Hillary Clinton Pedophile Sex Ring Continues to be Exposed by Insiders

3598  2016-11-16 by [deleted]



I don't believe this at all. I think the sources in the NYPD and FBI are probably reliable, but I think Comey is trying to squash this. He sends a letter to congress stating that the evidence uncovered by the NYPD is pertinent to the e-mail case. They seize all the evidence from the NYPD. Then, a week later, they say there's nothing incriminating in the e-mails. It seems like they basically took whatever evidence the NYPD had to sit on it.

I will eat a shoe if it turns out Comey is actually trying to make a case here. It seems to me that he's part of the cover up. I'm sure he and a lot of others inside law enforcement know just how far this scandal would go if it broke, and I'm almost certain he's trying to minimize the damage.

He is not part of the coverup... The "email server" was a smokescreen to publicly show the justice system wasn't playing nice. He wrapped up a perfect case in a bow and Lynch dismissed it... And the whole world saw that.

It seems like he dismissed all the stuff in the email server... but really what he said was "our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." Either referencing how it would be political/literal suicide at this point... or how the specifics of her handling the email server were so minor compared to what he was secretly working on that it would be silly to bother with... Like a parking ticket for a schoolyard shooter.

HRC's blackberry setup is chump change compared to the arms dealing and shady shit he heard from all the people that he gave immunity to.

I've spent hours poring over Comey's words and actions... and tthis guy is a straight shooter.


That is a really long statement but it is much more meaningful than any soundbite you hear on TV.

Except that mishandling of classified information, which the emails irrefutably are, would disqualify her from holding any federal office, which would be of utmost importance before the election.

I fully expected her to be replaced. Still can't believe she ran, and that so many millions of people either don't know or don't care that she is a criminal and warmonger.

Many of her supporters are still living in a bubble. I can't say that Donald Trump is in any sane way a good candidate for president, but, amazingly, he is the lesser of two evils. Hard for many people to wrap their heads around, but I think still worth getting the word out. If there is a prosecution, I want people to be ready for it. I can already predict the rhetoric from the other side, "This is just a witch-hunt!"

Clinton supporters: open your eyes. People have been telling you the Clintons are sociopaths for decades, and it wasn't just the "right wing loonies". Time to take off the blinkers.

It's not even their fault though. Every major news outlet besides fox has dismissed the emails entirely. People have been told for a year straight the emails are nothing, so of course they believe it. They feel that anyone trying to tell them otherwise is taking part in a republican smear job

I agree with you. And, since my political inclinations lean more democratic, I can understand where their inclination to be dismissive comes from. They are victims of deception. It remains frustrating nevertheless.

I am guilty of it too, and to be honest it really took me subscribing to the_donald throughout the election to see it. Granted, they are extremely biased as well, but once I began seeing how blatantly dishonest the major media outlets were being towards him, especially in regards to Wikileaks, I realized what what was going on.

I've red pilled a few friends with the Soros/Podesta emails from wikileaks , but it's extremely difficult to get people to see it on any large scale because the major media isn't confirming any of it and that's who they trust.

It is nearly impossible to get someone to support Trump once they have made up their mind... but it is really easy to make them downright disgusted at HRC and her cronies. Before the election I don't think I got anyone to vote Trump... but I got a lot to not vote for HRC... and thats all that was needed.

The media is realizing they need to straighten up... anti-Trump bias is sliding away... Hell... I know a few people that had never even heard Trump speak aside from the "grab the pussy" soundbytes... and they were blown away by his speech on election night because they hadn't been allowed to see him talk before...

Don't try to redpill anyone right off the bat... just let em know HRC was selling our weapons and secrets... and taking a lot of bribes. Thats all ya need to start opening eyes.

I never supported Hillary because I did always believe she was somewhat corrupt. Wikileaks opened my eyes to the extent of it, and the_donald showed me a side of trump I was oblivious to. I'm still not a big fan of Trump, but I'm willing to admit that I bought into the media's horrible portrayal of him.

I can't say that Donald Trump is in any sane way a good candidate for president, but, amazingly, he is the lesser of two evils

Sound slike you've still got some of that redpill to swallow.

I'm adopting the wait and see approach.

Can you explain what was bad about the email thing? Except that its she had a private server i think the whole world knows that.

She had classified information on her private email server. By law and for national security, such information should never leave secure areas much less be copied off of secured servers and onto a private server.

Is that all?

Hillary has also repeatedly lied about the emails to the investigation (perjury) and withheld incriminating emails despite a subpoena demanding she produce all of them.

People are in prison for much less than what Hillary did with her illegal private email server.

Just thought people are calling her out on something more serious, I thought this was it. They later confirmed that the emails didn't have anything crazy i them right?

Decide for yourself whether there's anything crazy in them.


Imagine what could happen if certain classified material got in the wrong hands. This info was on a LAPTOP, something that could easily be forgotten in a cab or coffee shop. Intent is irrelevant; look at how carelessness led to Huma, Weiner, and Clinton's maid all getting access to classified information.

She was said to have special access programs that list, for example, the locations of missile silos.

And the names of spies working undercover, which would mean their death if it got out.

It's been rumored that the stuff on Weiner's laptop would be enough for several nations to declare war on us, although the exact reasons were not stated. But use your imagination.

Idk the first investigation combined with his ties to HSBC kinda show otherwise

Read his statement on the first case from July 5th... the server is like stressing about a tail light being out when there is a pile of coke and a dead hooker in the trunk.

I don't doubt hes aware of that, I am saying they have dirt on him and connections between them. He might have compromised an investigation or two. Just a thought.

If Loretta Lynch can publically block the email investigation... and then roll over to the good guys team... a little past dirt isn't going to hurt. They are trying to usher in a new age where whistleblowing isn't stigmatized... what better way than to allow people to come clean and do the right thing... past minor indiscretions are forgiven for cooperation going forward.

They may be waiting for the next adminstration to get in who will not have a Clinton bias.

They are gonna do this when it is the right time... not when it is most entertaining for the home audience.

I get the same feeling when I am reading or listening to him. The big thing is in watching the hearing about the email server alone Comey does not get rattled. He has some pretty nasty shit hurled at him but he just takes it and stays calm. What he does do is provide more information and try to continue to explain his perspective. I admire that. It is actually signs of a great communicator.

I have my doubts about him given his past but people around him say he is a straight shooter. I think we wait and see what happens. I think it is also possible the evidence that was pulled from Weiner's computer may not have changed the email server investigation but instead be used for something much more serious.

I'd just like to say, your grammar, spelling and punctuation are exceptional.

I'll be the first to admit that my overuse of ellipses is totally bananas though... but I type like I talk and I talk like I think... so it all kinda flows pretty well for me.

Well it's very easy and pleasing to read!

Glad to hear it... this whole situation is very complex and it is difficult to get people to understand the true scope of what is happening. There are enough people out in the streets demanding "justice" or sitting at home cowering in fear... I just want people to know that everything is gonna be alright.

This! Yes, Comeys wording was specific and carefully chosen. I've felt this to be the case from the beginning. When the timing is right....

What's more likely to happen. A few people step up and try to take down one of the hugest and still, after losing the election, powerful political machines.

Or some hush money changes hands, a few people die unexpectedly and everything else is swept under the rug.

Come on guys. Only the lying, backstabbing, bribe taking, blackmailers make it to the upper echelons of government and politics. The honest or honorable are eaten way early in the line.

hugest and still, after losing the election, powerful political machines.

At this point, I would doubt that. Bill was impeached, Hillary has been defeated twice, Chelsea has no desire to run for office and, even if she did, she started investigating the Clinton machine herself. The Clinton dynasty is over. With the emails, the failed campaign, the impeachment, health issues, etc I don't think they can resurrect this.

So the Clinton's don't have hundreds of millions dollars, they don't know everyone's secrets, or have political allies stretching the entire planet. Hillary may not run again, but she still has political and financial debts to pay. You think the companies and lobbyist that spent millions are simply going to give up and stop pressuring her to do w/e it takes to get the legislation they want?

You must think being Impeached means something much worse than it is. Being impeached simply brings formal questioning, and if you'll remember Bill was acquitted by the senate. And even if he wasn't, who really gives a shit if he got a bj from some nobody.

Not over until they are in jail and stop fucking kids.

You are talking as if noone's powerful if they are not the president. You have completely and utterly gave in to the show pony that is the president.

There is a whole slew of people that are absolutely as or more powerful and most people don't even know their name.

Comedy's stance on encryption alone should give people doubt any positive role in this because it demonstrates a preference to allow ordinary people to become vulnerable in service of the powerful.


Comey stuck his neck out and went balls to the walls in order to block NSA from further expanding their internet surveillance of innocent citizens and keep government from wiretapping without a warrant.

Regardless of what he's done, his stance on encryption is wrong to the point of irony. It would enable the NSA and other foreign governments to compromise the privacy and security of millions of users.

You can have the greatest of intentions, but still cause the ruin of humanity.

"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

Maybe it was actually people like Hillary he was protecting...? Keep the NSA out of their business? Just throwing it out there.

It boils down to the fact that if Comey was corrupt... none of us would have ever heard about any of this.


A real small shoe.

Spot on

I would totally remind me bot on ur shoe comment but theres no way that corrupt Clinton cronie is taking anyone down.

I think you are underestimating the power of the POTUS and the Clinton Foundation.

Comey is probably a good guy that wants to do his job as well as he can and suddenly, your superiors, HRC and Obama, are the most evil people on earth. What do you do?

He did what was needed to be done - he created enough attention so she couldn't win the election without spilling what is potentially very damaging information. Fuck, I know that so many people would go berzerk if they knew what these people have done.

His strategy is this: Act like you are still subordinated to the POTUS (Obama). You sign that document freeing HRC from charges, but you make damn sure that the damage has been done. The beast is bleeding. You know that Trump will come and most probably, drain the fucking swap.

After Trump is president, and there is an uncorrupted system of justice and prosecuters... then, you start investigating again. And then, you put HRC behind bars.

It's a game of chess. This is not bowling.

Do you think that the NYPD didn't keep copies of the documents? The threat that if the FBI didn't do the investigation, they may go public. So, what is going on? NYPD does not deal with DiBlasio!

A story. With unnamed sources. And conforms to exactly what many here want to believe. Can you say Honeypot? To out those most vocal and likely most threatening or dangerous?

Was checking if someone said it already. Unnamed sources, anonymous sources, our unnamed anonymous source on the inside... Sure. You can basically write whatever the hell you like and attribute it to an anonymous source. This is the ramblings of a nut.

That's exactly what NYT did when they tried to blame Russia for the DNC leak. Anyone with half a brain knew them and their "unnamed sources" are a load of fucking shit and will always be

There are sources outside of the NYT that clearly show a connection between the Russians and the DNC hack. Have you investigated their evidence? There is a lot.

Except the US intelligence community also believes this. Plus the New York Times is a reputable source, is this poster saying that unnamed sources told people on 4chan? What a fucking joke

That's just an appeal to authority and NYT is not reputable at all. They were proven to be taking talking points directly from Clintons campaign and the DNC. Who's to say they won't take talking points from elsewhere?

Inb4 NYT is part of MSM conspiracy

thats what newspapers do!

so and so must stay anonymous because they aren't authorized to speak

It's true. When I worked for a newspaper, we were not allowed anonymous sources by our editors unless the consequences of retaliation were extreme. In my 3 years there, I only cited an anonymous source once. It was when we were looking into the board of trustees for a local university. They were alleged to be manipulating the student government, and other unsavory things with funding, tuition hikes, etc.

The headline for the story read: Student Government: We are their puppets

Keep in mind, this was 13 years ago.

If you're not authorised to speak then you should shut the fuck up. Either that or have the courage of your convictions and come forward and speak regardless if you feel there is a great injustice happening.

If you need it explained why this is preposterous to the point that this kind of journalism might as well be considered fiction in the literal sense have a look at this.


Edit. Changed to mobile link.

And this is on the front page...how?

What do you mean by Honeypot?

A honeypot attracts attention. Say, hacker intrusion attempts, and records them. Often for prosecutions. It's like entrapment. So, in this case, I'd argue the publicity around government run satanic pedophilia rings is primarily to attract anti-government activists and record who they are. Those most active might find themselves tricked into downloading child pornography. In which case, they either get busted or compromised.

Which doesn't argue that intelligence agencies wouldn't use child prostitution to compromise powerful executives or elected officials. Because they also do that. Only that these citizen investigated satanic pedophilia scandals are likely promoted by law enforcement and the intelligence agencies too. Because COINTELPRO.

Thank you!


Edit: a sting operation.

You realize lmgtfy links were only clever 3-4 years ago right?

And yet the concept of googling it yourself first has yet to sink in?

idc bro. I suggest you do the same

Unfortunately Hillary's word isn't exactly great right now in lieu of all the DNC rigging she failed to blow the whistle on.

Yeah. OK. So? How does that statement bolster support for the commentary submitted by the OP?

Oh i mustard* of misunderstood. I thought that you were a Hillary supporter

must have*

Fixed it

I call 1000% bullshit on all of this, the FBI was going to let Clinton win the presidency last week saying and I quote "The new emails do not change our former conclusions" LAST WEEK they were willing to let Clinton win. Hmm, guess those FBI agents and NYPD that "have the emails and threatened to release them" ain't that mad at comey for giving her a second free pass last week. Couple this with the facts there is no HARD EVIDENCE ANYWHERE of any of these allegations other then strange sounding emails, shows this isnt going to happen.

This is fantasy fiction.

of the weirdest kind.

What? I mean...

There is a little circle going on... NYPD -> FBI -> Trump -> Rudy Giuliani -> NYPD

Everyone just needs to wipe the memory of the e-mail server from their minds to really understand this... Even though the TV said it was super important... it really wasn't.

Like, with a cloth?

If she didn't even have any other flaws, that statement alone lost my vote.

Like, with a cloth?


I see it as this: they were going to let her win because they were sure she would win anyway, and if they did try anything, she would have their heads. Now that she lost, all bets are off. She can't do shit to them.


Is there any HARD FACTUAL evidence they are even looking into or investigating the Clinton foundation? Also clear evidence in those emails of inciting Trump riots and blocking Bernie Sanders nomination isn't already illegal things she should be charged with?


So not 1 notable trustworthy person has even said anything about the Clinton foundation being investigated or even looked into by the FBI or anyone other than 4chan. Correct? Proves my point this is not gonna happen, despite many of us wanting it to happen.

Erik Prince, ex-navy seal and CEO of Blackwater, the largest mercenary army in the world said he had first-hand knowledge of the Clinton Underage sex ring when interviewed on Breitbart radio. The episode is on soundcloud.

Was he a customer?

What's the point of your comment? How the fuck would I know? I know what I heard him say, and what he said was he has knowledge of underage sex trafficking, pay to play and money laundering by the CF.

Relax - can't ask a question??

Point is trying to figure out how he knows. Just being an exec of a large company doesn't make his word more trustable - if anything less.

He's a major political player as well.

A large company of professional mercenaries

Relax - can't ask a question??

Not a pointless and stupid one?

He said he has contacts in the FBI and NYPD, which makes sense because he has had tens of thousands of ex-military employees. He's one of the most powerful people in the military-industrial complex, his word means quite a bit.

The FBI doesn't comment on shit like that ahead of time... but Comey has said...

I want to start by thanking the FBI employees who did remarkable work in this case. Once you have a better sense of how much we have done, you will understand why I am so grateful and proud of their efforts.

I know there were many opinions expressed by people who were not part of the investigation—including people in government—but none of that mattered to us. Opinions are irrelevant, and they were all uninformed by insight into our investigation, because we did the investigation the right way. Only facts matter, and the FBI found them here in an entirely apolitical and professional way. I couldn’t be prouder to be part of this organization.

That is legalize for "Ohhhhh just you guys wait and see what we've been up to."

Really? Sounds like this is English for "we did an investigation and I'm proud of my team."

If someone was crooked how ballsy would it be to add those kinds of righteous comments in when you didn't have to? Especially when you didn't even have to release a statement at all. How ballsy would it be to have Lynch give out over 400 awards to members of the Child Exploitation Task Force after the election if she was still corrupt and helping hide kiddy porn? He gave at least 5 people immunity... and I bet they sung like little birdies about everything.

I'm saying there is NOONE other than 4chan even bringing up possible wrongdoings of the Clinton foundation, no past insider, govt official, intern, FBI agent, ANYONE with ANY credibility is saying anything about the Clinton foundation. So why do people think they are being investigated? Because they should be? That does not mean they actually are being looked into.

For what it's worth, I've heard Bill O'Reilly on Fox News mention numerous times that the foundation is still under investigation. I don't think he would say that for multiple days if he didn't have a reputable source telling him that

Thats cause 99% of the people were only interested in the election ramifications... and now is the time to either gloat or riot in the streets for them. Dinesh D'Souza has been pretty vocal about the Clintons and how terrible they are... and how impossible they would be to take down... and even he is dancing on their graves now.

I sure hope you're right.

Or maybe it's just English for "please believe this investigation is legit" and it was just all bullshit.

To play devil's advocate, this is also perfect evidence there is an investigation. Why would the gov't show their hand in order to let Obama pardon her last minute?

You realize this is /r/conspiracy, right?

Asking for hard evidence lmao

The FBI knew the riots were coming... from a long ways off... they had someone on the inside or were monitoring the foundations e-mails.


They tweeted out that info on Oct 30th... showing they knew those riots were orchestrated... the same day they they tweeted reports on the threats of facebook and social media... and all the declassified info on both Bill and Hillary investigations.

That link only shows their response to the riots, BLM riots anyways which I wasn't talking about, also doesn't say in it the FBI knew beforehand those riots would turn violent. I'm speaking about Clinton paying $1.5k and a new phone to protestors to infiltrate and disrupt Trump rallies and what not.

You never hear on the news "This just in: The local sheriff has some good leads on the coke dealers hiding out on Franklin Ave. he says they expect to arrest them in the next couple of weeks."

Extrapolate that to a larger scale and you will realize that why the whole world is in the dark and scratching their heads... Discretion is key... especially when dealing with people that will literally kill your family.

There's also the possibility that they're waiting for Obama to leave office before pushing any case forward.

I'm not 100% on this, but from what I've heard the president can pardon someone for crimes even before charges are made, but that doesn't prevent future charges.

To me this means they could be waiting to file charges against her until someone who won't pardon those charges takes office. If they file charges too early and they get insta-pardoned then it's game over.

I could be completely misinformed though.

Lol "letting Clinton win". If they wanted to do that I think they probably would have kept the whole email thing a bit quieter, don't you think?

You're assuming elections aren't rigged. But people have claimed under oath that elections are rigged. If you accept that, then you may see that the moment the FBI said "Hillary's good" was the moment they made their final choice for the next POTUS based on the new emails (from Weiner's computer) incriminating her beyond help. And they chose her opponent as the lesser evil (they probably have some dirt on Trump to control him, but it probably isn't as bad as Hillary's; she is after all a security liability for the USA as proven by her illegal use of a private server to send classified info). They had no reason to create a scandal right before the election when they can just wait until January 21st to proceed with the investigations and public announcements.

Did you actually read his previous statement? It is really long so I doubt you did... cause if you read his statement from July 5th you could see he's just smokescreening everyone while they work on the real case.

Fo rel doe. Wtf is this shit? I believe all this pedo satanic shit, but no one major is going down for it

This fits almost perfectly with what I have thought is going on... Only I think Lynch has rolled over to Comey's side in return for immunity. The writing has been on the wall for a long time if you just follow all the various .gov press releases and three letter twitter accounts.

Comey has much more than 40 on his side... They have whole new FBI buildings populated with "Untouchables"... I've been calling them white knights. The Clinton email server was a way to stress test the justice system and flush out the corrupt... a smokescreen to keep the foundation off balance while he analysed her playbook to cockblock every move they had planned... and I think they had a lot of nasty contingency plans.

I'd also toss in the mix that Weiner might have had CP taken from facebook via the NSA... or evidence photos of sexual abuse/CP from federal court cases.

Comey is going to finish the work of Ted Gunderson... The swamp was being drained long before Trump... they just had to do it by the book... and from the top down and the bottom up simultenously.

"“I hope some day when this political craziness is over you will look back again on this, because this is the FBI you know and love. This was done by pros in the right way." - James Comey's humblebrag about stopping WWIII and ushering in a new age of peace and prosperity worldwide.... except maybe China.

Thank you for turning me onto Ted Gunderson. All this is new to me. Crazy how he outlined everything that is coming to light. Shame he can't see the conclusion of this.

If you didn't believe any of these conspiracy theories before... the honesty, conviction and rational anger that Gunderson brings to his lectures can tip you over to the other side. The names and codewords have all changed... but the game has stayed the same.

The good men of the FBI that stood for truth and justice must have been sickened hear this and have their hands tied... unable to act. It would take an operation of the grandest scale to end this corruption... and I'd assume they have been working for a very long time to end it... the evil is vastly outnumbered and their confidence has turned to complacency. Comey is the frontman for destroying the whole evil empire.

Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"

Or, Satanic paedophiles are the fevered fantasies of some religious folks with some overactive imaginations? America has seen the Satanic Panic a few times over the course of the 20th century, the overwhelming majority of which was made up.

The problem with a repressive culture shot through with paranoia is that this stuff tends to float up fairly often and I'm sorry to say it's often bullshit.

"Satanic Panic" - In sociology, a phenomenon characterized by widespread fear about the presence of Satanic ritual abuse in one's community, state or country.

Sounds like the internet is in the middle of one of those panics right now... and I haven't heard a single person say that God will take care of this... these aren't religious folks... these are internet nerds.

Well, some of us are both. But your point is spot on: you don't have to be religious to recognize this filth.

Also the scientific bent most autists have comes in handy on these things.

I've never considered myself religious... 3 months ago I would have laughed at the thought... I'm the kinda guy that got ironically ordained a minister... but now because of wikileaks I'm starting to think being agnostic is just a fuckin' cop-out... a lack of any kind of faith.

Yep. It has had that effect on quite a few people. If evil, full-tilt evil exists, then its opposite -- good, God ---exists. Also, otherwise how would we be able to recognize 'evil'? Will say a prayer for you for discernment if that's alright.

Once I realized that there really were bad people out there that did horrific things... not out of greed... not for power... not because of politics... not because of mental issues... but just because they enjoyed seeing as many people possible suffer as much as possible... I figured it out all on my own. That is just plain ol' evil... No one could ever talk me into believing... this was a journey I needed to make on my own. I'm still confused about the specifics of religion since there are so many of them... but I think they all agree on the same general tenets.

If there are any questions I can help with feel free to pm me. I am a Christian. So all my info. gets filtered through that. Other than that, I do have basic understanding of the major religions.


here Jenny (whos posted on pizzagate sub) mentions that Ted is in on it? i have done minimal research on this just thought id bring it up. planning on watching that video tomorrow

RemindMe! 9 hours

How many satanic pedophiles did Ted Gunderson lock up during his career as the top “expert” in the FBI?


They use that as evidence that he was in on it... He wasn't even aware of the satanism until his time in the FBI was over and he was investigating The Finders as a PI.

By that logic I am also a Satanist because I have never arrested one.

I know. That reads like disinfo.

More like misinfo... No one that believed in pizzagate would try to throw Gunderson under a bus unless they just haven't listened to him. I don't think it was purposeful.

but doesnt that just make him a shitty FBI agent?

again, v.little knowledge on this guy or his investigations etc but if he really is credible im happy to give him a listen. just wary of disinfo

but quick google does show he "exposed illuminati" and then "was murdered" guess thats good enough to give him a chance

Can you name any FBI agent that has ever arrested a gang of Satanists? The system is set up so that can't happen... if you want to give him a listen the video I threw up is pretty good... and the guy's catchphrase is "This all documented!" so you can check his references.

fair enough.

yes ill def listen to the 1h+ vid today at work.

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Remind me in 12 hours that my wife is a bitch.


It's been three hours. Your wife still sucks

Hey man.

What's up?

Just providing a 12 hour reminder. :) Happened by the thread.

Thanks but she reminded me first... Lol

Oh no! :D

Huge video. Very helpful, thanks for sharing!

Yeah... it's really spooky video... especially when you connect the dots... if you believe in pizzagate, then you should also belive that 9/11 was an inside job.

9/11 was 100% an inside job. Waaaaaaay to much evidence.

I've always been skeptical, but laughed off the inside job stuff... now I'm have to accept that it most likely was on purpose... especially when I arrived at that conclusion after coming at it from like 5 different directions... Hell... I even ran into 9/11 twice just from pizzagate alone.

Buckle up. We're all going down the rabbit hole together at lightening speed.

I'm so far down this rabbit hole that it is easier to figure out which conspiracy theories aren't true... so far... ummm Loch Ness... and maybe Bigfoot.

Idk Nessie seems to be pretty much disproven at this point. If nothing else, she's dead. There are not many large creatures with such small habitats that survive 1500 years. Not saying it's impossible, just improbable. Very little evidence, very few photos, almost no videos, most have been debunked.

"Bigfoot" on the other hand has been photographed/videotaped many times, in many different geographic areas. He's much smaller, so able to subsist on a much more limited diet in his local area. I'm more keen to believe in a smallish apelike creature that has been able to survive for many many years in relative isolation. After all, there are around 100 uncontacted tribes of humans around the world (that we know about, and most only recently). It's gonna be a lot harder to hide a tribe of a couple hundred people than it is an almost-extinct animal population. Didn't we recently find a dog breed that was thought to be extinct in Australia?

Do Bigfoots bury their dead?

Nope. They're a cannibalistic culture, and have special enzymes to dissolve bone as well as other parts.

Good post. However, he was not head of the FBI, but the LA FBI office or something.

Yeah... I didn't name the YouTube video... But he was a head... and not the head... I dunno if there is a real head of FBI... I think they call that position "Director".

Isn't Brennan the current head of the whole FBI still? I don't recall Commey's position.


I don't think "head" is an official term... just like "security inquiry" isn't.


You're thinking of Mark Phillips, a civilian mind control expert who saved Cathy O'Brien. Although his fight and area of research is the same as that of Ted Gunderson's, the late FBI researcher of mind control crimes.


Yeah... it literally gave me goosebumps... I had trusted him like 90% until I saw that... then it jumped up to 99%... not 100% cause the only person I trust unquestioningly is my wife. The dude even spells out the word S-H-I-T when in the presence of ladies. He's goddamned Harvey Dent... gonna RICO all of Gotham.

Yeah, goosebumps for me too. Here's the clip in case anyone is wondering: https://youtu.be/oWrAhjgedVs?t=11m26s

Thanks for the link

I hadn't seen this, very convincing stuff, especially as Comey has not registered as a proficient "actor" in my mind.

I am totally erect...

For /r/justiceporn... GET READY FOR THE MOTHER LOAD


Can you source the quote at the bottom of your post from Comey? What was the context in which he said that? What did he do to stop WW3? Or is that like a future predicted quote he may say in regards to these investigations?


The context was during testimony Trey Gowdy expressed that he felt Comey was fucking up and dishonoring the FBI. Comey busted out that line...

The WWIII implications are my own theory based on overwhelming amounts of information... I think these riots in the streets were just one tiny part of a huge plan to destabilize the US and force us into nuclear war with Russia... and Comey and his homies have thus far averted the largest parts of the pre-planned disasters. He just has to play his cards very very very very closely to his chest until everything is on lockdown.

i am mostly on the same track with you. yet i just can't buy that Comey is somehow on "our" side, or on the constitutions side instead of TPTB. there hasn't been a single action taken (in the public view) that anything is being done about any of this.

my concern boils down to "this was done by pros, in the right way", which could mean that they're just scrubbing and vacuuming ALL OF IT and writing history as it fits them. or are they actually working 25/7 on catching this whole pedo/occult scheme, cause it sure as fuck goes up to rotschilds/rockerellers/whoeverellers who own the banks. or are they working their asses off to pin this shit on minimal number of people (HRC huma wiener would be my go-to scapegoats).

am confuse

Everyone is focused on the email server... And thats the way the FBI needed it. They don't announce that they are in the middle of an ongoing investigation. Nobody does that... Not even police... no one knows what is going on until charges are ready to be filed. Why would Comey send a letter to Congress about DOJ cockblocking his report if he was one of the bad guys?

This won't bring down the rich elites... but it will throw a wrench in their works. Human lives are just pawns in a sick game to those people... but they there is an honor amongst thieves and they play by the rules. They don't do things illegally... just immorally.

Though this is still pretty funny...

yeah sure i get that of course they won't be disclosing anything in the middle of the investigation. he had to send the letter to cool down the uproar inside the FBI. well, some agents were found suicided fairly soon after that letter, which again raises the sceptic in me to think that the letter to congress was a trick to buy time to get rid and clean up any about-to-go-rogue agents.

some agents were found suicided fairly soon after that letter

I missed this one, and my google skills are failing me. Got a link?

am at work atm, i'll look for it in about 10 hours :--)

RemindMe! in 10 hours

http://www.morningnewsusa.com/fbi-agent-michael-brown-and-wife-dead-hillary-clinton-cleared-of-all-charges-23119767.html heres to get started, this might have been a bullshit story after all tho, can't and dont have time to dig more right now. also https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/1288

Never in the history of the US has a letter been used to silence FBI agents complaining about rampant corruption... I'm pretty sure they usually use a couple of bullets if someone gets too vocal.

If you doubt the authenticity of Comey then you haven't spent much time listening to him speak... He is an accomplished lawyer and agent... He's doing this on the level. It is all the in the press releases... he's working closely with trusted Attorneys to bring it all down.

is he actually an agent? i remember hearing that he is pretty much a lawyer only. which further sinks the trustlevels.

Lawyers get a bad rap... cause some use their skills to get bad people off the hook... but I'd like to think the majority of them got into the line of work because they respect justice and upholding the law. Every profession is sick of a few bad apples giving them all a bad name.

OMG. This whole 'Comey's a good guy' is such BS! Look at the freaking history of Comey for G-d's sake! Going back to the Clinton presidencey, Comey absolved Clinton of any wrongdoing during his admin. Forget which scandal it was (there were so many), but he's a sold bill of goods people. Stop this disinfo crap.

Heck, Comey's brother works for the freaking Clinton Foundation (do a web search as this info has been out there for months. At work so can't do this).

While there are definitely good FBI agents, that agency has been proven corrupt ever since J Edgar Hoover took over (um, the beginning!). Read a few of the unauthorized bios of Hoover, that cross-dressing, mob purchased, homosexual, if you have any doubts.

you're telling me cicada 3301 was a anti psy op whistle blower initiation?

yeah. gonna need some sauce on that.

Also, do we know its a pentagon initiation? I was under the assumption that it was an independant organization with ties to the government, sorta like the Masons, but less culty and more vendetta-y

Yea I'm calling bullshit as well as the cicada link you sent is not the real cicada but rather fan made

If this was actually true this would be the biggest story in modern history.

It probably is the biggest story in modern history. Probably.

I'm so pessimistic that I'd wager this is the vanilla stuff.

Hold your breath for 911 stuff when it is released.


If you were digging into pizzagate youd be using throwaways too


Rule 1. No bigoted slurs. Removed. 1st warning.


only a slur if you make it so.

i can call myself whatever i want. dont assume my sexuality.


How the hell do you get that from my post. I was supporting your post I guess you misread my intended context. I want nothing more in the world than for this shit to be exposed. I've done nothing for 2 weeks but tell people about this.

Don't try to defend Hilary on this sub. If you don't believe Hilary is the devil, kills babies and drinks their blood for sustenance you won't fit in with the loonies here. Like the guy you're fighting with

/u/MirrorMirrorRTJ isn't disagreeing with OP's post or supporting Clinton. You both have very poor reading comprehension.

How dare you call /u/Googs22's mother a whore?!


I meant the part about the group of people preparing to take them down, not about the allegations. I equally expect every effort made to bury this.

Mate I think he/she means 'if it was PROVEN to be true'....they're in support of you, you just read and interpreted it incorrectly

I liked the part when you cited all those sources for these extremely bold claims.

Reading comprehension is not one of your strong suits... just wait for Pepe to explain it to you in a meme.

feels good man



Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.



Rule 10. Removed.

I don't think the original comment,

If this was actually true this would be the biggest story in modern history.

was meant to infer incredulity or scepticism. I think it was more of a general observation of the gravity of things. I think we're all in the same boat here; we want the corruption to end, or at the least we want to know the truth of all these events.

May we all remain vigilant in our quests for truths.

914 upvotes... jesus christ people. An FBI insider who leaked the info on 4chan... right.

Seriously. This whole thing boils down to taking "an insider" and fucking anons word for it.

google FBI anon and be ready to explain away some big "coincidences" if you want to discredit the idea of insiders posting to 4chan.

then check out /r/pizzagate and tell me if there's no other evidence for the pedophile ring.

I'm not saying there's no evidence of anything. I'm just saying that I would need a near impossible amount of evidence to even begin to believe that anon is a high level fbi analyst. Have you considered the idea that this dude trolled you? Cause it seems like you got trolled.

Again, you have looked at nothing and act like you are more enlightened than anyone.

If he was trolling, he was correct enough to the point that it's eerie.

Ive looked at enough to conclude you all are grabbing at straws. Post the most compelling proof you have of their being an organized pedophile ring in the government and I guarantee theres more than just a couple ways to disprove it.


I have also arrived at this conclusion independent of FBI anon... except for the Cicada part.

No. This whole thing boils down to using reason and evidence to come to the most likely conclusion. Scientists do this all the time. In scientific method, you examine the data, develop a hypothesis which you think will make sense of the data, and then test the data to see if that hypothesis works. If it doesn't, you discard hypo., and start again. Some anons are doing great work here of bringing data to the fore and finding plausible hypotheses.

That as a far-fetched as 4chan memeing a guy into the white...house...

Is there any hard evidence yet? All I have seen is very loosely related emails relating to pizza so far. I have yet to see anything that could be considered 'hard evidence' (or even 'soft evidence' for that matter). I am not a shill - I am genuinely interested.


Cathy O'Brien, the person who says that George Bush (senior) used holograms to depict himself shapeshifting from his human form into a lizard person?

Like, she repeatedly puts herself at the centre of highly secretive mind control conspiracies in which she happens to meet various world leaders. That right there is a classic sign of a schizophrenic.

Real reliable testimony there.

...and before you ask, yes, I'm paid $10,000% per week by CTR

I don't care one way or the other, but at least post some kind of source to back up your claim. Most people don't know who this person is, and you making baseless claims isn't really helping anyone.

On her meeting with George Bush and his mind controlling lizard people hologram, from her book "Trance Formation of America"... (search for "hologram"):


Read the whole book if you want to read her totally plausible story in which she seems to meet pretty much every major American politician from the Reagan era (including Reagan himself) while they perform various totally plausible methods of mind control on her, including Bush's Holo-Lizardogram™, you know, because... reasons.

Cool beans. I'm largely indifferent, just wanted to see if there was a source to go along with that. Thanks for taking the time.


Come on now... Thats just lame...

Have you actually read her book "Trance Formations of America"?

edit: I'll take that as a no then.


And she actually has a carving on her vagina like she says in the last passage, it's in a video on YouTube, she goes to a gynaecologist to prove it I guess, 0_0

Nothing. There are emails about receiving pasta and sauce as a holiday gift despite a prior tradition otherwise. And you will see it posted as OMG SMOKING GUN!!!! If you question these wild claims or suggest this doesn't really evince anything, you will be called a shill and banned.

Absolutely not true. One email mentions Obama "flying in pizza" when no outside food is permitted to the White House. Then there's the one about the handkerchief, which you should google handkerchief code. It is obviously code for something.

Here's what I don't get: cheese pizza has been slang for child porn for years online. Are we really assuming that these rich and powerful people are using code words that have been known for this long? That's a giant leap, considering they'd have to expect some of this to somehow leak.

I'm 99% sure the Clinton people have no idea that "cheese pizza" is even a thing. Most of them are in their 50s to 70s, if they had a sex ring going it would predate the 2000s, they wouldn't use shitty backronyms that got popularised ten-ish years ago on 4chan.

This is all bullshit, but at this point the autists are too deeply invested in their alternative reality to realise.

I have honestly wondered whether CTR has been repurposed to push the "pizza gate" thing to get the alt-right onboard to discredit and embarrass it.

Eh, it doesn't need an organisation to push something like that. It's appealing and plays into people's fears enough to be believable - especially since there have been rumours about this for decades and legitimate unrelated sex ring conspiracies uncovered in the past.

But as long as there's no hard evidence, only arbitrarily assigned code words and anonymous quotes, this theory isn't going anywhere.

It's interesting to be a first-hand witness to the conception of a conspiracy theory though.


Gunderson said they had different codes... The were called "toys" which I've seen used on some of the pizza sites too...

I was more freaked out by the handkerchief email than the pizza related stuff, but look I thought the same as you when I first researched this stuff. But the more that has come out has made me see this is obviously code talk for something. Child sex abuse? Who knows, maybe it's prostitutes or something less nefarious. But where it's lead so far, even with the minimal evidence that's been produced... it's all very disturbing and warrants a proper investigation by authorities, which sadly will not happen, at least under the current administration.

He's flying in pizza? The President who is from Chicago is flying in pizza for lunch? I would like to see information on your claim that the President isn't allowed to order in outside food.

Seriously. He's from Chicago and is flying in pizza and hot dogs. And there's a no outside food policy but he's .... the fucking president. Or maybe it was for everyone but him. Or off grounds. Or whatever other minor factor needed to make it ok. I just don't see it.

Pretty sure the "no outside food" policy is for tourists visiting the White House. You can't bring food into the Smithsonian either but I'm sure the workers there still bring their damn lunches in.

As someone who is born and raised as a Chicagoan I will say that you get the craving for some Chicago deep dish or a Chicago dog BAD and nothing will stop it until you get that authentic Chicago dish.


Yup and it takes several days for them to ship it to you. I believe what Obama was talking about was chartering a private flight to deliver pizza and hot dogs to him. That would explain the hefty price tag ( I think it was like $60k ) more than 'PEDO SEX RING!!'

The thing is, the public, even us, likely won't see any hard evidence unless there is a leak or someone fucked up bigly. I put my faith into the FBI and the triple letter folks, that they have much more solid evidence than we do. I mean, look at it like this. Think of how much access the FBI has, all the info they've gathered. What we've found is PUBLIC, imagine what is private.

I feel like if this is happening, the NSA has to already know, and the FBI will be covering up, not bringing it to light.

These are all government people, they know roughly what the NSA is capable of, at the very least reading all of their email and text messages. There isn't going to be any explicit language smoking gun. They need witnesses to turn, so it will be a slower process of getting people on other charges, such as perjury from new info in these emails. They appear to be using code words in some of the emails rather comfortably

Check out the sub.

Much as I believe all of this to be true, I have absolutely zero faith that it will ever come to public awareness in any meaningful way. It's not just hillary and a few washington elites in the US - this involves political elites and the ultra wealthy from every major nation on the globe. The group of offenders involved here has a history that goes back centuries. And Hillary (while not by any means at the top of the food chain) is high up enough that to prosecute her publicly would innevitably result in the implication of the people who in reality run the world. It would unravel the facade that the public takes for granted as the world-as-they-know-it (I.e., the narrative that representative democracies actually exist, that world leaders have the public's interest at heart, that the monetary system has legitimacy, that capitalism is a valid mode of civilization, etc). The elites behind the child trafficking and other crimes against humanity are the same who have spent centuries crafting the exploitative state of existence that we call the world as we know it. They will never allow this to come out.

Which sucks pretty hardcore. I would personally rather the world end than continue as it is. But I'm not in charge.

Much as I believe all of this to be true, I have absolutely zero faith that it will ever come to public awareness in any meaningful way.

Why not? The BBC 60 Minutes program aired on national television, and talked about pedophilia rings in the highest levels of government


Check it out. Would like to see something like this in the USA

Yeah, that's just far too pessimistic for me. Most people in the world are decent. That kind of defeatist death worship shit isn't helpful. I don't know if it'll be exposed, or what the Feds have and don't, but I hope for the best, especially with a new DOJ coming in.

I think the satanist stuff will be swept under the rug... it's not illegal to be a satanist. Anyone high enough up in the chain will go to prison for life based on various other charges... minimizing the pedophilia unless it is the only charge they have on someone.

Most likely this....unfortunately.

You people are crazy.

In a world of lies, truth tellers sound crazy.

Yeah but there's still crazies.

Nope, you're still crazy.

This "people who know the truth are seen as crazy" thing is fucking hilarious.


No way. Hillary molested me when I was 14 years old. I didn't say anything till now because I sort of really liked it. She was only in her 40's then and still pretty sexy in a nerdy sort of way. It was around the time of the 'stand by my man' video. Go watch it and tell me she wasn't sort of sexy. She was. You would have done it (and liked it, a lot) too so don't judge me. Bill was supposed to watch us (that was his thing, I guess) but she told me he had literally eaten 2 buckets of KFC earlier and was sleeping it off. Technically the timeline doesn't really make any sense but I'm pretty sure Chelsea is my daughter. She's doing so good. I'm proud of her big time.

You are my kind of donkey.


I don't even know what "shill" means anymore. It's just a word shouted at dissenting opinions, now.

Are you implying this sub had been taken over by a certain group of narrow minded individuals? The ones that call thier leader God emperor flaming toupee?

Are you implying this sub had been taken over by a certain group of narrow minded individuals? The ones that call thier leader God emperor flaming toupee?

The following information comes straight from an FBI Anonymous source, who is the senior analyst who posted on 4chan in early July of this year.

Trolled so hard.

Not sure how legit this info is


This is comedy gold.

This thread is a mixture of trolls, satirists and probably some really weird believers (and nobody should be tele-diagnosed).

It's all over twitter:


and I hear it's on Turkish TV. Just keeps growing and growing.


Well... all the innocent ones are gonna have a much bigger slice of the pie once the pedo places are gone...

its blowing up and the turks are crazy interested since they have experience with weird cults.

Not /r/BidenBro !!!

Yeah, we all know FBI agents leak their information through 4chan. Wtf? You're insane.

You mean to tell me if you had life-changing information, you wouldnt post it on an anime board/meme machine? I suppose youd do something crazy like contact journalists.

I stopped at 'who posted on 4chan.' To people who believe this: what is your skepticism and discernment telling you?

There was indirect verification, though kinda weird.

I'm not a 4chan frequenter, but checked out the "FBIAnon" summaries from there. Apparently, on 4chan there was a weird theory about how Trump inherited time travel technology from his uncle who had some of Tesla's notebooks. I won't legitimate the theory, but the starting point, that his uncle had Tesla's notebook, is actually . . . true.

The verification came when the weird tweets came out of the FBI Records Twitter account. They released the FBI records for Trump . . . . and Tesla. As I said, it's indirect, but that's a strong hint for those who know to see it.


He wants to go back to his people on mars and I have undeniable proof.

Elon spelled backward is Nole, Nole stands for North Pole. At the North Pole Santa and Obama are both building rockets to bomb Jupiter (home of the original Chinese). After they bomb jupiter, Elon will contact the martians to come pick him under. After that Elon, Santa, Obama, And Jesus Christ stop at one of the famous intergalactic pizza shops. Of course it was all a front to harbor alien sex-slaves. Obama eventually falls in love with one of the brothel workers and they decide to get married and have a kid. (This is where it gets a little wacky, but just hold on till the end). That kid was none other than Tesla himself. With the time-traveling technology left behind by the Tesla in the past, the future tesla is able to go back in time to create his inventions on Earth. There he invents the Trumpinator, an evil businessman tasked with dominating the globe. After he completes that, he will switch the the 5th realm where he and his daughter arent related and they end up fucking all night long. Turns out, his daughter ends up giving birth to Chelsea Clinton, who, using Teslas time traveling device, goes back in time to fuck her grandpa. You see Chelsea Clinton is Hillary Clintons mother but because shes a product of the 5th realm she doesnt age as fast as us. With my estimations she is over 1.6 quadrillion years old. The Clintons were created by Nikola Tesla to take over the world.

Hope you understand the full weight of our situation. This planet is in dire need of intervention from the Plutonians (only group not enslaved in our galaxy by the lizard people). Here are my sources.


Wasnt meaning to come off as making fun of you. Just the current state of the sub. Theres nothing wrong with looking into a theory. I actually applaud your thirst for knowledge.

The car crash is definitely something to be concerned about. People have demonstrated how easy it is to hack and control a modern car remotely. Id assume its even easier with a car thats basically a computer on wheels.

I think you're missing the point. Indeed, it was not secret. The point is that the FBI twitter choosing to release those particular files at this time seems to show that the FBI were indeed on 4chan.

Forget about the election, this is why facebook/google are putting out their new "rules about fake news" .... They are preparing for this story to hit the alternative news networks, before it gets picked up by Fox and others. They are already looking for ways to discredit the truth

The left , whether it be on a certain politics sub, or any other liberal majority discussion, have become accustomed to ignoring and dismissing any story that comes from a right-leaning site, because they just refuses to acknowledge anything outside of their views. They scoff and dismiss it as being racist/bigoted/anti whatever they feel like saying.

They stick their heads in the sand and hide from everything that makes them look bad . Now, instead of just turtling when the going gets tough, they are looking for ways to legislate their will and partner with left leaning companies like twitter, facebook and google to suppress any news that goes against them

That's what I bought when I first heard about this today.

and Lindsey Graham

This motherfucker again.

Hey, does anyone know if these Wikileaks sources are from before or after Julian Assange's sudden disappearance?

This is a summary of what was know about 10 days ago. Moreover, we've been waiting for the "shoe drop" all summer, all fall, and now here we are, still being promised the same old shit that's not there.

"The following information comes straight from an FBI Anonymous source, who is the senior analyst who posted on 4chan in early July of this year" Sounds legit.

The only part of this I find believable is that the CIA and other government entities created ISIS. Like literally "acted" as terrorists and recruited and bankrolled the organization to fuel the military industrialisation complex and to give America its needed "Boogeyman" that Republicans love so much.

Where's the evidence?

Hey, I would like all the pedophiles to be punished as much as everybody else. But if NYPD and FBI did have evidence, then they would have already arrested the high profile targets.

I say this because if we are talking about Clintons, then we know that they will flee the country if they had any inkling that there is evidence implicating them in Wiener's laptop.

If there was any real evidence then it would be expected that NYPD and/or FBI would make arrest first before proceeding to build the rest of the case.

Have you ever heard of blackmail?


You guys must be exhausted like all the time

where are these naked pictures of clinton with children.

Right next to the pictures of Bigfoot.

That would be an odd collection of pictures.

Haha! It was a threesome with Bigfoot, at Bohemian Grove.

That bitch was dressing up as a Yak, having Eyes Wide Shut parties.

Damn this is getting kinky... Just how big was he?

Who cares... but I could maybe go for some Huma nudes.

Shouldn't this be on the Donald sub?

For what possible purpose?

Because it's one of these made up stories from your future President.

I love how everyone "involved" with this conspiracy is either a liberal or a republican that came out against Trump.

This will never happen. This is not true.

ISIS was created by the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

Name checks out

Nah, it's "Israeli Super Islam Soldiers"

You could just take your medication instead.

This is gold.

When did this sub go full satire?

This sub has always been a meme.

When CTR showed up.

Yea this scary stupid. I hate hillary but this is out of left field

Ever see that Simpsons were Mr burns is diagnosed with every disease there is the Dr calls it the blocked door syndrome, i think what we have here is the legal version of that.

Sounds about right...

Tell your NYPD "insider" to leak the pictures. That'll be game over if he really has such a thing

lol you shills thinking this is about politics. everyone, if you haven't gone to r/pizzagate , you need to do so now. You can make up your own mind from there. Despite what the shills claim, it is clearly not a political investigation other than the fact that every politician in DC is now under the microscope. Over 14k people now looking into r/pizzagate. Don't be discouraged by those trying to curate discussion. Remember you are all smart enough to make up your own mind once you read what is being laid out over there. r/pizzagate


Just making sure everyone gets eyes on r/pizzagate

I looked and I think I got autism after browsing it

So where does Trump stand in all of this? Wouldn't Comeys job be easier now?

Trump has enough money... he wants the loving adoration of the world... He's the perfect distraction for the whole globe while FBI and their overseas counterparts rip the corrupt guts out of their countries... then he will serve well as an incorruptible figurehead that won't allow politics to slip back into the viper's nest it used to be... He's not motivated by cash or power... He just wants crowds chanting his name...

I sincerely hoped you're right. I'm ok with his motivation being ego, I just hope the means are moral.

TIL, narcissism has its good side! Indeed the universe can use all of us for the greater good.

There are theories that most personality disorders exist because there are important roles in society that are well suited for those kinds of idiosyncrasies. I think a lot of doctors could be classified as sociopaths because of how cold and detached you need to be from your emotions in order to do the best job possible.

If this dude oversees the destruction of the most expansive criminal enterprise ever seen, I will be chanting

I feel bad for him... Everyone in America is supposedly split 50/50 on everything... except Comey... both sides hate his guts.

...that is some weapons-grade delusion.

His life has been on the line every second of the day since he won the election... this isn't something he is taking lightly... but in the end he has very little to do with this. It could have been anyone being elected... and this would still happen... anyone except HRC, that is.

Right now he's got so much on his plate, and he's actually signaled that he feels sorry for Hillary, so he's probably not going to rip into her right away.

Also I heard somewhere that the FBI were working on finding the kids involved and ensuring their safety before anything else.

i don't think Comey is on "our side". He's dragging his feet on Clinton.

Sooooo wrong. Watch his testimony, read his statements. Comey is gonna be known as a hero soon. He doesn't give two shits about her e-mail server.... thats just a smokescreen to keep the foundation off balance.

Fbi anon expressed this sentiment too back in July. I think Comey is preparing to be vindicated on a mega scale.

I went into this election with disdain for every member of the government... I thought they were all a bunch of corrupt assholes... but through my own research I came to the conclusion that it is just a small powerful minority that is ruining the whole system... and Comey is dedicated to bringing honor back to the FBI and America.

Very few people agree with my conclusions, so it is nice to hear that the anon is on the same page as me.

Comey is an angel


Wait, didn't david icke suggest this in the 80s?

Suggesting anything and everything (no matter how ridiculous) ensures that sometime, somewhere..00.3% of it may come to pass, possibly.

He's one of those guys, disregard.

Until the pics of "life insurance", "intimate", etc emails are released, this to me sounds like bad fanfic and attention whoring. Enough "insider" stories, enough "my uncle is fbi and said" heresay. Want the eyes of the world? Leak the evidence.


I really hope these stories are backed by evidence some day. Until then it all sounds like someone's hysterical, schizophrenic fanfiction.


Not really. You can't say no amount of evidence will convince us when you haven't actually provided a single piece of it. Give us some rock hard proof other than 'insider stories' (which aren't even referenced with credible sources) and then you can argue about what we refuse to believe. Taking your word for it is just retarded.

I could effectively write your post about anyone and have just as much real proof as you do, just theories that you want to believe.


'Come here to be informed'. Sounds more like voluntary brainwashing to me. Just because you hear it all the time on this sub, doesn't make it true.

You are the ones who say question everything. So here I am, questioning it, but you still can't provide any evidence other than telling me that there is a circle jerk cult that keeps repeating this stuff and it gets upvoted so it must be true. Just like Hillary Clinton's sub, by the way.

My mind is more than opening to believe you, just give me something to go by other than what you have heard from others.

Pictures (even if blurred), videos, and the actual emails would help.

At the same time there are privacy issues concerning the victim (s) , especially minors, that the public won't see..at least not ones that are not censored.

Blur the kids' faces and parts then.

first, prove all of this wasn't created by a macedonian teenager.


yellow journalism

if you admit that stop calling everyone CTR who doubts this


really? gonna play dumb? blocked. everyone block this guy.

If anyone has any doubts that the good guys could actually pull this off... I have some ideas about that...

The FBI has always existed in a world where a file could be shredded, or evidence could be lost. The chain of command prevented any agent from really knowing too much about the big picture... your case could be handed off to "someone else" and that would be the end of it. The agents only really communicated with their superiors and a few people in the office.

Now we live in a world where instead of being shredded that same file can be instantly duplicated a million times and flung across the entire globe in a split second... agents can communicate and coordinate without relying upon the old chain of command... a single pipeline of info is easy to cut off... but a web of information shared can let the good ones piece together the whole thing without tipping off the few corrupt ones in control.

A suspicious suicide in a local newspaper would hit a readership of 3,000 and be lining the birdcage the next day... lost forever. Now it is preserved online and shared with anyone interested to look at it. They got away with this type of shit for so long by hiding each puzzle piece as it came into play. Now is the first time in history that we can all collectively gather enough pieces of the puzzle so we can put together the big picture. Sure there are a few pieces missing here and there... but enough of it is intact that you can step back and soak it all in.

I honestly believe we are witnessing something major here... something beautiful... I don't want people feeling scared or angry... I want them to kick back and enjoy the show, we are about to witness history in the making... The good people in the FBI have been working 100 times harder than us at /r/conspiracy and /r/wikileaks have been... trying to unravel these mind boggling mysteries... only they have been training all their lives for this and they have tools at their disposal way beyond Google and Safari... and look at what we all have done with just those.

The FBI does have a shady history, but that is all about to change... the good guys are sick of looking like dirtbags because of the greed of a minority in power. These men risk their lives to do what is right... some fat fucker behind a desk can't stop them anymore.

Holy shit, man. I was not planning on going down a rabbit hole on a fucking Wednesday night. One thing leads to the next, Ted Gunderson into damn Comets and Pizza, Cicada 3301 and the nature of the universe. What the fuck.

Welcome to the club... I started out a couple months back reading Footlocker spam in Podesta's inbox... and now I realize I'm just a clueless agnostic sitting on the sidelines while the greatest battle between the forces of good and evil to ever happen in modern history rages silently around me.

Do you think anything of consequence will happen overtly?

Or will this all get dealt with behind the scenes?

Yeah... I think we will see it happen... and most people will give credit to Trump for draining the swamp just like he said he would do. You won't see Soros in a prison jumpsuit... and Obama will prolly just retire gracefully and be left alone. But everyone from HRC down will either go to jail, or roll over... I'm not well versed on international relations, but I wouldn't be surprised to see the Clinton Foundation sanctioned by the UN as international terrorists if that's what it takes to end this.

"we are told by one of our insiders"

"An NYPD insider..."

"NYPD detectives were sickened by what they saw, according to our insider.."

"an FBI Anonymous source, who is the senior analyst who posted on 4chan "

I don't mean to be the devil's advocate here...but anybody can claim to be an "insider" or talked to "an insider".

Oh! An FBI insider on 4chan? No way that's not fake!

These are serious accusations, and if they're true, we need verifiable proof from a named source for these to stick! Otherwise it could just be some neckbeard in his mom's basement playing games.


You're welcome.

I just hate hearing "an anonymous whoever said..." because it's easy to make stuff up. If this stuff is true (and a lot of things are really connecting here) then hopefully someone goes from "anonymous FBI" or "anonymous NYPD insider" to an actual person.

If this is true this is the most evil thing I've ever heard of. It needs to be prosecuted. Just need the truth.

EDIT:speling isues

I was on board until I read how Comey is gonna save the day... Can anyone who's watched his congressional interview about the 1st investigation really believe that? All sounds nice but I call BS.

Not to mention, "continues to be exposed by insiders"? What have they exposed so far? In my view it's another tactic to trick us into letting our guard down and easing off the trail.

I've watched alllll the interviews... fuckin' hours of them... and I believe in Comey more than any outsider does. It's all in this topic.

I believe in Comey

I'm curious, based on what? Cause what I personally see here is a man who gives no Fs about getting the truth out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsYOfAZZq_s

He most certainly does not want the truth getting out... It would jeopardize everyone and the case to put this out in the open too early... but the truth will come out. If you watch other testimony you can tell that some of the other people in the room pick up on his vibe... and after hearing his dodgy answers say shit like "If you have something else you'd like to share, could you call me tonight?"

Comey can't Kamikazi himself and his men into the death machine... he has to legally and linguistically tapdance around the big picture issue long enough to pull it off properly...

Thanks, one can hope. What you've outlined is plausible but I look back on FBI history and the current state of things and find it pretty hard to believe.

The FBI has always existed in a world where a file could be shredded, or evidence could be lost. The chain of command prevented any agent from really knowing too much about the big picture... your case could be handed off to "someone else" and that would be the end of it. The agents only really communicated with their superiors and a few people in the office.

Now we live in a world where instead of being shredded that same file can be instantly duplicated a million times and flung across the entire globe in a split second... agents can communicate and coordinate without relying upon the old chain of command... a single pipeline of info is easy to cut off... but a web of information shared can let the good ones piece together the whole thing without tipping off the few corrupt ones in control.

A suspicious suicide in a local newspaper would hit a readership of 3,000 and be lining the birdcage the next day... lost forever. Now it is preserved online and shared with anyone interested to look at it. They got away with this type of shit for so long by hiding each puzzle piece as it came into play. Now is the first time in history that we can all collectively gather enough pieces of the puzzle so we can put together the big picture. Sure there are a few pieces missing here and there... but enough of it is intact that you can step back and soak it all in.

I honestly believe we are witnessing something major here... something beautiful... I don't want people feeling scared or angry... I want them to kick back and enjoy the show, we are about to witness history in the making... The good people in the FBI have been working 100 times harder than us at /r/conspiracy and /r/wikileaks have been... trying to unravel these mind boggling mysteries... only they have been training all their lives for this and they have tools at their disposal way beyond Google and Safari... and look at what we all have done with just those.

The FBI does have a shady history, but that is all about to change... the good guys are sick of looking like dirtbags because of the greed of a minority in power. These men risk their lives to do what is right... some fat fucker behind a desk can't stop them anymore.

don't want people feeling scared or angry.

Dude I'm sitting here next to my 3yr old son, shaking bc I have no idea if these psychopaths are going to take the entire world with them to hell. Scared doesn't even begin to describe what I feel as I read more and more about these nihilists. God save us all.

I've spent 100s of hours studying this from every angle... We're out of the woods now... it sounds scary... but at this point the threat is over. HRC doesn't play by the rules of all those "evil" bankers like Soros... they might not have morals, but they play by the rules they are given. HRC doesn't play by the rules or have morals... she was too dangerous for the world. If the fucking Amish figured that out... you know the FBI did long ago. She had a lot of scary stuff planned for the world... win or lose. And all of it has been cockblocked at every turn. I think she's prolly been in custody since election night... carefully allowed those 2 speeches under supervision. Only thing left hanging is if a reporter assassinates Trump before inauguration... and teeny tiny tinfoil chance of more earthquakes/tsunamis.

Man I'm tryin so hard to believe you but this shit is centuries deep. If they go down they're sure as hell not goin without a fight. And if they're not going down than we are def not "out of the woods". And the reason I appeal to "God" is cause no natural force, "Good-guy" FBI or otherwise can separate the chaff from the wheat as it were, all the while leaving the wheat unscathed. If I wasn't a parent to two beautiful children I honestly could give two shits about this stuff but the thought of me bringing them in this world and only seeing their faces for a short time longer is a fear you can't describe to someone that doesn't have kids, and a feeling you don't need to to somebody that does. So if there is a God I'm imploring Him right now to intercede on all our behalves cuz the future is only looking bright bc that's how nuclear fission works. I realize what I sound like right now and I apologize but man this shit is kinda intense. Like on a existential level intense. Anyways I'm done. Here's hopin for the best.

Yeah... I went through the existential crisis a while back... but you need to remember that these are weak, complacent, computer illiterate people holding these positions of power... but most importantly they are people. Human beings just like any others... They might be some creepy motherfuckers, but they aren't eternal vampires... they don't have magic on their side... they are just greedy selfish pigs that will rat out their own mothers if it keeps them from the death penalty... and without that safety net of a corrupt justice system to protect them... they will scatter like roaches or be crushed underfoot. I don't want people to be scared... if something major was gonna happen it would have been last week.

Sorry Canada if you get a sudden influx of pedos... we couldn't catch all of em... though you might wanna start checking the basements of your Subways... cause it would be crazy to think that they cease shenanigans at the US border.

I still don't get what you're basing this on. It would be nice if there were a bunch of agents working on this - though still not a guarantee of action - but what is your evidence?



There are hundreds of hours of reading packed in there... then you can do the same for every other .gov website or twitter account too... The good ones have been out in front of this for a long while. This isn't something you can just sum up with an image macro. I can understand you being skeptical... but the whole world has seen the wikileaks... including all of the government. This isn't just the FBI... this is all the good guys working together as transparently as they can... The bad guys are left leaving their websites looking like they were made on angelfire with multiple links for visitors to donate money.

A lot of you folks are placing undue confidence in Comey. Recent history suggests it to be quite a stretch.


Strangely, I don't find your assertion much different than an evangelical telling me the world is going to end every week. Your wall of text above is certainly substantial, but the real meat is nowhere to be found. Just hopeful speculation..

I pray that this is true and comes to light

This was produced to give a false sense of hope to the internet detectives, thus getting many of them to stop digging.

Is this the take down of the cabal taking place right in front of our eyes or is this a disinformation campaign?

To start with: This question is irrelevant, because the outcome is the same: the shadow government is illegitimate--they are either criminals or they are psychological terrorists who have declared war on the public. The only way to find out is for the public government of white hats to detain their network and go through their files and figure out the truth of the matter, making it fully transparent to the public. No more of this elitist chicanery and subterfuge


this is a chess match and we don't know all of the players or all of the information, we just have to trust in the intrinsic good inside all of us that wants to act with love and do the right thing

Fair enough. If you are right and I'll assume you are, then I'll keep thinking postive thoughts and do what I can to help. I am very glad that I helped participate along with you and others here and on CST to stop Clinton from getting into the white house. I wish Trump would acknowledge the role of this sub at the least by maybe helping us help him too; or at the least not becoming corrupted by these people (fingers crossed it hasn't happened and that trumps moorings to the old guard like gingrich and giuliani were just mistakes of ignorance)

"I don't tether to any particular external deadline. Look, I understand the interest in this particular investigation. And so I do feel the pressure to do it well and promptly. As between the two, I will always choose well." - James Comey


I think he was supposed to show up a few days back... Thats why every single channel was all like "Everyone in the world go outside and stare at the supermoon!"

My take on SCALIA: Hit was organized through Castro brothers and Vargas family. US Marshall paid through General Dynamics as a contractor. Marshall then fired, and given an award 1 month later..was obama appointee and he HANDLED HUMAN TRAFFICKING CASES....... Obama spends next 2 months lifting arms embargos and dedicating a Submarine 4 Mechelle https://twitter.com/CHHCNewEngland/status/798606298686353409

Follow original sheriff report, ties to VARGAS FAMILY. Texas sos records show 2 VARGAS hirings. Maybe 3. Podesta emails show organization of castro bros and wjc directly, organization out of IOWA, and involving Sheila Jackie Lee and Castro. Bernie had been to Iowa as well if i recall. 4 DIFFERENT FUNERAL HOMES ARE MENTIONED IN DIFFERENT PUBLICATIONS THE FOLLOWING DAY. WAPO, of all pubs, receives the actual sheriff report.

Subsequently, VARGAS FAMILY receives local gov positions, CASTRO is offered HUD (although inexperienced), instead of VP (he was to be used for latino vote), Hillary announces Tim Kaine sometime later.

We need visual hooks! Anyone a printer here?

Nothing new here, OP.

Still trying to lock her up while the biggest con artist in American history prepares to take his seat in the white house. You're tools of his misdirection. But how could I expect people to see things clearly who still think the two tallest buildings in the world can fall without taking down another building.

Wow, never heard about Cicada 3301, dug some, interesting!


this file contained X-rated photos of Huma and Hillary with a teenager.

Is there anyone with the source? Is there any confirmation if it's a boy or a girl/.

Cool story bro but Nothing is happening, don't fool yourselves, Trump won't mention it again after he starts work and Comey will be quietly replaced, that's it.

That's because Trump is part of the pedo ring too. All the elites have some involvement so that they can be blackmailed if they step out of line. I thought we all knew that in this sub. You don't get to a certain level of power in government or business without having something terrible on you.

The one I don't get is Sarah Palin...she's borderline mentally retarded.

/u/LordOfRhun your thoughts?

Good god we are getting close here?

Keep up the work. Put clinton in prison for something that is universally wrong like human rights infringements if it is real. but it sounds like fucking bullshit over ninethousand



Is that so? I read threads like these because they're entertaining. But the idea that pedo rings fit along party lines is loco.


Dude seriously she would cover her tracks just saying...

but also there is weird things here... 4chan and pedo go together so why the fuck would someone "leak" shit on it.

i don't want to sound like a cunt but most of this subreddit is speculation to the highest degree.



She does look over 75 now and could be a slimy leader of a pedo ring but take EVERYTHING from 4chan with a grain of salt. And i really do mean EVERYTHING but if you were right i guess i owe you a beer.


well if you believe in these rumours a bit just follow it until proven right or wrong either way you will get a better understanding of clinton and proper investigating :)


not at all mate

i'm encouraging you to continue with this if you are convinced that this is more than a theory.

good luck

James Clapper just resigned according to my TV... director of the Defense Intelligence Agency... gonna go in front of DOD for speech soon apparently. I gotta watch that see which way the wind is blowing...

It has to be taken seriously...if it is legitimate info.But it something wrong that policeman brought insider job in 4ch and he can't proper job for that...

Pedo ring is regarded as serious problem.But it is remaining as only a rumor and almost abandoned.Yes,I hope investigation would go progress ...



Yeah,I know,just irony.


Rule 6. Removed.

I hope they publicly get brought to justice, but I have such little faith.

I can believe most of this but the Comey thing doesn't add up. Why would he suddenly drop the investigation if he was planning to take her down? Unless, he knew Trump was gonna win and thought Obama would pardon her.

Suppose this is true, or mostly true. What is the time frame we can reasonably look back and analyze how truthful this is?

Pontificating is great, but when such definitive statements are made it means they can be revisited.

I'm pretty sure I read this somewhere before a few weeks ago.

Nothing is going to happen and we will get disappointed. They will get away. No justice boner in the end. Clinton probably is going to tell FBI, "Do you want America to be a nation of an embarrassment? Say nothing."


Is this all talk or am I going to see Clinton in handcuffs in the next following months? I'm tired of the swept under the rug bullshit. I Have no faith in the FBI and I don't think they have the balls to pull the trigger.

/u/thurst09 check it


Fucking dropped!

Fuck, I wish this was real. I want to see some insane justice like this, at some point in my life.

We can only hope this is true but I doubt it.

Disgusting. Can't wait for Trump to lock 'em up.

If this is true then why no arrests yet? Are they waiting until Trump becomes president so he won't pardon them?


What I don't get with all this pedo sex ring scandal is the fact that Trump and members of the GOP are involved too. Won't exposing Clinton also open Trump and other prominent members of the GOP up for the same criticism or charges?


... talks about being up "real evidence" in his totally speculative post where all his "evidence" comes from FBI insiders on 4chan. LOL


Well I don't see how your post helps me get informed at all. I truly think stuff like this hurts the good fight. Stop making all of us look crazy.

I'm all for actually draining the swamp Trump included. This is all I've got that is concrete: http://www.snopes.com/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/

Who knows if it will lead to anything or not. Her dropping the charges against him might be the trade off with Clinton so that he won't arrest her for her part in the pedo ring.

"Is this the take down of the cabal taking place right in front of our eyes or is this a disinformation campaign?"


In past years there were also plenty of reports of republican pedophile sex scandals. So political smearing aside, it looks like that there is a level of sexual corruption contaminating both parties. (It also touches trump) see


and has been going on for a long time.

This is a problem reaching into both parties, and I am not sure how deep I want to go down this particular rabbit hole.


Excellent snark.

Of course, corruption and perversion never extend to your own partisans, and is always assumed to exist in your opponents.

No politician is a saint, and many are quite tainted by the touch of evil. The devil does not play favorites.

People often ask "What would Jesus do?" and never ask "What would Satan want?"

For openers, Satan would want as much chaos and confusion and pandemonium as possible.

Choose wisely


then you can read it as

No politician is a saint, and many are quite tainted by the touch of evil. Madness and insanity and bad behavior does not play favorites and is not the exclusive domain of any political party.

Of course, corruption and perversion never extend to your own partisans, and is always assumed to exist in your opponents.

this might not be wise

Modern psychology has a hard time dealing with evil, often labeling a wide range of behavior as "kinda normal" even if it is destructive and broadly non-survival.

See for an unrelated example, the Hoffman Report on psychologists supporting torture


and so no party has a monopoly on pedophiles and perversion.


which is as it should be.

if you check out that link to the google search, trump does show up in some of the search results; but the evidence is no way strong enough for me to advocate torches and pitchforks.

Not yet.


As I have seen on face book and elsewhere

  • Obama is not the AntiChrist.
  • Obama is a Reptilian who is only here on temporary assignment.
  • Now it's the turn of the Nordics aliens to be in charge
  • This is why Trump is now president.
  • Trump's an alien also, just from a different planet



When we come upon a theory like this that is not easy to accept for the majority of people, we owe it to this community to make better posts than this. There are no sources, no proof, no claims of specific events which can be researched.

I know we're all big on the Hillary pedo stuff right now but we need to look for a little more fact. Can we agree that it's important that we maintain a little credibility if we don't want to be seen as the crazy people in the corner drawing pagan symbols on the wall?


I see what you did there. Just because I'm looking for facts and actual information rather than speculation and conjecture doesn't mean I'm a Hillary supporter, it means I think a little bit.

I enjoy reading about this conspiracy as much as anyone but these posts seem really outlandish and just really far stretched. Yours is probably better than most IMO.

let's see if you're now warned and actually banned for calling someone a shill. Only actual CTRers are allowed by Soverignman to call people CTR.


you don't think CTR = shill?

So this sub now rights fanfics? I miss credible sources and real, relevant posts.

I vote disinformation campaign. Trump's forte.

Well if the State Department is compromised, this explains why Trump wants a former mob prosecutor like Giulliani running it, at least in the short term.

Looks like a post from /r/The_Donald

I've already been let down by the "Remember the 5th of November" mantra...yeah that fizzled out! The evidence, some of which is pretty damning, is out there. I don't see this getting any traction anytime soon. It will just go into the Xfiles with a lot of other true things that have been wrote off.


I REALLY hope you are correct.

How do you know the following OP? How do you know it's pentagon?

The Pentagon has internal players and outside players they call “creatives“. Creatives are civilians who tend to be geniuses, malcontents, extreme hackers, or otherwise demonstrate brilliance in other useful areas. A Pentagon program called Cicada 3301, which we have reported on previously, was created by several of these talented civilians. The program is now used to allow thousands of honest government people to report on their corrupt superiors, using what is called a dead box whistleblower encryption method so the non-corrupted government officials can report corruption and still remain saf

Wikipedia claims it's a secret society, and others comment it's a singularitarian cryptoanarchy group with gnostic / crowleyan ideology...the belief in a solid state intelligence that has simulated the world is a de facto a gnostic idea ( see elon musk's simulation propabability), though christers call it luciferian it actually predates lucifer culturally, and is an idea more akin to manicheanism of ancient persia or yazidism

I will eat my body weight worth of uranium if this true.


Worth it

Show me the money ...

I think we've been honeydicked gents.

The amount of information traversing the internet right now regarding: - Human Abedin, her Saudi ties, how she got her TS clearance - Anthony Weiners laptop with 600k+ emails on it - John Podesta, PizzaGate, etc - Wikileaks, Julian's status, etc - Steve Pieczenik and Clinton's Coup

Not even a peep about any of this on the MSM, or really anywhere outside of Reddit and the chans. I can't say every piece of information out there is correct but I do feel like we are building towards something right? We have to be. Too many coincidences.

This is only happening over the internet. How long before we get a other massive DDOS? That will sprout new registration and regulation requirements?

I don't feel comfortable anymore. I don't know what to do?

I don't feel comfortable anymore. I don't know what to do?

You need to talk to a professional before you hurt someone.

The worst is over... I honestly think there were plans to shut down the American (and maybe also Russian) internet for a very extended period of time... a little tinfoil hatty but EMPs wouldn't be out of the question. Most of the MSM is slowly waking up from the zombie-mode they were in and getting back to a little real reporting... but they are being scrutinized very closely right now... so they can't just run a story and use 4chan as a reference.

There is no evidence for any of the claims made here.

an FBI Anonymous source, who is the senior analyst who posted on 4chan

isn't 4chan known for pranks and everything there is a lie?

references or gtfo

fake, Commey is a traitor and he wont do anything (in case he finds somthing)

Wow! How gullible do you have to be to believe anything written down on the internet. Did you know /r/nosleep is fictional?

How gullible you must be to accept the world as you are told....A smart man sees a one way sign, turns his head towards oncoming traffic, and crosses the street. A wise man looks both ways anyway, then crosses.

Hey guys, we got a philosopher over here! Dude I could write some fake shit with zero evidence and post it online as a conspiracy, and if it fit your narrative you'd eat it up. In fact, I might just do that.

Post what you want. I can read and I'll decide if there is merit to it. People are smart but I would say your worldview is very limited

No. Your ability to be swayed by words that have no basis in reality is your flaw.

Then post your conspiracy.

I haven't made it up yet.

Why not just go ahead and say "wake up sheeple!" Lol, this guy.

They are waking up. 400k in this sub, 14k in r/pizzagate .



It's what I do. For money!!


Aw poor bb! Did someone call you a mean name? Do you need your safe space and your binky?

Yea, let me get right on the anonymous 4chan bandwagon. Isn't Bill suppose to be dead or at least diagnosed with a terminal disease? Weren't the FBI agents staging a walkout when Comey didn't recommend charges? Wasn't Hillary supposed to steal the election? Has anything posted by "an anonymous FBI source" on 4chan actually come true so far? Please tell me, because if true it would be great to see these people face justice. But I tend to think that most anonymous posts like that are trolls or honeypots, especially based on the track record so far. Would welcome someone proving me wrong by showing any actual evidence that the anonymous 4chan FBI posters have gotten anything right so far regarding the Clintons or the election.


Just keep moving the goalposts buddy, then no one can ever prove you wrong.

Or, more likely, Comey sees himself as the next Hoover, saw an opportunity to curry favor with an authoritarian president if he could help elect him, and so has been pushing this ridiculous dog-and-pony email show, a coup d'etat from one of the 3 main intelligence arms of the USA.

Nevermind, probably pedophiles everywhere, a vast conspiracy of satanist politicians. Yea ok.

I have to suspect everyone secretly knew trump would win, I don't buy it that the pollsters all made honest mistakes, but didn't want people to know months ahead of time cuz the riots would be on the streets.

comey being one who had to know trump would win. so did his thing to curry favor with the soon to be president trump like you said. embarrassed Hillary by saying the email investigation was reopened, that was a sign to trump he's on his side. but no actual repercussions came of it, can't actually put someone like Hillary, who is in the club, in jail. that'd be unthinkable!

want to be proven wrong.


highly doubt it, sorry

set her up to take fall? let's see that happen then.

Honestly who cares anymore she's not president elect maybe you should focus on the racist cheeto who is soon to be president.

the presidential race is not over until electoral college votes on dec 19th. there is nothing to prevent reps from going against the constituency, and all it would take is 20 or so flips to send this thing into a tailspin.

Hillary is anti-white, Trump is not, who's the racist?

Hmm...an authoritarian candidate wins an election and it looks like the FBI will be going after his election opponent, politicians in the opposing party, and news organizations that were critical to him...

...since when did r/conspiracy miss conspiracies slapping them right in the fucking face?

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

Fo rel doe. Wtf is this shit? I believe all this pedo satanic shit, but no one major is going down for it

Right next to the pictures of Bigfoot.

Did you actually read his previous statement? It is really long so I doubt you did... cause if you read his statement from July 5th you could see he's just smokescreening everyone while they work on the real case.

The FBI knew the riots were coming... from a long ways off... they had someone on the inside or were monitoring the foundations e-mails.


They tweeted out that info on Oct 30th... showing they knew those riots were orchestrated... the same day they they tweeted reports on the threats of facebook and social media... and all the declassified info on both Bill and Hillary investigations.


Who cares... but I could maybe go for some Huma nudes.

I'm not saying there's no evidence of anything. I'm just saying that I would need a near impossible amount of evidence to even begin to believe that anon is a high level fbi analyst. Have you considered the idea that this dude trolled you? Cause it seems like you got trolled.

This is fantasy fiction.

There is a little circle going on... NYPD -> FBI -> Trump -> Rudy Giuliani -> NYPD

Everyone just needs to wipe the memory of the e-mail server from their minds to really understand this... Even though the TV said it was super important... it really wasn't.

I don't even know what "shill" means anymore. It's just a word shouted at dissenting opinions, now.

Are you implying this sub had been taken over by a certain group of narrow minded individuals? The ones that call thier leader God emperor flaming toupee?

Are you implying this sub had been taken over by a certain group of narrow minded individuals? The ones that call thier leader God emperor flaming toupee?

You're assuming elections aren't rigged. But people have claimed under oath that elections are rigged. If you accept that, then you may see that the moment the FBI said "Hillary's good" was the moment they made their final choice for the next POTUS based on the new emails (from Weiner's computer) incriminating her beyond help. And they chose her opponent as the lesser evil (they probably have some dirt on Trump to control him, but it probably isn't as bad as Hillary's; she is after all a security liability for the USA as proven by her illegal use of a private server to send classified info). They had no reason to create a scandal right before the election when they can just wait until January 21st to proceed with the investigations and public announcements.

You realize this is /r/conspiracy, right?

Asking for hard evidence lmao

I see it as this: they were going to let her win because they were sure she would win anyway, and if they did try anything, she would have their heads. Now that she lost, all bets are off. She can't do shit to them.


Hillary has also repeatedly lied about the emails to the investigation (perjury) and withheld incriminating emails despite a subpoena demanding she produce all of them.

People are in prison for much less than what Hillary did with her illegal private email server.

Hillary is anti-white, Trump is not, who's the racist?

Lol "letting Clinton win". If they wanted to do that I think they probably would have kept the whole email thing a bit quieter, don't you think?

the presidential race is not over until electoral college votes on dec 19th. there is nothing to prevent reps from going against the constituency, and all it would take is 20 or so flips to send this thing into a tailspin.

It is nearly impossible to get someone to support Trump once they have made up their mind... but it is really easy to make them downright disgusted at HRC and her cronies. Before the election I don't think I got anyone to vote Trump... but I got a lot to not vote for HRC... and thats all that was needed.

The media is realizing they need to straighten up... anti-Trump bias is sliding away... Hell... I know a few people that had never even heard Trump speak aside from the "grab the pussy" soundbytes... and they were blown away by his speech on election night because they hadn't been allowed to see him talk before...

Don't try to redpill anyone right off the bat... just let em know HRC was selling our weapons and secrets... and taking a lot of bribes. Thats all ya need to start opening eyes.

Excellent snark.

Of course, corruption and perversion never extend to your own partisans, and is always assumed to exist in your opponents.

No politician is a saint, and many are quite tainted by the touch of evil. The devil does not play favorites.

People often ask "What would Jesus do?" and never ask "What would Satan want?"

For openers, Satan would want as much chaos and confusion and pandemonium as possible.

Choose wisely

I REALLY hope you are correct.

Come on now... Thats just lame...

He wants to go back to his people on mars and I have undeniable proof.

Elon spelled backward is Nole, Nole stands for North Pole. At the North Pole Santa and Obama are both building rockets to bomb Jupiter (home of the original Chinese). After they bomb jupiter, Elon will contact the martians to come pick him under. After that Elon, Santa, Obama, And Jesus Christ stop at one of the famous intergalactic pizza shops. Of course it was all a front to harbor alien sex-slaves. Obama eventually falls in love with one of the brothel workers and they decide to get married and have a kid. (This is where it gets a little wacky, but just hold on till the end). That kid was none other than Tesla himself. With the time-traveling technology left behind by the Tesla in the past, the future tesla is able to go back in time to create his inventions on Earth. There he invents the Trumpinator, an evil businessman tasked with dominating the globe. After he completes that, he will switch the the 5th realm where he and his daughter arent related and they end up fucking all night long. Turns out, his daughter ends up giving birth to Chelsea Clinton, who, using Teslas time traveling device, goes back in time to fuck her grandpa. You see Chelsea Clinton is Hillary Clintons mother but because shes a product of the 5th realm she doesnt age as fast as us. With my estimations she is over 1.6 quadrillion years old. The Clintons were created by Nikola Tesla to take over the world.

Hope you understand the full weight of our situation. This planet is in dire need of intervention from the Plutonians (only group not enslaved in our galaxy by the lizard people). Here are my sources.

Have you actually read her book "Trance Formations of America"?

edit: I'll take that as a no then.

I've never considered myself religious... 3 months ago I would have laughed at the thought... I'm the kinda guy that got ironically ordained a minister... but now because of wikileaks I'm starting to think being agnostic is just a fuckin' cop-out... a lack of any kind of faith.

Imagine what could happen if certain classified material got in the wrong hands. This info was on a LAPTOP, something that could easily be forgotten in a cab or coffee shop. Intent is irrelevant; look at how carelessness led to Huma, Weiner, and Clinton's maid all getting access to classified information.

She was said to have special access programs that list, for example, the locations of missile silos.

And the names of spies working undercover, which would mean their death if it got out.

It's been rumored that the stuff on Weiner's laptop would be enough for several nations to declare war on us, although the exact reasons were not stated. But use your imagination.