r/conspiracy transparency. "retard" is now a banned word here, and apparently, there is a "list" of banned words, under the new "wording" of rule 1. Mods, what are the list of words, because I cannot find them on the side bar, or in the wiki...

50  2016-11-21 by Putin_loves_cats

Made this comment:


Innocent, and a common internet "meme/saying"..

Recently, there was a change to rule 1, a bit vague, no?

Then, on that comment, this:


So, there is a list of "no no" words. Is this list public? Shouldn't it be?

What's the list of the "no no' words, and why such the vague wording of rule 1, all of a sudden? Also, how is retarded a bigoted slur?

When definitions and wording proves otherwise..

I knew something fucky was up when the wording of rule 1 changed... Mods, some transparency here, I believe, is in order.... I'll wait...


Putes, the mods are reviewing this issue at the moment. I'm afraid you caught up in a wider debate about if/when certain words are compatible with rule 1, and opinion is sharply divided. Watch this space.

Edit: The mod who removed your comment is not currently online, and in the interim I have reversed his decision on the basis that whilst "retard" would not be allowed as an insult to another user (Rule 4) or as a descriptor for a real person with learning difficulties (Rule 1), the context in which you used it does not fall foul of any rules.

Don't do this. Learn about the Overton window and how you are helping to close it.

This is dangerous and for a sub like this hypocritical.

Is the suffix --tard OK? Like pedotards?

Yes (in my view at least) as long as it isn't aimed at another user of the sub.

This kind of pc bullshit does not belong here.
The only value this sub has is its freedom of speech,which you are squeezing.

There are enough safe spaces for snowflakes elsewhere on reddit.

I agree, which is why I'm speaking out...

There are new mods here that are trying to steer the discussion and filter out certain types of posters. This sub will be compromised, if it isn't already, soon.

I see them use the word "bigot" often when banning people and I'm not sure that they know what that word means..

I've had my fair share of run ins with the mods here, and for the most part they are top notch (I always stick up - when deserved), but, I think we (all) need an answer/transparency to this... I'm a long time member, who always contributes. What is the deal mods, the community needs an answer... I represent the community over friendliness with the mods, here. Where is this list, and really, this is the route /r/conspiracy wants to go?

Is this is a good time to tell them I've been wanting to be a mod here? Lol

Holy cow, what hypocrites! I figured it had something to do with racism, since it's usually slumped in the same "racist bigot!" attack by MSM, but how ironic that they use it to shut down speech they disagree with for a textbook definition of bigot.

Is retardEd still acceptable? Cause that shits retarded...

Rule 1 [removed]. I don't know why...

Dafuq... On a side note, Twitter seems to be Satan's social media site of choice... Didn't realize, I just didn't realize...

They ban arbitrarily but somehow miss pedos!? Ffs, sorry to vent man I just thought I clicked another account exposing them, it wasn't... That shit was worst than anything I've seen in combat. Fuck.

The biggest dispensaries of CP Is the fbi so they "can catch criminals." They force vaccines to eradicate disease while doing the opposite with CP. Fuck weetards

Wow, what a joke. Is r/conspiracy falling like wikileaks?

Putting in too many rules can retard the great conversation that happens here.

retard test retard testing

The only word I would use to describe this situation I now cannot use! How's that for irony?

Depends on the context in which the word is used.

Something tells me that you got annoyed about something called another user a retard?

In this context, it's a personal attack. So the word is banned.

Personally I'm against this. You should be able to use any word you want when expressing yourself. The words you choose and the way you choose to use them says just as much about yourself as they do about the other person.

But that's just me. Reddit , in their infinite wisdom, has decreed that politeness is the most important thing. So we have enforced civility and a list of banned words.

Something tells me, you cannot read, in context. Sorry, I like you mate...

So what happened exactly?

Just curious.

I don't understand what the problem is with this.

The term "nigger" is used as a slur against black people.

The term "kike" is used as a slur against followers of Judaism.

The term "chink" is used as a slur against people from China.

The term "retard" is used as a slur against people with mental disabilities.

Seems perfectly clear to me.

If you have to rely on slurs of any kind or personal attacks then whatever argument you have must be pretty weak.

The 'n' word is not allowed

Which "n" word? Nigger, nigga, or nucka? Context/intention is everything. Which is my point. There was no bigotry in my comment. Hence why rule 1 is a death blow to this sub. I can call you nigga you cray, I like you, I'm cray.. But, If I say, "Nigger, get back to work, or I'll whip you you", it's derogatory, Context and intention. But even then, Nigger really means class and not race, in a historical context....

The first one.

I tried make a point in regard to the klu klux klan and was given a warning

Don't be afraid to speak your mind in context, if you're in the right. I like the mods here, but if they keep squeezing, I'll lead a mutiny for rights and free speech... They know this...

Id like them more if they put r/romerules in the side bar

I've spoken with mods of both, there is a legit reason. Politics, or could be more nefarious? I'm a out spoken person of this topic. I have no power in that sphere, though... I do agree. It should be here in the sidebar. Why it's not? Politics, and other reasons... A sub I mod would also not make it into r/conspiracy - (/r/AlternativeHistory), not enough subs... Even though our subs has thousands more...

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" ... the miss attributed Voltaire quote comes to mind

r/wikileaks is already doing it heavily



You failed.


Removed. Considering that you have edited your comment again and have claimed censorship while it consisted half of just ethnic slurs, enjoy your ban.


You're missing the point here. Users can say pretty much what they want on this sub, but that does NOT include abusing or insulting each other (including the mods). This is to prevent discussions descending into pointless slanging matches.

Fair enough , and point taken.

See, in this context I can understand the mods taking action.

You'd be part of the problem.

Rule 1: Bigoted slurs are not tolerated.

Also, how is retarded a bigoted slur?

Just because you personally like to use slurs doesn't mean that they magically aren't slurs anymore. That's textbook narcissism.

Just because you don't personally like to use slurs doesn't mean that they should be magically off limits. That's textbook narcissism.

I didn't make the rule bub.

You didn't make the rule but you'll defend its right to exist?

I happen to agree that using the term "retard" as an insult/attack is hateful and crass. It has no place on a sub that forbids bigoted slurs.

Good luck enforcing it. Here's a freebie on me from the number one post (at the time of my comment) on this sub that forbids bigoted slurs. It has been up for 9 hours.

Edit - Here are more from the same thread:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

I quit modding this sub because the mod-team is dominated by hypocrites who are implicitly lying to the users and modding directly in opposition to the rules.

Also they decided to promote a lynch-mob/witch-hunt without any discussion beforehand. Dangerous and stupid.

I quit modding this sub

You were one of the good ones and it is unfortunate you left. I don't know anything about the situation you've described or what's going on behind the scenes but thank you for moderating here. I hope you will still post and keep contributing to this place.

Thank you. You were always one of my favorite users, well before I was asked to help mod here even.

Basically, rule 11 is being actively disrespected and undermined by the majority of the mods. Think Lord of the Flies. Liars and trolls are secretly being given carte-blanche to operate here if the mods subjectively like what they are saying. There is no leadership among the team and a majority of them in modmail discussions are nakedly hostile toward some of the sub's years-old rules but also refuse to even consider changing the rules to eliminate the hypocrisy. Two-faced, cowardly and dishonest behavior IMO, and I hate it, especially in a sub ostensibly dedicated to exposing and shaming that exact kind of behavior.

Earlier this year these same insubordinate mods were responsible for the change of rule 6 to allow people to SCREAM in their titles, aka engage in sensationalism. They did this by actively modding directly against the rule which explicitly forbade all-caps in titles. This went on for months and I complained about their insubordination and all they did in response was insult and evade. Sabotage essentially, and they were rewarded for it rather than booted. Sad situation.


Different strokes for different folks. I have been here a long time and will miss Dusty.

That's the creator of /r/conspiratard and /r/the_donald. He's ban evading, a reddit-wide TOS violation.

I've been censored.


Check my userpage.

edit: it's since been fixed


Slurs have been forbidden here for 8+ years. News to you?


Not my rule, friendo. At least try to aim your witch-hunts in the right direction if you have to behave that way.

Rule 10. Temp banned.

This sub should be shut down.

No it shouldn't. How did you get that from my post?

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" ... the miss attributed Voltaire quote comes to mind

I quit modding this sub because the mod-team is dominated by hypocrites who are implicitly lying to the users and modding directly in opposition to the rules.

Also they decided to promote a lynch-mob/witch-hunt without any discussion beforehand. Dangerous and stupid.

Thank you. You were always one of my favorite users, well before I was asked to help mod here even.

Basically, rule 11 is being actively disrespected and undermined by the majority of the mods. Think Lord of the Flies. Liars and trolls are secretly being given carte-blanche to operate here if the mods subjectively like what they are saying. There is no leadership among the team and a majority of them in modmail discussions are nakedly hostile toward some of the sub's years-old rules but also refuse to even consider changing the rules to eliminate the hypocrisy. Two-faced, cowardly and dishonest behavior IMO, and I hate it, especially in a sub ostensibly dedicated to exposing and shaming that exact kind of behavior.

Earlier this year these same insubordinate mods were responsible for the change of rule 6 to allow people to SCREAM in their titles, aka engage in sensationalism. They did this by actively modding directly against the rule which explicitly forbade all-caps in titles. This went on for months and I complained about their insubordination and all they did in response was insult and evade. Sabotage essentially, and they were rewarded for it rather than booted. Sad situation.

I've been censored.


Check my userpage.

edit: it's since been fixed