Looks like flat earthers are out in full force on conspiracy. Probably to make us look stupid

10  2016-11-19 by robaloie

If you are a flat earther, and you want to try to make me show proof that earth is round. Tell me what state you live in, or where around you live. And I will tell you when and where to watch the ISS fly over you. You can see it almost everywhere as it orbits the earth 16 a day.


So why make this post? Sounds to me like someone is self projecting...

OP: Flat Earthers are st00pid and here to make us look st00pid

OP: Makes a post about Flat Earth.


Where do you live? Did you read my post?

I will show you the iss fly over you

I'm not telling you where I live, and I'm not a FE'r. I just think your post is either ironic/hypocritical or suspect.... If you think FE is bunk, why even bring it up? Your posts is the only FE post here, that I've seen today... Hmmm...

I've been discussing this on four different fe posts today on conspiracy.

And the whole point of this one is to establish proof the earth is round by telling you at what time of day you can consistently see the space station fly over head. It's really fun to watch. It looks like a UFO

Care to provide some links? I haven't seen any today...

No kidding. Before the election, flat earth was everywhere here. I honestly have not seen any in the last week

2 posts from 12 and 13 hours ago, no wonder I didn't see em? Hardly full force! Anyways, thanks for the links. Why even bother? Also, why bother making a post hours later? You're just continuing the madness.... Is that your goal?

You must not live in America, i didnt comment on the other ones and I didn't bother to find them. No as I originally said it was to show the space station to anyone who wanted to see it. No body did.

Actually, most of that operation's resources seem to have been switched over to the satanism-pedophilia hysteria, which was moved to the front burner during the election.


It hurts when disinformation agencies try and do it for me.

Removed, warning for rule 10.
edit, you were already on a final warning, guess it's a ban.

Why are people trying to censor debate of FE?

I mean, if it's so stupid then fucking debunk it, dude.

that is not debunking FE... Can you prove that the "ISS" flying above is truly in "space" and not in the upper atmosphere? Can you prove its the "ISS"? c'mon man debunk it or drop it...

I am trying but no one read my post. I am willing to tell you when to look outside and at what direction, and you will see the space station fly over you. It's crazy it looks like a UFO. Just tell me roughly where your at. The state, the east or west coast. I will tell you what time and where you can see it

I usually don't bring it up since this sub is about as open minded on the theory as your average Facebook know-it-all mom quoting snopes about 9/11 or chemtrails. I'll just say this, you see something fly over that they say is the ISS.

  1. That proves nothing about the nature or shape of where we live.

  2. That doesn't in any way prove that it is what they claim it is.

  3. This is /r/conspiracy, and somehow the concept of experimental aircraft and the concept of the government possessing technology beyond what we know of publicly is off the table?

  4. It could be tech we already know about. http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/13694466_1749359102013676_103839511_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI5NTQyNjM3NDkwNzM5NDIwNw%3D%3D.2

  5. You're the one making this sub look bad calling weak arguments like that proof of anything.

The iss orbits the earth 16 times a day. You can see the iss fly over multiple times. I have been doing this since I was a kid. Instead of saying "it's not what they say it is" why not actually watch it fly over a few times then ask yourself what could it be. Seriously tell me where your at and I will tell you where you can see this crazy thing. Once oh see it take pictures of it or whatever then comeback and tell me what it is.

First off if you track the space station and map it's flight, you will see it is indeed going in orbit around us. In fact if you take a telescope you will be able to see the outline of the space station.

I don't know why anyone replied. I wanted to show them the space station.

Of course the govt experimental aircraft isn't off the table. But why the fuck would they post the orbit for tracking it if it was secret govt technology?!?!! Look up the tr3b. That thing flies to space.

My father was ex Air Force. I have seen many planes. What I am willing to show you, before you deny the existence of the space station. Atleast let me tell you where you can see it. I swear when you see the space station fly over you will think it is a UFO. Or maybe you will think it is a U2 bomber shot I don't care, just let me show you the space station ,

Well of course the answer is obvious, if it was some kind of secret government technology, they aren't revealing much of anything if they can convince you it is something else, and the purpose would be to perpetuate the space lies.

In any case, I've seen many pictures and videos of the ISS transit, but never bothered to actually watch it myself. I doubt I'll see anything that convinces me suddenly that the ISS story is true, but I am a big believer in testing things and researching things on your own, so I will go ahead and watch it next time it passes over here. We all know about http://www.isstracker.com/ and such so no need for you to walk me through how to see.

If the earth is flat, how come we can track meteors and I can watch the planets orbit the sun? I used to track the moons around Jupiter and watch them orbit Jupiter.

What is Jupiter is I am able to watch it with my telescope and track the little dots around it? Is it just a very sophisticated light that is far away ? Or are planets real but just the earth is flat?


Yeah, don't believe everything you see on tv.

I'd say that what we can do is use a mathematical model to track the pattern of movement of lights in the sky. Because the pattern matches a mathematical model doesn't describe the reality of what they claim the model is representative of.

So let's say you watch the iss and you still thinks it's not real and the earth is flat. I track the orbit of juipters moons, and I've seen Saturn with my telescopes if the earth is flat, what are those planets? Spheres?

Flat construction paper, man... Cut out by children centuries ago and put in place in the sky over us.

Full force? I haven't met one yet

Nice to meet you

Wow why do you think earth flat?

There's so much to the topic, but the super short of it is this:

Every observable, repeatable, and testable experiment that we can perform shows the earth to be flat and stationary. When you examine the history of how all this came to be, and the current model, there's lots of small problems and holes, but to boil it down, there's no experiment that we can perform to detect any curvature or motion.

We have the math, we know what the curvature should be, but nothing we can observe or test actually fits with that math.

Looking at globe evidence, it surprisingly thin and full of holes when you dig into it, no matter what aspect you look at.

In any case 2 years on and counting of this blowing up, and it still can't be debunked.

Most of what I've seen in "debunking" are logical fallacies or just incredibly weak points that make assumptions and have a large lack of understanding of the model.

Fuck the rocket scientists, they are dumb. LOL

flat earthers make themselves look stupid. if someone posts some sort of flat earth nonsense. just down vote it. do not engage, and message any one who does to stop. tell them not to feed the trolls, because that is what they want. distract detract and dis- engage from important material.

You're right

im already getting down voted...mwahahahaha.!!!!

I am convinced the whole flat earth conspracy was engineered as a prank by the Church Of The Subgenius, just to see if it went viral. I'm sure they are laughing their heads off.


Who is that?


Watched it, I like hearing the cans of beer open up through out the interview.... makes me feel like I'm at my friends house. Hard to believe anything more then that tho

how the govt contractors wastes taxpayer monies.


Downvote and move on. Nutters.

I also think it's likely the whole Flat Earth movement is a psy-op to make conspiracy theorists look silly and to divert attention away from the secret space program.

I have listened to many Flat Earth people and I've discussed the topic in a normal manner. In the end there's nothing that really holds up.

I am willing to show you the space station. Tell me roughly where you live and I will tell you when you can look outside and see the space station fly over. It's crazy, it looks like a UFO seriously , someone try me please!! I made this post cause I want to share my love of astronomy and explain how fe can be proven wrong by looking up.

But I do agree, it is a diversion tactic, but I think if people looked up and tracked the space station and actually saw it, it will blow people's minds


Have you checked out the space station yet? Have you seen it yet? ?!?

Wow why do you think earth flat?

Well of course the answer is obvious, if it was some kind of secret government technology, they aren't revealing much of anything if they can convince you it is something else, and the purpose would be to perpetuate the space lies.

In any case, I've seen many pictures and videos of the ISS transit, but never bothered to actually watch it myself. I doubt I'll see anything that convinces me suddenly that the ISS story is true, but I am a big believer in testing things and researching things on your own, so I will go ahead and watch it next time it passes over here. We all know about http://www.isstracker.com/ and such so no need for you to walk me through how to see.