For those who believe JFK was offed by LBJ and obviously Bush was involved, is there an explanation about why Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton and Obama were allowed into office after the takeover? To what extent are they involved in the same power structure?

28  2016-11-21 by [deleted]


Bill Clinton was probably a talented nobody. A superstar at Georgetown University who was probably recruited by CIA as an undergrad. Probably most Rhodes Scholars for that matter. Then Clinton went on shady trips to USSR while a Rhodes Scholar.

Hillary was a republican activist, and probably recruited by CIA at Wellsley College. Her marriage to Bill was probably a CIA marriage from day one, which is why Chelsea looks like Web Hubbel.

Bill Clinton was friends with Jeb Bush, and they set up Mena Arkansas while Bill was Governor and HW Bush was VPresident.

Obama's grandparents and mother appear to be CIA. Obama's grandmother was a bank vice-president, and most of the CIA's Pacific activities are funded from Hawaii banks.

Obama's supposed biological father was a CIA asset, brought to Hawaii to be educated and sent back to Kenya to take over the country. But Obama's Kenyan father was killed while doing dirty tricks.

Most of the above is just speculation, but backed by quite a bit of evidence.

Richard Nixon was in Dallas around the time of the assassination.

Nixon was a regular businessman who was recruited by Prescott Bush to run for Congress. Check out this pic

I believe Gerald Ford was on the Warren Commission, so there's that connection.

I believe Jimmy Carter was very much an outsider, but he stacked his administration with Trilateral Commission members, no doubt on orders of his handlers.

I remember reading a few things about Carter actually being a Kennedy.

Read this about how Prescott Bush and GHW Bush never forgave Richard Nixon for not naming GHWB as Nixon's vice-president.

So the CIA/Bushes basically orchestrated the Watergate scandal and Richard Nixon never knew it. There was no "Deepthroat", just a CIA operation involving the Washington Post and Bob Woodward the Navy Intelligence Officer turned fake reporter.


And when Reagan tried to refuse Bush as VP they handled him and when he tried to actually act as president they shot him.

Obama was placed and his past scrubbed. I found on the way back machine his old Senatoe website and mysteriously all pages are there except one... his bio. And there were newspaper clippings of him touted as the Kenyan born Senator and he took advantage of foreign born student financial aid. He was a perfect foil against HRC whom I think they had promised presidency but she is unreliable always causing problems with her contempt of the peasantry and idiocy and sense of entitlement. Using private servers for classified correspondence give me a break. My worry is they had to appease her and let her rin this time so was Trump supposed to give her a leg up cause he is so crass and rude and intolerable to so many? And they under estimated the damage she would do to herself? Or did they just let her think she had it in the bag? We may never know. Maybe even one faction of the shadow govt went against the other.

I am very concerned and I thought I was relieved that the known sociopath HRC lost. Guess we were doomed either way.

We haven't had a choice since the civil war imo. The people controlling the world bank wanted the US enslaved to the same system and our presidents were fighting it. So they riled up north against south and a powder keg.

Understanding all of this is hard to do but a good start for me was a book by A. Ralph Epperson The Unseen Hand: A conspiratorial view of history

You can find it in full online for free or buy it doe a modest price online. I believe it was published in the late eighties and updated once or so. I will have to check my copies.

I think presidents have just been figure heads for a long time, just puppets to the deep state.

JFK must've stopped playing ball and he became an example to everyone after.

I don't think LBJ made it happen, he knew and benefitted from it though.

whNixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton and Obama were allowed into office after the takeover?

because they agreed to suck the banksters' dicks

Check for CIA connections.

And when Reagan tried to refuse Bush as VP they handled him and when he tried to actually act as president they shot him.

Obama was placed and his past scrubbed. I found on the way back machine his old Senatoe website and mysteriously all pages are there except one... his bio. And there were newspaper clippings of him touted as the Kenyan born Senator and he took advantage of foreign born student financial aid. He was a perfect foil against HRC whom I think they had promised presidency but she is unreliable always causing problems with her contempt of the peasantry and idiocy and sense of entitlement. Using private servers for classified correspondence give me a break. My worry is they had to appease her and let her rin this time so was Trump supposed to give her a leg up cause he is so crass and rude and intolerable to so many? And they under estimated the damage she would do to herself? Or did they just let her think she had it in the bag? We may never know. Maybe even one faction of the shadow govt went against the other.

I am very concerned and I thought I was relieved that the known sociopath HRC lost. Guess we were doomed either way.

We haven't had a choice since the civil war imo. The people controlling the world bank wanted the US enslaved to the same system and our presidents were fighting it. So they riled up north against south and a powder keg.

Understanding all of this is hard to do but a good start for me was a book by A. Ralph Epperson The Unseen Hand: A conspiratorial view of history

You can find it in full online for free or buy it doe a modest price online. I believe it was published in the late eighties and updated once or so. I will have to check my copies.