A sick joke thrown in our face. Biden/Obama 'Friendship' bracelet front page, Pizzagate BANNED.

92  2016-11-23 by [deleted]



They had to lock down that thread due to the discussion of pizza gate in the comments. Good news.

Sick joke is right, it's like gang graffiti or a wolf pissing to mark it's territory.

And we toast to it.

Fuck me, that thing is obviously a cake. Stop that bullshit.

and I'm sure you'll say Biden is just saying how Honored he is to that young girl huh?

What young girl? It's a braclett that Biden gave to Obama that has a piece of cake on it. Thats it.

There might be some truth behind pizzagate but you can't just connect people to it because you like how it fits your narrative. It's the exact same thing like people that think everything triangular is the illuminatis work.

Thats it.

It's the exact same thing like people that think everything triangular is the illuminatis work.

Judging by your tone and diction, I sense you are upset. Why would you be affected by something so remotely associated to you?

Why are you tho?

Why are we affected by the institutional rape and murder of children??? Perpetrated by the people we designate as leaders??

If you have real evidence for that, okay. And I mean evidence. Not bostonbomber evidence.

Also, your leader. Not mine.

How am I upset? So curiosity=being upset?


Removed, warning for rule 10.


I honestly cant tell if you're serious right now.

The rituals involve psychoactive substances and child cannibalism.

Its obvious, cant you tell? Thats some solid reddit investigation. Its clean cut and clear evidence, there is no other explanation.

Well played.

Maybe if you guys werent posting personal info and harassing a shop owner /r/pizzagate wouldn't have been banned. Do you remember what happened on the boston bombing witchhunt, or any other witchhunt from reddit? We arent professional investigators and may be wrong, so if we kept the investigation here until there was solid evidence then maybe you would still have your safespace of a sub.

Just let this be a lesson to not witchhunt and break reddit rules until there is enough evidence or something is confirmed.

If that pedo ring was actually happening you guys may have just blown the chance at blowing it open by getting that sub banned.

Poor kids.

you're psychotic.

Lol. You are paraniod.

being paranoid is a normal healthy human emotion.

Feigning ignorance, downplaying, even going so far as advocating that all is kosher when the air is rank with shit, is like telling people at the start of a tsunami "it's all good that the tide receded back 100 feet, we can go out and play in the sand! That wall of water will never reach us, it's safe!"

Why are you tho?