Introducing "Truth Decay," brought to you by the same purveyors of "Fake News."

74  2016-11-20 by [deleted]

There's this group's CEO who is pushing the phrase "truth decay," which in his words goes: "When everybody has their own facts, then nobody really has any facts at all." The more complete quote is this:

“This is to me really a dangerous and unusual time in history. Because Americans not only feel entitled to their opinions—and rightly so—but many of them, a growing number of them, frankly, across the political spectrum also feel entitled to cherry pick facts to support their opinion, or even commission up new 'facts' if necessary,” Rich said. “…When everyone has their own facts, then nobody really has any facts at all.”

His argument really boils down to a critique of critical thinking itself. After all, doesn't this entail reading a variety of facts, analyzing them, and coming to a logical conclusion? But, this guy calls this activity "dangerous."

So who is this guy?

His name is Michel Rich, CEO of the RAND Corporation.

What's the RAND Corporation?

The Rand Corporation is almost synonymous with the US military, and is the same institute that worked with the CIA to institute MK Ultra, the mind control program. Mental Floss deemed it, "The Think Tank that Controls America."

Some of RAND’s clients include the following:

American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T)

Chase Manhattan Bank

International Business Machines (IBM)

National Science Foundation

Republican Party


U.S. Air Force

U.S. Department of Energy

U.S. Department of Health

There are literally THOUSANDS of highly important companies, government institutions and organizations that make use of RAND’s services, and to list them all would be an impossible task.

RAND, however, is actually an institution of a much larger consortium. It belongs to a group started by the British Military called... Tavistock. You might want to go down that rabbit hole sometime. But this is the same group that also tried silencing criticism of anyone Jewish as them being Anti-semitic, a play that we're seeing now with specific Trump picks like Bannon.

TL;DR: The recent push to claim that people are reading "fake news" and participating in "truth decay" comes from the same quasi-military government institutions that engaged in mind control and gave such techniques to dictators around the world.

Stay vigilant, everyone.


People don't realize how un-democratic the modern US and "free world" has been. Real democracy is fractious and humans are prone to believing in their versions of the Truth.

This is the whingeing of the elite. They have or are losing the ability to shape the meaning of life for the mass of men. As much as they try to centralize and control the production of the myths that form identity, they really never can. And that terrifies them, especially as it becomes more apparent that many of the great fortunes and positions in the world are acquired through criminal means.

This guy Michael Rich would of course be an expert on the subject.

The RAND Corporation -Tavistock Institute are one of the leading purveyors of disinformation bullshit of the last several decades. They are literally paid to hide the truth from the public.

...why the hell did this get downvoted?

Honestly anymore that seems to be an indication you are onto something. Usually in /r/conspiracy if someone is going to downvote they will at least post in here letting you know why or if there are holes in your story. This "fake news" shit is a psyop. To me it is obvious they are scared at the number of people being "woke" and finally starting to think for themselves.

Yep. Vote manipulation in this sub is rampant.

One example that did not surprise me when I noticed it: I made this post a few days ago with a State Dep't employee spelling out the obvious criminal nature of Hillary's private server. This is new information that tons of people in this sub would love to have. Keeps getting upvoted to 3, but never over 3, and then down to 1. edit: link —

...why the hell did this get downvoted?

Likely because you said...

But this is the same group that also tried silencing criticism of anyone Jewish as them being Anti-semitic, a play that we're seeing now with specific Trump picks like Bannon.

Troops are on patrol.

This makes sense. It was just the strangest thing that within 10 minutes of posting it, the only attention it received was a downvote. I thought, "well there goes that, I guess."

Their presence is apparent tonight.

The ministry of truth wants to tell you exactly what to believe so you don't need to bother thinking.

This is terrifying.

You deserve Gold for this OP. We thank you for your service.

Yep. Vote manipulation in this sub is rampant.

One example that did not surprise me when I noticed it: I made this post a few days ago with a State Dep't employee spelling out the obvious criminal nature of Hillary's private server. This is new information that tons of people in this sub would love to have. Keeps getting upvoted to 3, but never over 3, and then down to 1. edit: link —