Tonight CNN's Don Lemon Just Showed Footage of the Reagan Assassination attempt for about 20 seconds for no apparent reason.

717  2016-11-17 by BennyOcean

This is extremely odd. It looks as if they are trying to plant assassination thoughts in the minds of their audience. The panel was engaged in discussion about Trump taking a day away from the press, and Don said something to the effect of "You need the press to have access. Remember when there was an assassination attempt on President Reagan (roll footage), it was very useful for us to have footage of that event." (footage continues to roll for a conspicuously long time).

This is really despicable and borderline criminal behavior.

Edit - got the clip:



This is the most blatant propaganda I have ever seen on National Television since it was legalized right before Clinton announced her presidency attempt

propaganda has been legal in the U.S. on its citizens since the '70s. Thank the vietnam war for that

Youre wrong.

Laws were put in place to prevent propaganda from reaching media sources up until the ndaa was passed in 2012 which repealed all of those laws

You're saying that as if CNN, the MSM, or the government would ever actually follow those laws.

I agree with /u/forkinmydick and /u/conspiracy_thug both.

It's seriously dangerous. This is subversive Marxism and shouldn't be shrugged off. I'm scared for this country.

How is this Marxist?

Well I'm glad you asked! I watched this awesome video last night and I'd be happy to share and explain!

Here's the former KGB head of propaganda explaining how subversion works! Mind you this lecture was from 1993. Look for parallels in his topics that relate to current events.

Basically it's a four step process.

Demoralize, Destabilize, Crisis, and finally normalization.

Okay, so the KGB did it, how does that make it Marxist?

Taken from Wikipedia...

"social unrest between the two antagonistic classes will intensify, until it culminates in social revolution. The eventual long-term outcome of this revolution would be the establishment of socialism"

Anything that weakens the case for capitalism could be considered Marxist. By promoting the assassination of a political and business leader it would help the subversion of American society. See my post above, such an assassination would fall into the "crisis" category.

Fair enough. Ty for the Info.

No problem fellow redditor!

I've gotten alot of downvotes for being rude in the past. As it turns out "Just look at the dots, draw your own line!" isn't exactly constructive to discussion.

My favorite hip saying now, "stay woke"

Stay alert, keep your head up, don't let anyone distract you from seeing the truth. Of course in pop culture it doesn't take that meaning exactly, but you see my point.

"right before" is exaggerating it a bit. The laws have been repealed for a while, and the White House has had an internet spin team for much longer than CTR has been around.

The stones had to be put in place to create the walkway to the door that we are standing in front of today.

The power has already been used plenty of times, it's not just Clinton's campaign that was the purpose. That's giving Clinton a bit much credit.

I would think that people would be a lot more worried that Obama got a full term's use of it as president.

don lemon party twink they should fire him, if he doesnt like trump he will really hate pence.... fuck we get it don ur asshole is sore from the trumps amazing rise to office. u lost sorry, move you dont like it.

Derogatory term for gay people? Mods?


Removed, warning for rule 10.

time for you to go back to protest in the streets of portland.

lulz im not being serious, u can tell don lemon is the manliest man ever, heck i bet right now hes working up a sweat along with other just as physically fit african americans... veins pumping all kinds of blood everywhere, some serious muscle stretching going on.

Actually, it's just a term for young, sexually attractive people, regardless of gender.

It's sad because I love etymology... but I hate how ignorance shapes language.

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

"I don't know, can you?"

"Listen, we live in a world where 'literally' can literally mean figuratively. Do I gotta piss my pants or what?"

"I don't know, can you?"

[Proceeds to piss on that asshole's face.]


yea but if you dont live on the east coast ur not aware that everyone gets called a fag.... hold on maybe if i say it in a sassy way its ok.


Removed, warning for rule 10.

It's not just CNN. This AP article from yesterday talked about how important it is for the press to be around the President and invoked the JFK assassination and the the attempted assassination of Reagan as reasons.

Wait that made sense. The press pool being there meant we got the pictures and info asap in an age before 24/7 news and digital media.

Most of what the press pool covers is nothing but when shit goes down you have that on the spot reporting.

Say while Trump was at the 21 Club he was attacked by an enraged chef since he ordered well done steak with ketchup, sure the security guys are there for protection but not reporting.

The next morning the Trump camp said it was a pro- Mexican terrorist and there's no one to dispute that unless there's a Snapchatter who's super quick in unexpected circumstances.

What I'm saying is fine, hate the media but later on you may appreciate the coverage. Like GWB reading the goat book while being told the country is under attack

This is INSANE

If the protective press pool is so important and responsible, why don't we know where Obama was on the night of September 11, 2012 during the Benghazi attack?

Yeah I was expecting them to have broached the topic.

What the fuck.. Why would they even have that footage queued up?

Who exactly would shut it down? If they could how the fuck is faux news still a thing? Nasty ass Donald fucks still leaking.

It's not the Clinton News Network CNN is just shity journalism run amok


That was friggen hilarious! The little look Wolf gives after the second slip is awesome.

That was a reaction to her becoming an underdog at that point in the electoral vote

How could you possibly say that after Donna Brazille? If the evidence out there wasn;t already damning enough.

If i would have to guess id say...russia?

Where'd you get your bag of holding? I mean for all those goal posts.

D&D burn! nice have an upvote

I have a screenshot from them saying Hillary had 268 electoral votes

Trying to trigger those MKUltra sleepers.

Check the schedules to see if The Manchurian Candidate is on.

Anyway I'm off to read Catcher in the that a butterfly... I like butterflies but sometimes they hurt me...

Yeah we know all about that shit so don't even think about it.


Remember dancing to that back in the day...

I say dancing, close as I get to that,

Enjoy ;

p.s. I have a feeling some of the people in this vid may not be entirely straight if that kind of thing bothers you.

Thanks for the flashback.

You're welcome.

Zoo lander

Clinton news network is coming for you 'round the outside, 'round the outside, 'round the outside.

Is the Catcher in the Rye reference to Mark David Chapman?

Yep, not read any MKU stuff for ages but there was a lot of good info available online about it.
I get the feeling it was/is more used for creating a patsy than doing the deed.

Is trump a mkuktra sleeper? That's got me worried

I doubt it but an assassin might be.
Don't know if this is used anymore but a lot of people thought that cinema shooter guy looked like one, i.e. Dazed and confused.
It would be extremely foolish to try to do this as too many people are wise to such shenanigans.

I amazed that people think there is nothing to this when CNN has proven to everyone how guilty they were trying to get Hilary across the line.

I am no fan of Trump either before anyone jumps on me.


Google, twitter,facebook all want to ban the "alt-right"

It really is "alternate mainstream", with such s large portion of the population disgusted with the obvious shilling

Just the very same reason this sub exploded after DNC nomination.

The alt right is where democracy goes to become a Nazi lol

I did hear that happen.

Not great quality and I don't have the context before the clip starts. If it's not online somewhere you should be able to find it by tomorrow on the net. The context isn't hugely important here, just look at the headline and compare it to the clip they are showing to juxtopose against their conversation.

The bottom line is this: this story is about Trump not wanting to do any press today. They could have chosen any clip to support their point, that Trump is (I guess) never allowed to take time away from press coverage without harsh criticism by the liberal propaganda machine collectively referred to as 'the media'.

CNN must have tens or hundreds of thousands of clips... Incalculable hours of footage... They could have chosen any clip to play during this panel discussion, and the one they chose to use out of their vast library of video reel is the clip of an American Presidential assassination attempt, 8 days after an election. You'd have to be braindead to not find this odd, to say the least.

Another suspicious factor about this is that many if not most panel discussions on TV news include no video clip in the middle of the segment. It's not like they needed video to play during this segment, but they chose to play one, and the one they chose is the Reagan assassination attempt.

"There you saw what happened to the President... but he was the President, that's the key... he is not the President, he is the President elect". - thinly veiled threat, encouraging violence against Mr. Trump that would prevent him from taking office.

Omg. That last quote. Jesus!

I am legitimately scared of what would happen to this nation if something happened. Seriously. Him being voted into office was a Revolution. His first few actions have shown him to be lining up to clean house, to take back our government. His confidence ratings are going up. If we get this close to Making America Great Again and its taken away...that's something I don't even want to think about.


You can't go on popular vote with the way our system is set up. If you want to talk about popular vote then you have to get rid of the electoral college from the start. There are many people who will not vote strictly because they know their state is ALWAYS red or ALWAYS blue. So since it isn't based on popular vote they just stay home. However if we abolish the electoral college and strictly go off of popular vote then campaigning is entirely different. Politicians would simply have to sway the top 3 or 4 big cities and promise them whatever they want and they would win. Which essentially puts New York City and LA in charge of the country, effectively ignoring the wants and needs of the rest of the United States that does not live in a major metropolis. This was a revolution because it was silent. Every biased mainstream media outlet said it would never happen. They disenfranchised and silenced everyone except major cities. And we elected in someone to shake everything up. He's not polished, he's crude, he has no political experience, and he's promised to take down the political elite. But believe me, almost everyone I know is going to be holding him to those promises. He either follows through or you will see the control of Congress shift in two years.

The powerful elite who want Clinton elected Trump?


Hasn't he fired every single lobbyist from his transition team today? Also I think he just instituted a policy banning anyone he appoints from taking a lobbyist job for 5 years after this term.

Im a Bernie guy, but you might rethink your take on him. Even I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt until he betrays that....but so far, besides climate change (which is hopeless to improve until all politicians born before 1950 die off anyway ) he seems to be doing some good work at the moment.

If Clinton were president elect, wed be looking at daily propaganda aimed at justifying invading syria and/or escalation of our global situation with Russia.

I consider this a win so far.

Radio silence from u/LastAXEL

Just be glad we don't have Hillary for 8 years.

Is Clinton still paying you shills or is this just vigilante style lying now?

Edit: I take back what I said.




You know what? I take back what I said.. You have every right to believe what you want about Trump. Maybe I am getting crazy with all the propaganda and paid shills. When the MSM is playing shit like what you see above in this post, you need to know they are scared.

They have been lying for years now. Since '12 maybe longer. Obama signed the NDAA which legalized propaganda against US citizens

Now we have mainstream media bowing to Soros and Clinton who are paying rioters to provoke violence in our cities. Soros has attempted coups in Ukraine, Venezuela, Egypt and is the globalist behind much that is going on. Trump is about the only chance many of us believe to get away from this. If they do assassinate him, we are fucked IMO.

Damned good analysis.

There was another clip from yesterday,where some Talking Head indicates the "press" is part of the security detail and this is/was a national security issue...WTF?

I need to see that clip holy shit

Brian Williams at 2:41 "part of the security"...

I'm sorry, but I'm gonna need some context on that vid. They're clearly talking about the video, so of course they're gonna show it. Let me know when you find the entire segment.

CNN has gone off the fucking rails.

Also-- why haven't they fired Wolf Blitzer yet?! He also provided questions to the Clinton team, and they fired Brazile as soon as the news broke. Gotta keep that fur faced fucker for another decade or five like Larry King.

wolf blitzer is a former AIPAC spokesman. firing him would be 'anti semitism'

They haven't got off the rails, they're just doing what they've always done but without hiding it

I've seen that, thank you!! Incredible that people tolerate this. In the last few years especially.

The very day after they run a headline "Trump Goes Out For Dinner"... if they are trying to plant ideas, I would think that was a part of it, and we should keep our eye on them for more.

Trump needs to find a nice big bunker and hide out for the next 2 months.

I'm keeping my eye on CNN and this show in particular for more shenanigans.

That's good use of a television. I don't have one, so thank u

What is "television"? Is that some psychic far seeing process?

It's a sad state of present day America when I'm beginning to believe that CNN, in the pursuit of ratings, is goading some of its more unstable watchers to commit the most dastardly crime in any nation.

I don't think it's for ratings

By the way, John Hinkley the shooter, had family connections to vp George HW Bush. HW had dinner with Hinkley´s father the night before the assassination attempt.

You mean CIA GODFATHER George HW Bush


I said it when they released him... he will try it again.

So bush wanted reagan out? That's the conspiracy I'm reading here.

Yes, HW wanted to be president in 1981 instead of 1988. I also understand that he was in Dallas the day JFK met his end...


Very interested if someone has the clip.

If it does happen, at least there will be a good lot of us here who will know what happened.

Enjoy, download and distribute.

Dude send this to InfoWars they'll put it on loop all day

WWI was triggered by an assassination. Just saying.

That's a bit of historical revisionism. In reality, there were many factors that led to the war and the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was more like the 'straw that broke the camel's back' rather than 'the cause' of WW1.

Archduke Ferdinand was more like the 'straw that broke the camel's back' rather than 'the cause' of WW1.

So by that logic wouldn't saying his assassination was the "trigger" still be accurate? The straw that breaks the camels back is still what makes everything go to shit.

Wes, plus banking & economics, right?

Is the current situation any different? Trump's assassination would be the final straw.

It would have to be a foreign power. Preferrably russia, because hilldog had plans for distancing the us from russia. A nuclear war between russia and usa could be hella fucked up

Russia or not, the media will push the blame on them.

Ferdinand was in revenge for treatment of the Slavs and Bosnians, they had been a minor war or peace keeping effort going on there.

the heir got assassinated during a show of force visit, all hell thus broke loose.

If it is a sleeper agent program to wake up. It might have only been on certain tv stations to certain demographics. It would be hard to produce an online archive from it. Someone would of had to record it from their tv live

Edit: saw the clip. I want to see the context. If they truly brought it up just like that. Looks like they are expecting an attempt.

it was on CNN.

"Watch every night this week at [same time] for our assassination retrospective!"

Monday Night = Reagan (attempt)
Tuesday Night = JFK
Wednesday Night = RFK
Thursday Night = MLK
Friday Night = George Wallace (attempt)

Brought to you by BLM, SJW snowflakes, and ADL/SPLC!

There are MK ULTRA mind control sleeper agents programmed to respond to certain triggers. This is how they communicate with them. It's a secret world right before our eyes.

Nice CNN....definitely looks like they are trying to plant assassination thoughts into the minds of their viewers in hope that someone will take the bait....sick..

I just googled Don Lemon. He's 50 years old. He looks 38. How many of you guys willing to bet this guy is heavily involved in Spirit cooking/Pedophile- youth sucking ritual rings?

Dude, don't smoke, drink or use drugs and you too will look 10 years younger. It's just that the public in general doesn't care about themselves.

Word on the street is CNN is going to be shutdown by the FBI and a lot of major players are going to be indicted and prosecuted. Same goes for ABC, NBC, MSNBC. Lots of celebrities have been implicated as well, this is why you see so much vitriol being spewed towards Trump and Comey. They are playing for keeps, literally they stand to lose EVERYTHING!

They want Trump dead but that won't stop the populist revolution, Mike Pence is firmly on our side.

Can you elaborate on the 'word on the street'? Whose word and what street? Cause this would be incredible. But seems very unlikely.

Why are you giving a shit about an ewtablishment candidate pretending to not be an establishment candidate?

Um... FOX did the same with Obama by ratcheting up the old Second Amendment talk. Same with Trump and his "Second Amendment solutions".


Has anyone noticed that about 75% of the commentators on his show are gay or bi(Charles Blow)? Could it be part of message control?


One of the weirdest parts about this election was that Crazy Cunt being supported by all those rappers, like the free concert in Cleveland featuring the likes of Jay-z, who spits pure venomous vitriol about women, portrays black men a criminals, pimps, drug dealers, gang members... yet this bitch of the pro-feminist, pro-black candidate? give me a fucken break.

anyway, this video is scary as shit, i hope someone can upload a longer version so perhaps we can get some context... but then again, why even bring it up? goddamnit cnn...

I don't know if I would go as far as saying that is all the Jay Z talks about. I am not a Jay Z fan for the most part (his first major album Resonable Doubt is decent enough and he does have a few bangers), but he does a lot for his community and made it big by working hard and selling out. He most likely doesn't have any other context of his growing up. I haven't listened to his music for years, but no offense, that sounds like something someone would say who doesn't know anything about rap or has a particular bias ( believe me, rap commodification bothers me).

Rap was born out of desolation. Postindustrial america wreaked havoc on the black community. I mean shit, Reagan (bush) and Nixon (and we know what Bill did in the 1990s) cut a ton of social programs so these blokes had to do whatever to have a meeting place. That was usually a park, where they would tap into the street lamps for electricity. Hip Hop culture is full of hard working, creative people. I always like to say it came from rubble, because it did. Some dudes had to resort to slinging rocks.

And Hillary is no doubt, 100% a feminist. That's why she's so angry all of the time.

haha... no, my friend, i actually have a huge respect for Hip-Hop. I wear my P.E. hat with pride. I think rappers like Jay z are an affront to the true potential of the genre. It's been a slippery slope to the nauseating, nasal drone of Drake, and it seems to keep deteriorating...

And yea, hip hop's origin's are beautiful. Born when art programs were cut and there weren't anymore instruments lying around... a beautiful example of, dare i say, american ingeniuty...

haha nice. Ok I hope I didn't come off too brash. I feel like I need to defend rap because it has had such a major impact on my life and people don't get it. I honestly started to think about it after and I was like, ohhhh he is right. I am not really in the game anymore, but I did see Digable Planets in Seattle last year.

You make a good point about the instruments. I argued with the head of my graduate school for a week. She told me that saying rap was born out of "Cultural refuse" was "culturally insensitive". They literally used people old records that they no longer had a need for to make new music. Anyway, nice running into you.

Oh and peep this album if you have a chance. It's pretty decent and helps make up for Drake

I'm sorry if i came off as being anti-rap... i'm just tired of the rhetoric, i'm sure you understand. I dip in to a lot of genres, i usually try to find the artists that keep it pure.

Anyway, my main genre has been metal. I know its history well, and it basically runs parallel to hip-hop's, you even see them cross over. I could write a book about it. Just think of Anthrax and P.E., eventually that produces the magic of Slipknot's first album.

I'll peep for sure.

you're both white guys aren't you

did you just assume their race? DID YOU JUST ASSUME THEIR GENDER! REEEEEE

Fuck everyone on Roc-a-fella records, they probablygot their crack straight from the CIA

Agreed. I was excited as hell for the Sauce Money and Memphis Bleek albums, but they were garbage. I don't know who is on that label now, but even the Life and Times albums were blah. I stopped listening to him around 1998 and got into OPERATION:DOOMSDAY since I was a big fan of KMD. So it goes.

Yeah i like KMD and DOOM, any recommendatiosn thhat are similar?

fuckin sik mate thanks a lot

Check out Madlib, Quasimoto, the blu album Jesus and digable planets blowout combs.

i'm into madlibs stuff. i'll lookup the rest mate cheers

No doubt. That digable planets blowout combs is my favorite record ever.

There is a theory that Nicki Minaj's voice is actually Jay Z's sped up. Look it up, it's funny and freaky.

Traditional family values are overrated anyway.

I'm still pretty sure there isn't a gay agenda. I'm gay and I know quite a few other gay people. They mostly like parties and glitter, I'm not sure they want to destroy america.

Do you think that possibly the government knows what causes it and hijacked that to make it more prominent? Like what if it naturally occurs and is a defect (not saying your bad or anything but there isn't a evolutionary benefit to being gay)

I have sometimes thought that the government likes gay people because most of us (not me) will bend to their will. They keep telling us we're oppressed and wronged and make us feel unsafe or upset so that they have our votes and support. And they also, as you can see from the protests of Trump's win, are doing a pretty good job at it if that's their goal.

Activating sleeper agents?

If you watched CNN live the day Trump went to the whitehouse... it was so obvious that the media is expecting an assassination... they were actively trying to help with it... not only coaching a sniper, but suggesting a reporter might be the triggerman if they could get inside. It was nuts to watch live.

The big media is so fake it is just like Hollywood... so you know these guys have a lot to lose if all the pedo stuff comes to light...

I've also heard quite a few 9/11 references to Bush reading that book... and the Reagan stuff even more... Make me wonder what was up with that... the dude that shot Reagan... they said he did it cause he was obsessed with Jodie Foster... who played a child prostitute in Taxi Driver.

Paul Schrader calling for acts of violence... it's getting crazy out there...

Thew WH press pool is a security hazard for the President Elect. A nutjob just has to follow the press pool around to find his/her target.

I don't see why it's needed anymore. It's archaic in today's media and unnecessary.

Predictive programming. Fucking cunts. They need to be first against the fucking wall. See what Trump is up against? It's not even a deep conspiracy, it's just blatant antagonism.

This AP story is antagonistic as well. The examples they give for press being with past presidents are two assassination attempts/examples. Really AP? What are they trying to draw a parallel to exactly?

just to keep the idea of presidential assassination in the minds of the people...just a little subtle conditioning

It looks as if they are trying to plant assassination thoughts in the minds of their audience.

I doubt it will work. Most of CNN's audience now are senile people in rest-homes and in hospitals that are terminal.

It does not look like it is for no reason o.O They seem to be talking about it... do you have a longer clip about either side? I do not understand the context.

All i see in that clip is them saying trump is avoiding attention / press to avoid getting shot like reagan did. Cue the footage... Its shady at best...

And about 20 MK Ultra graduates were probably activated and headed towards trump as we speak...

Where was everyone's outrage when trump said there's nothing anyone could do about Clinton, except maybe the second amendment people?

Boycott that bullshit. Fuck CNN. You know what they're trying to do.

If someone has this recorded on their DVR, why didn't they record seriously two minutes before the clip for a little context? I read your comment below that it doesn't matter, but I'd still like to see it for myself.

I worked at a golf course in Atlanta (CNN headquarters) up until a few years ago. It was the club for Atlanta's elite. Anyway, occasionally one of our members would bring Don Lemon and some other guy as his guests. Lemon was always a jerk. Never tipped. His buddies did but he didn't. And he never said thank you. It was just "clean my clubs and here are my keys, go put then in my trunk." Prick.

I heard Fox news mention it this morning too.

What an idiot. If Trump is assasinated Pence is president.

Silly theory, you think they want President Pence more?

If I had to describe the reasoning for this clip to be shown from CNN's point of view, they could definitely make the argument that they showed it for the fact that Trump is similar to Reagen because they were both famous entertainers (reality tv stars, actors, socialites, etc.) before being elected president. I think CNN is showing what happens when a president who had an occupation like that in the past gets elected. Some people become absolutely radical towards people they don't feel qualify as being a fit president. They are sort of implying that this has happened in the past and that it could very well be a possibility that attempts like this could happen on Trump.

But I mean everyone here is probably right. CNN probably is just that blatantly sinister, and calling for someone to step forward and assassinate Trump. It probably is them trying to plant a seed in a mentally ill yet capable American. There literally is zero excuse for this. If they honestly try to say that wasn't their intention, than that's just a lie. They know damn well that there are crazy wreckless people watching CNN and that there is almost a guaranteed possobility that someone will be inspired by this. If they actually don't wish this upon Trump, they would never show this.

It's happening all over the 'mainstream' media. Check out this recent NPR segment with yet another reference to a Presidential assassination, again this has aired recently, after the election, while people are threatening to kill Trump on twitter and marching against him in the streets. Not only is it a weird 'coincidence' but if you listen to the audio, the whole segment is just plain creepy.

could you imagine if it was the other way around and Hillary had won?? Holy shit. SJWs would swarm the streets

Lemon and CNN should be charged with inciting violence towards the president elect.

Seriously eff'd up behavior on the part of CNN/Lemon. This should be exposed more. Definite attempt to be suggestive of violence.

You'd think the Democratic Party would have learned their lesson. They cater to the small minority who are batshit crazy communists. Another reason why they lost.

When you got only one plan, may as well double down on it.

The whole point is not that he's not making himself available to the press. This is a separate issue of exactly how he works with the press.

Previous presidents have always had a small select crew from the press corps following them around at all moments. Not the whole press corps, just five or six of them to make sure stuff gets documented.

That small coterie of press corps who are supposed to be around the president all the damn time, no matter what else was happening in the world. The idea being- if something's going on like a media circus public trial for OJ or something, and no press are following the president, something still might happen to or with him. This small crew of 5 or 6 reporters travels in every motorcade, goes to every dinner, shadows him wherever he goes including theme park visits and vacations on his ranch.

The Reagan assassination attempt is often cited as the proof positive for this. It's not like Reagan was surrounded by press that day, there was other stuff going on. But, when it broke out all of a sudden and unexpectedly, there were press there to document it. If he hadn't had an always-on-call crew of a few press there, no one in the world would have seen it. There weren't cameraphones around to immediately document everything. The other example that's often cited is Bush visiting the elementary school the morning of 9/11. Because there were a few members of the press corps there with him, the American public had the vital ability to see into and scrutinize the president and hold him accountable for those moments in which we needed them most.

The press's job is to be witness to the president as close to 24/7 as possible. The president does not really have a right of privacy in his day-to-day. His time is no longer his; we own it, we're paying for it. The presidency is 24/7, it's not a part-time job. And there's no such thing as part-time accountability.

You said a whole lot of nothing. The press was there and had access like a cops episode even after the worst thing that could happened, happened. Adding to the fakeness.

Pretty funny that someone on this sub is trying to say that I'm complaining too loudly about accountability and visibility. The idea that he has hinted that won't allow the travelling press corps should disgust you, if you actually care about the ideals of this community.

Yeah better watch Donald eat dinner every night. Wouldn't want to miss a highly staged event that could give him an easy first term and landslide next election. That's how Ron greated merica.

This is clearest explanation I've seen yet, including from CNN. It seems obvious to me why a president should have near 24/7 press coverage and you gave perfect examples.

Sure, but that same press can filter the news the way they want to.

Thank you, your post is a great explanation and makes sense. Of course you get downvoted. There is no reasoning with those who have left all semblance of reality and logic behind.

He's not the president yet.

for a lot of people its the first time they are seeing the footage, it makes sense to let it roll.


What? Give me a break and grow up -- I remember when Reagan was assassinated, it was all over television. Would you want to not show 9/11 footage either in 30 years because it offends you? Fucking liberals and their nonsense.


No one is upset that the footage exists. People are upset at the context by which it was played. Smart ass

Thank you Dwayne Meighan for that insightful report.

U mean people don't like my talk words when they come out. That ok though you not bad men. I like u guys.

I did hear that happen.

Google, twitter,facebook all want to ban the "alt-right"

It really is "alternate mainstream", with such s large portion of the population disgusted with the obvious shilling

Just the very same reason this sub exploded after DNC nomination.

Yep, not read any MKU stuff for ages but there was a lot of good info available online about it.
I get the feeling it was/is more used for creating a patsy than doing the deed.

Okay, so the KGB did it, how does that make it Marxist?