All Pizzagate spin off subreddits also getting banned

637  2016-11-23 by nottheoretical

fuck these people. make a thousand and don't stop.


Holy shit... they are really clamping down on this. That means it's probably real :(

Yea, its real. Nasty business but its true.

Have a look at what I posted on /r/AskAnAdmin about the Pizzagate ban.

It's being quite massively upvoted, didn't expect that on that inactive sub at all, just wanted admins to see this.

My guess is this ban was decided by executives (under pressure from whereever), the admins were against it. Techies and system admins tend to overwhelmingly support Assange, Snowden, online freedom, Aaron Swartz' values. It can't be anyway else if you've grown up with the Internet, open source, the "hacker culture".

I think admins were against it but forced into it. I think they gave them 2 hours notice as time to back up all the info.

Good job. :uD Now if everyone will run their loud mouths all over reddit maybe we can make this action of theirs come back to bite them in the ass.

That's exactly what we should do. For some reason I can't get attention to this on /r/The_Donald. I'm quite new to reddit so don't know all the tricks. Please help me get this done.

I saw /r/The_Donald is censoring mentions of pizzagate. There was a post up there about a "cheese, crust, sauce" related topic to get around it.

Interesting, now it's crystal clear that this is top down censorship to protect a paedophile network. Wouldn't put it past them starting to summarily ban all the former subscribers of r/pizzagate next in retribution.

Message reddits owners and VC investors and tell them what they are doing.

As if those people aren't involved too...

Maybe nobody likes being called the leader of a pedophile sadist ring? Even if he is innocent, shit stinks and nobody would hang out with him. Think about it, if Rick Santorum had had the same power as this pizza guy, his family name would probably not have been shat over.

So the online censorship of pizzagate right now is only step one to stop the bleeding, next comes the measures to prevents new accidents like these. Brace yourselves!

We just need to boycott Reddit altogether. Voat looks like a great alternative to Reddit, and they don't have all of the heavy-handed censorship. I've really enjoyed this subreddit, and will continue to participate for awhile, but I eventually plan to move over to Voat exclusively in the near future.

For those who are interested here's a link to their conspiracy subverse (like a subreddit), and here's their pizzagate subverse. The site is organized just like Reddit, so it's easy to adapt.

They're experiencing heavy traffic with the influx of new people, and the site is having some trouble, but be patient. I invite everyone to join me over there and create a viable alternative to this site.

Brain-draining Reddit will not make it disappear or clean up. We'll have to campaign for all hearts and minds if we want to make this political.


EDIT: Thanks to the Streisand Effect finally hitting hard in T_D, found out something else. They're not taking action on the "pedofriends" sub which I will definitely not be looking at.


I agree! That's why I only use reddit with adblock on.

But seriously. Time to switch to voat.

The problem is that the vast majority of advertising on Reddit is in the form of posts.

just dont click! im using adblockplus and i dont see those ad posts tho

Brain-draining Reddit will not make it disappear

Yes, actually that's exactly what will happen. The people left over will be irrelevant.

If we move to a new site, they'll just censor that too. We're better off taking Reddit down with us

Fuck off with your defeatist bullshit.

If we move to a new site, they'll just censor that too.

Yeah, that's not how it works.

Brain draining Digg is what brought reddit into the mainstream when censorship got too heavy handed. I despise Voat, but I fully support voting with your login.

I also registered /v/whereisassange today. It is now our plan B if the sub gets shut down.

Great idea. I'm not subbed to the wikileaks subreddit, but the posts here make it sound like it's heavily compromised.

Honestly, after modding this sub I am more inclined to try and give them the benefit of the doubt. This shit is hard, and it's not like I'm getting paid for all this work or anything. People report comments and posts for the most ridiculous reasons, which makes going through the mod queue really, really tedious. The sort of people who frequent these kinds of subs tend to be more independent and paranoid as well (full disclosure, I fit this description too, so no judgment), which makes it really difficult to build consensus. Quite frankly, if I'd known how difficult this would be I'm like 50/50 on whether I'd have even created the sub at all a month ago. I care about this subject though, so I'm just trying to do my best. I am inclined to believe that the wikileaks mods are in a similar boat.

In my opinion, what really hurt them was heavy-handed moderation when things started blowing up for them, which hurt their standing/trust in the community. That's a difficult thing to rebuild. I hope that the openness and transparency here has bought us some capital in those areas.

I don't envy the mods at all, especially in controversial subreddits. I can only imagine how bad it was for the mods in pizzagate. But thank you for all of your hard work that mostly goes unnoticed. It's people like you who help the world engage in meaningful dialog with each other.

Well, it's also the fact that they added new mods shortly after they said they would thoroughly vet and inform the community of new mods and then did the opposite. Not to mention the mod logs.

This is true. I remember the discussion. It was shortly before the sub got hammered by "bots" and a bunch of shit posts.

Few things about voat before you jump in.

You have to get 100 ccp or karma to downvote and post without restrictions. This is easy to do when you make a post in introductions.

Lots of people you may not like their views I am one of them.

Pizzagate has become a featured subverse now so safe to say they ain't gonna be banned as that is done by the site owner. Atko.

The site is wonky right now as they have a bug in the code. The site is off and on thruout the day. It only lasts for a minute. Mark sure you save your text in a self post as it might get eaten.

Lots of people you may not like their views I am one of them.




Lol. I moderate one the the more controversial subverses. Come on over to voat you will find me.

Haha it's just the way you presented that line of text didn't make any sense.

To Voat we go!

I have been there for 2.4years. Ever since the Boston bombing and an admin came in and told us to fuck off.

I did and now I comment only here. They want to make the rules that is fine, but I dont have to help them make money.

Probably a shill site/attempt to get truth off Reddit

i might be a little reddit stupid since i've never been on a sub that got shut down but is there a way to retrieve your own posts after they disappear from your page?

i'm glad there are other places to go but damn it, we fought through CTR this long and i just kind of want to make reddit hear this shit in every corner of the place.

I agree, we shouldn't abandon Reddit immediately. I will keep posting here for awhile, but I will try to be more active over at Voat to help build the community. As for retrieving comments, I'm guessing your only hope really is to find them on archived pages. Luckily we had a small warning before the subreddit was banned, and many people furiously started to archive. They will try to migrate all of those posts over to Voat.

I'm glad people were quick like that. I hope this thing can go on without it losing too much momentum.

It's a small bump in the road for those of us trying to investigate, but I'm more worried about it being harder for new people to find information on the topic. I don't think it's a coincidence that the subreddit was banned right after being mentioned in MSM publications.

Yea, publicity, that's got to be addressed somehow. Reddit is kind of a good place for that because of all the cross linking and the information reaching eyes that would never just search it out.

Someone archived the entire sub and posted it on voat.

Actions like this are why we plebs love the internet, and why those in power hate it. They have much less control.

See ya'll on the flipside

Bunch of pedophile protectors runnin this shit show

For real it's so fucked up

Yeah.... Not feeling that vibe..

We just need to boycott Reddit altogether.

And facebook, and google.

Yep, started boycotting them awhile ago. You can add Twitter to that list as well.

As soon as they get an iPhone app I'll be onboard. Maybe. Probably.

Yeah, I was disappointed to see they don't have an app. Hopefully that'll change soon with the spike in popularity

c'mon, all the kool kids are doin it.

If I had more to add to pizzagate I probably would but I'm usually just in there telling people "yeah the Vatican does this all the time been saying it for weeks look where the D.C. pizzagate money goes" and then someone argues with me. It gets old lol

Yeah, but I'm doing it with you. So, there's that. Bottom line, it's all about 'just come correct, I will too' personal responsibility is the new black.....hits blunt....

Alright fuck it I'll do it. Rips bong

literally lol.

EDIT: smoked the lol.

I laughed way harder at that than I should have.

still lol.

Voat is subject to the exact same potential for censorship as Reddit is. I'd rather explore alternatives now instead of building up something huge again, only to have it fall to the same old mechanisms of censorship.

IMO it's a far better idea to support something where censorship is much more difficult to execute. Pere-to-peer, maybe? Something that relies on a kind of blockchain technology?

Reddit is over 10 years old. Surely SOMEONE can come up with something better. If that option were out there, people would flock there in great numbers very quickly.

It's owned by two foreigners, so it's doubtful that they'd face the same pressures as in America. Plus, one of the owners made pizzagate the featured sub of the site and welcomed us there. He seems to be on board

I don't know enough about it, but I remember after a bunch of people migrated to Voat after the "FatPeopleHate" banning, people said the owner was misusing donations they had given to the site.

I don't know what's true in that, but you guys should make sure to look into that before fully jumping ship..

That's good to know. Thanks for the heads up!

Voat is down. Maybe it can't handle the traffic.

I'd say we really should just go to the onions. Might be hard to get enough people to follow though.

Is there an app? If there's an app ill make an account.

Unfortunately, no. I was pretty disappointed about that, but hopefully one will come along soon. And the way the Voat site keeps having issues makes me miss having r/pizzagate. Voat isn't quite the same quality as Reddit, but at least we can continue the investigation there (and the lack of shills is a huge plus)

I don't think there's an official app, but there's at least one unofficial that I've used: Boats for Voat (Android)

They got an app?

Fuck them.

See you on the other side.

fuck them indeed. i'll be there.

This comment may or may not have been edited by u/spez

The problem is that everyone in real power is involved.

Committing acts of child rape is probably an initiation ritual to gain access to the highest ranks of power. The candidate is filmed (consensually) while he's raping/torturing innocent children, and this film is then used as leverage to make him loyal to the agenda of the upper echelons of power.

If he some day decides to go against the agenda, the film (or still pictures) is leaked. That's why most members of the elite stay so loyal to their comrades. Most of them probably aren't even pedophiles in a sexual sense, but their lust for power is so great that they're willing to do literally anything -- including raping kids -- to be initiated into the highest ranks.

I'm expecting this sub to be shut down any day now. Reddit admins don't accept any discussions about this topic. That's for sure.

I know they have all the worldly power. I'm counting on something higher than worldly power. I don't imagine this would have reached as many people as it has without some help.

I agree. They're here, and they're helping us win.

Shattering taboos is a huge step in secret societies and occult organizations. Some refer to this as liberation.

Come on now. You are saying everyone who wanted to get into the upper echelons of government are committing acts of pedophilia just to get there? You think anyone would do that to move up in life? I can see some but all? Ehhh

You'd be surprised at the coincidences that were found by following accounts that liked a sexually suggestive picture on a social media post, businesses that were linked to people in that inner circle, etc.

It's honestly the number of "coincidences" that red pilled me.

I think it likely depends on how high up in the power structure we're talking about. Most senators and congressmen? Probably not. I would expect it's more the backroom players that rarely make newspapers, let alone headlines, but wield considerably more influence than your average no-name congressman.

But the other issues with your question is you might be looking at it backwards. If you take the general population, or even the population of people who aspire to high political power, the percentage willing to commit acts of pedophilia to get there is probably pretty low, under 1% even. But if you assume that to reach a certain level in government you must be willing to commit such acts, then it's entirely believable that those who are in positions of power are the ones who were willing to commit those acts.

Note that this is not in itself an argument that this is the case, but that it wouldn't necessarily be inconsistent with the results we see. Also consider that it might not start with acts of pedophilia. It could start with seeing who would commit a misdemeanor or minor felony on camera to get a lesser position. Maybe that's 10% of people. Then a slightly more serious felony, maybe 10% of those. You progressively weed people out until the only ones left are those so hungry for power that they'd do the most despicable acts to get it.

People who don't do this may end up eating lunch alone

Imagine democrats waging war on their own, not saying his name in media avoid you like the plague. Im a believer that the elite would spend 100million in a hick county just to make sure no wild sheep end up in the pen.

I believe democrats use a tactic of 'engineered incompetence", making sure no progressives end up anywhere.

Im fearful, i think bernie was great, but im also someone who believes bernie was blackmailed into submission

What does this all mean

People who don't do this may end up eating lunch alone

Imagine democrats waging war on their own, not saying his name in media avoid you like the plague. Im a believer that the elite would spend 100million in a hick county just to make sure no wild sheep end up in the pen.

I believe democrats use a tactic of 'engineered incompetence", making sure no progressives end up anywhere.

Im fearful, i think bernie was great, but im also someone who believes bernie was blackmailed into submission

What does this all mean

i think bernie was great

It really is retarded.

Yes it's real. Make them ban r/conspiracy next. The harder they censor the deeper they dig their own grave.

Agreed. Ban this sub and a good portion of the 400k+ subscribers will bounce to something like Voat, I'm guessing. I know I would. This sub is really the only reason I've hung around on Reddit.

Absolutely we should discuss it here endlessly until they have no choice but to ban this sub, that would be the final nail in the coffin for me and I think for many others.

My thought too. How many large subs can they ban without this becoming so blatant no one can ignore it.

Seriously? The spin offs? Like who? Sorry, I need to confirm this myself before I get too excited...

i know this sucks i was just in there now scrubbed

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They're banning them as quickly as they pop up. Just ditch Reddit. We shouldn't support the suppression of information like this

i just don't want us to sink into oblivion on the reddit scene completely or be so scattered there's no cohesion. Everyone should know they're doing this.

we know. so...we

Thanks Friend. I was on /r/pizzagate when it got banned. This is fucking yuge.

I saved as much as I could while I was there. What's our next platform?

the most mentioned place i've seen is here: i think they're getting a little flooded right now though so you might get an error message until it calms down.

I REALLY hate walking away and letting them win reddit though.

Voat spiked! Had +3000 viewers while it had 500 subscribers.

Sorry, I've always had more loyalty to the conspiracies and to pizzagate than I've had to reddit as a platform. Probably not the best time to mention

I certainly have more loyalty to the investigation than to reddit. I just despise the censorship and seriously wonder if they're involved.

did you ever search pizza in reddit... I didn't dig deep... maybe now's the time...

I did just a few moments ago. found something i thought was odd called r/randomactsofpizza. it had a weird "pizza is love, pizza is life" description, but apparently its really pizza. i guess. It's private so i couldn't find out for myself but that's what i was told. 0.o

That's like 4 years old, and yes it's about redditors donating pizza to those who didn't have food, it became a meme, so they made a subreddit about it. I remember it

When did that become private? Its a legit pizza food sharing sub, or was. People post their sob stories, others buy them pizza coupons. I posted a coupke of times when I had bare cupboards, no replies. Others had more luck. Hmm.

Exactly this...why is it suddenly private when it was originally a charity style sub for free pizza. It used to warm my frozen heart with good pizza things...

Maybe paranoiacs were harassing them? I wonder how long theyve been shuttered?

Don't know when but it is private now and when i saw it earlier it was also down for whatever reason.

supposedly it's for people to send real pizza to people.... cause, yeah... that makes sense... idk, maybe?

It used to be a legit sub for legit pizza sending. Just like random acts of amazon. Some people are just kind

fuck reddit protecting pedos!!

I swear when this is over i want to see reddit crash and burn next.

me 2 allow the freak show f CTR and now jtrig

fuck reddit!!

I started this sub myself, banned within two hours.


One I made r/PizzaPartyCrashers, lasted a whole 54 min.

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All this reddit censorship over the year has really made me question why I spend so much time on here. Makes me feel hopeless for justice and peace to be served :( . I have hope in trump and wikileaks to right the wrongs but it feels like these evil few will cut the strings and blind the majority before trumps election.

I have yet to understand how their accusations of posting PII were real. I never personally saw any of it and i was on there a lot.

To be fair, when the Twitter thing happened, I observed comments posting the live tweets by the person who discovered them, which was a list of the offending users.

They were posting Instagram pictures, that had been removed and profiles set to private.

Then the influx of crap posts by new accounts in the last two days.

I think once you post something publicly to the internet via Twitter of Instagram, etc. that's on you. It was public before they decided to cover their shit i guess, so that's kind of a lame reason to ban the sub. The crap posting i'm sure was the army of shills that came in to do damage control and when that didn't work they just found an excuse to ban it.

I still can't get in there. is it just me?

no, they are overloaded. keep trying.

thanks, will do

I just remembered, there is a

Is the site empty because it was just created? Or did it fall victim to censorship as well?

I think it was just made like yesterday or the day before that... but idk

Ah yeah, i just saw that someone else posted a mention of it. I'll probably try both avenues.

Also this

so sad... poor /r/pizza .. it was such a great sub.. i mean pizza. :/


Chose anything open source, uncensorable and anonymous. Maybe Zeronet or steemit?

that's a nice resource. I have yet to be able to get int voat. it's swamped. i'm not sure that it can handle the load.

So they allow /r/pedofriends but not pizzagate. TF?

Yea, i guess reddit admins are pedo sympathizers.

Why are they getting banned?

Pizza Gate: Accused Pedo Directly Calls For “Fake News” Censorship with NY Times: James Alefantis (

submitted 11 hours ago by CassiusMethyl999

520 commentssharesavehidereport

2 329

Pizzagate is being shut down at 4PM today. (self.conspiracy)

submitted 3 hours ago by trabidius

161 commentssharesavehidereport

because pedo. thats why.

supposedly posting personally identifying information about private people. Never saw that happen unless they mean James Alfantis' Public instagrams.

Ok, c'mon. Somebody smarter than me is going to have to figure out where we go next to talk. They clearly are terrified of us, but we need a place to continue this discussion. Where? Don't give up for christs sake, thats all I can say..

NOT giving up. Most have gone to voat. i think others will be around skipping here and there on reddit and some other sites.

Anyone like Ning? i have a friend with a paid for site that's been mostly neglected for some time because the admins got busy "real" lives. They would be willing to host a bunch of stuff on there. It's a Christian site but anyone wanting to destroy evil would be welcome.

/r/PedosGate is still live

Not no more

How did that happen?

So what is the solution?

Reddit is just another media owned puppet

The voat site is one alternative and i expect there will be more. I don't plan to stop mentioning it in reddit though. I think reddit should be forced to answer to this.

We need some kind of media to help us out though

Just like /r/fatpeoplehate, it got shut down in the end cause they were paid/told to do so. It was not a vote or an ethical decision, this is so fucked up.

Land of the free.. gag.

Heidi de pauww

Hadn't heard the name until now but i've known about CPS kidnapping for a long time. Thanks, i'll look into her.

Anyone care to do a little summary explanation of the history of this? Haven't been paying attention. T'would be much appreciated.

It's pretty tough to get it down in a nutshell. There's loads of information but basically some Podesta emails were found with an odd code using the word "pizza" along with some other foods in nonsensical phrases. It was code that pedophiles use to communicate about their nasty dealings.

Connections lead to connections and now we have a pedo ring that reaches around the world involving Clinton et al. People have been searching up leads and evidence and investing this on the now banned r/pizzagate... one more place to get shut down actually since a couple of alt news sites also were crashed over this.

Thank you.

Boston bombings part 2. I remember getting sucked into that and it turned out all the evidence ended up being a coincidence. Much like this likely will.

what is the excuse?

BS claims of posting personally identifying info

What's pizzagate?

Huge pedophilia ring scandal involving the Clintons and Hillary's campaign manager. R/pizzagate was investigating it.

I agree! That's why I only use reddit with adblock on.

But seriously. Time to switch to voat.

It's owned by two foreigners, so it's doubtful that they'd face the same pressures as in America. Plus, one of the owners made pizzagate the featured sub of the site and welcomed us there. He seems to be on board

I have yet to understand how their accusations of posting PII were real. I never personally saw any of it and i was on there a lot.

I don't know enough about it, but I remember after a bunch of people migrated to Voat after the "FatPeopleHate" banning, people said the owner was misusing donations they had given to the site.

I don't know what's true in that, but you guys should make sure to look into that before fully jumping ship..