Is there a way to prove im not a shill without disclosing personal info?

0  2016-11-17 by We-think-we-are-free

I pretty fucking tired ov being accused of shilling. Its happening on both sides. The past 2 days ive been accused of shilling for trump AND hillary. For the record i did not vote for either party. Both are corrupt pos. Both lie thru the teeth


Dick pics. For Harambe.

Shill for Kek, pays WAY better.

Funny. To u/We-think-we-are-free, I haven't checked your profile prior to typing this so pardon me. Are you verified? How long have you had this account? AMA folks take pics of themselves holding handwritten cards. Try that as a starter?...and, yes. We're gonna need to see your penis. /s

The calls for penis have grown! Will OP rise to the occasion? Will he power up for 5 straight weeks of daily episodes? IS OP HARAMBE'S TRUE KILLER?! Stayed turnt for the next episode of Conspira Tard Z!

Thank you, u/Kaisemegro, I haven't had a sincere gentleman's chuckle in some time. U/We-think-we-are-free, verify yourself any way you see fit. We're all here for various reasons and if you want to be taken seriously, then take yourself seriously and forget some us that are acerbic and sarcastic.

Yes, please forget about me. If it weren't for the replies, I would have totally forgotten about this already. :D

Hey, I wasn't targeting you. Acerbicism (new word)? And sarcasm with a capital A helps me get through the dire reality that we've created for "them."... Yes I've been drinking.

Lol, and I wasn't saying "oh woe is me! Go on! Save yourself! Leave me to die aloooone". ;)

Ya sure? Because dying alone off in the distance, remnants of a corpse long forgotten to be discovered by some teenaged goat herder strikes a valid means for a separate religion. You. Could. Be. A. God.

I am God, but only if no one sees the transformation to my True Form, which is not necessarily my Final Form, nor my Ultimate Form.

I likes you.

Hey man, you're allllllllright!

Schweetheart, you're fine.

Haters gonna hate. That being said, remember that everyone on this sub has various levels of trust. Better to be skeptical than blindly trusting.

And ainter's gonna ain't.

Who cares just ignore those claims

why cant you take his word for it we must be able to trust each other here on conspiracy.

That was rich

Just shill man! And change your alias. Start new.

I wouldn't worry about it. There is no reason for you to prove anything to anyone here.

It would seem then that you don't really have anything of value to bring to the table.

If all you can do is bash both sides, then why bother listening to anything you have to say? Better yet, why do you feel the need to bash either in this sub?

Its r/conspiracy, not r/bash<hill/trump/etc>

678 (128 posts+589=717-678, 39 comments/posts that are not on r/conspiracy) comment posts, most posts on r/conspiracy, your most common word used is "Trump", other commonly used words by you are: Don't, Hillary, People, You fall in the "If you can't convince them, write more and confuse them" statistic, your subbed to C_S_T, badselfeater, pizzagate, you are likely waiting for something concrete to come out to discredit it.

BTW, this is not witchhunting, this is easily obtained information through Snoopsnoo, this is a direct link to your profile:

You are able to search up anyone.

Likely if you are, you would be concerned with not looking like one, if you weren't you would simply laugh it off. You made a thread asking us, is this Paul Combetta?

This is def witchhunting, So because i subbed at certain reddits, im a shill? First this is a new account because i forgot all my old passwords to my other names.

Around the time i made this name, this sub became increasingly pro trump, i felt i would take it upon myself to be the opposing voice of reason since i despised the clintons as much as trump, if not more. thats why my posts are all about trump. Ive never defended or supported hillary.

I see everything in a different way than most, and fact is ive been seeing the signs of this happening for a while. Every year the US gov approval ratings drop, eventually people will wake up by the millions and take back this country. But TPTB dont want it that way, so they start a new movement based on obamas campaign and win, but flipped 180 degrees to decieve people into believing real change will happen then they go back to facebook and cheeseburgers.

I dont give a fuck but people need to understand these tactics are used by agents to keeps peoples minds closed. Maybe these tactics are being used against me right now, i have no way to tell, but every time i criticize trump my inbox gets blasted with accusations.

Seems like an active operation is going on by some rouge faction, and i have a feeling this is loosely connected to wats happening with wikileaks..

? Snoopsnoo is available on everyone, including myself, if you had nothing to hide, you would have no need to defend anything. Thank you for outing yourself shill.

Haha you guys are working overtime on me.

I havent shilled for anybody so try again...

Because i dont like trump as a person or politician and i dont like hillary as a person or politician. because i have a personal opinion that i formed in my head, and you disagree with my opinion, according to your logic, that makes me a shill? Man this sub is so gone..

I know that there are some level headed people out there... Please dont buy into the RNC, theyve had 8 years to plan this out.. i dont have a better plan, but this world has been taking over by the banks and corporate interests. Human beings are nothing but reproducing batteries. Good luck out there..