Trump's Assassination

3  2016-11-19 by TheRickest_Rick

The election shocked me.

I thought Clinton had the thing bought and paid for.

What has me concerned is that the DNC isn't letting up.

Protests/riots, Obama seems like he has been scrambling ever since he heard the words "President-elect Donald Trump"

On top of this, Clinton hasn't called off her supporters, in fact she urged them to "continue to fight for our values because America is worth it!"

CNN plays a 20 second clip of the Reagan assassination for no apparent reason, there have been two incidents I can remember where Trump was rushed off-stage during his rallies.

I heard of an executive order that allows Obama to stay in power if an emergency were to occur.

Will they kill the President-elect?


I thought Clinton had the thing bought and paid for.

I thought she did. I think she thought she did too.

What has me concerned is that the DNC isn't letting up.

I’m glad you noticed this. I hope others are noticing too and realize that it’s not any real “win for democracy!” that Trump won when the corrupt plutocrats are still pounding hard on their attempts at manipulating public consciousness, among other things.


I’m sure there will be more and more agent provocateurs as well.

Will they kill the President-elect?

That would be pretty darn fucked up, for sure, but I certainly hope that doesn’t happen (even though I don’t give af about Trump and didn’t vote for him or Clinton, etc).

Ultimately, the truth seekers have to remain JUST as vigilant now that Trump’s won Clinton’s and the corporate DNCs initial plans have been foiled. We have to be MORE vigilant now, as a matter of fact. We can’t sit back, pat ourselves on the back, and bask over the citizenry and alternative thinkers gaining some ground because this is only a battle that was won. It’s by no means the end of the power grab war going on.

The more people continue to be critical thinkers and not take the establishment bullshit we’re fed, the more we will continue uncovering the type of chicanery that helped Clinton get brought the fuck down.

So people need to keep at it!


If the election had gone blue, I would've switched off the television, and assumed everything was business as usual.

Trump's election got me asking a lot of questions.

Could the white House have known Clinton might lose? If so, what was their backup plan?

There's obviously a lot of money riding on a Clinton win. Surely they wouldn't just accept defeat and pack it in?

Why hasn't any person in Washington called for an end to these ridiculous protests?

I understand the right to protest, I just feel they have no goal in mind. What changes are they trying to exact?

I was watching CNN when the protests started.

In 7 major cities.


All with the same message.

I call shenanigans.

Back to your point, I agree that asking questions is the most important thing we can do, especially right now when there are so many to be asked...

If the election had gone blue, I would've switched off the television, and assumed everything was business as usual.

Na, shit would have gotten a lot worse if that would have happened. Shit’s already bad now, but it would have gone even worse w/Clinton in office.

Could the white House have known Clinton might lose?

I don’t doubt that certain string pullers had an idea of that as a possibility, but I don’t imagine they thought it would actually happen.

If so, what was their backup plan?

Continue fomenting dissent amongst the dumb citizenry, keep getting them to hate each other while not paying attention to the real controlling evil above them, and possibly kill that Trump bastard and/or threaten his children, wife, etc.

Stuff like that, I imagine.

Surely they wouldn't just accept defeat and pack it in?

Sheeit. They’re most definitely not accepting any defeat. All this talk from Obama and these MSM sites saying that alternative media is "the enemy" and fucking Google cracking down on alternative media sites (WTF?). Na. They’re most definitely not packing anything in.

The war’s still very much raging.

Why hasn't any person in Washington called for an end to these ridiculous protests?

Uh, because they’re part of the machine that’s FUNDING them?

I understand the right to protest, I just feel they have no goal in mind.

Of course they have a goal in mind. “They”, however, isn’t the masses. “They” is the groups that are funding the mass protests. The protests are not as organic as people are led to believe they are.

Those string-pullers I mentioned above? They foment dissent. They continue confusing the masses. They keep breeding racism in the nation. A people divided is a people easily ruled over.

The protestors don’t have a real goal because enough of them might very well be Soros-hired provocateurs.

You're right. Things would have been worse. Suppose that's what I meant, just everything we'd expect to happen (continuous corruption, globalization, war with Russia).

As for the protesters, there are people actually flocking to this cause.

I live in a major city, some of my friends are activists. They all believe the protests are valid, though I am constantly trying to convince them they are being taken for a ride.

Also the Facebook warriors make me want to go full Scott Malkinson.

(continuous corruption, globalization, war with Russia).

Not just a war with Russia - a war with Russia and China both combined against the U.S. Sorry, but ain’t no way the U.S. is winning that corporate-sponsored world war. The U.S. would get its ass handed to it by those two world super powers.

As for the protesters, there are people actually flocking to this cause.

Which cause? The anti-Trump cause? Man, people are just fucking stupid. Fuck Trump - I’m no Trump supporter, but all the people protesting after Clinton lost need to A) understand that she is the most corrupt one of the two by far, and B) they need to protest the government in general - not just Trump. Protest Trump, protest Clinton, protest the entire shit establishment - not just Trump. smh

They all believe the protests are valid, though I am constantly trying to convince them they are being taken for a ride.

They’re valid for some of the protesters, but there seems to be enough of a covert influence of provocateurism in it that I don’t think any major protest as of late can be considered entirely valid.

Also the Facebook warriors make me want to go full Scott Malkinson.



Perhaps revolutionary action is what the DNC is hoping for?

That wouldn't be "revolutionary" action, however. That would be ignorant action. True revolutionary action would involve the citizenry all coming together as one and fighting against the manipulated, racist division by TPTB.

Fighting amongst ourselves would be ignorant.

That's a perfect way to put it.

A true, peaceful revolution against those who are governing us so poorly is what I feel we really need.

A true, peaceful revolution against those who are governing us so poorly is what I feel we really need.

I feel this is 95% correct. I think all of us need to come together and commit to peaceful revolution. However, we should also not be afraid to arm and defend ourselves and each other (that's what the other 5% is about).

Agree 100%

All I know is that this is gonna end with a civil war.

My thoughts are that either Obama suspends the electoral college and makes the election count based on popular vote and not electoral vote or he stays on power. Or lastly trump will be killed by a "radical Muslim"

Because Obama can totally do that.... Jesus Christ reddit.

Can he not use an executive order to suspend the electoral college?

I was playing around with the possibility that the DNC is trying to trigger some radical action through the media.

Provoking the masses, if you will.

If they don't do the dirty work, their hands are clean.

Most of the guns and military experience are on one side of the spectrum politically, so I don't think the anti-Trump crowd would really want a civil war.

I'm with you on that one.

I'm a Democrat myself, but I strongly believe in my second amendment rights.

And as a democrat, I can promise you that the blue team wouldn't be ready for the red team.

However, I don't have all the information. If this is all really part of the plan as I'm speculating, we could be playing into their hands just by talking about this.

No one is dumb enough. The man is a complete imbecile. He'll soon realize it was all a mistake and shit his pants.

And the uneducated 60 millions people that voted him will realize what a fucking mistake they made.

I think that Trump will either achieve nothing or he will be killed. Many people are far too invested in the "swamp" to allow it to be drained.

Nah we have been neo conned

More like a Libya style revolution if any, ending up with Trump being killed by ISIS or mexican gangs at the end of the revolution.

idk, but lots of racisms spreading its wings.

Agreed. The division is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

I went to buy ice cream the other night....I went to a somewhat seedy corner liquor store w/ my kids and this giant mexican guy was behind the counter looking like he wanted to kick my ass just for being white. I couldn't even look him in the eyes....grabbed my kids and left after paying...told my wife she said "oh well, he won't be here much longer." Thanks Trump...i guess.

I've noticed a lot of mean-mugging as well.

I just try to smile and wave, fighting is not the way.

I hope more people realize this soon.

yeah. i was at carl's jr getting lunch and there was a group of mexican construction workers, all giving me the eye (this was nov 9). i was like "gotta gtfo, where do white people eat around here???" i had no idea.

Fighting amongst ourselves would be ignorant.

That's a perfect way to put it.

A true, peaceful revolution against those who are governing us so poorly is what I feel we really need.