"In God We Trust" Which God? We have been deceived for 2000 years. RED PILL

6  2016-11-16 by [deleted]



At the end of the day everything is just a huge distraction from looking within yourself.

Isn't that saying your looking for the God in you? Couldn't that be a distraction as well?

If there was a biblical god, I'd find him to be a psychopathic egomaniac, without conscience, empathy or any ability to feel remorse for the damage he does and who demands to be worshiped forever even after death, due to extreme personality flaws.

Perhaps their Satan has fooled them into believing he is their God. I find nothing good in the biblical description of God.

Also if Jesus was an actual man and had the power ascribed to him he sure as hell wasted it. End rant.

I'd like to go on the record as agreeing wholeheartedly. "God" is just the devil that Satan has to answer to.

You're right, Satan is jesus, literally, Yahweh is jesus and Lucifer and he "chanellled" his word to pharoas who then wrote the bible to cover up history, Jesus/Satan is literally the same soul as every other sun god patriarchal deity that has been running amok since atlantis, we've been decieved longer than 2k years, you should read the post I just made in conspiracy

we've been deceived longer than 2k years

Some have.

Right...and many of us never bought into it even in other incarnations but are now waking up and remembering what we already know, and once you do its very obvious

I agree with you 100%.

I know so many people who understand the truth as we see it yet are pacified by Christianity. All Christians can do is point me in the direction of the Bible for the truth - which is as true as pointing me to Game of Thrones.

The people at the top of the vatican don't worship God / Jesus. They actually serve the dark powers known as "Satan".

Have you ever read Lovecraft?

You get it :) I haven't read him, as I always thought it just fantasy, but I have heard of the Dagon legend and am very curious to know what else Lovecraft was trying to say about the Cult of Chuthulu

You should also read At The Mountains of Madness.

I will thank you - was buying the new Barnes & Noble collection for my GF for xmas anyway. even if xmas means much less this year


holy this - I know the modern version of this story

The Thing

Or the post modern version: Why the fxck was John Kerry and the Orthodox Pope (and others) in antartica last week?

o_O I did hear that, oh god....


I would argue they'd always be corrupt. Just look at how it founded.

Sorry about your world view, sir or madam.

You might consider this reality as being a corporation, with God as the founder of the company, and Lucifer as CEO.

You could always spend some time in quiet reflection, and develop your own version of God. Your version of God can transcend location, denomination and imagination.

Don't let this ruin you. Let it strengthen you.

thank you for that, I have long heard of the idea of God being within us and us all being God. I shall explore and reflect.

Why is god even needed? This seems like falling into a social tradition for no reason other than its what humans before you did.

You might be talking about religion, which I don't recommend. I'm speaking about God on a personal level, if you will.

Me having a relationship with IT makes me feel like I have a teammate in this batshit insane world, and that brings me great peace.

If your life gets hard/dark/weird enough, you might one day believe in God. If not, that's cool, too.

One step at a time... Too many red pills at once can lead to overdose.

Always viewed religions as a mean to control poeple, christianity over all the others. Sadly not enough poeple question it and blindly follow a written book that was translated I don't know how many times.

agreed, the biggest eye opener when I was younger about the bible was that the version that we know - the King James Version was just a rewritten interpretation. and of course we all know how things get misconstrued after a few passes

Christianity itself is steeped in paganism and occultism.

the old testament yes...the Jewish part....but not the New Testament - the Jesus part of it.

If you really want to know, you need to deprogram yourself. Detox and disconnect from everything. Until you are able to discern the bits of truth in everything, you need to detox. You aren't going to find the answers in a book, in a documentary and specially not here on the internet. I'd suggest trying 72 hours at first then work your way up from there.

The first clergyman was the first rascal who met the first fool. ~ Voltaire


I believe Jesus was a real person. Maybe not named Jesus persay but i believe him to be the first major revolutionary against the roman empire

Ever looked into the theory that Jesus was really Caesarion, the son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra? Being his son, he was the rightful heir to the Roman Empire and that's why the Jews working with Rome killed him?

great point - his death lead to the collapse of the Roman empire - a Guy Fawkes of his day

A true Martyr for the people - fighting evil and corruption

There is a religion for the elite and then another for the plebs.


Why religion was created i can't answer. To control people is one idea but maybe people just wanted answers to what and why everything is. Personally, i don't think anyone knows or ever has known what/why existence is.

Look up Hyksos exodus, for even more interesting info on the "source" of these lies. If you can see most of the old testament as a twisted, deliberately deceptive take on northern egyptian history, then it all starts to make sense. The occult symbolism. Egyptian structures, pharaonic/jewish garb and traditions in the Vatican and British monarchy. The rabbit hole runs deep, to say the least.

Ralph Ellis has done excellent research on this topic. He also has some pretty dramatic and controversial theories about Jesus himself, which includes northwestern Europe. Even if you don't buy everything he sells, it's worth looking at. He presents stuff very slow and clearly, and has strong rationale/evidence behind his assertions.

Then there is ending prayers with "Amen" which I believe relates back to Amun Ra the sun God. And as far as religion goes it would make sense to worship the sun...

yes the first Egyptian God deity was Ra - which was based on the sun. the all seeing eye. the eye of Horus as found on the US dollar

its all the same story with different actors


you are god.

The term "in god we trust" is a protection seal. The moment we abolish this seal, we invite attacks from a hidden enemy.

that seal of trust has been broken, the hidden enemy is being exposed

The enemy will come out and expose himself, there will come a time when there is no need to hide anymore.

gaud Noun ‎(plural gauds)

a cheap showy trinket

trick; jest; sport

deceit; fraud; artifice

Jesus is the incarnation of an entity that has been playing god with his mate Mary Magdalene, they initiated the fall and been in the position of God and goddess for awhile, they are isis and osiris, Shiva and kali, Venus and mars, Aphrodite and appolo....the occult religion knows this and worships them. Yes religions are a distraction but there are actual multidimensional entities behind I and gain power from people's worship and prayers...this is the ultimate and all encompassing conspiracy theory

If you want to know about God read the bible as that is the only living truth.

I have. raised Baptist, confirmed Lutheran and went to Catholic High school.... what I am trying to say is that the bible you speak of is a LIE designed to deceive.

Always believed the truth was in the bible i just think it wasn't fully interpreted correctly. Kind of like the game telephone if any of you ever played that as a kid.

I always felt the Bible was to teach morality, but has been misused and perverted by many

the bible you speak of is a LIE designed to deceive

No shit.

it is not. People have used it to further their agenda.

the version we all know is the King James version. not the word of god

There are multiple translations of the bible.

exactly my point

Only sheep need a Shepard.

like you were never a sheep.

An octopus rather.

the version we all know is the King James version. not the word of god

There are multiple translations of the bible.