Decoding the Podesta Flag. Explanation of Elite symbolism and memes.

25  2016-11-16 by Beneficial1

Brain Dump,

.. how to begin. Let me give you brief background on me. I am forty years old. When I was 18, I was invented to an O.t.o meeting. Ordo Templii Orientis

I went to a few more, not really participating, and decided not to join because the group, though highly intelligent, practiced things I didn't want to at the time; Orgies, sex magic, tons of Drugs, etc. I was more interested in its occult symbolism. So I went solo. I never have a tendency to be group orientated, and my life intent deals with deciphering and exploring the underlying themes in reality. That's why I'm here.

So with that brief and limited background, let's decode this Delicous morse(l) of a symbol found with steganography in a Podesta email. Hopefully I can show you how it's real, and not a fake.

The flag

Let's briefly go through the glaring symbols that are most common.

  • all seeing eye.
  • the Masonic compass
  • The owl shaped head.
  • Knights of Malta Cross/ Jesuit iconography.

Ok, when you see this mish mash of things together, it implies a conglomeration.

But let's start with the basis for the whole thing. The Symbol of the Bird/eagle/Owl itself.

This is where you have to keep in mind that Symbols have a reality, and that reality is rooted in Myth. Look at a dollar bill, it has an Eagle on it, all seeing eye. Etc. But the Eagle, as a mythic representation of reality, has its origins long ago.

From Sumer, which some ascribe as the cradle of civilization we get these artifacts:û_(mythology)

So if you are looking for a most pure source for the occult symbolism use today this is where you begin. Study the Anzu wiki and you notice this relief:û_(mythology)#/media/File%3ARelief_Im-dugud_Louvre_AO2783.jpg

Which, as you can see, has been Mis-labeled as a Lion headed Eagle, when it's plainly obvious it's an OWL.

So it makes you wonder if that's being distorted. But here you have one of the oldest Memes.( I will explain that later)

So now that we know the Owl was depicted into the Anzu eagle/bird, understand, this is the basis for the secret society symbolism we see today as Moloch, and in the same way the Eagle is a symbol of our Nation. This is why, because Anzu, who is simply at its core just a sky and earth creation metaphor.

So the elite pick up on this and claim it. Distort it, and use it.

Magic, is an art. And also uses geometry to symbolize certain metaphysical concepts. One such use of geometry is this:

This geometry underlies the Image on the Flag. That's when I knew the Flag was of higher order than usual.

Then when I noticed the triangle with the eye I had its base upside down. So if you flip it, and square the triangle, something very odd is revealed. It's also encoded with an inversion. The Fish God Dogon. And Dogon are two interesting things. One is this:


Now go back to the actual relief of Anzu and you will see it's Talons are grabbing two lions. Lions are best known as a symbol of family, nobility:

Family crests

So on the Flag you have Anzu with its talons on two squares, but it's really one square overrun and continuing on each side, And in the square is The Jesuit Knights of Malta Cross.

So why does Podesta have this? Because he is a Jesuit of the Highest Order.

[To be continued]

So if you haven't figured it out yet, this flag is a Meme. Most artifacts are. In modern day a Meme is random and not really attached to any organization, they don't have organization, but they carry meaning. In ancient times, you had rock and a chisel. That's how you made a Meme. But now that there is at least a rudimentary understanding of Kek, consider this Flag to be the Kek of illuminati. Highly organized and encoded with all of the sacred symbols of their Society. They have taken pure myth, and have distorted it.

That's all for now. If I get any more connections I will put them in comments. There is still more buts spinning around in my head.

Feel free to add your insights or constructive criticisms.


I will probably be working on this all day. As someone who has been studying symbolism for many years, this is like a holy grail of secret societies. I believe you would have to be initiated to even see this let alone decipher it. Though personally I never believed you needed to join to understand.

I can't stress enough the nature of pure myth and how it's distorted. Our world is a mess of distortion but I think if we can return to the essential wisdom of reality it would result in a paradigm shift.

Here is a little coded comic relief that just popped in my head, and is one way these societies distort a pure symbol

Jim Carry about the all-mocking tongue.

I just read through this. Nice work. I had no clue. I did stop and count the feathers on the bird though, and seven on each wing and the tail is interesting. is this as in "good luck" three times over for them?

There was a pic of Podesta with 14 on his hand. A vid breaks that down:

Thanks for noticing that.

Nice thank you. I have to be careful with this shit, therapists were taught there is not such thing, but eh, yeah there is. I grew up with solid herbal knowledge, and a set of le normonde cards, so not totally in the dark but definitely not on a left hand path. I appreciate your help here.

Great explanation. thanks. Had seen the picture.

Also, Crowley wrote a book of tree of life correspondences called 777

Crowley is creepy as hell to me. Will look for 777 though. I am pretty sure Aquino has a special space reserved for him as well.

Creepy Crowley, definitely.

Here is the cover of the book

Just so you see the Bird at the top, that was his Art, I believe. That is just to validate what you noticed with the feathers. It's all connected. Though Crowley used more the Egyptian symbolism, this myth is central to the Occult.

That book is just a bunch of correspondences , it reads like an index. Required to understand it would be study of the tree of life. Not only that, you have to study all of the major fields of science, origin of words, myths, dogma, numerology and gematria etc. All things really, so that would include herbs.

But the idea is that any physical or mental thing in the universe has its correspondence in the energy centers of the tree of life:

Here's one I found pretty easily that relates the tarot cards to it, which is fundamental.

But, 777 would be like the handbook if you were to concoct a certain spell or create a ritual, depending on what you were doing you would introduce certain objects or words into the magic.

Found this ⬆ Here.

Will spend a bit of time on it.

When I looked for gematria in the past there are a bunch of sites that want to do the math for you. Where do I find the math they are doing?

I am breaking down numeric over in r/subliminal, if you are interested. I have made three new threads there. Your insights helped with my understanding.

I bookmarked your links for now, if there is something to add I will share. Thanks

I gave a look see. Rock on.

I found a website last night that has me attached to it.

Not sure I have ever seen so much stuff in one place

Here ya go:

You are welcome. 💕💕💕

Also I have a paper copy of this:;_ylu=X3oDMTBybnV2cXQwBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--/RV=2/RE=1479707079/RO=10/

Hee is one you can share.

I'd be more interested in a few different sources independently showing that that image was actually recovered via wikileaks and stenography.

It just seems way too edgy new school badassed for an organization as old history... Far too hip for a guy that uses P@ssw0rd as his password. What would you imagine an image like this would be used for? Can't tell me this is Podesta's laptop wallpaper or something.

Like I said it's iconography as a Meme. They use it probably as an organized power symbol, much like McDonald's uses the Golden arches or Ronald McDonald.

Only this is much more serious and is a 33rd degree Masonic constuct. If he gets a mail with that symbol on it, it's official Jesuit business.

  • Edit, another example of iconography as a Meme: Pedo symbols sourced by the F.B.I.

When you see the symbol, you now know what it means to the secret society of sickos. So a symbol carries meaning. That is in fact, Magickal. You see it and you understand immediately, without words. It carries understanding. Many don't see that as magic, but it is.

This is why Abramovic uses word magic in art. To create layered meaning. And layered is just what the icon on the Flag is. It's a layered magick. And that is a Spell, or Ritual. A layered piece of meaning charged with energy. That's what reality itself is.(edit to say: Reality is a piece of Art Layered with Meaning). So these are secrets to the profane but in actuality it's in the very things we do. So in that respect the world is magical ,only the uninitiated don't see it. Is this making sense?

Where would they openly display this? I have no doubt that it is packed with symbolism... What I'm skeptical of is it's origins. The whole thing smacks of 4chan-styled trolling.

I pointed out the underlying geometry.

They openly display that in hidden places. That's how they communicate.

Watch that vid, and he points out the symbolism. Even though he's a shill and calls it a psyop(which it's not, it's bigger than that, he does that to distort the truth in plain site. I suspect he is a gatekeeper. He shows you what is there and takes the narrative to a half-truth. Just like the person who labeled the artifact of Anzu as having a lion head, when it's an owl)

Geometry is sacred to the art of Magick. If it's in the underlying form of Anzu, and on this flag, I would connect this flag with whoever sabotaged Elon Musk's attempt to get into space. Consider it their meme magick stamped all over the destruction.

There are numerous examples of symbolism hidden in plain site, we can explore that if anyone is interested?

Take a crack at that... No one came up with a solid answer... I was looking into that before I went down the Illuminati rabbit hole... The day after election I saw 2 trucks pull up and pack the backs with tons of boxes and framed art that was all wrapped in kraft paper.

I'm not skeptical of the symbolism in that picture... I'm skeptical about it's origins.

It's origins I am trying to get you to understand are beyond 4 Chan.

I just glanced at your link for a minute and what caught me first is the symbolism has a druidic feel to it. It's also under, or on the bottom of the light. That has meaning.

Above is illumination. Below is what? Layered meaning

As above, so below.

It could also be a type of magickal talisman to protect the bank. A spell. It could be Black magick as it's on the bottom of the light source. These are things that have meaning.

Let me eat some dinner and take a better look. Thanks. What else?

I'm just looking for digital forensic evidence that that image file was surreptitiously hidden in an e-mail that Podesta had in his mailbox. It could be a picture of a puppy for all I care... I just want to know how it was extracted.

I hear you. I dont understand the technicalities of how they got the Image lifted and even from what email. Once I saw it however, my bells starting ringing.

Have you ever seen anything that encoded before?.., the inversion of Dogon revealed when you square the triangle ,confirmed it for me. Inversion is one of their favorite tricks, and to pull it off in the geometry of the universal, you know how hard this was to make? That's why I think it's a Master who has.

I don't know how hard it was to make... How about my Huma picture... that would have been very difficult to paint... right? That must mean I really got it from Huma's inbox.

If the image was legitimately hidden in a Podesta attachment the extraction process should be easily reproducible by anyone with access to the software and the original image file. The interpretation of the picture is pointless if it's lineage cannot be be traced.

I'm a little leery of any chain of custody that goes through 4chan... Show me how the pic was extracted... it's mere existence doesn't mean it is tied to Podesta in any fashion.

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Yes, very interested in further examples of symbolism in plain sight Also, I am glad to see someone with esoteric expertise attempting to assist those seeking more knowledge, even if for a secondary reason apart from their investigation.

I was just talking about inversion in another post. Here is a vid that I would consider an introduction to inversion in advertising.

It's a minute long. It moves fast so let me point out the hotspots.

  • first notice how many reflections there are.

  • next notice how pancakes is written backwards on the glass behind her.

  • Pause at 19 seconds. She looks backwards at the inverted word Pancakes real quick and back at the camera.

  • Notice that the last three letters of inverted pancakes spell "SEK" and when she looks back SEK is put in the frame with her

  • SEK, is Sex

  • They end the ad with her and Sex in the frame while she pours some sugar.

  • They did this purposefully to connect her as a sex symbol, and to make the product sexy.

Like I said, this is basic subliminal inversion. But it's hidden in many ads and goes unnoticed. You have to know what you are looking for.

I am convinced. You are the real deal. Thank you for taking the time to share that.

You mentioned that you studied on your own rather than initiate into the OTO. For those of us who are like you and would like to put in the work to improve our own understanding of esoteric/occult subjects and the Self, are there any reference materials you suggest as a starting point?

I am in agreement that the hidden or occulted information needs to be de-occulted. At the same time, I realize the better my own understanding, the better able I will be able to do that.

Awesome! Thanks for the compliment and I'm glad I am able to show you something new.

Let's see ,what else in can give you that maybe is new to you?...

I can give you a free reference right off the bat that can give you a lot of different types of ideas and understanding about the self. For me, the concepts discussed are very enlightening:

It is channeled material about the nature of reality. It's good for avoiding trauma when you widen your awareness as we shift paradigms.

And as far as intro to types of inversions and symbols in media, and just to get your mind in the habit of looking for them, I would watch all the vids by this youtuber

They are very well done. I don't agree with what he says on everything but he pushes the envelope and makes you think.

But those vids link to more vids on symbolism and the occult.


I finally had a moment to go check out the youtube link but for some reason it didn't seem to lead me to anyone's particular channel. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

Edit: I think I might have figured it out. Looks interesting!

Polarization nation media. Just in case ;)

I am naturally a teacher, not in an official capacity but in an esoteric capacity. I honestly value doing this. And it's my pleasure to assist any and all of you who are confused by the occult.

A study of tptb is a study of the occult. This knowledge is helpful not only to expose them, but to reclaim our natural magic devoid of the distortion.

I think of the flag/crest as the opposite problem of the podesta handkerchief. In the handkerchief situation we have pretty strong evidence that a physical item, a handkerchief according to the email itself, was actually found at a location podesta previously visited. We even have a description of it (black and white, pizza, map, etc) but we lack an image of the actual item to analyze with our eyes.

With the flag/crest, we have less evidence of its origin but have the benefit of analyzing it for ourselves. They might openly display this at rituals or other meetings their group might have. There could be an actual physical flag or it could be projected onto a wall, painted on a mural somewhere, printed on materials, etc.

I think it is good to remain skeptical in so far as we use our discernment while still allowing ourselves freedom to consider the possibilities presented by what is being uncovered. IIRC more than one person investigating the pizza place came across a highly secured part of the pizzerias website? That in and of itself seems suspicious to me and lends more credence (but obviously does not guarantee) that the flag is legit.

I'm not denying any of this whole conspiracy theory... I just need to see a few different people independently collaborating that this really cool looking flag actually originated from Podestas e-mails... or even a way to replicate the extraction myself... Cause otherwise I could just show you this picture I saw in Huma's inbox... it was super-cypto-hidden in a Panda Powerpoint slide show...

You just have to trust me though!

I understand what you are saying. It is important to verify the authenticity of the file. No doubt! Let's hope there is some overlap in this sub with the more tech savvy posters who would be able to help.

So what does it mean to become initiated? How does one do so?

It depends what you are being initiated into. In most of the societies there are degrees, or grades, of that order. And each level is an initiation to more keys that unlock more of the mystery.

In some respects it's like going to school. the more you learn, the more you know, the more you can do.

Good stuff

Thanks man.

Why not include the source link of the flag in your post? Uploading an image of it to Reddit instead is just... 'Unusual'.

There was a post about it here yesterday. Source is Chan dudes, so that's what I know on that end.

I can only assume Chan dudes didn't have enough of a grasp on this subject to create such an occult masterpiece as this. I can only tell you what it is.

I saw the other post you speak of, saw it just after i commented in this post.

You could also post this in r/occult btw.

Also the artifact anomaly in the top left of the flag may/could hint to something about the image's past or retrival. Also, is it meant to be hung with the pole on the right side? Is that what the indent on the right is indicating?

Heh, I'm fairly new to reddit and didn't even think of an occult sub. So yea, I'm going to put it there later.

Not sure about how it's hung. Have a feeling you won't see this hung anywhere. If you do, drop me a line, thanks.

Is there any book or wiki or something where a newbie could learn about occult symbolism?

You can read Crowley, not to believe but to understand.

A study of tptb is a study of the occult.

and this is why it's important for us to learn more of the occult, imo.

is The Rosicrucian Order similar/related to OTO?

Look at the center of Crowleys universal hexagram: (Notice I go back there a lot?)

Looks a little rosy in the center, no?

  • --Edit to recommend staring at that symbol for about thirty seconds. You will see why it's so central to sacred geometry in the occult.

These groups all work together. The flag is evidence of that as it's encoded with many societies.

The Jesuits, masons. Others still to be discovered like the Rosicrucians. Thanks. I don't want to spoon feed everything but help you also make more connections.

Edit, and the more we get out in this thread the better it will be for future reference.

see second row, includes bird at center, large cross bisecting the field, floating small cross:

edit: not really my find; someone else posted it either here or in pizzagate as a comment pointing to a similar flag, but I can't find that comment anymore

Yep, another one.


I'll give it a go... I'm not sure what autoadjust would do for the image though besides mess with contrast and white balance... what color should I be aiming for?


Not much happens in lightroom when I try it... Don't have Corel.


There is a little bit of magenta in the upper lefthand corner... But I don't see how any photo editor would just make the whole thing purple with the touch of a autocolor button... Seems like that would fuck up every landscape ever.


Yeah I could turn it a lot of different colors with filters or manually adjusting settings... but there wasn't anything auto setting that just turned the whole shebang purple... Though it does look really badassed in a vignetted high contrast black and white.

Looks like he got stage fright?

I assume it's really the complimetary color of green, red.

You mention that they have taken pure myth and distorted it. Can you elaborate on that a bit more, please?

Sure. All the symbolism being used by the occult has its roots in Myth.

At one time those myths held their own validity and expression about the natural elements expressed in a symbiotic relationship with man.

So, with the Myth of Anzu, what is being represented is not a God, but it's a Meme about themselves as being an equal part of nature. They are the from the sky, they are of the land. It's a simple meme connected them to nature. They made memes about hunting, fishing, star gazing, etc.

Over time, those symbols have been externalized, separated from man, and have become a representative of a nation. And a nation is a corporation. So the bird/eagle has become not about man, but about power and authority of corporate America and the secret societies that run it.

This is just a quick example, I have to go to work. But the idea is that our connection to nature, as being part of it, is pure myth. Thanks for the question if this wasn't specific enough let me know.

There is a striking similarity to the owl at Bohemian Grove.

I'm thinking more and more this is related to the Bohemian Club.


I saw the other post you speak of, saw it just after i commented in this post.

You could also post this in r/occult btw.

Also the artifact anomaly in the top left of the flag may/could hint to something about the image's past or retrival. Also, is it meant to be hung with the pole on the right side? Is that what the indent on the right is indicating?