The top 100 wikileaks provide a years worth of real leads. Sure, pedophilia is a real problem, Hastert and others need to be exposed, but come on people, we already have 100 real leads that are being supressed by excessive speculation

57  2016-11-23 by rockytimber

Lets not let r/conspiracy become obsessed only with pedophilia criminals when the whole country has obviously been hijacked. Let's follow the most promising leads. The pizza trip has effectively been used as honey bait, a trick to divert attention to issues that are immediately actionable.

The pedophile rings of Franklin, the UK, etc. have always been notoriously difficult to penetrate. Look what it took to get Sandusky and Hastert? Look at how little follow on prosecutions followed, even when we know that hundreds of others were complicit enablers at the very least.

You guys who miss the closed pizza sub, how about making a r/pedophilia_cover_up, which could broaden the net and provide a real service instead of a diversion?


i totally agree - the whole pedo angle needs to be contextualised within a framework of global corruption

for instance: rendition

links to torture & reprogramming of 'terrorists' - sometimes in mid air

but it also links to private airlines - lear jets etc which are also used for - guess what?

Blackmail via pedophilia has become the cornerstone of US politics. Clearly the justice system has failed to protect children from child the public has to take back over law enforcement. Guillotines and Gallows. Buckle up pedos...the road ahead is going to be bumpy...from all the castrated cocks laying around in the aftermath.

Sorry, but if all you have is speculation and conjecture when it comes to the leads from wikileaks, then it shouldn't be the main focus of r/conspiracy. When you lift a lead and it doesn't give you enough, find some more leads. Like I said, the Franklin, the UK pedophilia rings (Savile, Parliament) and the Sandusky/Hastert situations show how intractable these cases can be. What the pizza thing keeps harping on is not going anywhere because you haven't found the right rocks to turn over.

The main point is that none of these prominent pedophile cases has yet broken out enough to touch the higher ups, what to speak of the thin material in the recent pizza subreddit. You are going to have to concentrate and do better, and taking over r/conspiracy with weak material is not it.

I haven't spent one second investigating pizzagate. I am, however, familiar with James Alefantis from real estate dealings over the last 20+ years and this isn't the first time the term "pedophile" was associated with his name. Coincidentally he happens to have been CTR/Mediamatters captain David Brock's ex lover...another person who's had the term pedophile associated with his name. DC is rampant with pedophiles. It's the cornerstone of political leverage. You don't find it the slightest bit interesting that a resteraunt owner can contact the FBI and the next day reddit, twitter, facebook etc..ban anything related to his pedophilia connections? This whole pizzagate thing is the bread and butter of conspiracy. It's only a matter of time before the organic group sourced investigation produces fruit. Police and real journalist have been waiting decades to bring down the core pedos running the show...This is just he tiny seeping cracks in the damn that's about to burst open. You don't like it? Avert your gaze and seek higher ground.

Just like a lot of preachers and do gooders of various persuasions, even guys like Cheney who get off of on torture, sick fucks, the whole lot as far as I am concerned. But as long as its heresay, it heresay. We are going to have to get better traction.

And where does that traction come from? Often it comes because a) the establishment withdraws their protection, for some reason, like the player has ceased to be useful, has lost status, etc., or b) the evidence is so resoundingly conclusive that it is incontrovertible and would make a great exhibit in court.

Regarding the pizza leads, anecdotal at this point, we are hoping for a tipping point, but neither a) nor b) suggest this lead, at this time, is going to get sufficient traction. So, it needs to relegated appropriate priority. In the meantime, all it does is expose the lightweight tin foil hats for what they are. Probably also sucking on the flat earth and other BS.

That's the great part about the "cyberage." People are stupid and leave trails. Repeat patterns. Things are becoming more and more translucent. I don't know anything about Cheney's personal feelings on anything, he seems like a real Dick, but that's the extent of it...I doubt he has his own personal torture chambers. Whereas, the amount of child sex trafficking rings busted have increased and is an actual real thing happening. Try to put aside your Dick Cheney sexual fantasies and focus on the matter at hand. lol

Eventually real journalist will track down the "pizza leads" and root out might take time, but someone will clean things up...It's not like David E. Abbott Jr. used to take his groomed teenage hockey team to Comet Ping Pong events or anything... it's like Dick Cheney used to say, "There is no there, there." Right?

You are trying to distract. Its obvious. Thanks for confirming our "excessive speculations" traitor