do your due diligence and get back to me

Well, perhaps what you're talking about are his claims that he's done things for people? I know he bragged about donating money to 9/11 charities. But there's no evidence that he donated any:

He has also claimed to donate millions of dollars to charities for veterans and others, but evidence has only found that he has donated about $10,000:

Seriously, there is verifiable fact that he just lied about donating money, so he benefited from the perception that he donated the money while donating little to nothing.

Are you really letting him off the hook for this?

theres more stories like this, alot more. i sincerely doubt he hasnt given a substantial amount to help people over the years. everyone who knows him says he's a good guy, mike tyson included, and tyson can smell bs from a mile away. just my 2 cents. i do think this sub should be for conspiracy though, something p i z z a related perhaps

OK seriously. Answer me a question: Does it matter to you whether anything you read is false or true? This is not a hypothetical question. Can you answer this?

Because this story is FALSE:

What's the true story? Trump previously owned this plane -- a commercial plane (not his private plane) when he tried to create "Trump Airlines." This airline failed in 1990, and Trump lost control of this plane. This was a year before these military veterans were flown in this plane with "Trump" on the side.

The US military chartered and paid for these flights. Again, they paid a company that owned this plane after Trump owned it. Trump had literally nothing to do with this.

Isn't it possible that many -- perhaps even all -- of the stories like this that you've read are actually false?

If you're willing to believe this story without doing a simple Google search to verify it's veracity, I have no faith that you actually verified the veracity of any of the other stories. In fact, I assume that if you believe this bullshit, that you'll believe any bullshit as long as it supports what you believe about Trump.

as much as trump soap boxing doesnt belong in r/conspiracy, neither do you. my god you are a hillary shill. snopes? really? you almost had me for a second, almost thought yuou were the voice of reason... while googling stuff is great and all, a quick look at your post history my god!!!! you think hillary is an angel who did nothing in haiti or benghazi???

Not sure if you trust the Washington Post (if not, who do you trust??) but The Washington Post interviewed a military veteran about this and debunked it here:

Or why don't you try reading the Snopes article, instead of dismissing it without reading it? At least I read the dumb article that was referred to me.

Snopes references an interview with Lieutenant General Vernon Kondra, retired Air force. Here's the description with background from Snopes, with his words in quotes:

There are several references to a 1990-91 contract for Trump Shuttle to carry personnel across the United States, between the East and West Coasts, on a standard LaGuardia-Dover-Charleston-Travis-Chord-Kelly-Dover-LaGuardia run.

"It worked very well, and the crews loved it, and really thought that we'd done something special for them," Kondra recalled in the oral history. "It was a helluva lot better than using 141s [cargo craft], which we could use for something else."

But Kondra said that the notion that Trump personally arranged to help the stranded soldiers made little sense. "I certainly was not aware of that. It does not sound reasonable that it would happen like that. It would not fit in with how we did business. I don't even know of how he would have known there was a need."

iv read enough snopes, we're done here. its painfully obvious why you're posting and im not convinced, better luck next time

Oh god dude. This was debunked by the fucking Washington Post, one of the most credible news organizations in the world. And you're trusting a source that was written by a fatass in his mom's basement. You are a goddamned fucking retard.

Resorting to name calling shows alot

Only after you have demonstrated no ability to even read a link and understand how to distinguish false stories from true stories. You can only demonstrate so much ignorance before you annoy someone too far to care about offending you.

Yawn, maga

Yep, I see that your lazy brain falls back on that bulllshit. You know you're wrong.

Seriously though, I really would ask you to try to reevaluate your blind devotion to Trump. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but maybe start next week? You don't have to start liking Democrats, but at least start questioning what you are told. Because I can tell you without a doubt that some of what you're seeing is just false information being passed around by a bunch of people with an incentive to have you love Trump's policies.

His tax policies, by the way, are going to by far benefit the rich and big corporations and cut federal revenues by over $6 trillion. In a few years, our government won't be able to do the things it needs to do that help make us a "great" country (pay for good police, schools, etc....)

Bye bye, enjoy the next four years !

I've got a little secret for you: you won but you lost. Your life is going to get worse because of Donald Trump. For a little while, you won't see the difference because the inertia of Obama's economic policies will make it look like things are going OK. And then Trump will lower your taxes and things will maybe even temporarily go a little better.

Behind your back, Trump will be lowering taxes a lot more on rich people, and revenue for roads, schools, police, and other important social infrastructure will erode. Then Trump will tell you that this is clear that government is a failure, and then you might vote for him again because you'll think that all of this is not his fault. And then your life will get worse. And in 8 years, if Trump won re-election, your life will be definitely worse. The country will definitely be in worse shape -- there is no denying this given that his plans will lead to a massive revenue shortfall of over $6 trillion. He'll engage in a war with ISIS that could escalate.

But you think he has it all under control, and you have no evidence for believing this.

So what I'm saying is that you own this. You own these problems now. The sad thing is that you think this is just a game between two teams of equal merits. What's actually funny -- in a black comedy sort of way -- is that you have no ability to understand that your dear leader is a feeding on your misguided fears -- fears of a terror threat that statistics show is under control, fears of an economic problem that Trump will make worse.

I'll take some solace in the fact that I tried to tell people what would happen and they wouldn't believe me. I hope you'll remember in 10 years or so that the liberals were right.

Bill paid for my grandmother's funeral out of his pocket. (His mother and my grandmother worked together and were best friends.) Does this change your view of him and Hillary? If not, you can't ask the other person to change their view of Trump.

what does trump gain from presidency that he doesnt already have?

fame ? got it

fortune? got it

hot wife? got it

he has nothing to gain even wikileaks has stated they cant find any dirt on him. or do we all hate wikileaks now too?

Actually, Assange did say that they had information on the Trump campaign, they just didn't release it.

id love to see that


I wasn't OP, but I can tell you my opinion. Yes, he's a rich mother fucker, but he's also been shunned by both parties for the most part. He is "technically" outside of the establishment, or was. I think that's why people are putting more behind him. Yes, he's a rich fuck, but he's just a rich fuck. He isn't a player in my eyes. He might have an agenda, he almost certainly does, but I don't think it aligns with the current establishments. Time will tell, though.

He is outside "the establishment" as far as "the establishment" has been narrowly defined.

But is everyone outside the establishment automatically free of corruption? I mean, have you looked at Trump's phony unversity? Or his false claims of donating millions of dollars to charity (9/11 charities, veterans charities, and others while actually only donating about $10,000?).

This is he guy you're defending.

Is everyone automatically free of corruption? Absolutely not, but I'm speaking relatively. He's the new fish in the pond, so he deserves more slack than someone who's been swimming in the soup for 40 years. That's my only point/position on that. I get that he's done some bad things, and he lied, but that's not the same as furthering an agenda like a global gov't. It's just not the same thing. Trump is peanuts comparably. I'm defending him insofar that he's not as deep in as the real players. That's it.

The idea that being in the establishment is worse than not being establishment is just based on a hunch. It's not based on any evidence. I mean, we have no evidence that an anti-establishment outsider can be a good president. So you're just guessing, and that is really scary.

Also, I hate his policies. Do you know his policies? Most of his policies are totally untested and incredibly risky. Part of the thing about the establishment, even if you don't like it, is that it uses tried and true policies and doesn't try to take huge risks.

It's kind of like this, I guess: Do you want a gambler as the president or not? That's what he is, and he'll be gambling with all of our futures.

Not gonna defend him but anecdotally I always hear about how he's a great boss who cares about his employees...That's rare to hear someone say and it is said en-masse about Trump.

It is also said that he is absolutely terrible to his contractors, that he has a terrible reputation in the building industry of asking for services, getting services (often from small businesses), and then refusing to pay full price for services. When people threaten to sue, Trump tells them he will defend himself until the people lose more money than if they just accept what he's offering.

By the way, you're just using anecdotes. You have no idea how much people like working for him. You're using anecdotes about a guy with no data about whether this is universally true.

You're also using anecdotes..I could link plenty of footage but you seem like a tard. :)

If all you're using is anecdotes, I figured anecdotes would appeal to you.

Footage is also anecdotes. Footage is just a small sample of people saying "he's great to work for." There's also people who have, you know, said he sexually assaulted them, so there's those "anecdotes" too.

And when tried to be proven in a court of law none have held merit. In fact they almost all seem to go away within a news cycle or two.

Hillary's email thing was concluded to have no merit by the FBI director, so there wasn't even enough evidence for charges, let alone enough evidence to be proven in court.

And yet, despite the fact that you are satisfied that all of Trump's transgressions have been not proven in court, you still probably think the email thing is a huge deal. Funny how that works, huh? It's almost as if you prefer Trump, and you're just using Hillary's email scandal as an excuse for why you're voting for a person with questionable credentials and shitty policies.

I don't give a flying fuck about emails...I give a flying fuck that Secretary Clinton thinks we should be fighting a Proxy war against an establisshed regime to the benefit of nations like Qatar/Saudi Arabia.

Do you really think that Obama did a bad job on foreign policy? Trump acts like this is an easy thing to do, and he's fucking delusional.

Obama used diplomacy and drone campaigns more than his predecessors, pulling out ground troops when possible. Far from perfect, but all in all we stayed out of conflicts and avoided excessive military spending, avoided a lot of dead veterans, and let people in the Middle East fight things out. And we've occasionally helped the "preferred" side in conflicts between two groups.

Hillary would do about the same as Obama did. Trump says he is going to go over and destroy ISIS. Do you really think that Trump will be less involved in military conflicts if he plans to do what's necessary to destroy ISIS? This will require either ground troops or major bombing campaigns (or both).

Furthermore, there is risk that these actions will trigger something worse, like getting other nations involved against us. World War III is not ridiculous to consider as a possible development.

Hillary created the Refugee Crisis...she takes money from the largest Wahhabist mosque factors...she used our military might to further the goals of Saudi Arabia.

First of all, let's just get out of the way that you're apparently preferring a guy who praises Russia and Putin while criticizing someone who takes on Saudi Arabians as allies.

Bush destabilized the Middle East. Most of the things happening there are an outgrowth of the Iraq War and then the subsequent Arab Spring.

How do you figure that Hillary created anything? The thing about being allies with Saudi Arabia is that it has always been an uneasy alliance that is preferable to having them as enemies. Haven't you ever watched any movies to understand that you sometimes need to make allies you don't love? You know, "the enemy of my worst enemy is my friend."

To understand why she and other leaders have been allied with Saudi Arabia, all you have to do is ask yourself if we'd be better off with Saudi Arabia as an enemy or a friend. Similarly, we have been better off to do what we did in Iraq, or to continue putting pressure on them while preferring diplomacy and restraint?

I worry that Trump does not understand the value and importance of diplomacy, of our traditional relationships, even the relationships that come with questionable people.

Thank god for people like you man, I see way too many people on this sub question everything, it's good to see someone draw reasonable conclusions from conspiracies instead of just accusing any person in the government who holds power of being responsible for everything. People are blaming Hillary for ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Iran, hell soon enough they'll blame her for 9/11 and both Gulf Wars.

And I wouldn't bother with /u/grayarea69, I have the dude tagged as Trump Shill for a reason.

it's incredible what massive propaganda machines with carefully crafted information can do to guillible idiots. Those people are in a fucking cult, at this point /u/grayarea69 is just trying to convince himself that his cult leader is a "man of the people".

He's in a different faction of the establishment, but he's establishment.

I'm sorry but it is demonstrably false that he has never shown interest in helping people. Here is a great collection of examples (yes, from r/The_Donald) of his charity and good works over the years.

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I question the accuracy of the charitable giving claims. A recent investigation showed that in the most recent 7 years, he had only donated about $10,000 to charities that investigators could trace, far less than the millions he claims.

I 100% support the need to separate politics from this sub

I agree. While its okay to support a candidate, Its not okay to give any of them a free pass because you support them.

Its also not a requirement to be an anarchist to participate in this sub. There are a lot of misconceptions in here about "litmus tests" being a viable way to discern who is a shill and who is a real person. I find that to be a ridiculous notion, its entirely possible that real people hold the same opinion that a shill is being paid to promote. Obviously someone who holds that opinion is paying them to promote it so there is always at least ONE.

Keep calm and carry on.

He's already folding like a soggy house of cards. How the rubes that actually voted for him didn't see this coming a mile away is at the heart of the American problem.

But he's folding on shit that were weak spots. Keeping provisions of ACA alone would garner him retroactive votes were that a thing.

So he was elected to drain the swamp, but instead he's morphing into a typical politician. Take a look who bubbled back up in the swamp when he was selected to join his cabinet. The very worst of the worst.

This is something that I find to be lost on the r/the_donald. They defend his placement of these people but look through the track record of some of these guys. Corrupt political elites to the core.

Much of T_D is paid not to understand that simple concept. An important fact to keep in mind.

I think there is a large segment of the T_D that is just like the "Hillary Shills" that they claimed to fight. There are the genuine members that could not tolerate her (with fair reason too) and liked a lot of his platform for the right reasons. But the utter hypocrisy of many supporters seems to be lost on them. What I like that comes from this sub's core members is that all people of power are scrutinized. The fact that Trump hasn't released his tax returns is very telling of what kind of guy he is and that he's most likely got some real skeletons in his closet. Those, if they do exist (and I would put my money on yes) need to come to light just as Clinton's did.

I'm not thrilled about his transition team but I'll wait until his cabinet is official instead of speculation

This is true, no sense in making a huge fuss when nothing is certain. We will just have to wait and see.

He's not even POTUS yet and he's already killed TPP and got Canada to come to the table re-NAFTA. Maybe you should give guy a chance


I'm telling you, we fix that, and everything else will come along with it. Kids will even remind their parents when they're acting like jackasses and falling for scams. I tried, I just wasn't educated well enough.

The right wing has been poisoning the very concept of education for decades, your "liberal socialist babying" rhetoric.

You cannot separate politics from conspiracy theories. You might not like it but they are an essential part of conspiracies.

I don't think anyone is arguing that, but we still need to avoid promoting agendas versus exposing corruption.

Does that make sense?

It is somewhat nice that we can look at Trump's behavior in office and derive some answer to the old question about whether or not the President actually has any control over his administration or whether it's all just for show.

He definitely has an ego. Some shadowy people in suits showing up in the oval office telling him what to do, when he considers himself the most powerful person in the world, will certainly illicit a reaction.

He's about to put John Bolton on his cabinet. Trump is an empty vessel about to be boarded by the establishment right wing - and you morons elected him.

LOL! You make it sound like there was a better alternative available.

There was, anyone but him.

You reeled me in. Where can i find a source of this to read?

Fucking horrible source.

"Alt-right" - Cause white supremacist and Neo Nazi just doesn't have the "right ring" to it.

Well, it was the alt-right that introduced me to Operation Paperclip which inducted Nazis into our space and intelligence agencies to get ahead of Russia during the Cold War.

It backfired.

The agencies went rogue by becoming so classified the country is now suffering a deep state much like the SS during Nazi Germany.

From my experience most alt-right news is about global economics and how today's military-industrial complex is exploiting the Federal Reserve, the War on Drugs, and the War on Terror.

Anyways, let go of the left-right paradigm: it's a fucking illusion. The establishment controls both sides.

Thank you for being reasonable, it actually took me by surprise. I have very rarely seen anything reasonable following the phrase "as a Trump supporter." I think Trump supporters would gain a lot simply by being respectful and reasonable, instead of intentionally flooding every possible forum and outlet they can with memes and aggressive, rude rhetoric. Thank you!

How can you support someone who openly said while campaigning that he will expand the NSA, renew the Patriot Act, not abokish the Fed, and loves Israel?

Why would you WANT to shift the goal posts to justify any ONE of those policies?

This is exactly why I don't want this sub to get political: it's just theater. God damn, did you read any of my comment? The military-industrial complex, aka. leaders of the deep state, control everything you're whining about----. Why waste our time aching over the left-right paradigm on this sub and focus on real conspiracies, -- and keep the political talk in the political subs.

But if you really wanna get into it, PM who you think we should have supported this election, and we can go from there----; it'll probably be hilarious.

the donald sub has been more active in posting Wikileaks revelations that the conspiracy sub. this sub is a joke.

Fuck the alt right

Edit: also fuck you if you identify with the alt right


Oh geeze

Buckle up buckaroos

I memba!


The spirit is willing, but the body is spongy and bruised

How the hell am I gonna fuck eleven million people?!

Better get crackin.


FUCKING PREACH!!! Fuck George Soros, fuck Donald Trump,

I don't think you understand, the people coming here from r/The_Donald have the opportunity to get Woke more than they have been prior, and it is an opportunity for us to welcome all newcomers.

Just saying 'Fuck' whatever you believe in doesnt help our cause


How did George Soros become the villain, as opposed to Adelson and Koch bros?

He's been the most prominent international target on conservative talk, the socialist jewish banker of historical myth turned real. He's a rich man who supports and funds progressive causes AKA public enemy number one.

He's Jewish like I'm a Muslim. Don't bring Judaism to the game. We're not to blame for some cunt's behavior.

I am not and would never advocate such a thing, but the right wing media was happy to do so, because they are cruel and know what gets certain people all jittery.

Sorry, I've seen many idiots in conspiracy-related subs and I had to say that.

I agree with you.

It's cool, my sarcasm levels tend to be hard to detect.

I think it's only proper, when saying fuck the Alt-Right, to also say fuck the Ctrl-Left

fuck all the things right in the pussy!!

Does that mean we can fuck you too?

It's fuck them all to death!

Garrison Jenner 2016!

Fuck the Wall Street brokers. Self-styled masters of the universe. Michael Douglas, Gordon Gecko wannabe mother fuckers, figuring out new ways to rob hard working people blind. Send those Enron assholes to jail for fucking life! You think Bush and Cheney didn't know about that shit? Give me a fucking break! Tyco! Imclone! Adelphia! Worldcom!

Especially Lou Pai.

I'm looking up Adelphia and Worldcom right now, embarrassingly I hadn't heard of those scandals.

Fuck this court. Fuck Jim Lahey. Fuck Randy. Fuck those two idiot cops right there. Fuck suit dummies; as a matter of fact fuck legal aid. Fuck Danny and Terry's Buffalo Chicken Wings. Fuck all the old wood in here. Fuck the moon, fuck corn on the cob, fuck squirrels. Fuck me, fuck you, fuck everything!

who do you like then?

The point is, you shouldn't like anyone blindly.

Even if I gave you a name, I wouldn't want you to trust me on blind faith and like that person. Look them up, see what they've done in the past, and think if you would do the same in their position. Plenty of senators actually have decent voting records, and that's surprising because incumbents are usually pieces of shit.

Seriously though, vote out all incumbents.

"Fuck them all to death!"

And if you wanna be down with Bad Boy, then fuck you too.

Chino XL, fuck you too.

All you mother fuckers, fuck you too.

All of y'all mother fuckers, fuck you, die slow motherfucker.

My four four make sure all your kids don't grow.

Damn do you root for anything? I mean besides virginity?

What's funny to me was the constant whining about CTR, but after the election was over, this sub's content submission changed almost overnight.

Fuck them all to hell.

Before or after they're all done fucking us?

George soros can get out of America


Calm down, Mr. Garrison.

One of these is not like the others

So what is your position on it all? Or are you too smart and above everything?

Now that's what I call edgy

This guy has the right idea

alt right bogeyman

Than who do you like?

fucks them all to hell & then gets fucked to hell

And fuuuuuuuuck you!

At some point you have to stand for something.

Like the free and honest flow of information?

Not really. Free and honest information has no worth to someone with no identity or conviction. At that point a person is nothing more than a pseudo-sentient organism of no worth.

What the fuck are you talking about


You will never know a world that starts with truth, only ends with it. At least, that is the only hope you can carry.

And yes, you can take an honest stance based on lies if you believe them to be truth. And, without an ID, an ego, that something which corrupts truth, you could never ever find the direction to seek it.

Information isn't flawed, reason is. Information is the product of reason, and even in lies there is a reason.

How would you know the "truth" in anything? Honesty is not truth, by the way. Unless you mean transparent information, which isn't truth, either.

what are you, like 15 years old? Your attempts at sounding philosophical and deep are weak and sad. Why don't you learn from what the above poster is saying, try waiting until you actually have good information before you waste your time subscribing to a belief system. Otherwise you just end up unqualified like you are now and nothing you say has any value.

Because I grew out of that kind of thinking more than 15 years ago. The fact that you misconstrue my efforts as an attempt to sound deep shows your level, not mine. Most people grow out of the pursuit or expectation of explicit trust long before they reach 15. The rest are people who still see themselves as children, wanting truth delivered to them on a plastic airplane spoon, complete with sound effects and the unconditional love of a parent.

Pretty soon you guys will have to confront the truth of mortality, but not before we get over Santa Claus and the easter bunny.

The only truth you'll ever know comes from your own reason.

that's cool man. Get at me when your posts actually make sense and communicate something coherent instead of sounding like a bunch of unrelated fortune cookies lined up next to each other. Cheers bro

I agree with you, this guy is just jaded and offers no substance

Don't be afraid

But they do make sense. Just not to you, yet. Which is kind of my point. Maybe one day the training wheels will fall off and the streamers will float in the wind.

My Existential Crises.

or maybe one day 13, 2, 1, 1, 68, 7

Maybe a nerve was struck? All of my stuff is so incoherent but you seem to be pretty engaged with telling me I'm juvenile and implying I'm wrong. You're making a mess here.

You are replying in a more aggressive and less thoughtful way by far. If anyone's nerve was struck here, it was yours.

Really? Haha. Less thoughtful? not a chance.

Ya. No way someone could be as smart as you.

Sense was made, if not by all.

So are you saying that we can never know an objective truth because we must process it through a lens of reason?

"I...I'm not a kid, you're a kid!"

I'm glad a video satisfies the issue where your own intellect cannot.

satisfies the issue where your own intellect cannot

satisfies... where...

You're not even making grammatical sense. If you're going to insult someone's intelligence, at least write coherently while doing so. Otherwise it's just... sad :(

It's grammatically correct. I do not want to say "whereas."

It doesn't, actually. It's sad, like I say, because you think that it sounds more intelligent to write the way that you do, but it actually makes you look very stupid, or that you're maybe using some sort of translation software. I understand the general idea behind your comment (ur dumb lol) but the words themselves don't actually make sense. It's bad writing.

Allow me to walk you through it. You used "where" instead of "since", but "where" doesn't make any sense in that sentence.

More importantly, "satisfies the issue" isn't anything that makes sense. You don't satisfy an issue. It's bad.

You should either try writing more simply, or put more effort in.

It does make sense. You were trying to make a point, which was the issue. I'm glad the video satisfies the issue where your intellect cannot. Which means means you lack the ability to articulate yourself in any way of your own, but you wanted to try.

Just go find more "doggie" pics and dye your hair. I never implied a "lol" anywhere.

Yikes. Once again, you're just not using English correctly. "articulate yourself" is incorrect - you can just say "articulate", the "yourself" is redundant. And there's no way you're going to be able to argue that "satisfy the issue" is in any way grammatically correct... it's simply nonsensical. You don't satisfy an issue. It's just not correct.

You need to try to simplify your writing so that it becomes clearer. I think you'll find that fewer people will misinterpret your comments that way. Using phrases like "articulate yourself" or "satisfy the issue" is going to lead to confusion.

I don't care. Communication is full of nuance, and I'll use it, whether or not it confuses you or everyone. "Articulate yourself" is fine form. In fact, it's meant to point to a direct subject; you. Not an idea you have, but yourself.

But go ahead, take the last word.

Sure, but the rules of grammar exist to facilitate communication. This isn't a matter of nuance, it's a matter of being intelligible.

"Articulate yourself" is wrong because it's redundant. The word "articulate" as a verb means "to speak" or "to communicate", so it's obvious that when you say "you lack the ability to articulate" that you're speaking about me as the one that's articulating. Understand? This is what I mean when I say that simplification will go a long way towards making it easier to communicate for you.

On the other hand, if you're fine with literally adding unnecessary confusion when you communicate, then carry on!

And that something doesn't have to be an alt right puppet

For real, they worship Trump like he's an abrasive Ron Paul. I knew Trump's anti-establishment strategy was a con the second he picked Pence as his VP.

I'm still waiting for r/conspiracy to get interested in the allegations that the Trump campaign actively worked to purge the names of about 1 million voters from the voter rolls in several battleground states, targeting names of people with last names like "Garcia," "Jackson," etc... that are probably minorities. This investigation started long before the election. It appears to have purged far more than enough voters in several close states that it could have swung the election.

From September: "“There’s no such thing as a victimless billionaire”: Inside the shadowy voter fraud conspiracy that’s 'still in progress'"

Here's the most recent article about it:

The RNC did that, not the trump campaign. But as we've seen from the cabinet picks those two are now one and the same

The RNC did it in collaboration with the Trump campaign, and as you say, now the head of the RNC will be the White House Chief of Staff.

The RNC had that in place well before the nominee was decided (see Greg Pallast). I have no doubt that the trump campaign would learn about it after the fact and not give a fuck

I'm sure you're just as forgiving of Hillary's ties to the DNC.

Why are we still talking about Hillary? Trump is President-elect.

If this sub is still talking about Hillary 2 months from now instead of the new establishment - especially one with business interests in Russia, that appoints family to positions of power, and brings in a white supremacist as the top advisor, I will be seriously concerned.

Move on.

Fuck you and fuck Trump, people will move on when they feel like it. Besides, he made a good point - you can't divorce Trump from the DNC of you aren't willing to do the same for Clinton

All the more reason why we need Voter ID and Federal regulation of election here, but no every time I suggest Voter ID in /r/politics I get told even having to pay to replace an ID that you received for free but lost is "disenfranchisement".

There's tons of evidence Soros is behind Voter ID lawsuits and this definitely seems to be just the GOP taking the appropriate (though unethical) countermeasure.

Funny how the same reasoning by the Clinton supporters was shot down

That would explain why he kept saying "It's rigged" over and over again. Once or twice? Okay that's just an egocentric idiot. But half a dozen times? You're making it a talking point. It's come up as strategy. Betting on voters believing you and switching sides to vote for you? I dunno. But there's a really common tactic in both business and politics that when you're caught or about to get caught doing something shady, you immediately start accusing the other side of doing it first. So that when they try to accuse you, they sound ridiculous, repetitive, less shock value in the news.

We saw it in the debates when he kept sniffling all the time, then people were accusing him of being on coke, and then suddenly he starts accusing Clinton of being on drugs during the debates, for no discernible reason? It's a strategy play. So maybe accusing it of being rigged for Clinton was to deflate anyone accusing him of rigging it if he won.

Frankly, I've assumed that the election was completely rigged for Trump the second he started attacking Hillary over it. And what do you know, the lose of the election won. Nothing screams "rigged corrupt system" like a person losing my millions and millions of votes, and forcing his way into the white house anyway.

I'm too burned out from all the hours spent reading Podesta's emails to care about investigating much else. For me, much of the interest in HRC is that she's supposed to be good but we all knew she was really bad and finally got the proof. With Trump, I think a lot of us always knew he was bad and wouldn't be surprised by anything he's done.

I just don't see Hillary being really bad. I see her as having done some things that are pretty typical of politicians in her league: not OK, but nothing terribly egregious.

Have you seen the list of Trump's scandals? It's huge:

The only reason you aren't seeing Trump as scandalous yet is because his scandals were done in the private sector.

Also, check out this interview with one of Trump's instructors at Trump University. The guy unquestionably lied to the students just to make money off of phony classes. Shady as fuck:

Hillary rigged our Democratic election process and you are saying that isn't really bad?

There's no evidence that she was involved in any "rigging." As far as I can tell, the few instances of any unfair behavior by her campaign were done by overzealous campaign workers.

I always find it strange that people have to assume that when a campaign worker associated with a candidate does something wrong, that the candidate must have instructed the worker to do something wrong. And let's not forget that we have no hacked information from the Trump campaign, so all we have is leaks from Hillary's side.

You do know we have emails that prove it, right?

My god, the current DNC chair was a debate moderator who fed her questions prior to the debate. How is that not rigging an election? It's cheating the Americans out of the right to a fair and democratic election.

During the primaries, he aides took some steps to make it easier for Hillary to win and some cheating, yes. This doesn't mean that they rigged it, nor does it mean that Hillary was involved in any gaming of the system.

Unless you are assuming, for example, that Chris Christie is guilty of corruption because his aides committed corruption?

I mean, if there is evidence that Christie or Hillary actually colluded with people to engage in corruption, then charge them. If not, then you can't hold powerful people criminally responsible for the illegal deeds of people beneath them.

I mean, if there is evidence that Christie or Hillary actually colluded with people to engage in corruption, then charge them. If not, then you can't hold powerful people criminally responsible for the illegal deeds of people beneath them.

And that Sir, is why there is absolutely zero fucking accountability in the American political system. As long as the candidate cannot be proven to be colluding with their staff then they can walk scot-free. What happened to Leaders being accountable for what their employees think they can just go ahead and do??

At the same time, however, you need proof. Our country was founded upon the principle of innocent until proven guilty. Punishing someone you "know" is guilty by fabricating evidence or charging them anyway without evidence is a slippery slope to a dictatorship.

Honestly I think proof is irrelevant here. Individuals wouldn't be doing these things if their bosses made it perfectly clear that they did not support these types of subversive elements and will fully co-operate with any investigation if suspicious activity is found.

Currently though it is a lot of tongue and cheek.

Proof is never irrelevant. If courts did not have to rely upon proof then the powerless would be completely at the mercy of the people who have power. Abuse still goes on, and it always will. But it can be way, way worse. Our laws of protecting citizens are perhaps the most important laws we have. If you erode that then we will have nothing.

Let me re-phrase.

Proof has a place and the culprit should always be held accountable. But sometimes a lack of evidence makes this impossible. In the case of Hillary Clinton for example with her aides deliberately colluding with the DNC to discredit Bernie.

Why should Hillary Clinton, who benefited extremely from this subversion not be punished? It was her aides who did this but does she hold no responsibility for this travesty whatsoever? I don't believe so. Sure the specific aides who engaged in this should be prosecuted.

But why shouldn't she be punished as well?????

Essentially, she was punished for having aides cheat through the public opinion backlash, and ultimately losing the election. If you want to actually fix the problem, you need to restructure how campaign finance, elections, etc work. Otherwise you're just satiating yourself until the next scandal.

Respondeat superior

look my puppet is better than yours.


So if you dislike french fries, but you dislike pizza even more, and all you have to choose between to eat are french fries and pizza, does this mean that you would starve yourself or would you eat the fries that you like better?

Nah, I'll eat my homegrown greens and whole foods without all those chemicals.

But I just said that the greens are not an option in this situation. It's either fries or pizza, either Hillary or Trump. You accused me of preferring one puppet over another. But if we're calling them puppets, I picked the better puppet.

Your idealism in refusing either puppet doesn't make you better, and it doesn't make you less responsible for whatever Trump does. It doesn't mean you saved us from anything. It just means you sat out the process.

and it doesn't make you less responsible for whatever Trump does.

Sure it does.

fuck it, pizza

I mean, unless you're kidding, do you care to explain why?

There's no charging or collusion here. The DNC is a private entity. They set the rules.

This is a minor scandal at the most.

I'm telling you right now in this /r/conspiracy sub, there was some shady shit happening at

  • the local caucusus (coin flips always going Clintons way. They would reflip the coin anytime Sanders won. I was at these caucuses and I saw it happen first hand.)
  • the county conventions (Clinton delegates receive regular ballots while Sanders delegates received provisional ballots few of which were counted)
  • and then there are the state conventions like the one in California where exit polls differed by more than %20, a clear indication of election fraud.

So tell me... how is that not rigging an election?

Megyn Kelly has claimed that Trump had been given debate questions early, and called her angry about her planned first question. Naturally she waited until after the election to say anything to increase publicity for her book release

Furthermore, I saw first hand how Bernie delegates were given provisional ballots during the state and county conventions and then were told their votes don't count since they are provisional and they will only be counting the regular ballots. Bernie delegates were cheated out of their rightful votes. We can also look at the exit polls in California as proof that the Democratic primary was rigged.

I'm pretty sure this election proved that polls don't mean shit.

I always find it strange that people have to assume that when a campaign worker associated with a candidate does something wrong, that the candidate must have instructed the worker to do something wrong

Using that logic, all CEO's should not be held responsible for anything their workers do.

Regardless of who did what on her campaign, she is responsible for the actions of those on her campaign.

By god, CTR. Are you still getting paychecks even now?

It's sad that you can look at the spooky levels of idolatry on r/the_donald and assume everyone there is a genuine supporter of his, and then assume astroturfing when a Hillary supporter speaks up.

Can you at least acknowledge that you're aware of the propaganda and astroturfing on Trump's side? Or are you delusional and think his side is above that?

And they helped give Trump an edge in the primaries. She and her cronies are so fucking bad at strategizing that they helped create this vile Trump president we have.

Still would have been better to have her than president Trump.

I am glad that the TPP seems sunk and we are not in danger of going to war with Russia.

I really don't know what Hillary had to offer.

I disagree. At least you get a roll of the dice with Trump. A Clinton presidency was guaranteed to be more of the same shit.

LOL hillshills have invaded /r/conspiracy now.

I hope that you see the irony in your statement.

What makes someone a shill?

If you disagree. Just look at /r/politics, it's still the same as during the elections; anti-Trump and pro Democrats, but all you heard was how CTR took it over. Nah turns out Reddit is full of left wing people who fucking hate Trump. Who would've thought?

Huh. That's crazy. I thought shills received some form of compensation for expressing something. You make it sound like a lot of reddit leans left. It's almost like there were very few, if any, actual shills. Crazy.

Edit: And you really couldnt pay me to talk politics 24/7, which is crazy because if you look at u/HillaryShitsInDiaper's post history, it's just that. Wait, who's the shill?

Seriously. I'm sure some spambots linked Hillary articles like crazy (and may have been initiated by CTR), but did all of those upvotes come from CTR? Not likely.

I talked plenty of shit about Clinton there during the primaries too, and even during the election. No comments removed, no bans.

I didn't spam all caps "LOL CUCK" and resort to ad hominem insults whenever someone spoke disapprovingly about my candidate, though.

it was the (((plan)))

Nothing in the emails proved the democratic process was rigged, no matter how hard you guys wish it did. Yes, Donna brazille gave her a heads up on some debate questions which was scummy. But there's no evidence of voter fraud, no evidence of electoral fraud, no evidence of manipulating the election beyond campaigning. You guys succeeded in convincing the country there was a conspiracy when there was none and you managed to get Trump elected. Be happy enough that we have to live with that now and stop trying to push this crap.

No she stacked the DNC election process heavily and overtly in her favor. She didn't rig it. It was disrespectful to all registered democrats. It was supremely conceited to think that guaranteeing her candidacy in this political climate, coming off of 8 years of vitriol against Obama, would easily guarantee her election to the presidency. She made a choice that cost America dearly, and because she wanted to be president she deserves every bit of blame a president would for the consequences of their actions even if those consequences are not entirely her fault.

There were a number of people who did attempt to rig the campaign in her favor but ultimately the DNC is not a strictly democratic institution, it is a political party so any chicanery that happens within it is not the same as rigging an election. It does make me loose trust in the ability of the perpetrators of that sort of rigging to respect the institution of democracy, but it doesn't strictly break that institution.

Sanders himself is responsible for his own failure. Had he taken his campaign seriously from the start he would have gone into the primary season with a solid ground game and pushed hard to compensate for the lack of name recognition. He did not do that until later in the campaign, and consequently was too hamstrung to push back against everything Hilary was doing to shut him out of the political discussion. He wanted to be president and he gets judged similarly: that was his fault and ultimately he is responsible for his own loss.

*DNC rigged

I just don't see Hillary being really bad. I see her as having done some things that are pretty typical of politicians in her league: not OK, but nothing terribly egregious.

This is just the worst excuse ever to let Clinton slide. Especially when that self-same person is worried about handing power over to another politician guaranteed to use corruption and graft to his advantage. This unearned cult of personality around Clinton is proof of the awesome goddamn power of American media to mindwash otherwise cogent adults into supporting the State line, no matter how insane or bogus.

It's not letting Clinton "slide." I would have been very skeptical of her as president. But this is me making a pragmatic decision that the overall picture of Clinton is that she's done nothing worse than what Trump has done, and that she has much better policies and much better competence for the job.


Trump is the most scummy of scumbags yet he won. Please explain how this election is a message to "manipulating scumbag presidential hopefuls" when the guy who won fits that exact description?

Clinton is directly responsible for the death and destruction of countries.... Trumps a scumbag, no doubt, but by virtue of simply never having had as much power as Hillary, he has less blood on his hands.

I'm happy I live in a non competitive state and my vote didn't matter. Hard to vote for either of them.

So you and i would be better than Hillary, because we've never destroyed countries and we've never lied about donating money to charities. And we've never run phony universities!

I'd happily vote for you or myself over either of those two....

but by virtue of simply never having had as much power as Hillary, he has less blood on his hands.

Clinton hadn't killed anyone before she took political office either.

by virtue of simply never having had as much power as Hillary, he has less blood on his hands

He's proven to be a total shitbag even without power, so let's give him some power and see what happens.

I hope you come to realize how assfucking backwards that logic is.

I hope you realize your stupid rhetoric is part of the problem.

I didn't vote for him. But I sure suspect someone like you pushed someone to.

Learn something douche.

Yeah let's just forget Hillary stole millions of the Haitians, and hundreds died because of it. Or that the Podesta emails showed she could have done something about the four men in Benghazi but decided to do nothing. Or the countless other controversies she has been in over the years, or the amounts of laws she has broken. Or the fact that she knew her husband was a rapist and did nothing, but threaten their victims. She rigged the primaries for the DNC also. And she has hands down ruined countries. I can keep going.

Even if it turns out Trump has done a lot, Hillary has got all the politicians beat, even if you put them all together.

She didn't steal millions of the Haitians. Benghazi was a tragedy, and a very minor tragedy compared to what US presidents and Secretaries of State ever experience. So I guess you give her no credit for avoiding other tragedies and only blame her for this one?

Which laws has she broken? None. She's never been convicted of anything. Any scandal or allegations I've seen against her have turned out to be bullshit.

But since you're reading shitty news sources, I'm seen you've seen lots of made up stories about her breaking laws.

What evidence is there that Bill Clinton raped anyone? There are no videos. No pictures. 3 women said he assaulted them -- and you believe them. And maybe he did do it. But the same exact evidence exists that Trump raped/assaulted women. So why do you believe those 3 women who accused Bill, but you don't believe the 15 or so women who have accused Trump of assault? And Bill was not running for president!

She didn't steal millions of the Haitians

Yes she did. here here and I can give more sources, even NYT wrote about it. There's even a whole thing in Clinton Cash that explains it very well.

Benghazi was a tragedy, and a very minor tragedy compared to what US presidents and Secretaries of State ever experience.

Yes a tragedy Hillary could have prevented via Podesta emails, she didn't.

So I guess you give her no credit for avoiding other tragedies and only blame her for this one?

She hasn't avoided any tragedies. Everywhere she goes is to make tragedies for money, for herself and donors.

Which laws has she broken?

Emails, more emails, Haiti, and here is a list of some other controversies:

they don't even have all of them.

She's never been convicted of anything

She should be.

Any scandal or allegations I've seen against her have turned out to be bullshit.

Liar and biased.

3 women said he assaulted them -- and you believe them.

He has had to pay a lot of women in court over the years. Including one of those three women. And yes I do believe them.

ut the same exact evidence exists that Trump raped/assaulted women.

Not as much evidence as Bill Clinton, and if there was I'd say fuck him too.

but you don't believe the 15 or so women who have accused Trump of assault?

No because those women came out early, went to court, got paid off, they have proof they met Bill Clinton, and haven't changed their stories once. There stories fit too, a lot of the women.. and it's been more then 3.

The ones that said it about Trump all have holes in their stories, like the one who said Trump touched her on a plane, when there wasn't even armrests that went up on the plane she was describing for example.

And Bill was not running for president!

Last time I checked he would have been back in the white house, and Hillary said he would be taking care of the economy. Her words.

What do you make of the infamous "grab her by the pussy" tape? Even if it was "locker room talk" it still shows his attitude towards women and his own fame in regards to what he can get away with.

Even if he was just trying to brag and sound "cool" in front of Billy Bush (lol), his words clearly show that he has thought about what he can and do to women.

I don't know much about the allegations towards Bill except for the Monica Lewinsky scandal. What evidence is there to support the claim that he raped women? I don't necessarily doubt it, but everything I've seen about it seemed to be not very substantial. What evidence is there?

Also you say there is "more evidence" of Bill Clinton's allegations than there is of Trump's. The evidence against Trump is a primary source. I guess it's up to interpretation, but an audio recording of him saying he can get away with sexual assault is pretty damning.

Let's say Trump was just a normal guy that we both knew, and he was being accused by multiple women of sexual assault. Let's say there were a tape of him joking about sexual assault. I'd wager that we would both at least suspect that he did it and that a court would see that as pretty strong evidence.

Also, I believe that the claim about the airplane seat not moving up was proven to be false by people who worked for the airline company themselves. The fact that the rest moved was in the flight manual (which is another primary source). Another link..

Furthermore why would any of these women risk putting themselves out there in the public eye and say they were assaulted? None of them wanted money. It wasn't a case of someone wanting to be paid off in court.

All of the alleged victims I've seen have seemed very genuine and distraught over the whole thing. I suppose that's not a very concrete point since it's my own opinion, but it's not nothing.

And what do you make of the fact most of the accusers groped all were tall, attractive blondes?

It really seems like the accusations hold water.

Curious about Clinton though.

What do you make of the infamous "grab her by the pussy" tape? Even if it was "locker room talk" it still shows his attitude towards women and his own fame in regards to what he can get away with.

I'm a women and heard worst stuff from other women. That's what I think about it.

Even if he was just trying to brag and sound "cool" in front of Billy Bush (lol), his words clearly show that he has thought about what he can and do to women.

Yeah he's a famous billionaire man. They get lots of girls all over them. Is anyone really that surprised?

don't know much about the allegations towards Bill except for the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

He literally has a whole wikipedia page on his sexual misconduct allegations:

He has a long history also of treating women very poorly, I mean the Monica Lewinsky case being the biggest.

Gennifer Flowers who did have sexual relations with him, and is well known, came out and even said Bill had a sex addiction.

All of the women have kept their stories straight, some for decades.

audio recording of him saying he can get away with sexual assault is pretty damning.

He never once says in the whole audio did he say he can get away with sexual assault. He says women let him just grab their pussy. LET HIM. Allow him. Consensual.

I'd wager that we would both at least suspect that he did it and that a court would see that as pretty strong evidence.

He didn't joke about sexual assault. And its funny near the end of the campaign, after a audio comes out, so many women all of a sudden come out claiming he sexually assaulted them. But a lot of those stories were already found out as fraud, or had major holes in their stories. Like details that didn't make sense at all.

Also, I believe that the claim about the airplane seat not moving up was proven to be false by people who worked for the airline company themselves.

Why didn't they also add that their was a witness there the whole time and said nothing happened?

Also those links are saying that there is armrests that go up in first class, yes in some planes. But most do not have armrests that go up like your 2nd link suggests. That's very few. And even in your first link they mention she got the flight wrong.

But the biggest thing, regardless of armrests or not, is that there was a witness.

Furthermore why would any of these women risk putting themselves out there in the public eye and say they were assaulted?

There have been tons of cases where women lie for attention, fame, wealth, or just to lie. I mean I read a case once where a women stabbed herself and hit herself, and then claimed she was raped, for no reason.

Also wouldn't this statement hold true for Bill Clinton?

None of them wanted money. It wasn't a case of someone wanting to be paid off in court.

Really? better go look for what they want from those lawsuits. Is it money? Cause pretty sure it's money.

All of the alleged victims I've seen have seemed very genuine and distraught over the whole thing.

Most of them have already been found out as frauds, and the rest have holes in their story. sooo..

I think all of them seem like liars.

And what do you make of the fact most of the accusers groped all were tall, attractive blondes?

uh, most people dye their hair blonde.. and there is a lot of brunettes, and were brunette when they said it happened?..

It really seems like the accusations hold water.

but they don't.

Bear in mind when you consider the email scandal that she is on tape saying how insecure and easy to investigate email is. Leaked emails from Clinton are never going to reveal the really dirty stuff because she won't have put that on email.

What it does do is give us a better idea of the lines to read between. The massive payments from foreign countries indicate the shady shit is a lot bigger than we might have imagined.

The massive payments from foreign countries reveal that she is like every other president we've ever had. That's not especially great, but it's not abnormal.

You can just say that there's "really dirty stuff" that she doesn't put in email unless you want to talk about all the really dirty stuff that Trump says that isn't in email.

Well... Yes. That would be ideal. I want everyone's shit exposed.

She sold influence at the highest level of US government. Trump could've raped and shot someone and it wouldn't be as bad of a crime.

Aaaand you just gave yourself away. Have a good one, sir.

Regardless of what you think of my politics, that has nothing to do with the conspiracy to remove minority voters from the voter rolls.

Should I dispute everything you believe and all of your favored conspiracy theories because you voted for someone I don't like? Is that how it works?

Please do, what you will discover is that Democrats used illegal voters.

You're talking about a level of fraud that includes a tiny number of people on both sides who voted twice. This is about using the entire voter rolls to delete millions of voters.

The kind of fraud you're talking about is completely trivial relative to this kind of systematic fraud.


Got a source on those 3 million illegal/dead citizen votes? I provided 2 sources and there are more. I don't see any credible sources supporting your claims.

It was a con over 10 years ago when he was using his billionaire status to influence all kinds of politicians.

I mean, he started this campaign talking about how hes one of the guys that buys the politicians.

It is impossible to be anti-establishment when you are a cornerstone of its enablement, went to school with it, joined all its clubs, knew all its connections, went to the weddings and invited to your weddings all the kingpins.

No chance that he could be smarter than you, and realized his anti-establishment strategy won't work without a bridge (Pence) to the stubborn butthurt Republican-majority?

I know that's part of his plan, and to give him more legitimacy and reach out to the evangelicals. It was a smart move to get elected. But the VP has a lot of power and it's unknown how he'll deal with Trump when they have major disagreements while he's in power.

He'll simply put Pence in charge of all foreign and domestic policies.

The VP does not have a lot of power.

Selling out to the establishment and changing his views to gain votes... sounds exactly like your typical establishment politician...

So what you're saying is that you can't have an anti-establishment president because once they do the things necessary to become president they are automatically part of the establishment?

I highly doubt it mattered. People were going to vote against Clinton with Pence or without him. As long as he didn't pick someone completely nuts like Sarah Palin, it wouldn't have affected him.

This would have been a great point a week ago. Before he appointed the fucking leader of the RNC to the second most powerful position in the white house. And let's not forget the other anti-establishment outsiders such as Newt Gingrich and Rudy Guliani.

It was obviously a con all along. This is the guy who bragged about how cozy he was with the establishment during the primary debates. He's been close with establishment Republicans and Democrats for decades.

He bragged about taking advantage of the system too.

Fuck trump... but it does make me happy to know Pence is crawling in his skin due to trumps pro-gay marriage announcement.

I knew Trump's anti-establishment strategy was a con the second he picked Pence as his VP

and given his pick for chief of staff, it's hilarious that anyone thinks Trump's administration would be that different from that of an establishment republican.

implying the R and the D parties will pick a outsider


You need to wait that long?

Right. Weird he picked the governor of a swing state. Can't imagine that was strategic at all.

Indiana is hardly a swing state. It was a fluke that Obama won it in 08.

You say that in hindsight. A few days ago everyone thought Hillary would win by a landslide and could potentially sweep all traditional swing states.

Ron Paul actually had, like, policies and principles and a record of consistently fighting for said policies and principles. He is humble and dedicated a large portion of his life to serving and caring for others as a doctor. It is discouraging that people could somehow conflate the two.

Maybe it's a life insurance policy - kill Trump and you get Pence instead for 4 years? .. yeah.. no

Can't deny it's served a purpose with the Clintons which was much needed

I am all about the truth but I dont believe this. I sense me some butthurt democrats trying to infiltrate this sub.

Seriously everyone hated hillary but acting like donald is some savior is really out of line. the guy hasn't even remotely passed the smell test

Does Clinton even really matter anymore? She's corrupt but now that she doesn't have any power what can she do?

On the other hand Trump is going to be president and it's suddenly not important what he's done in the past.

Does Clinton even really matter anymore?

god i hope not.

Clinton's probably all bummed out like "I don't matter anymore" but don't worry Clinton, it's okay, neither do I, we can be buds now

Just wait until she runs in 2020

She won't be permitted to do that. She's a blight on the DNC right now.

Hopefully she'll be in prison or dead from health problems by then.

That's some hateful shit rights there. It's more than enough that she was humiliated by a reality tv huckster with a spray tan and fake hair.

Yep, it is. And she's a hateful person too. And you probably have some hate somewhere in your heart as well. I'm not taking it back, though mostly I'd prefer she just stay in prison.

What do you look like?



Removed, violation of rule 4, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

Get a lot of this guy

Don't you mean 'a load'?


Rumor has it Chelsea is being groomed to run for Congress.

The Clinton machine is not over yet.

You did not capitalize your letter i. See what I did there? You also did not capitalize the letter g in god. Maybe your autocorrect system is a bit off as well.

She's going to prison. Mark my words.

To say that she doesn't have any power is probably a tremendous misunderestimation. She's rich and well-connected, which is still enough to be dangerous.

She's not the president though. Rich and connected is useful, but it's not the fucking presidency.


She's getting her own television network with Oprah. Nothing but fucking up Trumps bullshit 24 seven

She's still powerful and part of the machine (Clinton Foundation). Even if she's not in politics herself anymore, she's still in a position to influence politics.

She needs to remain under the microscope, and so does Trump/Government. This sub should continue combing through leaks and calling out corruption, with evidence of course.

Of course. There does seem to be a visible push though for "well he's president now nothing in his past matters!" I'm guessing that's /r/thedonald's fault?

He's not even in office yet. Once he's in and starts wheeling and dealing, you'll see the conspiracies pop up more frequently.

Fact is, the DNC leaks are so massive and all-encompassing that there's enough there to feed this sub for months. The timing of it during a heated election would naturally attract those who oppose the DNC as well as the usual conspiracy theorists (not using term in a negative way).

It'll pass, like the cancer that /r/politics is recovering from.

Does Clinton even really matter anymore? She's corrupt but now that she doesn't have any power what can she do?

She matters until December 19th has passed. That is when the Electoral College votes.

She's getting her own television network with Oprah. Nothing but fucking up Trumps bullshit 24 seven

So many terrible jokes...

She matters to the people she's helping with her charity, which is the good kind of matters.

Does Clinton even really matter anymore?

Chelsea Clinton is being groomed now so the Clintons will be back.

However I do think best efforts would be looking into our soon to be president. He's obviously not clean.

(However we shouldn't forget the Clinton Foundation.)

Justice must be served. Clinton matters until then.

George soros thinks she does by funding protests. Is that a conspiracy?

>Does Clinton even really matter anymore?

She still needs to go to prison 10 years for every child that has died in Haiti due to her theft.

I don't know, I'm still kind of worried about her trafficking kids and starting wars as a private citizen, maybe she's the next Soros

now that she doesn't have any power


Clinton is a lot of things, but powerless isn't even remotely one of them.


"drain the swamp" apparently meant replace obamas administration with every republican insider possible

newt gingrich? jesus this guy was like the laughing stock of 90s congress... but im also of the opinion you cant really appoint a worse secretary of state than the last 8 years

Have you seen some of these appointments? Google Myron Ebell, who very well could be the next head of the goddamn EPA.

The only reason Chris Christie won't be our next attorney general is because his former aides are facing 20 years in jail after being convicted of conspiracy. Which is fantastic, by the way, because that chubby fuck would have ended recreational weed and severely restricted medical weed across the US in the first 100 days.

But you still have the publisher of Breitbart as head of strategy, possibly a creationist and all-around nutbar as secretary of education, on and on. It's clear Trump isn't picking the top minds or the most qualified people for his cabinet - he's using the appointments as favors and rewards for his friends and political supporters. Which is about as establishment as your get.

Say what your want, but this administration could have us yearning for the days of Clinton/Kerry/Holder/etc.

Pam Bondi is one the candidates for Attorney General. You know, the one that as Attorney General of Florida declined to investigate Trump University after Trump donated $25,000 to her reelection campaign.

Oh and there's this:

In 2013, Bondi persuaded Governor Rick Scott to postpone a scheduled execution because it conflicted with her reelection kickoff/fundraising event.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Fed absolutely cannot just come in and totally reverse State laws that were voted on by the citizens of that State.

Thats how wars are started people.

"The Fed" is the Federal Reserve, which has nothing to do with marijuana laws. "The Fed" does not refer to the federal government.

And you've got it the wrong way around. It's states that aren't allowed to reverse federal laws.

Any law within the competence of the federal government can override state law if Congress wants it to, iirc. And the federal government has pretty broad lawmaking powers, including the power to ban cannabis.

Ok, you're wrong. Those state laws are in direct violation of federal law. They've been allowed to continue because the Obama administration and his justice department have essentially agreed not to prosecute.

But an anti-weed attorney general - like Christie - could most assuredly decide to reverse course and give all states six months or a year to shut it down.

Would people protest/riot? Sure. But it wouldn't change anything.


Yeah no. That's not how things work. The people in California and Colorado didn't just wake up on election day and decide to vote for legal weed. It took years and years and years of lobbying, fundraising, and campaigning - licensed, straight edge, nerdy looking lawyers studying laws and meeting with elected officials and inching their way closer to a ballot initiative. Even then it took a bunch of failed referendums to finally pass.

That's what it will take - and then some - on the federal level. People like you, who stand in the background and call for rash actions and scream about anarchy and revolution and all that bullshit, never accomplish a damn thing. Because that's not how the world works.

And because you literally don't even know how to spell secede.

I'm pretty sure Colorado and California would just combine their efforts, and succeed from the Union

Secede from * secession *

Which is fantastic, by the way, because that chubby fuck would have ended recreational weed and severely restricted medical weed across the US in the first 100 days.

That's the first thing that comes to mind when evaluating the damage a Republican AG could do? Their stance on weed?

People have been so freaked out by politicians ending recreational Marijuana, but I honestly think it's impossible at this point. States are already breaking federal law by allowing it so the only option the government has is to enforce the law by military force which would just be outrageous and the benefits for them would not be worth the extreme amount of civil unrest that would cause

Kushner is purging Christie's ilk because as a US prosecutor he sent his dad to jail. This is seriously some Stalin shit


He's a creationist? Got a source?

Is your Google broken?

Edit: I should note his team just announced he's rejecting the offer, which is why I said "possibly." America dodged a bullet

Sorry to cherry pick one line from your comment, but "possibly a creationist" is over the line? You are on a sub where inter dimensional lizard people are a possibility, and that the Rothchilds are behind a mass global conspiracy, or that bigfoot or aliens may exist, but creationism is the line you draw?

creationist is a big line to draw for realists (and anyone with a basic understanding of 4th grade science)... i mean youre talking about a large voter base who believe dinosaur bones are a) faked by satan, or b) a test of their faith

the fact that someone like pence could possibly push that agenda in education is directly contradictory to the 2nd amendment.. if youre a christian and you want your kid to learn that crap, well thats what private schools are.. fuck off from the public education system

there is absolutely zero reason christians should be pushing their agenda into government programs, but hey, its what the republican voter base wants

2nd amendment?

er sorry, religion is covered under the first, heh

You... May be in the wrong place for that kind of talk.

they may have migrated here, but its not their sub

I don't see the connection. The guy above me was saying Hillary was the worst SecState ever - I'm making the point that having a Secretary of Education who believes the world is like 7,000 years old is way worse. We literally had that exact same argument 91 years ago. 91 fucking years ago. I'm not ok with regressing that far.

As for your point - which I don't really get - I think you're confusing the word conspiracy with "crazy theory." Watergate was a conspiracy. It was real, carried out by real people at the highest levels of government, and it was one of the most significant political events in American history. Who said I have to believe in lizard people to post here?

Creationism is ridiculous in the face of evolution.

What's wrong with John Kerry?

honestly i forgot he took over and she campaigned full time

I always thought this subreddit would be full of /r/the_donald types, and I've got to say that I'm both surprised and happy.

I'm so used to having the words conspiracy theory tied to the alt right nowadays. I'm glad to see that a lot of you guys here aren't accepting him so far. It'd be too ironic.

I'm a filthy commie liberal FWIW.

Socialist transgender atheist, here. A fun lot here on this sub.

The_Donald is just guys who think anyone who doesn't agree with them is a cuck and a place to deny existence of any sort of social injustice. They don't really care about 'draining any swamps' or checking excesses of the government or corporations. Matter of fact if those excesses are beneficial to a class they belong to they happily endorse it.

The mods know this, they just doing it for a purpose, like momentum and lifting spirits.

Yeah same here after these last few months I assumed this sub was another outlet for r/td.

Clearly I was wrong.

I hope the_philosemite users go back to their hole. Trump is already starting to show his true colors.

Motherfucker should pass the a hair test

He has someone who runs a media empire in his cabinet.

That alone should set off every alarm you have.

Hillary had most certainly failed the smell test, so it was worth it if you ask me. Now let's move on

That's because he fucking is you retard. He's your last and only hope to stop tptb.

Name one fucking alternative. Go ahead.

It's Trump or death. If he turns out to be a fraud we're all fucked anyway.

He's already turned out to be a fraud. He just appointed Reince Priebus as his chief of staff. He was so obviously a fraud all along. If you fell for it, you should be ashamed of yourself for being so gullible.

Go look through the guy's post history. Don't think you will get through to him lol


Yeah yeah sky is falling he's softening on immigration he's softening on Obamacare he can't win the election go fuck yourself retard.

getting pissed off and aggressive when someone makes a good point

That's just helping to prove their point...

Yeah sure, the same "points" that have been made for a year and a half. Wrong then, wrong now, everybody knows it.

I'm done winning this argument over and over, so I'm just telling butthurt cucks to kill themselves now, it's much more amusing.

So... Kill yourself

Wrong then, wrong now, everybody knows it.

If by "everyone" you mean, everyone in the propaganda echo chamber that is /r/The_Donald.

With all this aggression, it's like you think everyone else is as easily triggered and batshit crazy as you. Nobody's getting mad about your "kill yourself" comments. It's just obvious trolling

Oh that's right we were wrong and lost the election.

Kill yourself.

By that logic, you obviously think that everything liberals and Obama said over the past 8 years is right, since they won 2 elections.

Yeah definitely, because along with those arguments we've been saying Obama has no chance and should drop out 24/7

Okay. That has nothing to do with what I just said.

When in doubt, spout nonsensical BS (or more BS than usual). That's a bold strategy

You are crammed so far up his asshole.

You're here to make arguments or kill yourself.

I know you can't make an argument.

My argument is that you've been duped into worshiping an obese 70 year old man with a 4th grade intellect.

You misread my post, the alternative to argument isn't tired as fuck attempted insults. It's killing yourself.

"tired as fuck attempted insults"

keeps spamming "kill yourself" in every comment chain

This guy's arguments are entertainment gold

It's not an insult it's more like a fragment of hope that you'll actually do it. I care deeply about the world having less retards

Whatever you say. Just keep doing your thing

At least I dont think only a steak salesman can save the world.

what is TPTB pls?

The powers that be

LOL thanks. I googled TBTD and got That will be the day.

That will be the day when the powers that be are held accountable.

That'll be the day-ay-ay when I die.

Found Buddy Holly.

Which part of him?

That day was February 3, 1959.

A long, long, time ago

Well you didn't have far to dig...

That plane crash was no accident.

I sense a conspiracy

you don't say

Probably because you tried TBTD instead of TPTB

The Bowers That De

I guessed it was "The President To Be" .

I prefer TPTSB the powers that shouldn't be

Cheers, I thought it was "The President To Be"

You the real TPTB man.

I wish

The president to be

The sound made when you do a raspberry.

Holy crap it's that small, you poor man. Sorry I just couldn't resist.

The best Death Grips album

Don't let Anthony Fantano see this.

But he didn't say Exmilitary?

That's a mixtape not an album


You can smell it when I'm walking down the street


Glad someone asked, you the MVP.

Trump Pays The Bills

Yeah this is just a pure alt-right sub now


Yeah as someone here from /r/all I literally thought this was just a second sub for the_donald because every post I saw hit all was the same kind of thing the_Donald posts and the comments were always jerking each other off about how great trump is going to be and how shillary is the devil. And you're right about uncensored news. That was created by the_donald mods

With the leak of Podesta's emails, we actually got to see an actual conspiracy from the inside, and you think the people in this sub were being biased and unfair for diving in there? What the hell.

Also, for those who actually subscribe to this sub, there have been plenty of people questioning Trump from the beginning. Especially whether he's a plant controlled by the globalist powers to blow up the US.

With the leak of Podesta's emails, we actually got to see an actual conspiracy from the inside, and you think the people in this sub were being biased and unfair for diving in there? What the hell.

Show me exactly where I sad that. And especially show me where I mentioned anything so specific as the podesta emails.

"uncensorednews" is another one for the pile. Blatant pro-trump propaganda.

And a safe haven for racists to openly say exactly how they feel without being downvoted to the bottom. After awhile I had to filter it out.

Yeah I'm all for actual "uncensored news", because /r/politics and /r/news have done fucked up some things in the past, but I went to that sub and clicked on the creator mod to see what else they did, and it was all stuff like "homosexuality is a disease" and "black people are an inferior race".

you mean safe space?

Yeah, I got invited over there and unsubbed in record time. Might as well have called it r/shutthefuckupcuck

I raised my eyebrow when I saw this post. Like now you say you're not for Trump after months of crazy hysterical conspiracy theories on Clinton without anything on trump. Yeah this sub is just another arm of t_d.

CisWhiteMaelstrom once made a heavily upvoted self post about his plan to take over reddit through satellite subs and controlling the front page of /r/all. He was removed as a mod a couple of times, but had tons of alts and followers.

For some reason the Reddit admins are cool with it.

There's a difference between anti-Hillary and pro-Trump, though. Personally, I was just as terrified at the idea of Hillary becoming president as I was/am of Trump becoming president.

It's one thing to believe in a candidate or a party, or be heavily politically involved -- it's a whole other thing to essentially be in some sort of weird Trump/meme cult, with the primary goal being to flood every possible forum with hateful rhetoric.

Well Clinton is the more corrupt politician ever. Before she was, and now nothing has changed either. That doesn't mean this sub in alt right, just means Clinton is a corrupt politician.

I wouldn't be surprised, I had to unsub from uncensorednews after one of the mods said "any country that allows n*****s to succeed is doomed to fail."

This sub isn't necessarily alt right, though. We were very anti-Hillary, because she was the candidate that we actually knew about and had dirt on (Dem primaries, pay to play, Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, health issues, etc. etc.).

T_D started posting here like crazy the day of and night before the election, because the Pizzagate "story" broke. I had seen some pro-Trump spam before that, but it was nowhere near this volume, and it wasn't vote brigaded as badly.

Uncensored news is such a shit sub because anything other than pro-trump posts and comments will get downvoted, it's just a bait and switch sub.

It wasn't all along. A year ago this place was just your standard JFK assassination, 9/11 was an inside job, the lizard people are running the world subreddit. Then the Donald folks destroyed it. I should probably get around to unsubscribing...

Notice how nobody cares that /r/Politics is still nothing but anti-Truml, though.

Maybe those people are actually using their brains.

Of course it's anti - Clinton, she is establishment personified, the last thing this sub supports is establishment politics and the fact that Trump seemed to be the establishment's worst enemy was a good sign at the time.

Trending that way maybe, but at least we don't have "rare pepes" blanketing the front page here.

Not yet, but at this pace...

Dear god that shit has been making me not want to use Reddit anymore. I mean, I appreciate that Reddit is supposed to support free speech, but they've made a habit of banning hateful and scary inappropriate subs (r/fatpeoplehate, r/picsofdeadkids, etc). I think the only reason they haven't banned r/The_Donald is that they don't want to handle the backlash, which I understand after the meltdown that occurred after r/fatpeoplehate was banned - but still, this shit is getting out of hand. It isn't funny, it's just garbage threads filled with incredible hate and cult-like rhetoric. It's really making this site unbelievably unpleasant.

For fucks sake, r/The_Donald started as a freaking 4chan operation. It's a joke, but they ban anyone who calls it out and the sub successfully snowballed to the point where they now just have strength in numbers. They're everywhere, too! It's one thing to spew bullshit in a designated bullshit sub, and that's bad enough, but so many of them are flooding every sub they can, and just finding reasons to be hateful across this entire website. Something needs to change. This shit is too much.

No, you didn't "meme Trump into the White House." Nobody wants to see infinite "pepes" and nonstop ludicrous and hateful rhetoric. Somebody needs to start a petition or something. I really wish they'd all just go to voat like all the r/fatpeoplehate morons did.

This. All of this.

Afterthought: Why have they not been banned for brigading? That's a reasonable basis for banning them, as it's clearly a violation of the rules. They've very obviously brigaded anything that wasn't pro-Trump on a number of occasions, and Reddit admins were aware of it! Even now they make a habit of brigading posts and comments, and it's just become sort of accepted since they've essentially flooded Reddit.

I can't fathom why all of what they do isn't considered to be a big deal. It's disruptive, disrespectful, and childish.

Get RES and filter out any and all of those subs.

Omg how dare someone have an opinion that doesn't promote a leftist ideology. Go back to /r/politics CTR.

Thanks! Perfect example of what I was talking about. Appreciate the help!

If you honestly think that /r/the_Donald is a hate speech subreddit, you are very misinformed. I have never seen any racist, homophobic, or misogynistic posts on it. I am Hispanic and I felt at home with fellow supporters of Trump and sending a blow to the corrupt establishment and media. No hate at all. To call for them to be banned is just stupid. Again, You are either misinformed or clearly a shill from /r/politics.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Already.

Upset much?

Ironically during the crusades they burned a lot of knowledge.

So did Islam, Romans, Mongols, and pretty much all armies in warfare. It's called sacking a city genius. Do you even understand what crusade means? Oh wait probably not. Just spouting nonsense.

You are so cute.

Not an argument.

I'm really neither, and I don't know why you have to be insulting to voice your opinion. That's what's getting you such a bad reputation. I didn't once say anything about hate speech, and that was intentional, because that's a very charged phrase with a very specific meaning. I said hateful, which is an adjective. Perhaps I should have said aggressive? Mean? Argumentative? All you're proving right now is that, when anything contrary is said, you can't have a respectful discussion and instead resort to assumptions and name calling.

The fact you are trying to compare /r/the_Donald to those sub reddit is ridiculous. Your definitely implying that it has grounds to be banned because you deem it "hateful" in which is not. Again you are being ridiculous. Talking like an elite jackass doesn't make you right either you know. As for name calling, sorry it's hurts your feelings so much but I can't help but call bullshit when I read it.

Wow, you're right. You've completely altered my opinions by calling me an elite jackass. I think I'll do the same next time I'm trying to debate with someone who disagrees with me. Thank you! I gotta go now, let's talk later.

Not an argument.

I have some but I don't want the market value to drop by posting them

You sound like a victim.

The wikileaks sub is so ridiculously blatant about it. They even ban and censor people who disagree or dare question the validity of their posts just like The_Donald.

At least this place has allowed comments calling bullshit on some of the more obvious nonsensical conspiracy theories against Clinton.

I like how this sub allows for people with different opinions to contribute. It keeps this place from becoming an echo chamber and allows for discussion and examination of things they should be examined.

But that means bunch of Republicans are now conspiracy theorists. :)


What about your jade helm conspiracy?

Yes, but then the notable exceptions almost always involved the clintons...

Clintons AND the republicans. FTFY


They said: "Why, at least for my lifetime, Republicans are the conspiracy."

I said: "Yes, but then the notable exceptions almost always involved the clintons"

edit: holy shit, r/conspiracy 's reading comprehension is hitting an all-time low

It was fun watching them fumble around but now it's gotten a bit depressing.

They were calling themselves honorary FBI Detectives for a while. I don't know if I'd call it depressing. It was just sad.

Aww, let 4chan pretend. They need to feel like they're contributing to society.

Your comment made me chuckle though, I had forgotten how funny that period was. All I could think about then was how much I wanted Clinton to be charged, those were simpler times.

To be fair the chans were the ones who did most of the work to open up the whole pizzagate conspiracy.

That's like saying i'm a Democrat when i'm actually a socialist.

They always have been.

Yeah, the shit kind who magically see everything that happens in the world as an affirmation of their current viewpoint.

The fact that this is the top post in this sub refutes your point. I think the majority of people here are skeptics of all power elite. There are alt-rights, progressives, and everything else here, but it's clearly not owned by the alt-right.

That and donald trump has been the only candidate in god knows how long to actually call out the EXTREME corruption, I mean for god sakes he said on national television that the sitting president and hillary clinton both created ISIS.

no shit hes going to get support.

That's dandy...but don't turn around and stack the deck with even more corruption. Get real here .....the republicans rented out empty space to trump and now they got him where they want him...he's moldable.

chess bro. just because u cant see more than two moves ahead doesn't mean the rest of us cant

You gotta be shitting really think trump is some diabolical mastermind?

Downvote and report as needed. Pester the mods into making this place better.

Not really, Bernie was definitely the preferred candidate of the conspiracy crowd.

The alt-right is a myth

No it isn't. Half of the trump supporters that were coming here have stopped now that he is elected.

Th ones that stayed have an interest.

So dramatic

hahaha still using made up Hillary terms post November 8

shameful, you will be sent to the camps for re-education

Actually we are simply focused on the abuses of the ruling party.

Come back in 4 years and see if your statement still holds up......or just keep whining and pretending anybody who criticises democrats are "alt-right". Either way, I doubt youll be missed


A former democrat, third party voter, trump opposer, and person with a brain

The ruling party is the elite, which Republicans and Democrats are both a part of.

Republicans abused America. Democrats abused America. That's the short truth of it.

lol "alt-right" sub? Really? You sound like CNN. /r/conspiracy is more compromised than /r/the_donald thats for fucking sure.

No, it just doesnt ban dissenting views

Seriously, I haven't heard anyone use the phrase "alt-right" seriously, ever. Only CTR use that, and it's also a term coined by Hillary in the same speech she claimed Pepe is racist iirc.

edit - Ok, let's be honest. Crap about Trump tax returns and the completely disproven claim that Trump is working with Russia are being upvoted. This sub is being brigaded. I am fully making that claim now.

If alt-right is synonymous with seeking truth, then yes. Otherwise, not really. What you're seeing is the exposition of the vast corruption of democratic party and leftist policy. Recognizing that doesn't mean someone is alt-right, right, or whatever. Are we not allowed to have objectivity?

People confuse unbiased as somehow meaning that things will always be equal, but that's not the case. It's the same idea against black crime. They cite a disproportionate amount of blacks as being evidence of institutional racism. They want "balance" like you can't have a greater percentage of blacks in prison over whites. Well, why not? If blacks are committing criminal acts at a higher percentage, then it is what it is.

Jesus christ.

Profoundly articulate.

We're all terrified you think so.

Funny how this message doesn't appear tell after the election.

Yeah, what kind of mod collusion is going on site-wide?

There's always been mod collusions. They can close threads

Watch house of cards

If you dont think both parties, all facets of the government, dont pay close attention to sites like reddit you are sorely mistaken

Is it possible that as far as the Clinton corruption goes, a lot of good points were made?

Pales in comparison to the amount of points "made" by /r/The_Donald

To be fair, one this I think both subs could agree on was that Hillary getting to power would have been very, very bad.

Good. Clinton not getting in was the best possible outcome, right?

Well, y'know, he is our president now.

It's because CTR knows /r/politics is failing heavily so they have to branch out. They'll start with subs that seem neutral like this, /r/technology and /r/science.

Because T_D was doing the majority of the digging through wikileaks to take down Clinton. It was a mutally benificial relationship at the time. Now that he has won the sub is going to have to dig on him too because his administration is now the most powerful and unchecked administration in history. Senate, house, white house, and supreme court. He will get away with murder.

Disclaimer: I feel like he is playing the Clintons right now. I think he is not going to be prosecuting them because once he swaps FBI directors he will have complete control of the entire government and he will OWN the Clintons and get whatever the hell he wants past. I also am okay with this because I want all of the right wing stuff to pass. Mass deportation, tax code change, entitlement reform, gerrymandering, and anything else that brings us back from this PC culture where kids are absolute pussies. I am done with the left and I want them absolutely annihilated from the history books.

Edit: this comment was +11 and is now -10. This sub has been infiltrated by CTR.


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

CTR existed long before the election and is too powerful a tool to put back in the box. CTR is here to stay, even if their numbers have dwindled.

lol, downvotes on reddit isn't powerful. You're deluding yourself if you think Reddit comments would be a primary target of an organization looking to influence people through social media. there are far bigger fish with far better returns for that.

Bullshit. Reddit has over 120 million unique visitors a month. It is a huge fucking fish. There is a reason CTR targeted Reddit specifically.

That's why I said the comment section. Reddits front page is a boon. Once you go away from the front page and into specific subs you're looking at 10% of the userbase. Once you go into the comment sections, you're looking at 10% of that 10%. If CTR are spending any time downvoting individual comments, that's a massive waste of money that would be better spent on either getting on the front page of reddit, or target Twitter of Facebook.

It really depends on where you are at. For example this thread here is on the front page.

Again, an insignificant amount of people that visit reddit actually look through the comment section. So even if 5-6 million pair of eyes saw this thread (probably an overestimation since conspiracy isn't a default and most people don't browse /all, only 10% of them are actually going to click the link, 10% of those will read through a meaningful amount of comments giving you about 50.000 pair of eyes. Even if you double the people seeing it on the frontpage that's still only 100.000 pair of eyes on an anonnymous forum. It's significant to reddit for sure, but I'd be extremely surprised if it was a target of any priority for any organization aiming to seriously influence the national discourse through social media.

So you want to silence half the country and eliminate them? That's sounds a lot like fascism. PC culture is a small part of the left. Those that are for PC culture are ignorant and regressive, and in no way represent the actual values of the vast majority of left-wingers. Just like how insane racists/homophobes are in no way the majority of right-wingers. I am a left-winger, but I totally agree with some right-wing ideas and would like to see Trump implement them. But there are also left-wing ideas that are also good for the nation. It's all about finding the common ground between both groups to improve the nation. Trump's plan for infrastructure is a great idea, for instance. Edit: Your downvotes have NOTHING to do with CTR. You stated you want the entire left annihilated from the history books. That right there is the type of thinking that only increases the divide. It's not a healthy way to look at people. I am left, and I in no way want to annihilate anyone just because they are right wing. That's like saying I want Christianity and all Christians wiped from history because the Westboro Baptist Church pickets soldiers' funerals.

I really hope he puts a lot of money towards schools, and considers the internet part of our infrastructure. If he made positive changes in those sectors, I would be his biggest fucking fan.

And I hate me some Trump right now.

He wants to cut education funding sorry 💔

He mentioned schools in his acceptance speech, I guess that was just blowing smoke up people's ass again, though.

It'd be nice if the guy actually followed through with something he said, or at least one of the things I'm hopeful about. Do we know if he actually has a firm stance on anything other than "ISIS is bad"?

It's impossible to tell though, isn't it? I'm not out there marching in the streets but I am very concerned that nobody seems have to have the slightest idea what his actual policies are going to be. "He's gonna build the wall. No he's not gonna build a wall he only said that to get votes." and so on.

I think what matters most here is who he picks to serve on his cabinet since they will most likely be the actual decision makers during his term. Trump seems to be more of a figurehead than a political playmaker.

Rumor has it that Ben "pyramids were grain silos" Carson is a potential pick for secretary of education. Can't be a good omen.

Oh god. Not sleepy Ben.

I think you're totally right on the cabinet prediction though. I imagine he's too lazy to do much that doesn't involve talking about himself.

My greatest fear is Mike Pence taking over most of the responsibilities.

Mike Pence is indeed a terrifying person to have as the backup QB of America. I am praying that life in the Oval Office is a lot more like VEEP than House of Cards. People are saying that Trump's decision to pick Pence as his running mate was the best life insurance policy he could have taken out. Probably true..

All we can do now is wait and see what actually happens. I predict a record number of xanax prescriptions filled between now and January 20.

So it seems that americans in the process of not wanting another puppet as POTUS they got exactly that. We all got played.

Hate to be one of those cynical people but honestly you're right. It's just politics as usual.

If he actually improved those, he'd definitely have an excellent legacy (barring some massive fuck up elsewhere). Considering how badly the US does in education compared to other developed nations.

This sub has been infiltrated by CTR.

Hahahahahahahaha, "CTR", lol.

"Reddit isn't just a liberal website with mostly liberal users. Its RIGGED!"

You realize you are in /r/conspiracy right? What are you even doing here?

Edit: this comment was +11 and is now -10. This sub has been infiltrated by CTR.

And by that you mean: it was upvote brigaded shortly after it was posted, but the steady stream of downvotes brought it back negative

Just like every other pro-Trump or "OMG we solved Pizzagate guize!" post in this sub.

Are other people noticing this? I've seen a couple comments that seemed like they were upvoted before people even read them, they just made no fucking sense.

I've noticed it. I've also noticed my own posts getting quickly downvoted when critical of Trump, only to be slowly upvoted back into the positives after a few hours pass.

On /pol/ they distributed lists of "friendly" and "enemy" posters for RES scripts to auto-vote.

Wow. That confirms my worst fears, and somehow I hate that board even more now.

don't worry. a lot of them are realising they were conned.

That's not very reassuring, I don't really care how they feel. I'm worried about the consequences.

what I mean is, /pol/ is very contrarian. many of them don't actually care for trump or like his policies, they only memed him into the white house because it was funny. as soon as he starts doing the usual politician thing, they will despise him as much as any other.

Idk, I think that they may have found someone they can relate with. Someone almost universally disliked.

" this PC culture where kids are absolute pussies."

But my karma! Wah!

I am sad that you are willing to push your country to civil war. There are many millions of liberals who are not going to be enthused by being "absolutely annihilated", regardless if you mean in policy or not.

OP has no idea how bad that post reads... Either completely incompetent, or lacking foresight. Either way, it's not pretty.

We have the guns not them. We make the food in rural farm towns not them. The military backs Trump, and the police back Trump. The only war would be them getting the shit beat out of themselves for a couple days and then surrendering. It's time for them to get back to reality.


Holy fuck dude.

Fuck his feelings, right? They're JUST WORDS.

Haven't you heard? Not offending him is basically repealing the first amendment. What are you, a PC cuck?

Fucking savage.

damn dude who hurt you?

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed.

I need to lose 20 lbs! The left is always trying to find dirt on people to discredit them because they can't win the argument. Hilarious!


Ohhhh burn.


Ooooh burn!

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

Oh man how many warnings do I get???

1st warning, final warning, ban.

the military backs Trump


It's like saying the German High Command's Generals trusted Hitler. They tried to blow him sky high, see Rommel.

Not even. Check the polls. 2-1 margin at least.

The low-level folks definitely support him, which isn't surprising. He had like 500 less military endorsements than Romney did.

High level is about to get fired.

Because they didn't vote for trump? The fuck

Yes. You cannot fill your ranks with people who would vote for someone like Clinton.

You sound like someone who would be a big ol fan of Stalin and his military purges

If only you got deported to Turkey where you could see what Erdogan's gutting the army has done...


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.


You'd lose. The person you described is someone I could kill 40 of in a day before you could figure out how to load your weapon and got use to the sights. I'm just being real. Liberals are all trash and brainwashed. None of you know how to work hard, think, or fight.

I worked two jobs (45-55 hours/week) to put myself through school. I'm guessing you have a self-righteous erection right now, though, so don't let me stop you.

No. You are the ones rioting. We are doing nothing. You will be the ones to cross the line and then lose support. Each day you riot just pushes you further away from the rest of us. Soon we are going to see you as entitled cunts who are destroying businesses and houses because you didn't get what you want. It will be you who crosses the line.

Nah. For better or worse, Trump was democratically elected. I'm cynical, but I think people try to do good overall, so I'll wait and see what he does. Plus, if we (liberals) just full-stop refused to participate in the democratic process, we'd be the Republican congress! Ha ha.

What are you talking about? My county voted 80% Trump. The 20% would just need us to talk to them. The only people rioting are idiots in the cities that are liberal cities.

On a scale of 1-10, how many thousand people does your county contain? "The cities that are liberal cities" is currently killing me, you do realize that large cities either vote liberal or have a significant population of liberals, right?

My county voted 80% Trump. The 20% would just need us to talk to them.

"Hey you no longer have any say in the country. You should agree with this or we'll kill you because we're all fuckin' gangsters who could kill 40 people a day easy"

You are the disgusting minority who is hurting this country.

Minority in that more of us voted than you. Ok. Minority in that there are 61 million who voted against you. Ok. Better pack a lot of bullets. And a box lunch. And some lube for that raging hate boner you've got going on.

I worked two jobs (45-55 hours/week) to put myself through school. I'm guessing you have a self-righteous erection right now, though, so don't let me stop you.

Well good job. You are the minority when it comes to the left.

Nah. For better or worse, Trump was democratically elected. I'm cynical, but I think people try to do good overall, so I'll wait and see what he does.

Again you aren't really the problem then.

"Hey you no longer have any say in the country. You should agree with this or we'll kill you because we're all fuckin' gangsters who could kill 40 people a day easy"

Simply stating I would not be fighting my neighbor.

Minority in that more of us voted than you.

The estimated 3 million votes from illegals don't count. You lost the popular vote from AMERICANS too.

Ok, let's play with your numbers.

Democrat voters (e: sans "illegals") made up 17.9% of the US, Republicans made up 18.5%. What a majority! You've almost taken a full 1/5th of the population!

It's so clear now, I take everything back. Even with 3 million dead grannies and Hector the illegal alien, the American public has mandated that the Democrats be crushed! Liberal thought must be eradicated! Death to political correctness and safe spaces! We've got to make it safe for REAL Americans to live without any sort of unpleasant or disagreeable thoughts being shared by people around them!

You're the one threatening people with "absolute annihilation". It's still violence and aggression even if you're able to talk the United States military into doing it for you.

But by all means, go ahead. Kill all the liberals. Slaughter all the people responsible for the United States's success. You'll be left with a third-world country inhabited by nobody but primitive, vicious savages like yourself, the laughingstock of the entire world. All because you're too arrogant too swallow your pride and admit that maybe, just maybe, you can be wrong and other people can be right.

I said I want the left to be absolutely annhaliated. I want left teachers to be fired, I want left media to lose all funding, I want the stigma of millennials to be so bad they can't get hired and have to go through retraining for reality, I want pc culture gone. If you want to keep rioting and killing people then eventually we would be forced to fight you over it. At which point you will promptly cry "It was a prank bro!" after getting your ass beat. The left is dead and you don't even get it. It's finished. The right hasn't had this much control ever. It's been 100+ years since they had this much control. Everything is going to change and you can riot all you want but it's done. Your safe spaces are done. Your liberal socialism wet dream is done. It's all done.

No, the right has had this much control before. Not in America, but in other places.

They promptly drove Germany straight into the ground so hard that it was split in two for fifty years.

Cool story. This is not that.

Seriously, though, I wish we could just drop you people and ISIS and all the other savages on a deserted island somewhere, let you have fun killing each other while we got down to the business of civilization.

The hilarious part is that all the coastal states that are solidly democratic are just full of brilliant, rich, hardworking entrepreneurs.

imports from all over the country and world. They aren't born there. They are infected.

So we agree that liberals do know how to think and work hard

You think silicon valley is compatible to millions of libs collecting welfare or the hundreds of thousands of arts degree idiots?

No silicon valley just knows their audience. Mindless fools who spend all day on facebook giving them there info for free.

Actually the majority of welfare collectors are white trash and Hillbillies... you know, the kind that voted for Trump. Get your facts straight Cletus.

What the hell does race have to do with what I said? You are a real piece of shit. Collecting welfare has nothing to do with race you racist PoS. I made no claim that is was blacks collecting welfare. I said libs.

Why are you getting mad at me for? If the truth offends you then that only goes to prove just how hypocritical you right-wingers are.

You complain about the left taking offence when confronted with something they don't like but yet you are here taking offence because I said something you don't like.

Also, where did I say whites are on welfare? I singled out two social groups who are known to support Trump, that's all - you're the one who decided that I only picked them because they were white. If anything you're the one bringing race into it.

If the truth offends

You assumed when I said welfare it meant blacks on welfare and then went on about how it's whites. You are racist.

The Hypocracy just keeps on coming - you right wingers always accuse the left of making everything about race - but here you are trying to accuse me of racism for posting a perfectly innocent comment. If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to play the race card... are you trying to play the race card Cletus?


You are a racist. I'm not even going to read the rest of your comment.

Awww, hiding behind the race card and using spelling as an excuse to avoid the truth? From where I'm sitting it seems like you're the one acting "PC" and being one of those "absolute pussies" you were talking about earlier. It's ok though, I'll respect your safe space and leave you to only reply the comments that you are comfortable with. Good talk Cletus, good talk.

Actually the majority of welfare collectors are white trash and Hillbillies

you made it about race. and cletus? damn.

Out of a list of counties across the nation ranked by median income, 4 out of the top 5 voted Democrat.

If you want to go by median income for each state then then top 10 states are all blue.

silicon valley counties are not representative of the rest of the country.

But they are representative of liberal parts of the country. You might feel that the coastal states aren't part of the "real America" but America is made up of the people that live here so actively putting them down all the time and pretending like they're such evil people gets you nowhere fast.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.


Rule 10. Removed. Final warning.

Do you really think nobody from the left owns a gun. That's just so fucking stupid.

This sub has been infiltrated by CTR.

T_D cuck thinks Hillary is still paying people to defend her on online after the election ಠ_ಠ

Don't tell anyone, but he's actually on our Super-Duper Shitlist and being personally targeted for downvotes.

Soros. CTR is just Soros now.

TFW a TD cuck thinks Soros is paying people to defend Hillary online after the election

/r/conspiracy is /r/politics now. gg ez

Do you know what sub you are on CTR?

Yeah, its not T_D.

Holy shit, this level of delusion, you trully were cucked by the the emperor.

CTR was around long before the election.

Mass deportation, tax code change, entitlement reform, gerrymandering, and anything else that brings us back from this PC culture where kids are absolute pussies.

The tax code = PC Culture?

You need to learn how to read. You are going to need that skill to get one of the new jobs Trump is bringing back to this country.

I don't know how else to read the sentence. You named the tax code (assuming you mean Donald's talk of simplifying it) as "anything else that brings us back from this PC culture..."

If you meant something else it didn't read that way.

It's a list, separated by commas. You really need to learn how to read.

If that is how you meant it you shouldn't have included the word "else" after anything. When you write it that way it modifies "anything" to include the previous mentioned topics.

At the very least adding it has made the meaning ambiguous; however, had you not included it would be clear that "anything" was meant to refer to topics other than the previous one.

Your comma explanation doesn't make any sense. All lists are separated by commas but that doesn't mean adverbs only apply to the word prior.

If that is how you meant it you shouldn't have included the word "else" after anything. When you write it that way it modifies "anything" to include the previous mentioned topics.


You said "anything else," implies that the whole list is related to bringing us back from PC culture.

Funny that you want people to learn how to read, yet you're advocating for censoring history books lol. Why are you here?

implies that the whole list is related to bringing us back from PC culture.


Lol, just saying "Wrong." doesn't make me wrong. Learn how to read.

LMAO, this guy is so retarded, holy shit, chekck his coments on this thread

You mean CuckedByTRUMP? His comments are retarded? Pshaw. Not with a name like that. /s

You think the RIGHT is going to do away with gerrymandering and opt for independent arbitrators to set the districts?

No? I am saying I want gerrymandering so shitholes like Chicago don't decide the entire state of Illinois. I want more gerrymandering. I hate the left.

Edit: Also worth noting my original comment was +11 and is now -3. Goes to show this sub is being CTRed in the ass.

Your comment is being downvoted because you're a filthy fucking fascist. CTR are unemployed now, you can't blame them anymore.

filthy fucking fascist.

Implying right win politics is wrong and the left is good. Ha. The left is what is wrong not the right.

CTR are unemployed now, you can't blame them anymore.

Wrong. Globalists don't stop.

So you're proud of being a fascist, and you wonder why you're getting downvotes?

Who wouldn't be? Ofc I am proud to like right wing policies. I am not scared of the left labeling me being I like strong borders, strong military, less government, and immigration reform.

No your labels don't affect me.

Where you from? Flint? Someone's been drinking a little to much of the water it would seem.

More lefty insults. Your arguments are weak so you turn to insults. WEAK!

Who says I'm left or right? Arguing with you is like arguing with Trump's brain. Nothing there. Just lefty this and lefty that. Sounds an aweful lot like crying. But wait.... i thought that was a liberals only move. People want a little more balance in their lives, not this left/right crap. Most people see that there is a lot of blame on both sides. But you can't admit it's a grey world we live in can you?

CTR much? "Trump is brainless and doesn't have any money!"


WEAK! Weak I say!


This has got to be a bot guys...

beep. 60k karma. I own you Banch. You and your cute cat sitting in front of ugly special snowflake pillows I would expect to see on some millennials bed. (I lied. Those pillows are dope too.)

Hows things in Westworld buddy?

I canceled HBO because they are globalists and said things I don't agree with. I vote with my wallet too!

Implying right win politics is wrong and the left is good.

I am done with the left and I want them absolutely annihilated from the history books.

You can't even remotely pull off your act of "what's wrong with my comments", with those kind of remarks within an hour of each other. You're 100% a troll, there's absolutely no way that combination of username and your completely oblivious "CTR shill" comments are genuine. It's not funny, and this sub isn't the place for the 4chan level "discussion" (memes and troll comments) that you have on /r/the_don.

The worst argument I've had on reddit was on /r/t_d subreddit. I showed them facts as to why I'm right and was only downvoted and given death threats. Every message started and ended with him hoping I died.

This guy doesn't seem too much different. Also, everyone disagreeing with you is a CTR shill according to them.

I didn't down vote you but it might have to do with "hating the left" and naming "them" as enemies. I'm not even quite sure what that means, to be honest.

Well we are on reddit. This is almost as left as it gets. Close to Tumbler but not quite there.

What could Trump, himself, be doing right this very minute to take down the Clintons? To be fair, shouldn't you at least wait until he swears oath to make this kind of bold claim?

I said "I feel" not I know. He released the John Miller tapes himself as a distraction. He is capable of anything and is smarter than most know. He also released the old taxes and changed the narrative for weeks. I'm just saying he only cares about winning and getting what he wants. If keeping the Clintons out of jail to enslave them because he has their dirt will win him the game he would do it. I am okay with this. I believe the end justifies the means. Some do not agree with this but I do.

What are the ends? Who knows. Maybe he wants to conquer the whole world. Maybe he actually wants to help America. With Clinton I knew she hated this country. With Trump it's a coin toss and that is better odds than Clinton gave me. Only time will tell.

Thanks, I just wanted a legitimate answer or some clarification and you delivered.

I have no doubt that Hillary was the face of a more publicly known effort for globalization, I'm truly curious what angle do you think Trump would be playing?

It's definitely a coin toss, one I hope ends up in our favor, but I'm really doubting he'd make any attempt to conquer the world, especially at his advanced age. If he achieved that within a few years, he might actually deserve it, lol. Don't get me wrong, I am seriously interested to know your thoughts.

I'm truly curious what angle do you think Trump would be playing?

He is a narcissist. He wanted to be president because he thinks he is better than everyone else and can do the job better. I genuinely believe that's all it is.

I think he will be good for America, he will get illegals out, and he will slow down the crawl of globalism. Or they will all work together to destroy America because we elected him. One or the other.

Edit: Good conversation, BTW- I look forward to your response!

He is a narcissist.

I'm not under the belief that he is. I know that people keep saying this, but I'll vehemently disagree that even his public persona does not demonstrate any narcissistic tendencies.

I'm, of course, referring to the textbook narcissist, not the internet colloquial narcissist. I know that arguing that Trump is not a narcissist may seem unconventional and irrational, but just hear me out.

The first cue that somebody may be a narcissist is their inability to handle criticism. Since they have no ability to self-reflect, any critique, serious or no, will reward you with anger and often times vindictive behavior. Even the slightest damage to their ego will result in fury of an inappropriate level. Part of Trump's charm is his ability to make fun of himself, and not take himself seriously. This by itself may demonstrate an ability to adapt and overcome narcissism, but my understanding is that it's incredibly rare.

Second, narcissists believe that their way is right, and people around them should simply accept it. Narcissist, naturally, find their way into management, but don't usually last very long. This is usually because they hire people who worship them with compliments, rather than properly evaluating their competence. Trump has demonstrated that he is quite capable of hiring and calling on people of competence rather than appearance.

I would argue, however, that Hillary is a classic narcissist. All of the signs are there, especially her complete failure to understand what has happened and why since the election results. She would have been the end of America. Even if Trump rapes our economy, and fails to deliver his promises, we at least dodged a major bullet there.

I'm not arguing that you are wrong, I just wouldn't let his public personality get in the way of valid skepticism. He is most definitely not a classic narcissist- somewhat egotistical, maybe, but definitely not mentally handicapped by self-absorption.

The first cue that somebody may be a narcissist is their inability to handle criticism

It's a good point but Trump might just be used to criticism from being in the limelight for 30 years. He also never lets things go and I think he does react to criticism.

That's entirely true, which means that it must be very hard for him to accept.

Mark my words- if we continue to make fun of him relentlessly, and he is a narcissist, he will crack. Eventually.

Narcissists only crack when they are losing. If they are winning the believe you are just jealous haters. Trump has been on a decade long winstreak. Until something bad happens we won't know.

/pol/ did most of the digging to begin with. The_Donald for all its problems are just a PC version of /pol/

Notoce how a few days before the election comments calling out CTR were upvoted for truth, and now they're massively downvote brigaded by CTR infesting this sub.

Sad that you guys allow it to happen so easily.

Yep, CTR upped the ante AFTER the election, because that makes such great business sense.

The reason that scapegoat is finally being downvoted is because there literally no reason for them to exist.With the way you people attribute every dissenting opinion to them you would think Liberals don't actually exist.

Yup, Soros upped the funding to try and stop the research. I wonder how much the mods sold out for.

Jesus Christ people have been saying this for months. It's pretty convenient that this finally becomes visible now that the election's over. It's almost as if there's been some foul play or manipulation of some kind happening. If only there was a word for something like that.

Seriously though you suckers got played by a billionaire and now he's your king.

Holy shit, definitely spreading this around a little.

The funniest was the fake quote over a picture of Kurt Cobain that said one day an anti-establishment hero like Donald Trump would be elected

Wait, Macedonian?

Yeh I'm confused by Macedonian too

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I got down voted to hell with multiple posts with this same vein calling me a Hillary shill. It's fucking bullshit. And as for this sub being alt-right, fuck that. I believe many of our ideologies would be leaning to the left; gay rights, women rights, clean energy, even immigration. How the fuck as human beings would we not be pro these things. t_d is finally losing interest in this place now that they did what they came here to do.

I guess it depends on what you mean by visible, but I remember multiple posts with higher karma saying the same thing... don't think any of them were taken down.

Better than Hillary.

You got played

I have undeniable proof that Hillary is evil, where's yours?

Lol you're a massive buffoon if you actually think Hillary Clinton is "evil"

The woman is a career self promoter with a huge ego, but she isn't hell bent on ruining the country like you Trumpies have decided she is. She just wants to rig the system to make herself look good.

It's still a scummy thing to do, but if she's rigging the system to make herself look good, that means she'd be inadvertently trying to improve the country to make herself look good as the president.

What point would it serve if she got elected, said "hahaha I'm evil you idiots" and started destroying the country? Everyone would hate her, which is the opposite of what she craves

So my choice for president was between an egotistical election rigger with 30 years of political experience, and a racist/sexist/elitist real estate agent with zero political experience whose entire motivation is to punish the people who've wronged him


Stopped reading.

Seems to be a theme with your type

Worldview threatened? Shut everything down

Do you need a safe space?

It's ironic you keep saying safe space yet I am have never been one to run from an argument or debate.

I stopped reading your shit because you insult before getting to the point. Childish.

You guys call Hillary Crooked and you get offended by the term "trumpies"?

How mentally weak can you get?

"you guys?"

How are you talking to? If you want to debate, don't start childish name calling before you make your point.

Are you still in high school?

You're still trying to deflect attention from the point at dont act like its my fault we aren't discussing this right now. I made my point. If you're offended by my verbiage then politics probably isn't for you

You want to discuss this? Start over and explain to me how I'm being complacent with the election results? I think, and still do that Trump > Hillary.

You said I got played. How so? I'm fairly sure you do not know the future so how in the world are you going to prove that I got played?

Well the majority of Trump's campaign centered around draining the swamp, going against the Washington Elite, and the fact that he's a person without Washington ties.

So far Donald trump has gone back on several campaign promises and made Reince Preibus--the leader of one of the organizations he campaigned against--his chief of staff.

And he appointed a guy from the largest pro-trump media company as his closest advisor (Bannon)

I don't know your views specifically, but those appointments can't be sitting well with you

I'm fine with it. As an independent these things don't bother me at all. We'll see how it works out after 4 years but all your fear mongering and "he's racist, bigot, misoginist, antisemite blah blah blah" is completely unfounded.

It's actually literally the opposite of unfounded. There are hours and hours of evidence that have been broadcast to the country for free

Yea from extremely biased sources. Do you know the definition of racism? It's not "anyone who uses the word "nigger". It's, anyone that feels their race is superior than others and TREATS them like inferiors. Trump may use a "bad word" that you dislike but it doesn't mean he's a racist.

Extremely biased sources? That's rich! I guess a videotape of Donald Trump talking is a biased source against him

And words matter when you're running to be in charge of the free world. He's not outside hitting Mexicans in the face but his words inspire other people.

WHAT? He's responsible, somehow in your mind, because his words are instigating hate?

I don't think anything he said is instigating hate! He's completely realistic that we cannot just mindlessly support illegal immigrants. He's completely right that we must VET muslims coming from certain war torn areas because the military is warning some could be terrorist!


He frequently encouraged people to beat up protesters at his rallies. He told a Mexican news reporter to "go back to Univision", which was clearly a lazy euphemism for "go back to Mexico". He suggested a complete ban on Muslim immigration before dialing back the comment days later. He's in favor of bringing back stop and frisk, which was ruled by a judge to be a racially discriminatory method of policing.

I could go on, but I'm sure you already have pocket notes for why these obviously racist and/or hate inciting things have been misconstrued by the #crooked MSM

I saw the univision one, that guy was being completely irrational and was asked to sit down many times. He just kept yelling at him. He needs to go back to somewhere. He worked for univision... that's why he should go back there because he's no longer welcome there, being as rude as he was.

Some people that become violent and push and shove, deserve to get beat a little at those rallies. I heard about that rally nonsense and I disagree he said "beat him up". You're reading into that shit.

Regardless of the specific verbiage used, you'd be grasping at straws to claim that Trump wasn't suggesting physical retaliation on those protesters

And I don't know any more than you about the Univision situation, but I believe the reporter was upset because trump had been ignoring him for half an hour and answering questions from almost everybody else in the room--on the day after some of trumps worst comments about Mexicans

No, you're grasping at straws to blame a guy that all he ever says is "get em out" to unruled protestors at his events!

The reason he got upset was because he was being a whiny girl and was asked to leave but kept yelling INSULTS at Trump!

These reasons and beahavior are completely understandable!

Btw, "worst comments about mexico" = "They're not sending their best"



I see your point now, after going back to this comment. This line explains to me that you're definitely not worth arguing with.

"and a racist/sexist/elitist real estate agent with zero political experience whose entire motivation is to punish the people who've wronged him"

not racist, not sexist and i could care less if he's elitist. Have a nice 4 years ya sucker.

And that explains who you are! The only people who can listen to Donald Trump's words and not come out understanding how racist/sexist he actually is are either batshit insane, or racist/sexist themselves!

How can you hear Donald trump say things like "blood coming out of her wherever", "I wouldn't rape her, look at her", "...and I assume some of them are good people", etc. and think "yeah he's not prejudiced, he just says what he believes!"

I think you're nuts for reading a guy say a couple of gross lines then judge his entire personality on that.

I've said some pretty foul things in my day but it doesn't make me a racist, misogynist, anti Semite. My mother didn't raise me like that.

He just says what he believes? You keep putting words in my mouth. You are right now, judging me by things other people have said. How are you any better?

Edit: I'm so sick of people having to defend themselves from all these allegations in the first place. There are a lot worse things to be in this world than a racist. What about Traitor? Deviant? Backstabber? Coward?

Maybe I should start calling you all these things and make you defend yourself from it. How would you like that?

The difference between what Trump says and what you and I might say in the privacy of our own social circles is that these are the things he decides are worth saying on national tv when he's running for president.

So he either has no filter on his thoughts or he has much more sinister thoughts that he doesn't say in public.

A lot of people voted for him because he's a good business man and didn't think for a split second about how a narcissist without a filter might impact foreign relations

So, because he said a couple controversial things that ARENT racist... you're suggesting that only people who are RACIST would saying those things?

^ dangerously complacent

Lookup the definition of the word complacent.

showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.

Now explain how that's relative to the conversation.

Now explain how that's relative [sic] to the conversation

Your casual and dismissive response that Trump is better than Hillary, particularly contextualized as a response to this comment about vote/content manipulation on this subreddit, without providing any support for your assertion or any other sign of critical thinking whatsoever, is "smug", "uncritical", and comes off as seemingly "satisfied" with the outcome. Making you complacent.

You're dangerously complacent because of the context of the comment to which you responded - writing off vote/comment manipulation in an "ends justify the means"-style one-liner that is, and I repeat, devoid of any critical thinking whatsoever. It's your comment that isn't "relative" to the conversation, not mine.

Mental gymnastics.

Nice try. I'm happy with the outcome, not complacent.

I agree with this.

You make it sound like they didn't know what was happening, which makes Crooked Hillary look even worse.

Maybe it's because I'm tired, but I've read this about six times and I just can't for the life of me figure out what you're saying.

He said Trump supporters were suckers. I'm saying it's less about believing his promises and more about dislike and distrust of Crooked Hillary.

You don't have to capitalize crooked lol. It's not a proper noun.

There were other candidates. If Trump supporters were smart, they would have voted for someone who wasn't an awful person.

Oh gotcha, so Hillary is so undesirable you literally don't care how bad trump is

What a smart way to make decisions

You think you exposed a truth when all you did was make an assumption to fit your worldview.

Hasn't this sub been pushing /r/the_donald conspiracies all election season?

It is more along the lines, that the_donald has been cherry picking what the want to push from this sub.

The posters around here don't push other subs agendas, from what I can see, obviously some false narratives will make there way in. However, the good posters here research what they want to investigate and provide their own sources. With the last place they would ever need to rely on for information being R/the_donald.


Seriously I don't fucking get this post.

/r/conspiracy has been pushing pro-Trump bullshit all year and once it's all over and realized they've been used and abused suddenly they want to act all high and mighty. It's like a case of buyer's remorse.

I have to agree. Way too much pro-trump bullshit went down in this sub to now try and act soverign in this whole situation.

What else is it supposed to do? Is there a better approach? You do realize your talking about a collective as though it is an individual right? Its not like a r/conspiracy is a single person changing its rhetoric.

the fact that every last retarded conspiracy that was cooked up in t_d (look no further than the spirit cooking bs) made it to here, pretty clearly illustrates that this community, collective or individual was misused to push an agenda.

For one this place is called r/conspiracy. for every conspiracy that is true there are 20 that are bs. That's always been the case. You can't have had such a high standard before the election. And if you are so appalled by this sub I'm sure you are absolutely pissed about what happened in r/politics this campaign season as well. Or is there a double standard?

For one this place is called r/conspiracy. for every conspiracy that is true there are 20 that are bs

So, by that logic I can post 19 fake stories and 1 real one? The point of a post shouldn't be to purposefully mislead, or push an agenda. It should be a well-reasoned, semi-plausible conspiracy. Spirit cooking, definitely doesn't fall into that category.

You can't have had such a high standard before the election. And if you are so appalled by this sub I'm sure you are absolutely pissed about what happened in r/politics this campaign season as well. Or is there a double standard?

The point you are making is that I can't have had a high standard, and further that point by saying r/politics has a low standard, thereby I have to lower my standards everywhere? Or what is it you are trying to say here?

Well first off, there was plenty of reason for people to see spirit cooking and Hillarys campaign chair and then an exact definition of spirit cooking posted on reddit by the very host inviting the Podestas to partake in a spirit cooking, and say wtf, we want answers.

And secondly, what I am saying is that for a sub that is a little nutty by nature, r/conspiracy should not be held to the same standard as r/politics. r/conspiracy's whole role is to take a look at often limited evidence, make educated guesses, and discuss it to either debunk the evidence or bring light to it in hopes that more evidence can be collected. Wikileaks was/is an exhaustive amount of evidence pointing to a number of possibly huge conspiracy theories that just happen to be very beneficial to the Trump campaign. If there was, or rather when there is an exhaustive amount of evidence handed out to the public about Trump, r/conspiracy will surely pour over it like wild.

r/politics on the other hand by definition is supposed to be discussion on the governance of a country, not propaganda supported by a multi-million dollar campaign.

You are disgusted with r/conspiracy for doing what conspiracy theorists, by definition, inherently do. If you are not more disgusted by r/politics behaving in a way counter to its very definition then you are creating a double standard and you are a hypocrite.

as a user that has been here for a while, i reject this assertion.

Conspiritards are typically pro-right. After a couple years of Trump, they will be pro-left. They just hate who is in charge.

We cannot erase how partisan this sub has become in the last few months. The same folks who said the election was rigged for Clinton are now saying "Donald's different".

Umm. Pretty sure they are just ordinary people.

That's a nice suit though.

Damn, the salt is glorious.

Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

Or, you know, their objective isn't to remain impartial in the first place. Maybe their objective is just to talk about conspiracies.

With Hillary and Trump, that's not exactly an even race.

That's actually a fair point.

I've never supported Trump and (likely) never will, but at least he's a piece of shit out in full view and not behind closed doors like Hildawg.

"Hildawg" has way more out there than Trump, I'm confused.

How many of Trump's emails have you seen? How many of his tax returns have you seen?

Why haven't you questioned his ties with Russia, like you have Clinton Foundation donations?

2 years later, you will focus on Trump because now he is the "power" that is attacking your rights (like the left does now), and ignore whomever challenges him as bastions of freedom and truth.

Contrarian sheep.


I loved coming to this sub and having actual discussions with you guys. It's opened my eyes and helped me to understand your side. Now I'm called a bitch for asking questions. It's ok, I don't give a shit because it's the internet, but there has been a noticeable change here. Much angrier, which is so strange because you guys basically won! I'll never understand cognitive dissonance but it's those who willfully practice it who blow my mind.

Either way, water finds it's level. Keep up the questioning of those who seek to skew your ideals for their benefit.

Every sub has an agenda. Theirs is to always support trump populism with humor. Here it is to question everything, even those who are us. I'm a way I think both existing in parallel is for the best.

More the other way around, /r/the_donald people have been pushing whatever they want here with upvotes and comments, amongst other subs too. And a good chunk of the stuff against Clinton was true, the problem is that they stuck around and wouldn't let anyone criticize Trump either.

Yes it totally has and it's a conspiracy in itself that now the election is over and they want it to stop. A fucking joke this sub.


So has reality, though. A lot of what they focused on was corroborated by Wikileaks. Clinton and the people surrounding her are responsible for the majority of the corruption this election cycle, by a longshot.

It absolutely has been. One reason I filtered it on mobile. Must have missed it on the desktop. If this post holds true, I may finally be able to unblock it.

More like clinton conspiracies. You're aware that's a thing, right?

Well the problem is that they can't post in politics because of CTR. Most places they won't get any traction. This place doesn't censor.

Kind of like how /r/Politics was proven to be taken over by paid shills. But reddit didn't card about that because it was for the "right" party.

Ok so can we start talking about how Trump is working with the Russians through backchannels? Can we talk about why he's hiding his tax returns? What is he trying to hide?


There was an insane amount of pro-Trump brigading on here. I experienced that as well.

Yeah, that's all they do. Everywhere, all the time. It's the worst.

Pro-trump brigading bots sent by Russia in order to disrupt the political process. Or just to see how much they can manipulate us.

There was an article about a woman who worked for a government social media fraud program, a whole building full of paid fakers and trolls to spread propaganda and demonize opponents. I'll look for a link.

Okay, can we start answering op's queries?

It's not a brigade if you were subbed here first.

But... But... CTR!

Yeah, it was absolute lunacy to see the Trump posters doing the very thing they were accusing (ghosts of) their opposition of.

That's was Trump's modus operandi. Blame Clinton/the media/etc of exactly the things he was doing

Vote system is messed up

Ok so can we start talking about how Trump is working with the Russians through backchannels?

Sure. I'd love to see the evidence of that.

evidence of that.

You realize what sub you're on, right?

Some of my favorite conspiracies have evidence. Even circumstantial evidence. The idea that Trump is working with the Russians is mainstream media propaganda. I mean, there's a conspiracy there, but it's not the one you want.

If you watch Russian media, they're super critical of Obama's actions in the middle East, so by extension, they criticize Hillary. A bunch of them thought Trump "looks more presidential" as well, make what you want of that.

Trump working with the Russians isn't a conspiracy theory to me because it doesn't explain anything. He's be more likely to work with China or India. That's where the money is.

Trump looks more presidential 😂

Why does ivanka have such a close relationship with Putin's girlfriend?

Why did Russia hack the dnc and podesta?

Why did Putin say Clinton would bring wwiii?

Why was trump forced to fire Manafort who is known to have ties to Russian oligarchs?

Why does trump have such a cozy relationship with Russian oligarchs?

Why was the RNC platform changed at Trump's request to recognize Crimea as part of Russia?

You don't see any fucking evidence huh?

Why does ivanka have such a close relationship with Putin's girlfriend?

There is no reputable evidence to show that Vladimir Putin has a relationship with Wendi Deng Murdoch.

Why did Russia hack the dnc and podesta?

Why is the US claiming it was Russia? Where is the evidence of that?

Why did Putin say Clinton would bring wwiii?

Because she wants to impose a no-fly zone over a country that specifically asked Russia for military assistance. What was she going to do, shoot down Russian planes flying over a country that asked for Russian help? What right did she think she had to go sticking her nose in a sovereign country's airspace? Putin said she would bring about a world war because she is a neoconservative warhawk.

Well, someone got their hands on the Podesta and DNC emails. So either some group with decent hacking chops supports Trump and was selectively leaking to support him, or two such groups leaked them very close together.

Now, the obvious culprit is Russia; they could do it, they have motive (Clinton was strongly anti-Russian.) As someone pointed out upthread, there's evidence paid Russian trolls (which we know are a thing) were pushing Trump on Reddit. The Russian state media also seem distinctly pro-Trump.

Several cybersecurity firms claimed that the techniques used to hack the DNC were charictaristic of the Russian government.

Some emails had metadata in Cyrillic saying they had been edited, and typos in Cyrillic (probably attributable to the spellcheck automatically altering them); this doesn't prove the text was deliberately modified, but it does show that someone using a Russian-language computer was fiddling with the files.

Meanwhile, "Guccifer 2.0" has made numerous mistakes suggesting they're lying about their identity. They claimed to be Romanian, but spoke only a little broken Romanian. Their english notably improves when discussing politics, suggesting there's an english-speaking political expert there working as part of a team, rather than a lone individual.

It's possible that US intelligence is lying, or has evidence it's Russia that they don't want to disclose (NSA?), but it's also possible they looked at all this and went "duh, clearly Russia".

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Thank you for making a valid argument for a Russian/Trump conspiracy. This is exactly what I was looking for.

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Should we be worried about working with Russia?

I think he is not as rich as he claims.

You guys can't be serious. Reddit was for Hillary since day 1. The reason t_d got popular was to counter the hate the rest of the site had for trump. There is no place that spoke positively of him, so people got together and made it their safe space. Reddit is liberal as fuck along with the rest of the media. All I read was trump hate in basically every sub. Hell r/politics (a default sub) was fueled on trump hate. You guys are delusional and so far separated from the majority of America. People may agree with you on this site, but I promise things are different outside reddits circle jerk (as proven by the election results lol). Btw can you pass the salt?

I upvoted you for pointing out what we already all knew.

Also I think generalizing Reddit is wrong. Yes it does tend to lean one way over another but the community is large enough that it has elements from all aspects of society. You also have to admit t_d is just as guilty as ignoring their own candidates scandals as much as /r/politics.

Oh, in no way am I defending t_d. That sub is a shit show. It just sucks that there aren't neutral subs for discussing politics. It's one side or the other.

Can you link to some of the posts you've made an I'll check em out for sure.

Or are you saying that the mods have deleted them?

Have then been downvoted out of visibility?

If you haven't made any, can you point to some. Would perhaps be a good idea to make a mega thread of them.

sure, go for it.

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ok so some guy put up spam sites and posted to reddit, how is this tied to Trump? You realize many people put up pro-hillary blogs as well and spammed the shit out of reddit with them? I don't dismiss the possibility of what you claim, but I haven't seen anything in terms of evidence.

Ok how about his former campaign chair having a direct relationship with Pro-Russian groups in the Ukraine?

It is surprising to someone that 2 superpowers are doing business with each other? That elites have business dealings outside their own country? This is proof of collusion how exactly? I have read all the supposition articles, I have seen it all. What I haven't seen is proof. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if both are in knee deep with Russian mafia, in fact I believe they probably are. That doesn't mean Mother Russia is influencing our election through secret Trump connections. But, what you should do if you believe this strongly is to make a post and lay your evidence out.


It only appears that way because, during the election, Trump was not a policy maker and had no history in the estabishment.

This is a sub dedicated to watching the establishment. Hillary was a subject of interest because of her decades of involvement with the establishment. Trump is only beginning to be involved with the establishment just now.

This post got enough upvotes, that I'm starting to think maybe it didn't.

I've been trying to reason with people about why they like him, and what policies they expect him to follow through with or succeed, and maybe it's actually having an effect.

Or maybe I just get sucked into the threads where these assholes congregate. Who knows?

It's just that Donald's cabinet picks are waking people up to what they should have known months ago -- that Donald is part of the same elite and he's never going to deliver on his promises to drain the swamp.

In the absence of the Donald fervor, the sub is slowly reverting to what it was before the election.

Give him a chance, the picks need to be done this way. At this point we don't know what's going on to pass judgment.

the picks need to be done this way

No, they don't.

Nobody "needs" to appoint a known white supremacist as chief White House strategist, the RNC chair as the Chief of Staff, JP Morgan boss as Treasury Secretary, or establishment/neocon idiots as Secretary of State.

None of this needs to happen.

And you guys need to stop being mindless sheep and quit defending this indefensible bullshit.

We don't know what his strat is yet. He probably knows what you thinking and he's not in bed with anyone. He will try to make them feel like he is in their pocket, he has to or else he sabotages himself. You will see some serious 4d chess I promise. I do not agree with the bannon pick and I got booted from a certain sub for voicing concerns but it's simply too early to understand what's going on.

You will see some serious 4d chess I promise.

You guys have really lost your minds at this point.

His refusal to put his business in a real blind trust, his refuse to disclose his tax returns, and his seeking security clearances for his kids are far greater conflicts of interest than anything Clinton has been accused of. He's surrounding himself with the very people he said he'll remove from Washington. He's been going around in interviews walking all of his promises back -- the wall, repealing Obamacare, everything. He's not going to do a single thing he campaigned on. He'll spend the next 4 years being an establishment pawn. And you're still going to be roaming these subs, still finding some new crazy way to defend him.

Because, really, you've become what you once criticized -- blind group-thinkers, useful idiots being manipulated by the elite.

His business is too vast for a blind trust, and blind trust are s bit of a joke anyway. He trusts his kids the most, and will most likely run the government from his tower. He has no interest other than making sure to not fuck up. He's not elite, they so far despise him.

You're reaffirming my assessment of you with every post you make.

It would be hilarious if it wasn't for the potentially severe consequences for our country.

I've been coming here for months calling Trump an idiot and a plant who only got to be the Republican candidate for president in order to make Clinton look electable by comparison. I always end up with positive comment karma when I do this.

You've got to be kidding me if you think this sub is pro-Trump. Most users here recognize that both Trump and Clinton are bad.

It's more that the Hillary corruption aligned so well with discussions here. As the need for the_donald to uncover how corrupt Hillary was dissipates, you'll find there is no need for them to crossover here.

There is still much to be done with regards to the hillary corruption that links so hard to everything we as conspiracy theorists have been talking about for decades.

Would be good if this post was accompanied by some conspiracy theories surrounding trump, instead of just whining about it.

Late for what? Now the hillary has lost?

Like how /r/Politics was taken over by paid shills working for Hillary and the DNC. But nobody cared as much about that one.

"Nobody cared?" Are you kidding me? I haven't been able to view the comments section of anything on the front page for months without reading about "crooked Shillary and her army of nerd virgins on r/politics."

Yet /r/Politics remains the same, if not worse. But nobody cares about that.

Because we're right.

No you were duped by a con man.

So what? This isn't a political sub.

The government is the biggest conspiracy of them all. You can't talk about conspiracies without talking about politics.


not political

Are you retarded

R/conspiracy has officially been taken over. Goodbye, and it is bittersweet. Conspiracy has been my passion. However, when users post and shills respond and no homework has been done, I must say goodbye.

I think it's actually a combination of a few things. People who supported Trump realized the media and other organizations are conspiring against him quite obviously, then found this subreddit a place to discuss that. Another group of people who were aware of media manipulation and related things were drawn to Trump because if the establishment is almost unanimously attacking him, he might be able to shake things up. Also, since the establishment is conspiring against Trump, there is a ton of material to choose from that gets posted here.

The same thing kinda happened in /r/media_criticism for a while. Since there really weren't a lot of examples of the media unfairly supporting Trump, and plenty of biased media coverage that supported Hillary, it was like 90 percent posts that seemed anti-Hillary and favored Trump, causing some people to claim it was an "alt-right neofascist subreddit."

Every time I post this I get people attacking the source, deflecting or saying that they feel like it's wrong based on their own viewings.

A newly released media analysis found that the “biggest news outlets have published more negative stories about Hillary Clinton than any other presidential candidate — including Donald Trump — since January 2015.” The study, conducted by social media software analytics company Crimson Hexagon, also found that “the media also wrote the smallest proportion of positive stories about her.”


For her part, Hillary Clinton had by far the most negative coverage of any candidate. In 11 of the 12 months, her “bad news” outpaced her “good news,” usually by a wide margin, contributing to the increase in her unfavorable poll ratings in 2015.


I've yet to have any credible sources presented that state otherwise, though.

The reason you get dv'ed on this isn't the source itself, it's the false comparisons used in the source. Not difficult to see the dates and the differences just 6-11 months make. Trump wasn't even a credible candidate until November 2015, and the huge field that wasn't Hillary diluted the rest. The fact is the media had readers/viewers eyes on the red meat that was her very real deficiencies.

realized the media and other organizations are conspiring against him quite obviously,

I mean, considering Trump is a human meme (even in the 80s he was more or less a WWF villian) he got the exact type of coverage he needed to cruise into victory (always front and center for debates). Even if the general election was 50/50, the media handed Trump that 50/50 shot on a silver platter, far from conspiring against him.

No examples of the media unfairly favoring Trump? Maybe the fact that Hilary emails received more coverage than all other issues combined might show some bias? And you are trying to tell me Trump doesn't have a variety of skeletons in his closet? And now that's he elected good luck in investigating him. You will end up disappearing...

It was never that way, it just looked like it at first when people from all over reddit flocked to it. Once people caught on to the fact that the founding mods were already mods of the_donald and had their own agenda they unsubscribed and all that was left was the altright group. They used the guise of protesting bias to draw people in order to legitimize themselves and help smokescreen their own bias.

Which mods of my sub were mods of The Donald?

The media jumped the shark no conspiracy

Don't leave. That's how they win. They actively take over other subs or create satellite subs to push their message to as wide an audience as possible.

And they know most don't want to go into their shitholes to argue back. And if anybody does, they get instantly banned.

Are we talking about Clinton people or Trump people?


Leave if you want, I'm fighting for this one. I'd encourage anyone who doesn't want to post on low-population boards to do the same.

You sound like we should ban discussing Hillary. Who's the shill here?

The reason I was banned from r/the_donald was because I replied to a comment and said Assange was a traitor under Bush and now he is your guys hero.

Not sure where that fits in this thread but it fits in this conversation.

I got banned from r/the_donald because before Trump's AMA it was announced he would only be taking vetted questions to which I replied "then that's not an AMA then" BAM banned. Oh well. Not like anything intelligible was coming from there anyway.

Yeah, that's a pretty sad of the mods to ban for that

It's just a safe space without the label. Anybody who frequents that subreddit either understands this and tolerates it or is oblivious to that.

Neither is worth respecting.

Yeah I used to think this sub was ban crazy. Y'all crazy fuckers are tame compared to those nutbags.

Even you just mention popular vote results they ban you.

They really ruined this sub though.. it was intolerable pro trump propaganda for nearly a year now

I remember that question they asked to /r/all ended up with people banned for actually answering said question







Trump is our president elect

Up vote down vote Reddit votes are broken. Will say it again. Trump is our president elect. Weren't you communists going to move out of America if he was elected? Get going and take your George soros with you

To be fair, I got banned from /r/enoughtrumpspam because I posted in the Donald saying if they wanted to be taken seriously and get an actual message across, they should probably stop fucking shit posting almost exclusively.

I got automatically banned from /r/enoughtrumpspam for posting in /r/the_donald as well. I sent the mods a message asking what was up with that and I think they have a bot or something that does it but they did unban me so there's that.

Bot must be new. I posted in the donald a few times early in the primaries before it got too crazy, never got banned from ETS.

If Trump's success has proved anything, its that when you're up against a really shit opponent, getting your message across to people doesn't matter nearly as much as firing up people who are already on board.

It's a bot. I got it reversed, I was a Trump hater all along and I wanted to shitpost in ETS.

I have a suspicion that there is a bot that does it to anyone who posts there. I was banned after I commented on something a few days ago about hoping the pre-existing conditions restriction in ACA stays even if it's repealed. Didn't even realize it was a the_donald post but sure enough -- banned from enoughtrumpspam.

Is there an /r/bannedfromthedonald? There should be.

I agree, there is not an ounce of actual discourse in that place and any attempt of actual discourse will get you banned.

I think I'm may have had 2 or 3 posts in the whole place and some of it was with no other intention but to make a mockery of things, that I will admit.

Another one I would like to share was a post titled something along the lines of "I am standing in line to vote in, whatever state, who should I vote for? I simply replied with something to the effect of, don't you think you should research who you're voting before you are standing in line to vote. The response I got., "Fuck you troll," or maybe it was "fuck you shill." Which ever it was I don't care to go back and look for it, you get the point.

Got banned VERY early, before the primaries (maybe during), because I asked where they got their cocaine. Honestly, just wanted to know.

I got banned during its announcement on /r/newsubreddits. The original moderator (absent now) said, "We don't allow trolls into the sub."

I got banned then let back in. It was weird

I got banned for asking if one of the posts was kinda sexist, because that's not how we want to be perceived. I didn't state it was sexist, I asked.

I'll admit I voted for Trump but /r/The_Donald made me seriously consider voting Hillary. They have to be one of the worst subs on reddit constantly pushing out lies and banning anyone who points out Trumps flaws (of course its ok to point out Hillarys) I'm a Republican and I would have no problems if Reddit banned them.

I'm a Republican and I would have no problems if Reddit banned them.

A Republican that has no problem with censorship? You don't say?

Censorship like The_Donald does when you don't agree with them?

Most of the people there was in grade school when Bush was in...

I talk shit about Bush all the time on r/the_donald and I never seem to get anything but love. So I got no idea what you're talking about.

I was banned from /r/HillaryforPrison because I called it an echo chamber.

your guys

That might have been the word choice that did it

I dunno he was a hero to me the entire time, but I'm not sure how he could possibly be a traitor to anyone besides Australians seeing as he isn't an American citizen.

Not just trump but anything that doesn't go along with the alt-right narrative. Try suggesting in this sub that Assange/Wikileaks might have motives other than pure altruism and watch your post get downvoted.

Agreed. But we have mods who stickied advocacy threads through the election, which asserted (using mod power) that FBI/NSA weren't Deep State but they were only staging a "counter-coup" & the Clintons were the true Deep State with superior power to the Pentagon itself.

Advocacy in any direction is just more Psychological Operations narrative crafting. But mods aren't elected. And there will be nobody held accountable.

The alt-right is a myth

I'm sure if Trump appoints enough Goldman Sachs alumni that will drain the swamp. Or maybe the RNC chair, that will do it.

It's all just a continuation of the same old bullshit with one single bone thrown in the form of Bannon, in an "advisory" post.

Jesus the people he is looking at to fill are the swamp men he said would do the same.

What is this about swamp men?

Trump used the quote, "Drain the swamp in Washington.", when asked about removing corruption. The term originally is implied with removing the breeding grounds for mosquitoes. During the primaries he was basically calling out everyone in the RNC that was involved. Now he is assigning all the people he once said contributed to the swampiness, i.e. swamp men, to his staff. Additionally, today he announced some of the Bush Era administration that was attributed to the war in Iraq being considered.

Is anyone surprised by this?

Awww that's nice and handy it's after the election. Since this sub just acted like an second arm of the elite. Promoting non-stop for a Republican win. Remember those guys?

The whole conspiracy movement is a fictitious movement of the right wing to invent reptilians and satanic circles, to distract from actual out in the open conspiracies. The real power in this world is money and corporates rules that world. r/conspiracy just helped elect the most elite inner circle President the US has ever seen.

But now y'all just found your heads and wanna play at neutrality again? LOL.

I'd like to know what the reasoning was to let this be a wing of the Donald until it stopped being convenient.. mod overlap? Mod change from a pro trump team to a normal mod group?

Just general desire for increased relevancy?

Seems strange to do so now.

Don't worry, it's back shilling for the incoming political elite establishment. All stories are uncritically praising Trump and Alex Jones and bashing Hillary again.

just helped elect the most elite inner circle President the US has ever seen.

That's not true, Hillary didn't win.

Wait a minute. You really believe the while reptilian thing?

Never mind. I misread. Proceed, sir.

I think the phrase for this is "too little, too late."

That would imply that she lost/he won because of some couple thousand redditors. He won because of lower-middle class rust belt working class.

I think they are just referring to this sub's announcement to r/theD that they are full of shit. Not that they are saying it had a result in the election

Oh, yea sure. I agree with that. If the anti-Hillary conspiracies triggered them, they should've complained earlier.

Hear, hear!

The_Donald NEVER criticized Trump and they NEVER will.

Right wingers give conspiracies a bad name!

Fuck you Breitbart.

I mean to be fair, The_Donald is intended as a 24/7 Trump rally and isn't meant to be a place to criticise him. There are other republican/right/conservative subs for that.

The problem more is The_Donald users who carry those rules over into every sub they visit... Personally I'm a Trump fan and common The_Donald user, but I leave the The_Donald mentality where it belongs; in The_Donald and nowhere else

Let me elaborate, Trolls for that sub have created multiple subs to push their agenda and try to take over existing subs to push their agenda, hence this thread. They are literally trying to be the voice of Reddit and that's a fucking problem.

Are Reddit admins investigating and gonna enforce their TOS?

Nationalist trash

Leftist propagandists are so extreme that they wouldn't know truth if it slapped them in the face. Kinda like how Trump won the election.

You know, that's funny because right wing news is literally nothing but propaganda. They elected the King of all Liars as pres. During the race, Trump lied more than Clinton by a lot. Good job fighting liars and corruption by electing a con man!

Look forward to seeing how that works out for all of us.

Dunno about you, but I'm still semi-hard after his comments about Obamacare. I can't wait to see how my hyperconservative grandparents took that one.

Especially after the near-shouting match that we enjoyed when I tried to tell them that Trump was pandering to an uneducated voter base, and had been a liberal for quite a while.

Thankyou!!!!!!!!!! Getting sick of this shit.

Funny how quickly everyone is sick of "this shit" but nobody cared when /r/Politics was blatantly taken over by CTR and Hillary shills for almost a year.

What about those of us who are genuinely in both camps?

I'm not here to promote Trump, and I welcome people digging into him, but the anti-Trump meme is its own conspiracy and a genuine one at that.

This isnt about anti trump, you people dont get it.

Doesnt matter who wins, its us against them. They used trump to fool people into believing this political bullshit.

Trump is part of the establishment now

Small folk vs elitist assholes.

For now and always it would seem.

No reason not to when your goal is to increase capital

It used to be the Plebians vs the Patricians, they just dropped the titles and kept the habits.

He was always part of the establishment. He was born into money and privilege and has used it to his advantage his entire life. The only reason he's an outsider is because he's such and rude and abrasive asshole that he doesn't fit in polite society. People are people, and people don't change. Today's version of the aristocracy would treat him just as they would 200 years ago. He's too uncultured to fit in with the rest of the elite so they snub him. That doesn't mean that he isn't one of them though.

I get it, I see what you're saying. I'm an individual, so there is no "you people" to rally against here.

You think Trump is establishment, and when it comes to business, I would agree. But I think the business world is a much smaller sub-set of the power pyramid in control of the globe. So, to me, Trump is "establishment" middle management at worst. I do not think he is establishment politics, I don't think he was ever at the bohemian grove, etc.

They used trump to fool people into believing this political bullshit.

Maybe, and I wouldn't put it past TPTB. Controlled opposition and all that.

Trump is part of the establishment now

I don't think he was, but I am absolutely worried he will be. I've said it before in this sub and I'll say it again: I like Trump. I voted for and support Trump. I sure as hell do not trust Trump. Stay frosty.

You don't trust the man you elected to have nuclear launch codes? No wonder this country is fucked.

I don't trust anyone, are you shitting me? Not to even mention the alternative was fucking Killary.

Obama drones American citizen's without due process or a day in trial. This shit is coming to a head, and soon.

I'm new here and I'm interested in what you're saying about Obama. Can you give me a source please?

Specifically, I was referencing Anwar al-Awlaki, who for the record, was probably a shitty person deserving of death. But he (and his son) deserved a day in court and due process, like all American citizens.

I'm of the opinion that if you say you want to destroy and kill America that you automatically renounce your citizenship

I would respect that opinion. However, there is no legal backing for that, yet, and it doesn't change what a shitty human being, let alone president, Obama was/is.

Part of the justification for the war that the Bush administration put in place was the concept of "enemy combatants". By reclassifying the terrorists Bush was able to use a possibly illegal loophole to not give the same rights as enemy soldiers would receive. This is what they used to justify waterboarding and Gitmo. Obama inherited these rules and never got rid of them.

Later the US government learned of American citizens that were terrorists. And they wanted to launch a drone strike on them, which is tantamount to an assassination, no matter how you rephrase it. But they were Americans and afforded all rights of citizens. And for obvious reasons the US government can't just kill its own citizens. And born citizens cannot be stripped of their citizenship by the government, even if they're terrorists. But by saying they were enemy combatants they were able to justify them being enemy soldiers and thus valid military targets.

I totally support everything you're saying, I just still can't get behind catchphrases or nicknames for candidates yet.

I'd upvote you with great fervor if you just said Hillary

Nukes be fake, yo.

I think the business world is a much smaller sub-set of the power pyramid in control of the globe.

If business isn't at the top of the power pyramid, then what is?

Lizard people.

This isn't too far from the truth:

Notice that business/merchant class is only just above the serfs/plebs at the bottom.

So then what is that giant bag of money at the top?

Silence is golden.

Most people on this sub simply refer to them as The Powers That Be, since they invest heavily in being behind the scenes and don't like the curtain being pulled up on them.

dude he had a goldman sach's executive in his pocket who will soon be a cabinet member like the other sach croonies during clintons/bushs era. he is establishment

I make a distinction between business establishment (fairly middle tier in the grand scheme of things power pyramid) and political establishment (near the top).

Has he met with the Bilderburgs yet? Somebody call Alex Jones.

chess. give it time

The establishment is not the executive washroom at your brand name job. You are in or out. Any other perspective is propaganda.

Check the new Adam Curtis documentary Hypernormalization.

Wtf I love George Soros now!

can we at least wait until he is sworn in before we start saying this??

He's packing his transition team with corporate lobbyists and Washington insiders.

It's fairly safe to say that "drain the swamp" was a lie intended to win anti-establishment votes.

I have been in this sub since its founding and hate trump. Is there a conspiracy there? It's all you guys in the new crowd that has shifted the focus. As far as I'm concerned you can gtfo.

I have been in this sub since its founding and hate trump.

Good for you, champ.

Is there a conspiracy there?

No, I think it takes two to tango, by definition.

It's all you guys in the new crowd that has shifted the focus.

Well, considering how many conspiracies came to light thanks to Trump's campaign, you think you'd be a little more appreciative.

As far as I'm concerned you can gtfo.

I'm good fam, thanks.

We look at the bigger picture here. Or we try to, anyway.

You believing that the anti-Trump meme is a genuine conspiracy is what we look at as "nothing to see here, this is clearly intentional."

Anti-whichever candidate memes are intentional. They serve a greater purpose which is most likely manufactured division among the general populace. If people are hating each other for no reason, look at what the left hand is doing and you'll see right through what they're trying to make us believe.

You don't speak for us.

You're right, I came here yesterday and decided to come tell everyone what to do and think

That's not good to do.

How is the anti-Trump meme a conspiracy? It's not a conspiracy that people don't like Donald Trump.

See, that's the conspiracy though.

Trump supporters can't imagine anyone not liking him, therefore anyone who dislikes Trump must be paid by George Soros.

Sound logic. /s

...are you serious? Did you miss the whole CTR thing? The media manipulation? The endless false and misleading polls?

Fucking seriously?

The_Donald is the definition of hive mind. With an agenda. There's zero room for debate. For critical thought.

Yeah, keep them out. They're like the common cold virus. They spread rapidly.

The funny bit is they are going to revert to good old politics; holding everyone accountable but themselves. Now that Trump's king, scepticism in that sub is dead.

It always was dead. They've had 0 tolerance for any criticism or skepticism about Trump since day 1. It's a blatant propaganda platform.

Shit they even state it in their rules yet people are defending them.

Personally, I'm going to wait and see what he does because I was colossally wrong about one of my conspiracies that the election was rigged, and that Trump wouldn't be allowed to win by TPTB (all of whom were pushing Clinton).

Look, guys... it's the easiest thing in the world to sit back and say, "he's as corrupt as the rest of them." It's a lot harder having high standards for politicians. But this election gave me hope that people DON'T blindly trust politicians without one iota of critical thinking because it that was the case, Clinton would've been elected in spite of her being a corrupt criminal.

I personally am going to give Trump a chance. I didn't vote for him (or anyone), but I have nothing to lose from it, since the guy's already in office. Some things do give me concern like his transition team and appointees, but let me see what he actually does, because thus far, the Time Warner/Comcast merger is falling apart, the TPP fell apart, Canada and Mexico invite NAFTA's renegotiation, I feel relieved knowing we might stop bombing the shit out of Syria and the Midd East... I'm cautiously optimistic.

This election made me realize I'm not good at predicting the future, so when it comes to Trump as president I'm going to simply answer "I don't know yet."

Why is this eminently reasonable comment being shit on by so many downvotes? Trump hasn't taken office yet. The initial cabinet picks aren't promising, but his true aims will materialize soon. There's plenty to be concerned about, but he's still mostly a wildcard.

If the last 20 years of presidents have been any indicator, there are probably more reasons to believe that Trump will turn out to be a shit politician like all the others who make empty campaign promises.

At the same time, I wish this community would also remember that the only thing constant about life is change. I'm guessing if this community was around during the reign of the Catholic church, we'd be bitching about the Pope and others would be saying, "you're stupid if you think things will change around here." Same with the monarchy. Those changes had to happen from within these institutions, too... it wasn't really an overnight thing, but a gradual transition.

Maybe we're on a similar cusp when it comes to the iron-clad grip of the banks/corporate rule that's been going on for centuries in this country. I like to hope so, and I think our social climate is ripe for such change. All of the signs are there.

I hear you. I think it's correct to say that every "conspiracy theorist" longs for disclosure. In Donald Trump, we seem to have some chance of that, just based on some of his rhetoric, regardless of how we may feel about his policies. We'll figure out soon enough whether he's a disappointment in that regard.

When potentially the most caustically capitalist engine is history is about to get going, I think it's quite clear the general populace will not do well. Also I would ask you to define "social climate."

Trump wouldn't be allowed to win by TPTB (all of whom were pushing Clinton).

I can see how that would appear like he's their enemy, but I simply think its because they believe Hilary would be more competent at carrying out their agenda, not that Trump would ever seriously consider taking them on when he is so deeply embedded in the current system.

The guy openly bragged about buying politicians like Hilary in the past and we're supposed to believe he's not going to be corrupt?

Trump just has incredibly little experience in anything like the job. No matter what your world view, experience still counts for a lot. Trumps inexperience just means he'll be leaning more heavily on the insiders he's surrounding himself with to make decisions for him, though he'll call it "delegation".

Look, guys... it's the easiest thing in the world to sit back and say, "he's as corrupt as the rest of them."

He's already packing his staff with GOP regulars and corporate lobbyists. Look at how Wallstreet has reacted to his election. Those are the only two signals you need to see whether he's going to challenge the establish order or just carry on the way things are whilst doing a few token gestures (like building a few hundred miles of wall fence) and pretending to be some radical changemaker

Your perspective is totally valid, and may be exactly what ends up happening.

The counter perspective is that experience in politics hasn't necessarily been good experience. The life-long politicians haven't made for the best presidents. Trump's run several hundred successful companies (and 5 that declared bankruptcy, yes) and has amassed billions doing it. If he leverages that wealth of managerial experience managing huge projects/companies to reduce our $19 trillion deficit, and makes life easier for Americans via job creation, lowered taxes, better healthcare, and better infrastructure, and negotiate better trade deals then great. Big business doing well does not necessarily have to be synonymous with being terrible for Americans. His policies are not perfect and is not my ideal political platform (which would consist of things like slashing military spending, investing in clean energy, single payer healthcare, etc), but his isn't a BAD platform, either. I can survive four years of it easily, if he does what he says.

As to Wall Street, the market initially nose dived when he took office (peso is still recovering), but it stabilized when he arguably showed he wasn't going to be a total wildcard since markets hate unpredictability.

Anyway, I again stress that in 4 years I might look back on this post and say, "wow, I was an idiot for thinking things could be different." But hey, I felt like an idiot (but was so happy to be proven wrong) when Trump won because I thought the election was rigged to render that impossible. Maybe your judgment's proven much better than mine so that you're more confident in your views. But mine hasn't so I'm waiting to see.

The counter perspective is that experience in politics hasn't necessarily been good experience. The life-long politicians haven't made for the best presidents.

Sure, I don't think anyone who's ever made it that far is ever going to seriously challenge the system. There's too many filtering mechanisms to stop someone ever getting to that point. Even if they go in with the best of intentions there's a million compromises big and small they have to make to get that kind of power.

If he leverages that wealth of managerial experience managing huge projects/companies to reduce our $19 trillion deficit, and makes life easier for Americans via job creation

Contrary to Trumps hype, the vast majority of the wealth he has made is from speculating in real estate with inherited money, and by bribing/negotiating with politicians to grant him permission to build that he then subcontracts out. He takes advantages of all kind of tax/debt loopholes that people without millions of dollars imply can't afford to. He does not want a level economic playing field. He's proud to pay no income tax for 18 years whilst some schmo on 10k a year pays 15%. In his mind that's smart, not corrupt or unfair.

There's also many cases of him fucking over contractors by refusing to pay and then using his superior wealth and ability to sustain prolonged lawsuits to fuck them out of the money.

Compare how much money his subcontractors have made from actually constructing his buildings compared to how much he's made from all the speculating and deals with government and debt write offs to see what kind of capitalism he's an advocate of.

He's the exact opposite of a Elon Musk type billionaire who made his money from creating valuable things. Trump considers himself a success if he uses a bankruptcy to get out of millions of dollars he owes, or buys up property that triples in value without him having to do anything to it. He doesn't care whether he's helping other people or profiting at their expense. Big chunks of the financial sector will love him for that since he'll be fine with maximizing growth and debt, and we may get a short term bubble out of it but long term it will be more boom and bust.

The choice was to choose between a career criminal and a buffoon. I only supported trump because he was not clinton. So whatever happens, it can only be positive since he already delivered.

I felt the exact same as you. I spent the entire election cycle trying to read and disseminate Wikileaks as much as possible to warn voters what they were getting if they voted for her. I paid zero attention to Trump because my rationale was, "we survived Bush and he surely can't be worse than that."

Then after the guy got elected I went back to learn more about him, and was happy to learn I actually don't hate most of his policies. And if he doesn't execute on them then my standards are still so low that it won't matter too much.

What makes Trump supporters more critically minded? Follow the money, they're both corrupt.

To be fair, if we follow the money we'd see one candidate who was basically a prostitute for donors (no matter how corrupt, like Saudi Arabia) and a guy whose campaign was almost entirely self-financed by either himself, or small-medium donors.

I'll have to try and find as much info about the SuperPACs and large donors that comprised of roughly 18% of his campaign dollars, but generally, his campaign financing makes me trust him more, not less.

Edit: Just looked at those donors and they're really quite boring: real estate groups, lawyers, etc. Then you look at Clinton and see that Soros contributed a whopping $10 mil, and, well...

The Mercer family is much, much more 'populist' aka fascist than the Kochs and basically wants to make things white again.

And they want a white, 50s style America again.

Mercer's basically gone on record saying that. It's their goal.

That and with automation, the wealthy don't need Mexicans anymore, they have robots to keep labor cheap, so it's time for them to go.

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If your opinion is "I don't know", you probably shouldn't be posting your opinion. Especially not 3 paragraphs worth of it.

Your whole comment is basically, "This concerns me, but I'm going to wait to see if I'm concerned." You even say that you realized people don't blindly support politicians, and then go on to imply you're going to blindly support this one. It's insane.

Are you serious? NONE of us know what he's going to do, unless you're some type of time-traveler. We're all shooting in the dark, with some ideas better than others. I at least explore other possibilities based on factual precedence. Don't be a dick.

The election may still have been rigged. In the US, rigging tilts the ballot. It doesn't guarantee a win. The system is too robust to be rigged that egregiously.

You're right, I'm sure a lot of dead people and illegal immigrants voted.

But I thought they were going to all-out fuck with the code in the voting machines and pull voodoo magic that way.

There's a lot of evidence they did. It was just so well-exposed and the machines were rare enough that it didn't tilt things.

i'm not an american, but my prediction for the future was/is:

  1. trump wins the election
  2. shit happens (like 9/11)
  3. "emergency!"
  4. obama stays in place until "emergency!" is over
  5. obama handles his seat to someone of his "trust", not trump

~> maybe TPTB are pulling out of this plan and trump actually gets his presidency... but not sure.

i think trump is a corrupt, stupid asshole, who is not part of TPTB, but still... a stupid asshole x'D

Putin started bombing Syria into oblivion after speaking with Trump. So yeah don't feel cautiously optimistic. Hillary was a warhound but ffs Trump is no dove.

But this election gave me hope that people DON'T blindly trust politicians without one iota of critical thinking

Trump was just elected President. Your premise is deeply flawed.

Want a quick, easy demonstration of how stupid this man is?

"I know ISIS better than the generals"

End of fucking discussion.

And he wants to torture people... and kill terrorists families.

I know people better than the ones you have heard of.

Puts Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, & Sarah Palin in cabinet

Business as usual for America anyway.

careful, the echoes will get loud in here.

You say that like it is a bad thing.

So you support terrorism yourself then

They are all lap dogs. Or "centipedes" as they call themselves, gross little cretins

They've taken to calling him the "God-Emperor". Fucking buffoons.

I was so ready for that term to die before the election.

Just kill me already. I can't take it anymore. It just had to be my goddamned phobia, I fucking hate even thinking about actual centipedes.

Just kill me already. I can't take it anymore

This is what happens when you are a bad person and wish death to persons you don't agree with. Sorry, no sympathy for you.

Lol, not sure what you're talking about. Not asking for your sympathy.

It was a joke, in reality I'll just move out of the country. I still mourn for the loss of such a great nation, though.

Where? Mexicans shoot border jumpers, and Canada requires far strong stricter criteria than the USA. Unless you're Jewish and get accepted immediately into Israel, pretty much anywhere will deny you anything but a travel visa.

There are all kinds of ways to immigrate to a country, I'll probably apply for a residence visa, depending on where I decide. I'm college educated in the tech field, so that makes things a bit easier.

I also speak multiple languages, have been saving for a move, and don't have any convictions of (violent) crimes.

It's not even really that unexpected, I was thinking of moving if Hillary won, too.

Wow, you're far more informed than any others I've heard mentioning "leaving" this week. Best of luck, safe travels, and fair winds.

Thank you!

I've always wanted to go. Honestly, the election just made me realize I've only been waiting for a good enough reason, and that my family sucks. I'm just trying to decide now if I want to get settled in a new place first, then explore, or vice versa. Don't want to spend too much too fast and limit my options.

Of the places I've been, Southeastern Spain and Southwestern Italy are two of my favorites. If you ever get a chance, visit Sorrento, Italy. Changed my life.

Loved Germany and Tokyo myself. I'll have to give Spain & Italy a shot someday, thanks for the travel tips.

My pleasure!

Germany is amazing as well, sadly I only got to see a small part of it (Landstuhl area). That would definitely be at the top of my list for places to explore before I settle down.

Did you visit the Tsukiji fish market?

Ha, yes, saw the tuna auctions, it was wild. Nothing like sushi fresh off the boat ;-)

Cool! That was by far my favorite part, can't believe you got to see the auctions. There's no way I could have woken up that early lol.

Did you really get to eat fresh sushi straight off a boat? Please tell me you're just trying to make me jealous. Now I'm tempted to just buy a houseboat and try to make it across the Pacific to the Toro stocks.

Yeah, was up at 3am for that trip, it was crazy. Actually I can't verify the sushi was truly just off the boat lol, but it was just down the street, so we made assumptions ;-) Worst part of Tokyo sushi is knowing it doesn't exist in the US :_(

Edited for autocorrect

You'll move.. just like all those celebrity crybabies

Grow up. Admit you were wrong. Stop being a loser, become a better person, and I guarantee in 4 years from now you'll be a big centipede.

Read my response further down.

I'll never be a centipede, I'm not stupid enough to buy in to the idea that one person will always have my best interests in mind. I don't want to be identified as someone who would vote for either of the two main assholes in the last election, either. It's not about being a "better person," lol. I don't want to be American anymore.

Not running, just moving. Was planning on doing it anyways if Hillary won.

Americans lost Vietnam. So badly, that a president pardoned everyone who bailed because the war was so stupid. I'm planning on getting out before there's a draft for another stupid one, because I'm actually not a little boy, unfortunately. I don't want to get drafted.


I mean, I'm going to deal with the consequences of US wars no matter where I move, if that's what you're implying.

I just don't want to kill anyone.


You're not making any sense.

Right, it's fucking annoying seeing those rednecks praise their overlord.

It'd be even better if 75+% of donald comments weren't 4chan meme speak.


Aka liberal "tolerance"

Honestly, this is the current mindset. It's two monkeys flinging shit at eachother. Both claiming to be the most evlolved.

Trump is not a candidate. He's President Elect.

It's gonna take a while for that to set in, the people in that sub are just a bunch of loyalists now.

You're in a CTR infested sub now. Be prepared for it to turn to shit as facts are subjected for feels and propaganda

Came to say this. I mean, technically, he's still a candidate for all sorts of things. But he's a candidate the same way Hillary is:candidates for a decision that's already been made

Fucking finally. Trump is bringing back Bush's cronies and worse. We need to keep him in check.

This is the fucking truth

Have the mods chimed in and said anything? With over 5100 upvotes (74% upvoted) it's the most popular thread here and it has made the front page of reddit. This is a legitimate concern we have and you guys need to address this.

I admired the non-intervention policy for a long time, but after reading how many other people here are fed up, I think you may be right.

CTR and leftists from /r/politics got this post to the front page. The comment section is definitely a sign of that.

So you've read all 2,000+ comments? The post is on the front page for a reason. This is not the place to promote the guy or a pro trump agenda. I was vocal about the pro trump shit going on here before he was selected as president and there are many more who agree with the OP.

I never said you couldn't attack or criticize Trump, I am saying it's clear that CTR is still out in force. Espeically when i just woke up to see all the stupid responses in my inbox. There is nothing wrong in people being optomistic that a candidate might actually listen to them and is not part of the political and media establishment.

But you are claiming the CTR got this thread to the front page when it isn't the case. You say the comments section is DEFINATELY a sign of that but how? People were talking about this before he was selected and have legit gripes, so popularity and concerns shouldn't automatically mean one is CTR.

People can feel optimistic about Trump in the forum devoted to him. We don't need people here spreading an agenda.

OP is a "redditor for 1 month". Pretty much anything against Trump will be upvoted around reddit.. when the losers are not on the streets destroying property in their butthurt rage, they're on the internet posting anti-trump shit.

Got banned from the Donald today. Huge fan, been one for several months. Get banned for talking about how possible sec of state Rudy Giuliani is a scumbag.

Fuck those mods.


Trump fan on here as well, I got banned for reporting obvious bunk news urls to the admins.....I guess I'm a cuck?

Anyone who uses the word "Cuck" is a huge cuck.

Damnit :(

Yeah, it doesn't matter how for or against Trump you are, if you break their echo chamber even for a second you're banned.

You guys got played like fiddles.

Mods need to step up to the plate IMHO.

For real. We have those horrible photos with text overlay posts hitting frontpage regularly nowadays. Just a cute little quote with nothing real to add to the discussion. I remember mods saying a few months back that they don't want that on this sub. But they don't bother to remove the posts.

r/the_donald = a bunch of fucking morons who believe they got their "anti-establishment", conspiracy theorist, alex jones loving candidate in the white house. Surprise! You just elected a fucking corporation, a brand, with a giant fucking ego. I thought those alex jones pills were supposed to make you smart... hmmm

oh fuck man.. totally triggered.

Ill take "Things a 15 year old trump lover would say" for $500 Alex. Totally triggered you bro!

Ah sorry mimes the answer is actually, "What is, totally triggered you bro" Ps not 15 nor a trump lover. Actually a 23 year old German engineer laughing at Americans.

i find that hard to believe, the only people ive met that say "triggered" are 15 year olds and trump supporters

This whole subreddit should be on the investigation of pizzagate, it's the largest conspiracy unfolding in front of our very eyes.

If one cares about america, we should probably rid it of disgusting elite children sex trafficking, just a thought.

This whole subreddit should be on the investigation of pizzagate

Doesn't "pizzagate" rely entirely on 4chan pedo-ring projection of their slang and taking a single sentence out of an entire email out of context?

I admit I haven't read too much into it, but I remember reading about the gift basket around Christmas that is apparently central to the entire thing and seeing literally nothing to tie it to kiddie diddling.


I'm going to double post just to make sure you see this.

The "attached image on this one" is... a photo of two women and a girl eating pizza. It is entitled "pizza.jpg" and the main message states, "As John said, it doesn't get any better than this."

/u/SonofaBear5 would have us believe that "pizza" is actually some kind of sick pedophile code for the little girl, and that presumably the actual pizza is only in the image for reasons of plausible deniability. However, I was curious about why this picture was being shared, so I did a little detective work.

The e-mail was sent by "", who appears to be Clinton staffer Doug Band. This was important, because image-searching for Doug Band allowed me to identify the two adults in the picture - Laura Ling and Euna Lee, a pair of American journalists who were captured by North Korea and released after negotiations with Bill Clinton on August 4, 2009, for which Band was present.

Google image searching for "Euna Lee" reveals that the child is in fact Lee's daughter Hana. And the email is dated August 8th.

This is a photograph of a little girl enjoy a celebratory meal with her mother, who mere days ago was rescued from a North Korean prison, shared by one of the people who made that rescue possible. And you're claiming it as evidence that those people are actually running a child sex trafficking ring.

This is the danger of politically-motivated investigations. You weren't "investigating" the Podesta e-mails to find out the truth, you were investigating them to find dirt on Clinton. For every question you asked, you "investigated" until you found an answer you liked, then stopped investigating instead of double-checking to make sure the answer was actually true. If you'd genuinely been looking for the truth, it would have taken you five minutes on Google to realize what that photo really was.

I'm not going to claim that all pedos are geniuses, but do you really think that the sender of this email is smart enough to name a .jpg file "pizza" to mask what it is, and is simultaneously stupid enough to email an image of child pornography to official State Department and official Department of Homeland Security emails?

Actually, the jpeg isn't child pornography at all. It's a photo of some people eating pizza. One of the people is a child, but she is fully clothed and mostly just seems to be enjoying the pizza.

Aha! Clearly proof of nefarious doings in the highest levels of government!

But wait! It gets better!

The e-mail was sent by "", who appears to be Clinton staffer Doug Band. This was important, because image-searching for Doug Band allowed me to identify the two adults in the picture - Laura Ling and Euna Lee, a pair of American journalists who were captured by North Korea and released after negotiations with Bill Clinton on August 4, 2009, for which Band was present.

Google image searching for "Euna Lee" reveals that the child is in fact Lee's daughter Hana. And the email is dated August 8th.

This is a photograph of a little girl enjoy a celebratory meal with her mother, who mere days ago was rescued from a North Korean prison, shared by one of the people who made that rescue possible.

I cannot fathom just how depraved an individual must be to be capable of spreading this kind of filth.

You mean the picture of some people eating pizza?


Oh, it gets better. It's not just a picture of "some people eating pizza", it's a picture of two women who, four days beforehand, the sender had managed to get released from a North Korean prison, plus one woman's daughter, enjoying a celebratory meal.

OMG I knew it was a pedo ring! /s

Seriously, this makes me literally wince. One of my former friends from high school was arrested earlier this year on some 250 counts of creating and distributing child pornography - shit like this pizzagate nonsense is essentially handing people a smoke screen for actual offenders.

Man, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Imagine just thinking back and the realization of what he became.

I have a friend who went to school with a guy who got arrested for violently raping a 13 year old. Not your standard grooming, but full on hanging her up, choking, handing her drugs, violently beating her up rape. He hung out with him in class a lot and was really chocked from hearing the news.

The worst part about that story is that that was the seventh guy or so. So she's been with six other elderly guys, that girl must've been through hell.

Yeah, let's be casually dismissive of something based on a massive web of evidence based on one "silly" example. Ridiculous! /s

I'm just saying, this particular piece of evidence is complete bullshit.

It's obviously important enough to the person who made the comment that they were willing to cite it as evidence for the conspiracy.

Yeah, under a leak from a guy who has a brick pizza oven in his backyard, and regularly has pizza parties. Weird coincidence!

You guys just don't understand the concept of inside jokes, or how normal people talk.

my quick summary/response...

I say always start with the Wikileaks. Podesta discussing awkward "pizza-related" things in emails, they mention "spirit cooking", and the parties at "Comet Ping Pong".

From there you can easily link to James Alefantis for Comet Ping Pong. see his incriminating instagram posts discussing pedophilia. Besta is right next to Alefantis' two businesses, and they had a distinguishable pedophile symbol in their logo, and have connections to an orphanage.

There right there is enough to gross any decent human being out. So shills, naive-nay-sayers, random trolls, welcome to #pizzagate. it's fucking sick, and anyone who idly sits by not helping should do the world a favor step aside and shut up.

A well-put summary that hits the major beats in the case.

I'm generally a pretty skeptical person, so I'm not inclined to believe interpretations from either side - TPTB/MSM or conspiracy sites/alt news/etc.

Whenever "satanic pedophile rings" come up, my skepticism gets cranked up to 11. I think the whole "spirit cooking" thing is stupid bullshit that weakens the other more disturbing allegations. I mean, it sounds like Podesta attended a "spirit cooking" event by that macabre performance artist lady, but I do believe that's all it is - a weird experiential art piece. I'm an atheist who is attracted exclusively to adult women, and my apartment is full of creepy Norwegian troll sculptures, I have a framed monster eye sculpture on my wall, I like to go to intense extreme haunted houses... and creepy taste =\= occult childfucker. I don't think we have any basis to say Podesta is worshiping demons.

Having said that, when you get the obvious innocuous stuff out of the way, there is definitely some legitimately shady looking stuff. Those instagram accounts give me the most pause. I agree they give me a terrible feeling. But that's what it is - a feeling, primed by an existing interpretation I was already privy to.

I think there could be something horrible here. But the constant talk of undeniable proof is just as closed-minded as the average zealot. We need more investigation, less posts with BREAKING or CONFIRMED or PROOF in the title (unless something is legitimately confirmed), and definitely less people getting their undies in a knot over a stupid fucking performance artist.

I haven't dove into the subject but the parts of that instagram post history really creeped me out. Seemed like every post was made with a wink, and people responding were wise to what he was saying. It was odd, very creepy.. It's very good that people are looking into this..


The one thing that stands out to me out of all of it... why the fuck was Besta Pizza's logo a literal symbol for male child porn? Yeah it was tilted a little. The rest of the things reaching quite a bit. But damn that logo is hard to justify.

Had anyone ever seen that symbol before all this (like they knew it was a pedo symbol?) It was just a triangle spiral. A pizza slice is shaped like a triangle. It was a really simple design.

Lol pizzagate? That entire thing trump supporters made up because they desperately wanted dirt on Hilary and her friends. It's pathetic that they take anything and everything out of context to make it fit into a puzzle they want.

They (4chan /pol/, /r/the_donald) saw this email which has this image (named pizza.jpg) attached and jumped to Podesta/Clinton are involved in a sex cult/child trafficking and this image is showing off the "goods." They see the "doesn't get any better than this" as referring to the little girl.

This is related to Bill Clinton saving the two women in this photo from North Korea. The image in question is of Laura Ling and Euna Lee and a daughter belonging to one of them eating pizza together. What they mean is that their jobs don't get any better than reuniting a family by saving people from North Korea. Apparently they were sent this photo after the fact and shared it amongst themselves.

Here's another photo of them getting off the plane from North Korea and seeing the daughter and the husband.

They turned the Clintons using their influence to save journalists from North Korea and reuniting a family at the end of it into the Clintons are involved in child trafficking.

They then decided that all pizza related words in the emails are code for child trafficking and continued digging and came up with other innocuous things and construed them similarly, connected it all together.

What the does this have to do with not premoting Donald Trump in this sub?

Start a new thread.

The site wants to talk about Trump and ignore the left. This is what this outrage is mostly about, it's an extension of the Sorus funded riots and CTR manipulation desperate to bring the attention away from the left's corruption that is breaking in droves, and since there's almost nothing to tie Trump to pedophile rings as much as there is the get pedophile enabling concern troll whiners making posts like this.

Do you not realize that at almost all times the top post of r/all is a r/the_donald post? And that in this sub in particular, any discussion of something that puts Trump in a negavtive light is almost always met with downvotes and the poster is accused of being a CTR shill?

Blame CTR and the corrupted mainstream media, because that is where the anti Trump material mostly comes from and it's mostly bullshit. THAT is why it is downvoted most of the time, not because it is true about Trump. And the_donald reaches the front page despite the censorship because his support is huge. Just like despite election fraud, Trump won the election.

So you're admitting that anything negative about Trump gets downvoted in a kneejerk fashion out of fear of the boogeyman CTR and MSM? Seems like a solid excuse to stop using your brain.

And also, the_donald reaches the front page because that sub is a safe space that bans dissent and intentionally games Reddit to get their posts at the top of r/all.

No I said it's downvoted because most of it is bullshit. Prove your case instead of calling for censorship. The site admins have specifically targeted the_donald to censor the sub, not to mention the influx of an army of scumbag CTR shills, so you are as full of shit as they and the MSM are.

The persecution complex with Trump supporters is strong. You think Reddit is actively trying to censor them, when half of all posts on r/all are the_donald threads. Not really understanding the logic there.

Nobody censors the Donald. You're fucking nuts

I'm guessing the nutjob posting a breitbart link like that site doesn't suck Trumps cock.

Meanwhile the article has about 10 sources including to the original Reddit announcement.

Cool story

here's an interesting tie to Trump possibly knowing about the trafficking prior, and making comments on it..

Ed Opperman 2hr podcast. Highly recommend if you haven't listened to it already. If anything it's comforting to hear other people having a verbal discussion on it.


Bout damn time. Get all of the weekend conspiracy theorists out of here. Putting a tarnish on this subs' good name.

good name


"those kids at sandy hook shot themselves to take our fucking guns so we can't resist Obama's FEMA camps"

Is bush did 9/11 still widely accepted around here?

Of course, why wouldn't it be?

Shot themselves? I thought they were all actors?

You joke, but I've seen this sentiment. I've also seen redditors suggest that the children may have consented to the shooting.

Because a community of 300 odd thousand MUST all have the same opinion

The great thing about Reddit is you can see what the commonly held beliefs are by the ranking of comments. Especially in smaller communities where you have a louder voice.

Because they can't be manipulated at all...

Oh yeah. This is /r/conspiracy

I should have known.

Vote brigading only happens in /r/politics.

It's called patriotism when Trump supporters do it.

Still waiting for the wikileaks dump that proves the_donald and CTR shills go out for drinks together after a long day of forum sliding.

Neva gonna happen. I have 60k comment karma on this alt just from shitposting and arguing with people for 9 months. We are real. You know where we came from? Anger at out country for shaming any idea that was not "acceptable." I wanna burn it down.

Soooooo does the Clinton Foundation pick up the tab or do you guys go dutch?

LOL Clinton foundation now pays T_D? You guys just hate whoever wins than I guess?

Well I was asking. I honestly don't know, that's usually why someone asks questions?

Sorry but you got played bro. Just like Obama exploited those in '08 wanting hope and change, Trump exploited people like you that have "anger at their country for shaming any idea that was not acceptable and want to just burn it down." Nothing will change and maybe next time around you won't be so quick to jump on the bandwagon.

k. The fact that every establishment in the world was against him is enough for me to know they didn't want him. Did he lie to get the presidency? Probably 1000 times. But that's not why I voted him in. I voted him in to slow them down and cause them problems. I wanted him to slow down the left. He will and that is enough for me to be happy about him over Clinton. He won barely in the end because he flanked them in WI MI and they couldn't win even with FL being stolen. This is the only reason they failed. He went up to MI where they had not put in preparations to steal because they are blue states and they didn't have time. He came in at the last moment and beat them. Will he be a good pres? Who knows. Did the elite want him? No. Hell no. That's enough for me.

How do you think he got 3+ billion dollars of free media coverage during the primary and general? That's not what "every establishment in the world" being against him looks like. A true anti-establishment candidate would have been ignored by the media (similar to how Bernie and Ron Paul were). Everyone likes an underdog, and that's what the media and establishment delivered in this years "election".

How do you think he got 3+ billion dollars of free media coverage during the primary

In Hillary's emails they said Trump was easy to beat so they asked their surrogates in the media to pump him up to knock out the republicans they couldn't beat. In the general it was nonstop attacks from those same surrogates. It's in the emails.

Yeah because giving him 2x the free media exposure compared to Shillary was a sure fire way for her to win!

You have to remember regarding the emails, you are only seeing one small piece of the story. There were several other forces at play in this election that unfortunately we didn't have access to their leaked emails.

Yeah because giving him 2x the free media exposure compared to Shillary was a sure fire way for her to win!

She would have lost to someone like rubio without him doing a thing. It was their only way to win and they still botched it.

You have to remember regarding the emails, you are only seeing one small piece of the story.

Oh piss off shill.

What makes you so sure Hillary wasn't controlled opposition to begin with? Sounds like you're the one that fell for the narrative hook line and sinker.

Because every establishment was against Trump and I am logical?

Every establishment was not against trump. That's what the media told you.

wat. you mean post election?

This has to be made into a movie!! Copyright your idea

It's not an idea. Stop trying to be sarcastic CTR shill.

Even better..I love this shit. Real life power grabs and down right cheats ...boner city

I would love to see this sub work on the Trump-Russia connection. I still can't believe how blind T_D is to that.

Blind? Unity between Russia and the US, for Russia to become finally "Western" is a great neo Nazi goal. They love Russia and Putin.

AS somebody who likes a liberal-institutional foreign policy, I would love for Russia to play a big part int he international system so long as they follow the norms. The big thing T_D is blind to is that Russia doesn't want Trump because Trump likes them, they want Trump because, based on what I've seen, they own him more than banks owned Hillary.

This sub has become a Trump sub. I've been fighting it but I always get down voted and nobody backs me up. You guys are all lapdogs this year.

I'm upvoting rational and skeptical people as fast as I can bro, help me out! I'll get to your old comments eventually.

Really nice divide-and-conquer thread, Mr. One-Day-Old-Account.

divide how? they're pointing out an obvious fact; this sub has become a r/T_D sister sub

No, it really hasn't. There was a lot of focus on Hillary the last few months because SO MUCH conspiratorial dirt was being dug up on her it was like a goldmine for the sub. During the primaries this sub was very pro Bernie and the only place talking about the rigging of the primaries. The good longtime users here are all obviously past the whole right vs left mindset and I think most people here just saw Trump as the lesser of two evils.

Yes, this sub was a cheerleader for Donald Trump. You know why? Because for the first time in maybe fourty years, a globalist or a person controlled by a globalist does not occupy the office of President. That is a monumental achievement. And people like us made it happen.

And not even a week later we get threads decrying him from shill accounts, trying to inflame arguments in the userbase. What benefit does this thread have besides trying to cause a split in the userbase between Pro-Trump and Anti-Trump commenters?

globalist vs nationalist, left vs right, the big scary threat of communism vs the actual plans and rhetoric of fascism, it never ends.

Globalism and Communism are the same thing. I don't see how Trump is a fascist, he doesn't stick to the left / right paradigm for example supporting states rights by allowing them to decide on gay marriage, but at the same time promising to protect LGBT rights.

Bingo. Democrats are starting now for the 2020 election.

Thank god someone said this, this sub has become almost unreadable

If this sub returns to its pre-trumpism postings - I really look forward to rejoining.

4 post in 3 years, does it really matter that much?


Upvote manipulation?

I've never really participated in this sub at all, but I love reading about entertaining conspiracy theories like chemtrails and bigfoot, I'm just a casual reader I guess

I said this same thing during the election and got called a shill god knows how many times.

I would have upvoted you, but I couldn't see your comment due to the vote brigading.

Yeah I just deleted it after the first 20 so comments that were so toxic I just gave up.

I feel your pain, I've been dealing with it a lot over the past week.

I'm thinking we'll probably need this place after Trump has a chance to affect free press and speech laws though, so I want to try to help keep it as unbiased as possible while I still can.

The best method I've found is just to be as nice as you can, and break down your logic as clearly as possible to limit counterarguments or picking apart answers.

It still gets depressing having to deal with all the insults and disgusting people though.

Thanks for understanding. He has been so anti-free speech during his election, and has almost flipped once winning the election. I will keep it in mind to stay nice, no matter how hard it is. But then again, what is a good counter argument for "you fucking shill CTR"? Haha.

Haha that's where I'm usually stumped, I usually just say "stop making lazy accusations and check my post history."

They never do, though. And you'll usually get the same response 3x before they give up.

Idk, man. It's tough. Just know I'm here too, and I won't stop.

much love my dude

Right back at you, brother

Shit, I had someone, I think on this sub tell me that "at least trump isn't an oligarch"...

bitch, he is the exact definition of an oligarch. A rich businessman, from a rich family who uses his money for political power. He has paid bribes, and used eminent domain to gain more money/power...he has been in the know with many in the political field, and now he is in line for the presidency.

dude's an oligarch.

Also he's taking bribes from other oligarchs.

Peter Thiel has shown no previous interest in Trump, in the Republican party or in any of the policies Trump advocates (Thiel is actually a libertarian/anarcho-capitalist not a protectionist nationalist), but he donates a million dollars to Trumps campaign, then gets invited to speak at one of his rallies and suddenly he has a position on Trumps transition team.

I'm shocked at how many people who complained about elites buying political influence seemed totally on board with Trump just outright trying to buy his way into power rather than bribing someone already in power.

It has been kinda fun to watch my ups/downs keep changing. ha.

This sub is starting to look just like a fusion of thedonald, pol, and glp.

The same entities that infest those forums are at work here too, that's why.

Makes sense.


I've been subbed for 6+ years and agree with him.....


I voted for the evil I knew well and had millions of pages detailing over the evil I didn't know a lot about and whose views were constantly changing.

Better to know your enemy then not too. They're still both horrible.

What about trump is horrible?

Are you fucking serious?

Get off /r/the_safespace and take an objective look and who you voted for.

Im not a safe spacer entirely. Im open minded. So what is it?

The usual shit you should have heard by now. Narcissistic billionaire who has no idea what life is like for us brags about sexual assault, has hateful rhetoric that has already caused countless hate crimes, doesn't have shit for legitimate policy, "drained the swamp" with a bunch of establishment Republicans including known corrupt ones like Christie, doesn't even pay his workers if he knows they're too poor to sue him, has economic plans that experts say will royally fuck the economy, denies climate change because there's money to be made, supports the horrible private prisons because there's money to be made, etc. Just an all around piece of garbage.

I have never seen him do or say or cause anything you mentioned here.

Could you give a specific example?

Then you haven't been paying any attention at all. I can't believe you even said that.

Where do I even begin? This is shit straight from his mouth, dude. None of this is anything but factual. The apprentice tape is where he bragged about sexual assault. About 50 tweets have him calling climate change a hoax. His establishment cabinet? That's just a thing that's fucking happening as we speak. Tons of people have told their stories of Trump refusing to pay them, and he's being sued by so many people. If you're seriously this in the dark, get googling asap. You know nothing about Trump and that's fucking ridiculous.

Welcome to talking to 90% of Trump supporters.

Unfortunately I'm all too familar...

It somehow gets worse every time.

I have noticed that google has censored a lot of things lately so I choose to not use them.

Im looked up the apprentice tape recording. Sounded like a bunch of dudes just being raucious. Not a big deal imo.

Climate change is always occuring btw, im not sure what you mean bh this?

Trump called Climate change a hoax made up by the Chinese. He has tweeted over 50 times denying the existence of climate change.

If you're just now seeing the Apprentice tape then I am fucking floored. I...just don't have the time to sit and tell you everything that everyone else already knows about Trump. Holy shit. How are you even on Reddit yet this in the dark? For the love of god GET OFF /r/The_Donald! It's fucking propaganda and you won't learn shit that way! If you support Trump fine, but be fucking informed. Be objective! At least don't blindly trust everything they say with no source, holy shit. Know what you're supporting, god damn it.

I think everyone should vote, but your complete lack of information has me worried...all voters should be informed.

I dont blindly trust anyone. Right now it seems Trump has the right idea for America in my humble opinion. Sure, no is perfect and we have said dumb things from time to time but I still think we dodged a bullet over the entirely corrupt Clintons.

Voted obama twice... He fooled me. I hope doesnt do the same.

Obama did pretty well considering the Republican congress blocked everything he tried to do. It's extremely important you know that.

I was aware of that but he absolutely was not transparent on anything, did not end war in the middleast and forced a shitty healthcare system.

I voted for him because he made a lot of promises and came through on 0.

Objective 3rd party here, thank you for being a civil Trump voter. I disagree with your opinion, but you seem very level headed. Despite this dude being rude you you, you haven't deluded down to the typical r/t_d bullshit.

I agree he has been civil, but my intention wasn't to be rude either...being this willfully ignorant is unacceptable if you're going to openly support any candidate. I feel I should be able to point that out without being considered a dick. If I didn't go about it in the most polite way possible it's because I was genuinely surprised/upset by what he was telling me.

Willfully ignorant? About what? The mean things he's said and his disagreement with climate change?

Why arent we talking about corruption or the lies or any od the actually important topics that he would solve?

Take a breath buddy. Youre acting lime a know it all and i soubt you know it all...

He didn't bother to pay much attention at all to his candidate. I pointed out the biggest things people complain about, and he had never heard of them. That tells me he literally doesn't look at anything but extremely biased sources like Breitbart and whatever else /r/The_Donald says is ok.

Trump will solve corruption? Alongside some of the most notoriously corrupt politicians like Christie?

Why do you think he will? Because he said so?

I paid attemtion, I dont think that him talking about pussy grabbing or whatever else the gossip sites love to push is important to America.

What part of the country do you live in btw? Im curious as to why you feel your opinion is right and mine is wrong.

I also dont read breibart because theyre just as bad as CNN.

It's less about your opinion being wrong, and more about you being completely uninformed.

How so? I read the candidates policy on everything. Hillary, Stein, Trump and Gary's and here you come along and tell me abojt the scandals i should Know about? Who cares if Jill was a hippy or Trump loves to bang chicks or Hillarys photo whwn she was in HS? I dont think ANY lf that is relevant to who becomes president. All that matters is my tovernment represents me as best they can so I vote for that person.

You're here telljng me im uninformed when it seems you being "informed" is just you being misled.

I'm misled because I know about the things Trump has said and done and you've never heard of it?

I never mentioned fucking high school pictures or anything like that. I'm talking about recent, relevant stuff. His stances on things, even. You said you'd never heard of any of it.

Not to the degree that you say. I dont think any of these things youve mentioned so far are relevant to the Presidents job.


Btw the MSM is almost completely exxageration and lies so how are you becoming informed?

Avoiding safe-spaces is a good start.

I do. I just dont know whos telling the truth anymore. I made my judgments based on what people say they will do and then watch what they do.

Politicians lie, bud. You have to look at their record.

Furthermore, I've proven I'm more informed than you. Don't talk shit about any news source when you don't know the first thing about the guy you voted for. Your news source is a propaganda-filled safe-space for edgy teens on Reddit.

They are not my news source, theyre my entertainment.

im surprised more people dont check the post history in /r/conspiracy before upvoting/downvoting



Is that a technical term for you looked it up? There unquestionably are years of business dealings between Trump and Soros. Best part is the candidate that ran against the Goldman Sachs Candidate is about to put a 17-year Goldman guy in his cabinet...that also use to work for Soros Fund Management...

Donald Trump has lined up three New York hedge funds, including money from billionaire George Soros, to invest $160 million in his Chicago skyscraper, a key piece in perhaps the largest construction financing in the city's history, according to real estate sources and public documents.

/r/The_Donald is easily the most toxic community ever. I'm willing to give Trump a chance, but damn so many idiots follow that guy.

But wikileaks proved that there basically was a media conspiring against him. He was the underdog surrounded by these agents working against him. It kinda fits with the sub.

wikipedia, really? Try and stay informed.

Obviously an autocorrect. Wikileaks

YES!! thank you. I was close to unsubscribing from here, maybe I'll give it another go.

Let's make r/Conspiracy great again

I wonder what mental gymnastics the alt-right is doing after Trump is filling his cabinet with establishment republicans, yet claiming to drain the swamp? Not to mention appointing an actual white supremacist

lol who. only two named so far. stop speculating

what about all of the other people considered for cabinet positions? Gingrich isn't establishment? What about Bolton? Giuliani? Those aren't establishment GOPers? Pretty interesting that Trump declares himself anti-establishment while only considering establishment republicans for cabinet.

right considered. not chosen. patience. this same hysteria happened when he was picking vp. patience

yea pence is a pretty underwhelming VP choice anyways. Offers nothing to the ticket since he was guaranteed the evangelical vote anyways, and Indiana is a red state.

And the fact that he's only considering establishment republicans for important cabinet positions proves that he's not anti-establishment. If he wanted to "drain the swamp," maybe you shouldn't tell your voter base to re-elect the incumbent GOPer instead of alt-right congresspeople, and maybe you shouldn't only consider establishment GOPers for your cabinet. But I voted third party, so what do I know?

And while you're at it, quit calling him your "god emperor". We are a democracy, not an empire. It's starting to get really creepy.

I have to say that here because I'm banned in their sub. Sorry.

I think it's a joke, or at least I hope

It may be a joke to a few of them, but I'm willing to bet with the traffic they get that the majority of that sub actually feels that way. That place is a brain wash factory.

Too late. You guys let them spread their shitty witchcraft/pizza conspiracy theories here, and now they've made it their third/fourth home.

edit: downvotes don't alter the truth. It was a weak, ridiculous conspiracy theory, and you all upvoted it to the top for the better part of a week. You let the roaches into your house, you can't just ask them to leave now.

you don't see any connections to pedophilia when you visit r/pizzgate ?

If you suddenly decide that "pizza" is always a reference to pedophilia, then you can believe that everyone is a pedophile. But that doesn't make it true.

I wouldn't suddenly decide that everything related to pizza is about little kids. And I don't think redditors will think that way either. If we look into it, debunk it, and move on, how will that hurt the cause? I'm really against suppression of leads in this instance.

Who's suppressing anything? They put their evidence out there, it was fucking retarded, and now people are laughing at how retarded it was.

Great. We can cross it off the list. What's the problem here?

The_Cheeto needs to start to understand that their candidate won without political scrutiny because he had no political history. Now: We're one week deep and his political history is growing. Time to see if he holds up, and they're accepting it because they won but they're already starting to get nervous.

Maybe, just maybe: This was actually an important decision and memeing your way into an election may be been a dumb idea? But what do I know, I'm just one of the 350M America affected by this.

Yes cult followers please keep your politics out of this sub.

This should be stickied imo

Is Donald Trump for real? (John Hankey youtube)

TooLongWon'tWatch: Pence is on record lying to the world in October 2001 about the anthrax false flag. The graphic about him barking at Ashcroft with unnamed Big Ass Dog backing him up is hilarious.

About time someone said this, I stopped coming to this sub because of it.

I got banned on /r/the_donald for asking about how the electoral college worked. Not really sure what was up with that.

"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master."

Commissioner Pravin Lal, U.N. Declaration of Rights

Thank fuck someone said it!

I can't help but notice there was absolutely zero attempt to make this statement during the election. Hmm

there was.

but i think they had bots running auto-downvoting such content, which are not running anymore, because the election is over.

There was a time when this sub was critical of all politicians/candidates. Than Alex Jones decided to get behind a candidate, which attracted r/the_donald hear. Now this place is filled with garbage

It's sad that this sub turned into r/thedonald2 during the election.

It's sad that libs are still butt hurt about the election.

How old are you?

Thank you /u/The_In-Betweener for making this thread which shouldn't even have been created in the first place if the situation of this subreddit wasn't as bad as it is now. I respect that some users are also Donald Trump supporters but they shouldn't brigade this subreddit which was meant as a free-thinking space. Everyone can criticise everything if they can bring up proofs or elements of proof and arguments. Noone is sacred and untouchable for real /r/conspiracy users. If you can't understand this simple notion then you're not a "free-thinker" and /r/The_Donald should be more appropriate for you.

Also I'd like to hear from the mods /u/illuminatedwax /u/Sarah_Connor /u/mr_dong /u/axolotl_peyotl /u/9000sins /u/User_Name13 /u/Ambiguously_Ironic /u/creq /u/SovereignMan /u/nucensorshipwho have been quiet all this time. What are your thoughts on what is happening to this subreddit? Are our fears legitimate?

7 days later and crickets from the mods.

THANK GOD. I will stop coming to this sub if it gets taken over by vile Trump supporters. They are idiots. Just like Clinton supporters. Leave this sub alone.

As someone who despises Trump and still subscribes to this sub, I was beginning to worry, but I'm glad to see we're all on the same page here.

Can we do the same with r/uncensorednews? Every single post in that sub is pro-Trump.

That sub is run by r/t_d mods.

Not sure why you're being downvoted, it actually is.

And so begins this subs shift to the left. It didn't even take a week!

"If you don't agree with me your a left-ist liberal shill!"

And you people were just crying about how the liberals called anyone who disagreed with them racist. Get fucked and realize no one is infallible.

I'm a liberal, moron. This sub has annoyed the hell out of me the past few months when it went from being a conspiracy sub to an alt-right think tank. I called that this sub would turn left now that Republicans are in power. So fuck off.

If it isn't obvious...this isn't an anti-Trump sub either.

We all just want truth.

/r/the_donald is doing good work exposing the pedo-murderer ring, actually. I don't care if it's motivated by partisanship; this is a problem we need to solve.

Also /r/pizzagate

There are mods, fyi, actively burying this. It would be a shame and frankly disgusting if this anti-the_donald sentiment here was built and used to suppress discussion of this topic.

/r/The_Donald is an echo chamber...

If you post anything they don't like, it gets deleted, and you get banned.

So exactly like the Clinton subreddit and the Bernie subreddit.

Now you have a safe space, of your very own!

Based on my experience this is true.

Call me crazy but it almost seems a bit...fascist.

Lap dogs? If only it were that innocent. Donald is four inches deep in their assholes right now.

Wrist deep.

I'm finally happy to see that here. It was looking like this sub was just another Trump sub.

This sub has been shit for months, even before the election. Not sure why i was still subscribed... easy enough to fix.

Where the fuck was this post 6 days before the election?

Jesus christ, you guys pick the week after you helped a statist authoritarian plutocrat into office to get high and mighty.

forgot to mention closet homosexual...


thank you OP

All I have to say is this - If Trump appoints Bolton, /r/the_donald should crash down on Trump hard. Bolton is the worst kind of neocon. We're supposed to be getting away from that kind of "conservatism."

LOL because the_donald was all about being objective.

Given that I'm banned from there? It isn't. If they really do back the Bolton choice than they are pretty much nothing but a very loud online rally.

Sorry, I was being heavily sarcastic.

I hope to fuck he doesn't. Anything said in the MSM is bs, but if he appoints this man I'm done with politics forever.

They are seriously the worst subreddit in terms of spam, circle jerking, spreading into other subbreddits, and astroturfing, even after the election is over. I hope other subbreddits make an effort to get rid of shit posts from them.

This sub supported r/the_douche's shit for too long. Enjoy the bed you made for yourself.

Hillary Clinton email scandal is blown completely out of portion by the Trump campaign. She is at most liable for a small role in faction a kin to parking over the white stripe in the parking lot Donald Trump makes it sound like she parked on the white child. He knows it's bullshit. He's lying to you so he can get elected.

Thank you for posting this. I, like many others, was under the impression this sub now belonged to /r/The_Donald. I actually meant to filter it out by now...

He's definitely worthy of some criticism, and I respect that you don't want to give into political bias.

Now you decide to take a stand after the election is over? Lol

I guess he's sick of it continuing now that the election is over.

You're not the leader of the counter-coup

It's okay. Let them have their fun. We always win in the end. Let's start burying Trump..

Yeah well it's this kind of false confidence that propelled Clinton to the nomination and the loss. I hate trump, btw. I don't even want to capitalize his name, because he even gives capitalism a bad name. Capitalization, too.

Yeah well it's this kind of false confidence that propelled Clinton to the nomination

No, the DNC propelled Clinton to the nomination. And I hate Clinton, btw, but I don't think that using improper English is going to fix anything, but then again I don't try to turn everything I do into some sort of self-satisfying social statement.

We always win in the end.

Citation needed

Can only think of a handful of conspiracies that may be. Most are just downright entertaining.

So... "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here" should be the subs motto.

We are on the same side.

Regardless of Trump.

Hi there OP. You probably didn't hear, but as of last Tuesday he's not a candidate. He's the president elect of The United States of America. Just sayin'

I haven't seen what you're claiming here, OP, you're projecting.

I'm looking at the front page of this subreddit right now and I only see one post talking about Obama deporting more illegals than Trump is saying he will, and one other post asking why Clinton hasn't denounced the anti-Trump riots, both of which don't sound like it's promoting either candidate.

It sounds like the mods haven't gotten any reports of what you claim either, because they haven't said any thing.

Could you provide an example of what you're speaking about? Pretty sure that the mods will or would typically remove a post that doesn't fit this subreddit or belong here.

Waaaaayyyyyyyy too late to start policing.

Yeah unfortunately you're right. Look at the active accounts right now, +3500 plus, more than twice what has been typical for the past few weeks and even more than was present on the eve of the election. This place gets manipulated hard by thousands of sock-puppet accounts on a daily basis.

For the record, you realize that the_doanld and 4chan did most of the digging and hacking? You know, trying to actually discover the truth.

Aren't /r/The_Donald people too busy working? And implying Trump supporters are capable of something hahaha

I was gonna downvote this after reading the first sentence and thinking it was just more mindless anti-Trump propaganda, but then I realized this is actually a legitimate message you're spreading.

None of the top comments are real criticisms.

I'm interested in his potential. I didn't vote for him, but there's pluses to having an outsider run the show for once.

His stance on climate change is absurd. I don't understand why people would want to even deny it. Even if climate change was just made up, why wouldn't we want to pursue renewable resources instead of mining the earth for its remaining stock of oil? Guy wants to put coal back on the map when it's a dying industry. There's no money in it for the long run. I don't understand why a business man wouldn't want to make a better long term investment.

Baffling. Everyone protesting is scared of their civil rights going away. That'll never happen. The people won't let it happen. But humanity dying is going to happen and no one seems to really be protesting that aspect.

Show me a candidate who fixes everything? I'm so tired of people picking one topic to destroy a person. He has a lot of positive topics he wants to focus on. Like stimulate our economy and getting rid of lazy government.

I'm just answering OP's question. As I said, I'm interested in his potential and never expected him to fix everything, I hope you didn't misinterpret my comment to think that, as I'm not sure where I stated that. Feel free to support the guy all you want but I recommend not blindly follow him. Learn to think critically for yourself.

There are some things I have hope for. Congressional term limits are a plus. Hopefully the guy knows how to make money and can stimulate the economy, but putting it into resources that damage the earth and put our ability to survive on it at very high risk is as I said before; absurd. It might make him look good in the short term with temporarily increased profits and jobs, but it will not fair well for us long term. The earth is at record high temperatures. Climate change isn't some insane liberal agenda people are trying to push on conservatives to scare children into being hippies. It is a scientific fact. This is the fate of humanity. And for a world leader to be idiotically opposed to it is fucking retarded.

/r/the_donald is basically 4chan focused on one thing. There is no point in communicating with 12-20yearold kids there because its just a big joke to them

Fucking thank you.

Implying Donald is not corrupt. Ahahahaha yeah...

Ever since the U.S. election, the amount of anti Hillary bias way outweighed anything negative about Trump. Which made me think this sub had become a front for /r/thedonald.

... to promote your candidate"

Umhh.. I got some news for you.

To be fair to r/the_donald, they have been more on top of a lot of conspiracy information than r/conspiracy has at times. While there is a very obvious bias towards Trump on that sub, the vast majority of topics were about things that had little to do with Trump himself, rather disproving things said in the MSM, or trying to expose Soros, even going through all the wikileaks emails trying to piece together the pizzagate pedophile stuff.

So I get where you are coming from here, but r/conspiracy has more in common with r/the_donald than you think.

That forum plainly states, in the rules section, that dissenters and SJW are not allowed. They don't want anything to do with those who don't deepthroat Trump. If you are not aligned with him, you will be banned and I'm speaking as a person who was banned after three short posts. So if this place has no agenda, why are the mods allowing this to happen?

You need to understand reddit and social media in general as to why that is important. I will start off by saying that is not anything unique to r/the_donald. If you simply post a comment on the_donald, you will be instantly banned from many other subreddits. It doesn't matter what you said in your comment, you are instantly banned from many other subreddits because of it. Many of those subreddits are ones controlled by CTR(or were) along with the infiltration and subversion of Reddit in general. Look to the Warrant Canary being removed this year as obvious proof.

So yes it isn't ideal, but it is needed in the current climate for them to impose those rules on that subreddit.

You need to understand that I already understand reddit and social media in general. We aren't talking about what happens in other subs. We are talking about what happens in this sub and the trump sub. The trump sub does not allow for dissenters and SJW, it says it right there in their rules section. So that means they have an agenda. This place was never meant to have a political agenda because the majority here are apolitical. So you can't point fingers at other subs and blame them, while turning the blind eye to the Trump sub and ignoring their posted rules, while trying to justify the takeover here. This forum hasn't done anything to trump supporters so why are we penalized with spam?

I never said I was giving the_donald a free pass. I was simply trying to explain why those rules are in place. They were fighting against a paid shill army in CTR, as well as Reddit as a whole as it has been taken over by the globalists.

They were in a war trying to elect who they thought was the best chance at saving the US. If that meant banning shills/dissenters/SJW's to keep the boards as clean as possible to promote their message than so be it. Like I said, they are biased towards their candidate and did what needed to be done.

As for what I originally said, I give them credit for talking about things not being discussed anywhere else on Reddit, even on this sub. The majority of posts were not so much about Trump, but about conspiracies in the MSM, in government, in globalism/NWO, in Secret societies, in spirit cooking and international pedophilia rings etc...

I don't know whether you are a shill or just an impassioned r/conspiracy nut concerned with the sub...but I would be happy with the_donald as I have seen more people wake up to the realities of the world there than anywhere else in my decade long adventure into the belly of the conspiracy beast.

You don't have to say that you are giving them a free pass but your words imply it. What does fighting against a paid shill army in CTR and reddit have to do with this sub?

Yes, they are biased in their candidate, are still biased in their candidate, but what does that have to do with them overrunning this forum? Why are they promoting the message here when the majority here are apolitical and this forum is devoted to conspiracies?

As for giving them credit, well, there was absolutely nothing I saw in the sub that wasn't discussed here, in depth, with a bit more insight. Even if what you are saying is true, what does that have to do with pushing a political agenda here?

And I don't know if you are a shill, a trump deepthroater, or the man on the moon. What does any of that have to do with infiltrating this sub and making it the_Donald 2.0?

Realities of the world and a decade long adventure? Seeing people wake up? If you or ANYONE else believe they are going to decide the leadership of the most advanced country on the planet, by filling in bubbles next to names printed on paper, then you're still asleep. And that's my decade long adventure into the belly of the conspiracy beast talking.

Maybe I missed out on the "infiltration" of this sub as it went to shit a long time ago and I really stopped paying attention to it. Real talk.

I have been trying to give this sub a chance to redeem itself, and every time I am more and more disappointed. Just look at the recent threads regarding wikileaks and the international pedo rings. I see more comments that are what I would expect from a Huffington Post comment section than I do anything relatively conspiracy related. is fucking depressing.

I don't believe we are going to decide the leadership of the most advanced country on the planet by filling in bubbles next to names on a piece of paper. What I do realize is that in this rigged system we have to go with what we are given. Do we want immediate war with Russia leading to WWIII by electing Hillary Clinton who was the only candidate for a no fly zone over Syria? Or do we want an "outsider" who might possibly change things up a bit.

There are no good choices here, and I don't think for one second that Donald Trump couldn't be compromised by the elites, but he is our best shot right now.

As far as a political based subreddit is concerned, the_donald was as far from politically centered as anything I have ever seen. Everyone about it has been for the most part upbeat and positive with a bias more towards conspiracy than politics.

I don't believe we are going to decide the leadership of the most advanced country on the planet by filling in bubbles next to names on a piece of paper. What I do realize is that in this rigged system we have to go with what we are given.

This is where you are wrong. Your falling into the trap of letting something or someone choose for you by allowing yourself to be convinced that your choice is limited. That's how authoritarian systems work. They create the perception of limited choice so they can manipulate the masses between the choices they create.

The fact of the matter is you do have a choice, you can refuse to consent to a system that has been proven time and time again that it will do what is in the best interest of the TPTW the same choice you would have if you ran a company that was taken over by corrupt individuals. Refuse to consent and take you money and support elsewhere. Everybody that claims they have lack of choice is just deciving themselves because they don't want to let go of the ship that has protected them for so long. The ship is sinking, just let go, you don't need to be pulled under by the weight of false choice.

"This is where you are wrong. Your falling into the trap of letting something or someone choose for you by allowing yourself to be convinced that your choice is limited."

I hate to correct grammar, but your previous reply to me was riddled with an incredible amount of faults that I had to address them in this one. It isn't YOUR, it is You are or You're.

Go back to elementary school, maybe learn how auto correct works, I mean you have so many advantages at your disposal my friend. How on Earth you still display yourself as a complete idiot is beyond me.

Life is as easy as it will ever be for the average human right now. The elites are sick of the idiocy, even though they control the mechanisms that created this Idiocracy.

I am trying to lend an ignorant person such as yourself some advice so don't get it twisted. You need help, and if you already sold your soul for what little you got in return(you sound dumb as fuck) I hope you enjoy white hot fire in your orifices for all of time. This coming from someone who doesn't believe in any abrahamic religion BTW.

Lol nice try shill, my statement still stands grammar and all, now let me know when you can adress real points instead of attacking my character and you might come out on top.

Attacking a single grammatical error because you have no rebuttal, eh? Very cowardly. And very transparent.

Single error? Your posts were riddled with them, which is why I said anything at all. There were multiple points I made originally that you did not even acknowledge.

There are no good choices here, and I don't think for one second that Donald Trump couldn't be compromised by the elites, but he is our best shot right now.

Best shot at what exactly?

Avoiding or at least putting off WWIII and the total destruction of Western society.

Avoiding our destruction isn't possible. We're doomed.

A deity is going to fuck us up.

Mother Nature is going to fuck us up.

We are going to fuck us up.

Pick one and embrace it if you're alive when it happens.

There are hundreds of scenarios we face on a daily basis that could destroy everything. I am looking to try and fend off the few scenarios that we at least have some control over. Super volcanoes, Comets/Asteroids, CME's, etc...we have no control over.

I've been subbed and posting on /r/the_donald quite a bit, haven't noticed any bans yet.

Then again I don't visit the crap subs like /r/politics so I wouldn't even know if I'm banned there or not. Don' really feel like checking.

I got banned for saying something in another thread that was making fun of a giant turd.

I am glad that you don't visit crap subs, but you are definitely banned from many subs by simply participating on r/the_donald. Whether you are aware of these bans doesn't matter, you are automatically banned via bots that probe reddit.

I'm gonna test this tonight. Any 'known offenders'?

I don't really keep up with that myself but I believe /r/Offmychest, /r/EnoughTrumspam, /r/blackladies, /r/redacted, /r/politics /r/hillaryclinton, are a few of the offenders. Although now that the election is over and CTR is really no longer around the auto banning might be enforced differently.

go to the Swedish subreddit and make a remark and watch the donald ban

Actually it's the ther way around. Political ideologies will always find ways to use the truth for there own adgenga. The problem is that poltics is an agenda that most of us no longer consent to. We know that is designed to disempower people regardless of the candidate. The question is are you going to align yourself with truth, or a political figure head designed to steal the energy of truth so that it may use it for its own purposes?

Sorry, but I had to stop reading your comment because it was so terrible it started giving me cancer.

Definitely CTR going on, they can't even adress real issues, next.

it started giving me cancer

You guys need to mix things up with some new phrases. I'm tired of reading the same shit from you interchangeable drones.

Hmmmm... awfully quiet in here, suddenly.



Everyone I don't agree with = CTR


You don't know which posters are CTR and accusing everyone who disagrees with you of being one of them only degrades the quality of discussion around here.

CTR is no longer being funded.


I didn't say they ran out of money. I said they're no longer funding it, because they have better things to spend money on than propping up a failed candidate that has already conceded.

Hillary's part in this is done, which means CTR is no longer useful.

AHAHAHA simply can't accept that 5 in 6 Americans didn't back your idiot of a candidate. That's what you get for staying in an echo chamber too long.


Exactly Trump is still a part of the two party system.

People are in for a bad time if people think he will bring about actual change.

cause he had to be ... why is that so hard to understand?

I miss the old days of /r/conspiracy, with chemtrails and mind control shit.

You maybe could've stood up to this before the election...

Would've been downvote brigaded to invisibility. T_D redditors usually have swarms of alt accounts to get around bans from every other political sub.

Sometimes, even to get around a ban on T_D.

Shame because this place has been an absolute nutjob cesspool lately.

Donald Trump is part of a deep Islamist conspiracy. He was born in Pakistan as Dawood Ibrahim Khan. His campaign stirred up anti-muslim sentiment in the west which pushes moderate Muslims to the arms of Islamist groups like ISIS.


Conspiracy conspiracy conspiracy

This is refreshing to see. I almost unsubscribed from /r/conspiracy earlier during the election because it seemed to be another front for /r/the_donald. I'm glad that someone is speaking out against it.

He's not a candidate he's the president-elect. I agree with your message but give him the title he deserves

Nice of you to take this stand /after/ the election

I've only been reading this sub not participating much but this one in particular is pretty much summing up how Trump won the election.

Totally agreed; The Alt-Right and the CTR are the cancer of this sub. The conspiracy shadows both sides.

I've been a lurker on Reddit for years and been more active for a year or so...I honestly thought this sub was a sister sub to r/the_donald until reading this post.

You can't trust anyone in here fyi.

Oh really? Why is that.

Because since the internet was a place for regular people from around the world to discuss ideas with each other it has been seen as a threat by those with power. We saw it this election for both sides, tons of brand new accounts spamming for their sides rhetoric. Reddit has been compromised, maybe it was already, but we have definitely seen it now.

That may be on Reddit as a whole but I'm not sure you are speaking for everyone in this sub. Its like media telling everyone Trump is this or that without any proof.

Show me a way to tell the difference between regular people and paid people. They can go anywhere they want on this site.

I think hive mind ppl use the same phrases you see trump people are throwing around those worn out "you made us" memes and the cupcake and "participation trophies" quotes. To me those repetitive phrases feel fake.

Just get to know users. It's the same and people we meet out in real life.

Yes please. Can this sub go back to normal now. Thank you!

A lot of people had excessive expectations for Trump. Trump like Obama, knew how to pump/sell to a lot of people based on hope, them projecting their hope for a savior on a schmuck.

So, there will be a lot of let downs. Emperors do not give up their powers, and do not blow the cover of their secret operations. Forget a real investigation into 9/11. Its a national myth, and no matter how nuts the official version is, its like the official version of the NFL or major league baseball. Too many people have too much invested in it. Too many people would be sidelined for complicity if the truth came out. But history will NOT look kindly on these megalomaniacs, not for Pearl Harbor or Hiroshima/Nagasaki/Vietnam/Iraq etc. which also were undertaken with duplicity, premeditated genocide.

Well, back to the subject. Two mob factions had a war and the people they operate their racket against took sides. Get ready to pay your protection money to the mob that won. And celebrate the mob that lost getting whipped, if they do get whipped. Trump will probably pardon them, at this rate.

I think Trump might actually put Hillary in his cabinet, at this rate. The turnaround from the doll with a noose around its neck was almost blinding.

Totally right about 9/11, too. Especially since Giuliani might be Secretary of State.



The_In-Betweener 1 day old account. This is where the left co-opts to take this sub down. It will be down in a couple of months.

LOL I wonder if you would say the same had Hillary won.


Trump is now responsible for WikiLeaks? TIL.

This is honestly what they think.

Rules 4 & 10. Removed. Final warning.

Stop accusing /r/the_donald with no proof that any brigadinng has taken place(it hasn't).

There are a lot of Trump supporters on reddit. That's all. Don't lump them into one sub in an attempt to make the reddit admins take actions against it.

They lump themselves into one sub, and ban everybody else from it.

That is exactly what r/politics does.

that must make it a good thing to do then.

One is a subreddit created for one specific person. There was never any trickery or pretending, it was known as a Donald Trump online pep-rally from the second it was created.

The other is called r-politics.

Do you really not see the difference?

There was never any trickery or pretending, it was known as a Donald Trump online pep-rally from the second it was created.

Except they love to pretend they're free speech advocates and that liberal cucks can't handle disagreement in their safe spaces. They're hypocrites. I've seen people in this very thread say they were there for months and were surprised they were banned the second they said something critical of trump, so clearly there's some pretending going on.

Calling yourself "politics" and then censoring users and comments that represent any side against Hillary is fascist and hypocritical.

Callling yourself "the Donald" and then creating an echo-chamber about Donald Trump is not hypocritical, it is exactly as advertised.

One sub's users will downvote you to oblivion. The other's admins will ban you. Not really compatible. One is the definition of a safe space, the other isn't. The_Donald is a safe space.

Calling yourself "politics" and then censoring users and comments that represent any side against Hillary is fascist and hypocritical.

I've criticized Obama as an amoral drone killer who's been worse on transparency and whistleblowing than Bush, and who had no real intention to shutdown Guantanamo because of the bad headlines it would produce, and I've not been banned for it.

I've also said Hilary is blatantly corrupt and that voting for the lesser of two evils is wrong, and I've not been banned for it.

Callling yourself "the Donald" and then creating an echo-chamber about Donald Trump is not hypocritical, it is exactly as advertised.

It's not the creation of a Donald Trump fan club that's hypocritical, its doing so when you call out safe spaces and liberals for not tolerating disagreement and think yourself superior somehow when you do exactly the same thing, and pretend "but we're intentionally creating a Trump safe space!" makes a difference.

No they don't. They openly say report anyone that's being an asshole and trying to start shit so they can be banned.

Sadly "being an asshole and trying to start shit" is as simple as being critical of Trump. I know that first hand. It's the biggest safe space sub on reddit.

I got banned for defending another guy who was defending himself because he was dating a single mother. Everyone was calling him a cuck and that his girl was a cancer to society, etc.

I thought it was just a couple losers but then I actually got banned. Biggest safe space sub on Reddit is an understatement. It might be the biggest safe space on the entire internet.

They openly say if you are critical of Trump you are banned. It's a known circle jerk. It's you fault for not reading the rules.

Okay prove it then. Pretend to be a person with what you think a reasonable criticism of Trump might be and see if you get banned or not.

Also I mean a genuine criticism like "I'm uneasy about Pence as a VP pick" or "I don't like there's so many corporate lobbyists in his transition team", not some softball shit like "He should tell Obama to go fuck himself"

Are you even reading what I'm posting? /r/the_donald openly says if anyone criticizes Trump report them and they will be banned. It's not a place to discuss politics, it's a place to support the person you're voting for. It's like if I jumped over to an NFL teams subreddit and started debating who has a better team, they wouldn't want to hear it, leave that shit for /r/nfl.

/r/the_donald openly says if anyone criticizes Trump report them and they will be banned.

That's what a safe space is. I'm not sure why you think them being explicit about what they're doing makes it less hypocritical when they rave about liberals being triggered and offended by any opposing views all the time.

If they really believed their shit about challenging views and free speech they wouldn't want a safe space. The fact they admit that its a safe space is not relevant to that point.

Do you really not see the difference? Are you daft?

"Safe spaces" are commonly on college campuses and in places where open discussion and open minds are supposed to be encouraged. They intentionally block out the noise so their echo chamber goes undisturbed. /r/the_donald members are more than willing to debate, but if they allow it in /r/the_donald than it's going to clutter the subreddit and take away what it is about, memes and circlejerking.

Also, this trend was not started by /r/the_donald, it was a trend started by /r/politics. I have tried to debate in their multiple times or bring up an opposing viewpoint, but within seconds I'm -10. /r/the_donald has the choice of allowing open debate whereas /r/politics does not, or they can choose to counteract one extreme with another.

You can call it what you want, but changing a definition or viewpoint to try and catch someone being a hypocrite doesn't make them hypocritical, it makes you a fuckin moron lol.

Oh boohoo, people arent being banned for dissenting comments in r/politics. Could you be any more dishonest?

This subreddit has been trash since normies took over

This is serious shilling in effect.

Go promote The Donald in r/The_Donald.

I didnt promote it. But thanks for doing it for me.

Are you fucking serious right now? That ship sailed months ago. The election is over and NOW you want them to stop? Fucking seriously? Gtfo of here with your bullshit!

After months of me (admittedly unfairly) thinking of this place of just another branch of t_d bullshit, thank you.

When you're too crazy for /r/conspiracy, you're definitely too crazy to pick the leader of a superpower.

remember, left wing/right wing - same bird. we're trying to change the bird.

Professional spammers have you done more to make me hate Donald Trump anything Donald has actually done.

That sounds like conspiracy talk to me...

I voted for Trump myself, but now that hes in its time to turn that scrutiny on his ass until we find every misshapen mole hes got

Can you provide some examples of how people are promoting DT?

nice try CNN

r/The_Donald is a cuck. That is all.

Above all an elderly billionaire's beautiful young wife must know how to be discrete.

Now that's funny.


You spelled President wrong.


Posting this here cause this topic has some visibility... If anyone is wondering how moderators got compromised... on reddit and elsewhere... check out that topic I remember from a while back... This is what they sent in a PM

"Thanks for responding. I'm a student at the Salt Institute in Portland studying radio documentary and am doing a story about content moderation. As of now the scope I have for the story is that I don't really think the general population has any idea that these jobs exist. Content Moderation is absolutely necessary but it's all behind the scenes and it would be interesting to learn more about it. If you would like to talk about your experience doing some of this work it would be great if we could set up an interview wherever you'd like."

I think the tendrils went out over a year ago... I'm sure there is a topic like that on about any board with a userbase.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank god someone said it.

no one cares about the opinion of ctr shills...go back to your awful holes

You didn't ask this 4 months ago when we were bringing all truth bombs that was coming out from wikileaks. Yet you ask this of us now? I don't think so.

He's not our anymore candidate, he's all of our president elect.

Yeah, and it sucks hard.

You have been banned from /r/The_Donald

Isn't it a bit late for this?

You are not my supervisor!

Who in the blue fuck are you?

Just ban them. They ban anyone who disagrees with them on their sub

These comments... Nobody's perfect. Why the hate after the election? Cough...cough... ctr... Cough..

This is the first time I upvoted something on this subreddit. Even r/conspiricy has better standards than r/the_donald.

And I just upvoted your comment.

As a Trump supporter, I agree and I'd hate it if other supporters are downvoting things that are anti-Trump here. The truth is what we should care about, even if it makes our guy look bad.

In the pizzagate forum someone linked a list of 2014 Bilderberg attendees.

Peter Thiel was on there, one of Trumps biggest donors.

You have created a monster

Where we the posts criticizing Trump, then?

You made your bed, and now you have to lay in it.

about time.

the conspiracy is that you Trumpists got conned!

100% agreed. If you refuse to question anyone because you are biased you know how to close a browser. This is not the place for you.

Sure starting to sound like CTR in here. I can understand questioning Trump, he should be looked at and is in power now, but to completely discredit Alex Jones(who is one of the biggest, more mainstream conspiracy theorists) or anyone who might question how much control Jews might have sounds like your just trying to silence people. You may not agree but it is a conspiracy sub, all this should be grounds for debate and looked into.

someone please tell me how this sub feels about (((them)))

Not allowed to discuss such things here.

I mean, you are. It's just "taboo" or something. Don't expect any open dialogue.

interesting how that works

Brings to mind that old saying...

if you want to find out who rules you... something, something, the people you can't criticize

Better censor content now!

Fuck off. Use the buttons you dipshits.

Thank you.

Isn't this an outwardly pro Donald subreddit though? I thought that was the point of all the over the topness. Am I missing something?

Not all conspiracies matter, got it.

ya less POTUS more chemtrails lol

ITT: just some edgy kids that most people probably avoid irl

I agree. I feel like my hate for Hillary has clouded my judgement towords trump

Make r/Conspiracy Great Again!

A few days ago I typed a disagreement to someone saying something along the lines of Trump being r/conspiracy main man, I was wrong.

Since then I've seen nothing but an increase of exactly what he mentioned as well as an unfortunate increase in calling those who would disagree ''shills''.

Just playing the whole division game like pros.


The Deep State called Hillary's bluff and decapitated the official, visible state, unless you consider having a cartoon character for president as having a legitimate head of state. So the Deep State itself has protested radically in order to remove the Clintonian parasitic carapace from its back, in doing so it has mutilated itself, indeed left the official state essentially headless for at least 4 years. Anything is possible, all is up in the air. The main question is, does this portend more or less war for the world?

I just dont see how someone can be self seeking if they endured a year long smear campaign. Just doesn't make sense. There has been so much corruption exposed because of his campaign. It would make no sense for him to publicly call the MSM out on their bullshit and become an enemy of the DNC, when he could have just joined the left and had an easy ride to victory. I think hes the real deal.

I need actual legit theories on how Trump would financially benefit from his presidency more than if he had just continued to make money through his business ventures.

I just dont see how someone can be self seeking if they endured a year long smear campaign

Have you never heard of the phrase "No such thing as bad publicity"? He was getting millions of dollars of free advertising from all the controversies he stirred up.

Even if Trump lost his fame would have been propelled to an all time high. This a man who puts his name on every building he gets a chance to. He was planning on launching a TV network off the back of the hype if he lost.

It would make no sense for him to publicly call the MSM out on their bullshit and become an enemy of the DNC, when he could have just joined the left and had an easy ride to victory

Trump won almost entirely based off opposing Hilary and proposing populist protectionist policies like cracking down on immigration and foreign trade. He would have never made it through DNC primaries, and he wouldn't have had a candidate so embroiled in scandal and thoroughly uncharismatic to go up against.

The fact Trump previously praised Clinton to high heaven and described himself as a democrat before going back on it and deciding democrats have ruined the country and Clinton is terrible tells you all you need to know about whether he believes what he says, or cares about principles more than power.

I need actual legit theories on how Trump would financially benefit from his presidency more than if he had just continued to make money through his business ventures.

Why does he go on reality TV? It doesn't pay enough to be worth a billionaires time. Not everything is about money. The man is clearly a raving egotist. Getting your name in the list of presidents is worth about 10,000 skyscrapers with your name on it.

So your theory is this entire campaign, and all that's been happening has been purely to boost his own ego? Seems far fetched.

What do you deem more credible? That a man who got rich bribing politicians (which he openly brags about), avoiding paying tax (which he also brags about), using corporate bankruptcy to get out of paying his debts (which he brags about), and the legal system to fuck his contractors out of money (this one he doesn't brag so much about), suddenly decided to run for the good of the American people?

Just curious if you knew about any of those allegations before he started his campaign, or are they just things you picked up from the year long smear campaign I mentioned? This seems to be more proof of my argument.

If Trump is doing everything simply to boost his ego, then why wouldn't he just take the easy rout and run as a democrat?Why risk tarnishing his name? Why put so much energy into bashing the DNC and the media when he could have easily just joined the left and had an easy ride to the top, all while being praised by the MSM? With the current political climate, nobody in their right mind would run as a republican candidate in hopes for an easy victory.

You say ''no such thing as bad publicity'', but if someone could make the choice to be seen as a ''racist bigot homophobe child molester'' or ''an intellectual, businessman, genius'' ( which is how the media would have portrayed him if he was on the left) who the hell would choose the negativity? Like I said, it makes no sense that he is doing this to boost his ego.

Also, the whole ''Trump didn't pay a bunch of contractors'' thing I think is an oversimplification. Just one of those quick jabs people keep in their arsenal and use when the time is right. Trump was running a multi billion dollar empire. There are alot of moving gears within businesses that large. Sometimes there are penalty claues if a person finishes a job late, or if its a shit job all together. Sometimes mistakes happen. Wasn't ''the list of contractors Trump didn't pay'' all the way back from the 80s to present day? How can someone run business that massive for that long and not have issues?

I could post a list of a bunch of good things Trump has done for people, where there is no way he could have gained anything in return. Would that change your position that everything he does is motivated purely by self interest? I doubt it. You seem to be pretty set in your idea of him.

Just curious if you knew about any of those allegations before he started his campaign, or are they just things you picked up from the year long smear campaign I mentioned?

Would that make them not true?

I didn't hear about Hilary laughing about getting a child rapist off until the smear campaign against her kicked off, doesn't mean its not true. I did hear about Trump U being a scam a few years back though when the first lawsuits started coming in.

Trump was running a multi billion dollar empire. There are alot of moving gears within businesses that large. Sometimes there are penalty claues if a person finishes a job late, or if its a shit job all together. Sometimes mistakes happen.

If this is just the natural result of having a billion dollar empire, where's Elon Musks equivalent scandals and lawsuits? Where's his repeated bankruptcies?

I have a more philosophical problem with the way Trump makes his money even ignoring the allegations of fraud and breach of contract. At the very least Trump himself admits to brags about gaming the system, trying to pay as little tax as possible, using corporate bankruptcy to repeatedly get out of paying debts, using ties and bribes to politicians in order to get special favors. Even if all of the lawsuits against him where false, he still revels in stacking the deck in his favor using his wealth and influence. He also has a huge amount of money tied up in property speculation, instead of actually producing value. That is not the kind of businessman I admire. I admire people like Elon Musk, people who want to make money by producing things of value, not just by gaming the system.

Musk has far more money than Trump, started off with much less of an advantage and still hasn't a fraction of the lawsuits against him as Trump did.

If Trump is doing everything simply to boost his ego, then why wouldn't he just take the easy rout and run as a democrat?

Do you think he would have won the democratic primary on a ticket of "build the wall", "shutdown on muslim imigration", "Obama is the founder of ISIS and btw remember when I kept asking to see his birth certificate"? The birther stuff alone was enough to kill his chances at primary and election with democratic voters.

Trump got less votes than Romney did. Going up against someone as corrupt and uncharismatic as Hilary was a golden gift he would have lost on a democratic ticket (which he wouldn't have won anyway).

Would that change your position that everything he does is motivated purely by self interest?

I don't recall saying everything he does is out of self interest. I think I said something like I don't think he ran for president out of some altruistic urge to do good, and that putting his name on everything and becoming a reality TV star are clearly about his ego. But I don't think Hilary ran for altruistic reasons either.

Seems far more realistic than the idea that a character like Donald Trump would transform into a man of the people in his late 60s. The man has spent his entire life stepping on poor people and being a nasty asshole to anyone who would listen.

me too. hes playing chess. so obvious

Getting a real strong CTR vibe from these comments......

What would be the point of CTR now, in your opinion?

It would be a useful, already established tool for her "friends" to use. Help split the people like those Soros riots are. Just saying, it'd be a waste to just end such an effective manipulation tool.

What's this got to do with Crash Team Racing?

He's not 'a candidate' anymore... he's the President


No, just the paid Russian trolls haven't taken it over yet.

Putin's paying so good!!!!! We wrote all of Hillary's emails too!!!

Julian Assange is really Putin in a Julian Assange costume!!!

does T_D even need to promote DJT anymore?

Yeah, they will want to get him re-elected in 2020 no matter how hard he fucks them in the ass between now and then. They aren't going away.

THANK YOU!!!! I about blocked this thread.

I thought this sub was about the truth regardless of political affiliation etc.

what is tptb

the powers that be


What is this?

I like this idea.

Thank you.

I thought it was an okay album...

please obey r/conspiracy

haha holy shit are you serious


Interesting. You know some of the mods here are also mods of /r/the_donald, right?

Time to wake up. Cultural Marxism 101

This post smells of liberal conspiracy

Simple.. Auto ban anyone who participates in that sub.

Top post of this week was for bernie.. Wut? Definitely political favorites here

Thank god. Such hateful speech on everyone who does not agree with the subreddit's agenda without having significant or meaningful discussion. A very poorly thought-out board.

They think the election is real, in other words, they still believe in Santa Claus.

They'll know the truth eventually.

Do aliens exist?

Build the Space Wall!

I think the problem lies within Reddit itself. T_d is popular because it's one of the only places that doesn't constantly bash trump. So, they take it to the other extreme and praise him. Maybe if Reddit actually viewed Trump without hate, t_d would go away. It's the only place for his fans to really talk positives because nobody else does. Yet he won the election, so that shows the bias and even the demographic of Reddit. It's hard for this to be a place of fair discussion when it's ALL hate. It pisses me off and I'm not crazy about the guy either.


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

It's more that the Hillary corruption aligned so well with discussions here. As the need for the_donald to uncover how corrupt Hillary was dissipates, you'll find there is no need for them to crossover here.

There is still much to be done with regards to the hillary corruption that links so hard to everything we as conspiracy theorists have been talking about for decades.

Would be good if this post was accompanied by some conspiracy theories surrounding trump, instead of just whining about it.

Holy shit, is this sub about to become actually tolerable again??

Respect for not falling in the creepy personality Cult ...

So if this candidate is related to all the conspiracies and fighting against the system and taking on the conspirators of the world govt etc they're lap dogs for pointing out the inter-relation?

Fan fiction isn't reality.

If reddit points were real then they would simply get down voted. Sadly everything about it is fake


Where was this fuckin sentiment like 6 months ago? 3 months ago? Two fucking weeks ago?

I swear this sub is such fucking bullshit.

I was talking about. Caught some heat for it so I left it alone after a bit.

Threads like this were being posted once or twice a week for months but they were always aggressively downvoted. I usually sort by 'new' so I saw them. I guess now that Trump's won the election the funding's been cut back on the Republicans' version of CTR, so the anti-Trump stuff has more chance to gain traction.

Personally I think it's a little more simple than that. The average user of /r/conspiracy is 1. happy to upvote anything damning about an authority figure, regardless of the legitimacy of the story, and 2. feels threatened and oppressed by "the powers that be", whomever that might be.

During the election Hillary represented the "establishment" and Trump represented the "underdog" here (however inaccurate that characterization may have been), so naturally the users of this sub upvoted anything damning about Hillary and ignored anything damning about Trump. Now that Hillary is out of the picture and Trump will be president, Trump now represents "the powers that be" so this sub has turned on him. He's now the oppressor they're looking for because he has the power, so he'll be the focus of this sub for the next 4 years.

To me, this is a much simpler explanation than thousands of paid shills trying to control the posts on a niche subreddit. But believe whatever you want to believe.

So I'm not really one for op's account only a day old?

candidate? lol come on people. Tho i do agree. Focus on bringing down the corrupt.

That's fine. We should be skeptical. But if Trump actually starts exposing conspiracies we reserve the right to become fanboys again

I have used this sub daily for 6+ years and welcome the Trumpsterz in the battle against corruption

I supported trump. I made one comment criticizing The_Donald for not pulling down a fake story that had 6k upvotes. INSTANTLY BANNED. For "trolling". It was the day I subscribed to their sub Reddit and my 2nd post there. Lmao.

So how do you feel about it now?

Not that anyone here cares, but I've unsubscribed because of this. The pro trump/anti Hillary propaganda is just too much. Unless it's about either or both being lizard people, I've lost interest.

The Clintons are involved in the biggest conspiracy of the decade, why shouldn't we talk about it?

He/she didn't say don't talk about it. He/she said "stop using this sub to promote your candidate."

Bold emphasis added.

Every other board has criticism of Trump. Were the only ones that actually know whats going on in the world.

Trump is a freemason,plain and simple. Divide and conquor bitches!!


I could eat a peach for hours

"lol only conspiracies that are lesser known and crazy are allowed!"

But it's still cool if we talk about the whole pedo-murderer ring, right?

If I were a betting man I would put the ratio of anti-Hillary posts to anti-Trump posts on this sub at 100-0 and bet the house on it.

He's not a candidate anymore ;)

Right, he's your god emperor. So go jerk it in the sub you guys built as a shrine for him.


Way too early to offer real criticism, it's just guesswork and speculation at this point. We'll have to wait to see what he actually does in office. Even more than most people, it's going to be what he does not what he says.

I speculate that he is being disingenuous when he says he won't go after gay marriage and abortion rights - he won't need to do it himself if he appoints the 'right' people to the supreme court.

He appoints priebus, and bannon at the same time. While priebus can be seen as a moderating influence / olive branch to the republican establishment, bannon is most certainly a giant 'fuck you' to the establishment and doesn't bode well for the current 'see, he really is a moderate after all' sentiment.

also, TPTB? Sorry, terrible at figuring out acronyms

The Powers That Be

ahh, thanks

What's TPTB?...

The powers that be.



From /all, what is TPTB?

The powers that be

I wish that r/the_donald would be a bit less of an echo chamber circlejerk. But that will never happen.

As long as rule 6 continues to prohibit people with different opinions from speaking it's not likely to stop being an echo chamber any time soon

not to mention rule 2

I think the only 'official' way to express concern is through modmail, which is of course pointless.

A great song comes to mind. The_Donald should learn a thing or two about the term Apotheosis

You mean president elect Trump. He is no longer a candidate.

Yeah you didn't give a flying fuck during the election time.

I'm smelling an internal conspiracy that is trying to get hidden right now by pretending to be non-partisan since donald already won.

Trump had been working hard on brainwashing people in this sub. But they don't know the people here are most skeptical motherfuckers on earth. Your efforts are too transparent and we can smell the deception a mile away

That's Huma Abedin's crotch.

He already won, hardly a candidate.

You are now banned from r/the_donald.

Ooo shots fired!

It's literally on conspiracy sub

I fail to find pro-trump threads here? Maybe this is another conspiracy

It's too bad you are kicking out the Trump supporters, since you share many common concerns.


A pretty decent album.

Not a candidate anymore bru

Sorry, president elect*

No, they want us to call him God Emperor.

Wow never thought I'd see this

Dear r/conspiracy

If you want to spam r/all with conspiracies, stop spamming it with political shit. We Indians couldn't give half a shit if a sex scandal about Hillary and Trump came out on the same day.

Regards- a person who didn't vote.

Because he's Indian.

And lives in India.

Your president*

This sub was sold out to TPTB years ago. It's usually a fucking ghost town until recently. This was actually in my opinion the first sub to be neutered back in 08ish.

Candidate? The_Donald doesn't support a Candidate. They support the next president.

Pander much?

Subreddit shill alert


The person who posted this does not speak for the real members of this subreddit. Look at their account history.

In my opinion, it seems like CTR took a few days to reorganize and then started to inflitrate large subreddits outside of r/politics (since that had become far too obvious) and this post is the perfect example of their work to divide people.

So who are the real members you speak of because their views about this sub and the Donald sub are in alignment with mine.

Here here!

There was an intense amount of astroturfing on both sides, but we'll how organic the alt-right movement really was when Trump starts breaking all his promises in office.


Why is it NOW only visible? It's almost as if there are people pushing narrative of trump being savior from trump side.

Gee if only there is a five letter word to describe them.

He's not a candidate. He's the president elect.

Who gives a fuck? He's a con is what he is.

They're all cons.

He's dumb, I'd rather a dumb con, than a brilliant one.

Trump talks before he thinks

Now the real conspiracy is r/conspiracy itself, very meta.

as a wall builder , can i get work ?

CTR have been hitting /r/conspiracy hard lately. Someone here is on to something for them to be brigading like this.

Who is CTR working for now?

Anti Hillary stuff is not necessarily pro Trump stuff. As far as I'm concerned Hillary is still walking free and I won't stop sharing her stuff until she is locked up!

"candidate" hehehehe

I've modded gigantic Trump communities. I've modded small nationalist communities. I've interacted with die hard Trump supporters.

Not one of them genuinely believes Trump is infallible. We all have our issues with Trump.

There will be some that support wikileaks now that will hate them if they ever release anything about Trump. That's just how people work, and this post isn't going to stop that. You're not that powerful.

What you can do is stop eating your friends and start accepting their quirks. Let us dig into what we find interesting, and eventually we'll find something you find interesting too.

Or you could keep being childish. That always works out well for these groups.



wow ok then ..

Thankful that more people are finding this Reddit and want to contribute to the conversation. Conspiracy is going mainstream.

Lapdogs, all of you!

Funny video about Alex Jones

That's how TPTW operate, the create an illusion of change and work to limit that change as much as they can. It's been in operation for a long time, you saw it with Obama, and you will see it with Trump.

You really need to let go of any system bringing change that you don't have direct infulence over.

So even though there's clear evidence of the media conspiring against Trump, you still think he's some kind of puppet. I'm not saying 100% ruling that possibility out, but posters feel that Trump was a big fuck you to the establishment and it's why he has a huge presence here.

Fuck you to the establishment? He already has the chair of the RNC in his cabinet.

And is how that bad thing? Reince can't be Chief of Staff and RNC Chairman at the same time. This leaves an opening for somebody to take over Reince's place, somebody who's more in line with what people for who voted Trump want.

I understand that you're skeptical. Hang around at the /r/the_donald. Ask questions, as long you're civil you will be get a better understanding on how we see things.


George Soros lives at 136 Cantitoe Street, Katonah, NY.


I voted for the man, but I wholeheartedly agree. I go to another sub for my circlejerking

I feel like leftists are probably upvoting this because it isn't pro trump lol. Now they are in support of conspiracy shit. How the tables have turned after this election.

the Not Ready for Mainstream Players present: uhh, an ever narrowing internet consensus while the world slowly catches fire and ultimately goes up in flames

but hey, they won an election

Just because he was elected doesn't mean that he's suddenly a part of the establishment. Trump is going to be in a position to tear aoart the corruption we've been talking about on here for years, why wouldn't we support him? We don't need to be entirely impartial just for the sake of it, let's base our opinions of others of their actions.

You don't getting he is either in, or he is out. This government is run by a criminal organization, you can't change it from the inside. You can only change something like this by refusing to consent and stand up for truth.

Looks like /r/conspiracy finally found it's balls. Took you guys a little while, and right after the election. Looks like you guys got used. Better late than never though I guess.

Weird timing...


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.


Totally unnecessary post. Please just unsubscribe and go away since you have nothing to contribute.

He's not a candidate anymore

A new vid from James Corbett on Trump

Thank you for this. Was starting to push me away from this sub.

We have the best listeners don't we folks

cant we all be friends? lol

"Let's stop fighting!"

John Kasich, 2016

Wait, this ISN'T r/The_Donald? TI fucking L.

This sub is absolute shit now. Nothing but politics and very little actually conspiracy content.

was that comment politics or conspiracy?

you are free to improve the sub with good submissions.
be the change.

hey..i'm gonnna keep the faith that lizards are coming back!

TPTB = The Powers That Be

20 hours later, still top post. Wake up.

Honest opinion: You don't want an echo chamber in either direction. Bring your theories and let people hold them to the light. If they hold them to the light and they check out, great. If they don't, also great. Just because you have a bunch of people here who support Donald shouldn't stop you from doing anything in particular. It just means you might be called out more when you drop theories about him, and that should neither be good nor bad.

This place (based on my lurking and posting) was always meant to be apolitical with the main purpose being to talk about conspiracies. You don't see an echo chamber here?

That would be fine and dandy if his supporters weren't so nasty and juvenile. They've been stinking up this sub and internet comments' sections across the internet for over a year now. They need to be called out.

I may disagree, but this is a welcome discussion. Thank you OP for bringing this up

I am not a man of words , so I leave some links.

I am not a man of words , so I leave some links.

That sounds like conspiracy talk to me...

As someone who very vocally supports Trump. This subreddit is for looking at things in the most unbiased atmosphere possible. Anybody and anything is under question here. For a good reason too.

Not that I'd mind some genuine conspiracies regarding Trump, don't you think the rest of Reddit has got criticizing him down-pat without us? Lol

I thought the whole point of Trump winning was anti-elite/power to the people sentiment. The_Donald is just kissing Trump's ass and letting him walk all over them. There is little Trump can do that they won't find some way to justify with mental gymnastics, reminds me of the people who supported George Bush.


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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


would say it all started here soooo......

can we at least wait till he gets sworn in before we say hes a honey pot??? chess people CHESS

He's already packed out his transition team with corporate lobbyists and GOP old guard. Not to mention people who gave him large sums of cash during his election campaign (like Peter Thiel).

If you believed a billionaire property tycoon who openly bragged about bribing politicians and gaming the tax system was ever going to challenge the status quo you were a rube.



Rules 1 & 10. Removed. 1st warning.

You feel big? This what you wanted to be when you grew up, a censor for free thoughts? Just ban me.

Just ban me.

Request approved.

Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.


Rule 10. Removed. Final warning.


Rule 10. Removed.

"the powers that be"

Imagine seeing a post like this on the top if /r/politics regarding Hillary Clinton. Oh man, that would be the day.

Probably not necessary, since I hardly see posts or comments there mention her anymore.

Pretty sure her career is over, not sure why people think she's still planning to jump in and snatch the presidency.

Someone needs a lapdog?

I propaganda! Remember to all that it's legal in the US & is weponized.

Someone is buying upvotes for r/the_donald, 2000-3000 here and there for the lift when the masses catch the rest- and it is not cheap to us plebs.


What is this?

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me

I love the fact that now it's an acceptable form of communication between subs to upvote a message in a thread to all.

MAGA, bitches.


I've been in the middle this whole election and can Honestly say that there was only 1 real trump sub Reddit the entire election which was The Donald, maybe even HillaryForPrison. Everything else was an echo chamber of why Hillary is amazing and why trump is the devil. Let them have there safe space. Reddit/google/Facebook was an enormous safe space for Hillary. Just an observation, please don't hate.

Edit : words

Edit 2 : thank god this election is over

Their safe space isn't/shouldn't be this sub if that is what you're getting at.

Ya i know, didn't mean it to sound like that sorry

dear r/conspiracy and r/the_donald you have stumbled across seriously damning evidence of child-traficking and satan worship in the highest levels of government. Now we must join forces as CTR and deligitimize the content of this subreddit.

R/conspiracy mods salty af. I guess we know where all the old r/politics mods ended up.

I guess the last CTR checks bounced.

Stay Salty :)

Bullshit. This is just an attempt to pretend to be non-partisan... if you'd meant it, you wouldn't have waited until AFTER the election.

Well, here's the good news; from what I gather from The_Donald (and I've been active since it was at 13k subscribers), we're excited at the prospect of him being president next year. That being said, we're on our toes watching for any type of 180 that signifies that he's going to go back on his campaign promises. If he gets out of line, we'll likely be the first to speak up.

For example, his recent appointment of Reince Priebus to a cabinet position was scrutinized; from what we can gather, it's a case of "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" to lessen a chance of rebellion from the guy. It also helps to have insiders who know the ins and outs of the corruption plaguing D.C. to assist with routing out the corruption. We absolutely plan on holding him accountable for everything he does; if he steps out of line, we'll be absolutely speak out in opposition.

Dealing with the corruption in Washington is a bipartisan issue.

lets see:

  • gay marriage is a matter of law and already been settled.

  • obamacare isn't going to be repealed.

  • not going to jail hillary

  • illegal immigrants are ok, only going to deport the ones who have committed crimes.

  • going to put his business interests under a blind trust.

sounds to me like he's already backed out of the big ones and he hasn't even been president elect for a whole week yet.

"keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" to lessen a chance of rebellion from the guy

Hahaha. What makes you think they're enemies? Have you been following Trump's campaign? Look here:

"He is very likely Chief of Staff,” said one person familiar with the conversations. “Trump legit listens to him.” Priebus took on a leading role in encouraging Trump to stay on message in the final weeks of the campaign, holding multiple calls with the candidate daily since he became the presumptive nominee in May, and frequently traveling on his plane. Under Priebus’ leadership the RNC took on an unprecedented role in managing the nuts-and-bolts of Trump’s data, field, and finance operations.

lol "accountable"

Says the 1-month account with 5 total posts ever.

Conspiracy was never for Trump, they were always against information rigging and when this sub started pointing it out, the Clinton-clowns accused them of being pro-Trump.

You also don't have to be "pro-Russia" to agree that the US has serious problems and some Russian news sources point them out.

So, only conspiracies that are anti-Trump and pro-Hillary?

ROFL...some people just don't understand the concept of hypocrisy.

When you open your eyes you will realize you can be anti trump and anti clinton. You choose not to elect someone bought by wall street (good job) and instead just elected someone who is even more biased (fools choice)

I didn't say I'm for or against anyone. I'm not even American so my opinion doesn't matter.

I'm just not going to sit here and worship some broad because the media tells me she should be my hero - and I won't let them stress me out about Trump because they don't like his banter.

nobody is telling you to worship some broad, the point of this is in fact the exact opposite. Focusing on only half the corruption in this election is actually quite short sighted and foolish. Also, if you care so little, why are you throwing flawed thought process around here ?

Your 'point' is fucking ridiculous. So, the entire mainstream media engages in a campaign to deify it's candidate, absolutely vilify her opponent and you expect me to just sit back and swallow it all? No thanks, I'm not a part of your liberal new world order.

You are swallowing trumps dick just fine it seems, you should be rejecting both sides of this if you had any real foresight

I'm not really a huge fan of Trump.

But I can guarantee you're a huge fan of Hillary who's just pretending to be 'equal,' now.

/r/the_donald contributed greatly to research in the wikileaks and other areas that /r/conspiracy loves. Don't come up all high and mighty now. The submitted title is something that a shill would say.

Trump fans?the racist square dancing douche goofs?

So many comments in this thread all say the same thing, variations of:

"Thank you pointing this out, I was going to unsubscribe from this subreddit but now I won't..." then the comment usually goes on to bash the_Donald subreddit.

Most of these comments are written with perfect punctuation and are all about 3 sentences long. Seriously, just browse the new comments.


trump is so far from anti establishment its not even funny, hrc is certainly not any better, but dont be so blind and foolish to not see what he is

Candidate time is done, son.

Trump just took down the most corrupt, globalist candidate ever. She was pure evil. We owe him a debt of gratitude. However, now our spotlight must turn to him as he assumes power.

ITT the usual condescending bitches from /r/all along with CTR upvoting the fuck out of this thread and posting garbage.

Blows the mind that after everything that came from this election some people can still walk around acting like conspiracy theories are just totally impossible and that you'd have to be a total retard to consider them.

News flash people, Trump very likely had his own version of CTR but it was probably much more organically fueled. It was clear he dominated Clinton in social media, if she could take over /r/politics and have shills running amok he totally had some crazy shit going on too.

All these people saying /r/conspiracy was used and we couldn't see it, just shut the hell up. Many saw it, many complained, and well that sort of thing is always possibility when you try to have a sub with minimal censorship. Been happening here for a long time and for many different reasons.

Does the OP know that the election is over?

Even more reasons to criticise Trump more. I for one am still waying for his tax return.

Shut up ya d*rn tinfoil wearin' nerds! XD

I'm almost certain this thread is a conspiracy to discredit the God Emperor. It's like a double false flag or some shit. Or a reverse false flag, whatever, fuck you.

GOD EMPEROR LMAO! You got cucked, buddy. Fell bigly for the cult of personality and now it's time to reap what you sow. Get absolutely cucked, kid.

Aka: please stop posting anti democrat stuff. We don't like seeing that our party did the wrong things. Anything about the DNC is pro Trump.

Stop posting about the corruption in the DNC and promoting Trump!


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

Are you kidding me? Take your whole set of rules and shovel them up your ass you reality-shifted shitshow on two legs.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. Final warning.

Oh, I see, you're just a robot...

Nope. I just don't take personal attacks against me personally anymore.

Holds the powers that be accountable.

Refuses to name the Jew.

Censors "racist" discussion about scientific topics.

Controlled by shitlibs and others.

Sure you are. You are lapdogs. Everyone is to someone. The entire thing is rotten, and if you really thought you could be holding anyone accountable, you'd be with me, screaming for Samson to launch so that the world can burn.

There is no redemption. There is no Future but Nuclear Fire.

Wow, your comments on other threads are just as bad as I imagined they were.

Cringe harder.

Everything is worse than you imagined. It's always later than you think. Everything is fucked, everything is terrible. All life is filth.

Omnicide is the only answer.

Cringe Harder


I have no idea why no one is pointing this out on here. Trump just got to the Presidency while circumventing the lobbying system. The lobbying system ensures that politicians basically owe favors once they get into office. If they want to get re-elected, they have to please the special interests. This acts as a means to control politicians. Trump doesn't owe anyone any favors because his campaign was mostly self-funded. He also has billions of dollars at his disposal. The President is exempt from the conflicts of interest laws surrounding investing. This means that he can help push through legislation that deregulates certain markets that he's invested in. It wouldn't even be illegal. That would make him a ton of money. He can then funnel this money to the election campaigns of the politicians who are loyal to him. His plan is to severely limit the power of lobbyists in Washington. Good, right? No, not if the President just made a ton of money and could use that money to fund congressional election campaigns. Severely limiting the power of lobbyists would set him up to be the main financier of election campaigns. He'd basically own Congress.

He could then push through legislation that creates congressional term limits. This would make it so that he could just wait out the members of Congress that he couldn't force out by just funding their competition's election campaigns. From there he could pass any legislation he wants or have them appoint whoever he wants to the Supreme Court. He could also impeach anyone he wants. That would get rid of any checks or balances to the President's power. He has set up a blind trust which is run by members of his own family. Usually these are used to provide some transparency with regard to the President's investments. Having your family members run it basically ensures that that information will be kept secret. This guy just found a legal loophole that he could exploit to make himself America's first dictator. We just put him in a position where he can take advantage of that loophole. We're dumb as fuuck.

Small point, but Trump didn't mostly self-fund his campaign. He donated around 25% of the total amount raised (or $66 million), some ~$10 million of which was paid back to himself and his children as reimbursement for travel expenses and use of family-owned entities like hotels and such. His PACs raised $33 million just from people writing checks of a million dollars or more, people like Robert Mercer of Rennaisance Technologies (interesting little hedge fund if you want to look into it-- the two CEOs were both top donors to the Hillary and Trump campaigns). None of that negates the rest of your post however.

Trump had a Russian mafia guy - Felix Sater - as head of high end real estate for the Trump organisation.

Trump moved money between Saudi intelliegnce and the Sultan of Brunei.

Trump moved money between Saudi intelliegnce and the Sultan of Brunei

And why would they need a middleman to do that?

try to use a part of your brain called your imagination

The brain has no part called imagination.

Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the five senses. It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist, are not present, or have happened in the past.

This still doesn't answer your BS story about Saudi money transfer to Brunei using a middleman.

what? bs? It is a fact

And why would they need a middleman to do that?

Answer the question.

i did. i do not know why. I would like to find out

I do not know

Reddit is a cess pool of dems, millennials, social justice warriors, fat neck beards and virgins. Get a clue you uninformed ignorant's.

only Bernie supporters goddammit!

Too late you fucking tools. 99.9% of ALL the shit you spew could be corrected if you only knew how to google you fucking idiots.

Lot of nerve after ctr infested politics and other subs.

Unless theyre back, under some other force control.


What exactly did he expose?

He hasn't exposed shit, he is just using talking points to win over the people that are tried of the crap. Don't buy into it.

Holy shit r/conspiracy! I'm more of a r/conspiritard guy can I give you a high five?

If Ronald Jesus-Reagan "Ron" Paul won the election people on this sub would be complaining that his motives were suspect and that he was in on "it" all along.

The TRUTH is that we knocked the establishment silly with this election and a lot of people are envious of the success that has been had.

You're living in a dream world if you think anything is going to change. poltics is designed to divide people, you are falling right into its trap by believing that we can bring change through a system of centralized government. Don't align yourself with systems, align yourself with people.

That's what I've been saying. It's designed to make us all fight while the real powers just chug along happy as pie. How can people not see this? People who get the power never want to give it up and will do all things needed to keep it that way.

Real people see it. Be sure of that. The rest is just CTR trying to change public opinion and the people that get temporarily swept up in it. Their game is over, critical mass is just around the corner. I predict that in 10 years time the game will be over, we are in the middle of this change now.

You do realize that a large portion of people here are apoliical don't you? A large portion of us believe presidents are selected, not elected and so it wouldn't matter. In addition, we are of the belief that this place should be about conspiracies and not promoting political agendas. That's where the disconnect is happening and it's people such as yourself who confuse it with being envious. No one is envious of success because, as I stated before, many of us (I'd say the majority) believe presidents are selected so we don't see success where you do.

The conspiracy to deny legitimacy to legitimate political movements is real. Apparently.

Only this place isn't for "political movements."

Politics isn't legitimate, it's only designed to bring legitimacy to an illegitimate system.

The establishment must be pathetically weak if this is all it takes to knock them out, an election process that they themselves approve of, endorse and relentlessly promote. Apparently we've all been wasting our time worrying about them.

I think some people are psychologically comforted by embracing their feelings of helplessness.


no brakes


Are you fucking serious? Wasn't it this exact sub that deleted pro-Trump posts? Wasn't it this exact sub that promoted Clinton content only?


Uh, he's not a candidate anymore

Dear butthurt left wing shill: Your reign is over. Keep crying.

Surprising how you make no mention of the people using this sub to promote Hillary, only negative towards trump.

not denying there are trump people posting crappy stuff here but there is also Hillary people doing the same thing and once again the negative focus is only on trump.

It really felt like it was flowing down hill in one direction though during the elections... I think that's the point. No doubt it came from both sides but let's be honest here.

Trump has been the only candidate willing to call corruption out though which is why this place is probably filled with Trump fanboys. Did CTR get paid to post this shit thread? Who the fuck cares if people like Trump? I guess you want your sub to die by telling people what kind of content they can post instead of letting the community decide. I'll never come back to this place after reading this and I'm not even really an ardent supporter of the_donald. quit telling people what to do basically. if people in here like Trump, it's probably for good reason. who are you tell them what to post? get over yourselves, dweebs. your candidate lost, get over it.

You mean Trump calls on other people's corruption so he can go on corrupting the system as he wants to do it.

ya, except he hasn't even been in power yet so you're just talking out of your ass.

Except the people that corrupt the politicians are ALSO corrupt. He's admitted to corrupting politicians (legally of course) but that doesn't change the fact that he's corrupt. Not to mention this "Drain the swamp" candidate that ran on being "anti-establishment" has now employed the most establishment guy there is as his chief of staff. Stop kidding yourself.

Check your seat for blood.

In a way it's still a win win since he isn't a globalist we will get the money to stimulate the economy. I'm ok with that. Taking $25million from Saudi Arabia and $1million from Qatar, same people who find Isis, I can't let happen.

Dude he will use the US government to.push countries make his company more money. The USA will be a joke very soon to the countries that still didn't think it is already a joke for having Trump.

I only subbed because I heard this one from my room mate a few months back when he said he was gonna leave the country.

Right around when that black guy sniped the two cops, the theory was that riots would be spreading. Big ones. BLM had already had a few riots, but there were going to be more.

Then Trump would get elected. Obviously, this did happen. We are having riots now because of this.

The next step is that Obama will deny the results of the election. He'll call for "boots on the ground," (that term seems to be very important) and enact martial law of the country.

All this time, cops have been silently disarming citizens. This was kind of true. Obama did call an executive mandate for more gun control. Executive mandates don't necessarily do anything though, it's just an influential person declaring their intentions.

So now the nation is under military control, Obama will declare himself President for another term, any citizens who still have guns will be systematically confiscated.

Then things are supposed to somehow devolve into all out civil war. You either join the cops and kill people or resist and get killed. I'm fuzzy on any other details.

Haven't heard any conspiracy like that on here since joining though...

Just remember that Michael Moore is a conspiracy fruit too so it's not just conservatives. Muh loose change

umm just because the Truth lines up with supporting Trump doesn't mean ppl are here pushing his candidacy

Dear r/conspiracy trying to get extra traffic? What didn't turn out to be conspiracy, George soros is antichrist

Not a conspiracy, George soros funded the black lives matter. Black lives matter turned into not my president. George soros is funding these protests. Get george soros out of America.

This was down voted in r conspiracy? Wow, either the butthurt is real or the shills are.



Soooooooooooooo OP's a cat person?


It's simple. There is so much corruption, conspiracy and overall evil surrounding the Clintons and the DNC that Trump supporters are very engaged in waking people up to what is really going on. Most people get the majority of their information from the MSM and Facebook, so they have been grossly manipulated. There are overbearing and ill intented Trump supporters of course, but the majority are level headed people who appreciate facts and liberty. And no matter what insults people throw our way, we will fight for what is right. ps this dog needs no lap, kid.

I feel like trump supporters are so delusional that they will never admit he was a poor president even when he doesn't follow through on any of his ridiculous promises.

Happened with Obama supporters.

As long as the next candidates are worse, he will be hailed as a great leader.

I can't take any worse than the last two. People will never vote third party. Kill me now.

How ironic this is, with the crimes the Clintons have done not only involving her email server but the billions of dollars stolen from Haiti and hundreds of thousands dead because of it, with the middle east in shambles and 10 year old girls being made sex slaves and raped, tongues hammered onto tables every single day. Will you admit these crimes? Are you not delusional? If President elect Trump makes even a tenth of these kinds of crimes against humanity, I will be one of the first to call him out on it. Until then, no amount of immature name calling with zero facts will quiet people like me, because we believe in what is good and what is logical. Peace.

I didn't say anything about Clinton, homie. Why are you filled with so much hate?

I'll explain it for you. It is ironic to say that trump supporters are delusional to the misdeeds of their candidate when Hillary Clinton is literally responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of people and yet her supporters, like yourself, seem not to care and instead focus on unimportant things. I am not filled with hate, but you seem to be. I'm mostly disappointed and disgusted with about 50% of the American public. Bring me your facts and evidence, and I will listen to you. That is how discussion works! So far, you've literally provided nothing. Edit: After checking your post history, it is obvious you are uneducated, and in past "discussions" focused on unimportant grammar, while yourself making a plethora of grammatical errors. You spend your time watching and thinking about sports, and preaching to other people about how stupid they are without providing any positive reinforcement. You're a burden on all around you, and a disappointment to your family. Examine yourself closely, and maybe you will wake up. Good luck.

Good luck with your drugs problems, seriously. I've had friends with issues and was glad to see them get over the hump. It really helped them become a better person.


Rules 1 & 10. Removed. 1st warning.


Rule 10. Removed. Final warning.

Suck my dick

Uh....should someone tell him?


Rule 1. No bigoted slurs. Removed. 1st warning.



While I agree the forum is intended for conspiracy.

Your initial request to bash said candidate by equally derailing the topic of conspiracy; Could easily be mistaken as an HRC post which is subconsciously trying to promote the opposing candidate-

Essentially, your post is just as damaging as the posters that are promoting said candidate, and the post itself should be removed from the "topic" by your own measure-

If any of you are dumb enough to fall for the opposing opposites propaganda, you deserve to be confused. They fucking trick you guys in eve single election. And every time you fall for the false change that is supposed to be created. Do you actually think that TPTW are really going to allow real change?

No one cares anymore about promoting Hillary Clinton. She's done.

"we don't need lap dogs here"

lol, check the spike in your subscriber stats yourfuckingwelcome.jpg

anyways, the elections over so in a way we're done with you as well <3

Okay CTR, thank you CTR



Election is over, bro. CTR packed it up--maybe you should too.

This sub is full of shills. I see way more people here complaining about Trump than have ever supported him here. This post has no substance.

so what is the trump conspiracy? whatever the clinton conspiracy was supposed to be gets automatically assigned to trump? did the secret cabal tell midwest rust belt states to vote for trump?

So let me get this straight. People like your work and are attracted to this sub, and your solution to that is to call them out because they're pro trump. Get a life buddy and stop being such a hipster.

I would like to warn people here that the authoritarian left has a proven track record of infiltrating and co-opting causes to promote their own agenda. Please be cautious in the extreme when dealing with them.

Adorable. Go. Fuck. Your. Self.

I thought we are friends :(

everybody should watch his 60 minute interview. very telling for those paying attention. MAGA!



Rumor has it it's raining happy putin tears :)

Rule 10. Removed.

I wish I got paid

If I had a nickel for every time I'd been accused of being a CTR shill, I'd have a shitload of nickels.

Lol nice try. Keep on batting, you're bound to connect one of these times.

In the subreddit description:

Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind.

In the thread title:

Submit your criticisms of Trump


Open mind = criticize / bash Trump

Got it.

You have the exact same mentality as hillary supporters, criticism = opposition, so we must put a stop to criticism. No thanks.


Anyone who criticizes Donald Trump gets banned, &a their comment/post deleted. Sounds a lot like censorship on that page. Nothing but propaganda

The Donald bans more people than any sub. Get fucked.


This is not your personal website if Trump supporters want to support and promote Trump we will. Don't like it? Then have the mods turn this place invite only and close it to the public.

Nice /r/conspiracy touch by whining about it being /r/the_donald behind it. Implying its their mods who are directing the promotion of Trump here and not his supporters organically doing it because we regularly visit this sub also.

This is r/conspiracy, the whole point of this sub is to look through the bullshit and seek the truth. If you're blatantly partisan here and blindly supporting/promoting Trump then you're intentionally crippling your ability to think critically and preventing honest conversation from taking place.

This is r/conspiracy, the whole point of this sub is to look through the bullshit and seek the truth.

LMAO! "Israel is an apartheid state!", "Jews control the banks and media!" - /r/conspiracy

No one here cares about (((Trump))) here.

But he's folding on shit that were weak spots. Keeping provisions of ACA alone would garner him retroactive votes were that a thing.

So you're admitting that anything negative about Trump gets downvoted in a kneejerk fashion out of fear of the boogeyman CTR and MSM? Seems like a solid excuse to stop using your brain.

And also, the_donald reaches the front page because that sub is a safe space that bans dissent and intentionally games Reddit to get their posts at the top of r/all.

This claim is merely sourced to their "investigation" and the only sources they quote are Trump's attorneys, legally obligated to represent his best interests, and an unnamed "associate" of Trump. Furthermore, their claim that Trump and Epstein "had no relationship" directly conflicts with the evidence in Epstein's address book and with Trump's own statements about their fifteen-year friendship.

You should keep in mind that Radar Online is a tabloid that has relentlessly supported Trump in the same way many other establishment publications have been backing Hillary Clinton. In its early days, it was actually partly-financed by Epstein himself.

Around 2011-2012, Radar Online was purchased by American Media, headed by Trump's close friend David J. Pecker.

American Media also publishes The National Enquirer, which enthusiastically supported and endorsed Trump, and which leaked the information about Ted Cruz's extramarital affairs. After ownership of Radar Online passed to American Media, its founding staff and editors were reportedly fired and replaced with Enquirer personnel.

It's interesting to note that the Enquirer was founded by a CIA psychological warfare specialist and financed by Frank Costello, the head of the Luciano crime family, and Roy Cohn, Chief Counsel for the House Un-American Activites Committee. Trump has maintained a lifelong association with the Mafia. Cohn, who sat on the advisory board of the Western Goals Foundation, was Trump's mentor.

He is outside "the establishment" as far as "the establishment" has been narrowly defined.

But is everyone outside the establishment automatically free of corruption? I mean, have you looked at Trump's phony unversity? Or his false claims of donating millions of dollars to charity (9/11 charities, veterans charities, and others while actually only donating about $10,000?).

This is he guy you're defending.

Obstruction of justice, perjury, destruction of evidence, mishandling of classified material

She was accused of these things, and the Republican FBI director said she did none of these things. No charges. No indictment. Which part of that don't you understand?

We often let politicians off after doing illegal things, but when Clinton is accused of things, investigated, and exonerated, we blow it up.

Look: it is quite clear that you never would have voted for her. This requires you to exaggerate her flaws to convince yourself why you should vote for Trump.

Meanwhile, you have no evidence that Trump will do a good job and tons of evidence that he will be absolutely terrible.

Well, first of all, W says he's abstaining. Is Cheney's "yea" not a red flag, though?

Trump's hinted at people like Bolton, Palin, and Gringrich. Not to mention making Priebus his chief of staff, who essentially IS the current republican establishment.

I'm not the OP you wanted sources from, but here are a couple showing the swath of Republican insiders on Trump's Cabinet, ie. the swamp rats in his "drained swamp" and many of which are staunch Bush era hooligans.

Reince Priebus, Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions, Rudi Giuliani, Steven Mnuchin...yeah, sounds like a real swamp draining there. What a complete farce. Insiders, insiders everywhere.

And you know, the one making me laugh the hardest at the backflips it's going to induce in delusional Trump supporters is Steven Mnuchin. 16 years at Goldman Sachs...16 years as a Wall Street insider at one of the most corrupt banking corporations which crippled the US in '07 and caused the very money crunch that Trump has referenced at every turn to fire up the working class. How exactly can Trump supporters still claim Trump is the anti-corruption candidate with a Cabinet containing Steve Mnuchin at the head of the Treasury? It's fucking insane.

Thank God I thought I was the only one that knows Alex Jones is a lying psychopath enriching himself on others fear, and so is Donald.

Please make /r/conspiracy great again, expose the corruption of Trump and lies of Jones.

Well, you have to assess for yourself if you think they are for the people. The guy is lowering taxes on the rich. Experts say he will make inequality much worse and make the economy worse. Experts also say that Hillary's economic plans would be much better "for the people." Meanwhile, she has the environmental policy that is "for the people" too, and so many other policies that are for the people.

What actual policy does Trump have that's actually for the people? Can you name one that appears to be legit?

So if you just objectively look at the two candidates, it's pretty clear that Hillary's policies are more for the people.

No, beyond his segment in Waking Life.

Oh shit! I had no idea that was him. Don't really follow him at all but I love that film.

It is more along the lines, that the_donald has been cherry picking what the want to push from this sub.

The posters around here don't push other subs agendas, from what I can see, obviously some false narratives will make there way in. However, the good posters here research what they want to investigate and provide their own sources. With the last place they would ever need to rely on for information being R/the_donald.

He's in a different faction of the establishment, but he's establishment.

Rules 1 & 10. Removed. 1st warning.

Idk why anyone could give that guy any time. Glad to hear some sense though :)

Jeff Fucking Sessions. As an Alabamian, fuck that guy particularly.

Does Clinton even really matter anymore? She's corrupt but now that she doesn't have any power what can she do?

On the other hand Trump is going to be president and it's suddenly not important what he's done in the past.

Yeah... his supporters are not wrong about everything, hell he isn't either, but he changes stance so often and lies so offhandedly, I can't take anything seriously

Alex Jones is an idiot.

Great. We can cross it off the list. What's the problem here?

Look below some other bot posted the exact same thing line for line.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

That's because he fucking is you retard. He's your last and only hope to stop tptb.

Name one fucking alternative. Go ahead.

It's Trump or death. If he turns out to be a fraud we're all fucked anyway.

Isn't Christie currently in court?

At the same time, however, you need proof. Our country was founded upon the principle of innocent until proven guilty. Punishing someone you "know" is guilty by fabricating evidence or charging them anyway without evidence is a slippery slope to a dictatorship.

Clinton brought it up during the debates (and in her speeches), but there was no point in making it a question. If it were a question, the answers would have been a detailed plan from Clinton, and Trump saying it's a Chinese hoax to hurt or economy, so the moderator's would have been attacked for asking such "biased" questions.

They are.

I dunno.

I'm not supportive of Trump in the least, but something is very suspect about a "robbery" in which nothing is taken from the victim, who is shot multiple times.

These circumstances would be extremely suspicious even if he had no connection with the DNC.

ahh, thanks

Motherfucker should pass the a hair test

Who wouldn't be? Ofc I am proud to like right wing policies. I am not scared of the left labeling me being I like strong borders, strong military, less government, and immigration reform.

No your labels don't affect me.

For a lot of people, the fact that he wants to try is bad enough.

We know he can't, it's just the fact that he wanted to. It's not so much the things he wants to do that are dangerous because he'd have to do gymnastics for most of it, but it's his rhetoric and what it incites from many of his followers that is dangerous.

That's pretty fucking different. There are lots of species that change genders

Exactly. I can't wait till people start snooping and diggin into his ties, which will most certainly happen now that he's gonna be president. Should be very interesting to see what the future holds.

Not sure if you trust the Washington Post (if not, who do you trust??) but The Washington Post interviewed a military veteran about this and debunked it here:

Or why don't you try reading the Snopes article, instead of dismissing it without reading it? At least I read the dumb article that was referred to me.

Snopes references an interview with Lieutenant General Vernon Kondra, retired Air force. Here's the description with background from Snopes, with his words in quotes:

There are several references to a 1990-91 contract for Trump Shuttle to carry personnel across the United States, between the East and West Coasts, on a standard LaGuardia-Dover-Charleston-Travis-Chord-Kelly-Dover-LaGuardia run.

"It worked very well, and the crews loved it, and really thought that we'd done something special for them," Kondra recalled in the oral history. "It was a helluva lot better than using 141s [cargo craft], which we could use for something else."

But Kondra said that the notion that Trump personally arranged to help the stranded soldiers made little sense. "I certainly was not aware of that. It does not sound reasonable that it would happen like that. It would not fit in with how we did business. I don't even know of how he would have known there was a need."

Yeah I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but every time I watched his shows it felt like I was watching a trailer for a horror movie. It just feels slimy and sleezy to watch. Lurid, but not in a good way.

Holy shit, that would be quite the conspiracy-ception...

He's not even POTUS yet and he's already killed TPP and got Canada to come to the table re-NAFTA. Maybe you should give guy a chance

One reason I think Hillary is far more corrupt is simply because she traveled to haiti together with george soros(not necessarily haiti)

I'm a Trump fan, but I will say my pedes in /r/the_Donald don't much care for it when I say Alex Jones is controlled opposition and a Zionist shill.

Yeah sure, the same "points" that have been made for a year and a half. Wrong then, wrong now, everybody knows it.

I'm done winning this argument over and over, so I'm just telling butthurt cucks to kill themselves now, it's much more amusing.

So... Kill yourself

Yes it totally has and it's a conspiracy in itself that now the election is over and they want it to stop. A fucking joke this sub.

Ohhh, so he's an embarrassingly out-of-touch liar.

Such a strong defense!

He was literally on the list of people to support like yesterday, one sec I'll get it

Edit: I am linking to the comment I made because I responded to that thread in the same way despite NO ONE ELSE bringing up how much of a jerk Alex Jones is.

Hi shill!

Alex Jones is an entrepreneur. He sells DVD's and snake oil. I don't personally think he goes much deeper than that.

If total honesty is a yes/no test for a presidential candidate to get your vote then I got bad news for you.

Yep. People aren't used to someone that isn't going to toe the party line.

Parties are done.

I didn't see any reference to the NSA in that link. Is Mercer somehow connected with them?


I mean, he said that he would do them, so I think it's less reasonable to think that he wouldn't.

Knowing how he is prone to changing opinions at the behest of a crowd though, makes one doubt every word he says. It's like he was a politician all along.

TFW a TD cuck thinks Soros is paying people to defend Hillary online after the election

He's already dismantling the EPA.

I think you hit the nail on the head with hopelessness/helplessness.

I think it might be a little bit more than that, though. I feel like when people listen to Alex Jones spitting all over the mic, they think, "Wow, this guy is really fighting for me, I guess I can keep going to my 9-5 job and drink myself to sleep every night. No need to protest, this guy has it covered."

It's like they're fulfilling their urges to do something by just listening to a guy lose his shit over it. Very similarly to the way that people will like a cause on Facebook, and then consider that their public service for the year. Giving yourself the illusion of giving a damn.

Like in Jurassic Park?


After bill cooper was assassinated, jones tried to steer the crowds tothe wromg direction. I think he suceeded enormously.

And sell fake medicine for exorbitant prices after he's convinced you that your doctor is trying to kill you, don't forget that bit.

And, well...

Is that a technical term for you looked it up? There unquestionably are years of business dealings between Trump and Soros. Best part is the candidate that ran against the Goldman Sachs Candidate is about to put a 17-year Goldman guy in his cabinet...that also use to work for Soros Fund Management...

Alex Jones is a 911 DVD peddler. That's what he is. He wants to profit from the death and suffering of victims of terrorism. Buy my fluoride filters, nao!

There was a time about 15 years ago that I thought Alex Jones was speaking truth to power. His appearance in the Richard Linklater film, Waking Life, was electrifying to hear as a 16 year old beginning to question the system. It was what first put him on my radar and I started listening to his radio program so after seeing the movie. This was around 2002-2003. For a while, he seemed like he was dead right about a ton of stuff - 9/11, Iraq, Bush war crimes, mass government surveillance, police militarization etc. Sure he was bombastic and over the top sometimes but that's why I loved him. He was nothing if not passionate and I felt like his passion was well deserved and I wished more people got as fired up about the real things as he did.

Then...something changed. Admittedly, I stopped listening to him as much as I got busier with life post-college. Then I see him start popping up in random youtube videos here and there a few years ago and he just looks unhinged and almost like a caricature of his old self. It's hard to describe but it just looked staged or something. And now this election cycle I see that he's got all his weight behind Donald Trump?! This is the same guy that I used to hear losing his mind when George W. Bush talked about how much easier things would be if the US was a dictatorship? He's putting his support behind a guy who routinely praises strong men and has an Authoritarian bent like no one else we've seen in recent history? It just doesn't gel with who he used to be and what he used to stand for.

I'm left to come to one of two conclusions: 1) Alex Jones has officially lost his mind or 2) Alex Jones is being used as a puppet by the very people he used to warn all of us about. I am inclined to think it's #1. But #2 is also an intriguing option and not one I had never considered before. I remember even thinking during the early days about how much more on edge I was and angry I was and then hopeless I felt after listening to 3 hours of Alex rail on and on about how fucked we were getting by the Elites that I actually started to think "what if Alex is just a stooge put here to fill us with terror and half truths and distractions?" I dunno, it's like some one else said, it's almost like a conspiracy-ception! I dismissed the notion back then, and today I still feel like the simpler answer is probably true - after walking a razors edge for so long, he just ain't right in the head any more.

sorry for any typos, kind of rambled more than I thought I was going to when I started.


I'm telling you, we fix that, and everything else will come along with it. Kids will even remind their parents when they're acting like jackasses and falling for scams. I tried, I just wasn't educated well enough.

He's not a true conspiracy theorist, he just plays one in movies.

I don't know if Jones was actually put there on purpose, but that's definitely the niche he fills. When people start to sense things aren't right, when they start wanting to dig a little deeper, there's Alex Jones ready to baffle them with bullshit and leave them more confused than when they started (and sell them a little silver bullion and fluoride filters while they're on his website).

Okay. That has nothing to do with what I just said.

When in doubt, spout nonsensical BS (or more BS than usual). That's a bold strategy

You don't have to capitalize crooked lol. It's not a proper noun.

There were other candidates. If Trump supporters were smart, they would have voted for someone who wasn't an awful person.

Let me re-phrase.

Proof has a place and the culprit should always be held accountable. But sometimes a lack of evidence makes this impossible. In the case of Hillary Clinton for example with her aides deliberately colluding with the DNC to discredit Bernie.

Why should Hillary Clinton, who benefited extremely from this subversion not be punished? It was her aides who did this but does she hold no responsibility for this travesty whatsoever? I don't believe so. Sure the specific aides who engaged in this should be prosecuted.

But why shouldn't she be punished as well?????

The top comment is juicy.

Wait what he was in Waking Life? Which dude was he?

Holy shit he was the dude yelling in the car with the megaphone.

I've tried to look into his ties to being controlled opposition. Do you have any sources I can look at? Everything I've found isn't much.

iv read enough snopes, we're done here. its painfully obvious why you're posting and im not convinced, better luck next time

Oh god dude. This was debunked by the fucking Washington Post, one of the most credible news organizations in the world. And you're trusting a source that was written by a fatass in his mom's basement. You are a goddamned fucking retard.

So has reality, though. A lot of what they focused on was corroborated by Wikileaks. Clinton and the people surrounding her are responsible for the majority of the corruption this election cycle, by a longshot.

More the other way around, /r/the_donald people have been pushing whatever they want here with upvotes and comments, amongst other subs too. And a good chunk of the stuff against Clinton was true, the problem is that they stuck around and wouldn't let anyone criticize Trump either.

Are the Jews controlling the world? I don't think so. Has man affected the climate? Probably. Should potential conspiracies involving Jews or climate change be disallowed on fucking /r/conspiracy because the idea of discussing them scares you? Fuck no.

Ah, so that's where you're coming from. I don't like those ideas, I don't like the people that have those ideas, but that shouldn't stop people from having ideas. I concede the argument to you.

What is this about swamp men?

I memba!

Yeah I'm all for actual "uncensored news", because /r/politics and /r/news have done fucked up some things in the past, but I went to that sub and clicked on the creator mod to see what else they did, and it was all stuff like "homosexuality is a disease" and "black people are an inferior race".

Not to mention the fact that he's constantly plugging his online store.

So are you guys conspiracy nuts or progressives? Because everything I'm hearing sounds a lot like what Bernie stands for.

It absolutely has been. One reason I filtered it on mobile. Must have missed it on the desktop. If this post holds true, I may finally be able to unblock it.

Is Mercer just the right wing Soros? (who is just the left wing Koch brothers)

It's interesting how you hate on any Trump supporter yet you whine about how Trump "hates" certain people. Your opinion is clearly so biased and ingrained that there is no hope in helping you to become a more tolerant and accepting person.

I wish you well, though I do hope that you actually follow what you preach.

All those who think differently than you aren't necessarily bad people. Listen, research, and consider different opinions than your own. All those who think differently are not the devil. Open your eyes and listen every now and then.

Willfully ignorant? About what? The mean things he's said and his disagreement with climate change?

Why arent we talking about corruption or the lies or any od the actually important topics that he would solve?

Take a breath buddy. Youre acting lime a know it all and i soubt you know it all...

Exactly this, Jones is cointelpro and possibly a useful idiot

The conspiracy of jade helm 15

Gay as in happy

Kind of like how /r/Politics was proven to be taken over by paid shills. But reddit didn't card about that because it was for the "right" party.

forgot to mention closet homosexual...

You're talking about a level of fraud that includes a tiny number of people on both sides who voted twice. This is about using the entire voter rolls to delete millions of voters.

The kind of fraud you're talking about is completely trivial relative to this kind of systematic fraud.

He has someone who runs a media empire in his cabinet.

That alone should set off every alarm you have.

One who left Goldman Sachs a decade and a half ago? Not really, no. But why on earth would he hire a banker to be treasurer, I wonder?

lol your post history proves you don't know SHIT about Hillary's financial ties. You regularly deny the facts from wikileaks! GTFO.

Spez is a Trump supporter.

Am I supposed to know what that is?

Clinton is out of her mind crazy.

She's many things...ambitions, calculating, cold, egomaniacal, narcissistic, but she's not crazy. There's zero doubt in my mind that she would mostly do what's best for the country, even if you don't entirely agree with it. You know where she stands and you know she's not going to blow up the world

Trump...only cares about himself. Period.

He said "I support Donald Trump."

Jon Ronson was with him, and wrote about it in a book later. It sounds like Jones talked it up later into this 007 shit, but at the time the security was fairly light and they just walked in.

True but once you know this it almost becomes satire and its hilarious. SHES A DEMON SHE SMELLS OF SULFUR!!!! EVERYONE AROUND HER SAYS SHE STINKS AND SHES INCOMPETENT AND THE GLOBAL CABAL IS HIDING IT. ahahaha

You're not making any sense.

you mean safe space?

I wish

you don't say

Hillary had most certainly failed the smell test, so it was worth it if you ask me. Now let's move on

More like clinton conspiracies. You're aware that's a thing, right?

They have some bots, but that's not really the interesting stuff... they have browser extensions / greasemonkey javascript that allows them to upvote all posts with a key press, basically.

It's almost like... manual botting. Or a much more circlejerk version of RES's upvote/downvote shortcuts.

Alex Jones simply wants to make money and have people listen to him. He wasn't placed there any more than a popular YouTuber is placed there.

He may have sold it as a sneak-in, much more likely he was allowed to be there.

Yeah, I got invited over there and unsubbed in record time. Might as well have called it r/shutthefuckupcuck

I don't think he's a puppet just a useful snakes oil salesman. His end game seems to just be pushing super pills. I think the elites have fully taken up the ideology of crisis politics. Don't make long term plans just wait for the next problem and exploit it.

Given that I'm banned from there? It isn't. If they really do back the Bolton choice than they are pretty much nothing but a very loud online rally.

This guy theorizes conspiracies. Teach us your ways, master.

Agreed. Thing I hate about Alex is that yes, he dives into some theories and gets tot he bottom, but then he goes off on a crazy rant about fish controlling the ocean water or something.

He is controlled opposition. He will give you just enough then stop and say something totally bat shit crazy that discredits himself. Kind of reminds me of old Glenn beck. He was on to some stuff then went off the deep end.

Completely agreed. I used to watch Alex Jones back in the 2000s and while I occasionally could tellhe was going way too far out on a limb, I at least thought he was trying to fight the good fight even if he was occasionally(often?) misinformed.

Now? Eh. At best he's a peddler of goods who uses fear mongering to increase his sales.

If Alex Jones was who he presents himself to be, going after people as powerful as he presents them to be.. why has he not died of a heart attack or suspicious robbery or something by now?

Links? Proof?

Yeah, was up at 3am for that trip, it was crazy. Actually I can't verify the sushi was truly just off the boat lol, but it was just down the street, so we made assumptions ;-) Worst part of Tokyo sushi is knowing it doesn't exist in the US :_(

Edited for autocorrect

Is anyone surprised by this?

Oh gotcha, so Hillary is so undesirable you literally don't care how bad trump is

What a smart way to make decisions

Well the problem is that they can't post in politics because of CTR. Most places they won't get any traction. This place doesn't censor.

Remember his debate with David Duke? Youtube members:

Or Bill Cooper completely exposing him:

Or Stratfor:

"Let's stop fighting!"

John Kasich, 2016

And that explains who you are! The only people who can listen to Donald Trump's words and not come out understanding how racist/sexist he actually is are either batshit insane, or racist/sexist themselves!

How can you hear Donald trump say things like "blood coming out of her wherever", "I wouldn't rape her, look at her", "...and I assume some of them are good people", etc. and think "yeah he's not prejudiced, he just says what he believes!"

Ok how about his former campaign chair having a direct relationship with Pro-Russian groups in the Ukraine?

Are you triggered ? Go worship the Donald in another place.

It's not humor anymore when it turns into into a real and systematic way of obstructing any critic against Trump, banning any one who dissent from the "Trump is perfect" narrative, and drowning any critic of him with whataboutism (But HRC did this, HRC is gone, so now you guys have to find other ways to defend him) and insults. It's also telling that a lot of Trump supporters like you don't feel confortable when they are in another sub when their lord and savior can be criticized, they are too used to their safe space.

I can see you feel strongly about the subject.

You don't getting he is either in, or he is out. This government is run by a criminal organization, you can't change it from the inside. You can only change something like this by refusing to consent and stand up for truth.

They've gone full blown SJW. They've even created a safe space for themselves over on 8/pol/ and anyone that tries to bring in any type of wrong think is banned instantly. They're all completely unaware of how much of a joke they are and it's honestly pretty hilarious. They even play the victim card constantly and have threads about how people attack them for being Trump supporters or about how the world is against them. They're lack of self awareness in regards to how they've become the very thing that they criticize other groups like SJWs for being is probably worthy of a good case study.

Rule 10. Removed. Final warning.

dark faction of citizens

OK. Let me tell about myself , since you were being so kind in sharing your place and view of the world.

I live in Serbia, it's in eastern europe and was until 1991 a part of a country called Yugoslavia. Look into Josip Broz Tito (who was our 'marchall' and a socialist dictator) and look into the making of Non-Aligned Movement. I'm 43yr white male. When I was born , our country experienced major economic boost , coming from a , but economy was so blooming it was easily payed off. There are some analysis that citizens of Yugoslavia actually felt and made up to 50% more money / consumer power (?) in the small period of 2 years. At that time 1973 - 75,6 . Now comes 1980 and our beloved dictator dies of old age (had a one of the largest funerals in history - by foreign delegation attendance, look it up, too). It took about 10 years for shit to hits the fan and nationalism to start blooming (YU consisted of 6 republics and about 8 major nations: Slovenians, Croats, Muslims, Serbs, Macedonians, Montenegrians, Kosovo-albanians, and some Hungarians) I'm a minor minority nation, too.

So, with incentives from Western Europe (EU Union in forming) and NATO in forming, Slovenia and Croatia decides to secede. All hell breaks loose, 'cause Croatia had about 15% of Serbs living in it, they wanted to keep living in Yugoslavia. Also , they remembered 2nd WW , when Croats had a strong fascist movement of Ustasha. Western world allies Croatia to secede , war starts, first Croatia, then Bosnia, then Kosovo. Serbia are bad guys , all the time. In retrospective, the reason for this was always the way of independence and non-aligment being rooted very strong in Serbia.

Basically , western europe, USA, and NATO helped very much for a country of 20 million same language speaking , with strong independence movement, strong economy and strong army, to fall apart to 7 small , nationalistic countries.

In comes EU and USA to buy all the good industrial resources, and make us work like slaves for a small vage for them. Divide & rule. My country - Serbia was made to look like it's full of villains (look up some holiwood movies) , savages and nationalistic retards. And it was made to look like that - by American Democrats. When in fact, the only countries that were accepted into EU were Slovenia and Croatia, countries that are almost purely ethnically clean. (Look up Croatia - operation Storm / Oluja , which made almost all Serbs to flee to Serbia , 10% of Croatia population) Oh, that made with a help of NATO and USA liberals.

Soros all the way involved in 'making of these civil societies'. Fact. Comes a 1999 and a Kosovo problem , long in waiting, since Serbs and Kosovars had their share of disputes. Again, with the incentives from the West, Kosovo demands indipendence (how lucky for USA that it has some major mining grounds and resources to serve in next 50 years). Liberal politics from USA.

And here comes the first european bombing of independant country since the 2ndWW. That bombing of Serbia could've easily instigated 3rdWW if the Russia was strong as it is now. Luckily for Serbia (which is to 'blame' for all wars ever (look up 'Gavrilo Princip')) , it did not grow into major world conflict. Kosovo albanians payed of their debt to western world by being a major drug trafficing country, and with an illegal trade of people and organs (look-up 'Organ theft in Kosovo , Yellow house')

Comes 2000, and we were overthrowing our 'dictator' Milosevic (who , by the way , wasn't at all nationalist, but more of a socialist with a strong non-nationalistic view for Serbia) , and happily run into this 'Brave new world' of freedom and democracy.

So, 16 years later, we are still waiting to be accepted to European Union, still getting lectured of democracy, still being called savages (by England and USA, most prominently) , and with having now a gullible , easily manipulated (from West) goverment. Still waiting for a better pay , better life, better day. I am a minor minority in Serbia, never had a single nationalistic problem in life, live in a city that has the most variants of religions and churches, probably in the whole eastern europe (see 'Novi Sad' it's a beautiful city - chosen to be Cultural capital of Europe for 2020.) , still waiting to not be called 'savage' by the western societies. Here is an example of a City sign in my neighbour, written in six languages ... it was always like this here where I live. Savage , isn't it ?

I'm seeing a major influx of Syrian , Iraq, Afganistan refugess , passing through my country and city , going to EU to seek a better life. Every day. Croatia and Hungary (both part of EU) had built their walls already, they did not need Trump for that.

So, all I can think when looking at american liberals protest against Trump is this: even though your purpose and goal is credible and worth fighting for, you people live in the bubble and not seeing that Democrats and liberals with a MAJOR HELP of Soros and so called 'open societies' are actually blackmailing and destroing countries , inventing wars to sell arms and take resources. And your protests against Trump are used, organized, or helped by some major villains, as seen throughout the world. Well, if you don't chill and learn about what's going on, you will now see the same shit that I in the Serbia, some dude in Iraq, Libya, Sirya , and Ukraine were seeing all these years. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe you need a rude awakening.

The mods know this, they just doing it for a purpose, like momentum and lifting spirits.

You will see some serious 4d chess I promise.

You guys have really lost your minds at this point.

His refusal to put his business in a real blind trust, his refuse to disclose his tax returns, and his seeking security clearances for his kids are far greater conflicts of interest than anything Clinton has been accused of. He's surrounding himself with the very people he said he'll remove from Washington. He's been going around in interviews walking all of his promises back -- the wall, repealing Obamacare, everything. He's not going to do a single thing he campaigned on. He'll spend the next 4 years being an establishment pawn. And you're still going to be roaming these subs, still finding some new crazy way to defend him.

Because, really, you've become what you once criticized -- blind group-thinkers, useful idiots being manipulated by the elite.

Certainly not alone in the Universe, and whether or not we're alone in this solar system is absolutely up for debate. I didn't want to lump those three things together. I hold UFOlogy in high regard. I'm not a believer in any one theory but I've seen and heard enough to be convinced that something is going on.

P.S. I'll check out the link, thanks.

Single error? Your posts were riddled with them, which is why I said anything at all. There were multiple points I made originally that you did not even acknowledge.

Donald Trump has lined up three New York hedge funds, including money from billionaire George Soros, to invest $160 million in his Chicago skyscraper, a key piece in perhaps the largest construction financing in the city's history, according to real estate sources and public documents.

The best description I heard of Alex Jones is "a humble water filter salesman." By being as loud and voracious as possible, and fear mongering the populace, you can get them to trust you, and once you have trust, you have the sale.

lol I clearly made you angry. Sorry your guy didn't win. Bannon is in the WH whether you like it or not, snowflake. It's hilarious you attack anyone who disagrees with you, even Milo. I guess because he's not a democrat he's not gay enough for you? The only intolerant people left in this country are Libs like you :) and just for your information, the prime minister of Israel even commented that he looks forward to working with Bannon.