ProTip: If you have information that should be public but you might be killed just for having's what you do: just release it.

9  2016-11-18 by nor2030

Let's say you have come across some information that should be public, but is currently secret. This information threatens someone or something important. You fear that by having the information, you might be in jeopardy.

What should you do? It's simple. Release the information. Publish it.

Put it on the Internet. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat, web sites, BitTorrent, whatever.

Publish it in a magazine or book. Old school is still cool.

Print out copies and hand them out at street corners.

Make sure to attach your real name to all of the information that you publish.

That way, the bad people who are trying to keep information secret when it shouldn't be will no longer have any incentive to kill you or do you harm. In fact, if they do harm you, they will be the obvious suspect in the crime. For that reason, they won't touch you.

Let's say you want to release a bunch of emails from the DNC that show bad actions. Just release them all at once, and attach your name to the release.

Let's say you are investigating a global pedophile conspiracy that may involve Satanism and murder. Release and publish all the information as you get it, and attach your real name to the release, so if your body is found in Haiti or Poland with a suicde note, it will be obvious who had an incentive to harm you. This is the surest way to not being harmed in the first place.

Let's say you want to run a web site publishing leaks of information that will expose human rights violations and political corruption of a very serious nature, providing proof of guilt at the highest levels, of people who are ruthless, and that you put yourself out there in the public eye doing this. Release or publish all of the information at once. Do not release the information in little pieces day after day, saving the most incriminating pieces for last. Do not get overly clever. Get everything out at once, and they will not have any incentive to take you down, because the information is already out.

Do not attack a "conspiracy of silence" by remaining silent yourself, even for a little while.

EDIT: It's been fun debating folks, and it's getting wearisome. I made my point, directed to people who are or might be in the future in the actual situation described. I did not intend to disturb the paranoiac thoughts of some armchair conspiracy theorists out there. Thank you and carry on.


I've known people that have done just that. Published it anyway... They were strangely professionally discredited. In 2 other cases they had to resign and another one had a fatal car accident. :(


Military personnel and one research chemist, not famous people. Just people who were in positions to disclose good information. No names will be given. Sad situations all of them. I'm disappointed in big business, big pharma and government positions as a result. Keeping our mouths shut has proven to be a much safer course of action in my experience.. People are people who simply want to protect their own interests especially at the higher echelons.

Those aren't names, those are just stories about people that you could have easily made up..

Ehhh. I have nothing to make up for the Reddit world. I'm not interested in being a martyr or an activist. My answers... You can take em or leave em. It's all up to you.


Gary Webb

They won't have any to give you. You will likely get downvoted now unfortunately..

Yeah no.

Go look at how many whistle blowers have been killed under mysterious circumstances. It's too easy to make a death look like an accident, killing any links to the parties responsible.

Then even if they were linked, you're assuming any investigatory agency would want to make that link. Their lives are on the line as well.


Seth Rich is another good one.

Barry Jennings

David Kelly

John Clifford Baxter

Pat Tillman

Michael Ruppert

Hell, let's throw Bradley Manning on this list.

Maybe Aaron Swartz too

Seth Rich - let's say that we are correct, and he really did leak the DNC emails, and he was murdered for it. If he had done so publicly he would have lost his job, but he wouldn't have been murdered.

Put it this way. I have plenty of evidence to back up my view that whistleblowers need protection as many have been killed or died mysteriously after providing their information.

Please show me some evidence that shows whistleblowers being protected after revelation. Why would Snowden go hide? Or Assange? Why would William Binney still be fighting for his life in court?

I need some evidence

Snowden and Manning are US citizens who broke US law, committing felonies.

Assange's activities, while somewhat admirable (I believe he inadvertently put numerous people in harms way and got them killed), mimic that of espionage.

Isn't William Binney still alive? This is exactly my point. Publish everything right away with your name on it.

Whistle blowing often breaks laws. Actually, what Manning did is exactly what you're saying to do. He took videos off of private military servers and gave them to Julian Assange, not hiding or anything. How's that working out for him?

William Binney may go to prison for the rest of his life. Is that being alive?

I was referring to "information that should be public." What vital public information was in what Manning disclosed? Pretty much nothing of public value from what I can tell.

Are you fucking serious?

The guy exposed that those billions of tax dollars that were needed for a "war on terror" were being used to murder civilians for fun, basically.

Are you fucking serious?

And how is it that you're saying what whistleblowers should be doing when you obviously don't even know about some of the most famous recent cases? "After looking..." dude you should already know if you're trying to tell whistleblowers what they should be doing.

Whistleblowers should base their decisions on the information they have. Simple, small workplace violation? Blow the fuck out of that whistle. You caught Hillary dry humping Harambe? You'd better release that anonymously or you will likely die.

I think Snowden confirmed what many people already believed was going on or at the very least knew was technologically possible. We knew about the peering cables at Tier-1 data centers across the country 15 years ago when telcos were granted immunity for complying with all of the unconstitutional nonsense immediately after 9-11.

Assange? Hmm. I tend to agree with OP that the best way to ensure one's safety and still get the entire cache of leaked info into the hands of the public is to visibly dump everything at once and take inextricable credit for doing so. This assumes that the leaker is a legit whistleblower and not some sort of government disinformation campaign. While I understand the urge to verify the authenticity of the leaked documents, I wouldn't have given the press an invitation to help "curate" what was released as Assange did.

Assange isn't a whistleblower. He's released everything he's ever received after making sure it was what it was claimed to be (outside of info we were supposed to get pregnant oct15) How's that working out for him right now?

Where was the information in Manning's disclosure that billions of tax dollars went to murder civilians for fun?


Where do you think the money to build weapons and pay for our military comes from? Taxes!

Now go find the videos he released.

I'm not doing all of your work for you. Again, this is all shit you should already know I'd you're trying to give instructions to whistleblowers.

Really? Because I just showed you a bunch of people that were killed, many or all of them for releasing or just knowing information.

I am supposed to go read about all of these people, and form an opinion within a minute?

My goodness.

As for Barry Jennings, his death occurred years later.

Just because someone dies doesn't mean they were murdered as retaliation for long ago saying something. I could give you a list a hundred times as long of people who blew a whistle and lived long lives with natural causes of death.

Please do provide that list. Prisoners or awaiting trial doesn't count.

And just because someone releases information doesn't mean a safe bubble automatically forms around them. Often, the target on their back gets quite larger.

I've provided my evidence. Where's yours?

Cases received FY2005 - FY2015: 3,288.

Are you saying they all got killed?

Of course not. But do you think every one of those whistleblowers was on the know of some crazy stuff? No, most of it was likely safety issues and the like. Also, did every whistleblowers there stand up and scream about the wrong doing they witnessed as soon as they witnessed it? Likely not.

You've provided a website to OSHA stuff. That doesn't prove that whistleblowers are protected once they blow the whistle, and the people I've linked show that when you're in the know on the right stuff, you can forget protection.

This is where his argument falls apart. He can rattle off a couple names but they are a drop in the bucket when compared to the amount of successful whistleblowers that came to no harm.

A handful of names of people who were killed when thousands were not is not ample evidence to prove your argument that whistleblowers should not disclose what they know. Try again..

....please show me some safe, uninfringed whistleblowers that revealed some huge damming information. I don't mean "showed that McDonald's grease was 10° too hot", I mean something along the lines of the people I've mentioned.

Charlotte Iserbyt

Dunno if she really qualifies as a whistleblower, but we'll add her to to the list. So that's one whistleblower that is not dead or in prison, though was relieved of her job by Reagan.

Also daughter/granddaughter of s&b. She is totally a whistleblower in

You mean her book?

And I have no clue who s&b is

Skull and Bones

How is that at all relevant to her being a whistleblower?

She is a whistleblower for the department of education/communist indoctrination programs.

...which has what to do with skull & bones....

She has the roster and history. Look it up.

How's aboot Michael Hastings for one?

I am just looking at the Wikipedia page,

and it is saying that right before his death in the car crash, he told some people that he was on to a big story.

I don't know anything about this case except what I read on Wikipedia, but it makes my point for me.

If you are on to something big, and it could put you in jeopardy, publish everything you have immediately. Do not wait.

If you know anything about whistleblowers and/or Michael hastings, you'd also know he wrote a hit-piece on general McChrystal who told Hastings he would regret publishing the piece.

Btw, McChrystal was forced to retire after Hastings' piece, so it's not like nothing came of it. Dude was pissed

Let's not get far afield. McChrystal was obviously not involved in Hastings' death. The point is that Hastings should have published immediately.

Sorry, you don't get to pick and choose who was responsible for his death, especially since no one knows.

All we can do is use the information we have. Hastings got McChrystal to resign. McChrystal says hastings would regret it. Hastings emails GQ saying he's got a story. Dies.

How you can say "It's wasn't McChrystal"? That's pretty dishonest to make that claim, especially when you obviously haven't looked much into it.

Sorry, you don't get to pick and choose who was responsible for his death

This obviously applies to you too, right? Or do you claim to have some insider information on that situation that gives you the ability to make a positive determination?

Did I say McChrystal killed hastings?

I've insinuated it as a large possibility based on what we know. I've never stated he did it

Did I say you did? I asked you a question, I did not make a statement. You are aware those are different things, right?

Large possibility, based on what evidence? That he said bad things about McChrystal?

This obviously applies to you too, right?

No it doesn't apply to me because I'm not stating that I know who killed hastings.

Jesus Christ

I don't like info wars but fuck it

"I'm not stating that I know who killed hastings."

And yet you say it is 'dishonest' for others to suggest it wasn't McChrystal.. lol k

Yes. I don't know who killed him. I'm not ruling anything out. That's honest.

Dishonest is saying it wasn't 'X' when evidence points towards it. Dishonest is not acknowledging that you could be wrong and disregarding any evidence presented to you that contradicts your belief.

Unclear facts here.


Hello, I am not a bot. Are you a bot?

EDIT: this was intended to be a reply to a comment that was simply this: "Bot?"

Possibly. Biological one, but maybe.

There was a journalist investigating 9-11 who wrote multiple books and he was still murdered for his views. There was another guy in Fresno who openly mentioned the information, told people the cops were following him, and he was still murdered. Assange released many things and is currently MIA.

I wouldn't call it a pro tip unless you've actually been in their position.

That only applies if you aren't controlled opposition.

Charlotte Iserbyt