Awakening to more...
12 2016-11-16 by mrnightowl
Certain things I can never explain how I know, but I just know. I know there are many of you out there that know what I'm saying. You've awoken to more than just basic understandings. Fear gone? Never offended anymore? Instantly start knowing truths in things by quick flushing feelings across your body when you read it? Realizing the bits of truth in just about everything? Connections, patterns and such? Quit smoking super easy? Never really able to get super drunk on alcohol anymore? Buzzing/tingling feeling in your hands, forehead, ring around your head? Sometimes seen peoples eyes all black? Know and say things about people you communicate with just by being yourself? Freaking out some. Future prediction working? Visualize something out of the blue that comes true within short time? Any way. Whats up :) hehe
Been truth seeking for the past 8 years. I don't mean finding truth in distractions by governments. I mean truth seeking in finding who we are and why we are here. This past year, since xmas last year, I've really POPPED. Very exciting, but also a crazy roller-coaster. I post tonight because there have been 2 dates for whatever reason that have stuck in my head. Just like this: NOV 16 and NOV 19 This could be years or exact dates. I got NOV 16 while meditating with my higher self. The 19 was by asking a Mayan Elder if NOV 16 meant anything and he said no, 19. What ya got?
3 toneii 2016-11-16
Sounds like genuine psychosis.
3 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
Too many witnesses along with me on this trip. Thanks for input though. Not the first time and probably not the last that I'll hear it.
1 toneii 2016-11-16
Could it be .... God?
2 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
Anything possible! I believe a very misused word though. Our beliefs on the word may be totally different.
1 toneii 2016-11-16
Because some girl told me that she got touched in church and it knocked her on the floor. She said she quit drinking and smoking for like two weeks after that.
3 chikutet 2016-11-16
lots of people get touched in church, but it usually turns them to drinking and smoking... and therapy
1 babaroga73 2016-11-16
Oh, burn.
1 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
Good for her.
2 inbetweentime 2016-11-16
For sure OP, you are on point with a lot of that. I'm curious if your feelings about the 16th are good, bad, or just anticipatory?
1 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
Just seems like a "I don't know" answer to a standard question. Neither good or bad.
2 Daryatash 2016-11-16
OP I found out about an awesome author today called Anthony Peake and it reminded me of this post, hope you will find his research interesting
1 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
Thanks man. I'll check him out!
1 SequinPower 2016-11-16
Not judging but genuinely curious- I do follow a lot of what you're saying but a lot of it seems mystical. Any thoughts on how these phenomena would be scientifically possible?
1 inbetweentime 2016-11-16
Our scientific establishment doesn't tend to go anywhere near this stuff, it's not supposed to, but there has been lots of research done in the past. Which phenomena are you referring to?
1 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
There is so little we know on the subatomic level. Quantum effects we are just now starting to understand. Many theories on dimensional stuff. Existing outside of linear time. One of the quantum things that seems possible for me would be the gate experiment. Where the particle predicts a future event before it happens. Future event effecting the past. No offense meant, but good video
1 Ty199 2016-11-16
Got any more videos on that ? Or positive "conspiracies/theories/ideas" Let me take a little break from the NWO Pizza Lizards
1 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
I like to find current science knowledge to explain spiritual phenomena. Thinking of our bodies like biological robots. Quantum antennas for a brain. To me this explains so many things through out history. People like Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus. If our higher self(spirit) exists in a higher timeless dimension. Existing outside of time. Past present and future all accessible to our higher self. We can all predict the future. To a certain extent. Also I believe the frozen water experiment shows quantum connection on a subatomic level.
1 Plz_Pm_Me_Cute_Fish 2016-11-16
Forehead, ring around your head may be singularities.
(theory through research) It is said evil entities have 4 astral implants in us, 1 in the solar plexus, 1 behind the neck, and 2 in the forehead.
My theory on us:
We were created to be used as physical servants, we grew, literally grew souls/consciousness, to a point where whatever created us, or wants to destroy us simply can't, due to our personal evolution.
I believe in Pleidians and others beings, but I believe there are bad beings, I believe 666 could either be carbon, or the frequencies of the singularities (black holes/worm holes connecting to archon/other negative being that absorbs/lives off of vibrations(666.6 is apparently their frequency).
I believe the earth is alive, it has a soul, a powerful soul, I believe in Divinity, there is no other name beyond that for it though in my book, simply Divinity.
I believe we will evolve into a higher plane of existence, but I believe some will get trapped by evil entities, like a soul torture, while others will be able to ascend to the comprehensible.
I don't drink alcohol, but I smoke weed + tobacco together, I find it extremely hard to quit.
In Greek mythology, I remember reading about the Furies, I believe they exist, they are djinns though, their purpose is none of our true concern, what matters is the things they do to try to elicit reactions, if its an attempt to get fear, or even an attempt to have you walk another path. I believe you can create the even worse furie's to torment you if your morals are evil.
I like to think that it is infinite, the universe infinitely connected to more universes, really just making up the quarks of another universe, and etc. Like a picture within a picture within a picture within a picture, etc.
1 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
Thank you, interesting. Did you have a birthday recently or one coming up soon? I'm an Aries. Some of the info you posted is completely opposite of what I've experienced. I really can't say research because I try to have life experiences for learning rather than reading what other peoples experiences have been.
Pleiadians and other star systems. I believe we were seeded by them. Divine light. Just like how we now send information via light. I believe some naturally evolved here, while others came to "visit" and some stayed behind. Don't think we'll be visited again until we create divine light(create a sun).
Agree on earth living also.
Completely agree that we are evolving to a higher plane. I believe many have done this already through out history. I also believe there is a mass rapid evolution currently going on because of the information age. A massive change when on the verge of destruction.
Greek mythology keeps coming around with me also. My father wanted to name me Ambrose.
1 Plz_Pm_Me_Cute_Fish 2016-11-16
How would one get control of his dreams and astral? I have tried, I get the slight body wave feeling but I cannot get the body lock going, and what is your take on sleep paralysis?
1 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
I wish I could help on that. This is something that has come natural to me. I believe because my father practiced it so much in the early 70s before I was born. Passing on knowledge.
I haven't experienced sleep paralysis. To me it seems like mind waking up while projecting.
1 Plz_Pm_Me_Cute_Fish 2016-11-16
It is, the body locks itself thinking you are about to sleep, then you are able to go from there as long as you have the crazy ringing in your ears and the intense wavy feeling.
The only thing that confuses me is when people talk about sleep paralysis and entities, I am confused on why entities would be there.
1 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
I've experienced, what I believe is dimensional vision. Where at certain times I was able to peek into a higher or lower dimension. I've had some friends that were heavy meth users that also have experienced similar things. Shadow people. May be in that moment of paralysis that is what is being experienced. A temporary dimensional shift.
1 Exec99 2016-11-16
Yes. I definitely do not have any fear anymore, despite rationally thinking that I should. I have also felt like something big is about to happen soon, I had that feeling for about 2 months now. At first it worried me but it doesn't anymore. In fact I am welcoming it and I dont even know why. Any thoughts on this op?
1 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
I've bounced all kinds of possibilities around on this. I think there is a paradigm shift event coming. Good or bad, if there is even such thing as good or bad. The lack of fear for me comes from this realization that everything is a process. Everything that has happened in my life has come with positive understanding.
0 babaroga73 2016-11-16
We'll see in three days .... Anyways, awoken people need ranks, and if you are right, you will be rewarded with a rank, Major Tom.
1 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
Just seems like a "I don't know" answer to a standard question. Neither good or bad.
1 Ty199 2016-11-16
Got any more videos on that ? Or positive "conspiracies/theories/ideas" Let me take a little break from the NWO Pizza Lizards
1 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
I like to find current science knowledge to explain spiritual phenomena. Thinking of our bodies like biological robots. Quantum antennas for a brain. To me this explains so many things through out history. People like Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus. If our higher self(spirit) exists in a higher timeless dimension. Existing outside of time. Past present and future all accessible to our higher self. We can all predict the future. To a certain extent. Also I believe the frozen water experiment shows quantum connection on a subatomic level.
1 mrnightowl 2016-11-16
Thanks man. I'll check him out!