So the top 0.1% of Americans own roughly the same wealth as the bottom 90% of the population. This is all the proof we need that the game is rigged.

136  2016-11-21 by LightBringerFlex

Basically 300,000 people own as much wealth as 270,000,000 people.

On average, for every 1000 people, 1 person has as much as 900 people.

I'm sure this is not anything new but an imbalance like this is what has brought our economy to its knees and has to be addressed eventually. It's better if we fix this now before we jump into another painful recession.


If you do some research, as I have, you will notice the tax percentage for the wealthy was far higher before the 1970's. When Ronnie Ray Gun got into office, and especially after Bush family friend Hinckley tried to kill him, that tax rate dropped tremendously. This is a big reason why you see the inequality growing so much and it has gained momentum the longer it has been ignored.

This, paired with the globalist anti-labor stance, has lead to increasingly diminished returns for the labor market; thus pushing those at the middle and bottom down further and further as their wealth of the rich has skyrocketed.

  • The current "capitalist" system has been designed like this, on purpose, not by accident. It will continue until the 0.1% own 99% of everything inside the USA.

  • You can stop it by changing the unfair rules - Tax the rich, tax the corporations, punish the corporations for their crimes, stop the corruption and cronyism, purge the corrupt supreme court, stop the Federal Reserve and provide free healthcare and education for everyone.

Make the USA a democracy - the old election system is completely dysfunctional and corrupt.

Here are the Globalists running the show, the ones we should be going after:

Here's their Propaganda Mouthpiece MSM Brainwashing Channels:

Here's how they Brainwash the Reddit Forums:


So make it easier for the majority to rule the minority and it will make America better? Might want to rethink that my friend. The founders created the perfect system...just because WE the people failed to uphold our end doesn't mean we meed to trash the system.

The founders created the perfect system

  • This part mad me laugh out loud.

  • No offence my good man, but you are sadly misguided and ignorant, in these matters. The US electoral system was build to facilitate a few 2 million settlers, not 326 million people, solidified into a dysfunctional two party system. It is neither fair nor working as intended, if the intend was anything even remotely related to the phenomenon know as "democracy".

It is in effect a two party dictatorship, controlled by a very small elite.

America isnt and will never be a "democracy" thats where you are confused. America is a Republic and it only works when people give a shit. People like you crack me up with this stuff when you say "it was only meant" whenever or back then. No it was meant to last forever and they even said so but it will fail if the people dont pay attention and thats exactly what happened. The people stopped paying attention and whats worse is the "educated liberals" want more govt intervention, they want dependency not freedom. Don't confuse your lack of knowledge to my "ignorance". Yes its controlled by a small elite but again thats OUR fault. Trump winning against the wall street/media backed/establishment nominee in Hillary Clinton proved when the people are pissed off enough we can still have what we want. Thats what Trump winning the election showed me.

  • You are blaming the dysfunctional system on the people. You would rather call the majority of US citizens dumb, uncaring and ignorant, than solve the underlying problem. It is disgraceful.

  • Trump is the result of a string of failed economic policies, negatively effecting the middle class and the poor (the dumb people), who hasn't had a single pay raise in 35 years, or seen justice to the criminality on Wall Street and Washington DC.

  • You are hysterical and blind, a bad combination, the USA need calm wisdom and insight more than ever. Be cool my friend, not angry, it doesn't take you anywhere.

I am not a Trump supporter, never was and never will be, for as long as I live. Clinton is crony, corrupt and criminal - And I am only using these words because I am being very very polite.

Edited the wording and added a few things

I never said the majority of Americans dumb or ignorant/ look at what Iceland did when their bankers came after look at how we handled it. Thats my problem

Is wall street and dc corrupt? Absolutely but they have been doing it for decades...the only difference is in the past we put a stop to it. They just rebrand stuff and come back at us.

How do you figure i am hysterical and blind? I am not angry so wrong again i am actually in a really good mood.

Also never said you were a Trump supporter

If you didn't assume so much we could probably have a decent conversation

Being poor sucks trust me i know because i came from a poor inner city family. We have obese poor people...think about that for a minute...our poor have brand new iphones and internet.

Our poor and middle class have it alot better than the majority of the world. They would have it better if they would aim their hate where it belongs as opposed to middle class white people and cops.

I get it though, its far easier to blame the boogey man few instead of the people who hold the real power. Spoken like a true millennial.

That's the conspiracy behind capitalism, people say only "crony capitalism" leads to severe inequalities, when in actuality the system is designed to run that way. To give more power to those who can hoard wealth and game the system, then allows those to solidify their power with the wealth. We need democracy in all matters of life, not just government.

How do you fix it?

You can't fix it.

Cheaters are going to cheat. Thieves are going to steal. Liars are going to lie.

Round and round the merry go round we go.


I digress because I believe anything can be accomplished. It's a bit confusing since elite work in secrecy but if we saw the numbers, we can identify errors in the system.



By a non-corrupt govt. of the people issuing its own money and not borrowing it into existence frim a private company like the federal reserve.

Watch this (its long so may take more than one sitting) and you will know more than enough ;


By a non-corrupt govt. of the people issuing its own money and not borrowing it into existence frim a private company like the federal reserve.


Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely

You're conflating ideas here. BTW, already saw the doc. Once again, you are conflating things/ideas...

Now, I'll ask again. How do you fix it?

Unless you do that FIRST you will never fix it.

Do what first?

Scrap the Fed and govt. issue the money. Debt moratorium.

Scrap the Fed and govt.

I agree, but you said:

By a non-corrupt govt. of the people

You're confused and conflating things.. Who issues the monies?.. So.. How do we fix this, because you seem schizophrenic, with your answers...

Well if the Govt. is in the pockets of big business instead of putting the people first its all pie in the sky.
As it is they are putting you in an unwinnable position.

You haven't answered any of my questions, and cannot even come up with a coherent argument... How do you fix this? Simple question, that you cannot answer, yet, you spout stupid bullshit.. You said end the FED, but we need a FED. Either you're ignorant, confused, or schizophrenic. There is enough here (with what you said and what I said). You are failing miserably... I'll ask this once again, how do you fix this?

I don't waste my time, but am asking you. Fail again, then I'm out (better things to do)...

You wanna join the adults? Here is your chance...

The US managed without a Fed before 1913 when it was created.
Perhaps watch the video linked above.
Have a nice day.

FED or Federal Government? FED is a bank,Federal government implements, establishes and enforces laws.... Sounds to me like you haven't watched the video above, or done a bit of your own research to back up your words. You entered the wrong fight, with the wrong person (or maybe the right person). Explain your shit, and I will eat your thoughts alive and tell you how wrong and ignorant you are. Thanks for coming, come again...

lol u r funny.
If you had a clue you would know that 1913 was when the federal reserve bank was formed. Unless you think the U.S. was formed

Have fun in "special school" today.
We're all rooting for you.

I know all about 1913, the FED and Jekyll Island. What do you know about the Treaty of Paris? See, you are projecting, when someone far more intelligent than you, makes you question and think... Now. How do you fix it? I'm still waiting...

The only thing that you make me question is if you are allowed to use the internet unsupervised or not.
The only thing you make me think is ...gee I hope he gets better.

So nothing? How does it feel? Someone far more intelligent called you out, and you cannot even explain your thoughts? I'll be here, if you want to conjure a coherent thought... You must be new here and to me :). I'll wait...

I must admit you've got me stumped, I am genuinely not smart enough to explain myself to you.
Sorry for wasting your time, you can go and take your meds now and masturbate over your favourite Waifu.

The projection is strong, within you. I suggest you do what you do every night and project on others ;). Happy medicated masturbating :)

Thanks for the entertainment, don't let mummy catch you.......

Nic doc

I'm a bit "out there" with my solution only because of a spiritual awakening I had this year. I now understand money to be a Pandora's box that has brought oceans of turmoil into our lives and so my solution would be to generate wealth without using money or trade. Basically, I found a model that matches what I imagined and it's called Sacred Economics.

Right now money acts like a mental beam that forces people to do all kinds of things and this beam is controlled by the elite who hold all of that money. The access to money has been denied for the most part outside of bare bone necessities so that people can at least eat.

The problem is the money is way to easy to manipulate.

I don't expect anyone to understand this, but I have lost faith in the application of dollar bills. I just don't think it will ever work outside of the short run.

Yeah, I know you push "sacred economics" and it's bullshit, imo. What is "money" to you? You are being fed a false utopia. What is "money" to you? Do you know "money" and "currency" are different?

The simple answer is bitcoin. Since bitcoin is limited by pure energy it will always be in limited supply. And since their are no real benefits of scale given the needed input their producrion can be decentralised.

In this way bitcoins act as pure condensed energy.

If you imagine everyone having solar on their roof you might see where im going with this.

Then the rent becomes the same as the increase of value in bitcoin over time which comes directly down to the cost of solar energy at that time as well as the demand for money. If demand for money falls the rent will rise till all needs for money are met.

Start again from scratch.

In many other historic countries this has been solved by weakening the might of "legal" persons to improve the rights of the real persons instead. This can be achieved legally in many countries but in other countries violent uprising might be the only recourse.

The laws that would need to be changed are often related to land ownership, inheritance and taxation as these are the foundational basis of all wealth in a nation.

The legal persons are normally the military/state, the church, or large estates. A new example is the imperial of such legal person is the charter company.

In the western tradition the classic examples of solutions have been are violent revolt against the instituitions that these legal persons represent.

The traditional enemies of these revolts have always been The roman church, the royal houses of europe, the estates of the aristocracy.

In the colonies these revolts where often over foreign charter companies owned by these instituitions.

So in essence. Corporations are not people, and neither are churches, or foundations.

Because if we treat these illusionary beings as real, they will capture the hearts and minds of people in order to amass more wealth.

just kill and sacrifice your parent or child to satan and you can join the ultra rich too.


The 0.1% is only in America. Not sure about global. I do know that in the UK 1000 people hold as much money as the bottom 40%.

No no of course not. They just worked SUPER hard to get their money and they are entitled to it. So what if it's the same couple family's, that's just an odd coincidence. I bet you think 9/11 was staged too don't you? You conspiracy theorists are all the same sips starbucks latte

Lol, you sir are awake! May we redpill planet earth together.

I believe that the main cause of inequality is taxation.

If we eliminate all taxes, that provides a level playing field of fairness.

Taxation gives an unfair advantage to those who can avoid them, which is the rich.

This is all the proof we need that the game is rigged.

Inequality of outcome may suggest injustice, warranting further investigation, but it is by no means proof.

I'm not saying the economy isn't rigged, but I am saying this type of thinking is deeply flawed.

If you want proof then you need to look at how the 0.1% made their money and then establish whether or not this method is available to the able and willing.

This. Too many people see someone succesful and are quick to judge and cry victim.


work your ass off to to be in that super elite

No amount of hard work will ever get you there. "It's a big club, and you ain't in it" -Carlin

But people everyday have their fortunes made because they come up with an idea or a product that people want to pay money for. The 1% isn't some sort of club, with a fixed list if people. People drift in and out all the time. Upward mobility is very possible in the country; the most, in fact, of any country in the world.

Are there evil people in the 1%? Absolutely, just read this sub.

Does being in the 1% mean you're an evil person? No.

The 1% isn't some sort of club, with a fixed list if people. People drift in and out all the time.

Yeah they used to, and even then it was questionable given the number of military brats that turned out to be rockstars and successful businesspeople. I used to buy that idea that anyone can make it in America too, but you are being sold snake oil. You do not understand how the people at the top have spent decades squashing the little guy, creating laws to stifle competition and generally working together to ensure you don't get to the top with them.

You are an abject fool if you do not understand that. I won't even write my books because I know some NSA stooge will steal it and hand it to someone else. Don't believe me? Go look at where the Matrix came from. Some lady wrote it, made next to nothing on it, those rich kid weirdos steal it and make a billion dollars.

The game is rigged, wake the fuck up.

Wealth is great but not when it's all directed to a few people though.

work your ass off to to be in that super elite

No amount of hard work will ever get you there. "It's a big club, and you ain't in it" -Carlin

Wealth is great but not when it's all directed to a few people though.