Are recent droughts due to barium & aluminum?Found in soil, rain water, & streams, these metals seem to also affect forests and encourage beetles & other invasive species.

31  2016-11-21 by Loud_Volume

Have you seen how forests have been looking lately? The landscape? Soil? Millions of trees dying. Unprecedented droughts, forest fires, and beetle infestations in forests.

All over the world, people have been recording measurements of abnormal levels of aluminum, and barium (the two most commonly found) in their soil, rain water, rivers, lakes, you name it.

What's the link here you might ask?

Wether or not you believe in geo-engineering (AKA "Chem-Trails") These particulates are being found in these places from being sprayed in the air.

These metals that are sprayed in the atmosphere eventually settle onto or into various environments. Wether it's in forests, the rain, the ocean, urban environments, it is everywhere.

In Charles Little’s book among the notes he writes; ”As it happens, aluminum is a common constituent of forest soils almost every where, but it is locked up in aluminum silicates, and in this compound form is not available to trees and other plants, and therefore is no danger to them. But after acid rains come , the silicates were broken down, and the aluminum was freed to be taken up by trees and plants.

The metal kills all roots first, this means that trees can no longer absorb and transport needed nutrients, such as phosphates, calcium, and magnesium-essential fertilizers that are themselves leached away from the soil by acid deposition, The trees are weakened and can be invaded by insects or pathogens or secumb to extremes of weather-or all of the above, in which case they die.”

With the recent 100 million announced dead trees now in California, blamed on the draught going on in California right now, I hope you can draw the connection I am trying to make.

The Natural Earth's biological systems are slowly beginning to fail. Rhizobacteria-endomycorrhizae, a critical microbial organism, is slowly becoming extinct in soils due to Barium and Aluminum heavy-metal toxicities.

This microbe is responsible for the transfer of nutrients from soils-matrix to the plants/trees feeder-root system. The Barium/Aluminum heavy-metal salts are alkaline, i.e. Barium Hydroxide, and are shifting the base-line pH of surface soils and waters to new highs - elevated enough that certain plant species cannot survive.

According to our experts in this field, without this microbe, natural plant growth is impossible. The ChemTrails are spoiling our Infinite Natural Eco-System and no one is watching, albeit the evidence for microbial extinction events abound.

As you can see, barium was present, so too aluminium and boron. As mentioned, barium should not be in rainwater at all and it mentions on the WHO website that: “Boron is not present in the atmosphere at significant levels (Sprague, 1972). Because borates exhibit low volatility, boron would not be expected to be present as a vapour in the atmosphere to any significant degree.”

I want to keep going on and on. But my goal is to keep this short, and you interested enough to care about what is happening to this earth we live on and take for granted.

We truly need to come together as one and make a concerted effort to expose this epidemic of metallic articulates slowly choking the very earth we walk on.

Is there a link between these aerosols and the current droughts happening currently? Is there a further link with the dying forests, eroding soil, depleted top soil, pest infestations?

Could I go even further and say there may be a link to aluminum being found everywhere and an increase in an ever sickening population?

Can these deposits of aluminum found all over the globe be connected to a rise in neurodegenerative diseases? Notably in younger populations? Those such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, & Lou Gehrig's diseases.

Not to mention barium is an immune system suppressant. Barium turns off the body's t-cells. T-cells are an important part of the body's immune system.

I am sickened to think of the implications that can stem from aerosol sprayings as listed above.

If you would share your opinions, analysis, links, and information, we can have a beneficial, positive, and informative discussion on these effects of these metals found in multiple sources.

I would love it if we can keep this friendly. Too much lately have we been divided, polarized, and vindictive of each other and one another. We need to make some positive change in this world and come as one and quit the bullshit.

Thanks for reading.


Human exposure to aluminum and aluminum oxide through antiperspirants is well researched and a potential risk. I mean above board normal science researched. However, it's generally thought to be too little to be of concern. There also doesn't appear to be much of a build up of aluminum in cancerous tissues or in near regions.

The metal most commonly associated with neurodegenerative diseases is actually iron. That would probably be a better place to start.

The aluminum soil theory is interesting and easily testable. Aluminum is used in micro farming to lower soil acidity, so we should see low soil acidity in these areas if aluminum contamination is a real issue.

The only conclusion is: the fuckers are trying to kill us.

I'm just trying to understand where this all points and links to.

Someone, or a group of people, is obviously behind it. Who came up with it, why do they do it (is it just weather modification or is there more to it) and how is it covered up on a scale like this.

So many questions that I feel like are not asked enough.

Who are these people responsible. Why are we destroying the earth like this. It's all so greedy, short sighted, and negative. I don't understand it.

This: the Cheney's of the world have learned how to get twofer's or threefor's. Send jets through the World Trade Centers: get an insurance settlement, obliterate records of theft, get the Neocons their "New Pearl Harbor", get unlimited funding for your buddies at KBR, cement and expand your power.

The twofer's with chemtrails is more like a "tenfer": they get rid of coal ash, get funding for aerosol research including population reduction, control, "knowing the future" such that futures investments can be guaranteed: you know when and were the draughts will be, the floods (for insurance fraud) tornados, hurricanes: like investment in distressed properties, prepositioning (Katrina), of course subcontractor contracts suppling FEMA.

Fracking: get temporary increases in output, use the holes to get paid for dumping "proprietary" fluids including deadly regulated materials like uranium, covalent chromium, all kinds of cancer juice, getting paid for industrial waste disposal, own all sides of multiple transactions.

These are callous deadly fuckers who need to be stopped.