We've been distracted

91  2016-11-17 by [deleted]



My wife and I were just talking about this yesterday.

The facts that:

JA hasn't been seen in over a month.

People still think Russia influenced the election and the head of CIA said this outright. Aka propaganda to the uninformed (not us).

Media IS NOT letting up on the false Clinton and Trump narratives....it's almost like she is still plotting behind the scenes and this is scary.

The hash codes are wrong meaning the files are untrustworthy from this point to forever.

We have officially lost Wikileaks. The people who taught us what a modern war is like. The people who taught us what a modern presidential campaign is like. The people who taught us the true meaning and use of these so called affluent foundations.

What hope do we have now? Snowden? Dude seems to relish the notoriety and couldn't care less about DOING anything additional.

Media IS NOT letting up on the false Clinton and Trump narratives....it's almost like she is still plotting behind the scenes and this is scary.

Well, the truly scary thing is that this is just how the media is. Always. Its sole purpose is to manipulate its viewers and the common narrative, and to manufacture consent for whatever policies the liberal elite desire, hiding their true nature and distracting everyone from the most fundamental issues (which must be taken as given) in favor of sensationalist nonsense.

It seems to get a bit worse year after year, as it slowly drags the public discourse down ever lower. This election saw a very nice acceleration of this trajectory, but it is not a new trajectory, nor a temporary one.


Those Snowden comments are embarrassing. He's a whistleblower. He's done his part.

All true, but I would disagree with the OP...I don't think JA would commit suicide.

Stop worrying about Wikileaks. It's a US-sanctioned/controlled intelligence operation, most likely by the CIA. Wikileaks and Snowden(CIA agent), aren't heroes. They are part of the propaganda machine.

WTF ever thanks to Snowden we can call out the surveillance programs by name. Even if a faction of the US Intel decided to sponsor Snowden, it's still patriotic and pro-US. The Clinton emails may have come from US Intel, but they still changed history/reality for the better.

WTF ever thanks to Snowden we can call out the surveillance programs by name.

So you're happy that TPTB gave us essentially breadcrumbs? That instead of saying nuts(intelligence communities), we can now say peanut(NSA)? People already knew the NSA was spying on us before Snowden came out.

Even if a faction of the US Intel decided to sponsor Snowden, it's still patriotic and pro-US.

Snowden is part of the CIA. CIA aren't heroes. They aren't "pro-US" as they wouldn't have done the illegal crimes against the people back then and now. Snowden's purpose was to use the public to stop the NSA from blackmailing people in the regime. How is that patriotic?

The Clinton emails may have come from US Intel, but they still changed history/reality for the better.

How did history/reality changed for the better? Last time I checked, TPTB is still standing and we haven't got any improvements in our lives. You seem very fine with breadcrumbs when r/Conspiracry had already pointed out that the Clinton Foundation was a hotspot and had research on it before the emails even came into the news. Same thing with the pedo ring.

No, we can say "Prism" and "XKeyscore". Precise terminology has more power.

But the point is who cares who exposes illegal crimes of the US Govt? As long as they are exposed, the world benefits.

I do agree that we should not blindly trust and deify whistleblowers though.

But the point is who cares who exposes illegal crimes of the US Govt? As long as they are exposed, the world benefits.

It depends on who though. If all all the illegal crimes of the US were exposed then countries who were affected by the Elites would go to war with us. It's best to use the information we gain to not only usurp TPTB but have a solution afterwards, lest we run into the same problem again like history has shown us.

I do agree that we should not blindly trust and deify whistleblowers though.

I'm glad you understand. Unfortunately, a good majority still aren't thinking above what they are given. They aren't questioning everything, especially their own assumptions. True whistleblowers and people who hold leverage wouldn't "leak" things, but instead use that over TPTB in secrecy.

Cia psy op limited hangouts r/limitedhangouts

I agree. Nobody is talking about it bc that was the decision. After the CF was found to be fraudulent, HRC couldn't possibly win, otherwise the probes would continue. This way they'll have time to regroup the CF and go back to making shady deals.

This is what matters. CF,teneo,cgi isnt called Bill Clinton Inc for nothing

All they care about is maintain their connections and keeping the flow of blood money coming in

The doj has (at least) active investigations on the Clinton foundation. Take it easy pal, we didn't all forget.

DOJ doesn't conduct investigations. The FBI has a couple on the CF. The DOJ are the ones who wouldn't prosecute Clinton.

until lynch and obama's people are out of office , and the new DOJ allows the FBI to continue. delaying now also prevents a pardon

The DOJ are the ones who wouldn't prosecute Clinton.

And once President Trump gets a new Attorney General to head the DOJ, maybe we'll see some progress from the FBI's investigations against the Clinton Foundation. What are individuals such as you and I supposed to do about the Clinton Foundation though?

I think we forgot the ICIJ release of The Panama Papers and the UNAOIL scandal. I want to know who were the US holders of shells?

This has been discussed to death.

The United States for all intents and purposes is a shell company where you can hide taxes. US citizens don't need to utilise the same convoluted stuff foreigners do because the US has built this type of tax avoidance into the system itself.

Well, assuming you're a corporation it does. Everone else gets to pay for their existence while working for them.

There's nothing stopping you from creating a holding company and then funneling your income through it and then purchasing said things through that company

That's all the Panama papers are. It was just caught happening on a huge International scale involving high-ranking government officials.

It was like a newsflash... wealthy people don't pay taxes therefore keeping themselves wealthy. duh.

Is not pizzagate part of CF?

Kinda, yea.... But I entirely believe it's a distraction. As a father of 3 year old, I can entirely understand why a kid would scream help me especially after a soft swat on the seat of the pants.

On the same token, you won't ever find me say it is acceptable to tape her hands to the table. I definitely found that creepy, but by no means evidence of a pedo ring.......

You're complaining that we are not talking about the Clinton Foundation, while Juillian Assange's fate (alive or dead) and Pizzagate (connected to Clinton/Podesta) could be even juicer. Finding the truth of one of these is tied into all three, not sure why you look at it as a seperate 'thing'. Need to start connecting more dots.

I'm going to be brutally honest. I believe the CF is part of a child sex trafficking ring.

I also believe you guys getting caught up in the emails, symbols and this other stuff is discrediting the former ( that the CF is involved in child trafficking)......

I never heard of FBI anon til last night, but his comments were specific, quit looking at the emails and focus on the CF and their relationships abroad.

you guys

There is not a collective conciousness or hivemind, I can't fucknig stand when people have that outlook on it.

Oh I'm sorry for collectivizing you..... how about " those guys"....

By all means continue to look through emails and compare symbols, instead of focusing on relationships, testimony, and hard evidence ...... I'll continue to look for things that can actually be used in court, while those guys look at things that can be simply explained as a deep love for Italian food.

The problem with " those guys" and many conspiracy theorist is they don't spend enough time trying to prove themselves wrong.... That's how you form strong theories by trying to prove yourself wrong.

Ok, something weird just happened. I was reading this thread and decided to have a look at the wikipedia page on Julian Assange, and I found out that the name of his father was John Shipton. Now, I'm a writer and just a couple of hours ago I completed a ghostwriting assignment for a person called... John Shipton.

I hope it's not a message than Julian's recent postings have been a 'ghost' 'writing' :/


I would say that FBI know there is no way this administraton will prosecute anyone so they are biding their time and building a case until trump gets in office. If they bring anything to light right now Obama will just hand out pardons.

I get it, you think this is important, but posting this multiple times here isn't helping. There's no information here, where is your proof that think he killed himself? go research this stuff yourself if you think its so important, and by all means report back if you find anything. But if you don't have information to contribute it doesn't help to spam posts like this, just saying.

tbh what more can we get from CF at this point? we've literally uncovered plenty of evidence of pay for play and suspected bribery / money laundering.

what more juicer can we get other than pizza?

-lists of donors -flight schedules -countries operating out of -FOIA's from FBI -lists of employees -business connections( right down to who caters their events) - foreign intelligence connections

just a few off the top of my head.

Most importantly follow the $$$$$ always.....

Edit: one that I've pointed out lately, is Operation Flicker...

1700 hits inside the pentagon and intelligence agencies for child porn that were not investigated.

Pair that with the fact the FBI is hosting child porn sites, while having already removed 80-90% of them ( according to documents from ICE on Operation Flicker)

im not sure if youre agreeing or refuting.

in any case to clarify:

if we couldnt shut them down or make people care about implications of arab states funding US politicians and implications of people like Soros writing policy for USA...what would make people care?

all those things you listed are great and should be connected with sex trafficking / human trafficking / pizza in mind. like everything else - people literally wont give a fuck it seems.

some "anon" account posted on twitter a month ago about sources on an EPA / stove scam connected to albright & clintons etc...but like would people care if they realized that international "feel good charity" money is actually being laundered / stolen?

thats the sad bit. but i do agree i would love to see less shit posting and more investigations on T_D

I'm not really trying to refute you, just saying some things we can still look at.

I dont doubt people at large won't give two shits, vast majority are all like " I got work in the morning".

But being a victim of sexual abuse as a child, and as someone who has studied the Franklin coverup, Watergate, and San Fran military daycare scandal for a better part of a decade, I'm not ever going to give this up.

It's a matter now of getting supporting documents and putting them everywhere so people can't ignore it. I'm very much an amateur researcher, but I do have honest friends/ clients in DC who would make this front page news with all the evidence.

im labeling the whole of trafficking under pizzagate.

in no way am i saying people should only look at DC pizzaries and not investigate links to e.g. Haiiti etc because they will be linked. Every time i randomly searched pizzagate hashtag, many times stories did get linked to haiiti etc as "supporting evidence" especially with Sybil woman.

Im very sorry to hear about your ordeal. reading this stuff has genuinely moved me to tears (as a ~30 year old male) and convinced me even further that early child hood raising will be done by my family.

none of this "send the kid to day care so CARREEEEEEER".

btw the guy who was investigating San Fran cover up was "suicided" on Oct 16-17. Just saw a thread on it here, dont know if youve seen it. I read a bit and its terrible stuff.

100% agree. It's scary though.

In a way I'm hoping for things to be conducted trough legal channels once the new administration is in office. Could be naive.

I have been reading (far!) too much about JA and worried about him and no proof of life and all the suggestions that he is no longer alive. I was just waiting for more to be released on CF. Seeing WL compromised, and then thought maybe that IS the distraction and maybe (hopefully) JA was whisked away by the good guys with all the evidence secured for a prosecution? Just a weird thought. And I have no one else to talk to about this, so just throwing it out to the internet.

wikileaks has been silent and now we have this "fake news" censorship.

JA is opfor anyways

interesting hypothesis

I'm going to be brutally honest. I believe the CF is part of a child sex trafficking ring.

I also believe you guys getting caught up in the emails, symbols and this other stuff is discrediting the former ( that the CF is involved in child trafficking)......

I never heard of FBI anon til last night, but his comments were specific, quit looking at the emails and focus on the CF and their relationships abroad.