Private Investigator Ed Opperman is willing to do an investigation into Pizzagate. $20,000 is needed to initiate & fund a proper team including attorneys. Please share.

358  2016-11-20 by [deleted]



Just so everyone knows, a kickstarter for this can be done, but Ed has also stated the following Thursday 11/17 on his Facebook account: "LOL, ya know if 5% of the folks that listened to my pizzagate show and are all so outraged about it, just bought a 3 month subscription to The Opperman Report I could put together a team of investigators and PR to blow that thing wide open. Not even 5% maybe 1%"

He is NOT joking nor is he making a plea just to get listeners. On his Pizzagate podcast he got over 20,000 listeners and if each one contributed just a dollar this would have been a done deal.

I've literally put my money where my mouth is to support this initiative and implore others to do the same if they are sincere about hiring on a dedicated private investigator.


Kickstarter would take time, but provide a lump sum. Whereas if people became members of the Opperman Report they'd get exclusive access to podcasts Ed does for the members while supporting the work he does. He's the genuine article folks and he stated publicly 2 weeks ago that he had just a received a serious and credible threat to his life doing what he does best gathering and disseminating great information.

It was Ed Opperman who sought out and interviewed Courtney Love's father Hank Harrison who stated that Courtney Love was "dating" a CIA agent when she was underage. Harrison further corroborated that when she was a child, Love also attended the Presidio Child Development Center during the rampant paedophile assaults that occurred there and may herself have been a victim.

I think from a practical standpoint for those who are specifically wishing to fund Ed for the pizzagate investigation, the kickstarter option is best. Still no guarantee that the every dime will immediately be spent on pizzagate but if that is what people want and there is a way to make it very clear publicly that THAT is why they are donating, I think that more people would feel comfortable and contribute.

Perhaps make a donation option on Kickstarter that includes access to Ed's content at higher donation levels? That way those that want to "hire" him for pizzagate but also wish to fund his other operations could do so. Not sure if this is possible but trying to suggest solutions.

Until it's blocked like wikileaks with PayPal, visa, Mastercard etc..

Can you please elaborate? What exactly is being blocked and can you supply any screenshots?

Gofundme would be better -

RIP Opperman.

On a serious note, THIS is the best way to get stuff done. Don't blow whistles, don't sneak around in the back lines. Don't be covert. Just stand far out in the open and visibly announce yourself and declare your intent and let true transparency be your protection.

They can't suicide us all.

They can't suicide us all.

We hope. Hillary was trying to start WW3, I honestly think in part to kill off a good chunk of us.

This should be pizzagate's motto. It draws attention to gravity of the situation, emphasizes our numbers, shows how low they will go, and is a great rallying call.


Cannibalistic murder sacrifice cult has taken hold of governments world wide.

Purging the world of the unworthy is a key part of their internal code.

Even if I'm wrong, what would be the best way to counter this scenario?

Truth and love are the best ways to counter them.

Truth requires exposing what is going on and love requires that we hold them accountable.

Also, not operating from a place of fear as that is a primary means of control they use to keep the very unhealthy status quo in place. So continue to research, continue to share info, continue to discuss as openly as possible what is found. There is strength in numbers in this regard.

Back to the drawing board...

I need a fourth drawing board.

I'd feel bad paying 20k to make a guy suicide himself, but I'd support it.

My thoughts exactly. Cancer, suicide, or train inbound.

..plane crash, bench-press malfunction....

This guy is going to have his internet cut off, one way or another...

Never heard of this guy before but I just got a 3 month sub

His paypal-cc button didn't work for me twice today. I just gave him 500 through another route. Just letting folks know. YMMV it could be that paypal doesn't like me because I threatened them legally, and maybe has an autodecline of payment through their processor tied to my name

You can always contact him through here I think as well:

I think that's him. And Thanks!

If we dedicate a donation directly to his website, has he said that will count towards the total?

Not that I'm aware of.

I want this money to only go towards pizzagate. It seems irresponsible to send money via donate or subscription without some tiny amount written verification that money will be spent as intended - the grounds for the Kickstarter or gofundme.

I'm sure Ed is sincere, but let's be practical, I think.

So like... $1 each? I'm in.


Doesn't Kickstarter need to reach a certain goal before the money is released to him? Iirc, GoFundMe immediately wires the money to the benficiary.


Salute to you for posting this MBH.

I just read what pizzzagate is. Sick fuckers.

I'd be in for $100, but can it be done through Kickstarter or something? That way we'd know that we hit the limit enough to get this thing going, and that's harder through just buying a subscription to the rest of his works.

That's a great idea. Tbh, not totally buying it. But, if there is any chance of it being true, someone needs to check it out. I'm in for at least a dollar.


I comment would be confusing. My bad. Don't totally buy pizzagate but there is enough weird shit going on there that real detective work needs done. if tire, those kids need out of there yesterday.

Never heard of him, but took a look at some of his content and made a paypal donation. Easy decision.

There are a lot of negative comments suggesting certain defeat for anyone who goes near this. Yes there is danger, but there is strength in numbers, and too much information has been shared. They cannot make this disappear.

We need to tap the brakes on this before a bunch of people start sending in money and then it all falls apart and there's hard feelings. My main concern is having 20k separate clients, everyone with different opinions and expectations. I also have problems with all this done in public. I don't think this is the way to do this.

We need to tap the brakes on this before a bunch of people start sending in money and then it all falls apart and there's hard feelings. My main concern is having 20k separate clients, everyone with different opinions and expectations.

Right. We need to organize and package this in a way to post it in other subs and to sell it as an investment. This needs to be something people will see tangible results from and that needs to be included in the terms of the Kickstarter or however we choose to package it.

20k people will expect different results, so we need to be clear with the extent of what team is being formed, the depth they are willing to go (e.g. are they going to actually go to Haiti and truly investigate?), and the results should be in a clear concise and easily understandable format along with whatever evidence is found.

I also have problems with all this done in public. I don't think this is the way to do this.

I respectfully disagree. The public light adds a layer of protection, but I do understand that it also can fuck things up if we have a crappy investigation.

The bottom line is that this is not the best way to go about this. For many reasons that I can't go into in public. Look at this from my perspective. I have no idea who I'm talking to here. Someone has contacted me privately, I think it's the guy who created the first thread. Let me talk to him and we'll explore this. Until then you should pull the thread before it gets out of hand and we create an unnecessary mess.


I understand, it's cool. I'll call you today and we can come up with a plan. I was thinking of a few ideas. But for now let's pull back and think this out.

Hey man, this is chaos, no way I'm dealing with this. Pull the threads or remove my name. I'll call you tomorrow

Is this dude trying to get killed?

This guy just wants easy money from fuckin' idiots.

the entire pizzagate thing is a /pol/ ruse to make their natural enemy "le reddit fedora detectives" look like retards, just like the meth lab daycare thing that, suprise suprise, also originated from a chan.

Came here to say this. But what do you expect, these are the same people that elected the biggest conman of all, Trump.

Maybe we should consider hiring multiple P.I's. Get organized about whare to send the money and a list of donors for each. Might make pooling the right amount of $$ easier. Just a thought.

Great job bringing this forward MBH! For what its' worth, I can vouch for opperman's report being a legit investigation and good reportage. His interviews are interesting, he has good guests, and it's clear he knows his stuff.

We need to pick one way to contribute and package it in a way to easily spread the word. I'm willing to contribute but I don't like blindly throwing money.

I'm also curious about the $20,000 number. $20,000 is only a drop in a bucket. Think about it in terms of salaries. $20,000 is generally less than two people's salaries working full time for less than a third of a year, and he says he would organize a team? Idk if that adds up right. What kind of investigation are we getting for our money?


I'll do it for $19,000.

MBH, when you talk to Ed, tell him I'm getting declined payments to opperman paypal donate button. I'm going to send him a quick email after I try again in an hour. EDIT I know my card works I just bought something this weekend.


It declined again. Email sent. Alternative donation made

Signed up for a month hope it helps. Everyone should do the same

Look, the security agencies are the only ones who can do a full investigation, $20k is nothing. Scotland Yard spent £10million on McCann alone between 2010-15. We need whistleblowers.

love this, maybe provide a link to the kickstarter in the post? and lets get this stickied. THIS is what we need to find out if theres anything of substance, but seeing as he did a show on it and he doesnt put his skills to it anyway makes me doubtful, but at least we can act on it this way

Does he realize how dangerous that could be?

These people have no scruples about killing who anybody threatens to expose them.

Post a bitcoin address.

Instantly raise funds peer-to-peer.

This should become standard practice.

The problem is that Ed Opperman made himself publicly known as wanting to investigate. He will be monitored at the least, worst thing which can happen is getting killed. I don't think he'll get any information out of people if they know it's him. Pizzagate is similar to Jones Town or the Scientology Church, succes might be guaranteed if you find insiders wanting to talk.

So does the 20k go towards the investigation or the funerals?


Exactly what these types continually try. Same bullshit nonsense.

I'm in but I'm scared for them. I meant look at the record. They kill like an urban street gang. Sorry for sounding so Debbie Downer but I really am scared for their lives.

No fear for these worthless, lowlife cunts. They can try to continue down that path, and they will only serve to expose themselves even further.

You know how the once great US had a policy of NEVER paying or negotiating with terrorists? The unwritten policy that treasonous scumbag Obama threw right out the window with Iran, because it suited his (his handlers would be more accurate) immediate personal needs.

That comes into play here. You don't ever allow violent criminal responses prevent the serving of justice. You stand strong for what it right and just, and fuck their threats. Ultimately, these child rapist fucks will ALL get exactly what they deserve.

They can't suicide us all.

We hope. Hillary was trying to start WW3, I honestly think in part to kill off a good chunk of us.

This should be pizzagate's motto. It draws attention to gravity of the situation, emphasizes our numbers, shows how low they will go, and is a great rallying call.


I'm in but I'm scared for them. I meant look at the record. They kill like an urban street gang. Sorry for sounding so Debbie Downer but I really am scared for their lives.