47 2016-11-16 by fAAlcor
Be warned. The establishment has taken a blow and is being greatly exposed at this time. Infiltrators will come into this thread and other alternative media outlets with reverse psychology methods to turn against the victories. Do not be fooled. Use discernment.
21 fAAlcor 2016-11-16
Side Note, this is especially true this pizza gate. Many are coming out saying, "Warning, stay away. People are dying over this". May of those voices want to scare people away from this investigation. Exposure is coming and the numbers are currently against them and they want people to back off.
6 LwrFscntr 2016-11-16
I haven't been following pizza gate closely. Are people really claiming that there are deaths related to it? I understand the concerns about business reputations (whether valid or not I don't weigh in), but deaths? Links?
3 MirrorMirrorRTJ 2016-11-16
7 Dunkh 2016-11-16
Monica Petersen was in Haiti working for the Human Trafficking Center and also previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force.
She died a few days ago under suspicious circumstances.
3 LwrFscntr 2016-11-16
So the link is now dead (though I saw it earlier and know /u/Dunkh's TL;DR version is correct). When I read it earlier I thought "these threads look pretty thin."
The dead link actually makes me think those threads are not as thin as I thought.
5 LwrFscntr 2016-11-16
Okay. So you're right. Have you noticed the big influx of posts? It looks like a new post ever 1 minute.
2 fAAlcor 2016-11-16
I have not noticed an influx of posts, but that is a good observation and definitely something we(the community) should keep an eye on. I think there is going to continue to be an influx of misinformation in the alternative media now that people are turning more and more to it. There always has been a certain amount, but a misinformation/reverse psychology campaign will come in at new levels now.
4 911bodysnatchers322 2016-11-16
Dude, you've not been here very long if you think 'they are coming'....they've been here for 3 yrs
We've been fighting them for a long time, with facts, detournement and cognitive re-infiltration (ex: all the mormons at the NSA are going to start wonding if Obama used the 7th floor resources and the controlled media to steal the election from Romney in 2012 also)
1 fAAlcor 2016-11-16
For sure, I agree, but their very foundations are being shook and it's going to come in at a new level I believe and am seeing.
3 Italics_RS 2016-11-16
I've already been seeing it.
2 1923johndavis1999 2016-11-16
I don’t believe you. I think you want us to think that there are people here, when in fact there aren’t. I WILL be fooled, damn it!
2 HerpDerptheDefiler 2016-11-16
I've seen a few posts on the .wav file for pizza gate saying the sort like "wav files are viruses that will wipe your harddrive" or "wav files can only be opened by special government computers." I found it more funny than threatening, but misinformation is misinformation.
2 PortOfDenver 2016-11-16
Equating those who caution against disinfo mixed into Pizzagate to discredit the whole thing?
Warning: There are a flood of new accounts here trying to kill Pizzagate by adding disinfo to it & dismissing a cautious approach to traps.
1 LwrFscntr 2016-11-16
Any particular signs/symptoms you've seen that led you to write this?
2 fAAlcor 2016-11-16
One is warnings to stay away from the pizza gate scandal, that 'people are dying' over it. It is being exposed, 'they' cannot silence all the voices and investigators exposing this. 'They' want to scare people away from digging it up any further.
1 misspook 2016-11-16
Truth... "Move along, nothing to see here" all day.
1 YoureAllRobots 2016-11-16
FEAR, FEAR, FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 Theres_A_FAP_4_That 2016-11-16
All the Biden memes are disturbing me most