All these leaks, all this pedo stuff, cheating, looting the economy, killing people in false flags like 9-11, waging fake wars and committing war crimes, abusing the citizens, and trafficinking sex slaves and still, not a peep from law enforcement. Is the government immune from all crimes?

178  2016-11-22 by LightBringerFlex

If so, this very thing will be the downfall of America if something else doesn't bring it down first.

Can you imagine how powerful these gang members must feel when there is absolutely no reprecussion or consequences to any crime? They would feel so untouchable that they would be unphazed when committing more crime. People with unthinkable power committing crimes without consequences can lead to very serious problems.

Once again, the people have to step in and straighten out the power holders that we entrusted with power. To top it all off, they abuse the people who gave them that power like they did in the Dakota protests when cops sprayed freezing water on the citizens to torture them or when they give someone a 25 year sentence for selling crack thereby ruining an entire family in the process while they continue to murder and destroy our planet.

These people are insane. That's the problem. Oceans of power always attract savage, insane brutes like Bill Clinton or George Bush.


I've explained it here many times before... so I'll keep it short.

The good guys in the FBI/CIA/PD etc are sick of this shit as much as we are... but until the internet came along they had no way to communicate without the bad FBI seeing what they were saying and ending any investigation. Now they are assembling a huge series of cases to rip the baddies out of the system... from the bottom up and top down simultaneously. Stay calm and don't be afraid... everything will be just fine... better than fine actually.

Do you have personal knowledge of this or are you just speculating?

This. I'm all big for what's happening here on reddit (pizzagate, /con, ...), but so far we seem to be losing the battle.

The NY times articles, people still dying left and right (Clinton Body Count), noone getting prosecuted, upcomming -attempt- at censoring our internet, ...

I really hope we, the people, have an unseen ace up our sleeve, because the way I currently see all this play out is either every reddit user and friends/family going out to Washinton for perhaps the biggest protest in human history (aint gonna happen) or the establishment sweeping this all under the rug and preventing the people from ever doing such a thing again. (taking away our Freedom of speech)

Why is it so hard to accept the fact that shit is just going to get worse and never better? That is a very real possibility you know. Most of human history the bad guys win. They are going to win again. Do you know why? Because "good is dumb" in the immortal words of Dark Helmet.

Lol, not quite. It's a lack of action by the good that allows bad to thrive. Also, a lot of time, the good guys get fed up and do bad things like getting violent. The good guys are finally finding good ways to fight back and it just started in 2016 as far as recent history is concerned. We aren't stooping to their level which is good.

Good is content, happy to love and let live. Bad is happy to use others to find happiness. That's why the world is how it is - the guys were up against maintain the quality of life they, their ancestors and offspring are able to on the backs off the masses. A higher arc of civilisation is only possible with the multitude existing in walking poverty. For any real change to occur requires the erosion of society due complete and utter mistrust in the institutions. Basically - shits gonna have to get real before it gets better.

The Real FBI is our ace in the hole... They are gonna get biblical up in this shit... believe it. Comey is a straight shooter.

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children."


Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Kadzik and their cohorts are all complicit or corrupt. They have been in the past, and they continue to be now.

If anyone in the FBI or DOJ was not complicit or corrupt, they would come out publicly and demand justice. Their corruption and complicity to corruption has enabled, condoned and endorsed corruption at all levels. America is lawless. The rule of law is dead. They have zero integrity.

Comey is a liar and a deceiver. Any child that is or has been killed or tortured since he has known about this, and any citizen who has been killed or threatened or had their rights violated or lives ruined, is his direct responsibility. He is a "pussy". You cannot take that job and be such a "pussy". You have to willing to sacrifice it all for the rule of law, and he is doing the opposite.

Trump better be bluffing, and he better drain the swamp and end this his first day in office, or there will be no future in a lawless America.

The Truth is our ace in the hole. That is all we have.

Yeah... every other whistleblower that just went public asap really did a lot to advance the cause... right before their "suicides". This isn't a job for Superman... this is a job for a network of people that can out mastermind the masterminds... while doing it in secret... If you think Trump can just pop on the scene and fix everything overnight you really don't have a firm grasp of what is going on. Trump is useful, but he's not the only weapon in the arsenal... just the most visual one.

this is a battle for the soul of humanity ... this is happening here england australia europe all over.....

this is the fight worth fighting tho so we have to stand strong and stand together our numbers and our collective savey are our strengths

Hello friend! I have some reassuring news:

It's not the authorities are sitting on their thumbs. It's that they've been working with Interpol to first of all rescue all these innocent children that have been abducted and trafficked globally. And then the intelligence officers have had to make hundreds of arrests. It's a gigantic house of cards that's been taking down behind the scenes. Apparently they have somebody on the inside who's talking. The above article took place just a few weeks ago but is relevant to your anxieties and so I posted. The one thing the inside sources keep saying over and over again is just keep spreading the info about the Clinton Foundation and Pizzagate until the information tsunami can't be contained. This is all we the little people can do for right now because the powers that be that are in a position to do the heavy lifting are moving heaven and earth as we speak. Besides independently investigating and spreading the word all we can do is stay vigilant and be prepared for anything.

I'm not on the "inside" of any of these organizations... but I am confident of my very in-depth and impartial analysis.

Here is your primer on just the DOJ and FBI's recent works... if you can't read the writing on that wall there is no hope you'll ever have faith in restoring our justice system.

People join the FBI to stop crimes... they won't let some fat fuck behind a desk ruin it for them anymore. They are sick of being painted as villains. And they are acting right now... it will only get more obvious as time goes on.

From direct experience, they have zero integrity and only go after low hanging fruit or targeted objectives to build the perception of the rule of law when in reality the rule of law is dead in a system of double standards. They are corrupt or complicit to criminal corruption. It is only getting more obvious as time goes on.

That pendulum swings both ways... the FBI reached the tipping point a while back. The bad only seems more obvious when the good are being reaaaaaaaly quiet and sneaky.

So much bullshit comes from your posts.

The FBI is complicit in all of this, they serve the unconstitutional federal government, not the people

Yeah... I guess you are right... Every single FBI agent is a money hungry asshole that joined only because it would allow them unfettered access to fuck with people. I'm sure you think that every single scout leader is a child molester and every rapper spends their days doing drivebys.

I have lost all faith. Yes.

keep the faith <=== this is all we got!!!

hang in there


good guys

haha nope. Unless you're getting your cocaine and heroin straight from them.

Yeah there are bad guys in the strongest positions of power... but there are way more good guys not in on the take... that believe in America... that's why they sign up for the job... justice. This bullshit is even more obvious to them than it is to us... and they are ready to make moves to give all of the government and military a good name again. They might be outranked... but they certainly aren't outmanned or outwitted. Rank don't mean shit when you are pulling a coup.

The CIA as an entity is an abomination responsible for unholy amounts of crime. Fuck it and every person in it. It needs to be gutted and disbanded. Naturally that won't happen.

I'm certain it will be gutted... but the agency will remain in the end... though there are a lot of initialisms that will prolly be disbanded or dissolved years from now when everything is settled.

STRATCOM, SIGINT, CSS, USCYBERCOM, INSCOM, INOBTR, NCMEC, USAID, OFDA, USCG, NG, TSA and maybe even the whole of DOD will start disappearing.

Curious, does anyone think there are some, maybe a handful of good guys in the CIA, or is this not possible at all?

It wouldn't matter when the organization is rotten at the core.

We should be on the lookout for any 3 letter agents mysteriously dying.

Nope... I'm guessing that they prolly got a nice supply of friendlies in NSA who would know all the dirty dealings... FBI has forced a lot of baddies to roll to the good side for immunity. FBI has got a good idea of who the baddies are and how to contain them... they good guys know when the bad guys are planning something... but the bad guys don't know that.

There will be deaths... murders, "suicides" and standoffs... but they will be so minor compared to the peaceful world to come after.

That sounds great, but how do you know about the huge assembly of cases though?

Cause the FBI has been going at government and military corruption pretty hard... and the baddies are rolling over on their bosses in return for lighter sentences. The FBI doesn't comment on any ongoing investigations... so you have to read between the lines... and there is a shitload of lines they are sending us.

Is this a joke? They are corrupt and complicit to criminal corruption.

Source - direct knowledge and experience.

They have endorsed and enabled criminal corruption at all levels.

Hey... even Darth Vader flipped to the side of light once he saw what a fucked up mess he was in the middle of. FBI can still redeem themselves.

Ah ok, so it's probably best if the good FBI and people cooperate.

Correct. You don't need to be out in the streets or investigating any conspiracy theories... but if you do know something... don't be afraid to say something. The good FBI wants to destigmatize whistleblowing. Being afraid of reprisal anymore... is always available if you don't think your local PD is on the level.

You're so cute.

You must be a NSA baddie peeking at my e-mails if ya know I'm cute... Prolly also know I have a huge cock.

Yeah! Thank god for the invention of the Internet in 2016!!! Now they're gonna save us.

Come on dude. Anything other than your hopes and wild speculation? What backs your claim?

The internet is relatively new as far as America goes... fixing this isn't something that happens overnight... it's something that takes a lot of time, focus and sacrifice... Organization to do it right. You don't have to belive me... it is gonna happen without your help.

The internet is relatively new as far as America goes...

That makes no sense, but ok.

I'll wait and see. No problem if you're correct. Your claims just don't have anything to back them up.

America is like 250 years old... the internet is like 25.

I've explained it many times in the past... I'm not gonna bother getting into it with every rando that wanders over here with a bad attitude... You could uncover the truth for yourself if you really cared about it... but it is easier to kick the dust and mope off thinking nothing will ever change.


Let me see all the evidence you have collected to the contrary... cause I think you are just basing your opinion on your gut feeling... without actually researching anything independently.

I'm not assuming anything. I'm just not accepting your assumptions. You keep talking about research but you have none posted here, just claims. You're claiming, so you prove. I'm not claiming, just refusing to buy your claims without proof.

Is that really hard to understand?

Watch that first... then get back to me and I'll give you the next piece of evidence. I'm not gonna pile it all on ya at once.

I've had a dream , a dream in which Trump and Putin are sitting in the middle of London , sipping tea, and waiting for whom will first approach them of english royalty and goverment, while their joint forces (yes, USA and Russia) are making a raid on the independant island named Jersey.

If you know about Jersey, you will know what I'm talking about. That was a good dream.

Tell me about Jersey, please.

Jersey is offshore money loundry zone for major corporations that rule the world, also a place of big pedo - child molest scandal.

Independant , yet under HM Queen protection.

Gotcha. Gonna read up later on.

If you expect justice to be served to these cunts from within the bulwark state apparatus they sustain, you are mistaken.

It's not about America. It is a worldwide movement. No borders, no nationalism, one culture, one government, two classes (the ruling class and the consumer class). Think the UN, and the EU combined, then slowly stir in the Middle East, Asia, Russia, India, Indonesia, etc. It is done by controlling the money, which is done by the international bankers, and controlling production which is done by the mega corporations. The politicians, intelligence agencies, military leaders and academics are brought under control using money, sex, drugs, power, and influence. They are kept under control using bribery and extortion. The ones that get caught, die, disappear or are discredited strayed to far from the message or had a change of heart. This is just a theory of course, I know nothing.

Edit: spelling

Kings and Queens are not gone, they just realized it is better to be hidden from public view than it is to be exposed. They are protected by many. And that lot is the law and yes they are immune to their own fire. Why would they burn themselves?

Why would they ruin the world and expose themselves to being burned by the people?

Answer: Insanity which includes a healthy dose of arrogance.

bankers. The people you're talking about are bankers. They have more power than Presidents after JFK.

Are we not 7 billion strong worldwide?

We need to scramble into every nook and cranny we can find so we can pull out the much needed transparency by hand.

All you have to do is reach into their pockets really.

To the people who think the FBI,CIA,NSA are out to help. They are not. Yes people join to stop crimes. Those people are sent to crack down on normal citizens that the agencies have demonized and brained washed agents to think their work upon those citizens is good for the nation. The old timers who are to scared to do anything, who are bought, who are lacking in morals and conviction are put on cases like Hillary's treason.

That's what happens when the population has become pussified and or turned into racist retards fighting a fake battle to keep them occupied from ever doing what needs to be done like finding those who pull the strings or do shit like correcting the record.


give me control of a nations money supply and i care not who makes its laws

Of course it's immune.


We do.

Why would the government be involved in a global pedo ring? There are kids everywhere.

What I would like to know is, what's the end game? What's the conclusion? All the shenanigans in the Middle East, 9/11, internet tracking, militarizing police, where does it end? What will the world look like when the people pulling the strings are done.

Ideally, absolute slavery without the knowledge of the people. That is the ultimate goal.

Why you may ask. Psychopaths fear the world around it and to,stay safe, they have to enslave it which doubles in rewards because they can feel a sense of superiority which adds to security.

We have to step into ourselves. If we marched on Washington and I mean hundreds of thousands of us, what do you think would happen?

A massacre? Maybe Dakota riots on crack? Maybe much worse.

I'm not saying it can't be done, I just think their might be a better way, a cleaner way. The narrow path, the path to self; to enlightenment.

Each of us is much, much more powerful and beautiful then the media has told us. We are not fat, lazy scum (some of us are, but I can see good in even the most hopeless of our kind). We are creators.

It's time for us to tell the people what's really happening and to not stop till our hearts have stopped beating. It was never about this "society".

It's about YOU (all of us)

It's about love, kindness, justice, courage, progress, process, learning, and awareness.

Tell every stranger that they are beautiful, stop every injustice even if it means your life (stopping killings, muggings, bullying, selfishness, etc).

BE a standard. BE better. BE one with all life. Let the currents of the divine flow through you.

Practice tai chi, yoga, and meditation.

Stop eating meat.

Stop collecting debt.

Stop worrying about your positions and appearance within "society"

The government has NO control over me.

They can take everything from me, even my life, but they could never take my piece of mind.

You must be enlightened. According to my understanding, our earthlings will snap right into love and kindness as soon as they realize we are all the same person.

An interesting way of putting it, and I relish the opportunity to dwell on this idea.

We are all reflections (if not shadows) of man.

What is the ideal man? Who is he? Has he ever existed? Adam? Jesus? Buddha?

I would like to know your thoughts are the prospect of being one with all mankind. It's a beautiful but somewhat daunting concept. I think it's true on some levels and less true in others. I think our memories and personalities will be forever stored and honored.

I can't prove it but here's how it works. All of life is conscious. God has nearly an infinite amount of personality attributes. Each of those attributes is given independent freedom and each one takes a turn falling into decent and evolving from scratch back into their total selves. The whole point of it is to adventure.

Right now we are a bit separate, but when we evolve back to the very top in totality, we will melt into each other and become our total self again. That total self is who we really are.

When you meet interesting people, you are learning a part of your self that you disconnected from. In the end, there is only one person experiencing all of life in an endless array of variety.

We humans are considered savages right now and for a very long time we have been. This is all about to change within 1-18 years from now. As humans evolve, we learn about this great secret of life and then realize that anything we do to harm each other, we are really just doing to ourselves. Why would anyone beat themselves? It just doesn't make sense. At that point, we start day 1 of the golden age of man.

There is a slight possibility that we might destroy ourselves but the odds seem reasonable that we are going to make breakthroughs as a planet in the coming years. This is necessary and 2016 was pretty active so it looks like we are on the right track.

As we evolve mentally, the rest of the planet evolves with us.

I 100% agree on all cylanders with you.

One interjection.

I honk that all possibilities are explored, down to the atom. So it doesn't matter if we win or lose, really.

yes all possibility is already played out, but we are looking through a view point that can only focus on a specific section of possibility, so we don't get to perceive all possibility, only some, we call the unfolding of said limited possibility 'time'

It doesn't matter if we win or lose, but that we gain understanding.

Theya aren't rioting in Dakota. It's a protest.