Holy Grail or Holy Hoax? Could the holy grail actually be the handwritten words of Jesus? This article makes a very good case for it. Im interested to hear your opinions.

19  2016-11-15 by [deleted]



The Biblical Jesus was a fictional, not a historical, figure. So, no, it's not the handwritten word of Jesus.

I tend to agree with you and my gut feeling tells me he never existed and is all a Roman or Jewish conspiracy of some sort. Being from a Christian family and being told that if I do not believe in Jesus I am going to suffer forever has caused me to second guess myself too much on this subject. Both sides claim they have plenty of proof that he either did or did not exist depending on who you ask. Would you mind explaining how you came to the conclusion?

At this point most scholars are in agreement that Jesus existed as a person but in terms of how accurate the gospels are in portraying his life and his views/teachings, etc. are up for debate

So do you think it's possible that they could cover up and alter Jesus's words in a way to make people fear something they can't see? Like perhaps Jesus's written words were too enlightening to the individual? I'm torn on the issue to be honest.

(Disclaimer: not disparaging religion, just offering my own experience)

For what its worth, i went to Christian school and i never "felt" religion the way others did. I saw only loopholes and hypocrisy, and mostly it made me uncomfortable; but still there was sense of fear in admitting i didnt believe.

This is how religion works. And its also why it continues to work.

If you choose religion because it makes you happy and gives you purpose, then thats awesome. If you choose religion for fear of being tortured for eternity because you defected, you are nothing more than a hostage.

Its an uncomfortable and nauseating feeling, at first. Once you accept the reasons you don't believe, and stop fearing the reasons why you do believe, you will feel liberated like you never have.

Thank you. That was very well articulated and makes a lot of sense. I tend to feel the same way about the situation. To put it simply. Find your own light and do whats right.

Nearly all historical, critical scholars argue that the historical Jesus existed. Even hard-line atheistic scholars like Bart Ehrman.

The Holy Grail is the bloodline of Mary Magdalene.

I'm very interested in hearing more. Care to give examples or any sources of information to back it up?

Take a good look at the Last Supper sometime. Who's purported to be in the DaVinci painting? The 12 apostles. Obviously, right? It's a lie. The greatest lie ever propagated. Who is at the right hand of Jesus? Look closely. It's a woman. A mirror image of Jesus. Forming a perfect V - or chalice - fertility - between the two of them. Mary Magdalene was the lover of Jesus. She was not present in Golgotha for his crucifixion as the lie says. She instead was smuggled out of Judea altogether. And not alone. Have fun.

Whoa...good stuff thanks. I am familiar with the idea of the twelve apostles representing the signs of the zodiac etc. I am also aware of Jesus's similarties to other ancient "gods". My other questions would then be what about the holy grail myth then? Is it just that or does it represent somethimg else? And what's with the astrological similarities?

Dan Brown would like a word with you.

Not sure who that is

Author of The daVinci Code.

Doesn't the fact that the davinci code being allowed to be made into a major Hollywood movie make you suspicious that it was pure disinformation?

Doesn't the davinci code being a major Hollywood movie make you suspicious that it was pure disinformation?

It was a book before it was a movie. It's possible. But don't pawn off an hypothesis from a piece of literature as truth without some proof.

Haven't read the book so I haven't pawned it off. But will forever remain skeptical of anything MSM and that movie sure is

He doesn't know anything. Jesus of Nazareth is confirmed to be a historical figure. Whether or not he was the son of god is another question.

Is Jesus of Nazareth his original name or was it Yeshua? I'm very interested in trying to fully understand the story and if there is any proof what so ever of his divinity.

His Hebrew name was Yeshua/Joshua/Jeshua. Jesus is a Greek name.

So why the change of name? In almost all other instances someone's original name stays the same no matter the language or area.

The books of the New Testament were written in Greek. I believe that Greek did not have equivalents to some Hebrew letters so the name was modified. I am not familiar enough at all with Koine Greek or Hebrew to give a detailed explanation.

You have to also take into account that the early widely successful Evangelists such as Paul were preaching to gentiles. So the Greek name would certainly catch on more quickly.

That makes sense thanks

Everyone and everything in existence is the son progeny of God. By definition.

Heck...IS God. Existence is holographic.

What is producing the hologram of reality?

Very good question. I'm not sure humans are equipped with the ability to even know the answer to such a query.

Interesting that we could be equipt with just enough intelligence and curiousity to realize we are in a holographic simulatiom, yet not quite enough to know why. Sounds like a cruel creator to me. Maybe some people know and that's why the constant war on information.

This might be a bit weird, but trying to put this into ordered thoughts its too much for me right now. We are genetic hybrids. Conscious beings can directly interact with the natural world through their genome by using sexuality in specific ways. This is apparent with other humans, but its important to note that you can interface with all living beings, even those lower on the evolutionary spiral.

So if we look towards the lower life forms, we can learn much. Single celled organisms like tardigrades have complex chromosomes and can survive all sorts of environments. The dna tells the cell how to construct itself. The cell then sends signals back to the dna. They are holographically linked together. Through the form of one, you can see the other. The form of your dna is related to the form of your body, and vice versa. If you imagine in your mind this link you can access it.

It takes a certain amount of humility and grace, as this is sacred ground. There must be some sort of natural intelligence that can understand the inner workings of cells. This is where we meet the kundalini shakti, this is the goddess that secretly guides mankind's evolution. A belief in inherent divinity and inspiration is a godsend for traversing such complex inner realities.

If you look at ancient idolatrous figures you notice they have human, animal, and spiritual characteristics. Ancient men were sorcerers. In these forms they encoded their own knowledge and beliefs of the world. To expand beyond human they looked to the natural world, and attempted to replicate it within themselves. Then they crafted molds so that others could easily put their minds into similar resonances. There is a certain danger though, in shifting into animal forms or mentalities. Molding your mental and emotional self into other forms is changes the way your dna expresses. The strands will fold differently to match the mental vibration you impart to them. This is why it is important to love yourself, in all your forms. Become more of yourself, follow what is natural to you. Its as simple as moving your arm into a mudra, these forms naturally open your body to the flow of etheric energy that suffuses the cosmos.

So the issue now becomes, if you are looking to expand and evolve, how can you evolve into a higher form of conscious life. Humans are very good at mimicking. I believe that this is a good way to go about it, but it misses the true essence of understanding. So another way is to have a teacher, one who can impart their wisdom and lead your soul towards love and understanding. My understanding is that the word of god, would be this perfect evolutionary language from the soul that imparts perfect understanding to the mind and body. When the mind knows the word of god, the body will also be as a body of light made from the thoughts of god. Yoga is how it links together. Yoga is union. When you perform yoga with the universe, you follow its intended design. The spiral revolves, and evolves, reaching ever farther, ever closer, ever bigger, ever smaller.

How do we find these teachers? They are all around us. The plants, animals, cells in our bodies, and also the stars. The pattern of our galaxy is a spiral, and so is that of the dna strand. It mirrors itself folded neatly together in a cute little chromosome. As the strand expresses more of itself, the inner mind can mirror or behold more of the the universe. We can learn to tap into the universal energy. Release the neural pathways from the more rigid ways of thinking. They are flexible, you can bend and morph them, and your perception will also bend. Open yourself to what lies within. Let the serpent uncoil from her long slumber.

You cannot grasp the mind. Right when you think it slips away.

Wow...that might be the most worth while comment I've read in a long time. Thank you for putting the time into that. It made complete sense to,me and was very intelligent and well articulated. I consider my self quite spiritually awake but at a stage that makes me second guess everything. Hopefully I can find the universal truth I have within and move forward from there. Thanks again.

Interesting that we could be equipt with just enough intelligence and curiousity to realize we are in a holographic simulatiom, yet not quite enough to know why.

I would say that this occurred by virtue of our being equipped with at least a portion of the genetics of those who create us. I don’t believe they wanted us too smart, however, so I think the other portion of our genetics came from sources that were quite a bit less evolved. If you combine this genetic manipulation with the vast and ubiquitous amounts of MSM brainwashing that exists in this civilization - a brainwashing that forces us constantly toward closed mindedness and toward thinking very much inside the box of a normalcy and limitation - one can then readily sees how it is that this species, the human/homo sapien sapien species, is both commendably intelligent (via the “smarter” half of our genetic ancestry), yet considerably retarded in its development (via the less intelligent half combined with the MSM brainwashing).

We as a species have nowhere near reached our potential. We are kept back by covert forces existing on this planet making sure that we cannot move too far forward.

The biblical Tower Of Babel story rings quite prophetically even today. We are not allowed to go too far.

Sounds like a cruel creator to me.

It is ultimately no less cruel than we ourselves are to all the myriad of species that we’ve created and genetically manipulated. Imagine how they think and feel about us. Imagine how we are looked upon by the average cow or sheep…or even dog or cat for that matter.

This is not by any means to excuse the cruelty of one type of genetic manipulation because it’s done/exercised by another, but it is to help one see that just as we have created and genetically manipulated many different species for our own benefit…well, there is a lot of data indicating that we ourselves are a genetically-manipulated creation in the same vein.

So yeah. Sounds like a cruel creator to me…but people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones…and we humans live in an extreeemely fragile glass house.

Maybe some people know and that's why the constant war on information.

I would not agree with this one bit, sir.

Very good points. But if tptb don't know anything more than we do why such an urge to control everyone. Is it really just unchecked greed?

But if tptb don't know anything more than we do

They do. They know a loooot more than many of us do. They may not be anything more than “important underlings” to the true PTB, but many know a lot more than the average serf.

why such an urge to control everyone.

Because they’re not the true PTB. There are powers and forces far above them that they themselves are beholden to.

We take for granted how weak and powerless we are - we human beings. We don’t understand just how many powerful forces are in this universe, and on this very planet alone. There are forces that are so powerful that the beings we look at and consider formidable are but dust balls in comparison.

Is it really just unchecked greed?

There’s a lot of evidence showing that it’s a lot more than that alone.

This pdf dives into and uncovers a lot.

So where do Yahweh, Lucifer and Satan fit in to this in your opinion? My current research has pointed me to the Gnostic held belief in the demiurge. If I understand correctly, they believe that the creator God (Yahweh) is imperfect. As far as I can tell the story then says Lucifer came to Earth to enlighten and free humans spiritually. Does this idea hold any weight according to your beliefs? Also earlier you stated that you would "not agree one bit" that tptb might know something more than the average person when I stated I think they do since there is such an active cover up of information that could free humans spiritually. If you don't believe they know something more than are you saying you think an outside force is the only thing working to cover up the truth? To perhaps keep us enslaved for their own personal gain?

So where do Yahweh, Lucifer and Satan fit in to this in your opinion?

As far as I have been able to asses, they are the names given to some ETs that have come here at one time or the other and had great influence upon humans and human civilization.

As far as I can tell the story then says Lucifer came to Earth to enlighten and free humans spiritually. Does this idea hold any weight according to your beliefs?

As far as some of the research I’ve done is concerned, there was a group of ETs that created humans as a slave to do work they were themselves unwilling to do, and to keep the slaves in line, a fable was created to get the slaves to fear the king ET (who looked upon the slaves as little more than dirt) and fear/hate his older brother (who was comparatively benevolent to the slaves and tried to help them here and there).

Also earlier you stated that you would "not agree one bit" that tptb might know something more than the average person when I stated I think they do since there is such an active cover up of information that could free humans spiritually.

I thought I said the opposite of that. TPTB on this planet do know much more than the average person. I would not DISagree one bit that TPTB know more than the average person is what I believe I said.

[looking at my previous comment]

Ha. I’m a fucking idiot. I just looked at what I said:

Maybe some people know and that's why the constant war on information.

I would not agree with this one bit, sir.

You’re right! I did say “I would not agree with this one bit, sir.”

lol. Dur. Again, I’m a moron. Simple typo is what happened there. I meant I would not DISAGREE with this one bit, sir. Sorry for the confusion there.

TPTB know a lot more than the average person. The knowledge is stratified and relative though, and just because there are ptb on this planet that know a lot more than the citizenry, many of these ptb here are themselves quite in the dark as compared to even greater powers than they.

Haha no worries I thought it sounded a bit opposite of the point you were making but non the less I'm very interested in any sources you might have on the subject. Reading material and such. I'm favinated by it. What do you think the holy grail is or was then?

Read through the pdf I linked above. Lots of information to keep you busy for a while there.

I'm actually not very familiar with the holy grail. Seems very abstract according to this definition:

Different versions describe it as a vessel, dish, or stone with miraculous powers providing happiness, eternal youth or food in infinite abundance.

His Hebrew name was Yeshua/Joshua/Jeshua. Jesus is a Greek name.

Haha no worries I thought it sounded a bit opposite of the point you were making but non the less I'm very interested in any sources you might have on the subject. Reading material and such. I'm favinated by it. What do you think the holy grail is or was then?