What if 10,000 people stormed the embassy, wearing matching outfits and masks?

2  2016-11-20 by [deleted]



We already know what would happen. .......yes, it would be that easy to change the world.

Seems like they could bring in the riot police and test out all the sweet hidden technology they've got.


Look how many people protested the Iraq war world wide ^


Look how many people protested Vietnam ^


Heres how many people protested NAFTA in 1999 ^


Remember the huge Occupy Wallstreet? ^


Finally, people all over are trying to stop the Dakota Pipeline in large protests ^

Have any of these peaceful protest stopped the government from continuing their heavily criticized plans? NO. No no no no and no! Peaceful protest does not work.

Revolution is bloody and heads must roll!

The ruling class has failed us time and time again and broke their pacts with the people. Yet, were expected to continue to respect them so we can be ignored again?

You preach violence just like governments. You've already failed.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson, Failure.

They are declawing us so we can not protect ourselves when the time comes to take out our tongues.

I agree

Sure why not? Also;Jefferson, slavery owner & never used wifi. Fuck Jefferson

"Peace & Trust can win the day, despite of all your losing"

That sounds like something a loser would say...

everyone gets a trophy!!

Lmao- it's a Zepplin lyric

No shit. Have you ever met a loser that didn't quote Zepplin?

Nope. Not as much as little dick Internet tough guys hiding their emasculated psychology behind their 6'2 hunched over fatty presidential choice. It'll get better for you buddy. I know shooting up the place is the only way you can deal with being such a limp dock but I promise that there are other ways.

Le triggered much, kiddo? lol

Your projections are telling. Please continue, I find emotionally unstable people very entertaining. Tell me about your relationship with your mother?

Not much queer bait. In fact I noted that you've got that old timey religion for your u/. Besides the hilarious part where an inbred cow fuck like yourself doesn't understand the alchemical formula they're using for their identity, you're also practicing the satanic religion of the same people you hate. You hilarious fucking idiot. You worship the Demiurge who asks you to be more horrible than the people you rally against. Plenty of child fuckers and homos in your religion although you cover it well. Eventually those dumbfuck liberals & retard conservatives will realize that they both love murder & blood & rape & then you'll all get together to dick over the rest of society. Not triggered. You couldnt know the first thing about me. Anyhoo loser I'm sure you'll have some rhetoric that needs flushing, okay have at it. While you're ranting behind your keyboard thinking about killing for your Jew god, stop for a second & wonder if this isn't just the product of your unloving childhood? Maybe get some therapy with your conceal carry


Would you say your mother was the dominate type? Did she spank you?

It's interesting that a religious bigot would apply Freud to an argument. Are you just jelly that ISIS gets to rape & murder without you? How long until you combine your crazy? Season three? This is taking forever.

rapeabitchforjesus amirite hombre?

So your mother pushed jesus on you and that lead to your emotionally unstable state...text book, kiddo. Your psycho sex and murder fantasies are about on point...How long has it been since your last lithium treatment? I really hope your adult caregiver gets back in time to stop you from hurting yourself or others.

My fantasies, because I'm the one calling for violence? That's you psycho. That's you and your psycho Jew god. How long before you kill psycho? I hope that they have you on some type of a watchlist. Psycho and stupid since you also projected your jesusness onto me, unless I read your user name incorrectly & you're just straight up old timey religion. In that case you are done sick caveman fuck who will most likely end up in some American version of isil & do need some Jesus in your life.

I can understand you finding my logic so flawless it's christlike, but what does any of this have to do with your mother and your sexual feelings for her? Try to stay on track, my child. Focus.

See there you go. Just trolling now because I was on point. Again you're reaching for mommy issues. This isn't Xbox live. You're a real problem for society. A violent self righteous piece of shit who preaches violence. Take some responsibility for your violence. Before you eventually shout up a place or snipe at cops and blame it on minorities maybe you should just kinda you know, check out. It would really do us all a big favor. Jus saying is all

Your psycho sexual projections exist because you won't deal with your mommy issues. Did she have "a lot" of boyfriends? Is that the problem? You can open up, this isn't xboxlive, this can be your safe place...continue your emotional breakdown, I find it very entertaining. When did you start to develop sexual feeling for your mother?

*are you angry that society won't let you own a gun?

There you go skirting the issue & projecting. Your logic is also fallacious since you mentioned it before. You didn't have very far to go before you gassed & resorted to wild swings. My parents enjoyed a long & happy marriage. You've outed yourself and now you want to make everyone pay. You should be required an IQ test that doesn't require knowledge of your rape murder god, if you want a weapon. You're pathetic. Troll

You're beautiful. Did your father stop your sexual aggression against your mother? Or did he join in? Is that why you project violence and rape onto your god head figure? You can feel safe, think of me as your new father. You can even call me daddy if it makes you feel safer.

No stupid shit, YOUR godhead, by name psycho fucker. Your Jew god loves insect too which makes sense since you keep projecting you're mother father rape fantasies- anyhoo since you are a psycho imma hit that's block button but before I do- go fuck yourself 👽

Don't ever change, kiddo. Tell your mom I said, Hi!

You preach screaming and shouting your way into a cell. Your ideas have failed to bring us change for 75 years now.

Our founding fathers didnt get free of the suffocating British by holding signs and wearing masks! They fucking fought back for it! You sheep, you cowardly animal. Scream your way to your slaughter !

to be clear, the wealthy, elite, slaveowning, democracy hating (except for Jefferson to some extent) founders tricked a bunch of peasants to fight and die in the snow for their right to be independent wealthy elites

They essentially were rich white men who didnt want to pay their taxes yes and then established freedoms for their citizens. Doing so to break free from control took force though and it ultimately did lead to a more free nation except for the slaves and indigenous people they fucked over in the process. We see their mistakes as history of how not to treat eachother in the future but one thing is certain violence is necessary for change. Otherwise we wouldnt have a death penalty or have police officers shoot criminals etc.


You don't know shit about what I would preach. You're simply making your bloodlust a combiner argument.

One more quick point before I dismiss the rest of your 300 year old argument- peace has garnered everything you have today. You war monger. Look at all the other countries that war mongers and short sighted individuals like yourself have gotten their way. No 3-D holiday movies popping up in Syria this month huh? All you've ever known is the most comfortable and serene peace and health humanity has ever recorded & you want to throw it away shooting at your supposed oppressors who can't even delete their fucking emails properly. Maybe you should exhaust the other resources you have before preaching the accidental death of innocent bystanders

With that attitude America would still have slavery.

It still does in all forms & or profits from slavery. How's your slavery assembled electronics working for you?