The conspiracy of the truth of the bible

2  2016-11-19 by [deleted]

This is a truth talk about truth. Jesus said,'if you hold to my teachings, then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free".

John 8 31-32

Also he said 'i am the way and the truth and the light. No ones goes to the Father except through me'.

So in this truth you care to know the truth? To know have to hold to Jesus teachings ( no lusting after anyone that isnt your spouse, Love God over everything, Serve your enemy, love your neighbor, etc). I am going to use this thread weekly to add what i think are videos with essential truths. I believe the biggest conspiracy is that the bible is true, Jesus was the son of God and there is enough evidence to support that he was God.

The first essential truth: is the bible true? Nothing matters if its not. Maybe its a book that was distorted over time and is like a game of telephone. Maybe its used to control the masses.

Or maybe...its actually true.

Check this out will only get it if you hold to Jesus' teachings.

The biggest conspiracy is that the bible is actually true...and this forum seems to understand something is up with the spirit cooking, satanic pedo stuff...i am going to try to show that what you are taught about the bible in popular culture has been meant to distract you from the truth...

edit no one seems to be talking about the evidence provided in the video. Remember this is a truth i provided evidence for truth..please discuss the evidence so we can weigh it and see if it is true


Doubt that the Bible is fully true. Pretty sure it was compromised. I'd rather believe Gnostic Christianity that's been prosecuted and covered up by the Romans which had only been discovered recently.

The Gnostic Christianity didn't teach that you're a sinner and that you'll burn in hell, nor did it teach the pagan rituals like resurrection, blood sacrifice and so on. They didn't believe in shame, guilt or fear because the real God is not like what we're told in the Bible.

The Gnostic Christians didn't worship the God of the old testament who's a maniac and a control freak, instead they taught us that he's the gatekeeper from the real spiritual realm.

It was more along the lines of Jesus being Neo explaining the matrix.

He taught us that were enslaved and the best way out is when you die.

Id rather believe that i didnt have to not sin....but what is the best evidence for truth though.

What is your evidence that the bible was compromised? Did you even look at the whole video?

I don't need to. That fact that the Bible had Roman empire's hands on it says it all. You want to tell me that even though all the truth gets hidden from the population and we're constantly bombarded with lies in the media and somehow the elites are going to allow the ultimate truth of truths to be out there in every book store? Please. There's no doubt that there's a lot of good things in the Bible but over all I think it opens your eyes just enough to throw more sand into it. I'll watch the video right now just to be fair and rationally open minded but I highly doubt it'll change my mind.

Thank you for deciding to watch. The roman empire tried to burn all documents and kill all christians and even tried to mix their paganism w. Christianity to control it ( to create the false pagan religion catholociam).

It is astounding we have any copies if the bible...but practically miraculous that we have over 5000 copies by 300 ad...that desteoys any other ancient documents...jusy watch the video. The next one i post will go into detail on the validity of the histerocity of Jesus resurrection.

The biggest conspiracy is that the bible is actually true

Like the two different accounts of the nutty Garden of Eden story in the first two books of Genesis? That kind of "true" i.e. complete bullshit?

Dudes, did you watch the video?

Christianity is a waste of time. I lived in that bubble long enough to know that it only ferments hate and creates people who don't really adhere to the teachings of the New Testament.

I'd rather people read the book and take it at face value then actually attempt to worship a god that's such a wanker.

Born and raised on that crap. Not gonna sit through another hour of it, when I already know the arguments.

I can relate, my dad is a Pentecostal Preacher in Appalachia. I'm just saying if you're gonna destroy his post so quickly then perhaps you should fully investigate the post, including links. I haven't watched it yet so it may be complete and total shit but before I criticize harshly, I'll at least give it a look :)

So..what was in the video that you already knew?

I'm familiar with Christian apologetics. I'm not giving an hour of my time to figure out which specific rationalization this guy uses.


This guy gets it. You have to look at the Bible in political terms. Back in ancient Rome there were pagans, Christians and Jews.

They all had separate beliefs. Those Christians back then were nothing like we're taught in the current Bible. Not even close.

Romans needed to get control over all the population via new found religion so they put together the Bible to appeal to everyone in masses, they got the old testament in there to quell the Jews, add in a dash of paganism through blood sacrifice, virgin birth and resurrection to get the pagans on their side.

Then, they needed to get the real Christians (Gnostics Christians) who were against it all under their control so the council of Nicea cherry picked the specific scrolls to go in the new testament that were mixed with paganism to control the Gnostics via Judeo-Christianity.

They exterminated all the Gnostics and burned all of their teachings and forced the rest of them to convert to this new found religion.

Jesus was recorded to write one thing in history. You either just dont know or remember.

Which books of the bible did rome establish? What is your evidence for this?


Constantine mixed paganism w. Christianity to create the roman catholic church...which is not a christian church. Evidence: Your knowledge of Jesus writing in the sand is spot on though.

You have to be able to sift through what is an actual follower of christ and a fake church like what constantine established....thats why its a conspiracy...and the greatest one at that...cuz its literally a matter of life and death thats been going on since the beginning of time


Care to explain why? I see Gnostic Christianity as a very interesting philosophy of life that explains a lot of things for me as opposed to the mainstream Bible.

or maybe i could just continue being actually happy, without living in fear. or led to feel guilt from unfounded trappings i didn't have anything to do with in the first place. i could actually live to explore spiritual truths without fear of repercussions of being punished. i choose to live with a free mind and not one chained to an ideology coming from out side of myself but from within. jesus said the kingdom of heaven is all of you.(us)

There is no fear if you follow Jesus. But you have to follow his teachings...if what he said was true

Too bad modern Christianity is a mockery of Jesus' teachings. Wash any whore feet lately? Trying to save for retirement or help the needy?

So...why get mad at what you see is Christianity...becuase i bet what you see isnt actually Christianity..but the false religion..pushed to the masses..if Jesus is truth. .then do what he says and be the change

yeah, fair enough. i know there are plenty of radical Christians out there too.


Either the bible is true or its not. If its true, Jesus is the truth. There is no universalism. One way to Heaven, through Jesus.


What is your evidence for your resurrection?


Notice how you are jumping to conclusions. I simply asked for evidence.


Now...would you like the evidence for Jesus resurrection? Its been proven by scholars w. Phds


Don't let the troll under your skin, friend.

Though I feel compelled to say, for an espoused skeptic you claim a lot of knowledge. You, likely better than most, know that while you may have seen things, you assuredly do not understand; at least not fully. To know ultimate reality is an impossibility from our limited perspective, wouldn't you say?

Joseph smith had an did malcomn did i as a matter of fact...but i dont believe any of them...even my own...i just believe what has evidence for it...which the bible does.

My experience could have been sheer emotional manipulation ( i was 5...saw a video of a preacher on tv....and i swear i seen some godlike experience that made it an aura of light...but that is all hogwash honestly....nothibg that has legs of real i call it trash)


Unless i have sound evidence...which i believe the video shows. Its not blind faith or personal experience...but evidence leading to a rational thought that ' hey the bible is credible', therefore it is true. The things talked about in the video demolish foolish arguments on the validity or accuracy of versions..etc.


The historical evidence proves it should be recognized. You claim to be a scientist...should you look for the best evidence and make a rational, thoughtful, conclusion?

Your evidence for your resurrection was weak. The evidence for the bible being credible is strong. Why did you choose the weaker evidence?


No prob...sparked a discussion on evidence in your experience vs evidence for the bible. At the very thought about it.

And i thought about your evidence.

Jesus Loves you, and that is true.

The Nine-Headed Goat loves you, and that is true.

The Big Blue Tricycle in the Sky loves you, and that is true, too.

The difference is Jesus has concrete evidence for his resurrecting. Also the bible has evidence i provided in this original post for it being true.

More evidence than other ancient far.

The difference is Jesus has concrete evidence for his resurrecting.


Also the bible has evidence i provided in this original post for it being true.

Your post was painful drivel, vacuous, nutty assumptions trotted out as gleaming revelation. I mean "If Jesus is in your heart, is Jesus then not truth? Yes, of course. Are his teachings no also true? Yes, they are. ", for fuck's sake. This is why no one takes you freaks seriously.

More evidence than other ancient far.

Moronic statement and not even close to being anything other than stupidity. Ummm, Livy's "History of Early Rome"

The evidence suggests the bible is true. Watch the video. Comment on it.

Like the rain of frogs, the universe being created in 6 days - though the sun was only made in the fourth day, so there weren't any days - most of the violent jibberish of the Old Testament, mismatching Gospels with walking on water and cheap magic, a doubtful Crucifixion (3 hours? 6 hours and then no broken bones : it was a simple hoax) and the rambling of Revelations.

The evidence suggests the bible is true

You haven't written anything that's not complete bullshit. Your friends are waaaaaayyy to accommodating of your stupidity, otherwise you would have had this stupidity mocked out of you years ago.

What in the video do you believr makes the bible not credible. The video seems logical, rational and great use of the evidence available.

My next post is on the historical accuracy of the i can address your points on that.

What the fuck are you doing in /r/conspiracy?

I know: you are some CIA-paid or encouraged piece of shit trying to make this community seem like a bunch of christian fuckwits to reduce belief in the truth and re-inforce the lie-truth of the TLA (three letter agencies) and christian/religious shit fucks.

Fuck off. I will mock each of your Jesus-cunt posts.

Death to the lesbian Jesus cunt.

Lol...check my post history...i clearly have stated the head of the cia is the same head of the fbi, cathololicism, jehovah witnesses, free masons, people that built the tower of babel, the pizzagate people, french revolutionists...etc....satan.

A paid fbi shill would never post that

Which parts of the bible are symbolic and which are literal? Is the world only 6000 years old? Did we walk with dinosaurs? Why are 4 gospels composed from 2 accounts? Why do they say the path is easy and the burden light?

Its so easy to determine when you read it and try to adhere to Jesus teachings. Its written at a 4th grade level.

However, does the age of the earth really matter? Is that a salvation issue? Or is that just a nit pick that we can agree or disagree on and move forward with holding to Jesus teachings and knowing the actual truth and not believe the lies the media tells us? I chose the age of the earth...but relace that with any non salvation issue. There is a conspiracy to not allow biblical thinking.....dont get caught up in things that arent essentials. My point was to get people to watch that video because it hits on the main points people throw out there that are silly...but the mainstream world love to profess.

Lets figure out if the bible is a reliable collection of historical documents written down by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They report [of] supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies and claimed that their writing are divine rather than human in origin.

However, does the age of the earth really matter?

Yes. I have to resolve the cognitive dissonance of seeing dinosaur bones and knowing they are not mentioned in the bible, or repress my doubt. If I ever went and tried to save souls, the atheists would pester me about dinosaurs. It has to be resolved.

I thought the modern answer is that the old testament is largely symbolic and figurative. Would Jesus have wanted his teaching included with the Old Testament at all? I know he said we are not bound by the old ways, so why do we have to believe that stuff?

Should I check out some Gnostic christian stuff?

Where in the bible does it say that knowledge of the age of the earth is relevant for salvation?

I think that is a minor point. The facts are Jesus is the truth...but no one will never know unless they hold to his teachings...and the video proves that the teachings are credible.

And Jesus consistently affirmed the old testament. He quoted deuteronomy the most and even the moral laws of leviticus when asked about marriage.

Do moral Neanderthals get a shot at heaven too, or just homo sapiens?

That has nothing to do with the video. Watch the video, let it sink in...then read the bible and google your question. Im sure that basic question can be answered in 4 hours of thorough research...but that has nothing to do with this thread.

I believe the texts we have are unaltered, but "Christianity" got defined and canonized in 400AD at the Council of Nicea? A lot of concerning decisions were made there, way after the facts and eye witnesses. You make everything sound so clear cut.

Why would u believe that? Doesnt the video make it clear it wasnt?

I believe that for the reasons I just told you. Maybe I didn't watch enough of the video. Does he talk about the council of nicea, convened by Romans? Edit: welcome to conspiracy, where we trust nothing.

Of course he talks about it...but what do you know about that council?

Not much. I guess I'll finish the video.

Curious..b4 you you believe that constantine chose the books? Do you believe that the davinci code spoke truth?

No, I'm just so turned off by the whole thing I'm trying to find a way out. I love the Jesus teachings but the old testament is so different. I'm hoping theres a more personal spiritual approach in the Gnostic books.

I think religion has ruined the world but I'm afraid that Jesus was the real deal and I'm an ass for not caring.

Plus I've been a Christian before, at least in my mind, and I did not find the burden light and the path easy to follow.

One of my good friends even got kicked out of a legit san diego ministry church after getting sick in Cambodia on a mission after feeling that he had become posessed. It may have just been mental health problems, but they kicked him out after years of service and a lot of $$$ spent. It's like Jesus is cool but his followers and generally assholes that don't get it.

Plus: Christian music is god awful :)

PS: I commend your outreach. You are supposed to save the lost. This is a great place to find us. Kicking ass for Christ.

Im ojibwe. My people have a different "god". Who is right?

What is the evidence for your God? In the video is some of mine.

That video does nothing to prove your god. Conversation over.

What is the fallacy in the video for you?

All of it. Just stories past down. Like my ancestors. Man i hope you wake up from that religious manipulation someday. Watch this and get back to me, you seem open minded enough, although you are Christian "your people are the cause for millions of deaths " and your people have never been known as "flexible"

There ya go. Better argument than i could ever make.

Which point specifically? Im trying to determine if u even watched it.

Listen. That dude cam science the shit out of the bible all he wants. What part, all of it. Its all bullshit and he sounds like you, brainwashed. Did you watch the video i showed you? Nope.

But i pretty much shut my brain off when he said he only has to listen to one higher authority. Now go research native people for awhile. Or stay white my friend. And by that i mean ignorant in the fact that that religious institution. Stole my peoples land. Raped our women. Enslaved us. Forced us to forget our way of life, look up forced Christian schools for natives. The list goes on.

Thank you for reaffirming that you people just did not care to think of us as human. Thats cool though, right?

Seems like he made solid arguments. No one in this thread has addresssed a single point in the actual video.

The video i showed you? Dude. Take a few minutes, like i didbfor the Christian neil degrass tyson and get back at me.

So, hold on. You want me to watch and respond to zeitgeist yet you dont care to refute one point in the video i showed you? Please do me a favor of responding regarding to the evidence in my video. I will respond to zeitgeist probably tomorrow night since its 28 minutes long and i bet i need to research sone things before i can give a rational and reasoned response.

Yes i want you to respond to it. Its all factually put together.
And honestly, people have been trying to convert me all my life. I grew up on the rez and its always the same story. No. God is not real. Jesus never preformed miracle's. That shit is not real life man. Wake up.

I am 15 minutes in and i am shocked at the false claims. Can u respect me? I will respond in detail on the obvios wrong reasoning in this video. Please do the same in my video. Give me until the end of day tomorrow...cuz football, family and responsibilities are what i got lined up for today...but tomorrow at lunch i can start to formulate my arguments and will probably finish and post after 10 pct tomorrow

False claims? No false claims. All religious thinking originated out of mans need to explain the sun and the moon. Its as simple as that. You have been lied to your whole life. "Im guessing you're a teenager" because of that I dont fault you, believe what you will my man. How about this, like comedy? George Carlins work. That guy is amazing "sad loss for the world".

Maybe let him explain it, in a funny way if anything, out of respect for the dead. Listen the whole 10 min or so.

But for real. At the end of the day, if believing in christ makes you sleep better at night. Imvall for it, for you. Its just not for me.

Welcome to the sub. We dont post much religious stuff round here. But all are welcome

I havent responded yet. Wait til tomorrow. I ask you do the same for my video. Zeitgeist will be..and has been...easy to prove false.

At 6 minutes and 32 seconds in. .the amount of false claims are astounding.

The earliest evidence of a crucifixion is 500bc. To state it was 3000 bc is simply a lie or ignorance. That is why psalm 22 ( referenced in my video...which i hope you watched ), is astounding as it is amazing because it was writting like at 1000bc and predicted a crucifixion of the messiah ( note crucifixion had not been invented yet in human history).

At 6:32 it also claims horus has 12 diciples. No reliable manuscript says this...he had 4 and some say he had 16.

He was never baptized....where is the reliable manuscript that says this? In what museum is it held so i can view it. It doesnt exist.

He did not have a virgin birth. Isis is his mother. Why the emphasis on throwing the penis in the river if the penis wasnt used to give him birth?

This video is really frustrating me in its peddling of easily falsified claims.

Let me let you in on the real conspiracy..isis and osirus are the same as nimrod and samiramis. Do some digging.

I will only continue the video once you provide evidence that the claims i made are false and that the video is soundly true up to 6 minutes and 32 seconds in

Please research and get back to me. If you do not know the answers...then ask youself....why?

Heres a scripture. Acts 17:11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true

Did you examine this video at all?
Thats what you need to do. Examine what any religious source is saying to see if it is true.

Research...and get back to me. Watch the video i posted too...the entire thing.

After watching my video...lets discuss what you believe is false in it.

Lastly...this video mentions december 25th...i sure hope it doesnt claim past 6:32 in that that is Jesus birthday......if it does and you believe clearly are in error and dont know much about the bible....

I dont believe in your white god. Im sorry. Killed to many of my people. So, kindly. Take care.

This is a sad response...i researched and proved...yet you came back with that comment?

Not that skin color matters...but Jesus argue was probably darker skin...or middle brown. He was in Jerusalem...but seemed to blend into egypt when there was a degree to kill infants.

If you can blend into africa..egypt probably aint lilly white.

So what about my people then? They are wrong? It was cool to keep them as slaves, because thats most definitely what happened

The answers are in the bible and easily found on bing/google..again...this is a truth forum. Dig. Where does the evidence lead you.

But...your important as it is.. has nothing to do with the video i posted.

So far no one in this thread has even addressed the points in this video.

If you want to have a serious discussion about the bible, then we can on r/christianity or by personal message...cuz i will respect that. However, if you just wanna play 'im not gonna do research and im just gonna spout my beliefs without sound evidence...and will not be swayed by sound evidence' then u dont actually care about the truth and i dont have time...cuz i took time to listen to your points and researched it...thinking you would give me the same basic decent respect.

Naa. Im good. Not about to give respect to the religious institution that slaughtered my people. Fuck off

The people that slaughtered your people werent Christians...but even if i showed you prove to not care about it.

Well, actually yes they were. They believed in christ. So. But plese tell me. Because ive got it wrong, who killed my people, raped our women, slaughtered our children again?

Who dont care about evidence.

What evidence. Did god take a selfie with you? Did he give you a lil note absolving all Christianity of the crimes against humanity? Nope. You have no evidence and thats what YOU cant get your small brain around. Some guy giving a lecture, is not evidence. Hitler gave a lot of speeches too. People like you, honestly. Deserve to die just like the people your religion killed. Thats how i feel. You are a weak, useless, waste of human skin. Period.

I provided evidence in the video. And the people that killed in the name of christianity..its obvious 99% of them werent christians...anyone who looks at the evidence and reads the bible can clearly see this.

You keep saying i have no evidence but havent refuted anything in the video.

Your video is not evidence. Its a guy talking about something that happened thousands of years ago. He provided no evidence other than his interpretation and you provided no evidence. Youre a brainwashed idiot.

Also, how old is the earth then?

Doesnt matter..not a salvation issue and not what this thread is about ..what about the points in the video?

made up by romans

If the bible was real them im pretty sure 1 of the 5 historians alive would have reported on someone walking on water, and healing people. Oh wait no historian from that area made a single report about such things till like 500 years later.

So...what do you know about the historical accuracy of the new testament? What is faulty regarding the video shown

It's not. I wrote a better book, which says "I alone am the ultimate truth. The Bible is lame". It's true because I wrote it in a book.

yeah, fair enough. i know there are plenty of radical Christians out there too.

Its so easy to determine when you read it and try to adhere to Jesus teachings. Its written at a 4th grade level.

However, does the age of the earth really matter? Is that a salvation issue? Or is that just a nit pick that we can agree or disagree on and move forward with holding to Jesus teachings and knowing the actual truth and not believe the lies the media tells us? I chose the age of the earth...but relace that with any non salvation issue. There is a conspiracy to not allow biblical thinking.....dont get caught up in things that arent essentials. My point was to get people to watch that video because it hits on the main points people throw out there that are silly...but the mainstream world love to profess.

Lets figure out if the bible is a reliable collection of historical documents written down by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They report [of] supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies and claimed that their writing are divine rather than human in origin.

Unless i have sound evidence...which i believe the video shows. Its not blind faith or personal experience...but evidence leading to a rational thought that ' hey the bible is credible', therefore it is true. The things talked about in the video demolish foolish arguments on the validity or accuracy of versions..etc.

This is a sad response...i researched and proved...yet you came back with that comment?

Not that skin color matters...but Jesus argue was probably darker skin...or middle brown. He was in Jerusalem...but seemed to blend into egypt when there was a degree to kill infants.

If you can blend into africa..egypt probably aint lilly white.