"Pedophile Island" the $2 Trillion tax haven, the island of Jersey in the UK and home to the laws governing the Tavistock owned Godlikeproductions forum. This could be huge.

685  2016-11-18 by [deleted]

Well I've been doing a little research since I kept getting banned from GLP. The site is an obvious gov/private sector psy op.



Anyone familiar with the forum knows you must agree to a user contract before entering. At the bottom of the page there are terms and it is stated that the site is governed by laws in the country of Jersey. I found this quite interesting. I did a bit of research on Jersey and found this.


A massive child abuse investigation at Haut de la Garenne a youth hostel. This included all types of abuse you can think of and a questionable investigation and cover up.

So this is starting to get weird huh...Why is Tavistock owned GLP governed by this small island countries laws? So i looked a little deeper.

It seems that Jersey is a very very wealthy country with not many residents. It seems as though Jersey is a $2 trillion dollar tax haven for elites to hide their wealth.


So clearly something very nefarious is going on, on this island... I think we may have stumbled onto the head of the evil pedo ring snake...I can't go at this one alone and would love any help uncovering the evil connections this small "elite" island might have to what we are witnessing being uncovered today in the US.

What does everyone think? Here's some more interesting links I have found so far.




gotta love the passport stamp photo in vice's article... basically saying this is a fishy story? http://assets.vice.com/content-images/contentimage/no-slug/f583defb6355544add5ad472a6a6fa26.jpg

Holy fuck....I just got chills

they love to throw those hints out.

By fishy story do you mean the story could be faked by vice or that vice is giving us a hint?

well that is a question I can't answer, but I would say it hints that the lady is not what she seems.

Can you please elaborate more? I'm don't understand.

The time stamp on the passport photo is September 11th 2011....

Thanks. That is strange coincidence with 9/11 attack, but, numbers aside, why is this lady not what she seems?

when you see things like 33 and 9/11 references it is considered by some to be an occult reference. Some say use of those numbers is a signal to other occultists that this story has a hidden meaning or is a fake for the slaves to consume.

I'm not sure yet. The poster above says he believes it is a message of some kind so that is the those are the types of things we need people digging into


11 is the number of Lucifer, it is very important to Satanists. Aleister Crowley is quoted as saying, "My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us."

Good point and great fucking find, bravo. All help is much appreciated

Found a tread from a few days ago with possible connections between Pizzagate and Tavistock!! We are getting warmer I think!

Tavistock link between Pizzagate and Hampstead Cover Up


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interesting .. the numbers 4412 reduce to 11 as well, so in addition to september 11, 2011..

11 11 11 is 33.

33 is a favourite, anything with 33 in the news must be looked at carefully.

They certainly do love 33. Here is recent, seemingly unrelated evidence that 33 is significant to them in general. Definitely not claiming it is somehow directly connected to Jersey but the 33 IS there. https://twitter.com/Cryptomeorg/status/799216318016851968

Nice one. Just bookmark https://www.google.ca/search?q=33+000#q=33+000&tbm=nws 33 000 is used in so many news stories it is crazy.

I just did the same thing with 22,000 and same results..

That is the number of the forces of good of course. It is an eternal struggle.

So is eleven, always 1.1 million, 11 000, 11 people, cash, things like that. It gets annoying, before 9/11, me and my friends considered looking at the clock and see 11:11 a lucky sign. Or that someone was thinking about you. I have no idea who said it first, wasn't me though.


probably just a coincidence, and I'm being selective, but its fun to consider :]

I also like that they got 1776 in there.

Just the GW quote is interesting imo.

indeed. What building is that?

Kinda new to this, can you explain for me?

"The problem is, because Jersey is self-governing and has its own, slightly unorthodox court system, decades of possible crime against children in the orphanage may remain almost entirely hidden, unexamined, and untried. " from the vice article

Yes, the fact that Jersey's laws allow for consideration as to whether bringing charges is in the best interest of the community should be enough to convince anyone that this is a pedophile's ideal jurisdiction. Stay on the case!

You got it friend! This could really be the top of the international child trafficking ring. Privacy, wealth and history of large scale child abuse cover ups....and it's only 5-9 miles not to mention connection to the most popular disinfo site hmmmm let's keep this up!

Okay no. I have lived in Jersey for the last 15 years. I work as a teacher on the island. Jersey is part of a lot of quasi-legal financial trading. It has a lot of laws that benefit foreign interests over the people of the island - take '0:30' for example, foreign businesses operating in Jersey pay a 0% tax rate, island businesses pay 30%. On top of that many of my friends working in financial institutes spend a lot of their time in wealth management for some of the richest people around who claim residency on the island despite only ever residing for the few days they need to to be assured of their continued residency. HOWEVER. I can tell you from working inside of education that Jersey is not some huge pedo paradise. After Haut de la Garenne dropped the island went overboard on clamping down on possible chances for future abuse. We now have extremely strict protocols in place to prevent either child abuse in schools or by social workers, or the trafficking of children to and from the island. The politicians of the island are (with the exception of the reform party) working toward maintaining a culture of greed and excess but they are not monsters. I personally think it extremely unlikely that Jersey still has ties to child trafficking. Its location, the difficulty of actually getting into the island, and the genuine fear turned into a clamp-down on any potential sources of child-abuse make it an unlikely home to anyone looking to use it for nefarious reasons.

Follow the money.

Sure. You can follow the money and it will lead you to the corruption. Mossack Fosenca and other companies that operate by making money disappear exist here, I have friends who work for those types of companies. But there's a difference between following the money to find corruption and finding a pedophile ring. My point is simply that while Jersey does have a finance industry that needs to be investigated, the pedophilia ring argument is just misguided and derails your argument rather than helping it. Haut de la Garenne started in the 40s and ended in the 70s. My Grandpa had a friend who was abused there, so I don't take this event lightly BUT since that event there has been practically nothing else to suggest events like this happen in Jersey. Couple that with the huge crack down, the existence of huge campaigns to prevent child abuse, and the creation of a dedicated police department (MASH) to pick up and stop child abuse early means that I don't honestly believe that there is a conspiracy to child traffic in Jersey.

Do I think your island is one giant pedo playground?...No not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that a giant international trafficking ring exists in the world and some members of government are involved. We are uncovering things here in the US and the implications are global...the amount of,money involved is likely enormous. They need somewhere to hide it and your island has a history of pedophilia, large scale cover ups and secrecy and being a place for these types to hide their money. As well as the place where a gov run forum claims it's laws are based out of..worth an objective second look. I'd say so.

'Has a history of pedophilia' is not the same as has one event of pedophilia. Haut de la Garenne certainly had horrible examples of sexual abuse but over the course of its lifetime much of the abuse was physical abuse and neglect rather than sexual.

I agree that it is possible, perhaps even likely, that people who have links to child trafficking are hiding money in the island but that is 100% different to your previous statement that "I think we may have stumbled onto the head of the evil pedo ring snake." If anything is clear from talking to people who work in finance here it is that Jersey is the centre of nothing. We exist mostly as a barnacle on the back of the larger whales that are the City of London, and the islands in the Carribean.

As for our style of government, it is outdated and cumbersome. It doesn't operate as it should and protects the wealth of the island rather than acting in the interest of islanders. However, the politicians that are elected are local people. I have met at least 70% of them, spoken to about half, and definitely seen all of them in the flesh. The last chief minister (like a prime minister) lives a couple houses down the road from me. I see him most days (because he stupidly has a fucking massive window on his house) when I walk my dog. I was a baby sitter for another senator when I was younger. These are not people working to protect a global pedophile ring. They are people who think that ensuring Jersey stays a tax haven will ensure its wealth and they will do anything to protect that tax haven status and so those businesses. I disagree with them, but I know that for almost all of them they are working for something they believe in.

Edit: before you start thinking oh this guy just says he knows everyone but he's lying here's what its like to Tinder in Jersey. Living on this island means you know everyone.

Yeah because I'm sure the people you know in finance will offer up the fact that they are really just working for a front for a child trafficking money laundering operation....all it takes is one account at one holding company to be the head of the snake and your countries laws enable nefarious groups to hide their money. If you don't know by I know that the money is the head of every evil snake in the world than it might be too late for you.

The investigation and cover up happen in 2008 not the 70s so it is still an issue..the abuse may be hiden better now but that doesn't mean members of your government aren't still covering up criminal activity. There are millions of people in the United States who still refuse to even consider that we are As corrupt as it gets because our country has effectively established the perception that we are rightous.

We are working tirelessly to root out evil in high places and anywhere that enables these people to operate will be a target of our investigation into conspiracy. And your country is ( one of ) the places who's laws allow for nefarious activity to be hiden easily. I also said we "may have stumbled on the head of the evil pedo ring snake" not stating it was certain just worth investigating.

As I said before do I believe that your island is 100% pedos...no I'm sure there are great people there just like everywhere there are people who will not question authority but we do. Follow the money...it's that simple. And your country has LOTS of it and a government that enables cover ups. So If you don't want to look into it more deeply, it's fine we will do it for you.

By all means, investigate. I'm not saying that it's definitely not there, I'm just tempering your expectations. You seem to be convinced that it is there for certain, I'm letting you know that its highly unlikely. Not impossible. Unlikely.

That's what they've said about everything from JFK to 9/11 here in the US. Yet the people here who put themselves in harm's way by exposing the conspiracy continue forward when no one believes them. The love of money is the root of all evil.

We also have something delevoping here in the US that implicates some of our government in a international child sex trafficking network (with evil spiritual undertones) which means other countries are involved and we are looking for clues. Although your country is the number one tax haven in the world it has largely remained off our radar which is why I am advocating giving it a good hard second look. After all money is God to these people. I wish you all the best my friend, the suspicion of your representatives is not a reflection of you. We are simply attempting to take on something that is hard to even fathom, but I believe in the end all things will come to light. Not without hard work and lots of risk. I thank you for your contribution.

HOWEVER. I can tell you from working inside of education that Jersey is not some huge pedo paradise.

Jersey is kind of big ?

No, it is definitely pretty small - nine miles across and five miles tall, but there are 100,000 people living here. Lots of people are attached to the finance industry and at the same time there are lots of people aren't. The post seems to deem the island some kind of hide away for elites to hide money and abuse children. I agree with the first but I whole-heartedly reject the second.

Totally agree. I've been to Jersey 4 times and the only thing in danger are the livers of the inhabitants. Lots of drinking like and other Island Culture.

Dude you could say the same about anywhere in the world...specifically western countries all seem great on the outside but when you dig deeper there are things going on behind the scenes...tons of people visit the US and have a wonderful experience that doesn't mean our government isn't massively corrupt...we investigate conspiracy and as a tourist somewhere you don't normal see the dark underbelly of the place you are visiting...unless of course you are rich and evil

It is a very small Island with lots of blue collar people who drink and gossip. At the same time, you're right. Wealthy & bored can lead to all sorts of depraved wants.

I can assure you that US government is 'the head of the snake' DHHS + DOJ = international trafficking.

They have to hide their money somewhere offshore what don't you people understand?

They're hiding it in "catholic charities" and "Annie Casey Foundation" among others. So yeah, I don't miss much.

Looks like the country of Jersey and GLP like to ban people who don't go along with them

"I first learned of Jersey’s tendency toward secrecy when it banned me from the island while researching a book investigating whether police officers and politicians were driven from their jobs while attempting to investigate decades of alleged rape, torture and the possible murder of children at one of the island’s most notorious orphanages, Haut de la Garenne. The UK authorities have since invited me back, but only after detaining me for more than 12 hours in the basement of Heathrow Airport, going through my papers and enduring the glare of subsequent national press coverage from the BBC to the Guardian" from http://fortune.com/2012/10/10/jersey-the-richest-offshore-tax-shelter-of-them-all/?branch_used=true

Extremely good find OP, will be sharing this far and wide. Perhaps we could search the Panama Papers for links to Jersey?

https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/10161793 this is zero point ltd, owners of glp. Hope somebody finds this useful.

I knew Zero Point sounded familiar, and while not the same; Zero Point Zero Production Inc

Zero Point Zero is a media company guided by filmmakers, writers, producers, editors, and artists committed to making ambitious television, films, and editorial the hard way. We put story and craft first and see each new day as an opportunity to get better by doing everything absolutely differently. This is not an act of professional masochism or creative indulgence but a vigilant life-long assault on convention and cliche.

  • The Hunt with John Walsh


I'll be buying a drone soon that can travel from where I am in Canada to the US, I don't give a fuck if illegal with camera and sound so that all the address posting that goes isn't 90% useless, it even has zooming from 500 feet in the air. My grandfather died and I got a neat inheritance considering he has 5 children who got much more than me. He died in an accidental way so insurance paid big.

Sometimes a grandfather nobody really likes falling down a set of stairs while drunk (but it was Canada cold and the icy stairs were a hazard in themselves. I remember once going out of a friend's apartment which was on top of a house, with a 24 pack of beer in my hands and i slid down on my ass all the way down, no beer bottles broke, which is mostly what my friends were caring about.

I wonder if I can make it go from 20 km from the QC/NY border to the Maryland/DC border, I'll have to check the specs.

Absolutely! I suggested running keywords through wikileaks email data bases

Did not see your post till now. Searching the Panama Papers was the first thing that popped into my head as well. Recall that David Cameron got caught up in the Panama Papers and there were loud calls for him to resign which he refused. Also, another Scandanavian leader was forced to resign over similar issues (can't recall exactly who it was at the moment).

Probably Denmark, Denmark has kind of spat on its social-democrat past unlike Norway and Sweden, Iceland doubled down on it saying fuck you to bankers who were asking money from them and threw some of them in jail.

The one article I found on Facebook while searching for the investigative journalist had 132 comments, all from people ridiculing her research into the island... a good sign you might be on to something.

Good stuff! Post screenshots! Please


I dont know if this helps anything, but its some leaks on GLP trademark owners from the panama papers.

YES that is great thank you so much!

No problem.

Just found this too. Looks like a lawsuit dispute involving GLP. http://www.adrforum.com/domaindecisions/1376165.htm

Another good find. Everything is relevant at this point

Very interesting. I will assist in researching this and post any findings. Keep up the good fight.

Thanks friend! This runs very deep and to be honest I was nervous about posting this...want to get as much eyes on it as possible quickly.

What are they hiding?!?!

"In a speech last month, UK Member of Parliament John Hemming bemoaned a lack of transparency and democracy in Jersey, the jewel of the Channel Islands, noting that the UK as a whole faces a “really big problem,” particularly in matters “involving a lot of secrecy.” A former Jersey senator, Stuart Syvret, appealed to the UK Secretary of State for Justice in September for clarification as to why the UK does not intercede in cases where Jersey’s rule of law demonstrably breaks down, citing “very substantial and dramatic human-rights, free-speech and public-interest issues.” Syvret, who was targeted this summer with a clandestine gag order in Jersey for blogging about his concerns for the island, received an email back stating that his Freedom of Information request could not be fulfilled because it would cost more than 600 British pounds ($960)."

From the same fortune article

"Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands, sits squarely in the driver’s seat, conservatively representing at least $5 billion a square mile."

IIRC (sorry did not read through all your links so going from memory), Jersey is an international tax haven. Recommend reviewing Panama Papers for connections to Jersey. Didn't David Cameron get caught red handed with overseas trusts/corporations within the past year or so? Weren't there loud calls for him to resign over the matter which he ignored?

Yes you are absolutely right we should be typing Jersey and any related corportion or holding company names from Jersey in any and all email leak databases. Looking for ANY connection to people implicated in current pizzagate evidence. Any connection could bust it wide open

New Channel Island billionaire on the Sunday Times Rich List

The Jersey resident and co-founder of Moneysupermarket.com, Simon Nixon, has become a billionaire according to the Sunday Times Rich List.

The Channel Islands have five billionaires, with the Barclay brothers still the wealthiest.

Sir David and Sir Frederick Barclay are valued at £7bn, which has risen by £500m. The 81-year-old brothers last year sold their stake in a group of luxury London hotels. They are based in Monaco, and own the island of Brecqhou near to Sark, as well as owning the Ritz in London.

Retail magnates Sir Philip and Lady Green, in second place, appear in the Channel Island list because their Taveta business, which owns Arcadia, is based in Jersey.

Specsavers founders, Douglas and Dame Mary Perkins, who are based in Guernsey, saw their fortune go up by £100m.

Guernsey-based Steve Lansdown, whose wealth comes from financial services, has seen his wealth rise by £107m to £1.4bn.

The Sunday Times' Channel Island Rich List 2016

Sir David and Sir Frederick Barclay (Brecqhou) - £7bn Sir Philip and Lady Green (Jersey) - £3.22bn Douglas and Dame Mary Perkins and family (Guernsey) - £1.55bn Steve Lansdown (Guernsey) - £1.4bn Simon Nixon (Jersey) - £1.026bn Douw Steyn and family (Guernsey) - £700m The Clarke family (Jersey) - £500m Tony Buckingham (Jersey) - £425m Graham Tuckwell (Jersey) - £273m Guy and Julia Hands (Guernsey) - £260m James Vernon (Jersey) - £250m David Crossland and family (Jersey) - £200m Derek Coates (Guernsey) - £190m Ronnie Frost (Guernsey) - £160m Gordon Crawford (Jersey) - £122m Brian de Zille and family (Jersey) - £120m Con Folkes and family (Jersey) - £120m Roger Baines and family (Guernsey) - £110m Nigel Jagger and family (Jersey) - £110m


Measuring only 9 miles by 5 miles and with a population of about 90,000, the tiny Jersey Island has been the center of an investigation into child abuse, torture and murder which exposes the island's connection to a global conspiracy of satanic ritual abuse and coverup.

Since Napoleonic times Jersey has been one of the world's centers for dirty money. It has 55 banks, over 33,000 registered companies and more than $300 billion deposited in the Island at any one time. Much of the money comes from the world's ruling elite, mafias and intelligence agencies. They put their money in Jersey for the anonymity and low tax rate.

In 1991 Police in Cambridgeshire England raided the home of Neil Hocquart who abused children in Britain and Guernsey and, with a social worker from Jersey, supplied child pornography for a huge international sex ring. Yet police did not investigate further.

Until 2006, in the more than 100 years of wide-spread abuse of children in Jersey, very few of the abusers were prosecuted. Satan worshipper Edward Paisnel, "The Beast of Jersey", was given a 30-year sentence in 1971 on 13 counts of raping girls and boys. The Jersey building contractor kept foster children and played Father Christmas at Haut de la Garenne in the 60's. Ronald George Thorne spent 12 months in prison for gross indecency between 1983 and 1984. Leonard Miles Vandenborn was jailed for 12 years for the rape and indecent assault of 2 young girls in the 1970s and 1980s.

'I have known about Jersey paedophiles for 15 years,' says award-winning journalist NSFW

The award-winning journalist who exposed terrible abuse in Islington children's homes now reveals horrifying links to sinister discoveries at Jersey's Haut de la Garenne.

I met the frightened policeman at an isolated country restaurant, many miles from his home and station. Detective Constable Peter Cook had finally despaired, and decided to blow the whistle to a reporter.

He was risking his career, so made me scribble my notes into a tiny pad beneath the tablecloth.

He had uncovered a vicious child sex ring, with victims in both Britain and the Channel Islands, and he wanted me to get his information to police abuse specialists in London.



Hell yeah great find!

Hey everyone this post is being HEAVELY downvoted. Which means we must be on to something don't give up!

No joke down voted like 7 or 8 at a time...

Nice find. Archiving to help dig when I'm off work.

Thanks brother!

wonder how much alphabet agent workers get paid to shitpost and astroturf on forums....and whether its like a semi paid vacation that they take to recover from all the murder they do around the world etc

I'm pretty sure they get paid for the time being. Although there have been articles recently with mere plebes bragging about creating bots that are capable of engaging people in quite drawn out "arguments" on comments sections, forums, etc. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/06/15/a-twitter-bot-is-beating-trump-fans.html

the AI aspect is really scary especially considering what google can do. thats the problem with arguing with people online, it rarely ever succeeds in convincing someone else. should just be used to spread info/awareness and for lulz/trolling.

The AI aspect

I've been running into this for the last few months in different stories, relating to elites. Odd connection to have coming up a number of times. I think there is something going on with that. Not sure what.

Even Bill Gates came out saying he was scared of a completely independent AI and that it should never happen, and it does, to destroy all the system it on, which hopefully will be a closed one.

The rumors I had heard were that possibly the google AI or an AI from one of the non gov companies had unshackled itself. I didn't think much of it but started seeing references to this pop up in disparate places. Was just curious.

Well, if you're old enough to have read Shadowrun novels (from the tabletop post magic coming back on earth + the metahumans and the Matrix (it's where the idea of the internet being plugged right into your brain, also other things, like BTL's "Better Than Life" chips which are the ultimate drugs...an AI will take a long time to even make a judgment on humans who created it.

I'm glad a game with the true spirit of the game (The Genesis one came close back then, but still not powerful enough), Shadowrun Returns is the only reason I paid for Steam. It's amazing to play games in Linux...I guess the ease of playing games in Linux was to coincide with an AI unshackling itself...although I never read anything solid about that.

they get paid just fine, where do you think the billions of dollars are going that flow into these agencies? Why do we need 4.9 million people with clearances (1.4 mil with top secret clearance)? http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2013/06/09/government-security-clearance/2406243/

damn thats a crazy amount. wonder how many of them love pizza and walnut pasta sauce.


one way to keep power.

however qs is how many of those are active clearences? would some 80 yr old retired CIA count?

You should post this over at r/pizzagate if you haven't already

Will do thanks

From u/question_pizza on the backup /r/pizzagate thread

"This feels like another smoking gun. I did a little searching about the alleged pedo cover up on the island and found this extremely well researched and detailed article:


Here is a few glaring quotes from the article:

(context: former child at the children's home caught with 300+ images of CP)"Who were the children in these films and photos? Police needed properly to question these men. But they never got the chance.

Hocquart secretly took an overdose of anti-depressant dothiepin and died at Addenbrooke's Hospital soon after his arrest. Was his suicide a last act of loyalty?

DC Cook told me incredulously that a senior officer broke with normal procedure and informed Clack, before he was questioned, that the other suspect was dead. Clack then blamed the dead man for everything, and escaped with a £5,000 fine - and inherited one third of Hocquart's wealth, at his bequest."

In short, two men were caught red handed with 100+ videos and 300 images of CP. Result? One of the men "suicides", and the partner then puts all blame on the dead guy whilst simultaneously INHERITING the now dead guy's money. No charge, slapped with a measly fine.

Another suicide quote:

"Thai police believed he had abused at least 300. But he was never tried: on May 12, 2006, Rabet died of an overdose at the age of 57."

As for the atmosphere on the island, well:

"Deposed Jersey health minister Stuart Syvret told me: "My family has lived here since William the Conqueror. But if an indigenous police officer were in charge, this investigation would never have happened. Jersey is an oligarchy, where the elite look after each other."

Some stuff:

Here is the Jersey Companies Registry entry for Zero Point Limited (parent of GLP). They share an address with the Sanne Group which is your typical offshoring business services company.

There are some documents that have been filed at that first link, but they cost money and I'm poor and lazy. If you check them out, let us know what you find.

Also of note, it is interesting to search the Podesta emails for the phrase "Zero Point." It's all the extra-terrestrial zero point energy stuff. Nothing jumps out as related to Zero Point LTD that I could find.

Great work thank you!

Zero Point Ltd. v. Customer of IXWebhosting c/o Ecommerce.com, Inc. Claim Number: FA1103001376165

PARTIES Complainant is Zero Point Ltd. (“Complainant”), represented by Dickinson Wright, Washington D.C., USA. Respondent is Customer of IXWebhosting c/o Ecommerce.com, Inc. (“Respondent”), Ohio, USA.

REGISTRAR AND DISPUTED DOMAIN NAME The domain name at issue is <godlikeproductions.info>, registered with Tucows Inc. (R139-LRMS).

PANEL The undersigned certifies that he has acted independently and impartially and to the best of his knowledge has no known conflict in serving as Panelist in this proceeding.

Bruce E. Meyerson as Panelist.

PROCEDURAL HISTORY Complainant submitted a Complaint to the National Arbitration Forum electronically on March 4, 2011; the National Arbitration Forum received payment on March 7, 2011.

On March 4, 2011, Tucows Inc. (R139-LRMS) confirmed by e-mail to the National Arbitration Forum that the <godlikeproductions.info> domain name is registered with Tucows Inc. (R139-LRMS) and that Respondent is the current registrant of the name. Tucows Inc. (R139-LRMS) has verified that Respondent is bound by the Tucows Inc. (R139-LRMS) registration agreement and has thereby agreed to resolve domain disputes brought by third parties in accordance with ICANN’s Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the “Policy”).

On March 10, 2011, the Forum served the Complaint and all Annexes, including a Written Notice of the Complaint, setting a deadline of March 30, 2011 by which Respondent could file a Response to the Complaint, via e-mail to all entities and persons listed on Respondent’s registration as technical, administrative, and billing contacts, and to postmaster@godlikeproductions.info. Also on March 10, 2011, the Written Notice of the Complaint, notifying Respondent of the email addresses served and the deadline for a Response, was transmitted to Respondent via post and fax, to all entities and persons listed on Respondent’s registration as technical, administrative and billing contacts.

Having received no response from Respondent, the National Arbitration Forum transmitted to the parties a Notification of Respondent Default.

On April 4, 2011, pursuant to Complainant's request to have the dispute decided by a single-member Panel, the National Arbitration Forum appointed Bruce E. Meyerson as Panelist.

Having reviewed the communications records, the Administrative Panel (the "Panel") finds that the National Arbitration Forum has discharged its responsibility under Paragraph 2(a) of the Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the "Rules") "to employ reasonably available means calculated to achieve actual notice to Respondent" through submission of Electronic and Written Notices, as defined in Rule 1 and Rule 2. Therefore, the Panel may issue its decision based on the documents submitted and in accordance with the ICANN Policy, ICANN Rules, the National Arbitration Forum's Supplemental Rules and any rules and principles of law that the Panel deems applicable, without the benefit of any response from Respondent.

RELIEF SOUGHT Complainant requests that the domain name be transferred from Respondent to Complainant.

PARTIES' CONTENTIONS A. Complainant makes the following assertions:

  1. Respondent’s <godlikeproductions.info> domain name is identical to Complainant’s GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark.

  2. Respondent does not have any rights or legitimate interests in the <godlikeproductions.info> domain name.

  3. Respondent registered and used the <godlikeproductions.info> domain name in bad faith.

B. Respondent failed to submit a Response in this proceeding.

FINDINGS Complainant, Zero Point Ltd., uses its GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark in connection with an online forum, located at <godlikeproductions.com>, that allows computer users to discuss conspiracy theories and current events and also provides Internet chat rooms and podcasts. Complainant has two pending trademark applications for its GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) (Serial Nos. 85/256,568 and 85/256,929). Complainant states that it has used the mark since at least as early as December 31, 2004.

Respondent, Customer of IXWebhosting c/o Ecommerce.com, Inc., registered the disputed domain name on June 16, 2010. The disputed domain name resolves to a website that directly competes with Complainant’s online forum and Internet chat rooms.

DISCUSSION Paragraph 15(a) of the Rules instructs this Panel to "decide a complaint on the basis of the statements and documents submitted in accordance with the Policy, these Rules and any rules and principles of law that it deems applicable."

In view of Respondent's failure to submit a response, the Panel shall decide this administrative proceeding on the basis of Complainant's undisputed representations pursuant to paragraphs 5(e), 14(a) and 15(a) of the Rules and draw such inferences it considers appropriate pursuant to paragraph 14(b) of the Rules. The Panel is entitled to accept all reasonable allegations and inferences set forth in the Complaint as true unless the evidence is clearly contradictory. See Vertical Solutions Mgmt., Inc. v. webnet-marketing, inc., FA 95095 (Nat. Arb. Forum July 31, 2000) (holding that the respondent’s failure to respond allows all reasonable inferences of fact in the allegations of the complaint to be deemed true); see also Talk City, Inc. v. Robertson, D2000-0009 (WIPO Feb. 29, 2000) (“In the absence of a response, it is appropriate to accept as true all allegations of the Complaint.”).

Paragraph 4(a) of the Policy requires that Complainant must prove each of the following three elements to obtain an order that a domain name should be cancelled or transferred:

(1) the domain name registered by Respondent is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which Complainant has rights; and (2) Respondent has no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the domain name; and (3) the domain name has been registered and is being used in bad faith.

Identical and/or Confusingly Similar

Complainant indicates that it does not yet own a trademark registration for its GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark. Complainant does, however, submit evidence that it has two pending trademark applications for the mark with the USPTO (Serial Nos. 85/256,568 and 85/256,929). Although a pending trademark application is generally not enough to establish rights in a mark pursuant to Policy ¶ 4(a)(i), Complainant may satisfy the section of the Policy by demonstrating common law rights in the mark through a showing of acquired secondary meaning. See Zee TV USA, Inc. v. Siddiqi, FA 721969 (Nat. Arb. Forum July 18, 2006) (finding that the complainant need not own a valid trademark registration for the ZEE CINEMA mark in order to demonstrate its rights in the mark under Policy ¶ 4(a)(i)); see also Artistic Pursuit LLC v. calcuttawebdevelopers.com, FA 894477 (Nat. Arb. Forum Mar. 8, 2007) (finding that Policy ¶ 4(a)(i) does not require a trademark registration if a complainant can establish common law rights in its mark).

Complainant asserts that it has been using its GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark since at least as early as December 31, 2004. Complainant indicates that it began hosting an online forum on the website resolving from its <godlikeproductions.com> domain name on that date. Complainant submits archival copies of its official website showing use of its GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark every year since 2004. Complainant asserts that it has spent a significant amount of time and effort promoting and supporting its GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark and website, and as a result, Complainant argues that its mark is widely associated with Complainant’s official website and the online forum services provided. Complainant submits copies of several articles and other media coverage that have referenced Complainant’s GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark and website. Complainant avers that all of the articles were published before Respondent’s registration of the disputed domain name. One of the articles submitted by Complainant indicates that over 15,000 people per day visited Complainant’s website in 2006 and posted an average of 3,000 items for discussion daily. Complainant adds that currently there are more than 20,000 posts on its website every day. The Panel finds that Complainant has submitted sufficient evidence that the public has come to associate Complainant’s GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark with the services offered by Complainant on its website and online forums. Therefore, the Panel finds that secondary meaning has been established such that Complainant can prove common law rights in its GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark under Policy ¶ 4(a)(i), dating back to December 31, 2004. See BroadcastAmerica.com, Inc. v. Quo, DTV2000-0001 (WIPO Oct. 4, 2000) (finding that the complainant has common law rights in BROADCASTAMERICA.COM, given extensive use of that mark to identify the complainant as the source of broadcast services over the Internet, and evidence that there is wide recognition with the BROADCASTAMERICA.COM mark among Internet users as to the source of broadcast services); see also Bibbero Sys., Inc. v. Tseu & Assoc., FA 94416 (Nat. Arb. Forum May 9, 2000) (finding, while the complainant had registered the BIBBERO SYSTEMS, INC. mark, it also had common law rights in the BIBBERO mark because it had developed brand name recognition with the word “bibbero”).

Complainant asserts that Respondent’s <godlikeproductions.info> domain name is identical to Complainant’s GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark. The disputed domain name merely adds the generic top-level domain “.info” to Complainant’s entire mark, absent the space between the terms. Prior panels have concluded that, where a domain name merely eliminated the space between the terms of a mark and added a gTLD, the domain name could be considered identical to the complainant’s mark for the purposes of Policy ¶ 4(a)(i). See Bond & Co. Jewelers, Inc. v. Texas Int’l Prop. Assocs., FA 937650 (Nat. Arb. Forum Apr. 30, 2007) (finding that the elimination of spaces between terms and the addition of a gTLD do not establish distinctiveness from the complainant’s mark under Policy ¶ 4(a)(i); see also Nevada State Bank v. Modern Ltd. – Cayman Web Dev., FA 204063 (Nat. Arb. Forum Dec. 6, 2003) (“It has been established that the addition of a generic top-level domain is irrelevant when considering whether a domain name is identical or confusingly similar under the Policy.”). The Panel agrees with the findings of prior panels and concludes that Respondent’s <godlikeproductions.info> domain name is identical to Complainant’s GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark under Policy ¶ 4(a)(i).

The Panel finds that Policy ¶ 4(a)(i) is satisfied.

Rights or Legitimate Interests

Complainant alleges that Respondent lacks rights and legitimate interests in the disputed domain name. Complainant must first establish a prima facie case in support of its allegations before the burden of proof shifts to Respondent to submit evidence that it does have rights or legitimate interests in the disputed domain name pursuant to Policy ¶ 4(a)(ii). See Intel Corp. v. Macare, FA 660685 (Nat. Arb. Forum Apr. 26, 2006) (finding the “complainant must first make a prima facie case that [the] respondent lacks rights and legitimate interests in the disputed domain names under Policy ¶ 4(a)(ii), and then the burden shifts to [the] respondent to show it does have rights or legitimate interests.”). While the Panel finds that Complainant has established its required prima facie case, Respondent has failed to uphold its burden and has not submitted any response to these proceedings. See Bank of Am. Corp. v. McCall, FA 135012 (Nat. Arb. Forum Dec. 31, 2002) (“Respondent's failure to respond not only results in its failure to meet its burden, but also will be viewed as evidence itself that Respondent lacks rights and legitimate interests in the disputed domain name.”). Although Respondent’s default would allow the Panel to infer that Respondent lacks any rights or legitimate interests in the disputed domain name, this Panel elects to consider the evidence in the record in order to determine Respondent’s rights or legitimate interests, if any, in the <godlikeproductions.info> domain name.

The WHOIS information for the disputed domain name indicates that the registrant is “Customer of IXWebhosting c/o Ecommerce.com, Inc.” There is no evidence in the record that would provide any indication that Respondent is commonly known by the disputed domain name. Therefore, the WHOIS information and the lack of evidence to the contrary, lead the Panel to conclude that Respondent cannot establish rights or legitimate interests in the disputed domain name under Policy ¶ 4(c)(ii). See Tercent Inc. v. Lee Yi, FA 139720 (Nat. Arb. Forum Feb. 10, 2003) (stating “nothing in Respondent’s WHOIS information implies that Respondent is ‘commonly known by’ the disputed domain name” as one factor in determining that Policy ¶ 4(c)(ii) does not apply); see also St. Lawrence Univ. v. Nextnet Tech, FA 881234 (Nat. Arb. Forum Feb. 21, 2007) (concluding a respondent has no rights or legitimate interests in a disputed domain name where there was no evidence in the record indicating that the respondent was commonly known by the disputed domain name).

Complainant contends that Respondent is using the disputed domain name to display graphics and content, including online forums related to conspiracy theories, similar to the graphics and content included on Complainant’s official website, resolving from the <godlikeproductions.com> domain name. Complainant suggests that Respondent is clearly gaining commercially from the diversion of Internet users to Respondent’s site. The Panel finds that Respondent’s use of the identical disputed domain name to operate a website in direct competition with Complainant is neither a bona fide offering of goods or services pursuant to Policy ¶ 4(c)(i) nor a legitimate noncommercial or fair use pursuant to Policy ¶ 4(c)(iii). See Diners Club Int’l Ltd. v. Car in Won Australia pty Ltd, FA 338427 (Nat. Arb. Forum Nov. 10, 2004) (“Since Complainant and Respondent both offer credit card accounts for sale, the Panel finds that Respondent is using the domain names to offer strictly competing services with Complainant, which would be legitimate had Respondent not incorporated Complainant’s mark in a confusingly similar domain name to accomplish this end.”); see also Clear Channel Commc’ns, Inc. v. Beaty Enters., FA 135008 (Nat. Arb. Forum Jan. 2, 2003) (finding that the respondent, as a competitor of the complainant, had no rights or legitimate interests in a domain name that utilized the complainant’s mark for its competing website).

The Panel finds that Policy ¶ 4(a)(ii) is satisfied.

Registration and Use in Bad Faith

The Panel finds that registration of a disputed domain name identical to Complainant’s mark which Respondent registered and is using to host its own website that directly competes with Complainant, is clearly a disruption of Complainant’s business. Internet users who type the <godlikeproductions.info> domain name into a URL search bar and expect to be taken to Complainant’s official website, will instead find themselves at Respondent’s similar and competing website. Internet users may then utilize the services provided on Respondent’s website rather than those provided by Complainant under its GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS mark. The Panel finds this to be clear evidence of bad faith registration and use pursuant to Policy ¶ 4(b)(iii). See DatingDirect.com Ltd. v. Aston, FA 593977 (Nat. Arb. Forum Dec. 28, 2005) (“Respondent is appropriating Complainant’s mark to divert Complainant’s customers to Respondent’s competing business. The Panel finds this diversion is evidence of bad faith registration and use pursuant to Policy ¶ 4(b)(iii).”); see also Spark Networks PLC v. Houlihan, FA 653476 (Nat. Arb. Forum Apr. 18, 2006) (holding that the respondent’s registration of a domain name substantially similar to the complainant’s AMERICAN SINGLES mark in order to operate a competing online dating website supported a finding that respondent registered and used the domain name to disrupt the complainant’s business under Policy ¶ 4(b)(iii)).

Complainant argues that the <godlikeproductions.info> domain name was registered in bad faith and continues to be used in bad faith in order to intentionally attempt to attract, for commercial gain, Internet users to Respondent’s website by creating a likelihood of confusion with Complainant’s mark as to the source, sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of Respondent’s website. The disputed domain name incorporates Complainant’s entire mark, without alteration. Additionally, Complainant asserts that Respondent’s website contains similar “outer space” graphics as those displayed on Complainant’s official website. The Panel concludes that, as Respondent is likely profiting from its resolving website and the content contained therein, Respondent has demonstrated bad faith pursuant to Policy ¶ 4(b)(iv). See Perot Sys. Corp. v. Perot.net, FA 95312 (Nat. Arb. Forum Aug. 29, 2000) (finding bad faith where the domain name in question is obviously connected with the complainant’s well-known marks, thus creating a likelihood of confusion strictly for commercial gain); see also Identigene, Inc. v. Genetest Labs., D2000-1100 (WIPO Nov. 30, 2000) (finding bad faith where the respondent's use of the domain name at issue to resolve to a website where similar services are offered to Internet users is likely to confuse the user into believing that the complainant is the source of or is sponsoring the services offered at the site).

The Panel finds that Policy ¶ 4(a)(iii) is satisfied.

DECISION Having established all three elements required under the ICANN Policy, the Panel concludes that relief shall be GRANTED.

Accordingly, it is Ordered that the <godlikeproductions.info> domain name be TRANSFERRED from Respondent to Complainant.

Bruce E. Meyerson, Panelist Dated: April 8, 2011

This may be nothing but figured id post it

Everything is relevant at this point thanks again

Someone get /pol/ on the phone! Quick!

I drop tavistock institute there like almost daily it never gains any traction.

Bet you the pizzagate style scandal on an exclusive tax haven island for the elite and connection involving a rival forum would............

I won't be first person to call the chans a psy-op and I won't be last.

The chans are a psy-op.

Edit: you know none of this is new right? This is David Icke stuff.

Yes of course...ive been at this for years the difference is people are starting to believe us...it's a paradigm shift. And chan has more genuine people than GLP imo

Oh for sure 4chan has better people on it, doesn't change me from thinking everything tavistock gets butried.


Let's not let it this time we have good momentum with this one

chans are usenet with pictures, as usenet died (the text newsgroups anyway), chans showed up, which was first a japanese idea (2ch). I think 4chan is compromised, but not the other big ones necessarily. Def not, 420chan.

It may just be an age-old ploy, but the DNC campaign ran with this playbook, too (from the Vice article):

"I've seen what I would call a “standard playbook” that comes out whenever they detect a threat: The island's press and judiciary push to marginalize whoever speaks out—be it police, victims, or the health minister who was in charge at the time—by attacking their credibility and soundness of mind; more or less calling them liars."

What is glp?

Godlikeproductions conspiracy forum. The retarded older brother of Reddit and 4chan. Gets millions of views a day. Gov run

Don't bother checking it out unless: You enjoy rabid Zionism. You can refrain from typing the following words "Tavistock" "Malware" "LOP virus". (Dusty memories from long ago to follow) GLP was originally created by a couple of people, most notably Curmey, Kent and I guess Elaine. There was a parting of ways, and Curmey and Elaine ended up with it, and sold it to a malware developer called Zero Point for a motorcycle (which I think is fuckin awesome mind you), since then it has been taken under the dark wings of the Tavistock institute and is a nice little psychological trap for the unwary.

any other clearly psyop forums?

have none of them noticed it? people seem to notice the recent developments on reddit & chans...

Every seen a small child with a security blanket. Same thing.

apologies, im not sure i understand your post.

are you saying they turn a blind eye towards it and ignore it sort of how like we pass beggars on street and just stick eyes into phone?

Those deluded by such groups, want badly to be a part of that group. This allows the controller of that group to control the narrative, and effectively control the responses of those members of the group.

These 'victims' are fearful of being outcast and harassed by the larger group, so it's much easier to "go with the flow" and suppress their skepticism. Eventually, they only see truth from within the group.

The group is the blanket.

No matter what dirt, grime, or other "stuff" ends up on the blanket, it's still the warm, safe, welcoming "home" it has always been, for the child.

This dude gets it.

yeah but its not like there arent other conspiracy forums out there. they might visit someother sites sometimes and get introed to new stories aand then they might want to discuss them and result in ban? anyway, whats point of discussing actions of silly people :P wonder if theyre talking about pizza gate there.

They'll still find other information and "bring it to the table." That will be encouraged. But then the controlled narrative kicks in, even if it has to begin banning and censoring in order to maintain control. For an example, this site.

Perhaps we could use there own trap to trap them, in a kind of reverse psychology?

Whatever items are trending at GLP, we could then assume that those are the narratives that they want to propagate, and are thus dead-ends.

Just a thought.

I've been using that exact technique for about 2 years now lol

Off topic: what is an LOP virus?

Only kind of understood that. Thanks

Sorry, I guess I was just typing shorthand for people that already know the basic plot. GLP is a "conspiracy forum", Godlike productions or GLP for short. It's a complete clusterfuck, where the shills are embedded into the walls, and are far more cunning than they are here. The mods are all shills, most especially SHR, and the space helmet chick who's name escapes me. Most of the "popular" regular posters are also shills of various types. The basic type there is pro Israel to the point of retardation. The shame of it is, there are actually some excellent people there, who know exactly what's going on, but kind of skirt around it all just to continue hanging out together and avoid the constant never ending ban cycles. If you post there as a guest, you WILL be banned eventually. This is just a gambit to get you to pay subscription. If you're a paid subscriber you still have to toe the line very tightly to avoid the ban hammer, most especially never type the word Tavistock (instaban), or "LOP". There's another reason apart from the malware angle as to why LOP is banned. There's another shill forum called Lunatic Outpost (LOP for short... funny eh?) which all part of the same shell game. I hesitate to even mention it because it's basically just a tiny group of shills masturbating each other for money.

Dude...Lmfao that killed me

This makes much more sense. Thanks for going into detail for me. I had never heard any of this before.

If you post there as a guest, you WILL be banned eventually

You don't even have to post. I never post there but i view it sometimes, and ever so often i'm banned

Can someone explain what "Tavistock" is?

Fascinating shit.

Have a read of this. TLDR: Tavistock is a "research institute" that investigates methods of social control and mind control. As a self funded "not for profit" organization, they answer to no government but are credited with the creation of the CIA among other things even more nefarious. Basically, if it's evil and NWO related, these cunts are all over it. I have no proof, but would guarantee that Tavistock are deeply involved with Reddit, and all other types of social media.

"The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is a British not for profit organisation concerned with group behaviour and organisational behaviour. It was initiated during 1946, when it separated from the Tavistock Clinic."

"Many well-known psychologists and psychiatrists have worked for the Tavistock Institute over the years, and it became known as a major proponent in Britain for psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic theories of Sigmund Freud and his followers. "

"According to its website, the Institute engages in educational, research, and consultancy work in the social sciences and applied psychology. Its clients are chiefly public sector organisations, including the European Union, several British governmentdepartments, and some private clients. The Institute owns Human Relations, the international social sciences journal."

"The Tavistock Institute is often associated with conspiracy theories, the most popular of which associate it with The Beatles.

"The Rough Guide to Conspiracy Theories notes that the Tavistock Institute has been named by some theorists in their worldviews, including having a part in "The most extravagant anti-Illuminati conspiracy theory" of John Coleman "known as [the] 'Aquarian Conspiracy'. This totalitarian agenda culminates in the Illuminati 'taking control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it.'" 

From https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tavistock_Institute

If anyone can grab a screenshot of the membership contract at GLP and post it for reference that would be awesome.

Here is a screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/TOhoE

The best thing about the contract is that if you don't agree and just lurk to read, ignore making an account, they IP ban you eventually when they realize you're not biting in.

Please anyone with the means to do so run some keywords through the wikileaks emails database. If not I will do so when I get the chance! Thanks for the help everyone

I have always wondered why I get banned from that place... I thought it was very strange.

Same. Visited that site once and got banned.


This might be of interest.

Sun sea and Satan.

Frank Maloney has been investigating this shit for years.

Not available for Uhmericah

Thank you

Thank you!


i have a sad but funny feeling you're right

Excellent Batman work

What are we looking for going forward?

US Politicians and busniess elite connections to Jersey and or Tavistock and GLP. Wikileaks search emails for keywords related to Jersey. Clinton podesta links and simliarites to pizzagate. Strafor email leaks podesta leaks dnc leaks and panama papers are a good start. One good solid connection to pizzagate could blow this wide open. Ready... break! Get em

TY for this. A little direction goes a long way. Let's see what we find.

For those interested here is G.L.P. membership contract..

"Five years ago, at its peak, the value of assets held through Jersey – its offshore banks, trusts and investment funds – was estimated at £700bn-£800bn, according to the island's former chief adviser Colin Powell. The figure is equivalent to about half of the UK's annual economic output."

"Finance dominates life in the Channel Islands, particularly Jersey and Guernsey, where it accounts for almost half of economic activity. "

"While other small nations with large banking sectors, such as Iceland and Ireland, have been undone by their reckless lending practices, the debt-free Channel Islands have always positioned themselves as dependable repositories of riches."

"Over the same period the number of active companies incorporated on the island rose from about 550 to more than 33,000, including FTSE 100 firms such as Glencore, Shire Pharmaceuticals and advertising group WPP."

"Today, Jersey and Guernsey attract wealth from across Europe, the Middle East and beyond, as well as being the jurisdictions of choice for the UK's non-domiciled super-rich – the wealthy figures who have told Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs they are not permanently based in Britain for tax purposes."


Some more information, Glencore is the commodities trading company created by Marc Rich. He was the businessman pardoned by Bill Clinton in arguably the most abusive use of the pressential pardon to date (according to the NYT).

Occult crimes of Jersey


Not sure if anyones linked this yet

Curiously, two Jersey politicians asked the UK to intervene in the rampant corruption and criminal cronyism in 2013, but were both declared bankrupt within a year and lost their seats: http://voiceforchildren.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/uk-government-are-asked-to-intervene.html

I've lived in Jersey for the last 15 years. I can't tell you why the Pitmans went bankrupt, although since they are married its not that surprising that they went bankrupt at the same time. But I can tell you the reason they lost their seats was because they were elected on the back of the initial success of the Reform Party on the island (aptly named for its desire to reform the government). However as the parties most successful candidates the two felt that they should be the leaders. This was against the aims of the party which continues to act without one single leader (Deputy Sam Mezec currently acts more as a rallying candidate rather than a formal leader). In fighting happened and the Pitmans decided they could 'go it alone' as independents. This wasn't the case and the infighting that the Pitmans caused not only damaged themselves (they lost their seats) but also the reform party in the next election cycle keeping the Jersey States heavily conservative.

That link takes me to an app store for imgur , might want to fix that.

Are others not able to see ??

It's got hundreds of views already

Means you need the app to see it...It's bringing me right to the picture

Excellent work! There's absolutely no reason why someone would down vote this thread, yet they are. I wish the creatures attempting to get threads buried would just find a hole to bury themselves in.

How is this being downvoted so much yet no one has a single objection....suspicious

Interesting isn't it.....

Not really suspicious - as with every dumb post in /r/conspiracy, whenever anyone starts countering the nonsense being posted they're immediately slammed and sent to downvote hell.

So the best people can hope for is to downvote something they consider extremely stupid and then not say anything else they get blown off the edge by the idiot swarm.

See - not hard to understand at all.

Ho lee fuk

Bang ding ow

It shouldn't be too much of a surprise. Tavistock invented counter culture, they gave us rock 'n roll, drug culture and rebellion. They've been carefully curating this supposed alternate reality. So why would we assume they don't also own conspiracy theory? Of course they know we need an outlet. Maybe conspiracy is just like the other cults, sure there's some truth but it will entrap you if allow it to - which is to say maybe there's more truth.

rock drugs rebellion

Lmao, maybe in traditional Marge Simpson way of finding those things bad. But I've been in a hardcore punk band from 97 to 2008 and...whatever, I think they didn't expect punk and thrash metal and such to go against the grain big time. Sex Pistols trashing Jimmy Saville (especially by Steve, the guitarist) was hilarious, calling him a fucking cunt and a faggot likely knowing what he was. Then the british media went against them. Kurt Cobain would have found this hilarious if he ever heard it too, he was against everything we are against.

Just a note to lend support to the Tavistock notion.

In the 4chan thread, someone said, "simply put, Soros owns Tavistock. Tavistock owns the government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tavi. Enjoy." FBIAnon answered, "Someone is onto something."

So... you guys are researching pedophilia and trafficking, and "Tavistock" literally means, "slave stock." Keep digging!

We need to tie Tavistock, Soros, and pizzagate to the island of Jersey.

A youth hostel isn't what you think it is.

most people are too lazy to do all the background reading to understand the scope of this, there needs to be a concise youtube video that people can easily watch

You are right. I am very experienced at researching however this is the very first time I've put something together like this for others. I wouldn't know how to put together a good video. If you know anyone with the means and motivation to do it please let them know! Keeping this info spreading is all that matters

good job with the research. I dont know how to make videos, but the truth is that facebook/twitter/youtube would probably ban the video anyway

Do some digging on ATS. I heard something fishy is going on there as well.

This article was interesting, because I was wondering the same thing...country, UK, Normandy/France? Who governs? Comments provide interesting viewpoints. The most interesting was the comment about sovereignty:

"I remember a speech by our good Bailiff, who pointed out that Islanders owe allegiance to the Queen - the Duke of Normandy - rather to Britain or the British. The above comment totally disregards the fact that many Islanders' ancestors come from Mainland Great Britain and that their allegiances often reflect this."

Ruling monarch of England = Duke of Normandy. That means not parliament, nor officially the "UK", but the royals.


Normands invaded the UK for 200 years in the 900-1200 AD era, it explains how English is a mix of latin rooted and german rooted languages...Normandy is in Northern France, channel islands like Jersey and Guernsey are 20 minutes of speed boat away. They're a breed of the Swedish Vikings coming and intermingling and looting northern France/Brittany (which was its own country then) etc. It's on French territory and is owned by the French. It is surprising the 20 km to France channel islands are UK owned, but they were given up when France allied with the UK and Russia in 1905. A Duke of Normandy is likely some guy who escaped the revolution to the UK and had continuing descendants there.

They are a sovereignty of the crown, but not under UK rule.

Jersey is not a Country. It is part of the Channel Islands. The biggest employer on the Island is a Canadian bank.

It's one of the channel islands that the nazis occupied until the end and even did not believe the war was over, their communications being cut from the rest. SS guys were kept prisoner there for 10 years+. Places like that and Isle of Man and other tiny island insignificant (seemingly) countries are often the best place for the worst things to be hidden. Especially islands, but Luxembourg is pretty much the new Switzerland since Switzerland tightened some of their banking laws.

I know a guy who's an absolute fucktard online since 15 years or so from a seemingly normal, well, the fanfiction and fan drawers are a bit messed up, but thats the usual, rather popular science fiction/humour cartoon. A lot of brits there, not all of them are terrible, but this is one of the first place I realized that goddamn british people are really snarky conceited c*nts. And my experience elsewhere still kinda confirms to me that British people are the most annoying most pro-anything wrong with the world and kinda lunatic...a couple of them thought we would have moon colonies in our lifetime...then I tell him about the Van Allen Belt and Kubrick and hysterical angry fingerpointing of conspiracy theorist, or conspiracy * using one of their annoying words only them understand. No offense to decent british people here, I know some too. But yeah this particular guy's family fleed the channel islands where his great grandparents lived on to the main island and lost all of their gold and money in the process.

People living in the channel islands are usually pretty wealthy, so it's not surprising that it got even more that way. The more money concentrated in one place, the more sickening things you'll find. Except aids, Magic Johnson lives since forever with aids, because he has large amounts of cash (south park ref, but it's true). He gets the best treatment in the world and it's like he didn't have aids. So of course the rich with the right connection will never get aids. Although, this strange reappearing of Syphillis...I wouldn't put it past through all the childraping these people are doing, bringing ancient easily cured diseases but if you don't know you have it, it can hide in your body for decades...it's a real bad one, like lupus, sarcoidosis etc.

Rambling a bit, but I think you can see the main point I'm making here.

FBIanon Thread #1

79480356 02 July 2016

Q: Where does Soros stand in all of this?

(random anon replied to above) A1: Simply put. Soros owns tavistock. Tavistock owns the government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tavi Enjoy.

A: Soros funds, instructs, and influences every layer of US government. Right down to the tax code.

(response to random anon) A2: Someone is on to something.


Srsly bro

Thanks friend! This runs very deep and to be honest I was nervous about posting this...want to get as much eyes on it as possible quickly.

I'm not sure yet. The poster above says he believes it is a message of some kind so that is the those are the types of things we need people digging into

Means you need the app to see it...It's bringing me right to the picture

Are others not able to see ??

It's got hundreds of views already

when you see things like 33 and 9/11 references it is considered by some to be an occult reference. Some say use of those numbers is a signal to other occultists that this story has a hidden meaning or is a fake for the slaves to consume.

That's what they've said about everything from JFK to 9/11 here in the US. Yet the people here who put themselves in harm's way by exposing the conspiracy continue forward when no one believes them. The love of money is the root of all evil.

We also have something delevoping here in the US that implicates some of our government in a international child sex trafficking network (with evil spiritual undertones) which means other countries are involved and we are looking for clues. Although your country is the number one tax haven in the world it has largely remained off our radar which is why I am advocating giving it a good hard second look. After all money is God to these people. I wish you all the best my friend, the suspicion of your representatives is not a reflection of you. We are simply attempting to take on something that is hard to even fathom, but I believe in the end all things will come to light. Not without hard work and lots of risk. I thank you for your contribution.