Watching the Daily Show for the first time in months. Jon Stewart's Departure is starting to make sense now.

37  2016-11-16 by miamizombiekiller

Currently sitting here watching Trevor Noah, and I've been reflecting on the last year and a half since Jon Stewart "stepped down". There's no doubt that his departure, and the complete overhaul of Comedy Central was very suspect. I'm sure many of you already had this thing figured out last year, but..I get now.

Throughout the Daily Show's heyday, most of us would agree that it was the only anti-establishment source of news..Albeit "fake news" and heavily biased nonetheless. However, Jon consistently delivered a message that inspired a lot of us to "question everything". He was the MSM's worst enemy for years. That's not to say the Daily Show didn't have an agenda, but Jon made the world realize just how much of a circus the MSM truly was. Jon could see this train derailing years in advance. He lost all confidence in politics, and knew the direction this was headed. Regardless, he was most likely shoved out without a choice.

Jon was quoted back in May "And that is not to say that she is not preferable to Donald Trump, because at this point I would vote for Mr. T over Donald Trump, but she will be in big trouble if she can't find a way -- and maybe I'm wrong, maybe a real person doesn't exist underneath there. I don't know."

"There are politicians who are either rendering their inauthenticity in real enough time to apear authentic, and then there are politicians who are rendering their inauthenticity like if you have a Mac and you want to play a Microsoft game on it, there's this weird lag."

Reading that now is a bit eery..

Enter Trevor Noah, South African comedian that is out of touch with his viewers and has zero passion for American Politics. He was also a perfect fit for the BLM/Race war agenda. What better way to run the Daily Show into the ground? Meanwhile, young voters would lose interest in this election REAL quick. Bernie was formally introduced to the world by Jon Stewart. Bernie was making waves across a young crowd that would have seen record voting turnouts. Instead, we had a (50%?) voter turnout.

Fast forward to today's announcement: Jon Stewart will return to HBO in 2017, just in time for Trump's inauguration. This seems all too convenient.


Go watch the Jon Stewart interview videos from the early days. Particularly the Hannity & Colmes interview in which Jon tells them he will not be their "monkey" and then go watch the O'Reilly interview a few days later in which a down trodden, defeated looking Jon Stewart says he will be their monkey.

Dude was a truther. Then they got to him. Now he's owned.

She's really not any more laggy than Obama, when you think about it.

Obama at least doesn't come off like a robot in human skin.

Nope. He's just a lying, mass murdering, constitution shredding, surveillance state expanding, silently mass deporting, race baiting, debt doubling, economy ruining, executive privilege abusing president this country has seen maybe ever.. but at least he's eloquent and charming and could easily play a human in a future television sitcom.

Dude I'm not defending Obama (not sure if that's how you took it), I'm literally just talking about how he comes off in public compared to such a blatantly phony shitbag like Hillary. He obviously puts up a warmer and more personable front than Hillary, which is what made him so dangerous in the first place imo. He was excused by the left for horrendous shit that they would've protested in the streets for if it was Bush doing it.

It's weird, when I talk to most normal people about Obama I hear like the most neutral and disinterested responses. It's like people are hypnotized by him, they know nothing about anything he's done besides a few notable things but they default to "he's been okay" or "he's been pretty good". It's like most of the public has been sleepwalking through these last 7-8 years until this election came along.

(I also do find it hilarious how no one bats an eye nor realizes that Obama has deported 10's of millions of illegal immigrants, but acts like it's the end of the world when Trump talks about it.)

Agree with you 100%. Yeah it came across like you were defending Obastard a bit so I apologize if my response felt attack-y.

I was asleep and gullible just like all his still blindly following troglodytes and, to my great shame and embarrassment, I was conned into voting for the prick.. twice (hangs head in shame). I feel so stupid and betrayed now that Ive discovered the truth of what Im at least partially responsible for (my only salvation is that I live/voted in Texas which is a Red state and tried to stop him in spite of me). So whenever I hear someone give him any praise, I tend to go off a little. Lol Apologies. Glad we're on the same side