Dies anyone else notice that Facebook suggests them ads on things they speak about verbally (without searching it online)?

153  2016-11-18 by [deleted]



Years ago, when I still had a FB... I did a little experiment; I opened FB, left it idle, set down my phone, turned on an all spanish speaking channel, came back to it about 20 minutes later, and BOOM. All my ads were in spanish. Coincidence? Nahh. Get rid of that shit immidietly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's the app. And most likely on an android phone. Apple iOS still lets you block out microphone/camera permissions - both while using the app and in the background - for every app. My understanding is that you don't have this level of control on an Android device.

Apple iOS still lets you block out microphone/camera permissions



I was addressing OP's original question, and answering regards to the Facebook iOS app. Microphone spying by the NSA is a different thing entirely.

lol I've been watching the show Vikings at night and I'll look through Facebook on my phone while doing so sometimes. Never really close the app out. I haven't looked up anything about it on my phone, yet tons and tons of ads for Viking like products and such.


Sorry, should have clarified. The ads show when I get on my desktop.

Also another weird "coincidence" I've been noticing. People I meet face to face and converse with have been showing up in my suggested friends. Not nearly as often as the ads but it's happening.

Installing facebook is like voluntarily getting bugged by Mossad.

You'd have to be a dumb fuck at this point to continue using it/being used by it.

Sadly, dumb fucks are still in abundant supply.


he was using Zuckerbergs own words. Zuckerberg is the cunt you referred to. dont shoot the messenger cause he doesnt have a copy of People Magazine.

leave your phone in a room with spanish tv or radio playing while you sleep. see if your adverts are in spanish not long after.


i work with a spanish speaker, I get adverts in spanish all the time. must be a coinky dink.

I did this! I was watching a video with French audio and English subtitles and shortly afterwards I started getting adverts on my phone and computer for travel to France, adverts in French and even an advert for a book written by the person the video was about... in French. It lasted for about two weeks, then I started getting adverts for other things that I had specifically talked about around my phone.

I don't have Facebook but the current world is a fucked up place online. I have UBlock Origin and Ghostery on at all times on my chrome browser and I went to fingerhut.com one time, looked at an Xbox One S for a total of about 8 seconds, closed the browser and a week later had a fingerhut.com catalogue addressed to me in the mail. Don't have an account there, had never been to the website before.

Yes. This is not the first time I've heard about this.

Also remember reading a story about a guy who shared some photos of him infront of a tank, and he started getting army recruitment and military surplus ads...

Yes!! WOW. And I thought I was just going crazy. I'm a hairstylist--I have multiple random conversations throughout the day, and I've noticed this countless times. Ads show up with the same exact random words from the most random conversations.. I'm always saying that I think my phone can hear me. There's no way it could be coincidence, the keywords are TOO unique. Glad I'm not crazy--does anyone know how can I stop this from happening?

You're not the only who has experienced that, good write up!

If on your phone, you have full access to everything. Including the Mic which is constantly listening for key words to send you ads. Your info in sold on realtime. Nothing you can do because you have the app permission. You can take it but need a rooted phone to fake info sent back or deny the permission in the first place.

When you have stuff like Macbooks/Laptops, Smartphones, Echo, Smart-TV, Tablets etc etc around you than you should not wonder about stuff like this.

Snowden warned us all about PRISM and all the other gestapo shit, but people forget way to fast.


The predictive logic is strong with these larger corporations. The way it works, typically, is that you are compared with millions of other people. Time, location, search history, etc, all come into play. You would be surprised how many similarities between people occur: your pedantic desires are not as unique as you believe.

It's not predictive logic, it's straight voice-to-text transcription. Although it only runs when you have the Facebook app active, unlike Google and Microsoft that are transcribing everything 24/7, 365.

Glad others are paying attention to this. The more aware people are of it, the less effective it becomes.

This isn't a conspiracy, it's an admitted fact.

We don't listen to personal things, our super smart computers just record everything but only do it when they pick up " registered name ".

Thanks to the user who posted it below me.

You can't quote without putting a reference

I Uninstalled both messenger and facebook apps months ago. I never felt fully comfortable with messenger and really would just like to even deactivate my Facebook too. The apps are incredibly intrusive. My husband was once talking to me about taking the dog to the dog park and he got ads for dog stuff on his phone right after...creepy stuff.

Messenger app straight up records audio and advertises to your fb feed based on what it picks up. Fb itself is a little murkier

Why do you think I took that app off my phone?

I feel the need to share a clip of Zuckerberg acting extremely uncomfortable and dodging questions about privacy (and the bonus shot of the secret emblem inside his company hoodie)

I don't like how I have the same suggested youtube videos on my xbox and my work computer when I'm not signed in on either.

It's awful!

Yes, they listen to everything your phone is picking up, even when you think it's "off." It's in their fine print if you take the time to read it. Just like Smart TV's and anything else with a mic and an internet connection.

Google Now is always listening to you. I had a conversation regarding whether renting a property was a waste of money as opposed to owning one. Later that night there is a video on my youtube homepage about that exact topic.

Yeah I get it in Google suggestions and YouTube adds, it happened enough times now that it's not coincidence, when there is a conversation about something between me and another person, 5 mins later i put a song on on YouTube and I get an add about the exact product we were talking about.

We tried to make it happen by talking about lawnmowers but couldn't get it to produce a lawn mover add, but it's happend enough times with YouTube adds that it's real, Google search suggestions are probably worse, having a conversation about something, I go to Google to look up a fact about what we are talking about (how many bricks in the great Wall of China) I start typing, how m. and the first suggestion will be "how many bricks in the great Wall of China"

Yes these things are always listening, I read a couple of days ago that Shazam never turns the microphone off, then there is the idea of smart TVs with a camera and a microphone and internet sitting in your lounge room (well not mine, no tv at all)

People used to be scared of things like this, now it's sold as a feature.

Yes! I absolutely hate it. I recently uninstalled fb from my phone again because I find this infuriating.

This isn't conspiracy. This has been publicly acknowledged. It's built into the app.

No conspiracy. Right in front of your face.

Seriously, a Google search for "Facebook listening" will yield numerous articles. Everyone here on conspiracy, and they didn't already know this. Jeepers.

I was talking to someone about how I was looking for a watch. Guess what popped up on Facebook. "original grain" watch ads.


Good thing I don't write statuses

But I do see targeted advertising on instagram from other websites I have been visiting.

Not as spooky but something similiar happend to me. In early summer 2015 I was writing with a girl via whatsapp. Nothing special, just a lot of those kiss/blushed smileys and very nice words. And exactly at that time my Facebook feed was FLOODED with relationship/love/motivational posts that have been liked by the same few friends (they were in actual relationships). Once i stopped writing with that girl it has gotten less and less over time. I havent payed much attention to that, until i started to send more funny pics/memes to my friend, because then my FB feed was filled with shitty pics + videos/unfunny memes that again a small group of friends seemingly loved. For several months now i'm pretty inactive in Whatsapp and therefore my facebook feed is also 99% of the time neutral.

okay, while I was writing this comment, my brain made a very spooky connection. A few weeks ago i jokingly said to my classmate that we should vote for the AfD next year, a (retarded &) infamous right side populist party. I'm not 100% sure about that, but at that time Facebook was constantly and only recommending me to like the FB-page of the AfD party leader. The thing is, i've never installed any FB app on my new phone, neither does my classmate (he doesnt even have a Facebook profile). Again, i'm not 100% sure about what's happening here.

Yup. I even notice it when I use it on my chrome browser on my phone.

delete facebook

Way late to the party on this but I had an interesting thing happen today. I read this post yesterday and told my girlfriend about it last night. We both thought it was interesting but couldn't think of examples of it happening to us. Today we got a car2go and were trying to figure out how to open the trunk. Had a whole conversation about it as it took a minute or two to find the proper latch. Anyhow we get home and she pulls out her phone and starts laughing. The first ad she sees is "Top Ten Questions About Car2Go: How to open the trunk". That is one hell of a coincidence, if it is one.

I find it particularly disturbing when they show you ads about something you've only thought about. Never typed, never talked about.


This isn't a disorder, it's predictive advertising or inference marketing.

Sorry, should have clarified. The ads show when I get on my desktop.

Also another weird "coincidence" I've been noticing. People I meet face to face and converse with have been showing up in my suggested friends. Not nearly as often as the ads but it's happening.