Is Scientology an undercover anti-MKULTRA organization looking to stop child trafficking and government corruption?

5  2016-11-18 by Ninjakick666

They would need to masquerade as a religion because it would give a lot more freedoms than if they were some other kind of organization... I'm just brainstorming here, but it seemed weird that with all the government and religious ties associated with pizzagate and the rest of wikileaks, Scientology has been totally absent.

They were formed in the 50s, supposedly right around when The Finders were almost outed in D.C. and had to relocate around America. Their founder met a demise much like other people that pissed off the government... paranoid that his org had been infiltrated, trusting only a few, going into hiding, then death.

In the 60s & 70s Scientologists infiltrated a lot of government branches in and attempted to gather/plant evidence... the official narrative says that it was to delete bad files about themselves or to cover up tax indiscretions. One could theorize they were instead gathering evidence of the child trafficking and other corruption in an attempt to be a sort of anti-illuminati.

To this day they have a stance focusing on human rights... and Dianetics is a sort of pseudo-psychology dedicated to helping people resolve mental issues related to abuses of the past.

Very interesting article they recently posted... Chemical Restraint - Foster children still being drugged into submission

One from 2014... focusing on underaged children being trafficked into America for the sex industry. Out of the Shadows 21st-century Slavery in America

Another similar article... about the sex trade in AmericaThe Price of Human Life

They have many other articles just like that... in addition to accusations of the CIA running the cocaine trade and being very critical of the government's whistleblower stances... They even call out the MSM for decieving the public.

When you realize that governments have the ability to write the narrative for us... consider that maybe that is why Scientology is painted as a weird UFO cult. Because the government wants to discredit them and their research... just like any person that threatens to expose the truth... they are silenced, persecuted, and discredited.

This would help explain why a "religion" is so well funded and secretive... they have high-security offices that look like an FBI building... it would also help explain why Hollywood treats the stars that follow Scientology like outcasts when just about every other religion in the world is fine for them to follow.

I've only spent a couple hours ruminating over this... but if you believe that a secret society exists... then maybe you could belive that there is a counter-movement operating against the kiddy diddlers.

I also posted this on /r/pizzagate


Charles Manson was a Scientologist who was so advanced in the process that he "tested clear."

Manson was also connected to the Process Church, a Scientology spinoff. And Manson & many of his Family showed connections & characteristics that were consistent with MKUltra victims.

Scientology testing is the definition of a blackmail fishing operation. In order to "go clear" you must confess everything, including fantasies, latent tendencies & sexual information.

So, no. Your theory is 100% opposite of the direction of the facts.

I'm listening to some Manson interviews... he sounds like his tinfoil hat is on too tight... talks about all the money being moved around among the elites... how he was drugged and beaten and locked up and hasn't done anything wrong. I'll keep listening, thanks for the Manson connection... this does mention him being in an orphanage as a child and being repeatedly raped over a period of time until he finally escaped.

There is an anti-scientology website... goes into some good depth about Manson's involvement. Assuming it is all true it stills fit the narrative that Manson was molested in an orphanage from a young age... (lets assume he was satanist "brainwashed" there)... moved into pimping... went to jail... got deprogrammed by Scientology... even though they knew he was psychotic... threatened the operation by no longer being under the original mindcontrol... got caught and brainwashed for a 3rd time... and just lost his shit from too much LSD and CIA.

That article says a decent number of Scientologists were found dead from ritualistic killings...

I can't say for sure, but I've watched a fair amount of stuff on Scientology due to my having taken part in the GTA V chiliad mystery and I honestly can't say I recall any allegations of pedophilia in that group.

That's not to say it mightn't exist, but I dig your theory although a lot of what I've learned about scientology suggests they're not really as squeaky clean in other respects. They allegedly use a lot of mind control tactics and are quite known to harass people even remotely interested. I was near the center in Quebec City and considered going in for pamphlets and what not but I preferred to stay off their radar.

While it may be propaganda if your theory is true, check out "Going clear: scientology and the prison of belief". It was a good watch.

While it may be propaganda if your theory is true, check out "Going clear: scientology and the prison of belief". It was a good watch

A thing i found odd when "going clear" came out, was the way that everyone seemed to eat the narrative completely. I didn't see a single skeptical voice dare to ask if the movie was completely truthful or not.
All the discussion about the movie in conspiracy sites all centered about how gutsy hbo was in pushing the same old "scientology is a cult and they will ruin your life and take your money, and the reason anyone seems happy about being a scientologist its because they're brainwashed"-narrative thats already been pushed by the media since people started making documentaries about scientology.

Considering the brainwashing power the media has, i find it a little hard to trust their stories about who i should and shouldn't trust. I'm not saying that scientology should be trusted, but neither should hbo. You ever wonder if anyone would have bothered to watch a documentary that painted scientology in a favorable light. Hbo had no truth-telling mission in showing that movie, only a money making one, so they told the story that would get the most viewers. People like to confirm what we already think we know, and we usually don't like to be proven wrong, and going clear, did exactly that, since most people already had an idea of what scientology was before seeing the movie, and the movie did nothing to change that view.

Excellent points. I took it with a grain of salt as anyone should an HBO documentary. With my prior experience in learning about scientology, I approached it with an open mind because I wanted to learn about one of the influences of the Epsilon program. As OP mentioned they do use many basic psychology methods that can work.

Whether or not they're a benevolent force, I can't wholly say but I'll admit I'm fascinated by any alien cults, like Scientology, the unarius cult or the Raelians for that matter.

I think the movie was genius if you consider it as discussion opener or critique of religion in general, and not as "the exposed truth about scientology".

Most of the really nefarious stuff that scientology is accused of is more or less what most organized religion do - we are just so used to it, that we don't even question it, but then when "the evil cult" does more or less the same, that kind of behaviour suddenly sticks out as being "wrong" or "creepy".

Theorise that all the allegations of mind-control are true... but the twist is they are deprogramming the folks that have been brainwashed by the government.

Went to school next to a scientology building in Minnesota. The building was much bigger and grander than they needed, they were trying to recruit people to the cause out on the street most days. Fun theory, but from personal experience this is not my impression at all.

Bigger than needed for a church... but maybe the right size for an undercover operation? The random recruiting could be to find people with ties within the government or other organizations that they could use for leaks... that's why they do so much vetting and screening of potential members. To find out if they could be useful.

We're talking huge open rooms with a ceiling like literally 40 ft. up. It was extravagant and unnecessary. It was part of an old science museum.

edit: Not setup like a church, either. Looked more like a bunch of business people in there doing deskwork.

Like what you would imagine the people inside an investigative branch of the government would look like? (sans the architecture).

picture a bunch of professor Umbridges and that was pretty much my impression.

Oh no, I understand that and it's possible. Most people they use some of these tactics on that I've heard of were people in the film industry. That was the part I found most thought provoking of your post.

This is a really interesting take. I like your thinking. Again, idk enough about it to comment, but I know Anonymous ran an op on them, and rumor has it anonymous is CIA op,which fits nicely in with your theory. Sounds legit.

It started off as a new age religion church for a tax haven for L. Ron Hubbard and nothing more.He hated paying taxes and there is a lot of documentation this was all for him to avoid taxes, nothing more. Their version today is a totally different beast all together

Hmmmmm. Everyone who I know who left Scientology says horrible things. Not pedophile wise, but brainwash wise. My friends family took part in operation Snow White. He says the government had information Scientology didn't want them to have, and they stole it back.

He made it seem as though they brainwash the kids, to where they can't even speak right.

Brainwashing always has a desired end effect... is Scientology's endgame just getting money? Cause it seems like you could just open up a regular old Christian church and do it without all the hassle.

Yes, money. But with their version of brainwashing it's all your money for life.

Yeah, they're a fucking cult but it's all about the money.

It's kinda sad when that is really the best you can expect out of any organization in the U.S... They just want money... and not to also traffics guns, drugs and slaves.

With the election and all the weird shit in the Wikileaks release I'm sure the Scientologists are just happy they're being left alone for a bit.

I've seen everyone from Los Zetas to the fuckin' Pope get involved in this... except the Scientologists. Just conspicuously absent from everything.

Those cunts are lying low after that HBO special. Just waiting for their next move....

Read Lawrence Wright's "Going Clear". Enjoy.......

In one word: No. Scientology is a pyramid selling scam which preys on the weak through its so-called social programs like Narconon, and by recruiting people with more money than sense. As a society they have little interest in children or their welfare, and they are considered a nuisance until they are old enough to be put to work in the Sea Org.


It turns out you can just put words in any order you want to and it's acceptable on this sub

people saying L ron hubbart was a pedo he had an island with underage girls on it

If you work backward from Hubbard it leads to Parsons in OTO who leads to Crowley. Really not that difficult to see.

Scientology is likely just a tax haven. Donate money, pay less taxes.

That seems like a lot of trouble just to pull off some tax shenanigans... when it would be far easier to just start a new haven.

Really? Ask Wesley snipes or Chris Tucker how tax evasion worked out for them.

Scientologists stand to go to prison for quite some time if they're caught.

Scientologists stand to go to prison for quite some time if they're caught.

Which makes you wonder, why scientology then? Why not just start a drug empire or some other criminal operation if money is the only end game.
Not going to jail could be a legitimate reason, but if scientologists will go to prison too, why not make the money in some way where you won't be branded as a grade-a nutcase by mainstream society

What institution gets more protection and privileges than any other in this country?


That seems like a lot of trouble just to pull off some tax shenanigans... when it would be far easier to just start a new haven.

Oh no, I understand that and it's possible. Most people they use some of these tactics on that I've heard of were people in the film industry. That was the part I found most thought provoking of your post.

Went to school next to a scientology building in Minnesota. The building was much bigger and grander than they needed, they were trying to recruit people to the cause out on the street most days. Fun theory, but from personal experience this is not my impression at all.