repost from r/Donald re: Dynacorp/CF/pedogate

41  2016-11-15 by ichoosejif

I don't know how to cross post, so I copied and pasted this. Just wanted to be sure we have our info dump on this sub. Thought this was relevant. Here it is:


I don't want to tell anyone about this yet because I need confirmation and I know you guys are the best place to go. This email: from Hillary Clinton's archive mentions Dyncorps hiring an "adolescent boy dancer" from Afghanistan "for some sort of event that, at least to most folks, looked very inappropriate." Here is a direct quote ""According to my reporting, the week of April 13th, the DynCorp regional commander from Konduz, Flint Chambers, allowed his men to hire a 15-year-old boy dancer to do tribal dances at a DynCorp party on the training site. Some 15 or so DynCorp employees in attendance pulled out a single chair and had the boy do mock lap dances. This was captured on video. The video shows DynCorp employees putting dollar bills in the boy's waistband, just as they would a stripper's garter. The revelry lasted about 45 minutes."

This is disgusting. I can't believe the DNC is so corrupt. This is sent directly to Hillary Clinton from Cheryl Mills who is one of her big time lawyers. Why would a LAWYER be messaging Hillary this if she didn't have direct ties to DynCorp?

I did some investigating into DynCorps and... they were involved in a sex scandal slavery in Bosnia in 1999. "its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12." [Quote from article.]

They have a long history of this. In 2005 the Chicago Tribune accused the government of covering up child trafficking.

According to this Portguese article Hillary is in favor of DynCorp.

In her emails there is another about "inappropriate behavior by department contractor."

Talking more about DynCorp. DynCorp is known for a gross history of sexual assault. The CEO is Lewis Von Thaer. But the parent organization of DynCorp? Cerberus Capital Management.

Hillary Clinton has ties to both Cerberus and DynCorp. Cerberus gave $40,628 to her campaign.

The state department lost $1 billion dollars and DynCorp is to blame.

What is ironic is they appointed Jack Lew (Hillary's right hand man, according to the article) to look into it. DynCorp has a history of stealing money. "1991 State of the Nation It appears that Dyncorp broke the original investigation on this. Dyncorp was the accountant for roughly $2.7 trillion missing 1991-2001. Also missing in 1996 or 1997; $60 billion missing out of HUD. Dyncorp appears to be the accounting division of the US government these days." []

Hillary covered up for DynCorp.

1.The Washington Post wrote about it to her.

2.Later they publish a story saying the DynCorp employee was fired and no mention of the boy.

3.Nothing ended up being done. And here are the "sensitive but unclassified" documents from her emails.

What is most disgusting is we now know Hillary has covered up for Weiner texting an underage girl and Laura Silsby's crew of kidnapping children from Haiti for trafficking.

EDIT: I will soon be making a new post with much more information and better organization.


You must be right on the nose with this cause its being downvoted every 3 seconds.

I refreshed the page 10 times and the number of upvotes is staying the same but the percentage keeps decreasing.

I'm not sure. I would think some others would weigh in. Sometimes I am on, other times, I'm off. We shall see.


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