This place being extreme right wing and hateful is weird.

9  2016-11-22 by PlayStationVRShill

This place has changed. MCGA.


LOL I've been here 4 years. Nothing has changed. Extreme right wing? I call bullshit. Only the ignorant fall for the left/right illusion.

Are you only saying that because of Trump support and hate of corrupt Hillary?

oh yeah, well i was here for 6 so i'm more right than you are.

opinions and viewpoints are a bitch, eh?

im not partisan, but this place is headed there.

No, he said, "Only the ignorant fall for the left/right illusion."

So anyone on this sub that is far left or right, hasn't been on this sub for long. So if it is leaning right, than you are correct, it has changed.

Valid. I'm an anti theist, but not authoritarian. i care about the environment, I'm Totally anti war. Only slight racial bias, mostly law abiding, questions the medical field, especially in the states, thinks there is a huge problem with accountability in police and law to ALL people (except the rich) understands that television is polluted with agendas, as is the web, and that politicians are liars who say what they think people want to hear. i could go on, but that is pretty applicable to most of us, right?

I wouldn't confuse the activity level of this sub with any measure of partisanship. This was a hyper-fucked-up election between a career criminal who's provided decades of conspiracy fodder and a reality TV star.

And i made a new acct to try and stay more neutral and positive, but this entire place is still full of the shit. I re subbed, figuring others might be wary of whats to come, but it still looks like the donald JR.

something forest and trees.

Take it for what you will, man. I voted Stein up top and Democrat down-ticket. I'm just not seeing this big partisan divide you claim exists.

Conspiracies seem to always attract the fringe on both sides rather than the middle, but especially the "other side" opposite of those who have been in power recently.

During the Bush years it was lefties for 9/11 truth and exposing war crimes, FEMA screw-ups, and Big Oil and Military-Induatrial corruption etc perpetrated by the Bush administration.

Now that Obama has been in power for 8 years it's swung the other way with the far right posting about shootings-as-false-flags, Clinton's corruption, beltway pedophiles, and George Soros' open border NWO.

Conspiracies follow current events. Its cyclical just like the politics it's a reaction to. I'm sure Trump will swing it the other way again with all the potential for conflicts of interest, outsider corruption, and inevitable alt-right civil rights baggage.

yes, this is quite true.

So you want it to be how you think it should be? That seems a little unfair.

Not trying to be a jerk, but everyone who's been here for a while should be over the moon that this stuff is getting more attention.

"satanic" disinfo and hateful circle jerks, so good.

So you pick out one thing you don't like and that means it's bad that more people are clued in?

That's very silly.

Thats not the only thing at all. im talking about the conversations, the comments, and the vitriol, combined with the hunger for scandal shutting off people's fucking brain filters and suddenly if they read it here, the do not question, only CNN etc are dis info.

as long as its good for their campaigns, whatever they may be, the only things gaining traction here are anti DNC, and pretending the other side is somehow not guilty.

we get it, there is corruption.

being here,knowing that is kinda a prerequisite. but not everything said here is true, by a longshot, and the top post is denying the effects of disnfo and propaganda.

imo, when snowden validated what was know, a lot of new folks began to question, but never question the whole picture, just the scapegoats.

It seems like you're saying it's unfair for this sub to go after the (far more than the GOP at this point in terms of power/scope) corrupt DNC. I mean. What is a conspiracy sub if we are not going to discuss corruption at the highest levels of government? The DNC literally rigged their primaries. We're supposed to go easy to be "fair?"

So, when I'm writing a legal memo (keeping it to what I know), I find a LOT of cases. I try them all out to see if they're valid case precedence for whatever claim I'm investigating.

Extrapolating that, people are fighting the bad guy for the first time in any meaningful way. There are pizzagate fanatics, where is julian fanatics and it's a thing of beauty.

Wow, you mean I get to come to /r/conspiracy and not just feel an overwhelming sense of dread? I get to see people from all over the world digging for the truth because they GENUINELY want to save lives? Hell yes. I'm sick of being the nut for knowing 9/11 was funky. Sick of folks ignoring the corruption of the Clinton's, Obama's and Bushs.

If i have to dig through some wild speculation, that's fine. If I have to be vigilant in making sure I'm not being insidiously mislead, that's fine. If I have to skip the threads on demons and selling souls, that's fine too.

You have people from all walks of life getting together to be a FORCE FOR GOOD. I'm not trying to shut you down. I just want to show you an optimistic point of view man.

Grilling clinton is fine, IMO.

its the worship and belief in trump that baffles me, when of all people those here should know better.

the official stance is those were campaign words they do not matter now.

if i believed that corruption in the government would really be addressed, id be all about it, but this is literally the opposite.

Not everyone here is us. not everyone here knows that "our" sources often need more skepticism, not less.

this place is a huge target, it's no secret bastion of truth.

its the worship and belief in trump that baffles me, when of all people those here should know better.

I'm with you on this, and I've commented on it quite a few times over the last year. I've seen a lot of people have well-informed discussions about psychological techniques for public manipulation in one thread, go into other threads and fall for the very tricks they were just discussing. Unfortunately, what we're witnessing is the creation of useful idiots. Some of them absolutely do know better and will wake up to themselves once things calm down... I hope. Others have had their "eyes opened" to the Good News and for them to take off their newly-tinted glasses it will be just as hard as it was to discard the last set of spec's.

the hunger for scandal shutting off people's fucking brain filters

Even if Pizzagate is 100% true, it is being used as a distraction. While the right-whingers have been screaming about the Dem's plans to destroy the Second Amendment, they're now deeply involved in something that looks tailor made to shred the First. Remember Huma Abedin, the potential Saudi spy? Some do, but most are more interested in her husband and the bulk of attention is on Podesta.

"Poor Podesta. Remember that time reddit went on a witchhunt over the Boston Bombing? Now they're teaming up with that notorious hacker 4chan to besmirch the good name of Hillary's campaign manager. He's such a swell guy, these are all just lies. They're peddling Fake News. Fake News is bad. There's nothing to see here folks. There's no spies hidden among the really real Satanists. We should just get rid of Fake News. Huma who? That's just Fake News. "

Again even if it's all 100% true, Pizzagate is a honeypot. People are actually being encouraged to expose their computers to potential child porn. Genuinely honest cops, all over the world, are paying as much attention to this as all the paedo's hoping to hit the jackpot. Beyond that, the NSA has a list and you're all on it. A list of everyone that has had any involvement in this. A list that could be used to blackmail people into keeping their mouths shut. A list that could be used to manipulate public opinions.

"The notorious paedophiles reddit and 4chan have made it apparent that something has to be done about Fake News. We should just get rid of Fake News. Maybe a little re-education is in order."

It happened only recently with this election cycle. The sub has been almost completely co-opted into the so-called 'alt right' and it's sad to see all the new people come here with an open mind and willingness to learn only to get duped again.

Funny how that term "alt-right", just like "CTR" didn't exist even four or five months ago. Almost like they were invented in a Langley cubicle or Tavistock boardroom and then forced into the mainstream overnight. But nah, that type of thing never happens right?

Textbook cultural engineering resulting in divide & conquer. Keep the classes fighting among themselves so they cannot join together to advocate for common interests that threaten the elite.

Funny how that term "alt-right", just like "CTR" didn't exist even four or five months ago


That's not true though.

Same thing with CTR. How could it have a name if it didn't exist yet.

I don't know when I saw CTR first start being used, but I remember seeing the alt-right being discussed about two years ago.

Here's a guy who identifies as part of the alt-right last I checked, and he's been on YouTube for like four years. Did he have some secret media access to the term?

Just because you hadn't heard the term doesn't mean it didn't exist. Also, how else would you propose distinguishing ideological schisms? You might have a point that the media is over covering it, but, again, that doesn't mean it was made up.

Find me some evidence of "alt-right" from two years ago that isn't just some people saying it's been around for a few years. Because I haven't found any aside from that one blog you linked to.

And either way I don't think there's any denying that the term has completely blown up in just the last four or five months, it's all over the internet and media. These things don't happen by accident or coincidence. Society is engineered to a large extent and that applies to the media and news and internet.

I'm not saying it's "made up" entirely, I'm saying it's promoted for very specific reasons and managed/manufactured to some extent. Maybe not completely, but it isn't totally organic either.

Find me some evidence of "alt-right" from two years ago that isn't just some people saying it's been around for a few years. Because I haven't found any aside from that one blog you linked to.

Here's people who have been using it as a hashtag from Nov. 1st 2011-November 1st 2012.

The sub reddit has been around for six years (click the page a ctrl + f "a community for").

And either way I don't think there's any denying that the term has completely blown up in just the last four or five months, it's all over the internet and media. These things don't happen by accident or coincidence. Society is engineered to a large extent and that applies to the media and news and internet.

See, I agree with this. The movement is getting more coverage, but the media didn't invent it.

I'm not saying it's "made up" entirely, I'm saying it's promoted for very specific reasons and managed/manufactured to some extent. Maybe not completely, but it isn't totally organic either.

Again, I agree. When I was out of school and working part-time I kind of went down a rabbit hole of looking into it. Not necessarily just the alt-right but neo-nazi stuff, "dark enlightenment", race realism, all that stuff. It mainly started when I came across a user submitted film review of Lord of the Rings on Stormfront. My main takeaway was "Wow these people are pretty dumb and I know a few who actually think like this" not "This is a political movement that is gaining ground and needs to be stopped." Not all of the YouTubers, bloggers, alt-news sites, etc. used the term but they had enough overlapping view points that it works as kind of a catch all.

The thing is Trump's immigration stance, agree with it or not, did align with a lot of those people's. And, the fact is, Richard Spencer is big in those circles and he came out and supported it. Does that warrant coverage? I don't know, but should we be in the business of telling news stations what they can and can't cover? There's always going to be a spin whether intentional or because writer's are human I've always advocated for sifting through multiple sources and trying to figure it out on your own even if I fail at that sometimes myself.

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Here's people who have been using it as a hashtag from Nov. 1st 2011-November 1st 2012.

So ~40 mentions in an entire year back in 2011? Compare that to just this November. Hundreds and hundreds of mentions in 23 days. So many in fact that I just scrolled for two minutes and didn't even reach the end of them. That's the point I was making so thank you, the publicity and popularity of the term in 2011 is not even remotely comparable to the explosion over the last four or five months.

The sub reddit has been around for six years (click the page a ctrl + f "a community for").

Yes it existed, but interestingly there isn't a single save on the waybackmachine for this sub at any point between 2010 and July 2016. And if you check July 2016, you'll see this. Note the stickied post: "/r/altright has now hit 500 subscribers". This is July of this year, 500 subscribers. The sub now has 7.5 million subscribers. That's in four months. Over 7 million new subscribers in four months. Again that proves my point so thanks a second time.

The movement is getting more coverage, but the media didn't invent it.

They didn't need to invent it. In fact it seems like this guy: might've invented it seeing as he created the subreddit in 2010 and made weird posts trying to explain what it was even though there were no subscribers. Who knows who the hell that even is though, his post history is sketchy and he's no longer a mod there. But regardless, the point is that the media has influenced this crazy explosion of "alt-right" garbage in the last four months. It came out of nowhere and is now everywhere.

But regardless, the point is that the media has influenced this crazy explosion of "alt-right" garbage in the last four months.

If you would have just said this originally instead of saying it was invented originally I wouldn't have said anything. You might have been being tongue and cheek but this is probably the hardest sub I'm subscribed to tell when that is happening because, by the nature of this sub, people post some pretty weird theories.

Anyway, we probably agree on more than we don't. Again, I'm probably influenced by the fact I looked into all that stuff well before (in media terms) it blew up.

The thing is, most ideas exist in some form, at some level, on some scale. Take any idea you want, no matter how outrageous, and if you put it into google the odds are you'll find some results of people who thought of the same thing before you. You might even find groups of people who all agree about that one thing.

The conspiratorial aspect comes into play on the social engineering level - when you see something like this "alt-right" literally explode in popularity almost overnight, you have to consider whether that explosion was organic. More often than not, explosions like these are being guided and helped along from behind the scenes by the media or by internet astroturfers or by subliminal programming or dozens of other ways. Social engineering is an advanced science at this point and the internet is its greatest tool in history.

And yes, a lot of social engineering strategies do come out of places like Langley and the Tavistock Institute, so we need to ask the question when we see things like this. We need to consider where these ideas come from, why they're suddenly so popular, and what effects they have on a large scale.

dude...youve been a member for 13 days.

you dont know what its really like here.

dont be so damn sensitive

new account , dave.

comment with the old account PSVRShill

no, but um.. periwinkle. not that that proves anything.

this acct was supposed to stay on topic but i apparently cant help but return to the same subs.

it seems you cant help posting bullshit. you are dismissed.

No, sir, you will not stop me, and im not the only one who will keep speaking up.

if you don't like it that is fine, but this is still america, and blocking out voices is only good for nutters.

cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war or something

oh my golly gorsh, i actually watched that one night.

i never get movie quotes out of context, and i don't remember the name, but i Netflix'd that.

movies....yeah, Id almost expect that.

what? im bad at quotes, did i get it wrong? some card game like mtg tournament with the game making the future of the game ?

or was that a dig at watching movies? guilty. i even pulled out the converter box to watch the xfiles on my projector this year.

you were dismissed a while back. go find a hidden pokeyman or something.

oohh, where? i gotta move the truck? but it still movi....

you are aptly named.

you're REALLY bad at dismissal.

you are really bad at taking hints.

Hints? you're giving out hints now? awesome.

So, in level 4-1, there's this damm jump, its not That bad of a jump, but you don't have the hyper beam yet and there is a secret wookie in the barrel. you gotta enter a sequence buster here, but my q button never fires the balloon in time . what do you know about this warp zone?

heres your hint: Shake your joystick vigorously. Oh wait, you are already doing that here. nevermind.

I like ya kid, ya got spunk.

so do you, yours is on your shirt.

dude, this is reddit, you're supposed to assume cumbox.

yeah i assumed that was you.

While you were busy assuming, i was at your mom's house, fucking her wife in the ass?

I'm doing it right, right?

or is that the alt right?

oh how devastating, a yo momma joke. how do i ever recover from the shame?

I'm so sorry do you really need a /s? if you cant figure this out, what with you so well hooked and all, it sure doesn't say much of your ability to filter the air from the swamp water.

i wasn't even fishing, but if you're gonna jump in the net..


you are babbling now, brooke.

What's PSVR?

Playstation vr, entry level vr unit.

Before Trump got elected, people were literally threatening me for simply speaking up against it. i was told id be tracked down and slaughtered, so i made a new acct. not like it would really protect much, but i wanted a fresh start. i just give a fuck so its hard to live in a special bubble of just gaming news and memes. was accused of being ctr a few times, said fuck it vr is cool, ill actually shill that, and for free, and its not political.

look at the username i replied to, its the initials of the username.

That was lame lol

well considering you responded, that sorta makes you even lamer, doesnt it?

Maybe, but I can't beat "AntiHasbaraUnit"

Judging by the responses here I'd say you hit a soft spot. This sub has been shifting steadily more right since about 6-8 months ago, which, shockingly, coincided with the increase in sock puppet accounts ( average online user account just doubled over the course of a few days, then doubled again a month later over the period of a day or so)

I was hoping the sub would rebalance itself after the election but that doesn't seem to be happening. The way she goes, I guess..

This is what happens when you replace real people with shills/voting bots/sockpuppets/etc. That's what reddit, and even the internet at large, has become - this sub is just a microcosm of that.

I think a lot of people's standards for what actually consistutes racism or sexism have become insane. There is a vendetta against people acknowledging literally any form of distinction from each other whatsoever, and labelling that as bigotry, when it is nowhere close.

If you want to see stuff that can justifiably be called sick, then go and watch the neo-Nazis in /pol/. Nobody here is like that however, and if they are, the mods come down on them like a ton of bricks.

I wish I hadn't been born in this time period, most of the time to be honest. I am sick of political correctness. I'm sick of the Millennials, their mobile phones, their tearful, suicidal, continual self-pity, and their inability to psychologically cope with literally anything that they either haven't predicted or disagree with. They've been out physically bashing people for voting for a political candidate who they don't like. They don't believe in democracy at all, despite what they say, because democracy offers the possibility of an outcome that they don't want.

If you are one of them yourself, then you won't have an enjoyable time in this sub, but none of us will apologise to you for that, either.

You sound a little bit too sensitive imo. If the kids bother you, then ignore them like adult. And when a politician attacks groups of people as has been done, then the youth, which is by far the most reactionary group, tends to respond in kind. Anyways, grow the fuck up and stop being so thin skinned.

6-8 months ago

Good one. Try for the past 6-8 years is more like it.

Fair enough, but it got noticeably worse back around springtime when the election started kicking into high gear.


Hilary has about 30 years of skeletons in her closest. There's going to be more interest in that than in Trump's mafia ties and saudi bail outs.

I am disappointed, though, that this subreddit seems to think Trump is different from the rest of DC. He may have had a voice at one point but he was compromised by the establishment when he became the nominee.

Not to mention how people seem to accept the things he says at face value. That is troublesome. We should be worried when the majority of people believe the politicians are being honest.


this messiah bullshit is crazy.

> i am a sheltered brainwashed millennial and you guys are being soo intolerant: the post

Why are you idiots always comment like a bunch of 14 y/o kids?

ohh, so bold and enlightened.

Thanks for being helpful (you're not)

Is "extreme right wing and hateful" the codeword for people fighting against child abusing corrupt globalist trash and the phony mainstream media? So be it.

Yes we hate that trash, and we're right.

How true.

There are a lot of posts here lately which try to smear the pizza gate investigation by creating bad associations to obfuscate this utter depravity and the people connected to it.

It won't work again like with "conspiracy theorists" before. No "bad" meme will bury this.

Define hateful. 4chan can occasionally go close to what I'd define as hateful. This place is fine. No racial slurs, and not even the continual obsession with race war and Israel/Palestine that you see in the news subs. There are a couple of idiots, sure; but you get those in every sub, and I just add them to my ignore list and move on.

Yeah, I don't appreciate how the word "hateful" has basically been redefined over the past year. People not basing their whole political ideology on gender, women's rights and immigration is not hateful. People being dicks is not hateful, it's just people being dicks. Also, people have the right to be a dick and base their political ideology on whatever they want. Sorry, rant over.

You don't need to apologise to me. I feel exactly the same way. I think a lot of us do.

i havent noticed, but then ive only been here for 24 hours


hi trhanks for having me. this was the first subreddit i subscribed to

/r/conspiracy has been right winged for as long as I have been on Reddit. I reckon it'll swing to the left as Trump eases into his new seat atop the swamp.

There were always some elements of that, but SOME PEOPLE forgot to be skeptical and not trust anything, but most importantly, those who tell you themselves they're liars.

It was never this right-wing, not even close. It did tend to lean more towards anti-government type theories, yes, but this is different.


What are you contributing to steer things your way?

This griping shit post? Meh.

How invested are you in shaping this subreddit?

I personally wish the hyperpartisan Americans would get over the entertainment division of their Military Industrial Complex and this contrived divide with it's specifically vectored Messiahs.

Trump is the alt right Obama. After the 8 dismal years recently endured the other side gets to feel good about the illusory matrix of "American Democracy".

They can all Hope but the real power of the Military Industrial Oligarchy will not essentially Change.

Trump has been sold as a Change agent but beyond cosmetic rancour the real "Changes" will not be his to make.

i JUST re subbed here. gotta start somewhere, guess im testing the waters as well.

you are spot on, sadly. people learn and quickly forget again what a puppet scapegoat the job is, but there is a real difference in domestic policy.

war never changes.

not really. Trump is a bit of a CT and has Bannon in his a cabinet while Hillary is the one tied to conspiracies and power brokering. Who did you think we would self identify with more?

I don't find much to identify with in Donald.

long ago Donald made some good points, but that's his thing, talking big.

the fact that the sub didn't do what it should have on paper, and swung 3rd party says a lot.

OP-- you are mind controlled

You have been bodysnatched. Find some pot and mushrooms and do them tytyo break the control ... Also helps to smash your TV and talk to real people if you aren't into drugs

by what, to what agenda. tell me all about what i believe and think. ill be honest when you get it right.


Why not initiate the change instead of crying about it?

yes, I am, starting right here. Are you blind?

youre doing a terrible job

that is secret code for you actually support me, but its secret, right?

um, the blue taco seems best.

Good job proving his point, mate.

Why do you people insist on posting this stupid shit?

It has nothing to do with conspiracy.

Go see a therapist about this bullshit.

You people?

I'm one fucking person, just like you.

fools buying pyrite stock is a pretty fucking big conspiracy.

trusting trump and them coming here and doubting literally everything else, while believing an admitted con artist cant be helped by therapy( you fucking medical shill) so i have no good suggesting for you beyond go find a safe space.

I'm not addressing any particular hateful comments, but if you know your one of them, maybe listen to yourself for a change.

You aren't the first person nor the last to snivel about this sub.

And nobody gives a fuck or wants to read it.

then stop posting, others agreed, so, fuck off, nobody.

What part of this isn't a conspiracy don't you get?

I think his desire is to get this sub back on the independent skeptical track it's usually on. Frankly this sub needs constant reminders to be skeptical of everything.

So, no disinformation spreaders, or bots ever come here? There wasn't an agenda, agreed upon by others behind closed doors to infiltrate media sites and spread specific messages?

Some how CTR, which is ON the record is, but thousands of bots and plants elsewhere isn't?

huh. wow. mind blown. now i see the light of the god emperor, who is now wearing no clothes, and rather plubby.

yes, I am, starting right here. Are you blind?

yes, this is quite true.

No, he said, "Only the ignorant fall for the left/right illusion."

So anyone on this sub that is far left or right, hasn't been on this sub for long. So if it is leaning right, than you are correct, it has changed.

I wouldn't confuse the activity level of this sub with any measure of partisanship. This was a hyper-fucked-up election between a career criminal who's provided decades of conspiracy fodder and a reality TV star.

Funny how that term "alt-right", just like "CTR" didn't exist even four or five months ago. Almost like they were invented in a Langley cubicle or Tavistock boardroom and then forced into the mainstream overnight. But nah, that type of thing never happens right?

what? im bad at quotes, did i get it wrong? some card game like mtg tournament with the game making the future of the game ?

or was that a dig at watching movies? guilty. i even pulled out the converter box to watch the xfiles on my projector this year.