was it even constitutional for Obama to have campaigned for Hillary while in the white house? I don't know how that wasn't a huge red flag for absolutely anyone with common sense

28  2016-11-22 by [deleted]

it was obviously immoral and easily identifiable as some sort of corruption...

but is it even constitutional for a president to try to influence the outcome of an election he is not in, and campaign on behalf of someone else in his own party while still in the white house?

obviously, nothing else he did was remotely legal, but it really bothered me seeing that. Never before in my life, or in any history ive learned about, was there a precident for such behavior.

obviously this whole thing was unique and a power struggle over lots of stuff. But I don't know why alarm bells of a spooky agenda didn't start ringing in everyones mind once they saw this.

I really feel like we are about on the brink of descending into kommunist Muri-Kaa, land of Chinese glory and superiority. don't worry, they need people they don't care about to breath in the polluted air and run their factories back home. so youll finally get all your jobs back!


What about the time when he insulted FBI because they reopened the case against clinton?

FBI was legally forced to do it because of new evidence but they close the case soon after. So they had no intention to actually bring hillary to justice

BUT, fucking BUT

You have the president actively involved to shut down a criminal investigation making huge public (and more that certain private) pressures against what should be independent investigators.

I'm not a constitutional lawyer, but my laymen logic/education would be, if he used public funds to do so. Being that SS and Air Force one (maybe public funds), I'd say no, what he did was against some laws. Constitution? Idk. Unlawful, quite possibly. Once again, not a lawyer, and just my thoughts.

I thought so too. Since when to presidents get paid to campaign (except for a second term ). Seems people saw through it though, so all was not lost. Hard to believe the most popular president, at this time in his presidency, since Reagan couldn't help his chosen candidate get over the line. Which shows what a truly awful candidate she was.

It was a huge red flag for anyone with common sense. There just are fewer and fewer ppl in the us with common sense..

not sure on the legalities of it, but I know its been a common theme for past presidents as well. here is an article I found that talks about previous uses of air force one to campaign.


The DNC should reimburse the funds spent by the WH to cart his ass around on her behalf honestly.

First and most importantly, the President and Vice-President are very explicitly exempted from the Hatch Act, which bars most federal office-holders from using their positions to influence elections.

Also, if you want to freak out about influencing the election while holding a position, FBI Director James Comey is the one you really need to scrutinize. I know that doesn't fit the partisan narrative you're trying to paint here, but his decision to make any comment at all regarding the Clinton email case while it was open is highly unusual and against internal policy, and his letter informing Congress that the case had been re-opened was so reckless and unprecedented that it probably would be a slam-dunk Hatch Act case if anyone in the Trump administration would charge him with it (which I doubt would happen for partisan political reasons).

Comey was complicit in lots of it with them and I'm glad he fucked up. he backed down on charging her and showing the American public how serious it was because of her power over the DOJ and their inability to prosecute -- a true patriot would leak the info -- or at least enough that he WANTED and should but could not so as to warn people to get the bastards out.

I dont want to paint it with partisanism -- a purple people eater who was against them would've got my vote -- I just don't trust the established politicians or msm, and am actually against a majority of what each party has done -- really if I wasn't all pissed off and angry and I was sane, and not psychotic and crazy, I'd really be more libertarian, but shit was serious here and if we let them establish the TPP and get away with one more serious action like 9/11 and Iraq war, and fight with Russia over Syria and help isis, It would be GAME OVER. so literally a monkey would do a better job as president than Hillary Clinton. or even a homeless man who was totally illiterate (ok, that's not true, but it was supposed to make a point)

in this specific election, it really was one sided. Hillary is a known criminal who has gotten away with it, and only has not been considered a criminal because she was constantly covering it up from a position of power. anyone who says it is "just propaganda" is absolutely blind.

Both sides of all theses crazy protests have been funded by all sorts of nefarious people including soros. there have been MASS PRODUCED yellow signs, and tons of other cues proving this. all this racist shit. everything is just being played upon by the media and people to illicit reactions, and people are even dying over it now.

the fact that Obama did this, and all the cover ups and lies. the serious issue of nationalism vs globalism, which was imminent with TPP which was a lot more like global government than a 'trade deal'

all the things I say are completely sourced with 100% legitimate source documents. the 'fake news' is so well cited its ridiculous. so fake lol.

there actually to this point have been cover ups of pedophilia networks (which is NOT simply a mistake. there was at least one clear message promising extremely young children in a pool for entertainment and proven trips to known pedophile havens -- meanwhile the only reports of trump to have been there were so far, hoaxes and lies)

the fact that the corrupt criminal media sided with the worst possible candidate in all history who was a criminal and everyone knew it.

the fact they did EVERYTHING.

man the history books are gonna be great in our grandchildrens time if we survive that long.

this was a last ditch chance to save us from something far more awful than a bad presidency. it still could turn out equally horrid, but there truly was no better or other option. it has nothing to do with partisanship.

it has everything to do with the truth, and the horrific nature of whats really happening.

I don't believe that trump is some savior, I'm quite afraid and uncertain,

but I definitely know Hillary would have doomed us all more than anyone claiming an assault on Hillary is partisanship.

Hillary, the dems and the neocon republicans are not representatives of americans at all, but banking and wall street, and international, criminal interests.

there have been massive cover ups, propaganda and lie campaigns, the media has discredited itself totally and has been outright lying and being a propaganda outlet for years. its very sad that often times RT is a more honest media with real dialog and guests than any of our globalist shill stations.

its sad. and I'm not praising Russia, I'm very very depressed at the state of things here. we SHOULD have a better more credible media, but the truth is, ours is some of the worst in the world. for the 'free' world we sure have become great slaves huh.

the thing is, if trump does well, or even moderately OK as a president and prevents the total sell out, and even gets 1/10th his agenda done he will go down in the accurate history as a true hero, and the right man at the right time to be able to stop tyranny.

it STILL could become that. but if it does it was going to anyway, just as fast or faster, the truth is, this was supposed to be one of the worst presidencies for us no matter what. the proof is all around you.

now we have a pres that repudiated the press and called them liars and scum which is true. there is a chance maybe it will be different. and even if it isn't we were done for anyways.

honestly I really truly wish we had someone like ron paul who knew what he was doing more and would be more ballsy about going after the fed and decentralizing money.

but trump was the only man with enough balls, and enough money to be the man of the hour. Bernie had no balls, Hillary chopped them off and fed them to him and he smiled and said "vote for the woman who castrated me!!!"

he could have been president, but he was a sell out anyway, and the last thing we need is more communism. the only reason people want communism is because we have no way to earn fair livings.

fix the problems instead of creating a permanent underclass.

Don't get me wrong, I agree completely that Clinton was a deeply flawed candidate and there are some very questionable practices going on in the background that made this election about way more than Red vs Blue or this platform vs that platform...but none of that stuff has anything to do with the Hatch Act or the Constititionality of Obama and Biden stumping for Hillary as it was posed in the initial post.

Trump's Legacy will ultimately be about what he pushes as president. I am - like most Americans - deeply worried about some of the rhetoric and positions he took during the campaign and who he appears to be surroundomg himself with now as he prepares for transition into office. But I'll wait to see what he says at Inauguration and the State of the Union address. He might accomplish a lot with a populist, bipartisan agenda or next to nothing as an outsider to both parties with no political capital to spend; and he might do great things that make America great again or awful and extreme things that have left half the country angry and anxious as they protest in the streets.

I'm worried about a lot of what will happen honestly. I don't think hes the savior alex jones makes him out to be lol. but Honestly I do believe it was and is an unprecedented crisis for the republic, and that if Hillary got in there wouldn't even be a chance of it turning out well.

its quite possible ive been duped I guess. but my sentiments are that at least there is a chance it wont be quite as bad?

whenever I find myself feeling scared, I look back at the TPP and remember how close we were with war with russia

Yeah. I'm quite skeptical of Trump's ability to implement the agenda he ran on. The election reform is going to need to come from the states and the courts because the president doesn't have any control in that area and Congress won't vote against their own self-interest. And there's no reasonable path for him to pass sweeping civil rights rollbacks without a Congressional super-majority, and there's no guarantee such reforms would hold up in even a SCOTUS he's heavily influenced.

We tend to look back at the 50's and 60's as some kind of American golden age. It's fair in some respects as things were pretty good economically - free college for most young men through the GI Bill, widespread union participation, massive investment in science and technology, and relatively little competition from the other 'world powers' destroyed during WW2 - but socially it was a tumultuous time with the civil rights movement in full swing, the Red Scare at its peak, and the constant threat of thermonuclear MAD looming behind every international incident.

ISIS/Daesh is scary but it's not thermonuclear MAD scary, and LGBTQ people and undocumented immigrants coming out of the shadows to join society is a big social change, but it's not as big as ending legally enshrined black segregation was. The decline of democracy is an even more critical threat than economic socialism

Im still on the fence with TPP. On one hand, any effort to intentionally export jobs is something to be deeply worried about but with economic globalism a near Certainty in the long run, it does make some sense to try to funnel those jobs to our geopolitical allies and set some ground rules to make it sustainable and beneficial for us going forward. It's one of those cases where the devil really is in the details, and with thousands and thousands of pages negotiated in secret there's bound to be some pretty big demons hiding in there. We need to find them, fix them, and implement it now or risk losing all manufacturing to a rival like China as they continue to industrialize. Doing TPP will hurt this generation right now, but not doing it might doom the next generation and beyond, so we need to carefully weigh the balance through that lens.