We now have more than 400,000 subscribers. The average number of people here at any one time has about tripled recently. Now that you are awake, this is the place for your coffee. Thanks for coming.

590  2016-11-17 by KnightBeforeTomorrow


Just because it's called a conspiracy doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Thousands of people are in prison because of being convicted of conspiracy to do this or that.

The conspiracy theorist pejorative was created by the CIA to stop people from questioning the Warren Commission report about the JFK assassination. It worked spectacularly.


Origin of the term Conspiracy Theory.


DeHaven-Smith has shown that the conspiracy-theory label was popularized as a pejorative term by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in a propaganda program initiated in 1967.[20] The program was directed at criticisms of the Warren Commission’s conclusion that President Kennedy had been assassinated by a lone gunman. The propaganda campaign called on media corporations and journalists to criticize “conspiracy theorists” and raise questions about their motives and judgments. The CIA told its contacts that “parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by Communist propagandists.”

Conspiracy theory,

A contemptuous term used primarily by the main stream media to slander anyone who questions their monopoly on truth.[1] http://www.jfklancer.com/CIA.html

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative


“Conspiracy Theory”: Foundations of a Weaponized Term Subtle and Deceptive Tactics to Discredit Truth in Media and Research http://www.globalresearch.ca/conspiracy-theory-foundations-of-a-weaponized-term/5319708

CIA DOCUMENT #1035-960 RE: Countering Criticism of the Warren Report


CIA Document 1035-960-Countering Criticism of the Warren Report.

The weaponization of the term conspiracy theorist.


Just because it is called a conspiracy doesn't mean that it *did happen lol

The Great Awakening is real. Interesting times..

u/Putin_loves_cats I forgot that you were on here! I miss our debates

Is there anyone on this sub who hasn't debated putin?

The love interest and the guy that links him in a post in response

Probably flyyyyyyyyy haven't seen that person around in awhile though

PSA - make sure to visit 'new' regularly if you want it to stay this way.

It will be like the Age of Aquarius all over again! 😂


You keep going, you keep digging. Because if you stop, it sinks in more. You are now a part of a select few that hold the flame of truth. You'll get the hang of it, then you help the next person who wakes up.

We are waking up in waves so we have a support system. I've been waiting for you guys quite awhile!



Dude, take a break when its too much. Go for a walk, get a dog (legit man's best friend) and spend some fetch/outside time, listen to a good album, learn to meditate and do info fasting where yyou spend a few days away from everything....and you'll be alright

I second getting a dog. Not only will they keep you company but you can ramble on for hours without judgment. You won't get much of a response but it is therapeutic in that you can externalise your thoughts.

I just ramble to strangers on reddit

Well on reddit no one knows you're a dog.

VPN to secure internet. Disable flash and javascript if you want to be really security conscious, and use a privacy oriented browser.

There's no use in feeling anxious about things you have no power over. It'll happen regardless of whether you choose to relax, so try relaxing.

This. The way I see it, we're Damned if we Do, Damned if we Don't.

You could start wishing you've taken the blue pill and never look into this conspiracy stuff ever again, but could you live with knowing you're standing down when evil shit is going up?

Enjoy and relax as the plane crashes into the side of a mountain, the blissful sparks and roasting flesh, purifies your soul as the limbs of your fellow passengers washes over you with the stench of their blood.

*Not to make fun of such horrible things, but that's what I picture in my mind when someone says relax about things you can't control. Yes I'm a horrible individual.

Take breaks to remind yourself that your life hasn't changed at all because of what you know. Take breaks to clear your mind. Take breaks to think about how you can help the situation, but don't feel pressured. We are all in this together.

Ultimately seeing the truth will in some strange way empower you and make you feel better soon

It's good to know that a lot of stuff we've all heard about over the years might actually surface. Finally hold them accountable

What the hell do I do?

Be the change you wish to see in the world, and help others along the way.

It will pass, and for me sometimes it'll come back in random spurts. I try to get out and get fresh air. Accept that you can do much but spread the info and be prepared. Now that you know how fucked the world is make a point to be a good human to your fellow human beings.

I was in your exact shoes 8 days ago, my friend. The existential crisis kind of dies down after day 3, but it's more or less just getting used to it instead.

To make a new world the old world has to die.

It will get worse and worse until people accept change and the new world will be born.

Currently TPTB are fighting and negotiating what the new world will look like.

It's definitely much more positive but it could still be a lot better.

You will get used to it. You will learn to except that this is the way things are at the present time and you'll then be able to think logically, critically and most important of all OBJECTIVELY at the news, information and propaganda that is being thrown at us on a daily basis. You'll be better equipped mentally to do something about it and wake up the MSM zombies.

When I realized the WTC 1,2 and 7 collapsed due to Controlled Demolition on 9/11, I was devastated. My world view had shattered. I couldn't believe that there were people so evil in this world...and into the Rabbit Hole I jumped.

Hang in there and you will be learning some next level shit that 95% of the population has no idea even exists.

When I realized the WTC 1, 2 and 7 collapsed due to Controlled Demolition on 9/11, I was devastated. My world view had shattered. I couldn't believe that there were people so evil in this world...and into the Rabbit Hole I jumped.

This was me in 2006. I barely slept for a week. No one else in my life knew about it and I soon discovered that no one wanted to hear about it or talk about it. This sub didn't exist. I walked the streets wondering if any of the strangers I saw knew what I knew. I felt very alone and wistful for my former state of blissful ignorance.

Now of course I wouldn't have it any other way. Knowing the truth enables you to make sensible choices for your health, your finances, your relationships. Once you realize that they want us sick, poor and alone, and how they manipulate us to make that happen, you can fight back and emerge much stronger and happier.

Well said. I am absolutely more happy now that I stopped listening to people tell me what I should do-feel-think and started listening to what I want.

Knowing the truth enables you to make sensible choices for your health, your finances, your relationships. Once you realize that they want us sick, poor and alone, and how they manipulate us to make that happen, you can fight back and emerge much stronger and happier.

This is without a doubt one of the more important components of the Truth movement...the benefits of being aware of what is actually going on, verses believing the MSM lies, propaganda and fear mongering.

Lemme know when you find out

You keep reading about it until it becomes normal. Then you wait for the crash.

I wish I was kidding.

I went through the same thing a couple weeks ago. Don't let it consume you. Don't isolate. Don't try to convert everyone around you. Keep questioning everything, even the conspiracies.

Smoke weed, eat mushrooms

be a flaming arrow of truth

Their psyops are working on ya ;)

I've been there. It's tough but it'll pass. Strive to be a good person to others, that's by far the best course of action to take. Keep educating yourself but learn to take breaks and change focus when feeling overwhelmed. Don't panic. Compassion is fortitude.

It's glorious. What we need to do now (aside from the usual digging) is focus on communicating and uniting. We're all in this for truth. We need to be specific about what we present as opinion, and what we present as verifiable fact. We also need to be accepting of opposing opinions, and we need to be able to admit when we're wrong. We are, after all, one big opposing opinion when it comes to the mainstream veil. And most importantly, we need to be welcoming of curiosity in any form, for that is what brought us here in the first place. Let's keep growing, it's an exciting time!

I'm sure a third of you are spies.

Just tell any potential spy what you'd like them to know. Some of them have good minds and can understand words and facts. They just spy for a living. Here are some examples of the workers who depend on us for their jobs.

Persona management.


Hi I'm awake allright... free thinker # 400.378 (even though ticker still says 400.377, foul play? - just kidding) "Dream" bustet after seeing "Man on Wire" in 2013 P. Petit's story, with the twins blew my mind. I wanted to know everything about the World trade center twin towers, their history, origin, design & construction. Google'd and studied the buildings for a year or so... .. and one day it was obvious... "collapse?" and pancake effect my ass! that's a got be understatement of the millenium! Those two were BLOWN TO HELL top down!...

Study architechture terminated... (thanks Philippe!)

2014 - present. Study of 9/11 started... read & watch all... ALL! Sort shit from cake, stay objective, avoid distractions, read & watch again... keep it simple..

Deep breath, Look into your self....

The destruction of WTC 1&2 to me is like one of those trick drawings where you first only see one thing: a vase ect. But once you see the vase as two profiles the vase is gone period and there's no way back. Room 4 one more down the hole!? Well after some rather manic and intense years of geopolitical, geostrategic and historical studies learning on the fly and developing a healthy sense in picking my sources, while digesting the harsh reality in as healthy doses as possible i seen and read more than enough to see the real and shit-scary nasty picture of this world.

The scale of the con, the consequenses so far, the insulting lies, the cognitive dissonans, the cover up, the failure in accurate reporting from MSM, the silence of those with fine educations, who spend half their lifes studying this stuff IT'S PISSING ME OFF!

But i have to give it to the man on this one: It's a hell of a swindle! Disgusting as it is! Every single induvidual who pulled the strings on that operation and it's cover up must be exposed an held accountable.

Been lurking here daily 4 approx a year, read this post and decided today is the day i'm in and signed up.

Cheers from taxbinged and most def. rotten state of Denmark


I am proud to have made /r/conspiracy a place I visit each day. Thank you, moderators, for the great job you've done here.

It's kind of hard to believe. We've been the collective joke of Reddit for years!

The laughter is quieting down and a sense of awe is growing.

We were right.

this subreddit definitely leans pretty far to the right as of late.

the whole thinking world is "leaning right" in case you haven't noticed.

it's called backlash and blowback

they pushed too hard too fast with the sjw/pc/wereareallone/everythinggoes bullshit

Plus, there was the whole part about how they handed out the civil liberties and unity shit to distract from a hopeless lack of economic freedom. So that kind of ruined it all for everyone and keeps the rest willfully asleep--they got theirs.


I wonder what replaced that; I'd guess at theredpill given the anti snowflake stance of the place.

For the newcomers: Keep Calm And Slave On.

As for me, been critical thinker since 9/11 and a lot of people are yet to apologise to me IRL since I was vindicated by the leaks from Edward Snowden.

I've been visiting this sub for a couple years and its just about as shitty as I've ever seen it. This election cycle ruined a lot of subs.

I'm sure more people observed it and pretended the opposite to not clash with the PC paradigm and hurt their social reputation.

I tip my fedora to thee, fellow Top Minds of Reddit.

Probably the best post ever made to this sub:

This ties directly into the recent wikileaks revelations of pedophilia and much, much worse at the highest levels of government. For more info, see:


Strange, I always thought of an awakening as involving intelligent discourse and deviation from herd mentality. Little evidence of either on this sub lately.

I disagree.

While I think people who frequently visit a sub are statistically predisposed to believe nearly everything on that sub, conspiracy seems to still be the best single place for actual people actually thinking and making good posts. But maybe you've been here longer than I have and things seem a lot different?

Plus, when you're new to this way of processing information, it takes getting used to using your brain, and really researching things because you actually care. It's something that needs to be learned, schools don't help a lot in that area.

Let the the new comers test the waters! It's refreshing over here.

He's probably commenting on the cow turd herd of trumpettes nursing on the cud.

He's probably commenting on the cow turd herd of trumpettes nursing on the cud.

Should be nice and welcoming to everyone regardless where they are coming from.

I was once a fucking idiot and brainwashed by culture/TV/peopl/Media and only woke the fuck up because of drug/alcohol abuse once I reached rock bottom. So basically I was an addicted homeless bum covered in my own puke before I started to question everything and start the years long process of getting Woke.

Everyone is welcome

I agree every free thinker, critical thinker, is welcome from wherever. What I don't care for is people throwing around Trump memes and slurs and praising god emperor trump all day long.

R/conspiracy should be about independent thinkers seeking truth, not herd mentality astroturfing.

You're probably right. He would have a point imo.

I didn't downvote him fwiw

You must realize that this sub is attacked at that level. There are posts that come through here everyday with no purpose other than to associate us with the rif raf. However, there are some absolute gems of discovery that r/conspiracy is the first to consider, debate and vet as actual truth or nonsense.

I say be an active member. Hang out in the NEW posts and give an upvote to those worthy of discussion and downvote obvious garbage.

You're welcome

Yet a couple weeks ago the newcomers were bashed as being the don supporters. Could be why this didn't get shit for attention.

I'm on record as welcoming them then and now. As we grow it will be harder for our overall message to be drowned out by brigades or persona managers.

Only a small few are insufferable.

We have an advantage. We believe ourselves and are clear about our motives.

My thanks and agreed.

Welcome the users not the shitposts. this sub is a shadow of what it used to be.

It's a good sub, with good content and good discussion for the most part but since the increase in users its got a lot shitposts as well.

I also dislike the comments which are like your stereotypical conspiracy theorist or ITK's that use a lot of words to say very little.

Not sure i'm happy with the comedy that has been the last couple months of this sub.

Quality over quantity.

I think the coffee reference is appropriate. It comes from a type of WWII conditioning poster. The coffee in them was meant to remind you to keep your mouth shut about anything that might be a government secret, Here's one.


more precisely, anything that might pertain to military operations which would benefit the enemy.

All the times over the years we've had people posting requests to change the name of this sub because "Conspiracy" is a bad word and Conspiracy Theorist are seen as crazy...well, there's a reason for that, the Truth IS crazy.

Never be ashamed of this label..."Conspiracy Theorist". It was supposed to be derogatory. However, I wear it like a badge of honor. Peoples preconceived notions about us WILL change to a positive one. Someday this will be synonymous with Truth...not the "tinfoil hat wearing paranoids" the MSM wants you to believe.

People usually misinterpret what conspiracy even means. If you break the word down it means "breathe together" so if you have two people "breathing together" aka planning something between themselves that others don't know about, that's conspiracy. Two of your friends could conspire to convince you to go to lunch somewhere. People have been brainwashed to associate the word conspiracy with crazy

I like the term conspiracy factualist


aaand I'm out


Haha, couldn't put it better myself. This is one of the first places that I check in the morning. Goes great with a coffee.

Also on break during work

we got a 30-40k subscriber "trump bump" after being stagnant on 360k for ages. they're still flooding in at a good rate too, already 400.5k, onward to 500k!

i welcome all truthseekers but please watch and read a little before demanding easy answers to complex questions

...and never forget the sub motto, by some dude called aristotle:

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

We love you r/conspiracy!!!! Stay on pizzagate and we can only grow!!!

I found u guys thru the_donald. Keep speaking truth

No joking about coffee, first place I come every morning.

Thank Julian for this new wave.

And wish him the absolute best outcome.

Is there a graph for mobile that shows the rate of subscriber growth? I wonder how much was due to the election?

Will all shills please raise their hand.

I'll raise the hand of user, FaceHammer one of the moderators of the hate group r conspiratard.

FaceHammer Quote "Altered the course of history by manipulation of reddit votes"

FaceHammer website, persona management team.




Dime out the shills! Nice..

Yup. Surely that increase doesn't correspond to an increase in intelligence community bots 😂

Just a matter of time until we start populating r/TrueConspiracy

Thats generous. Just because theyre here doesnt make them awake.

How many "We've hit 400k / Your place for the news / Thank you mods" posts do we need here. Christ.

Is Alex Jones hosting your morning show? Lol get outta here. Half the stuff here has no sources.

I just ramble to strangers on reddit

I agree every free thinker, critical thinker, is welcome from wherever. What I don't care for is people throwing around Trump memes and slurs and praising god emperor trump all day long.

R/conspiracy should be about independent thinkers seeking truth, not herd mentality astroturfing.