Some thoughts and criticisms re: pizza gate

112  2016-11-16 by [deleted]

Pizzagate may be the scandal of the century. Whether it will actually break into the mainstream is another question. This is a post I made on the pizzagate sub. I thought some of you guys would find it of interest...

  • The email that sparked the investigation, the "pizza-related" handkerchief map, may in fact be referring to an actual handkerchief with a map of (ostensible) pizza joints on it. People are creating all sorts of bizarre and grotesque theories (it's a handkerchief with semen!), but just do a google image search for handkerchief plus map and you will find tons of examples. They're actually a thing. Kathryn Tate, a real estate agent who doesn't normally correspond with Podesta, sent him the email after they were looking at properties. He said he didn't care about it. Why would Ms. Tate associate pizza with Podesta? Because John and Tony are famous for their "pizza parties."

  • The pizza joint(s) implicated in pizzagate are legitimate businesses in addition to being possible fronts for pedophilia and child trafficking. It is not unreasonable to assume that Podesta really does have pizza parties, and really is a good cook, and really does love pasta and expensive cheese. It's the non-food related "entertainment" that worries me. The sheer number of pizza-related emails in the Podesta files, combined with the obvious pedo references of James Alefantis and his pals, combined with Tony's sickening art collection and relationship with Dennis Hastert etc etc are more than enough to justify an investigation.

  • Pizza (and possibly other food) references may be code for something else, but we shouldn't assume that everyone sending emails about food are "in on it."

  • Depending on the individual and context, they may just be referring to the real thing: pizza. Or X. Or both pizza and X. When it comes to the emails, far more incriminating than any of the food references is the Muzatta (sp?) stuff explicitly referencing the ages of children and describing them as "entertainment."

  • Another particularly telling email is the one about Dennis Hastert. It is said that he would soon be fleeing to "a certain unnamed Japanese island." Tony and Dennis both taught in Japan. That email indicates to me that they knew exactly what Dennis was doing the whole time.

  • Given the constant references to pizza, the centrality of Comet ping pong, and the pedo-logo of Besta Pizza, it is understandable that people are examining pizza joints everywhere for signs of something sinister. I too find it a bizarre "coincidence" that Besta Pizza, located two doors down, has (or had) a "boy lover" symbol, and that another Clinton-linked business on the same block has a "girl lover" symbol. As Mark Crispin Miller said, "I don't really consider myself a conspiracy theorist, but when you get too many coincidences I start to get a little suspicious." I think people are right to pursue these potential links. But I also think we need to tread carefully. Pyramids and hearts and spirals are pretty common symbols. Hearts-within-hearts and pyramids-within-pyramids are much less common and are more likely to be be a tell, but in some cases may be coincidental.

  • The logo of Comet Ping Pong does not a resemble a butterfly. It's two crossed ping pong rackets, similar to the logo of various tennis orgs.

  • Obviously not everyone who associates with the prime suspects should be considered suspects; there needs to be additional evidence beyond mere association.

  • It goes without saying that we should not be harassing any of these people no matter how guilty they look. If "pizzagate" is real, and I believe at least some of it is, there may be counter-intelligence efforts underway. Insiders may currently be harassing innocent business owners in a bid to create a "witch hunt" narrative. Dumb or unstable individuals may be doing same, unwittingly aiding the perps.

  • "Online witch hunt" will probably be the narrative the media runs with assuming they ever cover the story, along with references to "conspiracy theorists," "Satanic panic," "alt-right", "Trump supporters," "religious fundamentalists," "anti-Semitic," "anti-gay" etc.

  • Another form of counter-intelligence is to distract investigators with false leads, sew division and mire people down with bullshit. The occult connections are real, and should not be ignored, but imo should take a backseat to the pedophilia itself. On the subject of sewing division, I am currently seeing constant accusations on this forum of people being "shills". Person A will argue: "Pushing Satanist stuff is going to turn people off". Person B will argue "The occult angle is essential to the conspiracy -- you're a shill." We should be aware that a common tactic for actual shills is to call other people shills (check out the history of COINTELPRO; one of the ways FBI agents would break up dissident groups was for informants to accuse effective leaders of being...informants. It's called snitch jacketing).

  • Imo, actual shills will be the ones pushing obviously false leads that have no supporting evidence (they could also just be overzealous idiots); people pushing bigotry against specific groups (though bigotry is common); and (on the opposite end, and the posters MOST likely to be shills) people dismissing pizzagate entirely with specious arguments and snark about "tinfoil hats" and autism. I have no problem accusing this last group of being shills.

  • My personal opinion about the occult angle: along with the people who actually believe in Satanism, occult ceremonies are used to traumatize the kids and make them sound nuts if they ever come forward.

  • Possible ways to inure average people to the occult angle should you feel so inclined: Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove and the Temple on Jeffrey Epstein's "sex slave" island.

  • On the subject of the FBI itself, some people believe that the Feds are going to ride to the rescue. This is an irrational belief. Since its inception the FBI's primary function has been to protect members of the ruling class. They have targeted labor unions, peace groups, American Indian activists, environmentalists and basically anyone who has tried to fight the status quo. During COINTELPRO they framed activists, used agent provocateurs and even allowed bombs to be detonated. Following 9/11 they have set up mentally ill and borderline retarted Muslim patsies in order to advance the "war on terror" narrative and justify their bloated budget. The FBI is America's Stasi.

  • Having said that, it is possible that Trump (assuming he isn't also implicated) will use Pizzagate to destroy his political enemies. It is also true that there are good people in the FBI and other intelligence agencies that may leak information. Ultimately it is up to us to keep uncovering evidence and raising public awareness.

  • The Maddie kidnapping angle may be misdirection; on the other hand the police sketches are indeed remarkably similar to the Podesta brothers (and indeed the other sketch does strongly resemble Anthony Weiner), right down to the mole above "Tony"s eyebrow. It beggars belief that the Podesta brothers would be sneaking around a rich neighborhood and breaking into homes; however it is possible that Maddie was being "loaned out" to the Podesta's for the evening and something went wrong. Perhaps she started screaming and violence resulted.

  • Women were also implicated in the disappearance of Maddie. I have noticed on some forums that some people are skeptical of pizzagate due to the apparently large number of women involved. In fact, the most recent research indicates that about one-third of pedophiles are female. The number may be even higher since kids (and boys in particular) are less likely to report abuse by females. Female serial killers are also much more common than most people assume. Their targets are typically the elderly, children and babies.

  • Speaking of babies, WTF is up with the Alefantis circle's obsession with babies!? ("baby...yum"; "gay baby!" etc.). It's hard enough to understand how people could be sexually attracted to children, but babies!? I'm not sure I even want to understand. I can't seem to find the image (It was posted on the main 8chan thread yesterday, perhaps someone else can track it down) but this sick paraphilia also extends to Tony Podesta: he has a huge fucking painting of a baby in diapers with an adult touching its stomach right in his fucking living room. Who would do that!?

  • The focus on babies may perhaps give credence to the "inter-generational pedophilia" theory. It is claimed that ruling class families use pedophilia as a means of establishing class solidarity and ensuring no one steps out of line.

  • On a related note, pedophilia is also used for blackmail. It is widely suspected that Epstein is Mossad. His partner in crime, Giselle Maxwell, was the daughter of the late Robert Maxwell, a Mossad agent. I wonder if James ("I love children") Alefantis is linked to some intelligence agency. It could explain why he has been to the White House several times.

  • Perhaps the single most disturbing piece of information I've come across is that Barack Obama intends to move into a house two doors down from Tony Podesta. Tony recently created a massive sub-basement in his home, allegedly for his "art collection." I'm gonna take a wild guess and suggest it is soundproof. The pic of Obama playing ping pong at the White House with the boy is starting to take on disturbing implications.

  • If this goes all the way to the top, and I believe it does, then it would explain why law enforcement agencies haven't busted the perps. Or why they only bust them when too many witnesses come forward, then portray them as lone assailants and give them slaps on the wrist rather than severe punishment (Hastert, Epstein etc.). I could easily see a high ranking FBI officer justify a coverup by saying to him or herself "If this got out the entire system would collapse; there would be anarchy." Well, if that's the justification, perhaps it's time for a little anarchy. I can't imagine anything worse than being ruled by satanic pedophiles.


Thank you for your work and your reasoning. Too many people are grasping at straws in this pizza mess. Like you, I dunno what to think about the pizzamap emails, but I do think that the Pedostas are dirty as sin. I feel like this should be at the top of r/pizzagate...

Is the NY Post giving cryptic "Pizza" messages?? Seems odd to me.

Definitely, there is something strange going on here. Further investigation is necessary....These sick fucks.

It won't break into the mainstream because the mainstream is complicit.

There are actual no federal agencies, media outlets or politicians that will touch this because it is THE conspiracy.

It implicates everyone.

Ritual sacrifice, cannibalism, torture, child rape.

Complete paradigm shift.

Explains the true reason why they want an NWO...

To completely enslave the human race for sexual deviance, pedophilia, torture and experimentation.

The rabbit hole goes so deep this cult has people on TV pretending to be Christians like the ones you see at mega churches when really, they are demon plants to turn people away from a loving God.

I was an atheist up until a few months ago when I was able to see these demons for what they are. Deceivers.

People think I'm fucking around when I tell them how dark the shadows really are. The world has been dwelling in negativity for an epoch. It's pretty damn dark. So dark, even things advertised as wholesome and good are underneath the surface being organized by dark intents.

Though 'They' even tell you they have made a complicit and unaware public.

So it's hard to believe for a reason. First thing is they denounce any truth about it, by labeling it as conspiracy. And the majority of people are complicit by allowing that to happen, which only makes them unaware.

Everyone knows child trafficking is happening. And it's not being stopped. It has a source, it has big players. Traffickers, kingpins. Not just your typical pimp and ho's two bit operation. Highly organized and ritualized satanic rings, hiding in our government and entertainment, allowing it to happen and participating.

Now some of this is plainly obvious just if you know who Epstein is and who knows him. And without showing the D.C. (C)omet (P)izza owners nasty instagram pics, and who is connected just to that one area, what else is there to say at this point? We need more people to stop being complicit and unaware.

This sent chills down my spine. Your absolutely right.

TY for your elequence on such a horrific topic

more disturbing is the pic of o with an asian girl on his lap and he is kissing the back of her neck .....presidential? or the reason china made him go out the butt hole of the plane

That picture of Obama kissing the Asian girl on his lap creeped me out. I was never a fan of him, but never thought of him to be involved with this type of shit.

i know its so disgusting that it just time for this to stop!!!

plus they keep it all in the family

his new digs are two houses down from pdoesta's brothers house which is suppose to have a dungeon basement builtin

scratch the surface and its so vile

I didnt see that. Link?

i knew if i hunted hard enuf.....skrolll down,,,,,,way down


Omg... that whole article is stomach churning. Ughhhhhhh

i know but we have to look at what is dark to make it light

Thank you for this! One thing that bothers me about the pizzagate talk is how many people are taking assumptions as fact and running with it.

We need to still think critically about it and you did a pretty excellent job here!

This is a really good post. Please people don't downvote this just because it's critical of your issues.

A couple of points for you to consider OP, pizzagate's success is going to be considered highly partisan as the leaks come from Podesta's email and therefore all liberal elite contacts. However, pizzagate posters also seem to have no interest outside of the current establishment and satanism. Odd because the most prominent and factual pedo conspiracies are related to religion and the catholic church. If this makes anyone uncomfortable, you're a fraud.

the FBI is one of the largest distributor of child pornography, and catches people largely by convincing them to download it or convincing individuals to meet up or share info. One of the most prominent attacks on critics of the US gov is pedophilia. Yet this almost never comes up with pizzagate discussions.

mutual blackmail does make since, force everyone in your upper crust circle to engage in something that guarantees their silence forever. They can't say anything that doesn't incriminate themself.

Popular conspiracies have a huge problem with going completely out of control and not sticking to the facts. Pizzagate has convinced a lot of people that speculation = fact, there need to be more posts like this that bring people back to down to earth and categorize what we know and why we know it.

Damn, nice write up

Something more is up with the handkerchief and references to other four cornered linen etc. That's my instinct.

Pyramids and hearts and spirals are pretty common symbols. Hearts-within-hearts and pyramids-within-pyramids are much less common and are more likely to be be a tell, but in some cases may be coincidental.

Same goes for butterfly symbols. If you ever visit the Vigilant Citizen website, they make a huge deal about symbology, hand signs and one eye being covered up.

But, as a father of 4 (with 2 young daughters) I can tell you that butterfly symbols are one of the most common decorations found on girl's clothing. It's not always MkUltra.

I found this part pretty interesting:

Perhaps the single most disturbing piece of information I've come across is that Barack Obama intends to move into a house two doors down from Tony Podesta. Tony recently created a massive sub-basement in his home, allegedly for his "art collection." I'm gonna take a wild guess and suggest it is soundproof.

Probably surveillance proof as well. Got my own theory that "some people" are able to eavesdrop on us in ways we don't know about yet. Using cell phones as mikes, maybe also using laptops or any wireless device. They've got shotgun microphones and these laser things that can listen in from miles away by reading the vibrations off of a window or a wall.

I'd be willing to bet that this is not possible for a sub basement that's 30 feet below ground level.

Also, this sub basement thing is a really big trend among the wealthiest people in London. People are hiring companies to excavate under their houses and putting in these huge basements. They often put in 2 levels. People have even called them iceberg houses because the amount of basement area exceeds the room above ground level.

It's easy to suspect that they're spending so much money because they have "an unusual need" for privacy.

"I don't really consider myself a conspiracy theorist, but when you get too many coincidences I start to get a little suspicious." I think people are right to pursue these potential links.

Sound like a conspiracy theorist to me.

I'm sorry but your first point is not necessarily right. At first I agreed with you, but listen to this:

The realtor originally notes a black and white handkerchief being left on the email correspondence. Nothing about pizza. For some reason, whoever forwards this to Podesta adds themselves 'map that seems pizza related' even though there was no correspondence of this between the realtor and the person forwarding this to Podesta. That is genuinely weird. They took it upon themselves to infer from the realtors "black and white handkerchief" to "a map that seems pizza related".

Edit: word

Finally someone with a semi functioning frontal lobe. Well said.

Luzzatto for this looking for the name.

We need to do it ourselves then.

You say the occult side should take a back seat. I totally disagree. As we learn more and more about the occult people will start to maybe ask why. The occult practices are a source of power but we remain willfully ignorant because of science - another arm of propaganda. I don't really care if a few small time players get locked up - this is just revenge on CTR and you know it. The big picture is already getting lost, in someways pizzagate could become a distarction.