Tavistock must be connected to MSM because what media is doing to our minds is downright hedious.

48  2016-11-20 by LightBringerFlex

I studied the effects of media extensively in university so I know the mechanical affects it has on the mind. I recently discovered Tavistock was involved in a worldwide brainwashing operation and it's owned by Soros.

When I watch media, I can see the poison as it drips into my living room because I recognize it. This poison is gift wrapped in cool action movies like Suicide Squad or reality shows like the Kardashians. It's even present in the children's show, "Tom and Jerry". It is also in many of the commercials we watch and entirely in the main stream news channels. It's literally coming in from everywhere 24 hours a day. It has to be a constant stream of poison because once the poison stops, the mind recovers.

They have taught us that this entertainment is harmless, but in reality they know how dangerous it really is. The purpose of all this media is to keep people separated from each other which weakens us as a people and offers the elite opportunity to abuse us in our weakened state. The idea is to maintain this weakness to prevent any uprisings. The second big impact is that it lowers our self esteem and offers us products that they swear will raise our self esteem. This trick is done so that we continuously buy our Gucci purses, new sneakers, new TVs, new diet pills, etc.. while at the same time weakening us even further by lowering self esteem. The more we buy, the richer the elite get since they control large swathes of the economy.

Here are a few examples of the poison that seeps into our mind on a daily basis.

Fear - Fear is the Kryptonite of the mind. Fear freezes us and entangles the mind so it becomes hard to think. Physically violent media like Tom and Jerry or The Terminator and psychologically violent media like the Kardashians or talent shows that destroy guests on live television induce fear, distrust, and paranoia. Also, fear is constantly sent in through news stations. They use every trick in the book with news media including loud noises, quick zooms, and anything they can think of. The idea is to hold your attention for as long as possible by paralyzing your mind which equates to poisoning your mind while profiting from it. As long as people don't realize how dangerous this poison is, they can transmit it without any issues.

Unworthiness - Feelings of unworthiness opens up the opportunity for corporations to sell you items that raise your self esteem. They often present these items as your ticket to the mountaintop where you can feel superior above the general population which is attractive to those whose self esteem has been destroyed and they are in a sense of desperation. Feelings of superiority and inferiority are constantly transmitted into the mind which further destroys our relationship with each other on the ground level. These are intended to reduce cooperation between people which further weakens them. Mostly, they seek to weaken and force you into buying which also forces you into working harder.

The way people interact in many shows, games, movies, news stations, and even music constitutes outright dysfunctionality. These dysfunctional relationships in media are wholly controlled by the script writers and so they can make a show full of dysfunctional relationships and make it look like a functional experience. For example, a comedy show about a mentally abusive family can go on for decades without divorce, drug abuse, physical abuse, or any of the other consequences of irresponsible behavior. People watch this and subconsciously believe that disfunctional behavior can produce desirable results. A lot of people, without really realizing it, mimic these behaviors in real life and are surprised when negative consequences are produced. These negative consequences further hinder our day to day lives which weakens us. People learn quickly but then they go back and watch more media which further poisons the mind, they get stuck in a vicious cycle repeating the same mistakes over and over again. The only reason they cannot break away from these vicious cycles is because they are unaware of the mechanics behind media poison.

The government is running a gimmick on us here. They know exactly what they are doing. Many of my professors presented evidence to the government of the disaster media poison is unleashing into society but they never got through to them. The government is fully aware of this issue as it is intentional but they play it off as "no big deal". As long as the people agree with that, the government gets away with it.

I can tell you this much. If media was responsible from day one, we would be living in a very different world right now. It would be a much happier world. This media poison is one of the many wrenches in our system that are purposely put in there. You have to understand how a psychopath thinks to understand how a person would do this and we have plenty of psychopaths in government. The psycho wants to separate from the people and then enslave them. What better way to enslave? Weaken the minds of the people, turn them against each other, lower their self esteem, and convince them to constantly buy products in a search for happiness. They also profit massively by all the illegal and legal drugs Americans are taking from all the stresses caused by the poisonous media. Finally, the psycho stands out too much in a happy society but they blend into a disturbed society a bit better which acts as a safety measure. They want to ruin the people because they are ruined and so their behavior is more easily accepted by ruined people versus healthy minded people.

It's all happening right under our noses. The government loves disturbed artists that create disturbing media. This is how they puppeteer it from the top.

The mind of the public does grow some resilience to the manipulation but if it does, the media simply raises the bar with more disturbing and frightening media.

If people want to help, please spread the word about this and for your own sakes, try to avoid disturbing media by being very responsible with what you ingest. In the end, we are all on the same planet and what happens to one person effects the whole of society in some way.

One day we will have access to this Tavistock company and what we will find is a varied version of old school propoganda machine setup for the modern age and it will be full of sinister operational guides for those who puppeteer our society.


Is the typo in your title a subliminal attempt to prove your point?

But seriously tptb have a vast arsenal of psychological and occult weapons deployed against us. Don't forget to eat well and get some fresh air and maybe take a break from this shit now and again.
I've been looking into this stuff for years and it can take a toll on you.

Ah my bad. No subliminal messages.

Just joking.
Tavistock is a pretty well known part of the problem and your point is valid except you are not taking it to its logical conclusion.
Everything is connected, they want the whole thing, money is no object and they have been at this a long long time.
Think of what we know, they have all that and all the classified science we don't even know about.

Lol, I'm glad you see that. I hope people awaken to this reality. My conclusion as of now is that at some point, we have to take personal responsibility for our consent of piling enourmous amounts of power into a few individuals that work in secrecy. There's something very disfunctional about this concept.

What has hit me for the first time is how big the whole child abuse thing is and how it is being used to blackmail people into obedience and silence.

Ya, it's a lot uglier in politics than I knew before. It looks like a top down slavery form of power designed to process us like sheep so we can bust our asses to make the world go round while the elite divulge in unlimited, lavish lifestyles. They have enough power to dictate every corner of our lives from education to laws. They make life so hellish that it becomes easy to recruit new blood since they would be willing to sell their soul for some dignity.

Hopefully people will see this in enough numbers to actually start cleaning this planet up. You're right though desperate people will do desperate things and they know this all too well.
Also stress and overwork make people too tired to cause them problems as thy have no spare energy.
This is why despite the number of unemployed they would rather get 3 people to do the work of 5 than 5 to do the work of 3.

Yup, it really is amazing. I'm looking forward to the great battle of people vs elite. We can force transperancy into their secrets with plants and whistleblowers. There's just so many of us that some will slip through the cracks and into the elites domain. Insight into the elite machine is what's going to destroy them. Pizzagate, the CF, and spirit cooking broke down and penetrated the elites frontal defenses. It's a modest beginning but decent progress compared to us being, as Hillary called it, unaware and compliant.

Next on the to do list is get rid of Merkel and dissolve the E.U.
Oh and making sure they don't get their hands on Syria.

Works for me. I'm game for anything that frees the people from this artificial bondage.

ok, you sort it.
Don't fiu.

Wow, that was a great read. I totally agree. It seems like everyone I know has been brainwashed, they just all automatically believe the mainstream media, and refuse to be skeptical enough to consider the alternative new sources, or even Wikileaks. I made a comment the other day about the fake news issue, and got lamb basted because I saw this as an attack on freedom of speech, they did not. They were quick to believe these websites were to blame for Hillary's loss. They absolutely believed she was wonderful, and in no way could possibly be corrupt. They mocked and belittled me for commenting such nonsense.

This is what happens when gov spills fake news on a daily basis. People become brainwashed. :(

Kids. They just shouldn't watch TV- parenting fail 101.

I haven't had a TV in 16 years now, and man that shit has long lasting effects.

PS. Typo in title = excellent subliminal for your theisi

I couldn't agree more. I noticed this not too too long ago and it absolutely disgusts me! I've never been a fan of the news or reality tv at all as a kid...but now I absolutely despise the brainwashing. It has my parents for good unfortunately. And my friends, I try to tell them about it and they think I'm nuts. And I know I have some pretty far from normal ideas about life and this existence, but I just know that I'm right(atleast about the brainwashing and the cultural conditioning). And i couldn't be fucked to let some elitist twat control me. I'm getting the fuck out! It seems that the states are where it's really bad at. Where people can't seem to agree on anything or set their differences aside. So I guess my first step is leave the US. Sorry..just wanted exclaim how happy I am that I'm not the only one who sees through the bullshit(I literally don't know anyone who'll agree with me wholeheartedly)!!

Hehe, I'm only now bringing this up online because people are beginning to awaken. If I posted this a year ago, people would probabaly call me a blasphemes fool.

Haha I know right? It's a bit odd being so few and far between. I can only imagine how it must've been for someone who was aware a decade or two ago. They themselves prolly thought they might've been crazy or paranoid lol!

Haha ya. Well, some people have to be the mind stimulators of the world.

I totally agree. Hopefully we can influence others and help the world become a better place! We gotta illuminate the world and spread the love! You gave me hope that I'm not alone ... thanks mate!!!!

Immediate ban. Along with psyops, Jason Lucas, Alex Shamash, Scott Ferguson, and you can insult any race or religion except they who must not be questioned.

And then there's Godlike Productions for the non sheeple.

I heard god like blocks out any posts on Tavistock.

I totally agree. Hopefully we can influence others and help the world become a better place! We gotta illuminate the world and spread the love! You gave me hope that I'm not alone ... thanks mate!!!!