Sandy Hook connection?

27  2016-11-16 by MediaMasquerade

Hello sorry to bother everyone, i just wanted to put this up before i forget as i font have alot of time right now. Will look into more later.

But does anyone think there is a possibility the Sandy Hook kids have been dragged into the trafficking world? Many inconsistencies in the story itself, and the fact that there are rumors of there being a satanist church near the school.

If youve researched this event youll know that there is this sort of stepford wives/fake feeling within the community.


I think all the crisis actors are in whatever cult is involved in this whole American Government conspiracy

I mentioned this earlier this year as a possibility. I deleted that account so i do not have the reference to it I was debating someone claiming to be the family of a victim. An when asked where they could put all those kids. That was my answer.

It is indeed possible that these kids were already victims of the trafficking ring. That could be why they went along with the official story. They have been taught to lie their whole life.

Yes as someone who has atleast 100 hours in reasearching both Sandy Hook as well as Aurora, i cant tell you Sandy Hook at the very least did not happen the way the CT police and feds claim.

Rahm Emanuel the mayor of Chicago once said that we must never let a crisis go to waste. Meaning, extract all you can out of it.

Not only was the event used to push gun legislation but the kids couldve been some sort of pay off. The school rebuilding a school at 50 million when the natl average is 4 to 7 for an elementary school.

I have not invested that much time. Although the money being given was a big tell to me that something else was going on. Maybe some of our psychologist members can break down facial expressions of the kids during the interviews.

I have not invested that much time. Although the money being given was a big tell to me that something else was going on. Maybe some of our psychologist members can break down facial expressions of the kids during the interviews.