Let's put #PizzaGate info in the Sidebar image/link

84  2016-11-16 by Contrary_mma_hipster

We need to continue to raise awareness of this very real conspiracy being uncovered by online "conspiracy theorists" like ourselves. What could be more relevant?


Great idea and/or we need a well-formulated sticky announcement

Agreed, we need a central place to discuss and investigate. We also should start coordinating with 4chan and 8chan.

Great idea. We need liasons.

we need a well-formulated sticky announcement

This is preferable.

Using a flagrantly shocking image on the sidebar won't accomplish anything. Unless someone can find an appropriate image (with the right shape), it would be counter-productive IMO.

Let's keep in mind that this is all wild speculation, sans any proof. I'd rather not have the sub promote a witch-hunt regardless of the subject matter's severity.


I've already had a #pizzagate post deleted for very flimsy reasons.

Here's a summary info-graphic for those that are new - it goes much deeper but this'll get you started: http://sli.mg/HdNS7E.png

I like this one, has alor more connections https://i.sli.mg/dWZcdX.jpg

Ya that's nice. What would be good for a (thumbnail) Sidebar image?

stop telling people what they should care for ... seriously there are like 3-4 postings about how everyone should focus on "pizzagate". fuck off ... here are people which still think by themself ... no need to tell them what they have to care for.

I agree. It's such a mind blowing conspiracy and the public is so actively involved. Wild times.

Put the pic of the girl with her hands taped down in the sidebar. That one is undeniably disgusting. Such weirdos.


Put the pic of the girl with her hands taped down in the sidebar.

You must be kidding. We want people to feel welcome when first exposed to the information in this sub, not make them vomit.

I realize this information is far from palatable, but there's a process for those who're starting to wake up for the first time.


You were on a final warning already and now this bullshit? Guess you're done here.

Why not just respond to their allegations? Censoring comment isn't gonna help the cause.

Accusing the mods of paedophilia is not only a bannable offense, it's a 'fuck off and die' offence.

I actually didn't see that accusation, maybe you could show us the comment?

'I've actually seem the mods defend the pedophilia when it has been brought up before.'
At least /u/Time2SinTime2Live finally outed themselves as a conspiratard/Eglin/3 letter agency troll. Or maybe just a liar.

Thanks. Not sure why you would try to hide that. Seems to me a much better approach, if it's a false accusation, would be to reply, and ask for proof.

Rule breaking comments are normally removed, though in this case perhaps leaving it up would have made sense.

Put it back.

A. Not policy. B. I don't take orders.

A. I was advising you based on the previous comment suggesting your implied guilt by not responding head on. B. Maybe you should take friendly advice.

Jeesh, such a coppish remark. We are all friends here. I understand the pedophile exposure has everyone on edge, but our response defines which side we are on.

I'm on my side, always have been always will be. 'Put it back please' is friendly advice, that came over as a demand, sorry if I misunderstood though.
The comment is in the user's history for everyone to see so putting it back isn't exactly necessary anyway.

Of course you are. We all are. But we are also a collective. Re:who's side you're on - You're either pedo, or your not. That's what I meant. I fear you are further polarizing yourself with your responses. Especially retaliatory name calling. It inadvertently gives the comment credibility, or validity. Neither of which I can confirm nor deny, but it's pretty easy to have things get distorted by an over reaction to a comment. I don't know your history with 'the banned one' I was simply offering my advice on how to squash the accusation, as well as the other person who offered solid advice. Either way, I'm not trying to get mod bullied, I'm trying to save the children. Peace.

By all means expose elite pedophilia, good job. Just avoid attacking the mods with falsehoods and we're right behind you. I've been posting this link on and off for a few years now as it's required reading IMO so being alluded to as 'defending pedos' was particularly insulting to me, regardless of which mod was being unfairly accused.

Fair enough.

Tbh, no one cared until your response.

I've noticed that /u/Time2SinTime2Live made posts 24 hours around the clock with two breaks per day of three hours.

The account may have been more than one person. Within the past few days they were growing more provocative & aggressive & outlandish. In pure speculation, one would expect to see such a "recon" operation in identifying the psychographic parameters of the subreddit, as well as identifying which individual users here would give pushback in response to certain stimuli.

In your hesitation, I found my answer.

Here's the comment:

Mods will never do that. That would be way too honest.

I've actually seem the mods defend the pedophilia when it has been brought up before.

I stand by the mod's decision to remove. Look, if you're actually going to accuse the mods of "defending pedophilia" you better back it up.

Look, if you're actually going to accuse the mods of "defending pedophilia" you better back it up.


😂🙈 conspiracy mod ftw


You were on a final warning already and now this bullshit? Guess you're done here.

Look, if you're actually going to accuse the mods of "defending pedophilia" you better back it up.
